Digital Signal Processing - Written Assignments

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Digital Signal Processing

Written Assignments


1. Explain Radix-2 DIT-FFT algorithm with N = 8. Comment on number of

complex multiplication and addition.

2. Explain Radix-2 DIF-FFT algorithm with N = 8. Comment on number of

complex multiplication and addition.

3. Compute the DFT of the sequence x(n) = [1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, -1] using DIT-
FFT algorithm. Draw the flow graph indicating the intermediate values.

4. Compute the DFT of the sequence x(n) = [0.707, 1, 0.707, 0, -0.707, -1,
-0.707,0] using DIT-FFT algorithm. Draw the flow graph indicating the
intermediate values.

5. Compute the DFT of the sequence x(n) = [1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0] using DIT-FFT

algorithm. Draw the flow graph indicating the intermediate values.

6. Find the DFT of the sequence x(n) = [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1] using DIF-FFT

algorithm. Using this result obtain the DFT of the sequence y(n) =

7. Given x(n) = n + 1 and N = 8; Find X(k) using DIF-FFT algorithm.

8. Using Radix-2 DIF-FFT algorithm, compute the IDFT. Given that X(k) is
X(0) = 4 X(1) = 1 – j 2.414, X(2) = 0, X(3) = 1 – j 0.414, X(4) = 0, X(5) = 1 +
j 0.414, X(6) = 0, X(7) = 1 + j 2.414.


9. Realize the following system functions using Direct form-I, Direct form-II
[Each of the following problems may be asked for 10 Marks]
i) H(z) = [(z + 0.8)(z – 0.3)] / [(z2 + 0.5z + 0.2)(z2 + 0.6z + 0.1)]
ii) H(z) = [(z2 + 0.5z +1)(z + 0.6)] / [(z2 + 0.6z + 0.2)(z – 0.8)]
iii) H(z) = [(1 – 0.25z-1)(z-2 – 5z-1 + 6)] / [(z-2 – 2z-1 + 2.5)(1 – 0.75z-1)]
iv) H(z) = [z(0.5z – 0.8)] / [(z + 1)(z2 + 0.5z + 0.4)]
v) H(z) = [(z-2 + z-1 + 1) / (z2 – 1)] + [(z-1 + 1) / (z-2 + 2z-1 + 2)]
vi) H(z) = [z(z – 1)] / [z2 + z + 1]
vii)H(z) = [0.8 / (1 + 0.2z-1 + z-2)] + [1.0 / (1 – 0.5z-1 + z-2)]
viii) Implement the following filter using parallel as well as series
combination of first/second order filter sections.
H(z) = z[1 + z-1 + (1 + z-1) / (1 – z-1 + z-2)]


10. Explain the realization of a linear phase FIR filter

11. Explain the direct form and cascade form of realization of an FIR filter.

12. Implement the frequency sampling structure for the following impulse
i) h(n) = 0.5(n) + (n-1) + 0.5(n-2)
ii) h(n) = 2(n) + 0.5(n-1) + 0.5(n-7)
iii) h(n) = (n) + 2(n-1) + (n-2)
iv) h(n) = (n) + 0.5(n-1) – 0.25(n-2) + 0.5(n-3) + (n-4)

13. Realize the following impulse response using frequency-sampling technique.

h(n) = (n) + (n-1) + 0.5(n-2) + (n-3) + (n-4).

14. Obtain the frequency sampling structure of linear phase FIR filter having
symmetric response for N even and odd.

15. Explain frequency-sampling design technique for the realization of FIR

16. Design a FIR filter using frequency-sampling technique to meet the following
requirements, and realize.
i) H(k) = 1 for k = -1, 0, 1; and H(k) = 0 for all other k.
Where H(k) is the filter DFT with N = 16.
ii) H(k) = 1 for k = 0; H(k) = 0.2 for k = -1 and +1; H(k) = 0 for all other k.
Where H(k) is the filter DFT with N = 32.

17. Design an ideal FIR low pass filter with a cutoff frequency of /2 radians,
using frequency sampling technique. Assume 11 tap coefficients.

18. Design an ideal linear phase FIR filter with the following specification, using
frequency-sampling technique. Hd(ejw) = e-j5w; for 0w/2 and Hd(ejw) =
0; for /2  w.

19. Design an ideal bandpass FIR filter with cutoff frequencies /6 and /3 using
frequency sampling technique. Assume 25 tap coefficients.

20. Explain with suitable illustrations the design of linear phase FIR filters using

21. Design an ideal FIR low pass filter with a cutoff frequency of /2 radians,
using Hamming / Hanning / Bartlett / Rectangular / Blackman / Kaiser
window. Assume 25 tap coefficients.

22. Design an ideal linear phase FIR filter with the following specification, using
Hamming / Hanning / Bartlett / Rectangular / Blackman / Kaiser window.
Hd(ejw) = e-j12w; for -/2  w /2 and H d(ejw) = 0; for /2 

23. Design the filter with the following specification using Hamming / Hanning /
Bartlett / Blackman / Rectangular / Kaiser window.
Hd(ejw) = e-5jw; for /6 w  /2 and Hd(ejw) = 0; elsewhere.

24. Explain Gibb’s Phenomenon in FIR filters. How can it be reduced?

25. Design the bandpass FIR filter, the desired frequency response is
Hd(ejw) = e-jw ; wc1  w  wc2  ;
=0 ; otherwise.
Where  = 4 , wc1 = 1 rad/sec, wc2 = 3rad/sec. Use Hamming window.

26. Design an FIR linear phase lowpass filter using windows to meet the
following specifications.
0.99 < H(ejw)  1.01; for 0  w  0.19
H(ejw)  0.01; for 0.21  w .

27. Design a lowpass filter using windows that will have 3 dB cutoff at 30
rad/sec and an attenuation of 50 dB at 45 rad/sec. The filter is required to
have linear phase characteristics and the system employs a sampling
frequency of 100 Hz.

28. Determine the parameters of FIR filter which has the following specifications,
wp = 0.2 rad, ws= 0.3 rad and stopband attenuation is 50 dB. Use
Hamming window.

29. The desired amplitude response of a certain FIR filter with linear phase is
H(ejw) =1; for 0  f  500 Hz
H(ejw) = 0; elsewhere
The sampling frequency fs = 2 kHz and the impulse response is to be 30 mSec
long. Using a rectangular window determine impulse response h(n). Modify
the design using Hamming window.

30. Design a FIR lowpass filter with linear phase property using Kaiser window
to meet the following specifications, wp = 0.3 rad , ws = 0.5 rad and
stopband attenuation = 40 dB.

31. A lowpass filter specification is given as

Passband: 0  H(ej)dB  -1 0    20 rad/sec
Stopband: H(ej)dB  -60   200 rad/sec.
Let sampling period be = 0.01 sec.
a) Determine the prewarped filter specification.
b) Design a suitable Butterworth / Schebychev filter to meet the
prewarped filter specification.
c) Obtain H(z) using Bilinear transformation technique.

32. Design and realize a Butterworth / Schebychev lowpass digital filter whose
Passband magnitude is to be constant within 1 dB for frequencies below 0.2
rad/sec and stopband attenuation is to be greater than 15 dB for frequencies
above 0.3 rad/sec.

33. Design using bilinear transformation technique, a lowpass filter for the
following specifications.
H(j)  -1 dB 0  w  100 rad/sec
H(j)  -40 dB w  2000 rad/sec.
Sampling frequency = 8000 rad/sec. Realize the filter structure.

34. Design a lowpass Butterworth / Schebychev digital filter for the following
H(j)  -0.5 dB 0  w  50 rad/sec
H(j)  -50 dB w  500 rad/sec.
Assume the sampling frequency to be 4k rad/sec. Realize the filter using
suitable structure.

35. Realize a digital Butterworth / Chebycheff filter for the following

specification. The sampling frequency is 1000 rad/sec. Use Impulse
invariance / Bilinear transformation.
H(j)  -2 dB 0  w  10 rad/sec
H(j)  -50 dB w  100 rad/sec.

36. A lowpass filter specification is given as

Passband: -1  H(j)dB  0 for 0  w  10 rad/sec
Stopband: H(j)dB  -10 w  50 rad/sec.
a) Determine a suitable Butterworth / Schebychev filter to satisfy the
above requirements.
b) Convert the above filter to a digital filter using Impulse
invariance / Bilinear transformation technique.
37. Design a suitable digital filter to meet the following specifications. Use
Impulse Invariance / Bilinear transformation technique. Sampling frequency =
40k rad/sec.
H(j)  -2 dB 0  w  1k rad/sec
H(j)  -50 dB w  10k rad/sec.

38. A lowpass filter is to have magnitude response constant within 1 dB in the

frequency range 0 to 100 Hz. Response should fall monotonically to less than
–15 dB at frequency of 150 Hz. Design a digital filter to meet the above
specifications. Sampling rate = 1 mSec. Realize the filter.

39. What is frequency warping? How it is compensated using bilinear

transformation to digitize an analog filter?

40. A third ordered Butterworth / Schebychev lowpass filter with 3 dB frequency

of 5k Hz is to be realized using digital system. The sampling period is 10
sec. Realize the filter using Impulse Invariance / Bilinear transformation

41. A third ordered Butterworth / Schebychev lowpass filter with 3 dB frequency

of 5k Hz is to be realized using digital system. The sampling period is 10
sec. Realize the filter using Bilinear Transformation/Impulse Invariance

42. A second ordered Butterworth / Schebychev lowpass filter with 3 dB

frequency of 2k Hz is to be realized using digital system. The sampling
frequency is 20k Hz. Realize the filter using Impulse Invariance / Bilinear
transformation technique.

43. A second ordered Butterworth / Schebychev lowpass filter with 3 dB

frequency of 2k Hz is to be realized using digital system. The sampling
frequency is 20k Hz. Realize the filter using Impulse invariance / Bilinear
Transformation technique.

44. A third ordered Butterworth / Schebychev lowpass filter with 3 dB frequency

of 1k Hz is to be realized using digital system. The sampling frequency is 12k
Hz. Realize the filter using Impulse Invariance / Bilinear transformation

45. A third ordered Butterworth / Schebychev lowpass filter with 3 dB frequency

of 1k Hz is to be realized using digital system. The sampling frequency is 12k
Hz. Realize the filter using Impulse invariance / Bilinear Transformation
46. A band pass digital filter is required to meet the following specifications.
(i) Complete signal rejection at dc and 200 Hz
(ii) A narrow pass band centered at 100 Hz
(iii) A 3 dB bandwidth of 10 Hz.
With necessary explanation, using pole-zero placement technique, obtain the
transfer function of the filter, difference equation and realization of the filter.
Assume a sampling frequency of 600 Hz.

47. With necessary explanation, obtain by the pole-zero placement method, the
transfer function, the difference equation and realization of a digital notch
filter to meet the following specifications.
Notch frequency = 50 Hz
3 dB width of notch =  5 Hz
Sampling frequency = 500 Hz

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