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GS written report 环境部分

P1 上世界中叶,新加坡在李光耀的带领下,找到了发展经济的良方。但难免走上了先污染

In the 1950s, Singapore, led by Lee Kuan Yew, found a good way to develop its economy. But it is
hard to avoid the old way of pollution before treatment. Intensive low-end manufacturing industry
has seriously damaged the environment. After going to the west to learn advanced experience, the
government paid full attention to the urgency of environmental governance. Since then, Singapore
has started a tremendous process of environmental governance, and the effective reform and
governance have finally won the reputation of Singapore as a garden city. Next, I would like to
mainly introduce Singapore's outstanding achievements in waste treatment and urban green space
construction for other countries to learn from.

P2 据新加坡环保部统计,截止到 2015 年,新加坡垃圾产生量位列前三的分别是建筑垃圾

141.18 万t、黑 色 金 属 134.85 万t、废纸/纸板 119.22 万t。在这样的境况下,怎样
过允许开发商使用不超过 20%的从建筑垃圾中再生的混凝土材料这一措施,鼓励企业变废
为宝,使建筑过程更加绿色环保。最具代表性的就是由新加坡著名建筑事务所 WOHA 操刀
设计“Parkroyal on Pickering” 的皇家公园酒店。

According to the statistics of Singapore's Ministry of environmental protection, as of 2015, the top
three garbage generation in Singapore were construction waste (1.4118 million tons), ferrous
metal(1.3485 million tons)and waste paper / paperboard (1.922 million tons). In this
situation, how to degrade domestic waste and improve its recycling rate becomes the focus of
attention. In the treatment of construction waste, the government encourages enterprises to turn
waste into treasure by allowing developers to use no more than 20% recycled concrete materials
from construction waste, so as to make the construction process more green and environmentally
friendly. The representative is the Royal Park Hotel "Parkroyal on Pickering" designed by WOHA,
a famous architectural firm in Singapore.

在生活垃圾的处理上,新加坡拥有特色的垃圾填埋案例。实马高岛,一个容量达到 6300 万
m³ 的垃圾填埋场,不是人们想象中又脏又臭的垃圾岛,而是一个植被茂盛,物种多样的生

In terms of domestic waste treatment, Singapore shares its own unique landfill cases with the
world. Pulau Semakau, a landfill with a capacity of 63 million m³, is not a dirty and smelly
garbage island as people think, but an ecological island with luxuriant vegetation and diverse
species. Floating wastewater treatment plant and complete soil monitoring system make Pulau
Semakau a model of green and environment-friendly Island, reflecting the concept of renewable
and pollution-free environmental protection.

P3 新加坡素来有花园城市的美誉。据 2019 年的统计数据显示,新加坡的绿化覆盖率超过

40 % ;人均公园面积达到 7.9 m2,84 %的居民可 10 min 内步行到达邻近公园。在政府的
政策方面,政府将建设花园城市的构想和决策纳入国家战略规划。为确保未来 10~15 年的
公园建设,预留了 1200 h㎡的绿地。并对开发商占用绿地的行为施以严格监管。明确指出

Singapore has always been known as a garden city. According to the statistics in 2019, Singapore's
green coverage rate surpasses 40%; the per capita park area is 7.9 m2, and 84% of the residents
can walk to the adjacent parks within 10 minutes. In terms of government policies, the
government has incorporated the concept and decision-making of building a garden city into the
national strategic plan. In order to ensure the construction of the park in the next 10-15 years,
1200 square meters of green space is reserved. And the behavior of developers occupying green
space should be strictly supervised. It is clearly pointed out that the green space lost due to the
construction of the development plot must be supplemented in other areas of the plot. In addition,
the park link project enhances the accessibility of green space in the city and improves the quality
of livable environment. In order to stimulate the initiative of local residents, the government set up
a plant sales center to sell seedlings to the society and the public at a low price. The government
has also actively carried out afforestation education for the public through various channels to
encourage everyone to plant trees, flowers and participate in greening activities.

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