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Objective Activities Time Allotment Evaluation

After 2 hours of I was able to know that this course introduces us

synchronous 7:00-7:30 am to the profession of nursing as a practice
meeting, I will able Devotional discipline. Major worldviews influencing nursing
to: practice will be addressed. The central concepts
1. Know my 7:30-8:30 am of health, person, environment, nursing and
1. General Orientation
Instructor General caring will be explored. Theoretical emphasis will
2. Activity
2. Know the Vision Orientation be placed on theories related to the
and Mission of development of therapeutic relationships, modes
CPU Nursing 8:30-9:00 of effective communication and nursing
3. Understand Activity therapeutics.
what is TFN

I was able to know that in the beginning nursing

was done in an intuitive way of caring for the sick
and it is the basic role of women. Nursing
theory is the term given to the body of
knowledge that is used to
support nursing practice, framework designed to
organize knowledge and explain phenomena
in nursing, at a more concrete and specific level.
Theory-guided, evidence-based practice is the
hallmark of any professional discipline. I was able
7:00-7-30 am
to know the different types of Knowing and these
includes the Empirical, Aesthetic, Ethical and
After 2 hours of
Personal Knowing. In Empirical Knowing. It also
synchronous 7:30-8:30 am
encourages nurses to use fact-based approaches
meeting, I will able General
1. Lecture-Discussion to address patient needs for example, through
to: Lecture/Discussion
2. Quiz observation and practice, nurses learn how to
1.Know the
3. Activity find veins, insert intravenous fluids or
Introduction to 8:30-9:00
medications, check vital signs, give
Nursing Theory Quiz
immunizations and aid doctors in medical
2. Know the Four
procedures. In Aesthetic Knowing it requires an
Ways of Knowing 9:00-10:00 am
understanding of deep meanings in a situation
Offline Activity
and that, on the basis of those meanings, calls
forth the creative resources of the nurse that
transform experience into what is not yet real
but envisioned as possible. In Ethical Knowing, it
means that nurses were able to make decisions
about issues in which there was no clear cut or
easy choice. Sometimes, there is no “right”
answer and sometimes nurses must pick the best
out of multiple choices, all which have some kind
of negative outcome. In Personal Knowing it is
the understanding and actualization of a
relationship between a nurse and patient.
I was able to know that
the nursing metaparadigm consist of four main
concepts: person, health, environment,
and nursing. Each theory is regularly defined and
described by a Nursing Theorist. The main focal
point of nursing out of the four various common
After 2 hours of concepts is the person (patient). I also learned
synchronous that nursing is widely considered as an art and
meeting, I will able a science, wherein caring forms the theoretical
to: framework of nursing. Nursing and caring are
7:00-7:30 am
1. Know the grounded in a relational understanding, unity,
Structure of 1. Lecture-Discussion and connection between the professional nurse
Nursing and the patient. Task-oriented approaches
7:00-9:30 am
Knowledge challenge nurses in keeping care in nursing.
2. Know the There are types of Theories based on
History and range/scope/generalization and level of
Philosophy of abstractness these are the metatheories, grand
Science theories, middle-rage theories and
microtheories. We also tackle the Classification
of Nursing Theories according to Function which
includes the descriptive, explanatory, predictive
and prescriptive.Nursing theory is defined as "a
creative and rigorous structuring of ideas that
project a tentative, purposeful, and systematic
view of phenomena.
I was able to know the components of analysis
and evaluation of a theory and I think it is
important to understand definitions of
nursing theory before moving to theory analysis
and evaluation. These definitions
direct examination of structure, content, and
After 2 hours of
purposes of theories. Although each of these
7:00-7:30 am definitions is adequate for study of any nursing
meeting, I will able
Devotional theory, the definition that seems to best fit with
the particular purpose for study of theory should
1. Know the 1. Lecture-Discussion
7:30-9:00 am be chosen. Another way to think about this is to
Components of
General consider whether the definition of nursing
Analysis and
Lecture/Discussion theory in use fits the theory being analyzed and
Evaluation of a
evaluated. Theory analysis and evaluation may be
thought of as one process or as a two-step
sequence. It may be helpful to think of analysis of
theory as necessary for adequate study of a
nursing theory and evaluation of theory as the
assessment of the utility of a theory for particular
Insights and Reflection

Nursing is a unique discipline, shaped by its own concepts and practices. The
defining distinctions are framed by what’s commonly known as nursing theory. Nursing
theories are organized, knowledge-based concepts that essentially define the scope of
nursing practice. This scope would include what constitutes nursing, what nurses are
typically tasked with, and the reasons why these tasks are in place.These theories are
crucial to the concept of nursing. They provide a foundational knowledge of care
concepts that enable those in the profession to explain what they do for patients and the
reasons for their actions. This is particularly important because it helps nurses articulate
evidence that justifies the methodologies behind their practice.The roots of nurse theory
date to the late 19th century when it was first used as a key concept to advance nurse
education. Today, the emphasis on evidence-based practice indicates that this
educational component is still strongly present. I learned that practice research, and
theory are the cornerstones of the nursing profession. The relationship of these three
cornerstones are reciprocal and cyclical. Clinical practice generates research questions
and knowledge for theory. Research guides our practice and build knowledge through
theory development. Theory guides research and improve practice. Effective nursing
practice requires the application of knowledge, skills, caring, and art to care for patients
in an effective, efficient, and considerate way. An important part of the knowledge used
in making nursing clinical decisions is produced by research findings. Ideally, all patient
care decisions should be based on research-evidence. Research findings are used to
develop a protocol and the protocol is followed in daily nursing practice. Everyday and
every step of the way we are making decision, one way or another. Decision making
involves risks, and I would say that it is one of my weaknesses. I know I have a good
understanding and better judgment when it comes to assessing certain situations, but
my skills in decision making is not exercised. I want to develop that skill but I had no
confidence in voicing out my opinion.

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