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US lawmakers meet Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen in surprise visit Page 3 Simple yet effective exploration of gender-based violence Page 5 NRB seeks to discourage imports Page 7

The Himalayan
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Late City ★★ 8 pages Rs 5

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Vol. XX No. 4 s Kathmandu, Saturday, November 27, 2021, Mangsir 11, 2078, Nepal Sambat 1142 T I M E S Jomsom and beyond)

Lawyers press for

CJ’s impeachment
Ram Kumar Kamat should itself settle its issues, media out-
Kathmandu, November 26 lets interpreted it as the PM’s refusal to
back the call for CJ Rana’s exit, but I think
Office bearers of the Nepal Bar Associa- such interpretation was wrong. The PM
tion and some senior advocates met may have hinted that the CJ can resolve
Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba and the judicial issues by resigning from his
handed him a memorandum listing 17 post,” Shrestha said. He said Rana had no
reasons they said were enough to im- option but to resign, as dissident lawyers
peach Chief Justice Cholendra Shumsher and justices would not accept any role of
JB Rana. the CJ in assigning the cases to justices.
Former attorney general Raman Ku- A lottery-based cause list will become
mar Shrestha said NBA office bearers and operational in the Supreme Court from
other lawyers who met Deuba told him December 1. This means that the CJ, who
that while the executive had no business used to assign cases to justices, will stop
interfering in the functioning of the judi- doing that. “The NBA has said that the CJ
ciary, it was its responsibility to see should neither adjudicate cases, nor
whether or not the judiciary was comply- should he perform his duty as ex-officio
ing with rules and regulations and cater- member or chairperson of the Judicial
ing to needs of service seekers. “Lawyers Council and the Judicial Service Com-
and justices have been boycotting mission. I expect that even the Constitu-
benches for almost a month. Since there tional Council will not allow him to sit in
are allegations of anomalies and corrup- the panel after such a prolonged protest
tion in the judiciary, executive should be against him,” Shrestha said. He said once
concerned,” Shrestha said. the CJ realised that he was in no position
NBA General Secretary Lilamani Pau- to do anything in the judiciary, he would
del said the PM told the lawyers’ team not feel like holding the post of CJ.
that he was aware of all the issues they The lawyers’ team that met the PM to-
CPN-UML Chairman KP Sharma Oli inaugurating the 10th National General Convention of the party in Chitwan, on Friday. had raised and he would try to sort them day included former attorney general
out in the next couple of days after dis- Badri Bahadur Karki, senior advocates

s3(/244!+%3 Oli upbeat about UML’s poll prospects cussing them in the five-party ruling alli-
ance. He said the lawyers’ team did not
directly tell the PM or any other political
leader to impeach the CJ, but the 17 rea-
Shrestha, Harihar Dahal, Shambhu
Thapa, Satish Krishna Kharel, NBA Presi-
dent Chandeshwor Shrestha, NBA Gen-
eral Secretary Lilamani Paudel, Supreme
INTERNATIONAL Tilakram Rimal which his government had in- CPN-Maoist Centre leader Lilama- sons listed in their memorandum were Court Bar President Purna Man Shakya,
Chitwan, November 26 corporated in the new map of ni Pokhrel, Janata Samajbadi Par- enough for lawmakers to impeach the CJ. and some other office bearers of the NBA
Nepal. He talked about following ty-Nepal’s Upendra Yadav, and Lok- He said the NBA indirectly told the PM and the SCBA.
World takes action as new CPN-UML Chairman KP Shar- the policy of maintaining equal tantrik Samjabadi’s Chair Mahantha that the CJ must be impeached. Meanwhile, the NBA and dissident jus-
ma Oli today expressed confi- distance from all neighbours Thakur also extended their best wish- The NBA and protesting justices have tices continued to protest against CJ
variant emerges in dence that his party would sin- and friendly countries. “We want es for the success of the UML’s general accused the CJ of seeking a quid pro quo Rana.
gle-handedly secure majority to to maintain cordial and friendly convention. deal with the executive to get his brother- While protesting lawyers staged sit-in
southern Africa form the government in the next relationship with our neigh- The party’s closed-door session will in-law appointed to the Cabinet and de- at the entrance of the SC, dissident jus-
BRUSSELS: A slew of nations moved to stop general elections. bours,” Oli added. take place in Sauraha on November laying hearing of cases filed against ap- tices continued to boycott hearing of cas-
air travel from southern Africa on Friday, and Addressing his party’s 10th He said every country, be it 27 and 28. The convention will con- pointments made to constitutional bod- es other than habeas corpus writ peti-
stocks plunged in Asia and Europe in reaction National General Convention on rich, poor, large, or small, was clude after electing the party’s new ies. tions, reconciliation petitions, and peti-
to news of a new, potentially more transmis- equal and every na- leadership. “When the PM said that the judiciary tions seeking case withdrawal.
sible COVID-19 variant. “The last thing we tion should be treated
based on equality and
need is to bring in a new variant that will
cause even more problems,” said German
Political instability is mutual co-existence.
Health Minister Jens Spahn, amid a massive
spike in cases in the 27-nation European Un-
over. Now, the “UML wants to move
ahead with collabora-
ion. Within a few days of the discovery of the
new variant, it has already impacted on a jit-
country has to zero tion and mutual un-
derstanding,” said Oli.
tery society that is sensitive to bad COVID-19
news, with deaths around the globe standing
in on development Oli condemned the
five-party alliance and
at well over five million. There are fears that and prosperity said those who had
unseated him from
the new variant could be even more conta-
gious than the current predominant one and power and prevented
could bypass the effectiveness of the vaccina- him from functioning
tion campaigns. “Early indications show this the banks of the Narayani River, were creating hurdles for Prime
variant may be more transmissible than the Oli said his party would start Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba as
delta variant and current vaccines may be preparing for polls after the gen- well.
less effective against it,” British Health Secre- eral convention got over. At the programme, Prime
tary Sajid Javid said. (Details on Page 4) “Political instability is over. Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba
Now, the country has to zero in stressed the need to have com-
on development and prosperity. mon understanding among po-
For this, the UML-led govern- litical parties on the issues per-
ment is a must,” said Oli. taining to people and the coun-
NEPAL COUNT Oli stressed on bilateral talks try. He extended his best wishes
with India regarding Limpiyad- for the success of the UML’s gen-
hura, Lipulekh, and Kalapani, eral convention.

242 diagnosed with

COVID in a day, 302
Updated COVID-19 figures
on Friday
Confirmed cases 820,527
recover, discharged
Himalayan News Service
Total tests (PCR) 4,599,489
Kathmandu, November 26 Contagion claims
New Tests 7,829
Health authorities today diag-
nosed 242 cases of coronavirus
two more lives
infection in the country, includ- KATHMANDU: Two
In Quarantine 98 ing 134 in Kathmandu valley. COVID patients have died
With this, Nepal’s COVID case- in the past 24 hours, tak-
In Isolation 7,287 load has reached 820,527, in- ing the death toll from the
Recovered 801,722 cluding 801,722 recoveries, 7,287 respiratory contagion in
active cases, and 11,518 deaths. the country to 11,518 at a
Deaths 11,518 Of those testing positive for case fatality rate of 1.4 per
the contagion in the valley today, cent, the health ministry
(Source: MoHP)
92 are from Kathmandu, 30 from said on Friday. — HNS
Lalitpur, and 12 from Bhaktapur.
Of the others diagnosed with
the disease today, 16 are from pur. Kathmandu and Lalitpur
Jhapa, 14 from Chitwan, 11 from are the only two districts in the
Morang, 10 from Rupandehi, country to have more than 500
nine from Kaski, six from Gulmi, active COVID cases.
four from Nawalparasi (East), According to the Ministry of
three each from Sunsari, Saptari, Health and Population, 302 peo-
Makawanpur, and Ramechhap, ple were discharged from health
two each from Kavrepalan- centres across the country in the
chowk, Kapilvastu, Kanchanpur, past 24 hours after recovering
and Kailali, and one each from from COVID. So far, 97.7 per cent
Ilam, Okhaldhunga, Taplejung, of COVID patients have recov-
FOREX Dhanusha, Mahottari, Rautahat, ered in Nepal.
CURRENCY UNIT BUYING (in Rs) SELLING (in Rs) Dolakha, Nuwakot, Sindhuli, The ministry said 175 COVID
Indian Rs 100 160.00 160.15 Tanahun, Baglung, Syangja, Ar- patients were in intensive care --
US Dollar 1 119.50 120.10 ghakhanchi, Dang, Palpa, 30 in Province 1, three in Prov-
Euro 1 134.59 135.27 Bardiya, Banke, and Surkhet. ince 2, 103 in Bagmati, 15 in
Pound Sterling 1 159.10 159.90 As many as 28 people tested Gandaki, 21 in Lumbini, and
Swiss Franc 1 128.94 129.59 positive for antigens today. three in Sudurpaschim. As many
Japanese Yen 10 10.47 10.52 The number of active COVID as 33 of them are on ventilator
Chinese Yuan 1 18.70 18.80 cases in Kathmandu valley is support -- 14 in Province 1, 17 in
The foreign exchange rates are fixed by Nepal Rastra Bank
1,730 -- 690 in Kathmandu, 558 Bagmati, and one each in
in Lalitpur, and 482 in Bhakta- Gandaki and Lumbini.


Rastriya Samachar Samiti try’s population was likely to The census was affected for dian side was denied by the
s/.#%/6 %2
Congress district
Kathmandu, November 26 reach 30 million. The prelimi- s.!4)/.!,#%.353 some time as some ethnicities Indian government, which af-
nary result of the census like ‘kayat’ of Dhorpatan Mu- fected the data collection. convention halted
Major work of the National would be announced after months than the scheduled local unemployed youths, ba- nicipality-9 in Baglung denied The census is held every 10
Census 2021 — data collection three months. However, final date because of the COVID-19 sic data collection up to ward sharing information. After year in Nepal. The first census DHANGADI: Nepali Congress’s Kailali
— was over yesterday. The result would be made public pandemic. In a press release level from community ques- holding discussion, the com- was held 109 years ago during district convention has been halted.
fieldwork of the national cen- after a year, he added. distributed after the press con- tionnaire were some features. munity resolved the problem the premiership of Chandra Though the convention from the
sus that had begun on Novem- Shrestha thanked the enu- ference today, the CBS said, The census was conducted in and resumed the census. Shumsher Rana. The last cen- ward to regional level was completed
ber 11 has been completed, merators, supervisors and re- “We learnt many things while all places of mountain, hills Similarly, lack of roadway sus taken 10 years back had in the district, the district convention
according to Central Bureau of spondents for making the conducting census this time. It and southern plains. However, from Nepali side to reach put Nepali population at 26.5 slated to happen on Friday, however,
Statistics. mega campaign of enumera- will help us enrich future cen- the census would be held in Chhanru and Tinkar of Byas million. was put off. According to NC district
With this, the next step of tion successful. The CBS also sus and surveys. the disputed area via diplo- Rural Municipality-1 in There were 80 questions in member and convention publicity
the census — data processing extended thanks to all others It was further informed that matic initiative, CBS stated. Darchula district forced enu- the census this time. As many department Chief Nripa Sunar, the
— would begin, said CBS Di- contributing to the census. use of digital technology, mo- The enumerators also merators to opt for Indian as 40,000 enumerators and district convention had to put shelved
rector General Nebin Lal The national census was bilisation of more qualified shared the experience of hard- route to reach there. But, per- 8,500 supervisors were mobi- given the provincial general conven-
Shrestha, adding that coun- conducted delaying five enumerator, involvement of ship while collecting data. mission to reach there via In- lised for the census. tion slated to happen on December 2.
“As there are many aspirants for the
district chairperson post, and the
election is likely to stretch into second
phase as well, it will affect the prepa-
ration of the provincial convention
and therefore had to be put on hold
until later,” he said. Meanwhile, a par-
ty insider, however, said that the dis-
trict convention had to be halted due
to the internal dispute in the party. All
the candidates vying for the post of
the district chairperson are said to be
from the party president Sher Baha-
dur Deuba camp here. — HNS

Tusker attack kills one

JHAPA: One person died in tusker at-
tack in Jhapa’s Bhadrapur on Friday.
The deceased has been identified as
60-year-old Ram Bahadur Burja
Magar of Bharapur Municipality-9.
According to District Police Office SP
Sanuram Bhattarai, Magar was at-
tacked by a wild elephant while he
was plucking tea leaves in a tea gar-
den in Mechinagar Municipality-14 at
6:30am on Friday morning. He died
on the spot. His dead body has been
sent to Mechi Hospital for post-mor-
tem. — HNS

Police Control Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Traffic Police Control Room . . . . . . . . 103
Photos: THT / RSS
Fire Fighters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

0ROTECTINGCONSTITUTIONDUTY Traffic Jam Information (SMS) . . . JAM 4321

Emergency Police Service . . . . . . . 4228435
Crime Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4412748

OFALL SAYS0-$EUBA Child Missing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

Nepal Electricity Authority . . . . . . . 4153164
Blood Bank, Pradarshani Marg. . . . . 4225344
Himalayan News Service tion, achieving develop- portant to make sure that
ment of the country and p e o p l e i n t h e f u t u re Nepal Red Cross Society, Teku . . . . 4270650
Chitwan, November 26
welfare of people won’t be wouldn’t have to suffer as Bhaktapur Red Cross . . . . . . . . . . . 6611661
Prime Minister Sher Baha- difficult,” he said, stressing they did. Army Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4271940
dur Deuba today said it was the need to form a common The NC president also ex-
the duty of all to protect the stance on major issues tended his best wishes and Bir Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4221988
constitution, adding that through cooperation and di- congratulations to the op- Bhaktapur Cancer Hospital . . . . . . 6611532
solution of every problem alogue among all political position for holding its gen-
could be found under the stakeholders. eral convention as per the Chirayu National Hospital. . . . . . . . 5905888
constitution. The Nepali Congress pres- spirit of democratic and Kanti Children Hospital. . . . . . . . . . 4411550
“Whether we’re in the ident also remembered the parliamentary system. “We Norvic Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4258554
government or not, it’s the days when he had spent his need everyone’s support to
duty of all political parties to time in prison with UML rise above the partisan inter- (Top) Cadres of CPN-UML participating in the 10th National General Convention of the party; Police Hospital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4412430
protect the constitution Chair KP Oli and other UML est for the development of Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba (centre) and UML Chair KP Sharma Oli observing silence Patan Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5522295
promulgated from a constit- leaders and said it was im- the country,” he said. during the inaugural session organised on the banks of the Narayani River, Chitwan, on Friday.
Om Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4476225
uent assembly and I hereby
ask UML too to show its Star Hospital, Sanepa . . . . . . . . . . . 5550197
commitment towards the
national charter. We can
find solution to every prob-
Top leaders extend best wishes on UML’s general convention Teaching Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4412505
Grande Hospital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5159266
lem through the constitu- Rastriya Samachar Samiti communist parties in the Janata Samajbadi Par- issues concerning the Mad- claimed UML Chair Oli made Dr. Iwamura Memorial Hospital . . . 6612695
tion itself,” addressing the Chitwan, November 26 country. He said, “There ty-Party Chair Upendra Yadav hes movement. As he argued, his presence feel in favour of
Tilganga Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4493775
inauguration session of should be no differing views was of the opinion that the Oli lived up to promises made the nation and people.
CPN-UML’s 10th National Top leaders of various parties among communists in regard constitution should be more in course of the Madhes “He is credited for institu- Hearse (Shav Vahan). . . . . . . . . . . . . 6612266
General Convention in Chit- have extended best wishes on with the matters of national inclusive and federalism movement. tionalising a revised political
wan today. the occasion of the 10th Na- interest and development.” should be implemented ef- Rastriya Janamorcha Chair map of Nepal incorporating
Further, the prime minis- tional General Convention of As he explained, unifica- fectively to further strengthen Chitra Bahadur KC said he areas like Lipulek and Limpi-
ter also called for coopera-
tion among all political par-
ties for the development of
the CPN-UML that kicked off
on the banks of the Narayan
River today.
tion, struggle and coopera-
tion are continued processes
in the political sphere and the
the federal democratic re-
Loktantrik Samajbadi Par-
saw no alternative to unity
among the communist par-
ties. Only unity among the
yadhura.” He further said that
the Oli-led government was
successful in bringing the
the country. “We political
parties might have differ-
ences regarding our ideolo-
Extending his best wishes,
CPN-Maoist Centre leader
Leelamani Pokhrel stressed
cooperation among the com-
munist parties is essential de-
spite differing views and mu-
ty-Nepal Chair Mahantha
Thakur thanked UML Chair
Oli for what he said latter’s
communists could serve the
interests of the nation and the
people. Rastriya Prajatantra
Madhes-based separatist
force and the rebelling Biplav
group to the mainstream pol-
gies and policies but if we
are committed to coopera-
the need of unity among the tual bitterness. maximum efforts to address Party Chair Kamal Thapa itics.
Rastriya Samachar Samiti

Weather may improve #ALLTOENDVIOLENCEAGAINSTWOMEN Surkhet, November 26

Chief Commissioner of the Commission for
the Investigation of Abuse of Authority Prem

only after some days Himalayan News Service

Kathmandu, November 26
The annual campaign
aims to strengthen aware-
ness and action to end vio-
and dependence, and by
school closures. Their un-
paid work burdens have in-
ensure continuity, adequate
resourcing and appropriately
adapted delivery of services
Kumar Rai has said that chiefs of the con-
cerned offices are key persons in controlling
Rastriya Samachar Samiti erally cloudy. Other provinces One in three women experi- lence against women. On its creased dramatically. This in- for survivors as part of essen- Inaugurating the new building of Surk-
Kathmandu, November 26 have clear weather condition, ence physical and/or sexual 30th anniversary of this an- creased vulnerability comes tial health services. The het-based office of CIAA yesterday, Rai said
she shared. violence in her lifetime, nual campaign, the WHO has at a time when the pandemic health sector has a role to that secretaries at the ministries and chiefs of
The weather that has remained Similarly, light snowfall is pre- shows WHO’s new estimates. joined the call ‘Orange the has disrupted social protec- play, with other sectors and other offices should play crucial roles in en-
partially to generally cloudy in dicted today in a couple of plac- Most of this occurs as inti- World: End Violence Against tion services, such as hot- stakeholders, in preventing suring good-governance and integrity.
majority of the parts of the coun- es in the high hilly and moun- mate partner violence. Esti- Women Now!’ “Such vio- lines, shelters and legal aid, violence against women and On the occasion, he said that the CIAA had
try for some days will continue tainous region in Gandaki Prov- mates suggest the South- girls. The health sector has a submitted its recommendations to the gov-
for some more days. ince and Province 1. East Asia Region, which also role to play in advocating for, ernment for corruption control along with
T h e we a t h e r c o n d i t i o n
formed due to the influence of
Likewise, Province 1, Bagmati
Province, Gandaki province and
includes Nepal, ranks second
highest, at around 33 per Evidence suggests that developing and implement-
ing evidence-informed poli-
the reasons of corruption and anomalies but
they were not implemented.
the local wind will improve grad-
ually, according to the Depart-
Lumbini province will have par-
tial to generally cloudy weather
According to a press re- violence against women has cies and strategies for gen-
der-based violence preven-
Rai said that complaints at CIAA against the
local levels had increased lately while adding
ment of Hydrology and Meteor-
tomorrow. Remaining provinces
will witness clear weather condi-
lease issued by the Regional
Office for South-East Asia to increased during pandemic tion and response.
Community members can
that other complaints being registered in-
clude from education, land management,
Kathmandu Valley has been tion. Chances of light snowfall mark the 16 Days of Activism also help increase awareness, forest and environment sectors.
hazy due to local wind and air are higher in high hilly and against Gender-Based Vio- stay in touch with survivors The chief commissioner also suggested
pollution. Meteorologist Manju mountainous region of Province lence which ends on Human lence only tends to increase and disrupted vital sexual in safe ways, and discreetly that frequent monitoring of the projects was
Basi shared, “The current weath- 1, Bagmati Province and Ganda- Rights Day (December 10), during emergencies and epi- and reproductive health ser- offer information and sup- needed adding that the timely completion of
er condition shows that the ki Province tomorrow. such violence has serious demics, resulting in higher vices, often the first point of port, she suggested. Accord- the projects was delayed due to poor moni-
weather will not improve imme- Meanwhile, the minimum health impacts, both imme- risks to the health and safety contact for survivors of vio- ing to data released by Wom- toring. He also asked the stakeholders show
diately.” temperature in Kathmandu Val- diate and long term, includ- of women and girls. Evidence lence,” said Dr Poonam en, Children and Senior Citi- concerns about the protection of public and
A high wind or heavy rainfall is ley today was 8.8 degrees Celsius ing injuries, sexually trans- suggests that violence Khetrapal Singh, WHO Re- zens Service Directorate of government properties.
must to clear off the hazy condi- and maximum was 20 degrees mitted infections, HIV and against women has in- gional Director for South- Nepal Police, 18,927 cases of Secretary of CIAA Toyam Raya and chief
tion. Meteorologist Basi ruled Celsius, said the Department. unplanned pregnancies as creased during the ongoing East Asia. According to Dr cases of violence against secretary of Karnali Province Government Raj
out possibilities for both condi- Jumla recorded the lowest well as mental health prob- COVID-19 pandemic. Khetrapal Singh, health poli- women and children were Kumar Shrestha, among others, expressed
tions in immediate days. Prov- temperature today at -2.8 de- lems. These place violence “Women have been dis- cymakers and managers recorded in Nepal in fiscal their opinions on good-governance and in-
ince 1, Bagmati Province, grees Celsius while Bhairahawa against women among to- proportionately affected by must strengthen the capacity 2020-21 compared to 15,830 tegrity during service delivery.
Gandaki Province and hilly re- had the highest temperature at day’s priority public health loss of livelihoods, increasing of the health system and in the previous fiscal, an in- The building was constructed in three years
gions have been partially to gen- 29.8 degrees Celsius. issues. their economic vulnerability health service providers and crease by 17.8 per cent. at the total cost of Rs 93.1 million.


US lawmakers meet Taiwan President India to tighten COVID-19

testing for tourists amid new
Tsai Ing-wen in surprise visit variant concerns
Associated Press Reuters will ban foreign travellers.
Taipei, November 26 New Delhi, November 26 Today, the UK Health Security Agency
said the new variant has a spike protein
Five US lawmakers met Tai- India issued an advisory to all states to that was dramatically different to the
wanese President Tsai Ing- rigorously test and screen international one in the original coronavirus that
wen today in a surprise one- travellers from South Africa and other COVID-19 vaccines are based on. And it
day visit intended to reaffirm “at risk” countries amid concerns over a could make existing vaccines less effec-
the United States’ “rock solid” new coronavirus variant, after easing tive.
support for the self-governing some of its travel restrictions earlier this Britain has banned flights from six Af-
island. month. rican countries, and asked returning
The bipartisan group of The federal health ministry said re- British travellers from those destina-
lawmakers from the US ports of mutations in the new variant, tions to quarantine.
House of Representatives ar- identified as B.1.1.529, had “serious India, the world’s second-worst af-
rived in Taiwan yesterday public health implications”. fected country by COVID-19, posted the
night and planned to meet “This variant is reported to have a sig- smallest rise in new cases in one-and-a-
senior leaders including Tsai, nificantly high number of mutations, half years this week, due to rising vacci-
said the American Institute in and thus, has serious public health im- nations and antibodies in a large section
Taiwan, the de facto US em- plications for the country in view of re- of its population from previous infec-
bassy. No further details were cently relaxed visa restrictions and tions. The country’s total cases of the
provided about their itiner- opening up of international travel,” coronavirus reached 34.56 million to-
ary. health secretary Rajesh Bhushan said in day. India’s daily caseload has halved
The visit comes as tensions a letter to states late yesterday. since September and the country re-
between Taiwan and China While some major Asian countries ported 10,549 new cases today.
have risen to their highest lev- rushed to tighten border controls and Earlier this month, India identified 10
el in decades. Taiwan has restrict travellers, India had not yet is- countries “at risk” that includes Europe,
been self-ruled since the two sued a notification, a senior government Britain, China, South Africa, and New
sides split during a civil war in source said. “This has not been studied Zealand, among others and has opened
1949, but China considers the fully by the Ministry of Health,” the its borders to 99 countries overall.
island part of its own territory. source told Reuters, declining to be Indian shares tumbled more than 2%
China was quick to con- identified in line with policy. today, as investors fled risky assets pan-
demn the trip when news first The federal health and foreign minis- icking over the impact of the new vari-
broke yesterday night. tries did not respond to a Reuters re- ant. The losses were in line with steep
“When news of our trip quest for comment on whether India falls seen in markets across Asia.
broke yesterday, my office re-
ceived a blunt message from
the Chinese Embassy, telling
me to call off the trip,” Repre-
sentative Elissa Slotkin, a
India, Russia, China concerned
Michigan Democrat who is
part of the delegation, wrote
on Twitter. In this photo released by the Taiwan Presidential Office, US Representative Mark Takano (left) being greeted by Taiwanese
President Tsai Ing-wen at the Presidential Office in Taipei, on Friday.
about Afghan humanitarian crisis
In Beijing, Chinese Foreign Reuters tance to be provided to Afghanistan,”
Ministry spokesperson Zhao New Delhi, November 26 said a joint statement released following
Lijian condemned the visit, Takano, D-Calif., Colin Allred, between us have deepened.” The visit is the third by US enough. a virtual meeting between India’s S Jais-
calling it a violation of the D-Texas., Sara Jacobs, D-Ca- Tsai, who welcomed the lawmakers to Taiwan this year The Biden administration The foreign ministers of India, Russia hankar, Russia’s Sergey Lavrov and Chi-
“one-China principle” under lif., and Nancy Mace, R-S.C., lawmakers at the Presidential and comes just a few weeks has also invited Taiwan to a and China expressed concern today at na’s Wang Yi.
which Taiwan is considered are also part of the delegation. Office in Taipei, noted the two after a group of six Republi- Summit for Democracy next the deteriorating humanitarian situa- The statement called on the Taliban to
part of China. “That individu- “We are here in Taiwan this sides’ cooperation in veter- can members of Congress vis- month, a move that drew a tion in Afghanistan and the spread of respect the results of United Nations
al US politicians wantonly week to remind our partners ans’ affairs, economic issues ited the island. That delega- sharp rebuke from China. drug trafficking in the country. resolutions on Afghanistan and the cen-
challenge the one-China and allies, after two trying and trade while reiterating tion met President Tsai, Na- In the Solomon Islands this Afghanistan has been plunged into tral role of the UN in the country.
principle and embolden the years that we’ve endured, that the island’s close alignment tional Security Secretary Gen- week, anti-government riot- crisis by the abrupt end of billions of The three countries also pledged to do
‘Taiwan independence’ forces our commitment and shared with the US. eral Wellington Koo and For- ers held protests and looted dollars in foreign assistance, following more to combat drug smuggling in the
has aroused the strong indig- responsibility for a free and “Taiwan will continue to eign Minister Joseph Wu, parts of the capital city in part the collapse of the Western-backed gov- region.
nation of 1.4 billion Chinese secure Indo-Pacific region re- step up cooperation with the among others. over complaints about a 2019 ernment and return to power of the Tali- “The spread of illicit drug trafficking
people,” Zhao said. He added main stronger than ever,” United States in order to up- In June, three members of decision to switch diplomatic ban in August. in opiates and methamphetamine from
that unification of Taiwan and Takano said. Takano added hold our shared values of Congress flew to Taiwan to recognition from Taiwan to “Expressing concern over deteriorat- Afghanistan and beyond... poses a seri-
China is an “unstoppable his- that the US relationship with freedom and democracy and donate badly needed vac- China. China has been on a ing humanitarian situation in Afghani- ous threat to regional security and sta-
torical trend.” Taiwan is “rock solid and has to ensure peace and stability cines at a time when the is- campaign to poach Taiwan’s stan, the Ministers called for immediate bility and provides funding for terrorist
Representatives Mark remained steadfast as the ties in the region,” Tsai said. land was struggling to get remaining diplomatic allies. and unhindered humanitarian assis- organisations,” the statement added.


World takes action as new variant emerges in southern Africa

What is this new
coronavirus variant?
Botswana detected four cas- others are not well understood,
Johannesburg/London, es, all foreigners who arrived so its full significance is not yet
November 26 on a diplomatic mission and clear.
have since left the country. UK Health Security Agency
Global authorities have react- Hong Kong has one case, in a Chief Medical Advisor Dr Su-
ed with alarm to a coronavirus traveller from South Africa and san Hopkins told BBC radio
variant detected in South Afri- Israel one in a traveller return- some mutations had not been
ca, with the EU, Britain and In- ing from Malawi. seen before, so it was not
dia among those announcing The variant is relatively easy known how they would inter-
stricter border controls as sci- to distinguish in PCR tests act with the other ones, mak-
entists seek to determine if the from Delta, the dominant ing it the most complex variant
mutation is vaccine-resistant. COVID-19 variant and the seen so far. So more tests will
Where and when was new most infectious so far. Unlike be needed to confirm if it’s
variant found? Delta, it has a mutation known more transmissible, infectious
South African scientists de- as the S-gene drop-out. or can evade vaccines.
tected a small number of the Why is it worrying The work will take a few
variant - called B.1.1.529 - on scientists? weeks, the World Health Or-
Tuesday, in samples from Nov. All viruses - including SARS- ganisation’s technical lead on
14-16. CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, Maria van Kerk-
On Wednesday South Afri- COVID-19 - change over time. hove, said yesterday. In the
can scientists sequenced more meantime, vaccines remain a
genomes, informed the gov- critical tool to contain the vi-
ernment that they were con- s%80,!).%2 rus.
cerned and asked the World No unusual symptoms have
Health Organisation to con- Most changes have little or no been reported following infec-
vene its technical working impact on their properties. tion with the B.1.1.529 variant
group on virus evolution for However, some changes and, as with other variants
today. may affect how easily they some individuals are asympto-
The country has identified spread, their severity or the matic, South Africa’s NICD
around 100 cases of the vari- performance of vaccines said.
People wearing masks on an escalator at a shopping mall in Johannesburg, on Friday. Advisers to the World Health Organisation are ant, mostly from its most pop- against them. This one has What has the World Health
holding a special session on Friday to flesh out information about a worrying new COVID-19 variant that has emerged in South Africa. ulated province, Gauteng. drawn scrutiny because it has Organisation said?
Where else has it been more than 30 mutations of the The UN agency will decide if
Associated Press variant could be even more con- into their exact vaccination sta- Airlines shares were ham- identified? spike protein that viruses use it should be designated a vari-
Brussels, November 26 tagious than the current pre- tus. mered, with Lufthansa off 12.4%, South African scientists say to get into human cells, UK ant of interest or variant of
dominant one and could bypass The new variant immediately IAG, parent of British Airways early signs from diagnostic lab- health officials say. concern. The latter label would
A slew of nations moved to stop the effectiveness of the vaccina- infected stock markets around and Iberia, off 14.4%, Air France- oratories suggest it has spread That is about double the be applied if there is evidence
air travel from southern Africa tion campaigns. the world. Major indexes fell in KLM down 8.9% and easyJet fall- rapidly in Gauteng and may al- number of Delta, and makes that it is more contagious and
today, and stocks plunged in Asia “Early indications show this Europe and Asia and Dow Jones ing 10.9% ready be present in the coun- this variant substantially dif- vaccines work less well against
and Europe in reaction to news variant may be more transmissi- futures dipped 800 points ahead The World Health Organisa- try’s other eight provinces. ferent from the original coro- it, and it would be given a
of a new, potentially more trans- ble than the delta variant and of the market opening in the US. tion cautioned not to jump to The country’s daily infection navirus that current COVID Greek name.
missible COVID-19 variant. current vaccines may be less ef- “Investors are likely to shoot conclusions too fast. rate nearly doubled yesterday vaccines were designed to The WHO has so far identi-
“The last thing we need is to fective against it,” British Health first and ask questions later until Speaking before the EU an- to 2,465. The South Africa’s Na- counteract. fied four variants “of concern” -
bring in a new variant that will Secretary Sajid Javid told law- more is known,” said Jeffrey Hal- nouncement, Dr. Michael Ryan, tional Institute for Communi- South African scientists say Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Del-
cause even more problems,” said makers. “We must move quickly ley of foreign exchange broker the head of emergencies at the cable Diseases (NICD) did not some of the mutations are as- ta. Two variants of interest are
German Health Minister Jens and at the earliest possible mo- Oanda. WHO said that “it’s really impor- attribute the resurgence to the sociated with resistance to Lambda, identified in Peru in
Spahn, amid a massive spike in ment,” he said. Oil prices plunged, with US tant that there are no knee-jerk new variant, though local sci- neutralising antibodies and December 2020, and Mu, in
cases in the 27-nation European Israel, one of the world’s most crude off 6.7% at $73.22 per bar- responses.” entists suspect it is the cause. enhanced transmissibility, but Colombia in January.
Union. vaccinated countries, an- rel and the international Brent “We’ve seen in the past, the
Within a few days of the dis- nounced today that it has detect- benchmark off 5.6% at $77.64, minute there’s any kind of men-
covery of the new variant, it has ed the country’s first case of the both unusually large moves for a tion of any kind of variation and banning flights from South Afri- Germany said its flight ban tine for 14 days whether they are
already impacted on a jittery so- new variant in a traveller who re- single day. everyone is closing borders and ca and five other southern Afri- could be enacted as soon as to- vaccinated or not.
ciety that is sensitive to bad COV- turned from Malawi. The travel- The pandemic caused oil pric- restricting travel. It’s really im- can countries effective at noon day night. Spahn said airlines Germany has seen new record
ID-19 news, with deaths around ler and two other suspected cas- es to plunge during the initial portant that we remain open, today, and that anyone who had coming back from South Africa daily case numbers in recent
the globe standing at well over 5 es have been placed in isolation. outbreak of the pandemic in and stay focused,” Ryan said. recently arrived from those will only be able to transport days and passed the mark of
million. It said all three are vaccinated 2020 because travel restrictions It quickly fell on deaf ears. countries would be asked to take German citizens home, and trav- 100,000 deaths from COVID-19
There are fears that the new but that it is currently looking reduced demand for fuel. The UK announced that it was a coronavirus test. ellers will need to go into quaran- yesterday.

Protesters break into Lebanese France lashes out

at Britain’s latest
ministry as crisis deepens proposal on
Associated Press
Beirut, November 26
A small group of protesters Associated Press
broke into a ministry build-
ing in Beirut early today and
removed a photo of the pres-
resign over political Calais, November 26
France reacted with fury today to Brit-
ident from one of its main
rooms, as the Lebanese
pound hit new lows amid a
interference, low pay ain’s latest proposals for dealing with
the deadly flow of migrants between
their shores as the war of words be-
worsening economic and Reuters Higher Judicial Council, tween the two countries over the dan-
political stalemate. Beirut, November 26 which went to a judge gerous crossings across the English
The nearly dozen protest- seen as close to the parlia- Channel ramped up further.
ers who entered the Ministry Three senior Lebanese fe- mentary speaker. In a public letter to French Presi-
of Social Affairs said condi- male judges have ten- Judge Jeanette Hanna, dent Emmanuel Macron, British
tions in the crisis-hit country dered their resignations who has resigned from Prime Minister Boris Johnson laid out
have become unbearable as in protest at political in- Beirut’s Appeals Court, a series of proposals of how the two
a result of the rapid econom- terference and the col- declined to comment countries can deal with the crisis, fol-
ic collapse and ongoing lapse in the value of their while Carla Kassis, who lowing the sinking of a boat on
crash of the pound, which pay as a financial and po- stepped down from the Wednesday that saw 27 people die.
reached 25,100 to the US dol- litical crisis rages. Court of Cassation, could The letter, which was made public
lar. The previous record was A political system not be reached for com- People attending the 95th Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in Manhattan, New York City, on Thursday. on social media, was deemed “unac-
25,000. based on sectarian bal- ment. The resignations ceptable” by French government
Prices have been skyrock- ance and patronage has have not yet been accept- spokesman Gabriel Attal. As a result,
eting in recent weeks as the
government lifted subsidies
on fuel and some medicines,
making them out of reach of
led to decades of eco-
nomic mismanagement
and corruption, and has
undermined a legal sys-
ed by the Judicial Council
because the judges are
“exceptional members of
the judiciary”, a Council
Survivor found in coal mine accident he said Britain’s Home Secretary Priti
Patel was no longer welcome at a Eu-
ropean meeting on Sunday to discuss
the problem. “We are sick of dou-
many in Lebanon. Some
three quarters of the popula-
tion of six million, including
a million Syrian refugees,
tem where many judges
are appointed for their
loyalty rather than effec-
tiveness. There is dramat-
spokesperson said.
Hanna recently issued
a ruling that rejected at-
tempts by former minis-
in Siberia; dozens presumed dead ble-speak,” Attal said.
Among his recommendations,
Johnson asked that France take back
all migrants who cross illegally from
now live in poverty. ic evidence of this in a ters charged over the ex- Associated Press mote section of the mine. Six more the safety of the country’s 58 coal its shores to Britain.
The minimum monthly campaign by politicians plosion to remove the Moscow, November 26 bodies were recovered today mines and declared 20 of them Attal dismissed the idea as “clearly
wage is now worth about to hobble a judicial in- judge heading the inquiry. morning, and 31 people remain potentially unsafe. Media reports not what we need to solve this prob-
$27. quiry into last year’s cata- She was then targeted Rescuers have found a survivor in missing. Gov. Tsivilyov said finding say the Listvyazhnaya mine wasn’t lem.” He said the letter “doesn’t corre-
Protesters have blamed strophic Beirut port blast. with a lawsuit seeking her a Siberian coal mine where dozens other survivors at this point was among them, however in 2004 a spond at all” with discussions that
the ministry for sluggishness “This is a wake-up call removal from the case. of miners are presumed dead after highly unlikely. methane explosion in the mine Johnson and Macron had Wednesday
in issuing ration cards that about everything that is The spokesperson also a devastating methane explosion, Hours after a methane gas ex- killed 13 people. after the tragedy.
are supposed to give poor going wrong: the living confirmed that a fourth a top local official announced to- plosion and fire filled the mine Russia’s top independent news Johnson also set out proposals for
families monthly financial conditions, the political judge, Ziad Mkanna, had day. with toxic fumes yesterday, rescu- site, Meduza, reported that this British border officials to begin pa-
aid. intervention - basically resigned about a month Sergei Tsivilyov, governor of the ers were forced to halt the search year authorities suspended the trols on the beaches of northern
The protesters broke into the country is falling ago. Mkanna had investi- Kemerovo region where the mine because of a buildup of methane work of certain sections of the France as early as next week — some-
the meeting room at the apart,” Rola Husseini, gated malpractice allega- is located, said on the messaging and carbon monoxide gas from mine nine times. thing Paris has long resisted. He also
ministr y and turned a who quit as head of Bei- tions against Central app Telegram that the survivor the fire. A total of 239 people were Inspections of the mine carried recommended joint or reciprocal
framed picture of President rut’s Criminal Court of Bank Governor Riad was found in the Listvyazhnaya rescued from the mine; 63 of out in April found over 100 viola- maritime patrols in each other’s terri-
Michel Aoun upside down Appeal, told Reuters. Salameh. Justice Minister mine in southwestern Siberia, and them, as of today morning, have tions, including breaches of fire torial waters and airborne surveil-
before removing it. Husseini was recently Henry Khoury did not im- “he is being taken to the hospital.” sought medical assistance, ac- safety rules. lance by manned flights and drones.
They replaced it with a passed up for a position at mediately respond to a Acting Emergency Minister Al- cording to Kemerovo officials. Law enforcement officials also British Transport Secretary Grant
banner in Arabic that read the top judicial body, the request for comment. exander Chupriyan said the man Authorities have put the death said today that miners had com- Shapps said Johnson had made the
“revolutionaries of October found in the mine was rescuer Al- toll at 52 yesterday evening, saying plained about the high level of proposals in “good faith” and urged
17.” exander Zakovryashin who had that there was no chance of find- methane in the mine. the French to reconsider their deci-
The protesters were refer- reforms,” shouted one of the The Cabinet, formed in been presumed dead. “I can con- ing any more survivors. Rescuing a Regional officials have declared sion. “I don’t think there is anything
ring to the start of nation- protesters before leaving the September after a 13-month sider it a miracle,” Chupriyan said. survivor today morning brings three days of mourning. Russia’s inflammatory to ask for close co-op-
wide protests on Oct. 17, building following police in- vacuum, has not met in more Zakovryashin was conscious that down to 51. Investigative Committee has eration with our nearest neighbours,”
2019 against the country’s tervention. “We have hit rock than six weeks amid deep di- when rescuers found him and has It appears to be the deadliest launched a criminal probe into he told BBC radio. “The proposal was
ruling class. bottom. Things cannot get visions between rival groups been hospitalised with carbon mine accident in Russia since the fire over violations of safety made in good faith. I can assure our
They are blamed for dec- worse.” over the judge leading the in- monoxide poisoning of moderate 2010, when two methane explo- regulations that led to deaths. It French friends of that and I hope that
ades of corruption and mis- The crisis has been made vestigation into the port ex- severity, according to emergency sions and a fire killed 91 people at said the mine director and two they will reconsider meeting up to
management that threw the worse by the coronavirus plosion. officials. the Raspadskaya mine in the same senior managers were detained. discuss it.”
small nation into its worst and the Aug. 4, 2020 port Comments by a Cabinet The authorities had confirmed Kemerovo region. In 2016, 36 min- One more criminal probe was The French move marks a sharp de-
economic and financial cri- blast that killed 216, minister that triggered a dip- 14 fatalities yesterday — 11 miners ers were killed in a series of meth- launched today into the alleged terioration in relations between the
sis in its modern history. wounded more than 6,000 lomatic row with oil-rich gulf were found dead and three rescu- ane explosions in a coal mine in negligence of state officials that two countries which have for weeks
“Those who usurped pub- and destroyed part of the nations has added to the ac- ers died later while searching for Russia’s far north. In the wake of inspected the mine earlier this become increasingly strained by the
lic money cannot conduct capital. rimony. others who were trapped at a re- the incident, authorities analysed month. migrant crisis in the Channel.

The Himalayan ON S A T U R D A Y

Simple yet effective
omance, comedy, horror —
everything from fun to fear

exploration of
is on the cards this weekend
as part of your favourite
OTT streaming extravaganza.

A Castle for
Cast: Brooke Shields, Cary Elwes,
Raju Upreti
Vanessa Grasse, Suanne Braun, Lee Kathmandu
Ross, Mark Fleischmann, Andi

Osho, Drew Barrymore, Eilidh Loan, epali theatre has often
Stephen Oswald times advocated and
Director: Mary Lamber expressed in opposition
Screening platform: Netflix to the social stigma
Release date: November 26 which has been crip-
pling our society, community and
To escape a scandal, a bestselling nation as a whole. The ongoing
author journeys to Scotland, where theatrical production of One World
she falls in love with a castle — and Theatre with support from the Amer-
faces off with the grumpy duke ican Embassy — Stop Kiss — has con-
who owns it. The romantic comedy tinued in that tradition.
film is expected to offer a refreshing Penned by the Asian-American
take on love. playwright Diana Son, Stop Kiss, ef-
fectively explores the issues of LGB-

TIQ rights and violence against

women via its simple execution.
The play, that began staging on
November 25 at Shilpee Theatre,
Battisputali, marking the Interna- The characters are the life of this
tional Day for the Elimination of Vio- play — Bhattarai and Gautam nail
lence against Women and the start of their characters with their expres-
the United Nation’s 16 days of the ac- sions, and their precise dialogue de-
tivism against Gender Based Vio- livery makes the affair seem real.
Chhorii lence (GBV). In terms of dialogue timing, it’s well-
Set in the nineties in New York, the balanced and co-ordinates well.
Cast: Nushrratt Bharuccha, Mita play is about two young women Cal- Likewise, Gaurav Bista as George,
Vasisht, Rajesh Jais, Saurabh Goyal lie (Ranjana Bhattarai) and Sara Tuladhar as Mrs Winsley, Sushrut
Director: Vishal Furia (Samapika Gautam). Callie is a radio Acharya as Detective Cole, Anahita
Streaming platform: Amazon traffic reporter, and Sara, a midwest- Sarabhai as a nurse , and Bruno De-
Prime Video erner who, against her parents’ wish- ceukelier as Peter, too deliver an ex-
Release date: November 26 es, has moved to the city to teach ceptional performance.
third-grade students in the Bronx. The story unfolds in a chronologi-
Chhorii is an official remake of When the duo meets they talk about cal order — alternating scenes take
Vishal Furia’s 2017 Marathi movie their boyfriends, lives, profession place respectively before and after
Lapachhap. It depicts the story of an and other casual things. Soon they the incident and all this is done with
eight-month pregnant Sakshi, who create a strong bond with each other care making the scenes flow swiftly
needs to save her unborn child from and have an unspoken attraction for and each scene is engaging.
the evil within society. each other. In this happy scene of In the coordination aspects, the
theirs come a moment which chang- directors have done a commendable logues contain some abusive lan-

es their life entirely. They meet a trag- job as there is an accurate organisa- guage, it flows as per the scenes and
ic consequence in an incident — tion of props and sets in each scene is justified.
a gay bashing, as they for the first break. There are two different sets — In terms of sounds and lights, they
time kiss and share the joyous mo- an apartment and a hospital room. interplay well.
ment of their lives. Though the scene break time may The play successfully points out
Directed by Loonibha Tuladhar seem long, it draws a curiosity the much-needed idea that it’s not
Photos: Naresh Shrestha /THT
and co-directed by Kavita Srinivasan, among the audience about what will just the deprived and marginalised
the play masterfully depicts the idea happen next. And the set design women who get suffer from GBV, but developed world or the developin upon the issue related to violence
of the playwright through its well- looks realistic. gives a clear insight on how women nations. The play reflects this against women.
crafted scenes, movements, actors’ The projected video of brutal from all nations, cultures, and creed through the plight of independent, The play is being staged on Novem-
expressions and well-designed tech- scenes and building shapes looks remain victims of violence, irrespec- modern, educated and strong wom- ber 27, 28, and December 1, 2, 3, and 4
nicalities including projected screen promising and adds more value to tive of their socio-economic back- en like Callie and Sara at 5:30 pm with additional shows on
Dil Bekarar and animated videos. the play. Meanwhile, though the dia- ground, or whether they live in the The play also makes you ponder Saturdays at 1:30 pm.

Cast: Akshay Oberoi, Sahher

Bambba, Raj Babbar, Poonam

Master of flavours
Dhillon, Sukhmani
Director: Habib Faisal
Streaming platform: Disney +
Release date: November 26

Based on the novel Those Pricey

Thakur Girls by Anuja Chauhan, the Thakur’s journey as an Executive Kathmandu is a reputed five-star ho- “However, enjoying any food is not
show takes you to the 80s. It is set in Chef continued at the Taj Usha tel and I am very excited to be a part just about taste but includes other
colonial Delhi, struggling to shed Kiran Palace, Gwalior from 2007 to of it,” shared Thakur, who “specialis- sensory processes too like viewing,
the past, excitedly looking forward 2012. He also worked as an Executive es in European cuisine”. But he is smelling, feeling the textures before
to a liberalised future. The light- Chef at different other places from “equally good at preparing Indian finally munching it. Hence, I will be
hearted drama series unravels the 2007 — Taj Hotels in India and Sri and Asian cuisines, among others”. taking care of every nuance related to
day-to-day life of the Thakur family Lanka — and continued till 2016. He As he shared about his culinary ex- the culinary art as part of my job and
as they battle their ideological con- worked as an Executive Chef at Mov- pertise, Thakur also talked about the offer the best customer service.”
flicts in the times of telegrams, tele- enpick Hotels and Resort in Saudi food culture in the West and the East: Thakur, who had been providing
phones, and Gold Spot. Arabia “for five years, until last year” “The Europeans mostly eat small different types of “culinary training
as per Thakur. amounts of food at each meal, which programmes in India and abroad”,

His career journey shows he had is just the opposite of the people of also wishes to do the same here
been working as an Executive Chef in the other hemisphere. However, food which includes “charitable culinary
different places at the same time. is also related to one’s culture and training for women and children for
How difficult (or easy) was it to juggle there are many dimensions to it.” their empowerment”.
multiple jobs at the same time? Interestingly, Thakur who has al- According to Thakur, the team he
“The fun of following my passion ready tried a few Nepali dishes like is currently working with at the
Prasanna Pandey industry after completing his school- for food kept me going with ease,” daal-bhaat-tarkaari and sekuwa Radisson is cooperative and he
Kathmandu ing — he joined the Indian Institute said Thakur as the passionate chef among others, shared that he has al- hopes to do “progressive things —
of Business Management (IIBM) elaborated, “The feeling of fulfilling ways been in favour of promoting lo- develop and promote local food as

orking as an executive from where he completed his Diplo- my childhood dream of becoming a cal cuisines wherever he has been well as carry out training and other
French Exit chef in five-star hotels is
a daunting task due to
ma in Hotel Management in 1995.
To further his career in the hospi-
chef has kept me going all these years
despite carrying the heavy responsi-
and “will do the same in Nepal too”.
Sharing about his familiarity with
programmes in culinary art for the
locals — in Nepal’s hospitality sector
Cast: Michelle Pfeiffer, Lucas Hedg- the responsibilities that tality sector, Thakur joined The Ober- bilities as Executive Chef for more Nepali cuisine, Thakur explained, together with them.”
es, Tracy Letts, Valerie Mahaffey, come with the position. Yet Sunal oi, Bengaluru as a junior chef in 1995 than a decade”. “We had lots of Nepali staff at the Equally excited is Thakur about his
Susan Coyne, Imogen Poots, Thakur, the newly appointed Execu- and worked there for two years. In He also said that getting to know Taj Usha Kiran Palace, and there were first ever visit to Nepal and is looking
Danielle Macdonald, et cetera tive Chef at Radisson Hotel Kath- 1997, he joined the Grand Kakatiya about a wide variety of food from more than 40 per cent Nepali staff forward “to explore the country’s
Director: Azazel Jacobs mandu, enjoys this the most — being Hotel in Hyderabad as a junior chef around the world, travelling to plac- at the Movenpick Hotels and Resort food and culture”.
Streaming platform: BookMyShow a chef and the responsibility that and worked there until 2000. es, meeting people and learning in Saudi Arabia. My friendship with He plans to visit “the beautiful Luk-
Stream comes with it. “After amassing the necessary about different cultures “are some of Nepalis at different times helped la airport in Solukhumbu” with his
Release date: November 26 Born on January 6, 1971 in Kolkata, skills like coordinating with food the best parts of my job, which I like me know more about Nepal, the cul- wife and daughter “who will be visit-
India, Thakur had always been “very preparation, overseeing food quality, very much”. ture, and obviously the food, which I ing next year”.
A socialite is decamping from fond of food since childhood and al- maintaining kitchen hygiene, team As such he has never felt pressure am fond of.” Asked if the ongoing COVID-19
Manhattan to Paris to live out ways had a desire to become a chef”. management, et cetera, I joined a lux- being a chef “as I enjoy playing with When asked about his plans as pandemic has been a problem,
her days after her dead husband’s “Food has been an integral part of ury hotel in Dar es Salaam — the food and flavours”. the Executive Chef at Radisson, Thakur said, “Things have improved
fortune runs out. She cashes out my life since childhood as I have al- largest city of Tanzania — as a Sous And now Kathmandu food lovers Thakur shared that he would be con- this year as compared to last when
whatever is left and goes with her ways loved food and enjoyed cooking Chef and worked there until 2002. will get to see his love for food as tinuing what he has long been doing businesses across the world got shut
son and her cat, who happens to be at home,” he shared. In 2004, I returned to India and Thakur is here to begin a new chap- throughout his career — “offering down and even the supply of raw ma-
the embodiment of her long-dead In order to fulfil his childhood joined the Holiday Inn, Tamil Nadu ter in his career with the Radisson high quality cuisine to the guests terials required was disrupted. The
partner. dream of becoming a chef someday, as its Executive Chef and worked Hotel Kathmandu as its Executive and satisfying their taste buds to business is slowly taking off and we
Thakur pursued a career in the food there for four years.” Chef permanently. “Radisson Hotel the maximum”. hope for better days ahead.”


Undergrad student
)SRAELHOLDS wins online K-Culture
.EPALSFIRST EVER video contest Courtesy: Embassy of Republic of Korea

Koirala, an under-
g ra d u a t e s t u d e n t
from Lalitpur, was declared
were selected. The contest-
ants had to create 2-4-min-
ute videos related to Korea
or Korean culture, how they
dividual gift hampers.
The Korean Embassy be-
lieves that these kinds of
event promote cultural ex-
c h a n g e s f u r t h e r m o re
strengthening the relation-
ship between the two
countries. — HNS
the winner of the ‘K-Culture came to know about Korea.
Courtesy: Embassy of Israel
Online Video Contest’ or- The second place was

ATHMANDU: The person wishing to enjoy want to learn about any na- side of the movie but will ganised by Embassy of the shared by two persons —
13th Israeli Film
Festival is under-
films with family in their
won safe capsule,” the press
tion’s culture and tradition,
we should watch their films
also relate to the cultural as-
pects of Israel, the Human
Republic of Korea at an
award ceremony held on
Sharia Ali and Riya Dhungel,
each winning a cash prize of s9/52,5#+
way, and what’s ex- statement says. … I believe this film festival emotions of Israel.” November 25, as per a press Rs 15,000. Four persons
citing about this edition is Welcoming all to the film will be a milestone, in shar- Four films from Israel will statement from the South placed third — Team Prince, HAPPY BIRTHDAY: You are friendly, positive and very perceptive.
that it is the first-ever drive- festival, the statement ing and promoting each be screened at the festival. Korean Embassy. Swati Tamrakar, Agnesh You also have a focussed, aggressive behaviour when you want to
in film show in Nepal. quotes Ambassador of Israel other’s culture, language These are Golden Voices and Koirala lists facts about Lama and LasataTuladhar display it. You are always alert and curious about everything. This
year is a time of learning for you, and for some, a year of teaching
According to a press state- Hanan Goder as saying, and values.” Laces on November 26 at Korea and learning through — winning a cash prize of Rs
as well. Make time for some solitude for yourself, because this will
ment issued by the Israeli “Culture is the spirit of our He also extended an invi- 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm re- K-Vlogs. She compares Ko- 6,000 each. The fourth place
be helpful to you.
Embassy, the inaugural cer- nations. It is right for Israel, tation to “Israeli film pro- spectively, and A Place in rean and Nepali cultures. was shared by Niraj Gurung,
emony was held on Novem- Nepal or any other nation. ducers and investors to Heaven (5:00 pm) and The talks about the Hallyu Wave, Sheetal Maharjan, Summi Moon Alert: There are no restrictions to shopping or important deci-
ber 25 at Hotel Soaltee with We are so proud to share come to Nepal and capture Unorthodox (7:00 pm) on and how Korea is ending Gurung, Saru Gurung and sions today. The Moon is in Virgo.
a special screening of A Fish today this story on foreign our nation’s amazing beauty November 27. some stereotypes. Phazehaze, who all won Rs ARIES (March 21-April 19): Today you have to put
Tale directed by Emma- workers and the challenges in your films”. The first-ever drive-in She won a cash prize of Rs 4,000 each. Two special priz- duty before pleasure. Not only do you have to take
nuelle Mayer. in Israel.” Superstar Rajesh Hamal, film festival to be held in Ne- 25,000 which was handed es were given to two partici- care of errands to support yourself, you also might
The press statement The event’s chief guest who was the special guest, is pal is open to the public over by South Korean Am- pants who made their “vide- have to perform a service for someone else. It is what
notes that though the drive- Minister for Culture, Tour- quoted to have said, “Cine- from November 26 to 27. bassador Park Chong Suk. os in the Korean language it is. As Popeye would say, “I yam what I yam.”
in film concept is not new, ism and Civil Aviation Prem ma has an ability to build Entry is free, but to secure a According to the state- sharing experiences of Ko- Tonight: Protect your pet. ✹✹✹
such a screening is being Bahadur, who was “very ex- cultural ties, a soft diploma- parking place at the drive- ment, in the contest on the rea while in Korea” — Shar-
held for the first time in Ne- cited to experience the cy of bringing people to- in, interested viewers will be theme ‘What I love about ad Maharjan and Ananda TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Today the Moon is in
pal. The reason being the ‘drive-in’ concept”, was also gether. I hope that the Ne- required to register via Hotel Korea’ held from October Limbu, who won a cash your fellow Earth sign Virgo, which supports your
COVID-19 pandemic. quoted as saying, “Art has pali population will not only Soaltee website (www.soal- 4-28, a total of 22 videos had prize of Rs 5,500 each. The sign. Feel free to be who you really are. Romance
“Drive-in film shows allow a universal language. If we enjoy the entertainment — HNS been sent in out of which 14 winners were also given in- is favoured along with social outings and playful
activities with kids. Enjoy sports events. Tonight: Be
mindful of kids. ✹✹✹✹✹

POTPOURRI GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Today you will prefer to

cocoon at home and enjoy your own privacy. You
might be involved with a family member, perhaps a
female. Enjoy your own privacy and the comfort of
BLONDIE Dean Young and Denis Lebrun DENNIS Hank Ketcham familiar surroundings. You deserve this. Tonight: Sur-
prise at home. ✹✹✹
CANCER (June 21-July 22): Conversations with
others are important to you today, which is why you
want to avoid polite chitchat. You want to get down
to the nitty-gritty and have a “gut level” conversation
with someone. You want people to tell it like it is.
Tonight: Pay attention. ✹✹
LEO (July 23-Aug 22): Today you identify with your
possessions, which is why you might have a strong
attachment for something or you might not want to
let someone borrow something or use what you own.
You also might give more thought to your values in
life. What really matters? Tonight: Guard your possessions. ✹✹✹
VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22): Today the Moon is in your
sign. It’s in your sign for two days every month, and
when this occurs, although it heightens your emo-
tions, it slightly boosts your good luck. It’s a tiny
HAGAR Chris Browne boost, but hey, we can use all the luck we can get!
Ask the universe for a favour. Tonight: Interruptions. ✹✹✹✹✹
LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22): Solitude in beautiful sur-
roundings will please you today, especially with good
food and drink to make things pleasant and comfort-
able. Even though you’re a social sign, today you feel
less like socialising. Tonight: You might explore mysti-
cal or spiritual disciplines. ✹✹✹
SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21): Your emotional contact
with friends is important today. Likewise, you might
be emotionally invested in your contact with a group
or a club. This influence will tend to make you feel
protective and supportive of others. (You might even
be jealous if ignored.) Tonight: Someone will surprise you. ✹✹✹
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): For various reasons,
your most intimate and personal life might be on
HOCUS FOCUS Henry Boltinoff public display more than usual today. You won’t be
BEETLE BAILEY Mort Walker able to hide certain facts about yourself. Be aware of
this in case you have to do some damage control.
Look for ways to help someone by using your influence or clout.
Tonight: Be polite. ✹✹✹
CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): Today you have a strong
urge to get away from it all. You want to do something
different, like hop on a jet and go someplace exciting!
If possible, take a day trip somewhere. Go someplace
you’ve never been before. Study and learn something
new. Tonight: Cancellations. ✹✹✹✹
AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): Don’t be alarmed if your
emotional experiences are much more intense than
usual today — it’s just what’s happening. Be aware
of this and be more patient and learn how to temper
your reactions to others. (You don’t need to be in
someone else’s face.) Tonight: Check your finances. ✹✹✹
PISCES (Feb 19-March 20): Today you will turn your
BEAU PEEP Andrew Christine and Roger Kettle attention to your most personal relationships —
close friends, spouses and partners. Obviously, these
people are more important to you. Because of your
heightened feelings, it follows that these conflicts
with others also will be more emotional. Guard against knee-jerk
reactions. Tonight: Stay mellow. ✹✹

Born today: Actor Jaleel White (1976), actress Elizabeth Marvel (1969),
actress Alison Pill (1985) By Georgia Nichols
The Stars Show the Kind of Day You’ll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult

QUICK CLUES vous child (5) - 25 Jan van der ____ : Down: 2 Fan given article featuring (3) - 15 Moved unit is unmoved (2,4)
Himalayan Double Crossword — 8413 Across: 1 Inconsistency (11) - 9 ___
famous Dutch artist ? (4) - 26 Egyp- operatic comedienne (5) - 3 Firm - 19 At least three times how impor-
tian goddess (4) - 27 Coal dust; an- way to bring a charge (4) - 4 Only a tant one is to be there (4,3) - 20
tribes: tribes like gypsies who refuse
thracite coal of poor quality (4). little darn (4) - 5 Dining in it is part of Where our army personnel are
to settle down at one place ? (7) - 10
the domestic scene (4) - 6 She sets a trained and somewhat differently too
Clip or cut (5) - 11 Monetary unit of CRYPTIC CLUES nation in turmoil (7) - 7 Find riding
Vietnam (3) - 13 Wading bird (4) - 16 ! (3) - 24 Writer of no substance (5) -
Across: 1 That is fixed up with some gear and Robert’s odds and ends
Let __ __ : tell ? (2,2) - 17 Dotes 25 Mock like a clown when a man of
(4,3,4) - 8 Programme to bring
upon; loves excessively (6) - 18 sort of a brace and is rudimentary god is thrown out (4) - 26 Rounded
broadcasting home to you? (4,4,3) -
Dines or lunches ? (4) - 20 A small (11) - 9 Employs a little knowledge mass of world-without-end (4) - 27
12 Extremely clever somewhat in
hand-pushed cart for infants (4) - 21 first and pours in (7) - 10 Go one bet-
part (4,2) - 14 What a blow back- Uncouth character having nothing -
Occult theosophy (6) - 22 Belonging ter than unelected party (5) - 11 Edge
wards and forwards this can deliver! nothing right i.e. (4).
to you (4) - 23 Heavy blow; thrash (4) towards the end of the song (3) - 13
- 25 ‘Me’ in French (3) - 28 Gentle Settle in the constituency (4) - 16 A SOLUTION FOR 8412
poke (5) - 29 Mix up or sift through ? no-nonsense start can be made
(7) - 30 Renewed strength (11). shortly (4) - 17 Anne’s going out with YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION
Down: 2 Metrical feet (5) - 3 Musical North Polar explorer (6) - 18 Amphib-
tailpiece ? (4) - 4 Make a design on ian went astray (4) - 20 A ton de-
metal, using acid (4) - 5 As well as (4) signed international organisation (4) HOW TO SOLVE:
- 6 Less dirty ? (7) - 7 Come to an - 21 A bed is badly slanted to one Every number from
______: have a pre-mature death ? side (6) - 22 Mark of a bad writer ? 1 to 15 must appear in
(8,3) - 8 It converts sound waves into (4) - 23 In the dyer’s workshop, he each of the 15 vertical
electric waves for sending them over may work in a rage ! (4) - 25 Put in columns, in each of the
long distances ? (11) - 12 Stadiums jail for stealing a container (3) - 28 15 horizontal rows and in
(6) - 14 England’s elite military force Weapon that is a kind of a knife (5) - each of the 15 boxes
(3) - 15 Salad item (6) - 19 Wheel or 29 A boy’s name or a girl’s name (7)
roll along (7) - 20 Foot of an animal - 30 Confirm the business with an
(3) - 24 Like a sprite or a mischie- unfortunate boat error (11). QUICK CRYPTIC

Himalayan News Service a provision whereby cash a trade deficit of Rs 568.17 in mid-October had dwin- Meanwhile, the NRB has
Thousands of
Indian farmers
Kathmandu, November 26 deposit has been made billion in the first four dled to $10.98 billion from made no changes to the pol-

In a nod to Nepal’s burgeon-

ing trade deficit, the Nepal
mandatory to open LC for
Earlier, an importer was
m o n t h s ( m i d - Ju l y t o
mid-November) of this fiscal
year, a surge of 56.83 per
$12.55 billion in mid-Octo-
ber of 2020.
The NRB, nonetheless,
icy rates such as the statuto-
ry liquidity ratio (SLR) and
cash reserve ratio (CRR).
celebrate one
Rastra Bank through its first
quarter review of the Mone-
tary Policy of 2021-22 has
adopted numerous meas-
able to open the LC by keep-
ing as collateral the relevant
documents of the company
such as updated registration
cent compared to the corre-
sponding period of the pre-
vious fiscal.
Nepal’s export stood at Rs
has projected gradual recov-
ery of COVID-battered
economy with the decline in
the number of people test-
Similarly, the 90 per cent cap
on credit-deposit (CD) ratio
has also been left un-
year of key
ures to shore up the coun-
try’s depleting foreign ex-
change reserves.
certificate, income tax regis-
tration certificate, along
with the various forms pro-
82.12 billion in the review
period, while the country
imported goods worth a
ing positive to the coronavi-
rus, increased availability of
the anti-COVID vaccines,
The central bank has also
introduced a provision
whereby commercial banks
Among the measures in- vided by Nepal Rastra Bank, whopping Rs 650.29 billion. more number of people opt- can issue collateral for loans Associated Press
troduced through the review among others. The latest macroeconom- ing for foreign employment, in foreign currency for com- New Delhi, November 26
A boy laughing while selling spices as announced during a vir- The recently unveiled De- ic data of the central bank increase in tourist arrivals mercial agriculture, manu-
in a street market, in Herat, on tual event held today, the partment of Customs data also revealed that Nepal’s to- and as the country has now facturing industries, tour- Thousands of jubilant Indian farmers
Thursday. central bank has introduced showed that Nepal incurred tal foreign exchange reserve started exporting electricity. ism and projects. waving green and white flags today
marked the anniversary of their move-
ment by celebrating a victory that
Nabil SSE launched
KATHMANDU: Nabil Bank on Friday
Portugal to forced Prime Minister Narendra Modi
to withdraw three agriculture laws the
farmers feared would drastically reduce
officially launched ‘Nabil School of
Social Entrepreneurship (Nabil SSE)’,
a CSR initiative to support, develop
hold first their incomes and leave them at the
mercy of corporations.
Using tractors, jeeps and cars, farm-

auction of
and promote social entrepreneurship ers from New Delhi’s neighbouring
in Nepal. Through Nabil SSE, the states last November converged on the
bank aims to foster socio-economic highways on the outskirts of the capital,
braving a harsh winter, a scorching
transformation by promoting social
entrepreneurship within the society
based on innovative solutions to
right to instal summer and a devastating coronavirus
Farmer groups are continuing to
floating solar
long-term social problems. To create
learning programmes under Nabil camp out, mainly at Singhu, Tikri, and
SSE, the bank has partnered with the Ghazipur border points with New Del-
School for Social Entrepreneurs In- hi, waiting for the laws to be officially
dia, who will be playing the role of
‘technical partner’ to help identify,
support and encourage entrepre-
panels withdrawn during a parliament session
scheduled to begin next week.
Rakesh Tikait, a top farmer leader,
neurial capacity amongst people said they also want government assur-
working towards creating social im- Reuters ances of guaranteed prices for certain
pacts. Nabil SSE will be offering two Lisbon, November 26 essential crops, like wheat and rice — a
different programmes — Fellowship system introduced in the 1960s to help

Programme in Social Entrepreneur- ortugal has launched its first India shore up its food reserves and
ship and Certificate Course in Social auction for the right to instal prevent shortages. He demanded that
Entrepreneurship. The fellowship floating solar parks on the wa- the government set up a committee to
programme will be a six-month long ters of seven of the country’s dams, facilities and avoiding the use of biggest projects of the seven, which said, adding interested parties must settle their demand.
programme conducted in partner- with a total production capacity of more land. are all expected to be operating by submit their bids by April 4 so a final “We are not going away until our oth-
ship with Tribhuvan University 263 megawatts. Portugal’s plan is to instal solar 2023, Galamba said. decision can be made on April 19. er demands are met,’’ he said. There
School of Management, Faculty of Floating panels are being tested parks with a capacity of up to 100 Portugal’s largest utility EDP has He said the electricity tariff at was no immediate response by the gov-
Management. Similarly, the bank has around the world, and Portugal’s En- MW on the waters of the southern been preparing for the expansion of which bidders commit to sell the en- ernment.
partnered with seven different colleg- ergy Secretary Joao Galamba said Alqueva dam, the largest artificial this kind of renewable energy and ergy they produce would be decisive Lal Kumar, a 42-year-old farmer, said,
es or universities from every province the technology not only had benefits lake in Western Europe, as well as 50 installed a pilot floating solar power in choosing the winners. “Modi has accepted defeat.” With his
to run a three-month-long certificate for the environment but was also MW on the Castelo de Bode dam, lo- plant in the Alto Rabagao dam in Portugal held two auctions in low farm income, Kumar said he was
course. — HNS more energy-efficient. cated in the central region. 2017 to test the technology. 2019 and 2020 for on-land solar unable to look after his family properly.
They often complement hydroe- The Alqueva and the Castelo de “We’re certain this auction will at- parks and both set world records for Farmers worried that the now-with-
Thailand visitors up lectric generation, reusing existing Bode floating solar parks will be the tract enormous interest,” Galamba the lowest price of future output. drawn laws would have left them at the
mercy of corporations that would have
BANGKOK: Thailand has received no legal obligation to pay them guaran-
more than 100,000 visitors after
launching a scheme earlier this
month that allowed vaccinated tour-
ists to skip quarantine, an official said
Daraz aims to beef up as #HINAAMENDS
teed prices.
For Modi’s government, the demon-
strations were its biggest challenge yet.
Experts say key state elections in Febru-
on Friday, nearly as high as the num-
ber of arrivals in the first ten months
combined. From next month, Thai- Amazon eyes market share TOBACCOMONOPOLY ary-March could be a major reason be-
hind Modi’s reversal.
Farmers form most influential voting
land plans to deploy rapid antigen
tests rather than PCR tests to shorten
wait times for tourists, said Coronavi-
Islamabad, November 26
jobs,” CEO Bjarke Mikkelsen
told Reuters in an interview
Pakistan and Bangladesh over
the last two years, Mikkelsen
LAW bloc in India and politicians have long
considered it unwise to alienate them.
Elections next year will cover Uttar
rus Taskforce Spokesman Taweesin on Wednesday. said. Reuters Pradesh, India’s largest and most popu-
Wisanuyothin, in a move hoped to Pakistan’s largest e-com- Pakistan’s rapidly growing It is targeting sales this year Beijing, November 26 lated, Uttarakhand and Punjab states,
further boost the vital sector. But merce retail platform Daraz middle class, over 60 per cent of nearly $1 billion through its where Modi’s party hopes to win them
numbers still remain far below the aims to host up to 300,000 youth population and broad- platform, having seen 100 per China amended its tobacco monopoly law today back or shore up its rule. The three
norm — Thailand received 40 million small to medium enterprises band subscriptions of over cent order growth year-on- to include e-cigarettes, stepping up regulation of states have a sizeable farmer popula-
arrivals in 2019 — and some busi- (SMEs) in two years, its CEO 100 million, makes it a lucra- year in the last four years, he the fast-growing vaping industry in the world’s tion, particularly Punjab.
nesses and returning tourists have said, as the firm seeks to bol- tive destination for e-com- said. largest tobacco market. Modi’s Bharatiya Janati Party is in
complained about virus restrictions ster its position in its home merce platforms. The e-commerce sector in The cabinet order, published on the Chinese charge in Uttar Pradesh but is under
that remain in place. — Reuters market in the face of potential Amazon announced earlier Pakistan grew over 35 per government’s website and signed off by Premier immense pressure over its response to
competition from global gi- this year that it will allow Pa- cent in value in the first quar- Li Keqiang, comes into effect immediately. pandemic and the struggling economy.
France-UK spat ant Amazon.
E-commerce growth in the
kistani entrepreneurs to sell
products on its marketplace.
ter of 2021 to 96 billion Paki-
stani rupees ($548.89 million)
A number of Chinese e-cigarette companies
have been set up in recent years to tap into do-
If farmers desert his party, it will not
only shrink its prospects to form the
CALAIS: French fishing crews are country of 220 million is yet to Before the inter view, compared to 71 billion Paki- mestic sales potential, among them market lead- state government for a second term but
threatening to block French ports take off fully, like in neigh- Mikkelsen met Prime Minis- stani rupees ($405.95 million) er RLX Technology Inc. also weaken its chances to get an over-
and traffic under the English Channel bouring India where the mar- ter Imran Khan and his fi- over the same period of last Chinese regulators had in March this year whelming majority in 2024 national
on Friday to disrupt the flow of goods ket features retail heavy- nance and investment teams year, according to commerce flagged plans to bring the rules governing the elections.
to the UK, in a dispute over weights such as Amazon and to discuss coordination ministry data. sale of e-cigarettes and other new tobacco prod- Over the past year, dozens of farmers
post-Brexit fishing licences. It’s the Walmart and large local plat- on free zones where tech Out of the 70 million users ucts into line with those for ordinary cigarettes. died due to suicide, bad weather and
latest tension point between the forms run by India’s Reliance companies would get special who visited the Daraz website They had previously been in a regulatory grey COVID-19 during the demonstrations,
neighbouring countries, who are also and Tata groups. incentives to flourish, and last month, 35 million were area. which drew international support.
trading blame for not doing enough Daraz, founded in 2012 in an e-commerce university from Pakistan. Mikkelsen said China’s tobacco industry is controlled entirely The protest has been largely peace-
to prevent the deaths of at least 27 Pakistan and acquired by Chi- Khan said Pakistan will be Pakistan was seeing more via a government monopoly, and strict controls ful. However, violence erupted on Janu-
migrants whose boat sank Wednes- nese giant Alibaba in 2018, opening. people now ready to use digi- determine which companies and retailers can ary 26 when thousands of farmers
day off Calais, in the choppy waters of has 100,000 SMEs in Pakistan Daraz operates in four oth- tal services. produce and sell cigarettes. stormed New Delhi’s historic Red Fort
the world’s busiest shipping route. on its platform. er South Asian nations — Ne- He added that e-commerce The government outlawed the sale of e-ciga- and briefly took over it over and hoisted
French fishermen are angry at the “We want to get to 300,000 pal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh in the South Asian nations rettes to minors in 2018 and banned online sales a Sikh religious flag. Most are members
British government for not granting active and educated SMEs and Mayanmar — with access where Daraz operates was the following year, while Chinese state media of the Sikh minority.
more licences to fish in UK waters — selling on our platform within to 500 million customers with only two per cent of the retail have warned of the health and safety risks of us- At least one protester died, and sev-
and angry at their own government the next two years, and that a team of 10,000 employees. It market, which could be ing the products. eral were injured, as were more than
for not doing more to defend them. will basically create a million has invested $100 million in scaled up 10 to 20 times. 390 police officers.
The fishing industry is economically
tiny but symbolically important for
both Britain and France. — AP

Indonesia jobs law

JAKARTA: A court ruling in Indonesia
Reuters waiting to hear Dyson’s side of claims of physical abuse raised the factory with activists and worked overtime in excess of pened during the COVID-19
against a new jobs creation law could the matter. by a former worker. then beaten by police. limits under Malaysian law pandemic, industries have not
dim its investment outlook, experts
Kuala Lumpur, November 26
Malaysia has faced scrutiny The manufacturer said as Malaysian police did not re- and paid recruitment fees in been able to hire, while some
said on Friday, in a potential blow to Malaysia said today it will in- over claims that migrant work- soon as it was notified of Dy- spond to a request for com- their home countries to labour of those who returned to their
President Joko Widodo’s drive to vestigate British home appli- ers are subjected to abusive son’s audit it had appointed an ment. brokers, a practice activists home countries have been un-
boost investment and reduce the ance maker Dyson’s decision working and living conditions, unnamed firm of consultants Limbu told Reuters he had have criticised as a form of able to return.
economy’s reliance on consumption. to sever ties with ATA IMS over while ATA is already being in- to review and verify findings recounted his experience in an debt bondage. AmInvestment Bank said in
The Constitutional Court on Thurs- the Malaysian supplier’s la- vestigated by the United States and to take necessary steps. interview with Dyson’s law- Shares in ATA, which makes a note that the full impact of
day ordered the government to bour practices. over forced labour allegations. ATA said it had hired a law yers. parts for Dyson’s vacuum Dyson’s withdrawal is expect-
amend the legislation within two Dyson said on Thursday it Saravanan said he has re- firm in Malaysia to conduct an ATA said it is subject to regu- cleaners and air purifiers, ed in the 2023 financial year,
years, citing procedural flaws in its was ending its contract with ceived complaints on the use independent review of allega- lar audits and inspections of plunged a further 36.6 per cent which would ‘severely impact’
handling. The government said it will ATA after an audit of the com- of forced labour in Malaysia, tions of physical abuse by the the working and living condi- today and have lost more than ATA’s earnings that year and
comply. Indonesia had touted the law pany’s labour practices and al- specifically forcing workers former worker, and a detailed tions of its workers. half their value since the Reu- beyond.
to try to lure foreign investors, citing legations by a whistleblower. into excessive hours due to la- report will be finalised soon. “In none of these audits and ters report. ATA may have enough time
related structural changes that have Malaysia’s Human Resourc- bour shortages and the collec- “The preliminary findings of inspections were issues of Dyson contributes around to replace some of its lost or-
seen measures introduced to relax la- es Minister M Saravanan said tion of recruitment fees by the independent law firm in- forced labour found in the 80 per cent of ATA’s revenue ders with other existing cus-
bour rules, reduce red tape and speed government wanted to hear agents. dicates that the allegations company,” it said, adding that and analysts said it may face tomers, AmInvestment said.
up permitting. The deadline of late the reasons from both parties. Dyson and ATA did not im- may be unjustified,” it said. some of the inspections by years of losses and challenges “We also foresee challenges
2023 for amendments is just before a “I am informed that Dyson mediately respond to his com- Former ATA worker Dhan government departments and in securing new customers, as ahead ... to secure new orders
general election in 2024, Helmi Ar- did not want to continue the ments. Kumar Limbu told Reuters that the national human rights in- well as dealing with an ongo- given its dented reputation
man, an economist with Citibank contract due to (a) worker ATA said today it was taking ATA officials took him to a po- stitution were on ad-hoc basis. ing labour shortage. and ongoing labour shortage
said in a note, a period when law- shortage. There are two differ- seriously allegations of forced lice station in June where he In interviews with Reuters, Many factory workers in crisis, which is being viewed as
makers might be distracted. — Reuters ent stories,” Saravanan told re- labour in an audit summary it was questioned about sharing seven current and former ATA Malaysia are migrants and as an operational risk until a con-
porters, adding that he was received from Dyson and information on conditions at employees said they had borders in Asia have not reo- crete solution emerges.”

Himalayan News Service
Kathmandu, November 26
Nepal defeated Malaysia by
six wickets to register their
third straight victory in the
ICC Women’s T20 World Cup
Asia Region Qualifiers at the
ICC Academy grounds in
Dubai today.
Nepal restricted Malaysia
for 92-7 in 20 overs and over-
came the total losing four
wickets with 10 balls to
spare. Nepal, who had lost
against Hong Kong in the
first match, are second on
six points, two behind un-
beaten hosts United Arab
Emirates. Hong Kong are
third on six.
Malaysia (two), Bhutan
(two) and Kuwait (zero) are
already out of the race. The
table toppers will make it to
next year’s global qualifiers
and Nepal need to beat the
UAE in the last match on
Sunday with a good net run
rate to progress ahead. UAE
Naresh Shrestha / THT
have a NRR of 2.398, while
Satdobato Youth Club’s Hemant Thapa Magar (centre) shoots the ball during their Qatar Airways Martyrs Memorial A Division League match Nepal have 2.088. Hong
against Three Star Club at the Dasharath Stadium in Kathmandu on Friday. Kong, who have a NRR of
0.447, are also mathemati-

Newly-promoted Satdobato stun cally in the race to finish at
the top of the table.
Nepal had a chance to
better the NRR after they re- Nepal’s Sita Rana Magar (left) receives the player-of-the-
Photo Courtesy: CAN

Team off to Bahrain Three Star; Sankata beat Friends stricted Malaysia for 92 in
the day’s match but they
took 18.2 overs to reach the
target. Elsa Hunter top
match trophy after the ICC T20 World Cup Asia Region
Qualifiers match against Malaysia in Dubai on Friday.

one wicket each. the victory.

Himalayan News Service was a unlucky man as he was half with goals from Niraj Bas- scored for Malaysia with In reply, Nepal lost opener Player-of-the-match Rana
Kathmandu, November 26 denied again by Priso two min- net and Fode Fofana. 39 off 48 balls hitting Indu Barma (four) with just Magar struck three fours in
utes later. Three Star skipper Budhathoki, who missed the four boundaries, while Mas 16 runs on the board before his 38-ball 30, while Chhetry
Newly-promoted Satdobato Bikram Lama headed over the first match due to his engage- Elysa (14) and Yusrina vice-captain Rana Magar scored 20 off 29 balls. Kun-
Youth Club stunned Ruslan bar following a corner from Nis- ment, put Friends ahead in the Yaakop (12) were the other and skipper Chhetry added war contributed 10. Sarita
Three Star Club 1-0 in the Qatar han Khadka in the 82nd minute. 42nd minute with a perfectly batters who contributed in 48 runs for the second wick- Magar (15) and Apsari Be-
Airways Martyrs Memorial A Satdobato coach Meghraj KC taken strike from the edge of the double figures. et. They also departed in the gam (one) completed the
Division League here at the lauded his players from a bril- box. Basnet levelled the scores Sabnam Rai took 2-27 for space of four runs, while Ka- formality. Except for Barma,
Dasharath Stadium today. liant performance. “I am not in the 57th minute when he Nepal, while Kabita Kunwar, bita Kunwar was dismissed who was dismissed by Aisya
Sudip Gurung scored the soli- praising the players because we headed home following a cor- Sita Rana Magar and skipper at a time when Nepal need- Eleesa, three Nepali batters
tary goal of the match as Satdo- won the match. They played re- ner from Subash Gurng, while Rubina Chhetry grabbed ed three runs to complete were run out.
bato maintained their unbeaten ally well against a strong side Fofana received a pass from Jor-
KATHMANDU: Nepali taekwondo
run in the league. Satdobato like Three Star,” he said. “We are dan Junior Owona and beat a
and badminton players on Friday left
for Bahrain to participate in the Asian
Youth Para Games slated for Decem-
ber 2-6 in Manama. Nepal is taking
part in taekwondo and badminton in
had played a goalless draw
against Friends Club in the first
round match.
Fed by Martins Kayode Ajayi
a new side but the way the play-
ers made attacks on goal was
commendable,” added the for-
mer Three Star coach. “But we
couple of defenders before slot-
ting home to seal all three
points for Sankata.
Earlier, Sankata missed a
Iyer scores century on debut,
the Games, which features a total of
nine events. Paralympian Palesha
Goverdhan (57kg), Bishal Garbuja
(58kg) and Srijana Ghising (52kg) will
just outside the danger zone,
unmarked Gurung slammed
home a powerful shot leaving
Three Star goalkeeper Guillame
need to improve in finishing.”
Three Star coach Urjan Shres-
tha said his side found it very
hard to tackle the pressure from
chance to take the lead in the
30th minute when Subash Gu-
rung failed to score in one-on-
one situation with Friends goal-
Kiwis mount strong reply
Yves Priso Njanga stranded in opponents. “We missed services keeper Rahul Ramchandra Ya- Reuters mounted a strong reply for torment the Indians after
take part K-44 category events in the 29th minute. Satdobato of Hemant Thapa Magar after dav after a fine pass from Jay New Delhi, November 26 New Zealand who finished taking pain-killers. “Having
taekwondo, while coach Kabiraj Negi came close to doubling the tally he suffered from upset stomach Gurung. Laxman Ruchal saw day two on 129 for no loss, played a bit of cricket, you
Lama accompanied the players to six minutes later bur Neeraj and we failed in almost every his long-range effort saved by India’s Shreyas Iyer smashed 216 behind, at Kanpur’s tend to sort of be able to play
Bahrain. Prakash Adhikari will partic- Chaudhary shot wide following department. The new team Yadav in the 45th minute in re- a century on his Test debut Green Park Stadium. through some sort of stiff-
ipate in singles event under SL-44 a pass from Sushil Rai. [Satdobato] played really well bound. Young was batting on 75,
b u t Ti m So u t h e e’s l i - ness and some soreness...,”
category of badminton event. Na- Satdobato goalkeeper Ab- and the result will affect us a lot Yadav denied Fofana in the with Latham on 50 at the
on-hearted bowling and he said. “It’s nothing new to
tional Sports Council Board Member in our bid to become champi- other end when bad light
hishek Baral blocked a powerful 71st minute, while Sankata New Zealand’s top order be able to play through a lit-
Nanda Basyal is the team leader. — HNS stopped play. Young hit 12
shot from Three Star’s Ritik Ku- ons,” said Shrestha, adding the goalkeeper Raja Babu Thapa left the opening Test be- tle bit of pain...I think the
mar Khadka in the 37th minute, team was looking to sign a strik- saved an attempt from Friends tween the teams evenly boundaries in his assured best painkiller is wickets.”
Sherpa cremated while Neeraj Chaudhary saw his er to strengthen the attack. skipper Budhathoki a minute poised on Friday. knock, while Latham’s stay Spinner Ajaz Patel re-
attempt saved by Three Star In another match, Sankata later. Friends created a chance Southee claimed 5-69, on was more eventful. The moved the last two Indian
custodian Priso in the 63rd min- Club came from a goal down to to level the scores in the 90th a track that had prompted 29-year-old was given out batsmen as New Zealand
ute. Priso saved his side again in beat Friends Club 2-1. Friends minute but Prezen Tamang both sides to pack three lbw twice early in his knock conceded 87 runs on Friday
the 72nd minute when he skipper Prakash Budhathoki failed to put the ball into the spinners into their respec- but survived as replays con- to claim the last six wickets.
blocked Ajayi’s attempt from opened the scoring before nets in one-on-one situation tive teams, to bowl out India firmed edges before the ball
close range. Neeraj Chaudhary Sankata hit back in the second with Sankata goalie Thapa. for 345. Openers Will Young
and Tom Latham then
hit his pad on both occa-
sions. He was adjudged
Liton, Mushifur
caught behind in the final rescue Tigers
!NSARIHITSTONAS overs too but once again
Latham successfully re-
viewed the decision to pro-
hit his maiden century as

KATHMANDU: Former Deputy
Prime Minister Bam Dev Gautam, long his stay. Bangladesh recovered from
Minister for Youth and Sports Ma- India had resumed on a shaky start to reach 253-4
heshwor Jung Gahatraj and Nepal 258-4 and all eyes were on against Pakistan on the
Olympic Committee President Jeevan Himalayan News Service Iyer as the 26-year-old, only opening day of the first
Ram Shrestha, representatives from Kathmandu, November 26 making his debut with sev- cricket Test on Friday.
national association, players and eral frontline batsmen rest- He and Mushfiqur Rahim
coaches paid last tribute to Lama Sonu Ansari scored a century as Province-I ed, approached his hun- combined for an undefeated
Tendi Sherpa at the Sherpa Monastry defeated Province-II by seven wickets in the dred. He showed no nerves 204-run partnership after
in Bouddha, where he was cremated Wai Wai U-19 National Cricket Tournament and hit Kyle Jamieson (3-91) Bangladesh was reduced to
on Friday. The former General Secre- here at the TU Stadium today. for back-to-back boundaries 49-4 in the first session. They
tary of NOC and President of Nepal Batting first, Province-II were bowled out and then took two off him to kept the Pakistan bowlers at
Basketball Association, Sherpa for 211 runs in 48.2 overs before Province-I bring up his century, the bay from the first half of the
passed away at the age of 50 on raced to 214-3 with 35 balls to spare. Opener Mumbai batsman kissing his morning session through
Wednesday morning after a three- Ansari single handedly took the control over helmet and raising his arms the entire second and third
year battle with neurology-related the match with an unbeaten century. Ansari while the sparse crowd in sessions. At stumps owing to
diseases. Earlier, National Sports struck 14 boundaries and three sixes in his the stadium cheered. bad light, Liton was on 113
Council organised a condolence 119 not out off 145 and he also earned the Southee, who had dis- and Mushfiqur on 82. “The
meet on the NSC premises. NSC player-of-the-match award. missed Ravindra Jadeja for guys showed a great deal of
Member Secretary Bishnu Raj Dipesh Kandel scored 33 off 53 balls with his overnight score of 50, character and skills after we
Dhakal, department heads Kul Baha- the help of three fours and a six, while Bibek wrecked India’s middle and were 40-odd for four today,”
dur Thapa, Madhu Sudan Basnet, Ar- Anand Mehta remained unbeaten on 24 off lower order. His victims in- Bangladesh batting coach
jun BK and Mahendra Rai, staff mem- 29 balls that included four fours. Ansari and cluded Iyer, who made 105 Ashwell Prince said.
bers and players offered flowers and Anand added 65 runs for the unbroken fourth before playing a lazy drive The first hour belonged to
paid tribute to Sherpa. — HNS wicket to take the team home safely. Skipper that was pouched by Will the Pakistan fast bowlers,
Ankit Subedi, who shared a 47-run opening Young at cover. It was a tame who utilised the early mois-
stand with Ansari, hit three fours in his 23-ball end to an otherwise stellar ture on the pitch. Opener
Action against racism 14. Skipper Bibek Yadav, Gulsan Jha and Trit knock studded with two six- Saif Hasan hit fast bowler
LONDON: The England and Wales Raj Joshi took one wicket each for Province-II. es and 13 boundaries. Hasan Ali for two bounda-
Cricket Board (ECB) on Friday re- Earlier, skipper Yadav top scored for Prov- Southee, who bowled 11 ries in the second over to
leased a 12-point action plan to ince-II with 71-ball 70, while Rohan BK struck overs on the trot in the hint at a good start for Bang-
tackle racism and discrimination six fours and two sixes in his 47 off 59 balls. morning session, went on to ladesh. Opening partner
in the sport, including a review of Samsad Mansuri (16) was the next best con- complete his 13th five-wick- Shadman Islam struggled
the “dressing room culture” across tributor for Province-II. et haul in test cricket. It was a against Shaheen Shah Afridi,
teams and a standardised approach Dipesh Kandel was the pick of the Prov- terrific bowling display by who moved the ball well, but
to whistleblowing. — Reuters ince-I bowlers taking 3-44, while Dipak Joshi the 32-year-old, who missed Saif grew with confidence,
and Gaurav Katuwal bagged two wickets each India’s Shreyas Iyer celebrates after scoring a century against New Zealand on the part of Thursday’s play with driving the left-arm pacer
and Abhinaya Rajbanshi claimed one. second day of their first Test match in Kanpur on Friday. a groin strain but returned to through mid-off for four.

Published by: International Media Network Nepal (Pvt) Ltd, APCA House, Baidya Khana Road, Anamnagar, Kathmandu, Nepal, PO Box 11651 Phone: 4770358 E-mail: Regd No 143/051/052 Postal Regd. 62/072/73 Printed at: Sama Printers (Pvt) Ltd, Sainbu, Lalitpur. Acting Editor: Rajan Pokhrel

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