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SECTION 4 READING COMPREHENSION [191-260] oka our 730 minutes |. Passage Based Reading: You wil be gven sets of passages that cover various topics. With these passages are questions that est your ability to infer, ‘comprehend, and understand a reading material elective Choose the later ofthe answer that best answers the queston Taken from Christine Pantaleon ofthe Cebu Dally News at htpinewsinfo inquirer nel37547512-system-seen-to-adcross-ph- Unersployment-problam Therrew K+22 education program is one way of adéresing the county's unemployment woes, Fr. Dione Miranda, president ofthe Universty of San Caras, said the reforme in tne educational system would halpacdrss ths problem, The Ke12 program ofthe goverrment rquires students to undorg kindergarten classes, and two ore years of high schoo In +22, toro is a Piippnes Qualifcatons Framework (PQF}, where technical and vocational courses are ntocuce, said Miranda during the Gonforenco of AslaPactic Chambers of Commerce ane Inds (CACC a the Rassson Bly Hotel at Thursday. In the PQF, "tchnopreneurshlp" and green” sklls for “goer” jobs ar also included and students would be assossod according tthe competences and ‘sil elated to te topics, In Level One, which sin Grade 10, a stucert will recive a National Cetifeat | after he passes the level of competence in knowledge, kil, and values for In Leve!TWo, which Is atesdy between grades 11 and 12, student wil roelve a Nationa Cetileste Ihe passes the atfevent standard for the level “Astudent in the Phlppine system, coming out of junior high or Senior high, and forthe st year can aequire a national centfeate in the various categories. i rat, they ean ateady goto work” Miranda sai “Thats the missing lnk we ha in the Phpines. Tass why the reform components are very crite" Miranda sdaed ete are also National Cetcstes Il and Iv, which are for students who want to focus ontachrical sil ‘fot taking the national cetfestes Il and IV, 2 student ean take the pst baccalaureate then doctoral and post doctoral education which a person can now be clesiied a Level 8 professional ‘That cegree would be recognized ina Malaysian Qualfistions format. Thi means that a Filpno wold goto Malaysia and brings his degree with him, then he wil be recognized ther,” Mirsr sad. Miranda sed as ofthe moment, there's a mismaten between our education and present ay jobs “Thats great missing link in our acucational system and we're gong to need to understand these levels once ASEAN (Associaton of Southeast Alan Nations) opens up Because the rest ofthe world it gong to come ere and wil be banging along with them tel cereals,” he sal “Your ailoms would not mean very much. What would mean more the diploma supplement which dascnbes what you can actusly door cannot do,” Miranda Sa referring to the natona certicates “Miranda said the oe educational system, te K20 program, lacked more years of qualty education and made voatonal courses as an afterthought, which ‘wore notte ease with some ASEAN member counties Dato Ghazal Bin Dato Mohd Yuso, executive chairman Nusantara Technologies Sdn Bhd, sais the Malaysian education was focused in providing equal access te qualty education ofan international tardard and they had altoady formatted het edusaton in away that could mect he needs ofthe Incusty TOE Under the new Ka program, what additonal year levels are 732, What wil a student receive after completing Level ‘students required to go through? ‘Lor Grace 107 2. Two years of High Schoo! a. Junior High Diploma b. Three years of High Schoo! b. National Certificate ©. Twoyears of High School and Kindergarten ‘8. National Certificate 10 d._Two years of High Schoo! and Prea School 4,_Teenpreneut Certificate 25 185, ‘Aevording tw Fr. Miranda, the Diploma Supplement is important because a. shows what you can actually doin life. 1, It gwves colleges an assurance of your academle capabilties. ©. Iteertifies that you have passed through the K-12 system. It gves an indication of your college-eaginess. Toa, What is the overall message ofthe passage? ‘a, To show what the national government is doing to improve the educational system, b. _Torllustrate the increasing regional cooperation between ASEAN states in education “To show how the K-12 system can help students be rocognized internationally and be better prepared for work. 44, To expose how much our education system has lagged behing ASEAN's Don't Go Far off Pablo Neruda 1. Don't gota off, nat even fora day, because — Decause dont know how to say day ong ard wil be wating for you a nan empty station wnen the veins ate parked of somewhere else, asleep. Dont leave me, even for an nour, because ‘thon shel drops of angus wl al run together, ‘he smoke tha roams ooking fr a Rome wil di Into me, choking my lst hear. ‘on, may your sihauette never dissolve onthe beach: 30, may your eyege never fatter ta the empyestance because in that moment youl have gone s0far Tliwander maaly ove allthe earth, aking 114 wilyou come back? Wil you leave me here, dng? 155, ‘What does the author dread the moat? 196, How doas the auihor express is unwilingness to part with his lover? 8, Thathis lover willsoon dle b. That he may never see her again ‘a, Repetitive; with metaphors that express the same ¢ Thathis lover be away fram him even for just a while. message. 4. That his lover wil never come back after leaving in the b. _Progressively: asking her not te leave him in decreasing station time intervals. @. Desperately; with an ineressing amount of emation and passion, 4d, Hopelessly; with an inereasing tone of resignation 197. ‘What figure of speech does the author useinines | 198, ‘What figure of speech does the author use in ines 342 787 Metaphor a. Metaphor ® Smite b. Sime , Personifeation @. Personification Hyperbole 4. Allusion 195, What does the word anguish, used inline 6, 200; What is the author tying to say in the last stanza, ‘mean? Intines 12-442 a. Sulfering ‘a, He wil die if she won't return. ». Love b. Hist wil be shorn of erection and meaning for every ©, Desperation ‘moment she's gone. Death 2. His thoughts will be lost in nothingness while she's gone a. His misses her so much that he cannot put his mind on anything ese. 26 ‘The next questions will be based on Passages 3 and 4 PASSAGE 3.Adaptod fom the BC wobsio. (nip /wnaw. bbe. 11 When Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin retumed to Earth after his pleneering space fight five decades ago, he undertook a world tour in which he remarked on the “smiling faces” greeting him. Among those smiling faces was an 11-yeat-old Glasgow schoolboy, Robin McKie. 4 Inthe summer of 1961, he made a special trip to Earls Cour. in London with his mother to meet Major Gagarin - the first man in space, This April will be the 50th anniversary of the fight and scientists are marking the occasion by launching an appeal for anyone who met the Soviet during his visit to the UK 8 Major Gagarin became an instant celebrity during his globetrotting tour, which had been engineered to trumpet the USSR's achievement in beating America into manned space fight, 10 The trp took him to Manchester and to London where, during @ news conference, he expressed gratitude for the wonderful welcome he had received, ‘Young self-confessor Major Gagarin was to visit 'space-nut" Robin was delighted when his mother said she would be taking him to the Soviet trade fair where “All the science fiction stories fd been reading were now true, and there was a man in space,” sald Robin, The majar’s space fight left its mark on the Scotsman’s life and he's now science editor at the Observer newspaper. 16 Robin insists: "I'm not saying | wouldn't have been a science writer if | hadn't gone to see Gagarin. But it really reinforced it. And | am etemally grateful to my mother, that she gave me that opportunity." 18 The trade fair was ful of life size models of Soviet space rockets and satelites, and they were what really excited the schoolboy, but Robin continues to have a vivid memory of Gagarin arriving atthe exhibition 20 He said: “The thing that struck me really was the smile. He had the most beautiful smile. It was just hypnotic. "We weren't quite close enough to touch him. He walked past us at some speed. “He waved at - not me, but in my general direction. Therefore, in my memory he waved absolutely fantastic.” ‘me. And I waved very excitedly back. "I was absolutely - over the moon is a stupid phrase - but, that really was 24 Gagarin’s tour did not bring him to Scotland, but there is a corner of Fife that marks his triumph, 25 The Scottish Special Housing Association was building a new scheme at Lumphinans, a former mining village on the outskirts of Cowdenbeath and in December 1961 local councilors dacided that one of the roads should be called Gagarin Way. 27 Not everyone who lives there now is very clear about how, or why, the street got ts name but one resident says that the area Used to be known as "Litle Moscow”. She suspects that the name might have been chosen to celebrate the USSR's achievement. 27 29° And indeed at Dunfermline library the local history librarian, Janice Erskine, confirms that part of the kingdom of Fife had a very particular political history, linked to the local mining industry. She says that though their union had affiliated to the Labour Parly, miners were frustrated thal the party wasn't leftawing enough, 32 Later, the area became one ofthe frst in Britain to retum a communist MP to Westminster and it was a tradition that lived on, with communists elected to the council 34 Looking through the archive, Janice Erskine says itis prlty clear that it was one of them who suggested the name for the new road, PASSAGE 4-Adopted from The Guardian. [tp:Iwww guardian.!*Siyur-gagarr-fst-space-korolev) 36 Ihave an intense, very personal memory of Yuri Gagarin. The yound plot newly promoted fo the rank of malor, visited Britain afew months ater his great fight. 1 was 12 years old at the time and fanatical about astronomy and space science. My mother, to my etoral gratitude, sptted that Gagarin would be openina the Soviet Trade Fair in London on 11 July when our family was on holiday inthe cy visting relatives, (We lived in Glasgow.) | remember standing at the font of fairy large crowd that aflemoon. A car drew up and Gagarin bounces ut. He marched smart towards us, waving cheerful before bounding into the exhibition. | could ony have hada few seconds’ sinht of him but havea vivid recollection of his smartness, compact body and, most noticeable ofall his angele smile. 42. My eating glimpse of the frst man in space has stayed with me in he intervening hal-century though a he ime | was more interested inthe rade fair sel, with its ul-size mode's ofthe Soviets early Sputnk probes and other scenic paraphernalia, | also collected a magazine that showed - in detail -how the USSR would get fo the maon long before America, Sadly | did not keep i 45 Gagarin wont on lo meot the Queen, lay @ wreath at Kar Man's grave and visit Manchester, rather bizarrely asthe guest ofthe Amalgamated Union of Foundry Workers. Gagarin charmed wherever he went, though I athe kes the remark by then Prime Minster Harold Macmilan, who noted the poopie whe ned the streets 1o see the cosmonaut. “There would have been twice the number f they had sent the dog,” he muttered 28 DOr. Both passages describe 203: The word "amalgamated" mW sentence 4, paragraph 3 of passage 4 most nearly means ‘a. The space flight of Yuri Gagarin 5. Yuri Gagarin’ visit to the Queen a. Combined Yuri Gagann’s vist to the UK b. Empowered 1d. The chldhgod of Robin Mokie e.Paltical 4. Chartered 203. The authors of bath passages most vwidly rocal 204, Th passage 3, Ine 32, the torm Wastminsto™ probably refers to what? ‘a. The USSR space magazines, a. ARallying place ©. Gagarin’s smile b. Acity council The car that Gagarin used The regional sclence department dd. Gagarin waving tothe crowd, 4. The British legisiture 205: Both authors ved whore at tho Une of Gagarin 208: Robin MeKie from passage 3, eventually becomes arrival? a. London a. Anastronaut Westminster b.Ascientist in London © Glasgow &. The science editor at The Observer. Moscow 4._Amember of pariament 207. Traan be inferred the ofizens oF the UK were 208, Both authors were piqued parveuarhy by the a. Captivated by Gagarin’s personality and charm. a, Comments of Prime Minister Macmillan ©. Impressed by the USSR's achievements b. Photos of Gaganin’s Might ©, Paranoid over @ communist takeover e. Soviet Trade Fair Respectful of Gagarin as a person. 4. Globetrotting of Gagarin 205: ‘What dia Janioe Erskine refer to when she 20, Inline 34, Passage 3, Roan be inferred that ‘mentioned “politcal history" inline 30, passage 32 ‘suggested the name for the road. a, The area's leftist history 8, The Scottish Special Housing Association memlers ». The democratic unions b. Robin Mekie ©. The Miners’ Union @. The Miners” Union d._The history of having a communist MP Yuri Gagarin 29 Passage 5-Tokon om “Bethood" by Anton Chokov 1. Itwas ten o'clock in the evening and the full moon was shining over the garden. Inthe Shumins’ house an evening service celebrated atthe request ofthe grandmother, Marfa Mihalovna, was just over, and now Nadya ~ she had gone into the garden for a minute ~ could s6e the table being laid for supper in the dining-room, and her grandmother busting about in her gorgeous sik dress; Father Andrey, a chief priest of the cathedral, was talking to Nadya’s mother, Nina Wanovna, and now in the evening light through the ‘Window her mother for some reason looked very young; Andrey Andreitch, Father Andrey's son, was standing by listening attentively. 6 [twas stil and coo! in the garden, and dark peaceful shadows lay on the ground. There was a sound of frogs eroaking, far, far away beyond the town. There was a feeling of May, sweet May! One drew deep breaths and longed to fancy that not here but far away under the sky, above the tees, far away in the open country, inthe felds and the woods, the lf of spring was unfolding now, mysterious, lovely rich and holy beyond the understanding of weak, sinful man, And for some reason one wanted to cry 40. Sho, Nadya, was already twenty-three, Ever since she was sixteen she had been passionately dreaming of marriage and at last she was engaged to Andrey Andreitch, the young man who was standing onthe other side ofthe window: she liked him, the wedding was already fied for July 7, and yet there was no oy inher heart, she was sleeping badly, her spins drooped... She could hear from the open windows of the basement where the kitchen was the hurrying servants, the clatter of knives, the banging ofthe swing door there was a smell of roast turkey and pickled cherries, and for some reason it seemed to her that it would be Ike that al her life, with no change, no end tit. 46 Some one came out of the house and stood on the steps; it was Aleksandr Timofelteh, or, as he was always called, Sasha, who had come from Moscow ten days before and was staying with them. Years ago a distant relation of the grandmother, a gentleman's Widow called Marya Petrovna, a tin, sicky litle woman whe had sunk into poverty, used to come tothe house to ask fo assistance She had a son Sasha. Itused for some reason tobe said that he had talent as an artist, and when his mother died Nadya's grandmother had, forthe salvation of her sou, sent him to the Komisearovsky school in Moscow; two years later he went into the school of painting, spent nearly fitesn years there, and only just managed to scrape through the leaving examination in the section of architecture, He did not set up as an architect, however, but took a job at a Ithographer's. He used to come almost every year, usually vari, to stay with Nadya's grandmother to rest and recover. 24 He was wearing now a frock-coat buttoned up, and shabby canvas trousers, crumpled into creases atthe bottom. And hs shit had not been ironed and he had somehow allover a ook of not being fresh. He was very thi, with big eyes, long thin fingers and a swarthy bearded face, and al the same he was handsome, With the Shumins he was lke one ofthe family, and in their house felt he ‘was at home, And the room in which he lived when he was there had for years been called Sasha's room. Standing onthe steps he saw Nadya, and went up to her. BEL ‘Atthe start of the passage, a/an ad 2B. From the way the narrator describes Father Sst finished. ‘Andrey’s son, Andrey Andreiteh, it can be inferred that Dinner >. Party a, Father Andrey sa sinful clergyman Religious Service b. Father Ancrey is from a different branch of Christianity that Evening Tea ‘approves of marriage within the clergy. ‘e. She's also the chil of Father Andrey 1d. She desires Andrey Acreitch so much that she does not bother with his status as the son of a priest, 30 2a3. The garden that Nadya wentto in line 6 can 2a. In paragraph 3, ines 10-15, Nadya expresses be described as her a. Warm and Stuffy a. Anxieties regarding the marriage b. Pleasant and Chilly b. Excitement Grassy and Wild ¢. _Infatuation with Andrey 4d. Unkempt but Serene d._ Inner dislike for Andrey 2a. ‘Aleksandr Timateitoh fs batter known as 2i6. Why did Nadya’s grandmother send ‘Aleksandr to the Komissarovsky School? a. Marya a. Outof pity b. Shumin b. For religious reasons c. Andreyevitch ¢. Because they were kin d. Sasha d. Because they have a shared past 2a7. From the statement in ine 2024 reproduced | 218. The word lithographer used in line 22 most below, itean be inferred that nearly means /0 years later he went into the school of painting, spent nearly a. A person who prints, jgen yoars there..." b. Anewspaper columnist, ©. Asilk-screen printer fa. Aleksandr was a failure at schoo! d. A professional sketcher b. Aleksandr enjoyed his life at school too much c. Aleksandr was taking advantage of their generosity 4d. Aleksandr was urged to stay on by hs professors. 219. The description of Aleksandr inline 24 shows | 220. ‘Aleksandr is considered bythe that he is family a. Creative a. Anuisance b. Sick b. Adistraction ©. Homely ¢, As another member d. impoverished 4. Aloyal servant 221. From what point of view is the story narrated? | __222 When is Nadya’s wedding? a. First Person a. June7 b. Second Person be July7 ©. Third Person Omniscient c, August 7 d. Fly-onthe-wall April 31 Passage 6-Adopted an arco by Androw Pollack inthe New York Times, May 2012 ht// _ete approval canada ntm\?refstemecis) 41 Ina boost ortho old of regenerative medicino, a small biotechnology compary has recived regulatory approval in Canada for what it say isthe fst manufactured drug based on ster cols, 3 The company, Osis Therapeuts of Columbia, Md, said Thursday that Canadian regulators had approved its drug Prochymal, to treat chen suteing ‘tom gratewersusihost disease, potentially deadly compliston of bone marrow transplantation. “Its really a good day for the concept and the hope behind ‘stem cel theraples becoming a realy,” C. Randal Mls, the chet execute of Osis, sald in an interview. {6 Prochymalis a proparaton of mesenchymal stom call, which are obtained from the bone marrow of heathy young adult donors. Tho stom cells aro ‘separated out from the marrow and expand in cut 10,000 doses. ‘so that one donations enough to make as many 5 Because these are adult stem cel, they donot ae the ethical concerns of embryonic stem cls, whose creation usualy involves the destruction of human embryos, ‘Graf-vorsus-host ciscase occurs when the immune coli in a bone-marrow transplant see the reciplent's organs as foreign and atack them, causing potertilly ‘sevore damage tothe skin, ner and digestive tract. This happens most often when the donor is net an exact match fr the recipiant. 12 Doctors ty using steroids or ather drugs to damp the immune attack, butin many estes those don't work, and the patient may dle 413, Prochymals approved in Canada for ciléren whose condition Is not controll by storods. na smal til, about 60 percent of such chitéron had a ieally meaningful response othe dug. Osiris sla 15. “Ary drug a cll that has actin the patonts with severe cigease is exiting an important” sald Dr. Joanne Kurtberg direct ofthe pediatric boos ‘and martow transplant program at Duke University Medical Center. Adstonally, Dr. Kurtzberg, who helped Osis presents ease to Canadian regulators, aid the drug has saved some children’s les from grah-versus host dlsease and could lead to more sucessful bone mattow tansplants 418 Osis not expected to gain much revenue from ations with a rar disease in Canada. But isa wolcome success fora 20 year-old company that has had ts sare of falas 20. 1n2009, Prochyma failed in wo ate stage clinical Has, showing ite to no advantage ovr placebo in treating gra versus host disease, The company is ‘also tying to deweop Prochynal asa eatment fo Crohn's disease, labetes, art attacks and othe nesses, but has had some failures tere as wel 22 Sanofi the big French company that had the rights to sell rochymal outside North America, said in February that chad discomiruee ts work onthe drug. Dr Mis, Osis chet executive, sai the company reslzed the dug was most effective in the most severe cases of prafeversus hosdlsease tha dd not respond to sterols, leading ito do the smal alin chilren 32 25- Dr. ils sai thatthe Food and Drug Administration indicated that it woulé require more data before approval, prompting Osiris t Seek approval in Canada fist. He sald the company would apy to DA ater this year 27 Stem colle ave steady used In medicine, Bone matrow or stem eel anspants are used to treat various cancers and genetic alseases, But those transplants are medal procedures, not products sold bya drug company, 20) There ae ol therapies tnt have been approves by regulators, such as Carte, a Genayme product that uses a patent's own calls to rapt eartlage in injures. Lastyear the FD.A. approved a cord blood product for use in vansplantaion. Those products are not manufactured for offthe-helf use lke Proctymal ie, Dr. Mls sald Oshis announced the approval after regula stock wading ended, Aer hous, the stock rose 14 percent to $6.00, BER Wha re a OTT BAR a oe rg TT oH di The canadian heath rsuanos stem © Gann &: Semea pn 228. The “graft-versus-host" disease which the 226. ‘What happens in the body when the “graft- @: Bone Maron Transplant xs °. minimal difference from the results of placebo a Supply Amina aieerce fom te ests of lace Bul deed rm an organi substance sg c. Supply of Capital or mone} 4. The French company Sanofi refused to distribute the SL. Pranrictorship ins compan drug to the European market until it had worked on it ™ » pany tire TES, Tighe Te at wa eS 750, Fr ne 16 an Be eT TET ‘ Government. Narration The company was bankrupt before the discovery of the drug, 33 231. Why did Sanofi discontinue wark on the drug ‘as stated in line 227 It probably did not deem the drug useful or profitable enough. b. The cost of developing the drug was too high, c. The FDA was unwilling to subsidize research costs. 4d. The drug was found out to be totaly ineffective 282. ‘According to line 30, unlike the drug made by Osiris, Carticel is Not for off-the-shelf use Can be used for transplantaion Is more profitable Not a stem cell therapy 34 Passage 7: SI Amang- Percival campoanor Cruz: Asian Journal Mayo, 2012 1_Ang paksa ng ating kuwento ay si Guillermo Tolentino, na ang magiliw na tawag sa kanya ng mga kamag-anakan at kasamahan sa sentro ng mga ispiritsta ay Amana, 3. Ipinanganak siya noong 1890 sa Malolos, Bulakan at noong 1922, siya ay pumasok sa Regge Istituto di Belle Arti, kung saan siya ay hnakapagtapos na pag-aaral hang bahagya sa pamamagitan ng lingap ng kolonyang Italyano sa Maynila 5 Sa Boma, gumanap ang kanyang unang pang-isahang eksibisyon kung saan kabilang ang Saluto Romano (Saludong Romano). 6 _Noong 1926, siya ay inatasan bilang guro sa Paaralan ng Pinong Sining ng Pamantasan ng Pilipinas at kinalaunang naging propesor, kealihim, at sa hul tagapamanala, Namuno siva ng Paaralan mula sa 1953 hanggang sa kanyang pagreretiro bilang Emeritang Propesor rnoong 1955| 9 *Nakilala si Tolentino sa buong bansa nang dahil sa Monumento ai Bonifacio na may maraming pigurang kasinlaki ng tao na dinisenyo rnoong 1930 at inlantad noong 1933. Nakapaglixha din siya ng iba pang mga tanyag na bantayog tulad ng mga Oblasyon ng Pamantasan rig Pilipinas, ang bantayog ni Pangulong Ramon Magsaysay sa bulwagang pasukan ng GSIS, at ang Luaihati ng Pamantasan ng Silangan 12 _*kinumpleto niya ang ugray-ugnay ng anim na pansilangang mananayaw, kabllang ang mananayaw na pambibliya na si Salome, Maria Clara, Persyana, Havanesa, at mga mananayaw Tino 14 “Isang produkto ng pampaaralang pinamulihanang naayon sa nakapamihasnan, Si Tolentino ay isang kampeon ng Klasisismo. 15 "Mula Hulyo hanggang Oktubre 1948 sa Magasing Sunday Times at sumunod sa This Week, kinasundo niva si Victorio Edades sa Isang pagtatalo sa pagsusulat sa klasikal at makabagong aestetika, tumutuligsa s2 ‘agpalipit’ at muling pagsasandata ng halaga ng sining na naayon sa nakapamihasnan, 18 _Bagama't ang pagsasanay ni Tolentino ay klasikal, ang kanyang mga lkha ay lumalagos ng palaibig na kakayahang makadama na hhamamayani ang Kanluraning daigdig mula $3 unang ika-19 na siglo hanggang sa dekadang 20. Kaya, ang kanyang mga likha ay nnakatuon na may damdamin, lalung/lalo na may pagkamakabansa mulat sapul na siyaly marubdob na Rizalista 21._ Ang bahay ni Amang sa Retiro, sa may hanggahan ng Maynila at Quezon City, ay tagpo ng mga mahihiwagang pangyayari. May mga {estigo na nakakikita sa mga pangyayari katulad ng malimit na pagsalo ni Amang ng mga tla binhi o buke ng halaman na nahuhulog ‘mula sa itaas, na kung saan nagmumula ay walang makaaalam. Binubuksan ni Amang ang nasasalong bagay Caportes” ang tawag) at rnakakikita siya ng mga mensahe sa loob ng mga ito. 25 Minsan ay may big magpagawa kay Amang ng rebulto ni Hesu Kristo, Sabi niya ay hindi niya matatanggap ang trabaho."Bakit po, bbawal ba sa inyong relinivon”, tanong ng nagpapagawa, 27. Sagot ni Amang, “Hindi naman, Ang dahilan kung kaya’t hindi ko matatanggap ang inyong pakiusap ay hindi ko kayang gawin ang pinagagawa ninyo.” 29° "Nguni't kayo po ang pinakamagaling na iskultor sa Pilipinas! tutol ng tao, 30 _"Totoong makagagawa ako ng rebulto at ipagpapalagay natin na ang nagawa ko ay rebulto ni Hesu Kristo, ngun't ya'y pagsisinungaling," duatong ni Amana, 32 ‘Mind! ko kayo maintindihan,” sabi ng tao. 33 "Hindi ko alam kung ano ang itsura ni Hesu Kristo! Hindi ko pa siva nakikita! Upang mallilok ko ang kanyang kaanyuan, kailangan na ‘makita ko siya,” paliwanag ni Amang. 35 _Lumipas ang mga araw at mga buwan. Minsan ay pinapunta niya sa kanyang "studio" ang taong nagpapagawa ng rebulto ni Hesu icisto. At nang ang tao ay dumating ay nakita niya na nakapatong sa isang mesa ang isang kallikhang rebulto ni Amang ~ ang mukha ni Hesu Kristo! 38 Pano niya ito nalikha? Ayon sa sarling salaysay ni Amang, nagkaroon siya ng masidhing pagnanals na makita ang mukha ni Hesu icristo at rang ito ay maihubog niya sa isang rebulto. Isang araw na siya ay abala sa kanyang “studio” ay may kumatok sa pinto. Nang buksan ni Amang ang pinto ay nagpakilala ang ppanauhin at nagsabi, ‘Masdan mo ang aking anyo. Ngayong nakita mo na ako, magagawa mo na ba ang aking rebulto?™ 43 Totoo man o hindi ang panayayari, may isang obra si Amang na ang kawangls ay ang anyo ng mukha ni Hesu Kristo at ang pinagmulan nite ay nababalot ng hiwaga, 35 233. Naging tagapamahala si Guillermo Tolentino ng 23M. Paano nakapagtapos si Guillermo Tolentino ‘sa Regge Instituto de Bella Ari? a. Katipunan a. Pagpuslit ng mga Italyano sa kanya mula sa mga b. Magasing Sunday Times Espanyol. c. Paaralan ng Purong Sining Tulong pinansyal ng pamahalaan ng Italya d. Malolos, Bulacan ¢. Paglingap ng pamahalaang Espanyol 4. Binayaran ng Pamantasan ng Pilipinas ang kanyang, rmatrikula. 235. "Ano ang tawag sa tayulay na ginamit sa linya | 236. ‘SI Tolentino ay isang iskultor na sumusunod 12.137 sa a. Alusyon| a. Makabagong Estilo b. Pagwawangis, b. Klasismo c. Pagtutulad , Filipinong Estilo dd. Walang tayutay na ginamit. d, Realismo 237. ‘Ang pagsasanay ni Tolentino ay Wasikal] 238. Ano ang pinakamaliaph sa ibig sabihin ng hngunit salitang“binhi" mula sa ika-22 na linya? a. Hindi niya ito magawa nang maayos a. Bunga o buto b. Ang mga Rizalista at Gobyerno lang ang| — b. Imahinasyon nagpapahalaga sa estilong ito. ®. Ideya ©. Ang kanyang mga likha ay mas katulad ng] d. Dahon palaibig na estilo. 4. Ayaw niyang tumaliwas sa kanyang natural na estilo 238. Bakit ayaw gumawa ni Tolentino ng rebuko ni | 240. ‘no ang damdamin ng nagpagawa ng rebulto Hesus? salina 35.377 a. Dahil labag daw ito sa Ika-2 na utos ng Diyos. a. Pagkainis b. Dahil hindi Katolko si Tolentino b. Pagkagulat ©. Dahil hindi alam ni Tolentino ang tunay na itsura ni | ¢. Pagkalingat Hesus d. Pagkapagod 4. Dahil hindi siya pinahintulutan ng Diyos na gumawa ng rebulto al ‘Sino ang kumatok sa linya 30? 2a2. ‘Ano ang Ibig sabihin ng saltang "kawangs" sa linya 43? a. Ang nagpagawa b. SiHesus a. Katulad c. Ang Espirito Santo b. Mukha d. Ang Kartero ©. Labas d. Rebulto 36 Passage Piling bahagi ng Mi Ultimo Adios Jose Riza Pagsasalin ni Andres Bonifacio 1 Bayang iniirog, sakit niyaring hirap, Katagalugang ko pinakaliliyag, ddinggin mo ang aking pagpapahimakas; diyaly fiwan ko sa iyo ang Iahat Ako'y patutungo sa walang busabo: walang uminis at berdugong hayop; pananalig doo'y di nakasasalot, si Bathala lamang doo'y haring lubos, 9 Paalam, magulang at mga kapatid kapilas ng aking kaluluwa't dibdib ‘mga kaibigan bata pang maliit sa aking tahanan di na masisilip 13 Pag pasasalamat at napahinga rin, paalam estranherang kasuyo ko'taliw, paalam sa inyo, mga ginigiliw; ‘mamatay ay siyang pagkakagupiling! 2a3. “Ano ang ibig sabihin ng saltang “iniog” sa 2am. ‘Ano ang lugar na Unutukay sa linya © 8? ‘nang linya? a. Langit a. Hinahanap b. Pilipinas na Malaya b. Minamahal c,_Islani Bathala cc. Ipinaglalaban d. Ang kalawakan d. Isinasakdal 2a. ‘Sino ang tinutukoy na "estranghiero” sa linya Dae. Mahihinuha mula sa tono ngtula na 142 ‘a. Ang buhay, na parang estrangherong lumipas a. Hindi pa tapos ang laban ni Riza’ Tanggap na ni Rizal ang kamatayan b. Ang lahat ng mga taong tumulong na hindi niya ©, Hindi kaya iwanan ni Rizal ang lahat ng mga kakilala mahal niya. c. Ang kasintahan niva, d. May pag.asa pang maligtas si Rizal d._ Ang mga estranghero na dumaan sa buhaya niya at nnagpaligay dito. 2aT. “Ano ang nas Ipanayag ni Rizal sa huling 2a. ‘Ano ang tinutukoy ni Rizal sa saltang linya, linya 16, “Katagalugan’ sa linya 2? “Mamatay ay siyang pagkakagupiling!” ‘Sayang ang buhay sa pagkamatay Ito ay ‘di makatuwirang pang-aapi ng mga Espanyol Walang pagsisisi sa pagkamatay ‘Ang pagkamatay ay pahinga Ang bayang Tagalog Ang kabuuhan ng Pilipinas Ang wika at kulturang Tagalog Ang kanyang paraan ng pananalita 37 Passage 9: Hango sa Balta net [lp:www bali. nel phv2013/04/19imga-batang-nehinte-ang-paglak- ‘dumaramit,UZRsQyspal0) -kakulangar-ng-nutisyon- 41 Sinabi ng The Unitee Nations Children’s Fund na mahiglt sangkapat ng mga batang nasa edad S-anyos pababa sa buong mundo ay permanenteng rabansot dahil sa malnutition, na nauuwi sa mahinang pangangatawan at utak, sang eskandalosong pagsasayang sa potensval ng ta, 2 Sinabi ni Antrony Lake, executive director ng UNICEF simula 2010, na ang organisacong pagbibigay ng mga bitamina at mais na tig at pagbibigay-clin sa pagpapasuso ng ina sa mula sa pagsilang ang makatutulong sana sa 185 miyong kabataang i para matare ang kanlang normal brain at body development 5 Ngunit ang kanlang kakulangan ng tamang rubsyon ay nangangahulugan na mas madali slang kapitan ng mga karamdaman at ma pagkamatay 8. “Stunting Is the least understong, last recognized and least acted upon crisis tis a hidden crisis for these citron,” sabi ni Lake, beleranong US liplomat na raging national security adviser ni panguiong Bill Clinton 10. Sinabini Lake na ang kabiguang mabigyan ang mga bala ng sapat na Vilamin A, ion at falc cis habang sila ay nabubuo sa sinapupunan ng ina at balanseng pagkain na may malinis na tubig sa unang 2 taon ng kaniang buhay, ang nagsasadlak sa karamian sa karila sa karaltaan 42 “Stunted doesnt mean simply shor an Lake sa The Associated Press sa isang panayam. "The hla's brain never properly develops. krevacably. ‘Thats You cart xt ater. You an fx being underweight. You can't fx boing stunted after age 2” 44 SiLake ay nasa Dublin para pasinayaan ang mgs netuklssan sa report sa isang pagoupulong ne nskapokus sa paglaban sa packagutom at ‘malnut'syon. pinakta nya ang slides 6a CAT scans ng ulak ng mga balang nahinto ang paglak na may mas mahinang cel at norve development. 16. “Whalthis means is, forthe remainder ofthat chi’ fe, irevocably the child wil leam less in School, wil eam less later, is more vulnerable to disease,” aniya. “This 's a tragie violation of that chil’ le, but i's also a tremendous strain on that society 48 Naluklasan sa UN report na 24 na bansa ang may pinakamataaas na antas ng mga nabansot na bata ay nakatpon sa sub-Saharan Aca at South ‘Asia, Mahagit kalanat ga mga nasa edad 5 pababa ea Timor-Leste, Burund, Niger al Madagascar ang bikima ng stunting. Ang bansang may pinakamalaking biang ng nabansct na bata ay ang India na mayroong 61.7 min. 21 Nang tanungin kung saang bahag ng mundo ang hgitna nangangallangan ng atensiyon sinabi ni Lake na maaar lamang siyang mag-alok ng ‘a sad tany ofhow many spots there are" 23. Binigyang din ni Lake na ang pagtityak ng maayos na paglak sa panahon ng unang dalawang taon ng buhay ay hind! lamang nangngaahulugang kumain ng marami 25. “People too oten assume if you get enough food to est, you're getting enaugh nuttin to head off malnurion or stunting, The facts you can eat lots of food and not got enough nutrients,” riya 27 Sinabiniyang ang tao a Third World ang partkular na nangangallangang turuon sa pagpapasuso sa unang anim na buwan ng bata dahil ang paghigay sa bata sa maduming tubig ay masaring magdulot ng pagtatae, sa sa pangunahing dahlan ng pagkamatay sa mga maralitang bansa, Sinai ni Lake na ang paglaae o diate, hindi man napatay ang bata, ay isiabas ang nuisyon na mayroon ang bala at binabansot siya, 249. Mahigit lang pursyento ng mga batang 250. Bakit malubha ang epekto ng pagkabansot limang taong gulang pababa ang permanenteng sa buhay ng isang bata? nabansot? |. Hindi na mahuhubog nang maayos ang utak ng mga a. 50% bata. b. 10% b. Nagdudulot ito ng pagtatae ©. 25% c. Hindi magiging sapat ang lakas nila para d. 75% makapagtvabaho. 1d, Magaan na ang timbang nila habang buhay. 38 254. Saan pinakalaganap ang pagkabansot dahil sa malnutrisyon at maduming tubig? 252. ‘Ano ang binibigyang din ni Lake sa pagiaki ‘sa unang dalawang taon? a, TimogsSilangang Asya ‘a. Kallangan bigyan ng maraming pagkain ang bata: b. Timog Asya at Sub-Saharan Africa b.Kailangan ng malinis na tubig bago ang lahat. cc. Aprika ¢. Hindi lang pagkain na marami ang kailangan. 4d. India, Bangladesh at Madagascar 4. Kailangan ipasuso ang bata hanggang siya ay pitong, taong gulang. 253. “ling bansa ang may pinakamaraming bllang 264, Bakit mas Kaunti ang Kiktaln ng mea ng nabansot na bata? bbantang nabansot ang paglaki ayon kay Lake? a. India a. Dahil mahina sila at ‘di makapagtatrabaho. b. Madagascar b. Dahil hindi sila matututo sa paaralan at dahil c. Bangladesh magiging masakitin sila, d. Srilanka €. Dahil nagiging palaaway ang mga nabansot 4d, Dahil sa ekonomikal na sitwasyon ng bansa nila 7256. Maliban sa Kakulangan ng pagkain, alin ang 256. ‘Ain sa sumusunod ang pinakamainam na maaring makahadiang sa maayos na paglaki ng bata? ‘maging pamagat ng artikulo? fa. Sobrang pagpapasuso sa bata ‘a. Ang Epekto ng Kahirapan b. Pagtatae o diarrhea b. Kulang sa Malasakit ang mga Gobyerno c. Kakulangan ng mga gamot at bakuna c. Ang Kapinsalaan ng Malnutrisyon 4d. Kakulangan ng ehersisyo d. Ang Kalagayan ng Kabtaan 39 Filling up thought bubbles INSTRUCTIONS: Choose the letter of the answer that will fitin the thought bubbles comic stsias most appropriately “Taken from [htpi//artngfles.cony/images/2/setnde_shor-comiesethdsjog Short cowie Story rime — “Hey how was your day!” “Great? “Mom gave me some cookies a while ago!” “Hey are you even listening?” “See you around then!™ B. “Hey therel Long time no seel” “Yeah, I kriow.” “How are you and Gretel now?” “Hey what's wrong with you?" “Have a nice day.” Hi, Fm Timothy!" “Pleasure to finally mest “So have you decided to agree to our offer? “Have you?" “Well if you won't, you're no use to us.” e SHI Tike pie.” "Wie too.” “But | don't like tea and cupcakes.” “Hey your sneakers look odd.” “Die you weird baloney. 40 Taken from [ht//ar.ngfiles.comy/images/8/s thd ehor-comi seth. 258, @. "Malapit na tayo matapos sa test” “Alam ko na mataas ang makukuha ko rito!” “May essay pa kaya.” “Dinaman talaga ‘yun binabasa et B. “Alam mo ba na orush ka ni Sarah?” “Uy! Kikiligin na siya!” “Yes! Akala ko pa naman walang pag-asa.” “Mayaman naman siya e. Magpalibre ka na lang sa kanya, ©. "Gusto mo pumunta tayo sa space™ “Magialaro tayo sa moon tapos tatambay tayo sa space station!" “Nasisiraan ka ba? Paano tayo pupunta doon?” “Oo nga. Sana hindi tayo mahirap. Nakabill sana tayo ng rocket” “Nam mo bang masarap kumain ng bibinka? “Diba nakakadiri?" “Hindi ha. Masarap kaya.” “Tumahimik ka nga. Hindi mo pa kaya ‘yun natitixman." 41 ‘Chart Reading: Make the correct observations and inferences based on the chart gen. Select the letter of the best answer. Population of American Indians 900,000 800,000 700,000 600,000 500,000 400,000, 300,000 200,000 100,000 1500 1550 1600 1650 1700 Population or American Indians 259, When did the population hitits lowest point? a. 1980 b. 1500 © 1700 d. 1650 "250, What could have happened during the period between 1550 and 16007 a, Adisease klled a lot of American Indians There was an oversupply of food The American Indians formes bigger communities dd. American Indian society became more patriarchal 42

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