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DBMS Lab Assignment – 05

Name : Sachin Mahendra Gaikwad

Roll No : 207941
Reg No : MC20151

1. Create table Employee and Project

Employee Table
Project Table
2. Display the structure of all the tables

3. Display the Cartesian product of above two tables.

4. Retrieve emp_name, project_name order by Emp_name from "Employee"
and "Project" for those employees which have assigned projects already.

5. Retrieve emp_name, project_name order by Emp_name from "Employee"

and "Project" for those employees who have assigned projects already and
also who have not assigned any projects yet.
6. Retrieve emp_name, project_name from “Employee” and “Project” for
those projects assigned to the employees and also the projects that are not
assigned to anyone yet.

7. Write a query to find out the project names which are not assigned to any of
the employees.

8. Write a query to find out the employee names who has not assigned any
9. Retrieve emp_name, project_name from “Employee” and “Project” for all
the records from both the tables.

10. Retrieve emp_name, project_name from “Employee” and “Project” for all
the employees who have not assigned any projects yet and also all projects
which are not assigned to any employees yet.

11. Delete records from projects table where project_name is Survey

12. Display the Count of projects that are assigned to emp_name = Madhav

13. Display the Count of employees who are assigned to project Fast Track.

14. Display the emp_name, project_name where the project_name is HR


15. Display the emp_name, project_name where the employee salary is

greater than 50000 and project_name is GRS.

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