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2. a.

Predictive argument:

Most of Indonesian presidents have been Javanese. Therefore, the next Indonesian president will be

b. argument from analogy:

marriage is like a boat sailing in the open ocean. A boat needs a captain. Hence, marriage needs a
household leader, a husband.

c. argument by elimination:

Either Jim or John borrowed my book yesterday. But John didn’t come to my house yesterday.
Therefore, Jim borrowed my book

d. ad hominem:

All killers are criminals. A thief is not a killer. Therefore a thief is not a criminal

e. lexical definition:

a cub is a young lion.

1. Religion and status of women

A: Religion always respects and ennobles women (moral judgment)
B: What is a religion? (seeking definition)
A: Religion is a faith of one true God
B: What is the difference between religion and monotheism? (Asking for clarification)
A: There is only one God who is called Allah
B: Are you saying that politheism is not a religion? (loaded question with omitted evidence)
A: every man on each own. I believe in my religion. You believe in yours.
B: What is the evidence that women are always honored in religion? (seeking evidence)
A: Religion protects women from slander by asking them to wear hijab
B: Is hijab a product of religion or a relic of culture? (Asking for clarification)
A: the order to wear hijab is cited in the Qur’an
B: is the order apply to all women or only to the prophets’ wives? (Asking for clarification)
A: it is common decency that women should wear hijab
B: Is hijab to protect women dignity or to protect men from their desires? (Asking for
A: it is a sin to look at women who are not your family and relatives.
B: if we don’t look at them, what are we looking at? (seeking logical conclusion)

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