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1. I have done several things to make extra income.

First, I make money from my hobby in

reading literature. I have created an instagram account for caption makers. Some
selebgrams and influencers need daily feeds and update status for wisdom words. Second,
whenver I have spare time I join an internet platform for freelancer and offer my service as a
math teacher. Third, I also monetize my hobby in writing by offering translation and editing
services for my friends and acquaintances.
2. a. I resigned from my last part time job due to unprofessional treatment on the part of the
b. After studying Chinese Mandarin for two months, yesterday I made an improvement in
c. I received the title ‘employee of the month’ from work evaluation last month.
d. My poem was published in the campus magazine last year.

3. I had a bad experience last year. One day I was cycling along my neighborhood at night to have
supper. I would eat supper around midnight. I rode my bicycle slowly and carefully. Suddenly I heard
a loud cry from behind like an animal sound. Before I realized what happened, I was kicked by some
teenagers and found myself lying on the road.

4. Learning Chinese Mandarin, Learning Arabic, Eating healthy food, Doing exercises

5. a. A damage slip is a slip that a customer can use to make claim or get compensation from a

b. A memo is a written message used in a business office for daily exchange of information among

c. A purchase slip is a receipt or a paper made by the store to give information about a purchase

6. I will be gladly to accept relocation if I get a job. First, I have to comply with the company rules.
Second, relocation is a travelig opportunity paid by the company. Third, relocation is a chance to
grow, to meet new people, to learn another culture and to gain new skills.

7. a. Sport store: sport equipment, a computer, a strategic location, a business software, sport
paraphernalia, bannner, balihoo

b. Hotel: a strategic location, coffee shop, swimming pool, rooftop, spa, meeting room, restaurant

c. Automotive: Auto equipment, repair equipment, modification equipment, maintenance

equipment, auto magazine, a good location, a google ads

8. Sentences;

Through communication people learn from one another the things they want to know

The main way people communicate with one another is by speaking.

Two people can communicate in this way when they are near to each other
9. a.The problems are caused by those people

b. We have our government to help in solving these problems

c. But in some countries these are difficult things to do

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