Drafting Book PUJAKESUMA (Putri Jawa Kelahiran Sumatra)

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Miftahul Jannah

Pujakesuma/ Miftahul Jannah

Metro; Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro, 2021
3 hal. ; 18.2x25.7 cm

I. Judul. II. Miftahul Jannah

Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Jl Ki Hajar Dewantara No 116
Iringmulyo Kec. Metro Timur
Telpon : 0725 42445 

Penulis: Miftahul Jannah

Editor: Miftahul Jannah
Cover: Miftahul Jannah

Cetakan I, November 2021

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Alhamdulillah, for all the outpouring of guidance and

guidance, the author was able to finish this book. Immeasurable
gratitude. After struggling with time, finally the author was able to
compile the writings that had been scattered everywhere. Some I
rewrote, some I just set it up. In the end, this book, which is far from
perfect, has been successfully presented to its readers.
This book is dedicated to people who always hold the nature
of Islam. Which makes Prophet Muhammad SAW as a role model in
every place and situation. Who always carries a vision of peace,
which makes anyone feel safe when they are near, a blessing to the
whole world. And I also dedicate this book to anyone who is always
willing to open themselves to receive goodness and walk the path of

Metro,November 2021

In writing this drafting book, I realized that I would not be

able to finish it without the help of various parties. They have
contributed their energy and thought in the preparation of the
Drafting book so that it has a plot like it is today.
To my mother, Misini, the number one woman in the world.
To Wagianto, the best father in the world, we will meet again. To
myself in future (if I read this book, you’re doing great!) And anyone
who reads this book. May God bless who always takes the good
lesson and spread positive vibes.
Very happy to open up my memories.
Thank you.

Regards,Miftahul Jannah.
Table Of Contents

Table Of Contents......................................................................................
Book Contents.............................................................................................
Chapter -1 Culture Product And Practice..........................
Chapter -2 Cultural Prespective,
Communities, And Persons...............................
Chapter -3 Language And Culture......................................
Chapter -4 Culture Shock.....................................................
Author History............................................................................................

My name is Miftahul Jannah, when I was little I was called

Taul. I was born and raised in one of the villages in East Lampung
Regency, namely Bandar Agung village, on April 5, 2003. Both of
my parents work as farmers in their own farm. My father's name is
Wagianto, indeed since he was young he has been engaged in
agriculture, so that he is trusted by many people in terms of cutting
various kinds of plants, while my mother is on a mission to help my
father do light work.

I am the second child of 3 siblings, my sister is Anna Rizki

Tohirin Nasuha. He is still studying at SD Negeri 1 Bandar Agung
Village in grade 6, he also holds the title of santri at one of the
Islamic Boarding Schools in East Lampung Regency. While my
brother named M. Nur Rohim. He graduated with a bachelor's degree
in education at UNILA (University of Lampung) and now works as a
teacher in a private school in my village. He has lived with his wife,
they live close to our parents' house. As a simple family, we never
live extravagantly. My parents always taught me to manage finances
by giving pocket money every week. In this way, my brother, and
sister learned to manage finances and buy things as needed.
When I was 5 to 13 years old, I studied in a location not far
from home, but after that I continued my studies at SMK Negeri 1
Metro, which is in Metro City as well as the most favorite school in
Metro City until now, I took Department of Catering at the SMK.
I'm currently studying at the University of Muhammadiyah Metro
majoring in English Education, actually I wanted to take the
Department of Nutritionist, but my parents didn't agree about it.
In college, I have the opportunity to get a scholarship Kartu
Indonesia Pintar(KIP) from the Indonesian government. I really hope
that I can graduate from this department and get a job as a teacher.

“Knowing oneself is the beginning of all wisdom.” (Aristotle)

Chapter -1

I am Javanese and I was born in Lampung, grew up in

Lampung, have a Lampung Province ID card, and currently still
living in Lampung. Lampung is the southernmost province on the
island of Sumatra. This is how it feels to be a transmigrant in
Lampung. Lives in Lampung but is considered Javanese. Pas in Java
are considered as Lampung people. So actually, 62% of Lampung's
population is Javanese. Because Lampung became the first
transmigration area since the Dutch colonial period.

My ethnic product is "Sego Berkat". Sego Berkat is wrapped

rice with various side dishes. Usually "sego berkat" consists of urap-
urap, vermicelli, sambal goreng, tempe bacem, srondeng, eggs,
ingkung and others according to the form and type of ceremony. The
rice can also vary. There is Nasi Gurih (sego uduk), white rice and
yellow rice. There are many kinds, some are packaged using besek,
cardboard containers, and those that traditionally use teak or banana
leaves. However, the community where I live, especially in Bandar
Agung Village, Kec. Bandar Sribhawono prefers to wrap it in a
Usually sego berkat to this is never sold freely in modern
restaurants such as cafes, stalls, especially in malls. Sego berkat is
only obtained free of charge if someone has the niat keselametan.
Good for birth, death, building a house, picking rice and other
activities. It is said to be blessed because it has been mambu dongo,
before the sego berkat is distributed. Many people say that sego
berkat is better than ordinary rice. Although cooked with the same
model and method. Maybe this is just an appeal for people who have
faith in ngalap barokah.

“When you wake up in the morning, be grateful for the

light, for your life, and for your strength. Be grateful for your
food and for the pleasures of life. If you see no reason to be
grateful, the fault lies with you.”-Miftahul Jannah
Chapter -2

My family and I have Javanese culture, customs, the

community in my environment, me and my family are Muslim as
well as the surrounding community.
In Javanese tradition, the ritual that takes place is called a
traditional ceremony, the sustainability of which is still maintained
today. The following are traditional Javanese ceremonies or traditions
that are still thick in my area:
1. Tingkeban: usually a ritual performed by a woman who is
pregnant at 7 months of age. In the mitoni ceremony, this event
includes a splash of flower water and a prayer so that the womb
is safe until the D-Day of delivery.

2. Javanese traditional weddings: famous for their unique

traditions and culture. This is because there are many stages
and processes that must be passed such as siraman,
Midodareni, serah-serahan, temu penganten, ritual dhahar
klimah, sungkeman ceremonies, and others.
3. Slametan is usually done by Javanese people to pray for their
ancestors to be given peace. This ceremony is the result of
acculturation from Java and Islam.

Those are the 3 traditional Javanese ceremonies that still exist

in my society to this day. Very unique and interesting huh! Therefore,
we need to continue to preserve the culture that we have even though
we do not live in Java but live in Lampung. So that the tradition can
continue to the next generation.

Orang yang tidak mengetahui sejarah, asal usul, dan

budaya masa lalunya seperti pohon tanpa akar. – Marcus
Chapter -3

I live in Lampung, incidentally in my area the majority of

people transmigrate from Java, as a result many people in Lampung
use Javanese as their daily language, Javanese customs apply in my
area, not even many people in my area can understand Lampung
language, as well as Lampung customs, not many people know about
it. There are indeed many people who are transmigration from
outside Lampung, but that does not mean that people of Lampung
ethnicity are few, there are still many native Lampung people living
in Lampung.

The nature and character of the Lampung Tribe with the

Javanese clearly have many differences, if people do not understand
Lampung Language, then that person will think that Lampung
Language is a rude language, even though it is not rude, but indeed
the intonation of Lampung Language is a bit aggressive. .

The everyday language that I use is Javanese which is quite

rough. Once upon a time, I was visiting my brother's house which is
located in Ambarawa, Semarang, Central Java. There I judged that
the language used daily by the surrounding community was Javanese
which was classified as refined. I was once told to buy Es Dawet
which is located near my brother's house, I was forced to use
Indonesian only by the seller, because I am not / not proficient in
smooth Javanese, I'm afraid if I speak the language I use everyday in
Lampung, will lead to unfavorable prejudices.
“With so many languages, you can imagine how difficult it
is to unite opinions. Speakers of different languages have
different realities and perceptions. Language affects how
individuals perceive reality.”
-Maisie Junardy
Chapter -4

I graduated from SMK Negeri 1 Metro. I want to tell you a

little about my experience during my internship. I did an internship
for 6 months, starting from mid-November 2018 to mid-June 2019. I
did an internship at the Grand Anugrah hotel, Bandar Lampung. I run
an internship with a share in the kitchen. I did an internship at a hotel,
not alone, but with other friends. When I was first asked for an
interview, my friends and I were confused because we had to prepare
materials for the interview. When we did the interview we were very
nervous. However, with the struggles that we had missed, we were
finally accepted to carry out an internship at that place.

The first day I ran my internship I felt so tired and bored, I

had that feeling for about a month. I was bored in the hotel because
maybe just adapting. But over time I was able to adapt. From my 2
month experience in hotel internships, I know how they want to
work. And in the third month I got an outlite which is now my
favorite place or outlet. I really feel happy to be at this outlet because
this outlet can quickly adapt and be close to them. There I can also
understand the character of different people.

After a few months of the days that I passed, I got a lot of

useful knowledge. I was taught to make a variety of dishes, how to
work quickly and effectively, and also sometimes taught to handle or
serve guests. Although during my internship I did not have a service
shift (serving guests), I sometimes served hotel guests on certain
occasions when I was guarding certain stands. At the beginning of
my internship, I encountered various obstacles. But over time I was
able to overcome little by little the obstacles that I received.

During my internship I was also invited to attend events

organized by the hotel for its employees. Even though I and other
trainees are not included in the hotel employees, we are allowed to
participate in the event. As time went on I felt very comfortable. The
togetherness I feel.

"Every experience in life is set to teach you something you

need to know to move forward." -Brian Tracy

Jannah, Mifta. 2021. Metro, Lampung. Beyond despair.

Gracious Quotes. (2021). Top 10 Culture Quotes. Accessed on

November 11, 2021. http://graciousquotes.com./culture/?
_x_tr_sl=en&_x_tr_tl=id&_x_tr_hl=id&_x_tr_pto= nui,sc

Azquotes. (2021). Tentang budaya. Accessed on November 11,


Brilio.net. (2021). Wise words about life experiences, so valuable

lessons Accessed onNovember 11, 2021.

Iqra.id. (2021). Budaya besek Accessed on Novembel 12, 2021.


Wikipedia. (2021). Dawet Accessed on Novembel 12, 2021.


Fimela.com. (2019). The History and Philosophy of Ingkung

Chicken, the Main Side dish of Tumpeng in Javanese
Tradition Accessed on Novembel 12, 2021.

Besek; a cylindrical container with a round or oval shape at the top.
made of woven bamboo or woven from plastic. Usually contains a
variety of foods ranging from staple foods to market snacks.

Es Dawet; Javanese drink made from rice flour or glutinous rice

flour, served with grated ice and liquid brown sugar and coconut
milk. The taste of this drink is sweet and savory.

Ingkung; Javanese traditional culinary, made from chicken which is

cooked whole with certain spices.

Kartu Indonesia Pintar (KIP); Tuition education assistance aimed

at freeing registration for college admissions and tuition or
education fees. Not only that, the owner of the college KIP will also
receive assistance for living expenses of varying amounts.

Mambu Dungo; Hoping for prayer and hope that you will always be
given safety, there is no obstacle or obstacle.

Midodareni; one of the many traditional Javanese wedding ritual

processions, the evening procession where the prospective groom
comes and delivers the handovers to the prospective bride. In
addition, it is filled with introductions between the two large families
and advice from the parents of the bride and groom to the
prospective son-in-law.
Mitoni; tradition of seven months of pregnancy originating from
Javanese customs.

Nasi Gurih(Nasi Uduk); The name of a food made from the basic
ingredients of white rice which is boiled and steamed with coconut
milk, and is seasoned with nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, lemon grass
and pepper.

Ngalap Barokah; achieve blessings, goodness, and happiness with

the medium of something that is privileged by Allah.

Niat Keselametan; The need for safety, security, welfare, tranquility

and peace of life creates a belief system (animism and dynamism).

Penyetekan; method of plant propagation using plant body pieces.

Ritual Dhahar Kalimah; a wedding procession where the bride and

groom feed each other.

Sambal Goreng; Indonesian food made from spices such as sambal

ulek, galangal, bay leaf, sugar, salt, soy sauce, coconut milk, lime
leaves, lemongrass and so on. Sambal goreng refers to these spices
which are fried together with other food ingredients (such as:
tempeh, fish, shrimp, beans, liver, potatoes, krecek, potatoes,
eggplant, gizzard, chayote/jilang, and others).

Sego Berkat; Rice wrap with a variety of side dishes that are usually
served at Javanese community events
Serah-serahan; Prospective groom who gives gifts or certain items
needed by the prospective bride.

Selametan; a ritual tradition carried out by the Javanese people.

Siraman; Flush or bathe, bathe the bride and groom. one part of a
series of processions, which must be performed in a traditional
Javanese wedding ceremony.

Srondeng; Indonesian food that is often used as a side dish of rice.

Serundeng is made from grated coconut which is fried until golden
brown with spices such as onions, chilies, garlic, shallots, coriander,
turmeric, sugar, tamarind, bay leaf, lime leaves and galangal.

Tempe Bacem; Tempeh-based food that has a sweet taste.

Temu Penganten; The purpose of meeting is a meeting between the

bride and the groom at the woman's residence to carry out the
traditional marriage procession.

Tingkeban; One of the traditions of the human life cycle in the safety
of the pregnancy of the first child who is seven months pregnant. This
tradition is carried out with the aim of praying for the baby to be
born normally, smoothly, and kept away from various shortcomings
and various dangers.
Urap-urap; is a salad dish of steamed vegetables mixed with
seasoned and spiced grated coconut for dressing.

Upacara Sungkeman; Kneeling or sitting crouched while kissing


Javanese princess bron in sumatra

------ The Culture -----

Putri jawa kelahiran sumatra

Pujakesuma is Living in Lampung but considered Javanese. Pas in

Java are considered as Lampung people.

My name is Miftahul Jannah. I was born and raised in one of the

villages in East Lampung Regency, namely Bandar Agung village, on
April 5, 2003.

I am Javanese and I was born in Lampung, grew up in Lampung,

have a Lampung Province ID card, and currently still living in
Lampung. Lampung is the southernmost province on the island of

This book describes my culture about:

Cultural product and practices
Cultural perspectives, communities, and persons
Language and Culture
Culture shock

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