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Name: Elizer B.


Determination of TS,TDS and TSS in Water

Cht192.1 Activity 2

Water contain different types of impurities like suspended, colloidal and dissolved materials in it. Based on its contaminants water can be
broadly defined as mixture of different types of solids in a liquid base. Solids may be classified as settleable, suspended, dissolved, volatile and
fixed. All these types together called as total solids. The settleable solids are those, which are capable of settling when, placed in a quiescent
condition. The suspended solids are those which are not soluble in water and remain in suspension for a long period. These solids impart
turbidity to the water. The dissolved solids impart colour and odour to water. The total, settleable, suspended and dissolved solids include
volatile and fixed components.

Solids form an important component in treatment processes. The suspended and settleable solids have to be removed in the
sedimentation units and the dissolved solids will have to be removed in the filtration and other secondary treatment facilities. The volatile solids
play an important role in biological treatment of waste water.

 Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) is the amount of combined contents of all inorganic and organic substances contained in a liquid in molecular,
ionized or micro-granular (colloidal sol) suspended form. Total dissolved solids are usually discussed only for freshwater systems, as salinity
includes some of the ions constituting the definition of TDS.
 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) are solids that can be trapped using a filter in water. TSS can include a wide variation in material, such as
silt, decaying plant and animal matter, industrial wastes, and sewage. High concentrations of suspended solids can cause several problems to
stream health and aquatic life.
 Total Solids (TS) can be found by summation of TSS and TDS.
 Volatile Suspended Solids (VSS) are the suspended solids associated with volatile fraction.
 Fixed Suspended Solids (FSS) are the suspended solids associated with the mineral fraction.

To determine Total Solids (TS), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Volatile Suspended Solids (VSS) and Fixed
Suspended Solids (FSS) in the given water sample.


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Volume of Sample Taken 50 ml


Weight of empty + filter paper (W1) 16.8050 g Weight of empty crucible (W3) 38.206 g Total suspended solids, (TSS) 600 mg/l
16.8350 g Weight of empty crucible + solids (W4) 38.2280 g Total dissolved solids (TDS) 439 mg/l
TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS, (TSS) 600 mg/l TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS, (TDS) 439 mg/l Total Solids, (TS) 1039 mg/l


Weight of empty muffle pot (W5) 38.206 g Total suspended solids (TSS) 600 mg/l
Weight of empty muffle pot + solids (W6) 38.2316 g Volatile Suspended solids (VSS) 89 mg/l
Fixed Suspended Solids 511 mg/l

The acceptable range of Total Dissolved Solid in drinking water is less than 500mg/l. The water sample given has 1039 mg/l of Total
Dissolved Solids, so it is not in the BIS standards range for drinking water.

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