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Learning Module No.

Subject: Prof Ed 5 – Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching

Module Title: Learning Principles Associated to Cognitive, Metacognitive, Motivational, and Affective
Learning Outcomes: 1. Explain the cognitive , metacognitive, and affective factors of teaching and
2 Summarize learning using graphic organizers
3 Cite classroom situations that manifest applications of the principles.
Reference : Bulusan, F. , et al. 2019 . First Ed. Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching. Rex Book Store.


14 Learner-Centered Psychological Principles, which influence the teaching and learning process, are
categorized into four:
1. Cognitive and Metacognitive factors 3. Developmental and social
2. Motivational and Affective 4. Individual difference factors

A. COGNITIVE and METACOGNITIVE FACTORS - Cognitive factors refer to the mental processes the
learners undergo as they process an information. Metacognitive factors refer to the way
learners think about their thinking as they engage in mental tasks.
1. The learning of complicated subject matter is most effective when it is an intentional
process of constructing meaning from information and experience. An intentional learning
environment is one that fosters activity and feedback and creates a culture that promotes
metacognition, that is, one in which the learner becomes aware of his learning process and
can use tools to enhance this learning process.
2. The successful learner, overtime and with support and instructional guidance, can create
meaningful, coherent representations of knowledge. The teachers have to guide learners in
terms of determining their goals. The learners need to set their own goals, not dictated by
others, to ensure their willingness to achieve them.
3. The successful learner can link new information with existing knowledge in meaningful
In planning a new lesson, teachers would usually find it more effective when they connect
the learners’ existing knowledge to new information, .that new knowledge is created from
old knowledge is the very heart of constructivism.
4. The successful learner can create and use a repertoire of thinking and reasoning strategies
to achieve complex learning goals. Strategic thinking is a person’s ability to use knowledge
in different ways to solve problems, address concerns and issues, decrease difficulties in
certain situations and make sound decisions and judgments in varied conditions. Strategic
thinkers are not afraid to commit mistakes because they perceive them as meaningful
learning experiences to continuously discover other ways of arriving at solutions. So, it is a
must for teachers to motivate and encourage the learners to be more creative and
innovative in their ideas, opinions and responses.

5. Higher –order strategies for selecting and monitoring mental operations facilitate creative
and critical thinking. One of the most challenging roles of the teachers is to develop among
their learners’ higher order thinking skills (HOTS). It means that their learners can do
evaluation, synthesis, analysis, and interpretation of varied concepts, information and
6. Learning is influenced by environmental factors, including culture, technology, and
instructional practices. Examples given in the classrooms should be a reflection of the
learners’ actual life experiences. The digital tools, and instructional practices should be
carefully selected to facilitate a motivating, stimulating, and encouraging learning
environment geared toward effective acquisition of knowledge, concepts and skills among


How the learners push themselves to learn and how they value learning are the concerns of
the motivational factors. Meanwhile, the affective factors relate to the attitude, feelings, and
emotions that the learners put into the task.
1. What and how much are learned are influenced by the learner’s motivation. Motivation to
learn is influenced by the individual’s emotional states, beliefs, interests and goals, and
habits of thinking. Motivation pertains to an individual’s inner drive to do something,
accomplish something, pursue a goal, learn, and master a skill, or just discover without
necessarily being forced or pushed by anyone.
2. The learner’s creativity, higher-order thinking, and natural curiosity all contribute to the
motivation to learn. There are two kinds of motivation :
a. Intrinsic motivation – is manifested when the learner engages in an activity or task
that is personally gratifying without expecting any external or tangible reward.
b. Extrinsic motivation. An individual engages a task or activity to earn material
rewards or to avoid punishments in some situations
3. Acquisition of sophisticated knowledge and skills requires learners’ extensive effort and
guided practice. Teachers should facilitate learning opportunities and experiences that
encourage learners to exert time and effort and at the same time commitment and
enthusiasm toward a task they have to do and concepts they have to learn. Positive
emotions should be established in the classroom. Avoid competition between and among
learners and numeric grades are just secondary considerations as pieces of evidence of

EXERCISES : A. Read and analyze the statements. If true, write YES before the item; if false, write NO
Explain why.
_____ 1. A learner who has developed strategic thinking perceives mistakes as meaningful
learning experiences to continuously discover for the solution of a problem.
_____ 2. The development of higher-order thinking skills is attainable among the learners in
lower years.
_____ 3. The motivation of a learner in the urban community is similar to that from the rural
_____ 4. Making connections between a new concept and what is already learned is the
heart of the behaviourism.
_____ 5. A teacher who facilitates learning becomes the main source of knowledge in every

B 1. “ Variety is a spice of life . “ How does this statement apply to instructional, motivational and
affective strategies in the classroom?
2. To you, which type of motivation is better, intrinsic or extrinsic? Support your answer.

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