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Republic of the Philippines

Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology

A.Bonifacio, Tibanga, Iligan City, 9200

Phase 1: Create Value Through an Idea


Prof. Rosal Jane G. Ruda-Bayor

An Idea Gets the Ball Rolling…
My eyeglasses keep
falling off and I don’t
like wearing granny

From an existing problem or opportunity, we can generate an

idea and shape it into a tangible commercial product
Qualities of an Inventors
• As technologists and engineers, we can function
as “inventors” by coming up with ideas to address
problems or opportunities.
• Key qualities of an inventor according to Walter
Isaacson, a biographer of Steve Jobs.
a) Controlled passion for perfection
b) Keen eye for details
c) Love of simplicity
d) Thinking different
e) Thinking out of the box
Where can we find Ideas???
In problems begging
for a solution

SwiftyFinder alarms
your mobile device if
you are separated
from your keys
Where can we find Ideas???
In new opportunities
for products

The arrival of
smartphones led to
opportunities for app
Where can we find Ideas???
As substitute for old products

The modern sewing machine is table top, portable, and

Where can we find Ideas???
In connecting random
things to find new

Karaoke + earphones =
Karaoke earphones if you
can’t get enough of your

FLASK + TIE = The Secret Flask Tie

where you can store your drinks
Where can we find Ideas???
By thinking differently

The Tennibot prototype

picks up tennis balls from
the court while you relax
Do not Discard “Simple Ideas”
• Invented in 1921 by Earle Dickson
• Sold $30 million a year by 1961 and growing

• Invented by Art Fry in 1974
• Generated $1 billion revenue in 2012

• Invented in 1943 by Richard Jones
• Sold more than $250 million by 2012

• Invented in 1937 by Walter Frederick Morrison
• Sold more than 300 million by 2012
Stimulate Idea Generation
• Visit malls and stores and observe their
shelves for ideas.
• Browse products and offerings in the internet,
even Shopee and Lazada
• Browse patents and patent applications

Be a critical observer. Do not be limited by your

assumptions. Do not let your assumptions kill your
ideas. Do not limit your options.
Homework: Individual
• List 3 problems/opportunities that you observe
around you. It can be anything related to your
chosen field or not.
• Next, list down the ideas to solve these problems
or make use of these opportunities.
• One problem/opportunity can result to more
than 1 idea.
• Submit the file as PDF on MOLE.
• Indicate your name and section at the top left of
your document.

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