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Preparations for CPN-UML general convention completed Page 3 At least 11 dead, dozens trapped in Russian mine Page 5 Cambodia

promotes shared growth Page 6

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The Himalayan
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Late City ★★ 8 pages Rs 5

(Rs 2 additional air surcharge to
Vol. XX No. 3 s Kathmandu, Friday, November 26, 2021, Mangsir 10, 2078, Nepal Sambat 1142 T I M E S Jomsom and beyond)

NEPAL New COVID variant
Lawyers, justices dwell on
lottery-based cause list
with ‘unusual’
KATHMANDU: Amid their continued protest
against Chief Justice Cholendra Shumsher
JB Rana, the Nepal Bar Association and dissi-
mutations found
dent justices of the Supreme Court on Reuters tists believe.
Thursday discussed the new Supreme Court Johannesburg, “Although the data are
Regulation that incorporates provision relat- November 25 limited, our experts are
ed to lottery-based cause list. The SC has de- working overtime with all
cided to launch the lottery-based cause list South African scientists the established surveil-
from December 1. NBA General Secretary have detected a new lance systems to under-
Lilamani Paudel said they welcomed the COVID-19 variant in stand the new variant and
amendment made to the SC regulation as it small numbers and are what the potential impli-
had fulfilled one of NBA’s old demands. working to understand its cations could be,” South
(Details on Page 2) potential implications, Africa’s National Institute
they said today. for Communicable Dis-
).4%2.!4)/.!, The variant - called eases said in a statement.
B.1.1.529 - has a “very un- South Africa has re-
France, UK trade blame usual constellation” of
mutations, which are
quested an urgent sitting
of a World Health Organi-
after migrant tragedy concerning because they
could help it evade the
sation working group on
virus evolution today to
CALAIS/LONDON: France and Britain traded body’s immune response discuss the new variant.
blame on Thursday after 27 people died try- and make it more trans- Health Minister Joe
ing to cross the Channel in an inflatable din- missible, scientists told Phaahla said it was too
ghy, the worst accident of its kind on record in reporters at a news con- early to say whether the
Skanda gautam / THT
the waterway separating the two countries. ference. government would im-
With relations fraught by years of tension over Dharahara tower illuminated on the occasion of International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, in Early signs from diag- pose tougher restrictions
Brexit and immigration, much of the focus Kathmandu, on Thursday. The theme for this year is Orange the world: End violence against women now. nostic laboratories sug- in response to the variant.
was on who should bear responsibility, even gest the variant has rapid- South Africa was the
if both sides vowed to work together to find ly increased in the most first country to detect the
joint solutions. “There is bad immigration
management (in Britain).” (Details on Page 5)

CPN-UML general convention populated province of
Gauteng and may already
be present in the coun-
try’s other eight provinc-
es, they said.
South Africa has con-
Beta variant last year.
Beta is one of only four
labelled “of concern” by
the WHO because there is
evidence that it is more
contagious and vaccines

commences in Sauraha today

Ram Kumar Kamat have arrived in Nepal to take by the Supreme Court, will UML GC on behalf of the
firmed around 100 speci-
mens as B.1.1.529, but the
variant has also been
found in Botswana and
Hong Kong, with the
work less well against it.
The country detected
another variant, C.1.2,
earlier this year, but it has
not displaced the more
Kathmandu, November 25 part in the UML convention. not attend the UML GC. party. According to a member Hong Kong case a travel- common Delta variant
Tamang said his party did not in- CPN-MC leader Narayan of Prime Minister Sher ler from South Africa. As and still only accounts for
The main opposition CPN-UML vite too many international ob- Kaji Shrestha said Dahal had Bahadur Daube’s Private many as 90 per cent of a small percentage of ge-
will inaugurate its 10th general servers in view of the COVID other programmes to attend Secretariat, the PM will new cases in Gauteng nomes sequenced in re-
convention in Sauraha, Chit- pandemic in other countries. tomorrow, but other party attend the UML convention could be B.1.1.529, scien- cent months.
wan, at 12:00pm tomorrow. Tamang said party leaders leaders would attend the tomorrow.
The GC will elect 210 central wanted to elect their candidates
Updated COVID-19 figures committee members and 15 on the basis of consensus, but
office bearers, including since there were multiple aspir-
on Thursday one chairperson, one senior ants for the same posts, elec-
Confirmed cases 820,285 vice-chairperson, four tions could be inevitable.
vice-chairpersons, a general sec- Tamang said the 10th GC
Total tests (PCR) 4,591,660 retary, a deputy general secre- would be significant as it would
tary, and seven secretaries. give the message of party unity
New Tests 7,104 UML GC will also elect 15 of- and UML’s political strength.
fice bearers of the Central Disci- Tamang said his party chose
In Quarantine 103 plinary Commission and 15 Chitwan as it had a strong
office bearers of the Central base there and it wanted to help
In Isolation 7,349 Accounts Commission. Incum- revive one of the popular tourist
Recovered 801,420 bent Chair KP Sharma Oli will destinations.
be one of the candidates for The party, which collected Rs
Deaths 11,516 the chairperson’s post. Bhim 100 from each cadre, has booked
Bahadur Rawal has announced hotel rooms in Sauraha for al-
(Source: MoHP)
that he will also contest the top most 4,000 people. Tamang said
party post. his party chose Chitwan also to
According to UML Headquar- highlight Nepal’s effort to miti-
ters Secretary Sher Bahadur gate the impacts of climate
Tamang, 50 per cent of the 2,200- change and protect endangered
plus general convention repre- wild animals.
sentatives had already arrived in He said CPN-Maoist Centre
Chitwan and 90 per cent of the Chair Pushpa Kamal Dahal’s re-
preparation work had already marks that UML was trying to
been completed by 5:00pm. harm his political career by or-
Tamang said the organising ganising the GC in his home dis-
committee would complete the trict was wrong. “We have a
preparation by midnight. strong base in Chitwan and have
The UML expects five lakh multiple reasons to organise our
&/2%8 people to come to Chitwan to GC in Chitwan. Why should we
CURRENCY UNIT BUYING (in Rs) SELLING (in Rs) witness the main opposition give importance to Dahal, who is
Indian Rs 100 160.00 160.15 party’s general convention. losing his relevance in the coun-
US Dollar 1 118.91 119.51 Tamang said his party had re- try’s politics due to his own mis-
Euro 1 133.46 134.13 quested transport entrepreneurs takes?” Tamang said.
Pound Sterling 1 158.54 159.34 to use a detour to avoid four- to The GC will end on Sunday.
Swiss Franc 1 127.37 128.01 five-hour-long traffic jam that Dahal, who has not shared
Japanese Yen 10 10.31 10.36 could be caused due to the gath- dais with Oli in the past few
Chinese Yuan 1 18.62 18.71 ering of a large number of cadres months particularly after the
The foreign exchange rates are fixed by Nepal Rastra Bank
and people. unification of the Nepal Com-
Observers from 10 countries munist Party (NCP) was nullified

281 diagnosed with coronavirus disease

in a day, 298 discharged after recovering
Himalayan News Service patients have recovered in Nepal.
As many as 27 people tested posi-
Kathmandu, November 25
Three more succumb tive for antigens today.
Health authorities today diagnosed The number of active COVID cases
281 cases of coronavirus infection in TO#/6)$ in Kathmandu valley is 1,666 — 686 in
the country, including 130 cases in KATHMANDU: Three COVID Kathmandu, 552 in Lalitpur, and 482
Kathmandu valley. With this, Nepal’s patients have died in the past in Bhaktapur. Kathmandu and Lalit-
COVID caseload has reached 820,285, 24 hours, taking the death toll pur are the only two districts with
including 801,420 recoveries, 7,349 due to the respiratory conta- more than 500 active COVID cases;
active cases, and 11,516 deaths. gion in the country to 11,516 at the number of active COVID cases
Of those testing positive for the a case fatality rate of 1.4 per in Sunsari, Jhapa, Dhanusha, Chit-
contagion in the valley today, 78 are cent, the health ministry said wan, Bhaktapur, Kaski, Nawalparasi
from Kathmandu, 36 from Lalitpur, on Thursday. As many as 3,352 (East), Rupandehi, and Banke is be-
and 16 from Bhaktapur. of the deceased were from tween 200 and 500, whereas Manang,
Of the others diagnosed with the Kathmandu valley — 2,222 in Humla, Jajarkot, and Mugu have no
disease today, 21 are from Jhapa, Kathmandu, 695 in Lalitpur, active COVID case.
15 from Morang, 13 from Rupandehi, and 435 in Bhaktapur. As many Of those diagnosed with the virus
12 from Chitwan, and 10 from Kaski. as 2,417 of the deceased were in today, 55 are in the age group 31-40,
As many as 32 districts recorded the age group 60-70, whereas whereas of five are children below 10,
less than 10 cases, whereas no 49 were children below 10. — HNS and 24 are in the age group 11-20.
COVID case came to light today in As many as 9,367,789 Nepalis have
38 districts. received at least one dose of COVID
According to the Ministry of Health across the country in the past 24 vaccine, whereas 8,153,734 have been
and Population, 298 people were hours after recovering from COVID. fully vaccinated. As many as 177,884
discharged from health centres So far, nearly 98 per cent of COVID people were given jabs today.


NBA, justices 13th Nepal-EU Joint Commission meeting concludes

Himalayan News Service in the summer this year. programming documents under green growth, human capital de- pal, which will focus on climate

dwell on Kathmandu, November 25 The EU and Nepal underlined the new Neighbourhood, Devel- velopment and good governance. change adaptation and mitiga-
the importance of effective multi- opment and Inter national Nepal thanked Finland, France, tion as well as improved connec-
The 13th meeting of the Joint lateral cooperation, strengthen- Cooperation Instrument (NDICI Germany and the EU for the an- tivity and renewable energy in the
Commission of Nepal and the Eu- ing the World Health Organisa- Global Europe). nounced Team Europe Initiative coming years.
ropean Union concluded in Kath- tion, and strengthening global In the Sub-Commission on De- on green recovery for a total Regarding people-to-people
mandu yesterday. capacity to respond to future velopment Cooperation held on amount of EUR 240 million. contacts, Nepal and the EU

lottery-based A broad range of issues of

mutual interest featured on
the agenda.
Set up in 1996, the Nepal-EU
Joint Commission has proved a
The two sides also underlined
that vaccines are public goods,
hence the need to ensure equita-
ble access.
November 23, Nepal and the EU
took stock of the progress
achieved and lessons learned in
the implementation of ongoing
The EU appreciated the
achievements made by Nepal in
its socio-political transformation.
It stressed the important role of
civil society and media for
discussed ongoing higher educa-
tion cooperation, whereby a
growing number of Nepali stu-
dents are studying in European

cause list
Ram Kumar Kamat said and added that CJ Rana’s
useful platform for engagement
and provided momentum to fur-
ther deepen the partnership be-
tween Nepal and the EU.
The EU and Nepal discussed
the COVID-19 pandemic and
Nepal reiterated its apprecia-
tion for the EU’s strong support
for the G20 Debt Service Suspen-
sion Initiative as well as for the ex-
tension of the Initiative.
Nepal and the EU agreed that
The meeting expressed satis-
faction over the successful imple-
mentation of the projects and
programmes envisaged under the
Multiannual Indicative Pro-
gramme for Nepal for 2014-2020
strengthening democracy and
good governance.
The EU encouraged Nepal to
further increase the participation
of women in political life and the
decision making process.
Nepal ranks among the top 20
countries worldwide in terms of
students being awarded scholar-
ships for Erasmus Mundus Joint
Master Degree programmes.
They agreed on the importance
Kathmandu, November 25 statement that he had pro- cooperation in post-pandemic swift and full implementation of in priority areas of sustainable ru- The EU also welcomed the of sincerely implementing the
posed nominees in the Con- recovery. the DSSI by all official bilateral ral development, education, and commitment to transitional jus- outcome of the COP26 held in
Amid their continued protest stitutional Council was Nepal conveyed its gratitude to creditors should be a key priority strengthening democracy and de- tice expressed by Foreign Minister Glasgow earlier this month and
against Chief Justice Cholen- against the spirit of the con- the European Union for promptly in ensuring predictability given centralisation. Narayan Khadka at the 76th ses- taking robust measures for cli-
dra Shumsher JB Rana, Nepal stitution. “The chief justice is extending the support of life- the continuing financing pres- The EU stated that the new MIP sion of the UN General Assembly mate action as well as meeting the
Bar Association and dissident supposed to check whether or saving medical items and sures on beneficiary countries 2021-27, to be finalised soon, in September this year. financial commitments made to
justices of the Supreme Court not the recommendation equipment when Nepal was owing to the pandemic. would be aligned with the priori- The Joint Commission wel- support the less resourceful coun-
today discussed the new Su- made by the council is in ac- struggling through the devastat- The EU also informed about ties of the current 15th Periodic comed the lending activity of the tries in fighting the adverse im-
preme Court Regulation that cordance with the constitu- ing second wave of the pandemic the finalisation of development Plan and support inclusive and European Investment Bank in Ne- pacts of climate change.
incorporates provision relat- tion and law, but the CJ ad-
ed to lottery-based cause list. mitted that he shared the
The SC has decided to launch spoils of appointment. This is
the lottery-based cause list wrong,” Shrestha said. While
from December 1.
NBA General Secretary Lil-
the chief justice presides over
the JC and JSC, he serves as an
s/.#%/6 %2
amani Paudel said they wel- ex-officio member of the
comed the amendment made Constitutional Council. ‘Nepali Congress can
to the SC regulation as it had Protesting lawyers have ac-
fulfilled one of NBA’s old de- cused the CJ of seeking a quid solve problems’
mands. NBA officials told the pro quo deal with the execu-
dissident justices that lawyers tive and seeking the spoils of DHANUSHA: Vice-president of Ne-
would resume pleading in political appointments. An SC pali Congress Bimalendra Nidhi ar-
other benches after the lot- Source, however, said that the gued that the NC was able to sort out
tery-based cause list was pre- lottery-based cause list was a problems facing the country. NC’s win
pared, but they would not graceful exit for the protesting in the coming election is essential to
plead in Rana’s bench or any justices who had been pro- consolidate democracy and ensure
bench that Rana shared. testing for almost a month. development, he underscored. Nidhi
The SC has also decided “Now we will have to see what said this while inaugurating the con-
that cases listed for continued the dissident Justices think of stituency convention of the party in
hearing or cases on which the compensating the case par- Dhanusha-3 (b) here on Wednesday.
justices have reserved their ties who were deprived of jus- According to him, the present coali-
verdicts, will also be assigned tice on time due to the dissi- tion government led by the NC had
to new benches as per the lot- dent Justices’ protest,” the prioritized protection of constitution
tery-based cause list. source added. The source said and public welfare. “The government
NBA officials warned dissi- that it was yet not known how is moving ahead in right direction.
dent justices not to share the the CJ would react to the deci- The people should vote for the NC
bench with CJ Rana. “We sions of the dissident justices. again,” he called on the public, assur-
want SC benches sans Chief Meanwhile, Nepal Bar As- ing that Nepal Railway would come
Justice Rana. CJ Rana should sociation and dissident justic- into operation soon as it would boost
not exercise any administra- es of the Supreme Court con- tourism in Nepal. — RSS
tive or judicial power,” Paudel tinued to protest against
said. He said NBA officials Chief Justice Cholendra Six elected as GC reps
also told dissident justices to Shumsher JB Rana today.
DHANGADI: All six candidates vying
make provisions for amend- Protesting lawyers staged a
THT for Nepali Congress district presi-
ment to the High Court Regu- sit in at the main entrance of
Australia’s Ambassador to Nepal Felicity Volk interacting with officials after providing medical equipment worth dent’s post have been elected as party
lations and District Court the apex court and also
Rs 4.2 million to the COVID-19 Unified Central Hospital, under the National Academy of Medical Sciences, on Thursday. general convention representatives
Regulations so that lot- marched from the NBA build-
from Kailali. Dhangadi Sub-metro-
tery-based cause list could be ing to Baluwatar to draw the
politan City Mayor Nripa Bahadur
implemented in the high
courts and district courts.
NBA President Chandesh-
wor Shrestha said the lawyers’
attention of the government
and the public.
Dissident Justices heard
only the habeas corpus
Bir Hospital gets medical equipment support Wada, vice-president Prakash Baha-
dur Bam and former president
Narayan Bhatta, Khemraj Chaudhary,
Ganesh Deuba and Bhim Baduwal
umbrella body would contin- writ petitions, petition seek- Himalayan News Service to establish an emergency for the most vulnerable. With throughout which Nepal
have been elected as GC representa-
ue its protest against the CJ ing withdrawal of cases and Kathmandu, November 25 ward in the COVID-19 Unified Nepal responding to multiple and Australia have supported
tives. While Wada, Bhatta and Deuba
until he resigned from his cases that needed to be kept Central Hospital. challenges simultaneously, each other.”
were elected from Kailali Electoral
post. He said CJ Rana should pending. The NBA and dissi- Australia’s Ambassador to Ne- Addressing the handover the needs of marginalised The handover ceremony in-
Constituency-5, Chaudhary and
not lead or represent any con- dent justices have south CJ pal Felicity Volk provided ceremony, Ambassador Volk communities are more evi- cluded Vice-chancellor of
Baduwal were elected from Constitu-
stitutional body such as the Rana’s resignation accusing medical equipment worth said, “As the COVID-19 vacci- dent than ever.” NAMS, Professor Dr Dev
ency-3. Bam was elected from Con-
Constitutional Council, Judi- him of seeking to get his Rs 4.2 million to the COVID-19 nation campaign continues in “Australia’s contribution of Narayan Shah, Acting Chief
stituency-4. In Constituency-4, how-
cial Council and Judicial Ser- brother-in-law appointed in Unified Central Hospital, at Bir Nepal, the Australian Govern- equipment through the Executive Officer of COVID-19
ever, a dispute is underway to repeat
vice Commission. “As long as the Sher Bahadur Deuba Cab- Hospital under the National ment is committed to sup- Lutheran World Federation Unified Central Hospital
the voting. All six elected candidates
CJ Rana plays a role in ap- inet and delaying hearings of Academy of Medical Sciences porting health security under Nepal will strengthen Nepal’s Professor Dr Bhupendra
are said to be close to party president
pointment and transfer of cases field against the ap- today. The equipment, includ- our COVID-19 Development health system and serve Kumar Basnet, and LWF Nepal
Sher Bahadur Deuba. — HNS
judges, anomalies will contin- pointments made in constitu- ing Intensive Care Unit beds Response Plan. The plan fo- as a reminder of the close Country Director Dr Bijaya
ue to dog the judiciary,” he tional bodies. and equipment, will be used cuses on providing assistance friendship of over six decades, Bajracharya.
Oxygen plant set up
JAJARKOT: An oxygen plant installed
Indian Army Call to increase on the premises of Jajarkot District
Hospital has started production. The
plant was procured at a cost of Rs 8
workshop physical activity million and it is capable of filling over
40 cylinders daily. Construction of
new structures is in progress at the 50-
bed hospital. The construction of its
Himalayan News Service ties must take action to pro- new building is 70 per cent complet-
trucks to NA Kathmandu, November 25
The World Health Organisa-
vide everyone with more op-
portunities to be physically
active. This requires a collec-
ed. The cost of the project is around
Rs 320 million. — RSS
Himalayan News Service tion has called upon coun- tive effort, both national and
Kathmandu, November 25 tries, including Nepal, in the local, across different sectors
South-East Asia Region to ac- and disciplines to implement
The Indian Army gifted TATA celerate action to address in- policies and solutions, appro-
LPTA 1628 Workshop Trucks sufficient physical activity priate to a country’s cultural EMERGENCY
to the Nepali Army in a cere- which is as high as 74 per cent and social environment to
mony organised at Nepali among adolescents, to arrest promote, enable and encour-
Army Headquarters, Tundik- and reverse the growing epi- age physical activity,” Dr
hel, today. demic of non-communicable Khetrapal Singh said. OFFICE PHONE NO.
The workshop trucks were diseases and promote physi- WHO has been advocating Police Control Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
handed over on behalf of the cal and mental well-being. physical exercise as one of the
Traffic Police Control Room . . . . . . . . 103
Indian Army by Colonel Amit “Physical activity helps pre- primary preventive measure
Sharma, Defence Attaché of vent non-communicable dis- and best buys against NCDs, a Fire Fighters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
India to Brigadier General eases such as heart disease, flagship priority programme Traffic Jam Information (SMS) . . . JAM 4321
Krishna Dev Bhatta of the Construction materials piled up at Old Base Camp in Diktel, on Thursday. stroke, diabetes and some of the region since 2014.
Nepali Army. cancers, which continue to be “While there has been pro- Emergency Police Service . . . . . . . 4228435
These workshop trucks leading killer diseases in the gress in terms of commit- Crime Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4412748
which act as a compact
mobile workshop will be
instrumental in ensuring
smooth and uninterrupted
Capacity enhancement of security region and a risk for severe
disease and deaths in the on-
going COVID-19 pandemic,”
said Dr Poonam Khetrapal
ments, policies and pro-
grammes for promoting phys-
ical activity face many chal-
lenges including modern life-
Child Missing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Nepal Electricity Authority . . . . . . . 4153164

functionality of the
Nepali Army transport
agencies, government’s priority: PM Singh, Regional Director,
WHO South-East Asia Region.
The Regional Director was ad-
styles, unhealthy work-life
balance, lack of enabling and
safe environment such as road
Blood Bank, Pradarshani Marg. . . . . 4225344
Nepal Red Cross Society, Teku . . . . 4270650
Bhaktapur Red Cross . . . . . . . . . . . 6611661
According to a press re- Rastriya Samachar Samiti he highlighted the need of ef- ment and post-disaster re- dressing a virtual meeting of safety and air pollution,” Dr Army Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4271940
lease issued by the Indian Kathmandu, November 25 ficient and strengthened in- construction efforts. He ar- health officials and partners Khetrapal Singh said.
Embassy, the gifting of work- ternal and external security gued that the incumbent gov- from member countries As per the release, the COV- Bir Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4221988
shop trucks comes immedi- Prime Minister Sher Bahadur arrangements to protect the ernment was committed to where the regional roadmap ID-19 pandemic has further Bhaktapur Cancer Hospital . . . . . . 6611532
ately after the arr ival Deuba has said professional existence of the nation and establishing rule of law, pro- for implementation of Global exacerbated the problems
of General Prabhu Ram efficiency and capacity en- ensure citizens’ safety. tecting and promoting peo- Action Plan for Physical Activi- with movement restrictions Chirayu National Hospital. . . . . . . . 5905888
Shar ma, COAS, Nepali hancement of security bodies He directed the APF to be ple’s inalienable rights as per ty was launched today. and work from home man- Kanti Children Hospital. . . . . . . . . . 4411550
Army back in office after the are special priorities of the disciplined, honest, profes- the spirit of the constitution, According to a press release dates fuelling further the sed- Norvic Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4258554
recent conferment of Honor- government. sional, and creative while on building a corruption-free so- issued by the WHO South-East entary lifestyle. In addition,
ary Rank of General of the In his address to the convo- duty. He applauded the APF ciety, advancing towards ho- Asia Regional Office, the re- mental health issues have in- Police Hospital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4412430
Indian Army by the President cation ceremony of basic-lev- for its contributions to the listic development of people gional roadmap aims to facili- creased due to social isolation, Patan Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5522295
of India. el training of APF Inspector containment of cross-border from all castes, communities, tate context-specific activities fear, and uncertainty. Promot-
Om Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4476225
The timely provision of organised by the APF Training crime and safeguarding na- classes and genders by keep- to achieve 10 per cent relative ing physical activity requires
military hardware under de- Academy in Kathmandu to- tionality and nation’s exist- ing coexistence and mutual reduction of insufficient phys- whole of government and Star Hospital, Sanepa . . . . . . . . . . . 5550197
fence cooperation is a testa- day, the prime minister insist- ence as frontline workers. bonding intact. ical activity by 2025, and 15 whole of society approach in- Teaching Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4412505
ment of strong and deep ed that security of the nation He said Nepal’s security He pointed out the need for per cent improvement in glob- cluding multi-sectoral collab-
rooted relations between and citizens would be guaran- mechanism was capable of collective efforts from the al levels by 2030. Insufficient oration between ministries of Grande Hospital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5159266
the Indian Army and Nepali teed only if security bodies combating terrorism and three-tier governments, all physical activity is a leading health, youth, sports, educa- Dr. Iwamura Memorial Hospital . . . 6612695
Army, and will go a long became capable and strong. cross-border crime. He re- levels of the state, organisa- risk factor for non-communi- tion, urban planning, city ad-
Tilganga Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5970048
way in further strengthening Terming peace and security called the role of APF during tions, civil society and general cable diseases globally and in ministration, etc to create an
the bonds between India the foundations of develop- the earthquake, COVID-19 people to fulfil the govern- the South-East Asia Region. enabling and safe environ- Hearse (Shav Vahan). . . . . . . . . . . . . 6612266
and Nepal. ment and good governance, crisis and in disaster manage- ment’s determination. “Countries and communi- ment for physical activity.


Preparations for CPN-UML

general convention completed
Himalayan News Service
Chitwan, November 25 Heavy vehicles banned
Preparations for the 10th National NAWALPUR: Heavy vehicles have Daunne road. This ban will facili-
General Convention of the CPN-UML been banned along the But- tate a large number of vehicles
are almost complete. The general wal-Narayangadh road in view of reaching the general convention
convention is scheduled to be held the CPN-UML’s 10th National site. Arrangements have been
from November 26 to 28 in Chitwan. General Convention. This ban will made for vehicles heading to Kath-
Chief at publicity department Yo- be in place from 6:00pm Thursday mandu through Butwal to pass
gesh Bhattarai said that welcome sta- until Friday midnight, said Chief through Pokhara, she said. Joint
tions in different places, stage man- District Officer, Nawalparasi, Man- patrol teams of Nepal Police,
agement for the inaugural session maya Bhattarai Pangeni. A meet- Armed Police Force, National In-
and close session, among other ar- ing of the chief of security bodies vestigation Department and Ne-
rangements were completed. on Wednesday decided to this ef- pali Army have been mobilised
Speaking at a press conference or- fect in view of the traffic jam at during the convention. — RSS
ganised by Press Chautari Chitwan
Chapter in Chitwan today, Bhattarai
said that stage management, selfie cluding party leaders and cadres from Bhattarai said that his party would
points, construction of rhino mascot across the country would attend the be established as one and only party
among other preparations for the na- inaugural session and preparations of the communist revolution in the
tional general convention have been were completed for the same. “We country.
completed. He added that the district will be back from the general conven- The inaugural session of the gener-
was decorated with flags and wel- tion with the commitment that the al convention will be held on the
come doors in more than 50 places. UML will be in majority in all three banks of Narayangadh-based
Speaking at the press meet, Bhat- levels and this is the message of the Narayani River while the close session
tarai said that millions of people in- general convention,” he added. will be held in Sauraha.

Only one female from Implement law effectively

Province 1 vying for to end VAW: President
CPN-UML CC berth Bidhya Bhandari
Rastriya Samachar Samiti
Itahari, November 25 Rastriya Samachar Samiti based on the principles of pro-
Kathmandu, November 25 portional system, inclusion
Menuka Kafle is the only female chair from 137 and participation,” she re-
local levels of Province 1 who is vying for the post President Bidhya Devi minded, adding that noticea-
of central committee member in the 10th Nation- Bhandari has said effective im- ble participation of women in
al General Convention of the CPN-UML. plementation of laws is imper- people’ elected institutions
Kafle is chair of Kamal Rural Municipality, ative to end all sorts of violence and in politics have caused a
Jhapa. She is also the National Vice-president of against women. wave of women empower-
National Association of Rural Municipality in Ne- Giving a message of best ment. However, she expressed
pal. Kafle leads the All Nepal Women Association wishes on the occasion of 16 worry over social evils such as
Province 1 committee. Days of Activism against gen- Chhaupadi, allegation of
“I decided to file my candidacy for the female der based violence and Inter- witchcraft, discrimination
quota of Province 1.’’ There are six CCM quotas national Day for the Elimina- against women, and supersti-
for Province 1. Among them, two are for women. tion of Violence against Wom- tions that have plagued the
Kafle, who was attracted to active politics dur- en today, President Bhandari lives of many women in Nepal.
ing the student movement of 1979, was actively wished success for the activ- Activism is important for
involved in underground politics since 1985 dur- ism. Various programmes are massive public awareness at
ing the Panchayat regime when political parties being organised with the na- the household and community
were banned in Nepal. tional resolution of ‘ending levels against such social evils
She was elected Kamal Rural Municipality VAW from home’. and anomalies. President
chair in the first local level elections held in “The constitution has re- Bhandari underscored the
2017 after the promulgation of the new constitu- solved to build an equitable, need to make women finan-
tion in 2015. prosperous and just society cially self-reliant.

TheHimalayan T I M E S
Remembering Dag Hammarskjold
A memorable peacemaker
The greatest discovery in life is the discovery of one’s NIR BAHADUR KARKI rious air crash in Zambia, Rajehswar Dayal’s A Life world peace. be seen through a com- Hammarskjold established
destiny. Discovering your destiny is more precious then Rhodesia. The crash of Our Time – Dag Ham- Hammarskjold’s image monly coined phrase in 1957-58, as proposed by
than discovering gold — Harrison I Enudi
T he month of September
is probably the most
pronounced month, com-
on September 17, 1961
came on the eve of the con-
vening of the annual UN
marskjold (coincidently,
R a j e s w a r ’s b r o t h e r
Hariswar Dayal was Indian
of an extraordinary diplo-
mat has never been
equaled by any of his pre-
“Leave it to Dag” on the
38th floor, the office of the
UN secretary-general.
the then Minister for Exter-
nal Affairs of Canada Lester
B Pearson, clearly mani-

Enforce the law pared to the other 11

months, in the media and
academics on foreign af-
General Assembly in New
York, which begins from
the third Tuesday of every
ambassador to Nepal in
early 1960) and Paul R. Nel-
son’s book Courage of Faith
decessors as he possessed a
multidimensional person-
ality. Discussion and stud-
US President Kennedy
had remarked, “I realise
now that in comparison to
fests how farsighted he was
in maintaining peace and
security in the world.

N epal’s parliament endorsed the Tobacco Prod-

ucts (Control and Regulatory) Act-2011 to im-
pose a ban on smoking and chewing tobacco in pub-
fairs round the world, since
a number of events have
taken place in this month
September and runs for
three months after in-
depth deliberation on po-
– Dag Hammarskjold are
some of the many books
that amply reflect various
ies on Hammarskjold are
focused on mainly two
grounds, that he died while
him, I am a small man. He
was the greatest statesman
of our century”, further eu-
Nepal was admitted to
this world body as its mem-
ber during the incumbency
lic places to reduce its harmful effects on public with far reaching historical litical, economic, social aspects of Hammarskjold’s on an official trip to negoti- logising him for his dedica- of Hammarskjold on De-
health. With the Act coming into force since August 8, consequences globally, and other humanitarian is- tion to the cause of peace, cember 14, 1955 due to the
2011, no one is allowed to smoke or chew tobacco
products in public places, such as hospitals, child-
touching future successive
generations on world
sues that impact world
peace and security. Dag
Discussion and studies on Hammarskjold his untiring labour to
achieve it, willingness to
veto imposed by the USSR
in the earlier fray. The first
care centres, orphanages and elderly homes, govern-
ment offices, corporations, educational institutions,
peace, security, defense
and development.
Hammarskjold died in one
of his quests for peace
are focused on mainly two grounds, that he accept all responsibility in
trying to strengthen the
Nepali permanent repre-
sentative to the UN Rishi-
libraries, airports, hotels, restaurants, girl’s and boy’s Most of the events that and security missions died while on an official trip to negotiate United Nations to make it a kesh Shah reportedly had
hostels, children’s parks and eateries. As per the law, the world witnessed during as the incumbent UN sec- more effective instrument. frequent interactions with
those who smoke or chew, sell and distribute tobac- the 9th month were unde- retary-general. A venture peace as the UN secretary-general and, In another reference he Hammarskjold.
co-related products in public places may be fined sired ones as they had a is made in this column had viewed Hammarsk- That Shah was chosen as
from Rs 100 to Rs 100,000. It was a huge stride to- negative impact on all as- to briefly highlight the in- more importantly, that he was a dynamic jold’s death as an organisa- chairman of the UN Com-
wards curbing smoking in public places and con- pects of humanity, mainly credible contributions that tion’s death. mission constituted to in-
trolling the unscrupulous sale of tobacco products. during the second half of he made. personality with a distinct way of thinking In contrast, however, vestigate the death of Ham-
Nepal was the first country after Bhutan in South the past century and first Of the nine UN secre- Kennedy’s then USSR marskjold aptly displays
Asia to impose the ban on smoking in public places. decade of the 21 century. tary-generals from its in- and doing for the cause of peace, security counterpart, Nikita his well hailed image. That
As per the WHO report, Nepal has the highest rate of These events mainly origi- ception to date, Hammar- Khrushchev, blamed Ham- a Nepali diplomat was
smoking with 35.5 per cent male and 15 per cent fe- nated in the European con- skjold remains the most and development to benefit mankind marskjold frequently for picked up to chair such a
male smoking or chewing tobacco products. It has tinent. Germany’s invasion talked about personality. A his handling of the Kalan- commission was an
also been revealed that the prevalence of smoking of Poland on September 1, lot is talked about the through his diplomacy ga, Congo conflict and achievement in itself for
among adult females in Nepal is one of the highest in 1939, the declaration of thoughts and steps he had quite a few other issues, Nepal at that time when
the region. The world health body has also revealed war on Germany by Britain taken in his official capaci- and had even called for his Nepal had little exposure to
that around 16,000 people die of tobacco-related dis- and France on September 3 ty, many books are written life and contributions to ate peace as the UN secre- resignation from the post. the external world. Ham-
eases, such cancer and heart diseases every year. To- that year, germinating the about him highlighting his world peace. tary-general and, more im- To which Hammarskjold marskjold was the first UN
bacco is the leading cause of heart attack and cancer, seeds of World War II (1939- wisdom and vision on Hammarskjold’s own portantly, that he was a dy- had responded, “It is very secretary general to visit
which is prevalent in all age groups and regions. 1944) and the 9/11 attack world peace and security, book “Markings”, posthu- namic personality with a easy to bow to the wish of a Nepal, whose poem after
Even though the law on the Twin Towers in New spirituality, humanity, and mously published by Leif distinct way of thinking big power, it is another his visit to the Swayambhu-
was brought into force York and the Pentagon in actions initiated and deeds Belfrage, one of his close and doing for the cause of matter to resist”. nath stupa in Kathmandu
If Bhutan can with strong commit- Washington DC, just to done by him as the UN sec- associates and Sweden’s peace, security and devel- Hammarskjold’s role as a reads:
ments from the govern- name a few. retary-general. permanent undersecretary opment to benefit man- mediator during the Suez The brilliant notes of the
effectively ment, its effectiveness is It was also in this very Books by renowned au- in the Ministry of Foreign kind through his diploma- Crisis and capture of a US flute; Are heard by the God
implement the ban in question. For a few
days, the police fined
month that the life of a
great world statesman, Dag
thors like Roger Lipsey’s
Hammarskjold – A Life,
Affairs, with a foreword
by W.H. Auden, amply re-
cy. That Hammarskjold
would stand by a solution
reconnaissance plane by
the Soviet Union had estab-
In the cave of birth
Himalayan ice cliffs …
on smoking, what those who smoked in Hammarskjold, the then Susan Williams, Who killed flects Hammarskjold’s to any burning issue ac- lished him as a great nego- A lace of rest. Charcoal
has prevented public places, mainly in UN secretary-general, Dag Hammarskjold?, Brian holistic approaches on ceptable to many world tiator in 1960. The UN fires; Deep in the mirror
the Kathmandu Valley. came to an end in a myste- Urquhart’s Hammarskjold, spiritualism, humanity and stakeholders could amply peace keeping force that Vishnu is at peace
Nepal from Even a lawmaker was
caught on camera smok-
enforcing the law
it has endorsed?
ing on the parliament
premises. But no action s4/0)#3 sTHT 9%!23!'/
was taken against him.
Due to the slackness of the law enforcing agencies,
people are seen smoking in public places, parks and
restaurants, and the street vendors are seen openly
A rising tide of hope Shape up or ship out,
selling tobacco-related products in the busy streets
under the very nose of the police. The major chal-
DERRICK SILIMINA pecially strong among entre-
preneurs. Many of them ac-
ey agent at the Kamwala market
in Lusaka, Zambia’s capital and
Small and Medium Enterprise
Development to facilitate the
apex court tells CA
lenge for the government is to control its sales in
public places as defined by the law.
Nepal enacted the Act as per its commitment to an
V oters across the country
were jubilant after Hakain-
de Hichilema was finally elect-
cused the former regime of ex-
torting illegal levies from small
businesspeople, such as market
largest city. “The PF’s party op-
eratives would come around
twice a week and extort money
creation and growth of your
businesses,” he wrote on his
Twitter feed recently.
Himalayan News Service
Kathmandu, November 25, 2011
international convention it ratified without adequate
preparation at home. While addressing an all-party
advocacy meeting on Wednesday, Minister for Health
ed president of Zambia in
August 2021 after unsuccessful-
ly contesting five previous
traders and bus owners.
One such critic is Morgan
Chibuye, a bus driver at Lusa-
from market traders,” she says.
The new regime promises to
stop such practices. “We will be
The new administration’s
economic challenges are con-
siderable. Zambia faces slow
A day after the government tabled a bill
seeking 11th amendment to the In-
terim Constitution for extending the
and Population Birodh Khatiwada vowed to discour- elections. Hichilema – a cattle ka’s intercity bus station. “The available to listen and to sup- economic growth, high unem- term of the Constituent Assembly by six
age the use of tobacco products by taking strict rancher, businessman and PF regime made our business port you,” Hichilema said to ployment, heavy national debt months, the Supreme Court today grant-
measures. But he did not elaborate on the measures politician representing the unattractive,” he says. “If a bus citizens and entrepreneurs dur- and fiscal deficits and dou- ed a ‘final opportunity’ to CA to conclude
his ministry was planning to take to effectively im- United Party for National driver refused to pay off thugs ing his inaugural speech. He ble-digit inflation. In addition, its mandated task of writing a new con-
plement the law. If Bhutan can effectively implement Development (UPND) – un- posing as revenue collectors, pointed to his own background the country’s currency is vola- stitution. The apex court said if the CA,
the ban on smoking there, what has prevented Nepal seated the long-entrenched he was blacklisted and prevent- as a businessman with interests tile, and interest rates charged which was originally elected for two
from implementing the law? Although advertise- Patriotic Front (PF) regime. ed from loading his bus.” in cattle ranching, tourism, to small businesses are high. years and has not been able to deliver a
ments of tobacco-related products in the mass me- Entrepreneurs in particular are Entrepreneurs and local offi- health care and finance, to A key to solving these prob- new constitution in the last three-anda-
dia have been totally banned, the law has barely pinning their hopes on Hichile- cials expect this situation to show that he understands en- lems is to promote entrepre- half years, fails to promulgate the statute
made a dent in reducing its consumption, especially ma’s promises to revive the improve soon under the new trepreneurs’ concerns. neurship and job creation, the by the end of extended period, it will be
in the rural areas, because of the cheap price and its economy. government. Small and mid-sized enter- new president and his loyalists automatically dissolved. A five-member
high use among the poor community that is not In the run-up to the election, Other sectors also suffered prises are engines of job crea- say. “When they succeed, we all special bench of Chief Justice Khil Raj
aware of the law. Nepal is also the only country in voters had grown disenchanted under the former regime. Extor- tion and economic growth, succeed,” says Elias Mubanga, Regmi and Justices Damodar Prasad
South Asia to impose low taxes on tobacco products, with the Patriotic Front. Disap- tion used to be a daily burden, Hichilema emphasises. “We national youth mobilisation Sharma, Ram Kumar Prasad Shah, Kaly-
which has led to its easy availability. The only way to pointment with the PF was es- says Sara Mofya, a mobile mon- have created the Ministry of chairman for the UPND. an Shrestha and Prem Sharma today
reduce its consumption is to enforce the law effec- gave a ‘final chance’, notwithstanding the
tively with an awareness drive and educate the young
generation, which is more educated than the old one. s",/'352& s#!24//. restrictive proviso of Article 64 and earlier
verdicts related to eighth, ninth and
tenth amendments to the Interim Con-

Manpower crunch Expanding trade

stitution. The bench observed that the
government had undermined the apex
court verdicts and provisions of the con-

I t’s a problem peculiar to most government hospi-

tals outside the major cities of the country. Damauli
stitution. “This (the final chance) is re-
quired for completing the remaining
Hospital in Tanahun is facing a shortage of doctors
and other health personnel, which is affecting the
treatment of patients. The 15-bed hospital has added
I n 2026, when Bangladesh is expected to gradu-
ate from the United Nations’ least-developed
countries list, it will lose preferential access to
tasks related to drafting of the constitu-
tion, even though the CA has failed to
conclude the assignment within its origi-
27 beds on its roof but has only two permanent doc- many of its global trading partners. Bangladesh nal deadline,” the order stated. SC sug-
tors made available by the government, while the needs to immediately expand its export destina- gested three alternatives should the CA
other doctors have been hired on contract basis or tions to its neighbors and shift away from ready- fail to achieve the goal even after the 11th
appointed locally by the hospital management com- made garments to more diversified exports. This amendment and has issued guidelines to
mittee. The hospital may be in for more trouble as will be challenging for a variety of reasons. While the government and Parliament that ei-
the contract of the 21 of its 30 staff members, who Bangladesh has 23 land border crossings, trade ther they go for a referendum or fresh
were recruited during the COVID-19 crisis, have not with its neighbors accounts for only 10% of na- elections or find another suitable option.
been extended. tional trade. Trade with neighbors is hindered by
Nepal has come a long way since the 1970s where
there was just one doctor for as many as 40,000 peo-
underdeveloped customs stations, outdated
trade policies and operations, and bureaucratic Three families get
ple. Today about a dozen medical institutes in the government agencies.
country train hundreds of doctors and other related
human resource annually, not to speaks of hundreds
Underdeveloped trade facilities at borders
means that the average time required from entry
seized land back
others who graduate from colleges abroad. However,
most doctors prefer to stay in the capital, working in
70 or so hospitals and in private clinics. The over con-
to exit is about 4 hours for import and 3–6 hours
for export at crossings such as Akhaura, Son-
amasjid, and Tamabil, according to an ADB study.
in Bardiya
centration of doctors in big cities and a lack of them About half of this time is spent waiting for ineffi- Himalayan News Service
in the hinterlands could not have happened were it cient procedures to be completed. Perishable Rajapur, November 25, 2011
not for the lopsided policies of the government. goods cannot be traded under such slow and un-
predictable operations. —
E ven as the Mohan Baidhya faction of
the Unified CPNMaoist is objecting to
the seven-point deal that calls for return
s,%44%23 of the property and land seized during
the insurgency, in Bardiya, three families
have got their land back. In Rajapur VDC-
Heroic and of the Third World. Another
news that should be of grave
ganza. Manmohan Adhikari,
Pushpa Lal Shrestha and other
to hear that his party is going to
spend a huge amount of mon-
7, Prayagpur, Bardiya, about 28 bighas of
land, seized by the Maoists and distribut-
absurd news concern for women’s rights
emerges from Britain (THT,
prominent revolutionary lead-
ers used to request their cadres
ey on the convention. Other
parties are also planning to
ed to different persons, was returned to
the rightful owners today. A meeting held
Young Nobel Prize winner, November 25, Page 5). The to come along with homemade convene their conventions in between the land users and owners,
Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed of British parliament’s attempt to tiffin like grilled corn and whey similar fashion. People are fac- which was facilitated by Chief District Of-
Ethiopia, is reportedly at the bar female members from during the party’s general con- ing several problems like price ficer Ram Krishna Subedi, SP Ramkripal
war frontline to bolster the bringing their infants and vention. India’s Mahatma Gan- hikes of petroleum products, Sah, Maoist district in-charge Himal and
fight against the fast advancing breastfeeding in the House of dhi says that a leader should cooking oil, vegetables and ce- representatives of the Nepali Congress
rebels (THT, November 25, Commons is absurd. circumvent all individual inter- reals, but the leaders are and CPN-UML, ultimately led to return
Page 1). Not many prime min- Such a move cannot be ac- ests and family servitude like a throwing money everywhere, of the property to the owners. The Mao-
isters show such courage, not ceptable in the 21st century, hermit. The CPN-UML could leaving the commoners at the ists during the insurgency had captured
even in the Federal Democratic especially in first world coun- have spent that money on vari- mercy of God. The organisers 28 bighas of land belonging to Binod Dh-
Republic of Nepal. Ethiopians tries. Females should have un- ous development activities to should also be careful about woj Chand, Laxmi Chand and Gaurav
should be proud to have such a restricted freedom to breast- win our hearts. K P Oli, the par- the possible spread of the Dhwoj Chand and distributed it among
leader who, like the deceased feed their infants at all places, ty chair cum the former pre- COVID-19 during the conven- 32 landless families, who had been tilling
Chadian leader, is ready to sac-
rifice his life for the cause of his
including parliaments and
cabinets. Women around the
Convention rooms for the closed door ses-
sion at Sauraha. The party del-
mier of Nepal, is publicly ac-
claimed as a supreme leader.
tion period. it for their livelihood. Those using the
seized land today agreed to return the
Abhishek Kunwar, Pokhara
nation and people. world must show solidarity The CPN-UML is going to hold egates will be provided food He has already won our hearts property to the rightful owners after the
His heroism is in stark con- with the British woman parlia- its 10th General Convention and accommodation for three and minds by visiting the state- Letters to this column should be addressed to latter expressed ommitment to let them
trast to another leader from the mentarian, a victim of male from November 25-27 in Chit- days. The UML has been owned hospital for his regular Letters C/o Edit Page Editor, The Himalayan Times, continue to work in the fields. Binod Dh-
SAARC region, who fled in the chauvinism, wan with various programmes, claiming that it is an inevitable kidney ailment checkup. He Post Box 11651, APCA House, woj promised that he would help the
face of the Taliban advance. spending approximately Rs part of the convention. The could have gone to Thailand or Baidya Khana Road, Kathmandu, Nepal farmers in the best possible way. “If they
Manohar Shrestha,
Ahmed could be a shining ex- 750 million for its grand jam- CPN-UML should not hold its other developed countries, but email:, ask for some land to build houses, I don’t
ample to the wannabe leaders boree. It has booked 3,500 convention with such extrava- he did not do so. It is very sad Fax 0977-1-4771959 mind giving,” said Binod Dhwoj.


France, Britain trade blame At least 11 dead, dozens trapped in Russian mine
Moscow, November 25
“The search and rescue
work has been temporarily
pound in video footage, with
police huddled outside as it
Tsivilev said there was still
electricity and ventilation in

after 27 die in migrant tragedy

At least 11 miners died in an
accident at a coal mine in
Russia’s Siberia today and an
operation to rescue dozens
more people underground
suspended due to the threat
of an explosion,” an un-
named emergency services
spokesperson was quoted
by the RIA news agency
as saying.
snowed in the region, rough-
ly 3,500 km east of Moscow.
Some 285 people were in-
side the mine when smoke
spread through the ventila-
tion shaft, the emergency
the mine, but that contact
had been lost with some
people deep underground.
“For now there is no heavy
smoke, so we hope that there
is no fire,” Tsivilev said in vid-
Calais/London, November 25 was suspended due to the Eleven people died and 35 ministry said. eo comments shared on his
risk of an explosion, local au- others were still under- At least 239 made it above Telegram channel.
France and Britain traded blame to- thorities and emergency ser- ground, Regional Governor ground, authorities said. “We have no communica-
day after 27 people died trying to cross vices said. Sergei Tsivilev said, accord- They did not say what had tion lines with these people,
the Channel in an inflatable dinghy, Coal dust caught fire in a ing to RIA. caused the smoke. the underground communi-
the worst accident of its kind on re- ventilation shaft in the List- Dozens were being treated The Kremlin said it hoped cations system is not work-
cord in the waterway separating the vyazhnaya mine in the in hospital, at least some the miners who were still un- ing.”
two countries. s n ow b o u n d Ke m e r ov o of them with smoke poison- derground would manage to The Investigative Com-
With relations fraught by years of region early today, filling ing. Four were in critical get out and that President mittee law enforcement
tension over Brexit and immigration, the mine with smoke, the condition. Vladimir Putin had ordered agency’s regional branch
much of the focus was on who should TASS news agency cited Rescue workers and am- the emergencies minister to said it had opened a criminal
bear responsibility, even if both sides local emergency services as bulances could be seen ar- fly out to the region to help case into negligence that had
vowed to work together to find joint saying. riving at the mine’s com- with the operation. caused loss of life.
“There is bad immigration manage-
ment (in Britain),” French Interior
Minister Gerald Darmanin told RTL
radio, while calling on other European
countries, which migrants cross on
their way to French shores and then
Britain, to do more to help.
“It’s an international problem,” A damaged inflatable small boat is pictured on the shore in Wimereux,
Darmanin said. “We tell our Belgian, northern France, on Thursday.
German, and British friends they
should help us fight traffickers who smugglers and migrants take more “This a tragedy that we dreaded,
work at an international level.” One risks to avoid a growing police pres- that was expected, we had sounded
smuggler arrested overnight had ence. “To accuse only the smugglers is the alarm,” said Bernard Barron, head
bought dinghies in Germany, he said. to hide the responsibility of the of the Calais region SNSM, a volunteer
His British counterpart Priti Patel French and British authorities,” the group which rescues people at sea.
said she would be having talks with Auberge de Migrants NGO said. “The smugglers are more and more
Darmanin, hours after Prime Minister It and other NGOs pointed to a lack reckless, criminal, launching at sea
Boris Johnson put the blame on of legal migration routes and height- poor innocent people who want to
France, saying, “We have had difficul- ened security at the Eurotunnel un- reach England at all costs without
ty persuading some of our partners, dersea rail link, which has pushed mi- knowing the sea.”
particularly the French, to do things grants to try to make the perilous sea Before yesterday’s disaster, 14 peo-
in a way that we think the situation crossing. ple had drowned this year trying to
deserves.” The Channel is one of the world’s make it to Britain, a local maritime
Meanwhile, rescue volunteers and busiest shipping lanes, where cur- prefecture official said. In 2020, seven
rights groups said the catastrophic rents are strong, the water is cold and people died and two disappeared,
drowning was to be expected as dinghies are often overloaded. while in 2019 four died.

Romania parliament endorses PM’s coalition govt

Reuters trist alliance splintered in told parliament. than 70 per cent of legisla-
Bucharest, November 25 September, undermining Ciuca, 54, a retired gener- tors. Today, the cabinet got
efforts to cut large budget al, will run the cabinet until backing from 318 legisla-
Romanian legislators en- and trade shortfalls at a 25 May 2023 under the ro- tors out of 444 deputies
dorsed the grand coalition time of spiralling COVID-19 tating coalition agreement present.
government of Liberal cases. “We can finally with the party’s former foes, The coalition will rotate
Prime Minister Nicolae Ci- offer predictability and Romania’s largest Social premiers every 1-1/2 years.
uca by an overwhelming guarantee stability and Democrat party. The PSD will hold the pow-
majority today, inaugurat- development. Today is Together with ethnic erful finance, farming, de-
ing a rotating premiership the first day of a new Hungarians’ party UDMR fence, and transport minis-
deal to end a two-month approach to govern Roma- and an independent group tries and the Liberals will be
long political stalemate. nia to improve the econom- of ethnic minorities, Ciuca’s at the helm of departments
Romania has been in po- ic, social and health situa- government has an over- such as justice, energy,
litical paralysis since a cen- tion of its citizens,” Ciuca whelming backing of more home, and foreign affairs.

5.'!ENDORSES Cambodia promotes shared growth Associated Press the world’s population, 75 per reduce attention at ASEM to diminishing the prospects for

PROPOSALTO Phnom Penh, November 25

Cambodian Prime Minister
Hun Sen opened a virtual
meeting of Asian and Europe-
cent of global tourism and and
55 per cent of global trade, ac-
cording to the organisers.
“As we all strive for so-
cio-economic recovery while
the deterioration of human
rights in that Southeast Asian
country since the army seized
power in February from the
elected government of Aung
substantive cooperation.
It is the third time that Min
Aung Hlaing, who led Febru-
ary’s army takeover, has been
a b s e n t f ro m i m p o r t a n t

GRADUATE.EPAL an leaders today with a call for

sustainable and shared global
growth as the world seeks to
recover from the COVID-19
living with COVID-19, the
theme that we have chosen for
the ASEM-13, namely
‘Strengthening Multilateral-
San Suu Kyi.
According to the list of at-
tendees, Myanmar’s rep-
resentation is listed as ‘work-
regional meetings which
Myanmar’s leader would nor-
mally attend.
The Association of South-

pandemic. ism for Shared Growth’, is even ing group’. There has been east Asian Nations, of which
Thirty European countries more valid and relevant than no public explanation of Myanmar is a member, last
and 21 Asian countries, along ever,” Hun Sen said in opening Min Aung Hlaing’s absence, month agreed not to invite
with multinational organisa- remarks to the meeting. “In but his military-installed gov- him to its annual summit
tions representing the Europe- fact, in the post-COVID-19 cri- ernment is ostracised by many meeting. The action was a re-
Lights illuminating the Christmas

an Union and the Association sis world, we need to further western nations for its takeo- buke for Myanmar’s failure to
of Southeast Asian Nations, reinforce our Asia-Europe ver and its violent suppression cooperate with ASEAN’s mod- market at the Gendarmenmarkt
are represented at the two-day partnership to maintain a of pro-democracy protests. est efforts to help restore Square, in Berlin. Despite the
Asia-Europe Meeting. The bi- strong multilateralism that UN experts have said the peace and stability to the pandemic inconveniences, stall
ennial event is being hosted by will bring about a global country is now on the verge of strife-torn country. Myanmar owners in European cities are
Rastriya Samachar Samiti next five years. Cambodia after being post- growth that is not only ‘Sus- civil war. was invited to send a repre- relieved to be open at all for their
Washington, November 25 He said, “The government poned from last year due to tainable’ but can also be There had been concerns sentative in Min Aung Hlaing’s first Christmas market in two years.
of Nepal has completed the pandemic. ‘Shared’.” that if the Myanmar leader place but declined to do so.
The United Nations General strategic efforts for the gradu- ASEM’s membership ac- The absence of one leader, had attended, major western The general was also absent
Assembly (UNGA) has en- ation. This is an opportunity counts for 65 per cent of the Myanmar’s Senior General powers would have down- from the ASEAN-China Spe-
dorsed the proposal to gradu- for the country to raise its global economy, 60 per cent of Min Aung Hlaing, is likely to graded their representation, cial Summit earlier this week. BFIN conference
ate Nepal to the status of image in the international
a middle-income developing forum by creating structures KATHMANDU: Banking, Finance
nation from the category of
least developed country
(LDC) by 2026.
for its economy within next
five years. We have also urged
for addressing challenges
4HAILAND and Insurance Institute of Nepal
(BFIN) is organising a one-day con-
ference titled ‘Conference on Leader-

The Economic and Social that may emerge after 2026. ship Development for the New Nor-
Council, the UN has present- We will reach a conclusion mal’ on November 27. This confer-
ed the proposal in the UNGA to this effect after holding a ence is to be attended by board of di-
rectors, chief executives and top ex-
for its passage.
The UNGA passed the pro-
posal on Wednesday, con-
dialogue with development
Nepal had met the criteria
TOURISM ecutives of banks and financial insti-
tutions, insurance companies, senior
government officials, leaders of pub-

firmed Amrit Bahadur Rai, for its graduation in between
chief of the Permanent 2015 and 2018. However, it lic and private industries and other
Mission of Nepal to the UN. had been affected and post- distinguished delegates/profession-
On the occasion, Rai poned citing that its economy als engaged in the public and private
pledged for Nepal to do its was threatened due to the Reuters sector, as per a media release. This
best to undertake all required 2015 earthquake. conference shall be a great opportu-
Bangkok, November 25 nity to hear from the prominent in-
procedures for its structural Nepal was incorporated in
changes for the same within the list of LDCs in 1971. Thailand was among the first ternational speakers/personalities
countries in Asia to reopen for from Nepal, India, Bangladesh and
foreign arrivals, and it is seeing a Sri Lanka. This conference explores
the futuristic perspective of banking

Australian firm wrongly slow recovery, including new ho-

tels touting longer stays for indi-
vidual travellers.
In first 10 months of 2021, Thai-
services; the use of technology in the
delivery of products and services;
emerging threats for the financial in-

named as Taliban Reuters

land saw 106,117 foreign tourists,
a drop from 6.7 million in 2020.
Before pandemic, Thailand saw
dustries due to financial crimes and
security issues; and the emerging
challenges for the leadership in man-

An aerial view shows aging the digital financial sector. — HNS

hashish partner hundreds of dredging

rafts operated by illegal
miners who have
about 40 million visitors a year.
Hospitality firms like Asset
World Corporation Pcl, which
opened its 19th property this
‘Ditch Black Friday’

ALMATY: Kazakhstan’s top Muslim
Reuters “We’re just trying to work gathered in a gold rush on month, saw the majority of its
cleric urged local businesses to stop
Sydney, November 25 out what we’re going to do to the Madeira, a major bookings come from western
using the Black Friday tag for their
stop it,” Cpharm Australia’s tributary of the Amazon countries and the Middle East.
end-of-November sale campaigns, a
A small Australian medical Chief Financial Officer, Tony “About 70 per cent of total

River, in Autazes. move that he said would be appreci-
consulting firm got caught up Gabites, said by phone from bookings came from Europe, in-
ated by followers of the Central Asian
in an unexpected publicity the company’s headquarters, cluding Germany, UK, Scandina-
nation’s dominant faith. “Since Friday
storm today after being located 166 km from Sydney. has been a surge in illegal vian countries, followed by the
is the holy day for the Muslim com-
wrongly named as agreeing “We’ve had probably 40 or gold mining, and were last US, Middle East, and Asia,” Chief
with Afghanistan’s ruling Tali-
ban to bankroll a $450 million
hashish processing plant in
the Central Asian country.
50 calls today. It’s just out of
control and it’s just all lies,
media guys ... not doing any
due diligence on what they
!MAZONTRIBUTARY seen some 650 km away in
Autazes, a municipal dis-
trict southeast of Manaus.
A spokesperson for Bra-
Executive Wallapa Traisorat told
Reuters, adding that domestic
travel helped. “For November, we
should see 30 per cent occupancy,
munity, renaming Black Friday to
Generous Friday would be paying
due respect to our people, most of
whom follow Islamic traditions,” Su-
preme Mufti Nauryzbai Kazhy Tagan-
A report by Afghanistan’s want to publish,” he said. zil’s environmental protec- and in the fourth quarter we hope
uly said in an address published by
Pajhwok Afghan News said Gabites suspected the re- Reuters Brazil activist Danicley tion agency Ibama said the to see better momentum from
the Spiritual Administration of Mus-
representatives of Austral- ports stemmed from a tweet Autazes, November 25 Aguiar. illegal dredging on the Ma- the reopening.”
lims of Kazakhstan. The term, which
ia-based Cpharm had met from a Taliban-linked ac- The gold rush began as deira River was the respon- Thailand, one of the region’s
has originated in the United States

with counter-narcotic offi- count which named a compa- undreds of world leaders gathered for a sibility not of the federal most popular destinations, is
and refers to the Friday following
cials at the Ministry of Interior ny called Cpharm, referring to dredging rafts United Nations climate government but of Amazo- heavily dependent on tourism. In
Thanksgiving, has become popular
to discuss producing medi- another organisation else- operated by ille- conference in Glasgow, nas state and its environ- 2019, 40 million arrivals spent 1.91
among Kazakh retailers, even though
cines and creams at the where in the world with a sim- gal miners have where Brazil vowed it had mental agency IPAAM. trillion baht ($57.3 billion).
the former Soviet republic marks no
factory, offering a legal use of ilar name. gathered in a gold rush on stepped up protection of The head of IPAAM, Ju- Centara Hotels and Resorts is
holidays near that date. — Reuters
cannabis, which is wide- Cpharm Australia provides the Madeira River, a major the Amazon rainforest. liano Valente, said his agen- moving ahead with plans to open
spread there. medical advice about phar- tributary of the Amazon, However, far-right Presi- cy has instructed state se- a 1.1 billion baht hotel on the is-
The report was picked up maceutical products and is floating hundreds of miles dent Jair Bolsonaro has curity forces to act, but he land of Samui in December. Ini- Poland energy prices
by a host of global outlets in- not a manufacturer so would as state and federal authori- weakened environmental insisted that the river is tially the property expects most WARSAW: Poland’s Prime Minister
cluding the Times of London, not take on a manufacturing ties dispute who is respon- enforcement since taking federal jurisdiction and guests to be locals on longer stays, Mateusz Morawiecki said on Thurs-
which ran its own story nam- contract in any case. It also sible for stopping them. office in 2019, turning a so enforcement should said Centara Hotels Chief Finan- day that starting in December the
ing the Australian company. would not be able to raise The rafts equipped with blind eye to invasions of fall to federal police and cial Officer Gun Srisompong. government will cut tax on fuels and
Verified Twitter accounts $450 million, Gabites added. pumps are moored togeth- protected public and indig- the National Mining Agen- “De m a n d p a t t e r n s h a v e on energy and will offer bonuses to
linked to the BBC and Middle The company may take le- er in lines that nearly enous lands by illegal log- cy (ANM). changed. Individual travellers on hardest hit households next year to
Eastern news outlet Al Araby- gal recourse if it lost business stretch across the vast Ma- gers, cattle ranchers and Federal police and the longer stays and ‘workations’ counter inflation that has reached its
bia repeated the claim about due to wrongly reported Tali- deira, and a Reuters witness wildcat gold miners. ANM did not immediately need more personalisation,” Sri- highest level since 2001. Morawiecki
the Australians. ban dealings — a potential vi- spotted plumes of exhaust The Madeira flows some respond to a request for sompong said. said that the so-called ‘anti-inflation
But Cpharm Australia, a olation of sanctions — but did indicating they are vacu- 3,300 km from its source in comment. Thailand expects only 200,000 shield’ will cost the government some
family business with 17 staff not expect to be impacted uming riverbed for gold. Bolivia through the rainfor- “It’s a free-for-all. None of foreign tourists this year, and five 10 billion zlotys ($2.4 billion) while
from the regional centre of long-term. “We counted no less than est in Brazil and into the the authorities are doing million in 2022. additional funds will come from
Maitland, has never spoken to “Most of the companies 300 rafts. They’ve been Amazon River. anything to stop illegal Thinner crowds and discounts spending cuts. He blamed the infla-
the Taliban and has no deal- we deal with would look there at least two weeks and The dredging rafts have mining, which has become made for a more pleasant experi- tion, which was 6.8 per cent in Octo-
ings overseas or involving at that article and laugh,” Ga- the government has done floated downriver from the an epidemic in the Ama- ence, said German tourist Markus ber, year-on-year, on higher energy
cannabis, it told Reuters. bites said. nothing,” said Greenpeace Humaita area, where there zon,” Aguiar said. Klarer. costs, saying they stem from Russia’s
gas policy, the European Union’s cli-

mate policy and CO2 emission certif-
icate prices, as well as on bonuses
that were paid out to help businesses
survive the COVID-19 pandemic. — AP
Reuters According to ATA, Dyson ac- progress and have already re- flagged complaints received annual report. bility, Hall added, saying he
Kuala Lumpur, November 25 counts for almost 80 per cent moved some production from workers. ATA posted record revenue had made multiple com- China emissions fall
of its revenue. lines,” Singapore-headquar- The CBP has banned six and profit for fiscal year ended plaints in the past year to the BEIJING: China’s carbon emissions
High-tech home appliance The termination is also a tered Dyson said in response Malaysian firm in the last March 2021 as COVID-19 government about ATA. fell in the third quarter for the first
maker Dyson Ltd told Reuters significant blow for Malaysia, to questions from Reuters. “We two years from selling their induced lockdowns boosted Malaysia’s labour depart- time since its economic recovery
it had cut ties with supplier a major electronics manufac- have now terminated our rela- products to the United States demand for home appliances ment did not immediately from the coronavirus began, new
ATA IMS Bhd following an au- turing hub that has faced scru- tionship with six months’ of after finding evidence of such as Dyson’s stick vacuum respond to a request for research shows, partly as a result of
dit of the Malaysian compa- tiny this year over claims mi- contractual notice. We hope forced labour. cleaner. comment. a clampdown on property develop-
ny’s labour practices and alle- grant workers are being sub- this gives ATA the impetus to In July, the US State Depart- Dyson rejected allegations Social audits — the main ment and widespread coal shortages.
gations by a whistleblower, jected to abusive working and improve, and enables an or- ment put Malaysia on a list earlier this year regarding form of due diligence con- The world’s biggest emitter of
sending ATA shares plunging. living conditions. derly withdrawal in the inter- with more than a dozen coun- excessive hours and cramped ducted by the world’s biggest greenhouse gases saw CO2 emissions
ATA, which is already being Dyson, privately owned by ests of the workers that they tries including China and living conditions for ATA brands — are meant to moni- drop by around 0.5 per cent in July to
investigated by the United British billionaire James Dy- employ.” North Korea, saying it had not workers, citing multiple prior tor labour and other ethical September from a year earlier, Lauri
States over forced labour son, said it received the results ATA had in May denied alle- made progress in eliminating audits it said had not found standards in the supply Myllyvirta, lead analyst with the Hel-
allegations, confirmed Dyson of an audit of working condi- gations of forced labour at its trafficking of workers. any issues involved in its chain. However, critics say sinki-based Centre for Research on
has terminated its contracts tions at ATA in early October. factories after a prominent Foreigners form a signifi- supply chain. some companies have turned Energy and Clean Air (CREA), said.
and that it has been in talks It said it had learned in Sep- rights activist said US authori- cant part of Malaysia’s work- Activist Hall said Dyson’s de- into a perfunctory tick-boxing The fall marks a turnaround from an
with its customer over the au- tember about allegations from ties were going to scrutinise force. Most migrant workers in cision to terminate the rela- exercise. approximately 9% increase in emis-
dit findings. a whistleblower at an ATA the company’s work practices. Malaysia come from Nepal tionship would have huge Dyson said the recent audit sions in the first half of 2021, when
Shares in ATA, which makes factory and had commis- The activist, Andy Hall, and Bangladesh, and are em- implications for the thousands findings it received in October China’s post-COVID-19 economic
parts for Dyson’s vacuum sioned a law firm to investi- shared a letter the US Customs ployed in factories, planta- of workers employed at ATA were from a ‘comprehensive’ recovery was in full swing with
cleaners and air purifiers, gate those claims. and Border Protection ( tions and construction sites. and Dyson should remediate audit that interviewed over construction and heavy industrial ac-
tumbled 30 per cent to their “Despite intense engage- CBP) had sent him informing Over half of ATA’s 8,032 ATA workers. 2,000 members of ATA staff. tivity. — Reuters
lowest since April 2020 after ment over the past six weeks, him it had agreed to investi- employees are foreigners, The Malaysian government It did not disclose the find-
the Reuters report. we have not seen sufficient gate an ATA unit after he according to the firm’s latest must also bear some responsi- ings of the audit.

s4)-%/54 .EPALHAMMER+UWAIT Province-II, Province-I win Himalayan News Service six. Pradi Paswan took 3-31 for 163 runs in 38 overs. Bibek

Kathmandu, November 25 for Province-II, while Bibek Anand Mehta top scored for
Ya d a v a n d A j a y Ya d a v Province-I with 59 off 82 balls
Province-II and Province-I grabbed two wickets each. that included five fours and
recorded victories in the Wai In reply, Adil Ansari top two sixes, while skipper Ankit
Wai U-19 National Cricket scored for Province-I with a Subedi struck seven bounda-
Tournament here today. quick fire 87 not out off 43 ries in his 33-ball 37.
Himalayan News Service Province-II defeated Sudu- balls that included seven Sonu Mandal (25), Sonu
Kathmandu, November 25 rpashchim Province by two boundaries and six sixes. He Ansari (24), Dipak Joshi (23
wickets at the TU Stadium. also earned the player-of- not out), Sumit Neupane
Nepal thrashed Kuwait by nine Batting first, Sudurpashchim the-match award for his (18), Rakesh Shah (12) and
wickets to register their second were all out for 290 runs in match-winning innings. Shrawan Kisku (12) chipped
victory in the ICC Twenty20 41.4 overs before Province-II Amit Yadav missed the half in valuable runs. Anuj Kumar
World Cup Asia Region Qualifi- reached 292-8 with five balls century by a run and he hit Chanara, Rupak Dahal and
ers at the ICC Academy to spare. three fours and two sixes in Yunish Bikram Singh Thakuri
grounds in Dubai today. Sudurpashchim rode on his 75-ball knock, while Gul- grabbed two wickets each for
Batting first, Kuwait were century from Arjun Saud and san Jha struck two fours and Karnali.
bowled out for a paltry 27 runs a solid half century from four sixes in his 53-ball 46. In reply, Rupak Dahal
in 15.3 overs before Nepal Lokesh Bam to post the chal- Rohan BK (23), Santosh scored an unbeaten 41 off 50
Nepal’s Sakshyam Bikram Shah and raced to 28-1 with 99 balls to lenging total but their efforts Karki (21), Aashish Jha (16), balls hitting two fours and
Sunira Thapa hold their medals spare. With their second win in went in vain. skipper Bibek Yadav (14) and three sixes, while Manish Ti-
after the Kathmandu-Asian U-14 three matches, Nepal moved to Wicketkeeper Saud scored Pradip Paswan (nine not out) wari scored a quick fire 39 off
Ranking Tennis Tournament in second position with four a quick fire 116 from 85 balls also chipped in valuable runs 28 balls hitting four fours and
Lalitpur on Thursday. points, two behind hosts Unit- with the help of 14 bounda- for Province-II. Sher Malla two sixes. Raj Prasad Shah
ed Arab Emirates. ries and five sixes, while Bam and Narendra Saud took was the next best Karnali
Hong Kong also have four struck 13 fours and a six in his three wickets each for Sudur- batsman scoring 24 runs.
Shah, Thapa triumph points from three games, while
Malaysia and Bhutan have two
73-ball 81.
Naresh Bhatta scored 30 off
pashchim, while Hemant
Dhami and Lokesh Bam
Shrawan Kisku was the pick
LALITPUR: Nepal claimed all four each. Kuwait are yet to open 33 balls with the help of five grabbed one each. of the Province-I bowlers tak-
gold medals in the Kathmandu-Asian their accounts in the six-team boundaries, while Basant In another match, Prov- ing 4-34, while Luv Kamat
U-14 Ranking Tennis Tournament competition. After the round Karki hit three sixes in his 23- ince-I beat Karnali by 76 grabbed 3-36 and Gaurav
here at the Tennis Complex on Thurs- robin league, the top side ball 27 and captain Gajendra runs. Batting first, Province-I Katuwal claimed 2-27.
day. Sakshyam Bikram Shah defeated will make it to next year’s Bohara scored 16 off 15 balls were all out for 239 runs in 50 Dipesh Kandel pocketed
fellow Nepali player Darshil Shrestha global qualifiers of the ICC T20 that included two fours and a overs before packing Karnali one wicket.
6-1, 6-0 in the boys’ singles final, World Cup.
while India’s Siddhartha Jibu and Pa- Kuwait’s decision to bat first
kistan’s Amir Muhammed Khan fin- backfired as only opener Priya-
ished joint third. Likewise, Nepal’s da Murali was able to score in
Sunira Thapa won the girls’ section double figures. They lost the
gold medal with a 6-4, 7-6 (3) victory last eight wickets for just nine
over Prashamsa Moktan. Nepal’s runs. Murali scored 10 off 20
Adya Poudel and USA’s Nala Josfin balls with the help of two
Maskey bagged bronze medals. Shah boundaries, while Maryam
and Thapa had also won singles gold Omar was the next best con-
medals in the Circuit-I tournament tributor with seven runs. Six
last week. On Wednesday, the pairs of Kuwait batters even failed to
Sakshyam Bikram Shah/Darshil open their accounts.
Shrestha and Sunira Thapa/ Sangita Rai was the pick of
Photo Courtesy: CAN
Prashamsa Moktan bagged gold the Nepali bowlers taking 3-2
medals in doubles events. A total of from 2.4 overs, while she was Nepal skipper Rubina Chhetry holds the player-of-the-match
33 players from Nepal, India, Paki- ably supported by Karuna trophy after the ICC T20 World Cup Asia Region Qualifiers
stan and the United States took part Bhandari (2-8) and skipper Ru- match against Kuwait in Dubai on Thursday.
in the five-day tournament. Nepal bina Chhetry (3-2-1-2). Saras-
Tennis Association Vice-president wati Kumari also grabbed home without further loss. mained unbeaten on 13 off
Keshav Raj Pandey and tournament a wicket. Rana Magar was bowled by eight balls that included a
director Ajay Bista handed over the In reply, Nepal lost vice-cap- Maria Jasvi in the fifth ball of boundary.
prizes to the winners. — HNS tain Sita Rana Magar (naught) the innings. Nepal will take on Malaysia
Photo Courtesy: CAN
with just one run on the board Player-of-the-match on Friday and wrap up the
Morgan sacked before skipper Chhetry and Chhetry struck a four in her 10- tournament with a match Players of Province-II and Sudurpashchim Province greet after their Wai Wai U-19
National Cricket Tournament match at the TU Stadium in Kathmandu on Thursday.
Indu Barma took the team ball 12 not out, while Barma re- against hosts UAE on Sunday.
LONDON: Leicester City women
have sacked manager Jonathan Mor-
gan with the team bottom of the
standings, the FA Women’s Super
League club said on Thursday.
Leicester, who gained promotion to
Sri Lanka crush West Indies, take lead 3PORTING,ISBONJOIN
the top flight after winning the
Championship under Morgan, are
yet to secure a point this season hav-
ing lost all eight matches played so
Colombo, November 25
Nkrumah Bonner and Josh-
matter of time after they fin-
ished day four on a precari-
ous 52-6 at the Galle Interna-
tional Stadium. Both the
Embuldeniya and his spin
colleagues Ramesh Mendis
and Praveen Jayawickrama
shared 18 of the 20 West In-
we’re playing well as a unit.”
His counterpart Kraigg
Brathwaite said the tourists
were on the back foot after
far. This season has been disappoint- ua Da Silva offered brief re- overnight batsmen Bonner, dies wickets among them- managing 230 in their first Associated Press tuguese team in second place in
ing, with injuries contributing to a sistance but Sri Lanka flexed who made 68 not out, and Da selves. “It’s a great test for innings. “I always believe the Group B that promises a tense
difficult start, but we haven’t Barcelona, November 25
their spin muscles to crush Silva forged a century stand me,” said home captain Di- first innings score was im- final round on December 7.
achieved the results we had hoped West Indies by 187 runs in to frustrate Sri Lanka amid a muth Karunaratne who was portant and we fell short,” The parade of European powers AC Milan are still in conten-
for. Assistant manager Michael Ma- the opening Test on Thurs- rain forecast for Thursday. adjudged man-of-the-match the opener said after West In- advancing to the Champions tion after finding an 87th-min-
koni and first team coach Holly Mor- day and take a 1-0 lead in the Once left-arm spinner La- for his 147 in Sri Lanka’s first dies were all out for 160 in League knockout stage on ute goal from a 30-year-old
gan have also left the club. Emile two-match series. sith Embuldeniya (5-46) inning total of 386. “We need their second innings. The Wednesday was disrupted by Champions League debutant to
Heskey, the club’s head of women’s Chasing an improbable broke that stand by removing to carry on the good work second and final Test is also Sporting Lisbon completing a win 1-0 at Atletico Madrid. Jun-
football development, will oversee victory target of 348, West In- Da Silva for 54, West Indies and I have some targets to scheduled at Galle from stunning turnaround to join ior Messias’s goal left both teams
first team training ahead of Sunday’s dies’ defeat looked just a collapsed in a heap. achieve and I’m glad that Monday. them. on four points with Milan next
clash against Manchester United in Manchester City and Real Ma- hosting Liverpool and last-place
the FA Women’s League Cup. — Reuters drid are back in the round of 16 Atlético going to Porto.
after beating teams they lost to Leipzig were missing Ameri-
Miccoli sentenced in September. Paris Saint-Ger- can coach Jesse Marsch, who
main also go through despite tested positive for COVID-19, yet
ROME: Former Italy and Juventus their 2-1 loss at City after leading overwhelmed Club Brugge 5-0
striker Fabrizio Miccoli has had a when Kylian Mbappe scored in Belgium in their battle to fin-
sentence of three-and-a-half years early in the second half. ish third in Group A behind Man
in jail upheld for extortion, aggravat- Madrid’s 3-0 win at Sheriff — City and PSG. Third-place teams
ed by mafia methods, Italian news avenging a 2-1 home defeat to in Champions League groups
agency ANSA reported. Miccoli the champion of Moldova two earn a ticket to the second-tier
was found guilty in 2017 of approach- months ago — included a goal Europa League knockout play-
ing the son of a mafia boss to recover for Karim Benzema on a day of offs in February. Dortmund and
12,000 euros from a nightclub legal trouble for the forward and Sheriff will be among them.
owner in Palermo on behalf of a ensured Inter Milan also ad- UEFA makes knockout draws in
former Palermo football club physio. vanced from Group D by beating all three European club compe-
He denied the charges and appealed Shakhtar Donetsk 2-0. titions on December 13.
the conviction. On Wednesday, Italy’s Three-time European cham- Lionel Messi, Kylian Mbappe,
Supreme Court of Cassation, the pion Inter return to the round of Neymar. PSG coach Mauricio
country’s highest court of appeal, 16 after a 10-year absence, Pochettino was able to pick his
upheld the guilty verdict, ANSA though Sporting ended a 13-year superstar forward line to face
said, with Miccoli given the three- wait by beating Borussia Dort- Pep Guardiola’s Man City with-
and-a-half year sentence. The inci- mund 3-1. Pedro Goncalves out a typical center forward or
dent took place in 2010 and 2011. scored twice. Sporting seemed Kevin De Bruyne because of a
In 2013, Miccoli was forced to apolo- overmatched in September COVID-19 infection.
gise after he was accused of insulting when routed at home by Ajax City still had enough despite
the murdered anti-mafia judge Gio- then beaten in Dortmund, but failing to turn first-half domi-
vanni Falcone. — Reuters AP
three straight wins lifted the sur- nance into goals and falling be-
Sri Lanka team members celebrate after beating West Indies in the first Test match in Galle on Thursday. prise Portuguese title-winner to hind to Mbappe’s goal in the
advance with a game to spare. 50th. Raheem Sterling struck
“Teams grow,” Sporting coach with a classic City tap-in goal in


good for the project, but we still
have a lot to do.” Ajax and Liver-
pool extended their dominating
the 63rd and, after Neymar wast-
ed a clear chance, Gabriel Jesus
won it in the 77th with a scuffed
shot that beat PSG goalkeeper
Reuters are urging the federal govern- liticisation of the Olympics, for- to participate. Britain has not Australia and the countries in group-stage campaigns with Keylor Navas.
Sydney, November 25 ment to boycott the event, which eign ministry spokesman Zhao made any decision on who will September entered into a securi- fifth straight wins. Pochettino eliminated City
will be held in February, the Lijian told a briefing on Thurs- represent its government at the ty partnership to help Australia Ajax’s 2-1 win at Besiktas came from the Champions League in
Australia is considering not newspaper reported without cit- day. Attempts at a boycott will Olympics, but Prime Minister build nuclear submarines. The thanks to two goals from re- the same stadium as Tottenham
sending any government offi- ing a source. “A decision on (Aus- not succeed, he added. Against Boris Johnson does not support trilateral deal riled China, the cord-setting forward Sebastien coach three seasons ago, and
cials to the Winter Olympics to tralia’s) representation at the Bei- the backdrop of US concerns the idea of boycotts, his spokes- major rising power in the In- Haller, who came on as a substi- there is speculation he could be
be held in Beijing next year fol- jing Winter Olympics is yet to be about China’s human rights re- man said earlier this week. do-Pacific region. Australia’s re- tute. Haller has now scored in his back in Manchester soon as
lowing calls from lawmakers for made,” a spokesperson for cord, President Joe Biden last The Australian government lationship with China, its largest first five career Champions United coach. Both Manchester
an official diplomatic boycott, Sports Minister Richard Colbeck week said the United States was will await the Biden administra- trading partner, soured after it League games and is the fastest teams have won their groups
the Sydney Morning Herald said said in an emailed response. considering a diplomatic boy- tion’s decision before any com- banned Huawei Technologies Co player to get to nine goals in the and will be seeded in the Round
in a report on Thursday. Australia’s foreign affairs depart- cott of the Olympics. mitment to a diplomatic boycott, Ltd from its 5G broadband net- competition. of 16 draw. Inter Milan are head-
Australian politicians from the ment did not respond to a re- A diplomatic boycott would the report in the Sydney Morning work in 2018 and called for an Liverpool cruised to a 2-0 win ing to the Champions League
ruling Liberal-National coalition quest seeking comment. involve not sending a delegation Herald said. Both the United independent investigation into over Porto and moved an aston- knockout stage for the first time
and the opposition Labor party China firmly opposes the po- of officials, but allowing athletes States and Britain are allies of the origins of COVID-19. ishing 10 points clear of the Por- in 10 years.


The event also saw poem
recitation and traditional
dance show that highlighted
women’s plight in our patri-
differently-abled women
and those from sexual mi-
norities who have been de-
nied even their basic rights
Gear up for AWON
to end violence archal society. The poem ti-
tled Aamako Atyachar by
Ashmita Badi narrated the
and are the victims of the
state’s indifference.
The event ended with the
Bazaar on Nov 27
story of the poet’s mother Patan Museum Courtyard ATHMANDU: The carpets, clothes, food
who was a victim of patriar- and the Dharahara being lit annual AWON Ba- items, ... et cetera. This

!'!).347/-%. chal ideology due to which

“she (poet’s mother) forced
me (poet) to follow women’s
traditional roles as home-
simultaneously in orange
colour — a symbol of a
bright future, free from
violence against women
zaar is scheduled to
take place at The Soaltee
Kathmandu on November
27. A press release issued
year, due to the COVID-19
pandemic, we will only
have 75 per cent of what
we usually have, and with
makers from an early age”. and girls, as per Ashmita by the hotel quotes Baba social distancing,” the re-
sharing their stories on stage established the mechanism Likewise, dancer Subima Shrestha, the event’s host. Sarkar Shrestha, President lease quotes Shrestha as
as well as virtually. for crime mapping in all 77 Shrestha performed a Kath- The event also marked the of the Active Women Of saying. The Soaltee Kath-
Jenny Khadka, an acid at- districts to analyse crime in- ak dance to a song based on beginning of the “16 days of Nepal (AWON), as saying mandu will have a food
tack survivor from Kalanki, cident patterns and to mini- the real life experience of continuous activism against the AWON Bazaar is one stall that will sell food at
said, “My husband threw mise them. The police has Gauri Bista, a survivor of do- gender-based violence of the biggest fundraisers discounted price, Turkish
acid on my body as I was been working with local mestic violence and a wom- through various pro- where they promote local Airlines has provided a
staying away from him for communities in all districts en’s rights activist from Doti. grammes with similar products and it serves as a business class ticket to
some time due to our per- to reduce gender-based vio- The women activists also themes held across the bridge between vendors Kathmandu-US-Kath-
sonal differences. Life has lence against women.” highlighted the plights of country” as per Ashmita. and clients. Expatriates go mandu, and Nepal Air-
been difficult for me since to this bazaar for holiday lines Corporation has pro-
Himalayan News Service gender-based violence. then as I even have difficul- shopping where vendors vided two Kathman-
Kathmandu Speaking dur ing the ties in breathing properly. I sell goods at a fairly rea- du-Delhi-Kathmandu
event, Sara Beysolow Nyanti, call on the authorities to in- sonable price while one business class tickets to

ommemorating UN Resident Coordinator in troduce strict laws so that can enjoy a full day of out- be sold at a silent auction
the International the country said, “It has other women don’t end up ing for family with activi- on the day of the bazaar,
Day for the Elimi- been 30 years since the Unit- with a similar fate like mine.” ties like games, face paint- as per the release. The
nation of Vio- ed Nations has been organ- Issues ranging from sexual ing, live music et cetera. funds generated will go
lence Against ising the annual event abuse at an early age, and “We usually have above towards the scholarship of
Women, that falls on No- around the world on No- domestic violence, to work- 100 tables selling indige- 85 children AWON has
vember 25, the United Na- vember 25. However, the vi- place sexual harassment of nous goods from shawls, been supporting. — HNS
tions (UN) in Nepal held an olence against women women professionals were
event with the theme ‘Or- hasn’t much abated despite rife in the stories narrated
ange the World: End Vio- our concerted efforts to end during the event.
lence against Women Now!’ it and the ongoing pandem- Most of the speakers re-
at Patan Durbar Square ic has only added to the quested the government SUDOKU-4471
Courtyard on the day. women’s existing problems. and all authorities con-
The event that called for Hence, still much needs to cerned to fight for the rights
the prevention and elimina- be done for women empow- of women and protect them
tion of violence against erment in the country and from being vicitimised.
women and girls around the the annual event has been Sharing about the govern-
world saw a host of foreign helpful to bring everyone to- ment’s efforts to protect
delegates, national guests, gether to fight for women’s women from violence, Ram-
along with local women genuine cause.” hari Sharma, Under Secre-
sharing their views and The event also saw wom- tary at Ministry of Home Af-
personal accounts of en survivors of violence fairs, said, “We have already
Photos: THT

she was seen hosting the red

s9/52,5#+ carpet at the American Music

HAPPY BIRTHDAY: You are a seeker in life who is an idealist. You

2APPER2AJA Awards, which makes her the
first Indian person of Indian
origin to host the ceremony of YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION

also have common sense and a good sense of humour. The theme this scale. She was seen hosting
of service will be in your life this year, which is why you have to take pre-ceremony activities.
care of yourself so you can be helpful to others, especially family.
Her heart-hitting lyrics and HOW TO SOLVE:
Actually, it’s a good year for a personal makeover.
Moon Alert: Avoid shopping or making important decisions from
11:00 am to 9:30 pm EST today (8:00 am to 6:30 pm PST). After
that, the Moon moves from Leo into Virgo.
IN#APITAL rhyming lines her hip-hop
tracks like City Slums and I’m A
Rebel, and film songs The
Wakhra Song from the movie
Every number from 1 to 9
must appear in each of the
9 vertical columns, in each of
the 9 horizontal rows
Judgementall Hai Kya (2019) and in each of the 9 boxes
ARIES (March 21-April 19): “Whoa, Nellie!” Be careful
today, because this day is a Moon Alert. The good and Husan Parcham from the

news is it’s a creative day for you! It’s a fabulous ATHMANDU: Svetha mari, we want to spread the in the classical arts by the movie Zero (2018), managed
day to schmooze and socialise with others, so get Yallapragada Rao aka message that Nepal is safe Governor of Tamil Nadu, India. to quite a buzz around the
out and have fun! However, during the Moon Alert, Raja Kumari, an Indi- to travel to, and that we Recently on November 24, world. — HNS
restrict your spending to food and gas. Don’t shop. Tonight: Be an-American songwriter, are ready to welcome
helpful. ✹✹✹✹ recording artiste and rap- international guests.”
per, is making her way to He added, “Kumari is a
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): This is an excellent day to
Nepal on December 4 to global artiste and we be-
entertain at home and enjoy warm family discussions,
especially with a female relative. You will enjoy co- perform live in the Capital. lieve her presence will
cooning at home and settling down in front of the TV Confirming her perfor- have a positive impact on
with your favourite snacks, because most of this day mance at Club Fahrenheit Nepal’s tourism.”
is a Moon Alert. Tonight: Relax. ✹✹✹ in the Capital’s tourist hub Furthermore, Shrestha
of Thamel, the artiste post- hopes the event will live up
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You are a curious person ed a video on her official to rap music enthusiasts’
who loves catching up on gossip. You also love an Instagram Handle theraja- expectations hoping for it
adoring peanut gallery. Today is a great day to kumari sharing the details to be a “surreal experience
schmooze! Enjoy short trips, appointments and er- of her arrival. for the audience as they
rands; however, restrict shopping to food and gas. In the video, the 35-year- will be witnessing a mega
Postpone important decisions. Tonight: Home and family. ✹✹✹✹ old says, “I am coming musician and event
CANCER (June 21-July 22): Be careful: Today the to Nepal on December 4, after years.”
Moon is in your Money House, and it’s a Moon Alert. 2021 to perform live at Kumari, whose first sin-
Therefore, be careful! Postpone important financial Club Fahrenheit, Kath- gle was Mute, is best known
negotiations. When it comes to spending money, re- mandu. See you all there. for her collaboration with
strict purchases to food and gas. Be safe and protect Love you all.” artistes like Iggy Azalea,
your assets. Tonight: Communicate. ✹✹✹ Sharing that Kumari’s Fifth Harmony, Knife Party,
live performance is mainly Gwen Stefani and Fall Out
LEO (July 23-Aug 22): This is a fun-loving, upbeat day! targeted to promote tour- Boy. Nominated for the
Enjoy schmoozing with others and exploring the arts, ism and the revival of Grammys in 2015, Kumari
social outings and sports events. You also might enjoy Thamel, Milan Shrestha, has received the BMI Pop
playful activities with kids. However, note that today
Founder and CEO of the award for song writing and
is a Moon Alert, which means you should restrict
spending to food and gas. Tonight: Money issues. ✹✹✹✹✹
Club said, “It’s been one- has also been featured in
and-a-half years that the Bobby Friction, a pro-
VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22): This is a good day to hunker tourism industry of Nepal gramme on BBC Asia Net-
down at home and enjoy family discussions. However, has been struggling to sur- work. She has also been
agree to nothing important, because today is a Moon vive, and so is the case with honoured with the Kohi-
Alert. Therefore, relax and have a good time today. Thamel. By bringing in Ku- noor Award for excellence
Socialise with others in a low-key way, but restrict
shopping to food and gas. Tonight: You win! ✹✹✹✹
LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22): Today the Moon is in your
House of Friendships. Furthermore, it’s a Moon
Alert. Keep things light. Avoid important decisions.
How Smith coped with
Nevertheless, you will enjoy warm times with friends
and relating to groups. Do not volunteer for anything.
Tonight: Enjoy solitude. ✹✹✹✹
his first real heartbreak
SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21): You are high-viz today. wood star Will Smith
People will notice you more than usual, especially revealed that he de-
bosses, parents, VIPs and the police. Because today veloped a “psychosomatic
is a Moon Alert, just coast. Make no important deci- reaction” to having an or-
sions. Don’t shop (except for food). Easy does it. gasm after having his heart
Tonight: Be friendly. ✹✹✹ broken by his first serious
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): This is an exciting girlfriend when he was 16.
day, because you can explore new ideas, talk to He had earlier revealed
people from different backgrounds and possibly travel she was a “beautiful” girl
— all things that you enjoy doing. The thing to named Melanie who was
remember is that most of this day is a Moon Alert, unfaithful to him while he disagreeable to the core of
which means restrict spending to food and gas. Tonight: Someone was away on tour. Smith — my being, that I developed
admires you. ✹✹✹✹✹ who has 29-year-old son a psychosomatic reaction
Trey from a previous rela- to having an orgasm. It
CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): Be careful, because to-
tionship and Jaden, 23, and would literally make me
day the Moon is in one of your Money Houses, specifi-
Willow, 21, with wife Jada gag and sometimes even
cally the one relating to shared income, debt and tax-
es. Because of the Moon Alert, make no important de- Pinkett — replied to the vomit.” The 53-year-old ac-
cisions regarding these matters. If shopping, restrict end of his relationship by tor said he was desperately
spending to food and gas. Tonight: Explore! ✹✹✹ pursuing “rampant sexual trying to find love with the
intercourse”, but it only left sexual encounters.
AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): You will have to go more him feeling more troubled. He added: “In every case,
than halfway when dealing with others today, be- He wrote in his new though, I hoped to God this
cause the Moon is opposite your sign. Hey, no biggie. memoir Will: “I desperately beautiful stranger would
It simply requires cooperation and tolerance. Be need relief but as there is be ‘the one’ who would
aware of the restrictions of the Moon Alert. Tonight: no pill for heartbreak, I love me, who would make
Check your finances. ✹✹ resorted to the homeo- this pain go away. But in-
PISCES (Feb 19-March 20): Because of the Moon Alert pathic remedies of variably, there I was, retch-
today, you might be frustrated at work because short- shopping and rampant ing and wretched. And the
ages and confused decisions might dog your foot- sexual intercourse. look in the eyes of the
steps. Postpone important decisions. Restrict spend- “Up until this point in women even further
ing money to food and gas. Nevertheless, this is an my life, I had only had sex deepened my agony.”
upbeat, playful day. Tonight: Be cooperative. ✹✹✹✹ with one woman other Elsewhere in the book,
than Melanie, but over the the star recalled how he
Born today: Singer Tina Turner (1939), actor Peter Facinelli (1973), actress next few months, I went thought he would “die
Tamsin Egerton (1988) By Georgia Nicols full ghetto hyena. I had sex trying” to satisfy Jada in
The Stars Show the Kind of Day You’ll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult with so many women, and the early stages of their
it was so constitutionally relationship. — IANS
Published by: International Media Network Nepal (Pvt) Ltd, APCA House, Baidya Khana Road, Anamnagar, Kathmandu, Nepal, PO Box 11651 Phone: 4770358, E-mail: Regd No 143/051/052 Postal Regd. 62/072/73 Printed at: Sama Printers (Pvt) Ltd, Sainbu, Lalitpur. Acting Editor: Rajan Pokhrel

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