Quiz 2

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1. Mr. G was a 44 year old accountant who presented to the clinic with a 7 week history of right elbow pain
radiating into his forearm. Improper lifting, throwing and hitting. His symptoms started gradually but after three
weeks he needed to attend his local Medical Centre and prescribed a two week course of Naproxen (Non-
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). He described transient improvement of his symptoms during this 2 week
period but that his elbow became worse after the course was complete and he was becoming increasingly
frustrating as it was an extremely busy time of year at work. Whats the problem Mr. G have:
a. Golfer Elbow b. Frozen Shoulder c. Tennis Elbow c. Fracture
2. Can we use TENS in hemophilic patient?
a. Yes b. No


3. Mr Thomas, a 67 year old retired Quantity Surveyor, presented to the clinic with a six month history of pain in
his neck. This was accompanied with stiffness and restriction. There was no history of any injury or event. His
symptoms started gradually becoming more intense 4 weeks before presenting at the clinic. In addition he
noticed that he was having difficulty looking over his shoulder. Particularly on staggered junctions or reversing
the car. He found that lying down eased his symptoms.
a. Cervical Rib b. Cervical Spondylosis c. whiplash injury

4. The patient presented to physical therapy approximately three weeks following the accident, with decreased
cervical range of motion, daily headaches, cervical pain, tight suboccipitals muscles, low back pain, and
paresthesia into her right forearm.
a. Cervical Rib b. Cervical Spondylosis c. whiplash injury
5. Mrs B was a 54 year old lady who presented to the clinic complaining of a 9 week history of left-sided shoulder pain
and restricted movement. These symptoms started gradually but over time they began to affect her general quality of
life and morale. Pain increased, particularly at night leaving her tired during the daytime and she started to
experience problems manipulating her arm, especially when dressing.

a. Adhesive capsulitis b. tendonitis c. rotator cuff impingement syndrome

6. Cassie is a 24-month-old girl who has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia. Her parents, Jim and
Roberta, adopted her at 4 months of age from Central America. No problems were reported prior to the
adoption. Once home, her parents noted when dressing her that her legs were often stiffer than what they
recalled seeing with their other children at that age. They also began to observe that Cassie’s eyes did not
appear to work together. She seemed to focus with one eye at a time. Her primary care pediatrician was initially
concerned that she might have cerebral palsy and referred her to a clinic with a pediatric rehabilitation
specialist. Write type of treatment we provide her.

7. A 66-year-old female presented to the Emergency Department with a five-day history of increasing pain and swelling
in her dominant hand. She described the pain as severe and stated that it had begun around the thenar eminence and
progressed to include her entire hand and wrist. She also complained of “pins and needles” and altered sensation to
the entire volar surface of her hand, but worst in her thumb, and index and middle fingers. She denied any trauma
and was systemically well. She had no significant medical history other than an endoscopic carpal tunnel release
performed many years prior with full resolution of symptoms. The patient worked as a “lollipop lady” at a school
pedestrian crossing. Upon examination, she was afebrile and did not appear unwell. There was gross swelling both to
the dorsal and volar aspects of her wrist and hand, worst around the midpalmar space. There was no erythema and
the skin was only mildly warm to touch. Her wrist and finger active range of movement were decreased but she was
able to passively range her fingers. Write the diagnoses.


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