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STEP 4: Match the mineral's hysical properties to other iaracteristic properties below. STEP 5: Mineral name. Find ‘out more about itn the mineral database (Fig.3.21). ‘Scratches glass Not scratched Bymasonry nail ‘tke base Dark gray foblack ‘Colo Svary gold; Tamishos brown; H 6-6 5; Brit; Conchoidal fo uneven facture; Grystals: cubes (may be ‘trated, pyrtonecrons, or dctahedrons; Distingused from chaleopyrte, which fs soft ‘Skoryk ara to back: Tarishes aay or ty, yellow -Srown: Stronaly alvacted to a magnet and may Bermagnetizad 1'6-5.5; Crystals: otahedrons, Pyrite Magneto ge a Q ee rie Yollow-brown Brown Fed to ree-brown, ‘Color submetalic sivery Brown: Tarishes to dull and ‘sarthy yetow-brown to brown rust colors: #5. More commonly ogcurs nits nonmetalle yellow to brown forms (1 1-8), ‘Cole svar black to black: Tarishes gray to back; H'5.5-6; May be weakly attracted toa magnet; ‘Crystals: octahedron: Color stool oray,redish-sver, to glory bight silver ‘ar specular) Both metalle varets have tne ‘haracterstic red-brown steak, May be atractes to a magnet: 5-6; Also occurs innonmetalic, dll to earthy, red to red-brown forms Umonito Crromite Hematite ‘SOFT 355) Does not scratch lass Seratened by masonry nal or Ke blade Cleavage eae. Dark gray foblaek Whito to palo yellow-brown ‘Color bright ver aay; Tariahos dul ary, Ste treats ro cubes ad shapes mage of Cubes 3 5; Crystals cubs or acahoarons: Fees hom for te ‘Ze because of Fgh spect gay Color svar yellow-brown silvery rad or black with ‘subreatalic 19 resinous ster, Tarrisnes brown or black 1 2.5~4.0; smalls ike rotten eggs when Scratched, powderod, ori acd test Galena Sphalerte g ae rie atk oa tobe Yelow-brown Copper Gola Sivery white ‘Color Bright every gold; Tarishos bronze Drown brassy gold, o descent siue-oreen and rod, 1; Bite: Unoven fracture, Cyst tovrahoorors (Color characteristically brownish-bronze: arises bright indescent purple, Bue, andlor red, wing fits niekrame peacock ore May be weakly attracted to ‘amagnet 113; Usually masse, rare as cubes or Sadesahedrons Color opaque brassy to brown-bronze; Brown, may have at iidescent colors Uneven fo conchaldal No cleavage; Atracted to a magnet; H 3.5-4.5; Usually massive or masses of tiny Crystals; Rasembles chaleopyrt, whch is softer ard hot atractos toa magnet be rrr lc: Garb ered aero ean naan ety talomenmarite ee Metalic or sky submetalic luster, Color dark brown, (ray, oF Slack, H'5-5'5 Forms ayers of acting Mctoscopic eystals and botyoual masses, {Coler conper,Tarishes cul row of green: H26-36 Maleable and sectlo: Hacky fracture; Usually forms dendritic masses or nuggets ishes dull tare Color yellow gold: Does not tamish; Malleable and Seolles H2.5°3 0; Poms od-shapedd mastos, uggsts, or dence forms Golo svery white to gray; Tarishes gray to black; F'265-30, Malleable ana sectle; Forms dencrtic ‘asses, ruggets, oF cure! wires CChaleopyrte Bomite Pyerhotte Graphite Gosthite Copper (native copper Gold (native gold) Siver native sider) FIGURE 3.12 Identification chart for opaque minerals with metallic. 90 sulbmetalliclster (M) on freshly broken surfaces. DARK TO MEDIUM-COLORED NONMETALLIC (NM) MINERAL IDENTIFICATION STEP 2: STEP 4: STEP 1 STEP a: Whats the wie Ecanrensienry Ce mineral’ sical properties to other rminera's database for addtional hardness? gimeral's distinctive properties below. al “Tanauvent ie epaque dak gray, bue-gay, or Back Nay have avery | Plgioclase Tolispar Inaeatence;? cleavages ™ nea 60" ana wn siatons He sas = Tanglucent to apaque brown, gray, geen or ed; 2 cleavages at | Polassum elspa (sp rear right angles: Exsoivon melae: 18 - par tspan Green to black: Vireous ister, 455-60; 2 cleavages at about 124° Aatiolte (amphibole) Cleavage Sng Se" pus uneven facture Uualy fone fng Sages and masses orgood * ‘Dark gray to black: Vitreous luster; H 5.5-6.0; 2 cleavages at about Homblende (amphibole) ‘24 Sra se pus uneven facie; Forms long estas tat beak nto acest ragments HARD, Dark ren to black; Dul to vieous luster, 55-80; wo cleavages | Augie (yroxene) 89 at neat ght angle 68" and 87) pus uneven facture: Forms shot Ehystals wth squren cross sooo Breaks mo blocky fragments Scratches Teper fansucet ry Bown or pup Gress a oa ons arse orbexagonal prams ang pyramaec Sroly quatz chown va), a ‘evel preva) Gray, back or colored (ark red, ble, brown) hexagonal prisms with | Cornu aoe fattened onder 8 ” " Emory ick impure var, by mazonyy Fy fed vas) Sano va Since ‘Opaque red-brown or brown: Luster waxy: Cypocrystaline:H17 Jasper arty of quar) “Transparent to translucent dark ted to black: Equant (dodecahedron) Garmet Cleavage crstlform ormassier 7 abeent—opague aay: Luster wai Coptoorystaline: 7 Chet ray vaity of quart) Retvisible Opaque bick: Luster waxy Crypocrystaline: H7 Flin ick vary of quar) Black or dar geen: Long strated prisms: 7-75 Tourmaline Ove sios, Teraperet ot eanelcert No ciesvage Ustaly hes | OMI ‘nary Secs snl Concho fo uneven acu; ge crystals or ashe ony cyst ening eon ganed ga or quarum gravel ine ysis pave teocs (assy user pacue dak gay to blac: Taishes gray oust yelow-orown; Magnesite Cleavage absent Svonghy atracted to a magnet May be magnets 5.8 Opaque green; Poor clesiage: H 6-7 pide (Opaque brown prisms and cross-shaped twins: 7 state Yelow-brew, row, 0: Dok: vireous to resinous ater ay aso Sphalerte Dersubmetaie) Dodesanedral eavage: 43.5", Rotten egg sme Athen azrtohe or ewdered Cleavage purple cubes or eciahedrons Octahedrlcesvage: #4 uote Srgood lack tort opaque pra Slt easly along excelet Biot ack mia) cS Sksvage nothin sheets H259 CE Chere sont esvage nt sheets 28 F ‘Opaque rusty row or yolow-brown; Masave and arerpheus; | Umonfe 559 SGiow-brown steak H 125 mm Does not -usty brown oredtrown, may have shades oftan or wht; Earthy | Bauxte satchgass hd Spaque! Gonains pea-szed spores hat are arunated ‘omaiye 1-8! Pas brown steak Scratched by Deep Bue: Grats al erst, ermassve Ligh blue streaky | Aue mason nal ness A age Sage Sion” pace ron or yarn; ular sly mases or sbeios; Serpentine Boor: Whre-svene 25 Tetvsble opaque geen in inated gusts ormassive; Steak ple een; Malachite Shorcesces mae ich HS “Translucent or opaque dark aren: Can be soratched with your Tae Argernait Fees greasy or soapy “Transparent or translucent gree, brown, be, or purl: Brite poate Aoxagonal prame; Concho fracture H's ‘Opeque earthy brick red to dul rear, or gray; H 15-5 Hematite Redtbrown steak; Magnet may attract the gray forms FIGURE 3.19 Identification chart for dark to medium-colored minerals with nonmetallic (NM) luster on freshly broken surfaces. Mineral Properties Identification, and Uses = 91 STEP 2: STEP 4: aaa ‘What is: rea I's Find mineral name(s) and Whatiethe What Compare the minerals d mineral ramet) minerals, minerals _physical properties to other database for additional ness: cleavage? ERO Properties (Figure 3.21). Whe orale gray: 2 good cleavages a reuy SO" pis uneven Pagocae feldspar | ace iy Dave stant 9 a ‘range pink pale brown, seen or white: H6:2 goed cleavages at Pots feldspar Clemson | SoteKts Unter ace scion reine a Paw bron, wht, or aay Lang slondr prisms; 1 oxcolan. Stanko sen cleavage plus fracture surlaces, H ano Bue, very plo eon, wht, or ray Crystals are blades 4-7 Kyat Gray, vie, o coord (lak ed. De, brown) Peragoral ame Corandam vars by Fea Sortes oeviureatd one 48 SSeahe Bios oun SSE lols hte, oa, oF ther colors: Greasy ser Massive or Qua: vars rose (in) ee: Rotagonsi piensa pyramids hansparon ranecene 7 | ck aye (ond ty Notszrnes sage Gitar ctee weber Palotiode absent” | opaaue ray or white; Luster wary H7 act varity of ur Pactinble | Clatees, wht, yao Wht brown o patel cers Tanalene | Chabedny Shee Lamneiodormectve Opplocyetaine Lister wage Gaely ofa) Pale green o yellow, anspren or tarsicent 17; No lenge; Olvne aly hea tly cracks aba conch to neon ence Sela ‘oye or aaiocotry yah rasmbing oe o pode anit soparor aqua grave Crystal vireo 53) Coles whit ylow, grove. pk ov brown: wcaletclesvaboE CAE Sirisha ornbenene Efonestee heer | Golorless, white, gray, creme, or pink; 3 excellent cleavages: Dolomite Stasis herorecrora Efowesces wcte Hel coy fowioea 354 Colas o white with tnt frown, alow, bh black Sort ate SBaerSytalanatosen Von bea, ESE Tfansparent, coloess to white; 2, easly scratches win your Gypsum var selene essage | Trgera nse aes Backes or mnive Good.” Golottess, white, gray, or pale green, yellow, or red; Spheres of Natrol (zeolite) oa Facing needles Luster sy Se Golates, white yolow, tue, brown or ree: Cubic cosas: Breaks Hate focaoes Say anos sort Clee, pple ue ory, ote, yo Cubes wih etahecal Fuse Hey Steavagel fd Colees, yet, browne rd-brm, Shor opaave prime: Mascot hte mes) Does not Sele eng eter Ssvage thn Nock fancparet seraich glass sheets 22S * ° Sree Wi, yo alow Ey pani aie Tors HT, waa Qype var ERO Sea Lee eae penton ncaa Sri bine | ite to gray; Frous torn th iky or atry user: 2 easly Gypsum var satin spar cratered wth your ingoral Yotow cosas or eahy masses: Luster rasy:H 15-25: Smels Sulu Nav sta) Ihe tetet eggs when pono pace ple bet blue-green: Corcoidl face, H 2-4 Chysocola Wass or smorphous entry cst Very ight sue Sresk pazue gree, elon, oy; ul orsihy masses er asbestos; Serpentine Senvece Wirte sveaic 1 ° . so or ‘Opaque white, gray, green, or brown: Can be scratched with Tale, Pet tisible. fingernail; Greasy or soapy feel; H 1 page ary wht tov Hoh rou masses white slay; Kaine Ponca to reas el oat pale brown oan or whe: Eany ara opagues Contains Saute ppea-tized spheres tnat ae laminated infernaly: 3-5: Pale orown ewe see Colorless to white, orange, yellow, Blue, gray. green, erred: May Opal have Internal lay of colors H'5.0°55; Amoronous Often has many (racks: Conchoidal fracture Colorless or pale green, brown, sue, white. or puple; Ste Apatite Fexagoral prime: Gonchodal racture:H FIGURE 3.20 Identification chart for light-col red minerals with nonmetallic (NM) luster on freshly broken surfaces. 92 2 Luster and ] Distinctive Minoral ‘Crystal Hardness Streak ‘Some Uses pee Propertios | ACTNOLIIE —Neymetaie 55-6 Wintel dak guent a ge Groen gern vats are 7 ‘rma eden, pr a Ihe gomttone nephate ssbestone ters Good sleavage Jasel’ asbestos products Moser st86' and 126756294 AMPHIBOLE: See HORNEBLENDE and ACTINOLITE pare Nowmetaic | S| White ———Calorpale or da ren brown, be, | Used most to make cereos, oe She lorburie Sonetips slress; | fetter peateder tear Yarspeen'arapaqe Srey anspor vanes Memes exagonal pisme: So 3.134 “s germs ASBESTOS: fibrous varieties of AMPHIBOLE and SERPENTINE auare Nonmetalic 55-8 White to Calor dark graen to brown orblack; Ore of thu, used to (yroxene) an alegray Forms short, S-sised prisms: Two make thm baterles, alc ‘good cleavages ‘nat intersect at 87° gvenwafe glazes, hgh ferromagnesian ‘and 93° (realy ight angles}, Temperature grease, and sione Moreciinic SG-3235 tolveat depression ‘AZURITE Nonmetalic 35-4 Light blue olor acstinctve deep blue; ‘Ore of copper used to Cusco} (0H), (uit) Forms crusts of small arta, copper carbonate ‘opaque earthy masses. ar short ryeroxige long prisms! site: Effervesces Moneciinie naliate HCE SG ‘tarsi ils for healtny hairand skin: Gemstone BARITE — Colorless to white, with tts of ‘010 of barium, used to Bas, Nonmetaiic brown, yellow, bie, or red: Forms harden rubber, make barium sutate (NM) ‘Shot tabular eystis and {vorescort lemp {ose-shaped masses (Barte roses; _elecitodes, and uids Brite; leavage goed to excelent’ Used to aril al/gas wel rthorhombe Very heavy, Sa= 4.318 BAUXITE Nonmetaiic 1-8 White Brown earthy rack with shades of (feof aluminum used to ixture of on fay, white, and yolow, Amershous: make cane, all arlanes, ‘lumina Bien contains rounded pea-sized {olan panels: Oe of No visible ‘Stuctures with minstions: ‘gallu used te make LED enstals Scs2es0 Batbs and auld erystl ‘splay i eal phones, ‘computes, fit screen televisions. BIOTITEMICA —Nonmetalic 25-8 Gray-brown Color black, greer-black, or Used for fire-resistant ferromagnesian (NM) tovirite brown-black, Cleavage excellent; tiles, rubber, paint potassium. hydrous | Monclinic Forms very shert prisms that Sluminum sileate ‘split easly inte very thin, K(Ma Fe); (AL. Si,0,OH.7) ‘exible sheets; SG'= 2.7-3.1 BORNITE Metalic 3 Dark gray Color brownish bronze: Tarnishes bright Ore of copper, used to Cures, oy toblack” purple, Blue, and/or red; May be weakly ccopper-ron sulfide: ‘tracted to a magnet: H 3; Cleavage “absent ot poor; Forms dense brite bronze, brass; added to Isometric ‘masses; Rarely forms crystals vitamin pil for healtny hair and skin CALCITE Nonmetalic 3 White Usually coleress, white, oryellow, but Used to make antacid aco, NM ‘may be green, rovn, or pink: Opaque tablets, fertlize, cement; Calcium carbonate fr transparent; Excellent cleavage in 3 Ore of calcium rections not at 80"; Forms prsms, thombohedrens, or scalenohedrons that bbreak into membohedrons; Hexagonal indilte HCl, SG = 2.7 CHALCEDONY Nonmetallic 7 Write Colorless, whit, yellow, ight Used as an abrasive SiO, NM ‘brown, or other pastel colors Used to make alass, eryptocrystaline in laminations; Often translucent; ‘gemstones (agate, quar No visible ‘Gonchoidal fracture; Luster waxy; ‘chrysoprase) crystals Cryptocrystaline; SG =2.5-2.8 FIGURE 3.21 Mineral Database. This isan alphabetical lst of mineral and their properties and uses. Mineral Properties Identification, and Uses = 93 Tenet Minera | Uwe streak Distinctive oe ‘System: giAeorvTe Mae Dakew | Casitas ett eres | octet eas ns Seer eeSeen Bae etree aes screech cree maa pe im ard see cee cers ne Teagona Somseansee eee eae one cum Neer oT] vee | come et ner eR 8s i Corre eae PRs Se cmumre [Pitan ee hela ee [i See Seed =~ [lccarers cone ed Mtr oo ao eee og Ce. eeeecey soon [fee ee hereenarars a TEE ood Orb etic eens eset MaFeansian oom, pssst SO Ll ES Led Ea al 8 Soeur eeareeay ose ra ee severe | |e run emeane nae Lore a) a Srarcneat coe penne ie atenes ees ryeocn Sree woe lessrpestes etueyenrorace|l teeters eSeOges Ney wrt [lara erica a eee ae oe fraceerere eee ro! | eee ie oer Rei ocean a) | ema ana mec herons ens cone Wate | 253 | carpe | Gatcepper Tite noun agen Ortop, di aE ™) = Malleable; No cleavage; Forms odd- make pipes, electrical ea Nee or ete Sow tte ert sealers con ae one GORNOUM —Nerwtsic «Wht oi ik cred he, red rar ti noe ek corr a> | seas ates ce mraeesra eee et transparent; Cleavage absent: ‘blue sapphire): feeeal emai aoe ee ee pee eer att eRigees, acitea orcas Coca er arecea ee Secueanepeam ce, | (ate en trht a eccrine Re perm cer nel cael ase Seeity toca price ey ee eis as Ode Nerweats |€7 Seer aca ee ects | Ae eeeecusiectes | |leomtae eee ee ene Morte sere FELDSPAR: See PLAGIOCLASE (Na-Ca Felispars) and POTASSIUM FELDSPAR (K-Spa) ent Nene | 7 Sytoonatine | Revs wee couse von | Nets | ae wy Sram tune FIGURE 3.21 (continued) 94 2 White" white Color black to very dark gray, Gpsaue‘o tanslucert Concheidalracture: Cr opaque; Site: Sa=3.0-33 Used as an abrasive: Usea to make olass) Black gemstone re of tuorine used in ‘iueride toommpaste, refrigerant gases, rocket fuel Laster ad Mierai | “Gita Hardness streak Distinctive Some Uses ‘System om Meatlo 25 | Gryro | Caer ge svwy ar aos aut] Oran xian on i Sorie,, |p oametmechy eu erate ol asians eae TS sue Wile tog stics eae eee eee ete Panera aes wae ened see et se Sees, Scania ‘hte chou ours GARNET Nonmetallic 7 ‘White’ ‘Color usually red, black, or brown, ‘Used as an abrasive: BT asco | NaS cee reataaaa eee eS Fee tnpeteatien en cere oe Pon opane Soot GOETHE | etl —~S=«ES | Ylowetrown Colt dark rw to back eee rere BEE sone eet ee os Sele et, Foote yon ee ser eras eens oystals S63 ” fools We cabinets Added Sbieastecaioas: Seen ee Orhatenble Toneghn coup soto || 25530 | coltyetow | Color pidtaytave gett Does nat) Duce we maealo GerRecoum peace erat eeeieaneral 1) ete: | Sraerea oes caitfaped nasearageac’” ees Cl pene, foe opted crete eet San GRAPHITE eta Tipe On my | er lnk ry acl Fora eed fe peek motes g ia ec nia ngcac ends Core emt a Seyreawatey meters | beeen tated esr eae eee shew nare ‘Hexagonal direction; SG = 2.0-2.3 ‘rods, golf clut evesum Neewwialc || 2 |wnte | Geers vit ot war fae) Pwr orl Seno Na caer acaerictta eeeeiee ae Grace ae, ela see wees at Dian Menesine eae eee) | roe Bearace good S023 haute Nermwiams |] 25 | wim | Caer, wt voto bun sors | Tse sah oad sak nar paar Serine cea ee beet ae Sa cane Sie leuee cae er essa eometio Serban mana Pee SSeS TS 5 HEMATITE Metallo «1-8 —‘Reto_—_—alr aay ray een she lack, Rd och plone ' i RS | Sites fineness eter’ | eaten vant ors 1S ee Soertatc Seely uROe (eines Boe or ous Ra Senet orate ea rae ea emia mms rumeengeaas) uM sees pa Harsgoal Sree ea? ca es a is Steet Se Sere pesieeat masses HORNSLENDE | Nermelac. | 55-80 wrteto sus wares ed or eee (NM) pale gray fire-resistant clothing, sree Se SERIES. | Monecne eo | Nonmetallic 7 ‘White Color red-brown, or yellow: Opaque; Used as an abrasive: % ge temencxerconms | teed smug Szbscventre Nae eon san eas mae Sue ee Te Somme ete fester eee, Da Soetay enty are Me eee peor anleee eee eee aes a ee ee a a marae X¢-S°AR: See POTASSIUM FELDSPAR sure Reerotse TET] wee] Comb, en goon tte orermr UN mesa ay Gegbaeasgeecmtr se | Met eee ee Teer ear an elle a rrr an 65h sre sea Mineral Properties, Identification, and Uses 95 Distinctive Properties ‘Some Uses Luster and inert — “EEC sardnans streak ‘System LMONTE——Metlieg) 188 elon BEM — ‘hydrated iron oxide Nonmetallic me i FeO(OH) - nlt,0 ‘hydrated iron oxide feserirn | [pte WENETIE etl) 685 Omky ee bese Regma (NM) kent WAAciME ——napmente | 25-4 | nen SS, Ne eae lose) Monoclinic MICA: See BIOTITE and MUSCOVITE. - MUSCOWTE MCA Rormwao 2] wuscoire eh [iar aan PORES. ae Ive COPPER Se compen nave Go. See cot AATVESLVER: Se VER AATVE SULFUR See SULFUR wrcure agus | SS ve a Kepisoy 2H,0 Betas IERISED, | omoronti Newrettto |_| White va — oo Serene E85 vm . ; elon een MAGOGLASE Normale. 8 te aoe Ni masons ae aluminum silicate Triclinic POSSUM Nemratae | 8 nto rage Ni potest rin veer potas Monecinie var Maite | 45 | Oanoay ‘fool's gold") ™) ‘ron sulfide Isometric PYREHOTTE Mette 548 | om gay ‘i ose fs (ae ‘Meneclinic Coter yellow-brown to dark brown: “arnishes yelow to brown: ‘Amarpnous masses; Luster dul or cary: Hard or soft SG=3.5-43 gray to black; Opaqu Forms octakedrons: Fanssnes ory: No cleavago: Attracted toa magnet and can be magnetized; $0 = 5.0-5.2 Color green, pale green, or gray ‘green: Usually in crust, farted masses, or microcrystals; Eervesces Indiute cl SG 6-40 Coloriess,yelow, brown, o Brown: Forms short opague srisms; Cleavage excelent in’ strecton, can be epitinte thin fexble ransparent Sheets; SO= 27-20 Colorless, white, ray or pale ‘reer, yeliow of ed: Forms Iaccod of raciating reeds: Siiytuster, SG =22-24 Color pale or dark olverreen to yelows, or brown; Forms shot crystals {hat may resemble sarc gris once acre: Cesvage ser; Brie; S-39-2 Colorless to white, orange, yetow, brown, bie, gray, green, or red may have pay 8 calrsfapalescence) ‘Amorphous: Cleavage absor Conchoidal tacture SG =1'-23, Colorless, white, gray, or black: May have iridescent ply of color trom ‘win Translucent Forms stated {abular crystals or blades: Cleavage eosin gue rectors st remy 96 Zeze Solr erange, brown, white, cron, nie Forms wransivcen’ prism Sin'sbparaeloxsolston mele: {Cleavage exalt n two directions atneatly 80%; SG = 25-28 ‘Color siver gle: Tarishes brown: E608 Cleavage absent to poor bate ere ome mane cn stated), or pyrtohesrors Suisse Color brassy to browr-bronze: amish sll brow, sometimes wih fam indescent colors: Fracture Uneven to soncheidal No cleavage: tracted to amagnet; SG= 48 96 2 lp or eae Semesters erate Ree rnieernce Semele Eases atom ton and sel Gredintmacrines bulcngs, or 363, ral teoks fle abet Ade to pls and {eose te ad heme Production In ved ood eels (re of copper, used to make Dibes, elecircal wre, coms, rnmunion bronze: brass ‘aided to vtamn pls for healthy Falrand skin: Gemstone Computer chip substrates, electra ineulaton, oot Shales, Cosmetics wth a sainy sheen Used in water softeners Green gemstone (peridot); Ore ‘ofmagnesium vse to make Daperightweight frames for [evengines, call phones, Iaptone! pls for good brain, muscle, and skeletal health Gemstone Used te make ceramic, glass, enamel, soap, faise teeth, Scouring powders. Used to make ceramics, glass, ‘enamel, soap, false teeth, ‘scouring powders (re of sur fr matches, Cre of ron and eur Impure “orms contain rikel and are Used as nekel oe the rial is Usedto make stariesestel = quartz 50, Sileon dioxide SERPENTINE. SILUMANITE Au{SiOJO flumincm siicate INATVE sivEr) te De sver SPHALERITE he sulfide sraURouTE ze aluminum Hate SULEUR (eave suru) Sule 5,008, es Bags ‘TOURMALINE complex silicate Nonmetatic | 7 White Nonmetalic 2-5 White an Monecinic Nonmetalic 6-7 White an Orhorhemble Metalic 25-30 Whitete i sivery white Isometic Metalic) 35-4 White to pale on yellow-brown Ronmetatic nn Isometic Nonmetatio 7 na Monecinic Nonmetalio 1,5-2.5 Pale yellow ann onorhombic Noometatic 1 White an Monacinc Nonmetatie 7-78 White a Hexagonal ae pecs eee ae sage aa Sere opanue Back or dak ry) 2a tnt opaque back or {ae Smo franeparent ory EEE Sle (ranaparen yebow-2rown) 2 amethyst purl) Sar chert lopaaue ora) SN ly at) 0 {ae fxpor fopadue re or yoo $e rose colts) SARE caidedony translucent, waxy iisien Color pale or dark green, yellow, ‘gay, Forms dul orally masses {nd asbestos forme: No cleavage; SG-22-26 Golo pale brown, waite, or era: ‘One good cleavage plus racture Surfaces: Forms stoner isms and needles: SG 2.2 CGolr silvery white to gray: Tamishes: dark gray to black: Ductile, malleable ‘and sect; Hackly fracture; No leavager Forms nuggets, curled Wwhes, and dendrtie forms: SG = 10.5 Cola sivery yolow-brown, dark re, fr black, Tarishes brown or black Bodecahedral cleavage excelent to ‘good: Smells ke rotten eggs wes ‘Seratchea/powered: Forms ‘misshapen tetranedrons or. dodecshedrons; SG» 38-41 Color brown to gray-orown Tarishes Silfrow Fonrs prise tat \rrerperatate farm natural ross; Cleavage poor SO= 37-38 Galo bight yolous Forms ‘wansparert to wanslucent Crystals or earthy masses: ‘Gleavage poor, Luster greasy to earny Belle, SG= 2 olor white, gray, pale green, of Drevin: Fares oryptocrystaine ‘masses that show no cleavage; ster siky to greasy, Feels greasy or soapy talcum powder): Nerysont Sa=27-28 Color usually opaque black or green, butmay be transparent oF translucent gree, ed, yellow, pink forblue; Forms long sated prisms ‘ith tlangular cross sectons Cleavage absent; SG= 30-32 ZEOLITE: A group of caleum or sodium hydrous aluminum slleates. See NATROLITE. Used a an abrasive: Used to make glass, gemstones Fibrous vaities used for fre-esistant clothing, tes, brake Inings High-temperature Ductle anc mateable ‘metal used for Jewelry and ‘lverware; Electrical eeu ‘boards or computers anc ell phones: Protegyashic ‘im (Ore of zine for brass, ‘galanized steal and Fotng als skin-nealng ‘reams, pls for healthy Irae System and Fon awe Oro Indium fan mpurty) used tomate solar cols Gemstone crosses called “ary crosses” Used for matches, gunpowder fran, rubber ardening (ea tes), funglede, nsectcide, paper pup processing Used as a "fle" to take Up space and reduce cost) In plastes for car parts, ‘applances: Massie Bleces carved into art Seultures (Crystals. used in radio transmitters; gemstone ea ek patria de an 85s sea ie Mineral Properties Identification and Uses = 97

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