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Name: Wensly S.

Subject: MA 217 Contemporary Approach in Values Education

1. What is the values of application of ethics in the world of work?

Ethics is defined as rules of behavior based on ideas about what is morally good and bad.
Do we need to apply ethics at work? The answer is yes because ethics guides the behavior of
employees with respect to what is right and wrong in regard to conduct and decision making.
Ethical behavior in the workplace can bring positivity to each employee’s behaviors. Employees
who are ethically positive, honest, hardworking and have determination enhances the
performance of the organization, can increase the morale and improves the reputation not only
the employees but the whole organization. If all employees follow the moral codes at work, it
leads to positive benefits of the company.

2. Explain the importance of the assumption of ethics in setting standards of moral

responsibility. Provide specific examples in your explanation.
Moral responsibility is about the human action and its intention and consequences. In
setting standards of moral responsibility, it is important to consider the two basic assumptions of
ethics; one, that man is a rational being where in man behaves and think logically. They have the
capability of reasoning and have a good judgement. Two, that man is free. We are free to do
what ever we want. If we combine these basic assumptions of ethics, man can be morally
responsible in every action they make. For example, as a teacher, it is my moral and legal
responsibility to provide safe and healthy classroom for my learners. I don’t want anything bad
will happen to my learners such as accidents and injuries. By providing safe and healthy learning
area, they are motivated to study. Another example is we should treat our co-workers with
respect and dignity. Insults and discrimination should be avoided.

3. Who is the subject of education in Philosophy of values education?

The human person is the subject of education. He is a human person learning and being
taught. By learning values, the human person grows and and the society as well. It shows what
life is and its purpose.

4. What are the personal values for behavior and traits?

The personal values for behavior and traits are respect, honesty, kindness, loyalty, open-
mindedness, perseverance, courage, compassion, commitment, positivity, reliability, integrity,
independence, honor, good humor, friendliness, enthusiasm, authenticity, dependability,
adventurous, consistency, fearlessness, optimism, pragmatism and concern for others. These
personal values helps people act and treat others.

5. Name some Philippine values?

The Filipino values are pagkakabuklod-buklod, magalang, mapagmalasakit, pakikipag-
kapwa, kagandahang-loob, and karangalan. These values are mostly innate and can be observed
in every day.

What do you value the most in life?

My family is the most important thing in the world for me. I value them most than my
life. My son and my husband is the most precious blessing I have received my whole life. I work
for them. I live for them. No other people will love you unconditionally than your family.

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