Module 6

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Action Taken
Activity 1. Comparison of the Three Models
Instruction: With your group members, determine the similarities and differences of the three models of
Curriculum Development Process
How are the models similar?

Similar Features Tyler’s Taba’s Saylor and Alexander

Tyler Their models has the Both objective based They both have a
evaluation of and both include specific objective that
experiences evaluation process need to be
Taba Their models both They both have They both specify major
emphasize on the educational experiences educational goals.
planning phase background
Saylor and Alexander Saylor and Alexander’s Their models are both Their model focuses on
model included the four designed that follows
phases of Curriculum appropriate learning
Development Process opportunities, and how
opportunities are

Comment: All of the models utilize the process of curriculum planning, curriculum designing,
curriculum implementing and curriculum evaluating. Also, all of the models have their considerations
to follow and to be made and as what I have observed, the similarity is that, there’s always an evaluation
at the end.

How are they different?

Different Features Tyler Taba Sylor and Alexander

Tyler Tyler is focuses on the Taba’s curriculum is Tyler focuses on the
planning phase and made with the planning phase
process selecting collaboration of Saylor and Alexander
objective teachers, admins, focuses on its four
experts, students and steps. Planners begin
society. Grassroot with major educational
approach to goals and objectives.
Taba Tyler is focuses on the Taba is an inductive Saylor and Alexander is
planning phase and approach to a deductive approach
process selecting curriculum to the planning
objective development designed process. Planners begin
Taba’s curriculum is by the teachers. with major educational
made with the Grassroot approach to goals and objectives
collaboration of curriculum
teachers, admins, development
experts, students and
society. Grassroot
approach to curriculum
Saylor and Alexander Tyler focuses on the Taba is an inductive Saylor and Alexander is
planning phase approach to a deductive approach
Saylor and Alexander curriculum
focuses on its four development designed
steps. Planners begin by the teachers.
with major educational Grassroot approach to
goals and objectives. curriculum

Comments: All of the models have a lot of differences when it comes to specification and beliefs
and as what I have observed, there’s always a difference in an approach to curriculum development.
Some models are in the form of diagrams, others are lists of steps that are recommended to curriculum
workers. Some models are linear, step-by-step approaches; others allow for departure from a fixed
sequence of steps. Some models offer an inductive approach; others follow a deductive approach. Some
are prescriptive; others, descriptive

Self Check: (Answer)

1.Describe the model of curriculum development which you understood best. Write in two
➢ Taba is known as a grassroots approach to curriculum development. She believed that the
curriculum should be designed by the teachers rather than handed down by higher authority and
she felt that teachers should begin the process by creating specific teaching-learning units for
their students in their schools rather than by engaging initially in creating a general curriculum
design, therefore, advocated an inductive approach to curriculum development, starting with the
specifics and building up to a general design as opposed to the more traditional deductive
approach of starting with the general design and working down to the specifics.
➢ Taba believed that there has a definite order in creating a curriculum. This model is used to
enhance the thinking skills of students. She believed that teachers are aware of the student's
needs. The main concept of this model is that teacher must be involved in the curriculum
2.What phase of the curriculum process do you find very important as a teacher? Why?
➢ The four phases of curriculum must be important. In every step of the curriculum development
process, the most important task is to keep the learner in mind and involve them in process. For
example, the curriculum team members, who have direct knowledge of the target audience,
should be involved in conducting the needs assessment. From the needs assessment process, the
problem areas are identified, gaps between what youth know and what they need to know are
identified, and the scope of the problem is clarified and defined.
➢ The results may prompt decision makers to allocate resources for a curriculum development team
to prepare curriculum materials. It should be follows a logical step by step process to produce
positive changes and development should be purposeful, planned and

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