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Tick the correct answer:

(1) A quadratic equation is polynomial equation of degree:

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

(2) A complex number having real and imaginary parts are:

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
(3) The nature of roots can be determined by:
(a) Sum of roots (b) Discriminant (c) Square method (d) Synthetic division
(4) The equality of two ratios is called:
(a) Ratio (b) Equation (c)Proportion (d)None of these
(5) How many types of variation are there:
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
(6) The mean proportional of 3 and 27 is:
(a) 10 (b) 27 (c) 3 (d) 9
(7) is a fraction:

(a)Proper (b) Improper (c) Rational (d) Irrational

(8) An Improper fraction can be reducing by:
(a) Addition (b) Subtraction (c) Division long (d) Multiplication
(9) A set is a collection of well defined _____ objects:
(a) same (b) Distinct (c) Three (d) Four
(10) is used to calculate:

(a) Mean (b) Mode (c) Median (d) Variance

(11) The Range of 8,17,18,13,14 and 25 is:
(a) 19 (b) 18 (c) 16 (d) 17
(12) Angles having the same initial and terminal sides are called:
(a) Co-terminal (b) Obtuse (c) Right (d) Acute
(13) A polygon having three edges and three vertices is called:
(a) Circle (b) parallelogram (c) Triangle (d) Square
(14) The boundary of the circle is called its:
(a) Diameter (b) Radius (c) Circumference (d) Arc
(15) A chord passing through the centre of the circle is called:
(a) Diameter (b) Radius (c) Sector (d) Arc
(16) A line which intersects the circle at two points is called:
Tick the correct answer:

(a) Tangent (b) Normal (c) Secent (d) Diamete

(17) A tangent line intersects the circle at:
(a) 1 point (b) 2 points (c) 3 points (d) 4 points
(18) The measurment of an angle in a semi-circle is:
(a) Obtuse angle (b) Circum angle (c) Right angle (d) Central angle
(19) Any cyclic quadrilateral is a:
(a) Square (b) Rectangle (c) parallelogram (d) None of these
(20) Number of Tangent can be drawn at a point outside of the circle:
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

Write the definitions of the 15 from the followings:

(1) Converging lines (2) Central angle (3) Obtuse angle
(4) Chord (5) Angle of desression (6) Sector of the circle
(7) Range (8) Harmonic mean (9) Median
(10) Histogram (11) Athematic mean (12) De-Morgan Law
(13) Cartsion products (14) Function (15) lnto function
(16) One-To- Function (17) Joint variation (18) Impropper Fraction
(19)Proportion (20) Simultaneous Equation

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