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Difference Between Gifted and Talented

 Aimie Carlson  Updated: January 10, 2020  4 Min Read



Main Difference
The main difference between gifted and talented is that gifted has exceptional
talent and natural ability, whereas talented has a natural capacity and skill for

Gifted vs. Talented

Gifted has no precise ability or talent while Talented is a special term, and
mentions to a definite capacity. Gifted students have outstanding abilities, but
talented students have brilliant abilities. Talented students have services in
dance, music, design, sports, writing, and arts.
The gifted person can easily perceive abstract and multipart ideas; on the
other hand, talented people cannot simply perceive complicated ideas. Gifted
people have a widespread and comprehensive memory, while talented one
lacks widespread and comprehensive memory.



Gifted people have a deep love of reading, but in talented people, we do not
find such zeal. There are progressive vocabulary and interactive skills in
talented people, on the flip side, gifted people have not such characteristics.

In gifted people, we find interest in several parts, but talented people show
their interest in specific areas. Gifted people want to ask numerous questions,
while talented ones have not such interest.

Gifted people have a strong and continuous desire in a specific filed, which
may not shift with time while talented people have varied desires, which may
change over time.

Comparison Chart

Gifted Talented
Gifted one has the naturalistic Talented people have naturalistic

characteristic to perform skills in an area.



Adjective Adjective


Natural Special


Academic subject Practical subject


What is Gifted?
Gifted people are not offered to study, as they have this natural ability. They
have the characteristics that may or may not be presented in them. Gifted
characteristics are naturalistic and cannot be created by themselves. Gifted
people have a regular universal academic characteristic.

They have great zeal to search and solve tough tasks. They also perceive
things rapidly. Gifted people display a progressive and greater stage of
abilities. Gifted people may have their interest in maths, science, history, and
geography. They have unexpected abilities.

Gifted people may have a distinctive culture, unique social groups, different
family incomes, or disability of something. Gifted people can easily wonder
other people through the best use of vocabulary. They also select their
speaking style according to the person whom they are talking about.

They may also start their writing and learning without having any guidance.
We cannot easily satisfy and convince the gifted people with our simple
answers. They prefer to sit among the grown-ups. It is also possible that they
could be emotional quickly when the situation is not in their favor.

Gifted students have challenging abilities and would like to remain in secret.
They can build their skills by choosing the stage of their interest.

Effective cognitive abilities

Highly inquiring

Great general information

Retentive memory

Highest speaking abilities and good vocabulary

Problem-solving abilities

He has gifted abilities to run good administration.

This God gifted girl has a much intelligent level than average people.

Wordsworth was a great gifted natural poet.

Imran Khan visited a school for gifted children.

What is Talented?
Talented people have the specific aptitude of athletic, imaginative, or creative.
They also have universal intellect or psychological control. Talented people
have no specific and emotional concentration. We can easily notify the
talented people by their quantitative and qualitative abilities. Gifted students
can also be moved to display their talent. Family, social influences, educational
environment, and other chances of life plays a vital role in this happening. E.g.
Aslam is a talented artist.




Critical Thinkers

Decision Makers






Key Differences
1. Gifted people have a long-time focus on their interest, whereas
talented one is deprived of such characteristic.

2. Gifted quality cannot be developed by ourselves; on the other

hand, the talented ability can easily be created by ourselves.

3. The gifted ability has no requirements for hard work; conversely,

talented characteristics required hard work.

4. Gifted is a unique ability that is founded in rare people; on the flip

side, talent can be founded in mostly person.

5. Gifted people have effective characteristics in several academic

subjects, but talented people have exceptional characteristics in
several practical subjects.

Gifted and talented are two adjectives that come to point out a person having
the highest natural characteristics. A gifted person has great characteristics
in a special field, but a talented person can display outstanding performance.

Aimie Carlson

Aimie Carlson is an English language enthusiast who loves writing and has
a master degree in English literature. Follow her on Twitter at


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