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Two issues related to operations management at Amazon have been discussed in this report.
While the purpose of the study was to establish a summary of Amazon’s CSR activities, it proved
difficult to locate examples of successful CSR actions. It was chosen to evaluate all the problems various
points of view in order to provide a summary. By doing so, the report tried to build and understand
reasons behind Amazon’s business practices.
In general, it can be assumed that the actions discussed in this study can be seen a reactive.
Amazon does not deliberately pursue changes in its operations in any of the examples included. The
organization has only shown active actions in discovering openings that can be used to save money. It can
be argued that Amazon’s bad conduct outweighs its normal behavior. But this study may have been more
optimistic if the organization had been more open about its CSR activities.

There are suggestions to be taken on the basis of this report on Amazon’s business practices on
how it could do better on CSR.
The organization usually has a reactive method in which they obey other examples or wait until
they are legally supposed to do so. The most notable change in their CSR approach will be more pro-
active organization with respect to CSR. It has appeared in the study that only benefit can be applied from
the bottom line: individual planet profit (3P’s) for Amazon. Many of their bad CSR actions can be relate
to their aim to be highly profitable. It will be a great change to get the balance correct between the three
components of the bottom line.
Other than that, through installing energy-efficient lighting, adding insulation in houses, or using
renewable energy sources to produce the electricity they need, individuals and businesses may minimize
their respective carbon footprints. For instance, electricity generation from wind power, it creates no
direct carbon emissions. Additional lifestyle choices that can minimize the secondary carbon footprint of
a person include reducing one’s meat intake and moving one’s shopping habits to goods that need less
carbon emissions to manufacture and transport.
As a final suggestion, if the organization were more open about its operations, and particularly
those in the field of CSR and Sustainability, it would be greatly improved. No article on one of these
topics has ever been published in the company’s history. Therefore, it is difficult for NGOs, non-profits or
even the media to report and motivate the company to improve.

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