Health Optimizing Physical Education (HOPE 3) 12: Lesson 1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Candon City, Ilocos Sur

Health Optimizing Physical Education

(HOPE 3) 12
Quarter 2 – Week 1 – Module 1
Prepared by Marlon T. Hipona



1. Self-Assesses Health-Related Fitness (HRF) status, barriers to aquatics activity assessment

participation and one’s diet. PEH12FH-Ig-i-6
2. Identify the barriers in order to be safe during aquatics participation.
3. Examine one’s diet during aquatics participation.

II. Guide Questions (Formative Assessment)

1. What is aquatics?
2. How are you going to apply the different essentials of aquatics in general or in real life?

III. Discussion
The lesson will open your understanding about the nature and the different understanding
of the term aquatics and assess oneself on the barriers that hinder participation. Why are they
necessary to be learned, and how will they be applied in your real life?
Aquatics may refer to aquatic sports in the Olympics and other international
competitions, including the disciplines of swimming, diving, synchronized swimming, water
polo, and open water swimming.

Barriers of Participation in Aquatic Sports

1. Lack of early experiences in sport (this varies between individuals and whether a
disability is from birth or acquired later in life)

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2. Lack of understanding and awareness of how to include people with a disability in sport
3. Limited opportunities and programs for participation, training and competition
4. Lack of accessible facilities, such as gymnasiums and buildings
5. Limited accessible transportation
6. Limiting psychological and sociological factors including attitudes towards disability of
parents, coaches, teachers and even people with disabilities themselves
7. Limited access to information and resources

Aquatics Safety Policy Pre-Assessment and Identification of Students

1. Any medical exclusion from swimming received by the School Nurse from a physician
will be communicated promptly to the Health and Physical Education staff.
2. No student is ever allowed to swim or enter the water for any reason until a certified
lifeguard is present to provide supervision.
3. All students must be pre-assessed for swim skills before participation in the water a.
Require successful completion of swim tests of all students to enter water that is deeper
than their armpits
4. Teachers will document the swim test results of each student and place in student’s file.
5. All tested students will be clearly marked with one of three colored bracelets so they are
easily identifiable while in the water:
a. Red bracelet – Beginner level – restricted to shallowest region of pool within reach
of side wall – these are the students at greatest risk
b. Yellow bracelet - Intermediate level – restricted to shallow end of pool extending to
within 3 yard zone prior to reaching the safety rope.
c. Green bracelet –Advanced level – allowed to swim in deep water with supervision
and assists other students in the shallow end of the pool.
Dietary Needs
1. Good nutrition can enhance sporting performance.
2. A well-planned, nutritious diet should meet most of an athlete’s vitamin and mineral
needs, and provide enough protein to promote muscle growth and repair.
3. Foods rich in unrefined carbohydrates, like wholegrain breads and cereals, should form
the basis of the diet.
4. Water is a great choice of fluid for athletes to help performance and prevent dehydration.


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Water Sports is a sport played or practiced on or in water. Knowing your own barriers, capability
and guarding yourself from having a good diet will mark your safety during aquatics sports


I. TRUE or FALSE: Read the statements carefully and identify if the underlined word is correct
or wrong. If the word is correct write True. If it is wrong, write the word that will make it

1. Experience is a big factor that makes aquatic sport participation enjoyable.

2. How to include people with disability in aquatic sport needs thorough understanding and
3. Opportunities and programs for participation, training and competition must be maximized.
4. The school Nurse must keep medical records confidential. Communication to the Health and
Physical Education teacher is important?
5. The possibility of drowning can occur in the absence of a lifeguard. Students are advised to
proceed swimming lessons alone.
6. Completion of swimming lessons for each students needs pre-assessment before going to a
deeper water level.
7. Color coded bracelets are standards of labeling a swimmer. Changing bracelets among
students during a lesson are advisable all the time.
8. Healthy food is an important factor that will boost participation in sports. Vitamins and
minerals are secondary elements that will enhance performance.
9. Refined carbohydrates complete one’s diet.
10. Power drinks are good substitute for liquid intake during participation. Water must be

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I. True or False:
1. True
2. knowledge
3. True
4. True
5. avoid
6. True
7. not advisable
8. True
9. unrefined
10. chosen

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