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EDU3113: Workshop organization and Management

Course lecturer: Dr Paul Wanyeki Phone number: 0736-135-530


1.0 Course purpose

To equip the student with the knowledge, skills and competence for supervision and management
of workshops and industrial operations

2.0 Course Description

Safety as an important factor in the planning of a workshop. Intended use of workshops and its
implications on planning. Selection of site, location of machines and equipment, storage of
materials and tools.
Resource planning: production/ operation control, forecasting, capacity management,
scheduling and loading, line balancing, breakeven analysis, inventory of materials and their
control, manufacturing planning, Sales and Marketing Management. Cost Accounting and
Control, Budget and Budgetary control, estimating and costing. Principles of management,
human and industrial relation, professional ethics, motivation, leadership, communication,
human resource development, wages payment, labour industrial and taxation laws,
environmental engineering. Exercises: planning, workshop design, layout.

Product: product design, customer requirements, value engineering, quality, reliability, service
life, and competitiveness;
Processes: Job, batch and flow production methods, Group Technology Work study and Time
and Motion study, Work/job evaluation, quality control (SPC), control charts;

3.0. Course objectives

Expected Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course students should be able to:

 Demonstrate good workshop management skills

 Demonstrate workshop safety in production and planning
 Plan and control the maintenance procedures
 Manage human resources in the workshops

4.0 Course content

Week Topic/ Sub topic Remarks / references

1 Safety as an important General workshop safety 1. Class discussions

factor in the planning of a (industrial safety and house 2. Lecturers’ notes
workshop keeping) 3. Handout
Fire and fire figting techniques 4. Group work 1
Common workshop accidents
and their first aids.Project:
Using design thinking approach
identify a workshop and put
inplace the precationary
measures requred for safty
operation of the workshop.
2 Intended use of workshops Selection of site, layout of 1. Class discussions
and its implications on machines and equipment, 2. Lecturers’ notes
planning. Maintainace of machines and 3. Handout
facilities, Storage of materials 4. Group work 2
and tools, inventory of
materials and their control.
Project: Design a hypothetical
work coplete with sketches and
put in place all the documents
that are required for good
management, operation and
planing of the workshop.
3 Product Product design, customer 1. Class discussions
requirements, value 2. Lecturers’ notes
engineering, quality, reliability, 3. Handout
service life, and 4. Group work 3
competitiveness: Project:
Develop a product and take it
through all the processes
mentioned above.
4&5 Processes: Job, batch and flow production 1. Group presentation
methods, Group Technology 2. Lecturers’ notes
Work study and Time and 3. Handout
Motion study, Work/job 4. Group work 4
evaluation, quality control
(SPC), control charts: Project:
Design a functional production
process of a product of your
own choice showing how you
will take care of all the above
mentioned processes.

6,7, Workshop Management Principles of management, 1. Group presentation

8&9 human and industrial relation, 2. Lecturers’ notes
motivation, leadership, 3. Handout
communication, environmental 4. Group work 5

engineering. Project: Role play,
assume you are the factory
manager of a sisal industry, put
in place all that is required of
good management practice.
10 Sit in CAT 1
11&12 Finances management in Financial management, Cost 1. Group presentation
the workshops Accounting and Control, 2. Lecturers’ notes
Budget and Budgetary control, 3. Handout
estimating and costing. Project 4. Group work 6
establish all the documents and
procedures required for proper
financila management in a
workshop. Give rationale for
each resouse and process.
13 Resource planing Production/ operation control, 1. Group presentation
forecasting, capacity 2. Lecturers’ notes
management, scheduling and 3. Handout
loading, line balancing, 4. Group work 7
breakeven analysis,
manufacturing planning. Role
play, assume you are the
production manager, optimize
the resoures through resourse
planning as mentioned above.
14 Sit in CAT II

Teaching Methods
a. Lectures
b. Group discussions
c. Group presentations
d. Case studies
e. Demonstrations
f. Workshop visits

Instructional Materials and Equipment

1. Handouts
2. Groups Presentation schedule
3. White board
4. Workshops
5. Demonstrative materials CD/DVDs
6. Projector
7. Computers

8. Internet

1. All students are expected to attend all the lessons
2. All students are expected to actively participate in class and during group work.
3. All assignments MUST be done and collected for marking

Course Assessment
1. Three Continuous Assessment Tests and Two assignments -30%
2. End of course Examination -70%

Key textbook
R.D. Palmer,(2005) Maintenance Planning and Scheduling Handbook, McGraw-Hill
Professional; 2nd ed., ISBN-10: 0071457666, ISBN-13: 978-0071457668.

A.P. Verma & N. Mohan (2001) Industrial management, For S.K> Kataria & Sons, India

Additional References:
R.H. Caplen, (1994) A practical approach to quality Control, Random House Business
Books,ISBN-10: 0091735815, ISBN-13: 978-0091735814.

Production, Planning and Inventory Control by S.L.Narasimhan, D.W.McLeavey, P.J.Billington,

Prentice Hall.

Production Systems: Planning, Analysis and Control by J.L.Riggs, 3rd ed., Wiley.

Productions and Operations Management by A.Muhlemann, J.Oakland and K.Lockyer,


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