Quick Reference For SFT

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Quick Reference for Software Testing and Project Management

1. E is called Effort. It’s unit is people per Month means E people required to complete project
in one month.
2. LOC is Line of Code. It gives size of the code. When Programming language, programmer
experience, Project Type or algorithm changes size may vary.
3. Metric is nothing but simple ratio which guide us in future planning. LOC based metric example
is “error per KLOC” which is size oriented metric. LOC is countable so it is also called Direct
Measure. A measure which can be counted in numbers is called direct measure. i.e. response
time, execution time, occupied memory size etc.
4. FP is Function Point. FP is based on complexity and some countable entities or functionality
of software which we are going to make. When one task is more complex than other. We
should attach more “weight” first one than other to calculate FP.
FP based metric example is “error per FP”. A measure which cannot be counted in numbers
like reliability, compatibility, maintainability are examples of indirect measure.
5. Formula to calculate E is E = New Object Point / Productivity.
6. Whatever without which we cannot complete the Project is called resource.
7. Project Cost directly proportional to Project Duration, Project Rework Activities, Complexity
etc. Project Quality Performance is inversely proportional to maintenance (Support).
8. Project Management depends on past project metrics, KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) rule and
Divide and Conquer Strategy (System, Subsystem, Component, Module). Management is
planning Monitoring and Controlling.
9. 5th phase of SDLC is testing which detects error and quality can be enhanced. If Testing was
not proper and customer faces problems regarding software data or programming it is called
10. When input is taken by program and calculation are performed the result is called output. But
when these output are stored in a file for future use and make them readily available for
instant answer of any input it is called inquiry.
11. When our software is not properly analyzed and designed it results in lots of maintenance
activity. It is simply called rework. So smart programmer calculates Total Project Size =
Estimated Size + modification request (or change size - possibly will come in future).
12. PERT is Program (Project) Evaluation Review Technique. We use network diagram in to
manage the project. Task of the project are interconnected parallel or sequentially. This is
called task dependency. We can have many paths from first task to last one. A path containing
task has no Extra time (slack time) to complete the project it is called “Critical Path” and the
theory is called Critical Path Method (CPM). If any task delayed it results delay in software
13. RMMM is Risk Mitigation, Monitoring and Management. Mitigation means taking steps for
stopping Risk to become reality. So that we must monitor risk triggers. If Risk becomes reality
we have to manage it. Risk is “uncertain”. It has probability to occur. If Risk becomes reality
it gives “loss”. Loss is called impact of Risk which can be negligible, marginal, Critical and
Catastrophic. When we have enough resources to fight with risk when it occurs it is called
firefighting mode or reactive strategy to deal with the risk and if we take steps to mitigate risk
it is called protective strategy.
14. So we must deal those risk first which has high probability to occur and high risk impact.
P is the probability of occurrence for a risk, and C is the cost to the project if risk occur then P
X C is called risk exposure.
15. Expected Time = (pessimistic time + optimistic time + 4 * most probable time) / 6.
Pessimistic means longest time. Optimistic time is shortest time.
16. Project can be decomposed in multiple tasks. These tasks are used in Timeline chart which is
work breakdown structure. It is also called Gantt Chart or Task Network Diagram.
17. In timeline chart Project Manager sets diamond shaped “milestones” to review the quality
and completion of work. In case of delay of delivery of project if project manager hires new
staff it would possibly the case of further delay due to communication or education of new

18. Beyond a point ( on a particular situation of cost and time) in ongoing project when it is
beneficiary to drop the project it is called risk referent point.
19. condition-transition-consequence (CTC) is used in risk refinement, conditions are triggers of
risk to become reality that we have to monitor and it should not be true to avoid consequence.
20. In Test Case = [I S O], O is expected output for input I on a particular stage S. If real output is
not equal to expected output it is called error. If software stops working due to error it is called
system failure. Error is more specific than fault. Error removal process is called debugging it
can be by cause elimination method.
21. Collection of all test case is called Test Suit. Test Case should be systematically designed it
should not be random. When Test case used with instruction in automated testing tool it is
called Test Script. Use of Automated Testing tool is Test Harness. NUnit is frame work to
perform unit testing of C# program. Sometime Driver (provides test case and print testing
result after comparing real output with expected output and Stub (Dummy Program)
collectively called scaffolding in automated testing.
22. Generally when we provide input and execute a program to test it is a type of Dynamic testing
but when program overviewed without executing to find error is called static testing. Both are
complementary means both are necessary in testing.
23. There are three levels of testing Unit, Integration and System Testing. White box (Structural
Testing – statement coverage, branch coverage, condition coverage, path coverage) and Black
box (Functional Testing – boundary value analysis, equivalent class partitioning) are
techniques in Unit Testing. Big Bang, Top Down, Bottom up and mixed are techniques of
Integration testing whereas Alpha, Beta and Acceptance (it is performed at the time of
delivery of software) are techniques of System Testing to check whether software meets users
specifications or not.
24. When we are testing according program structure of testing we can have CFG which stands
for Control Flow Graph. In CFG we can get cyclomatic complexity E-N+2. Similarly Decision
Table is also used in white box technique of unit testing.
25. In black box testing we use boundary value analysis and equivalent class partitioning. If we
have boundary (1,10) then we should test 0,1,10,11.
26. In Big Bang all modules integrated at the same time to find communication or interface error.
27. In Alpha testing user comes with actual data at programmers site and tries to find error if
found it will be corrected immediately.
28. Beta testing will be performed at customer’s site while actually using software with actual
data for the certain period of time. Defects can be removed in update or next version.
29. Real time software are just online software but with time bound in millisecond. Generally they
are embedded systems.
30. Current stage is matched with its previous one is called verification whereas correctness of it
called validation. Testing according to meet user’s objective in every stage is called validation.
One stage of software development process should be verified with its previous one.
31. Performance testing will test load, stress, reliability etc. It is also called non function testing.
Regression testing is testing again from first test case after correcting errors to test all test
cases. So it is useful to use automated testing tools in Regression testing. There for Test Case
design is the most important task in automated Testing.

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