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Amniotic Fluid
Upon completing this chapter, the reader will be able to:
13-1 State the functions of amniotic fluid. 13-8 Describe the analysis of amniotic fluid for the
detection of neural tube disorders.
13-2 Describe the formation and composition of amniotic
fluid. 13-9 Explain the physiologic significance of the lecithin-
sphingomyelin (L/S) ratio.
13-3 Differentiate maternal urine from amniotic fluid.
13-10 State the relationship of phosphatidyl glycerol to
13-4 State indications for performing an amniocentesis.
13-5 Describe the specimen-handling and processing
13-11 Define lamellar bodies and describe their significance
procedures for testing amniotic fluid for bilirubin,
to FLM.
fetal lung maturity (FLM), and cytogenetic analysis.
13-12 Discuss the principle of and sources of error for the
13-6 Discuss the principle of the spectrophotometric analy-
L/S ratio, Amniostat-FLM, lamellar body count, and
sis for evaluation of hemolytic disease of the newborn.
Foam Stability Index for FLM.
13-7 Interpret a Liley graph.

Amniocentesis Hemolytic disease of the newborn Meconium
Amnion (HDN) Oligohydramnios
Amniotic fluid Lamellar bodies Polyhydramnios
Cytogenetic analysis Lecithin-sphingomyelin ratio Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)
(L/S ratio)
Fetal lung maturity (FLM) Surfactants
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244 Part Three | Other Body Fluids

Although the testing of amniotic fluid is frequently associated

with cytogenetic analysis, the clinical laboratory also per-
forms several significant tests on amniotic fluid. Because am- Placenta
niotic fluid is a product of fetal metabolism, the constituents
Amniotic cavity
that are present in the fluid provide information about the Chorion
metabolic processes taking place during—as well as the
Umbilical cord
progress of—fetal maturation. When conditions that adversely
affect the fetus arise, the danger to the fetus must be measured Amnion
against the ability of the fetus to survive an early delivery. The
tests covered in this chapter are used to determine the extent
of fetal distress and fetal maturity (Table 13–1).

Physiology Figure 13–1 Fetus in amniotic sac.

from fetal swallowing and intramembranous flow. Intramem-
Amniotic fluid is present in the amnion, a membranous sac branous flow is the absorption of amniotic fluid water and
that surrounds the fetus (Fig. 13–1). The amnion is metaboli- solutes into the fetal vascular system.1 The amount of amniotic
cally active and is involved in the exchanges of water and fluid increases in quantity throughout pregnancy, reaching a
chemicals between the fluid, the fetus, and the maternal cir- peak of approximately 800 to 1200 mL during the third
culation; and produces peptides, growth factors, and cytokines. trimester, and then gradually decreases prior to delivery. An
The primary functions of the amniotic fluid are to provide a amniotic fluid volume greater than 1200 mL is called polyhy-
protective cushion for the fetus, allow fetal movement, stabilize dramnios, whereas amniotic fluid volume less than 800 mL is
the temperature to protect the fetus from extreme temperature termed oligohydramnios. In either case, some analytes will be
changes, and permit proper lung development. falsely low or falsely high.2 During the first trimester, the
Volume approximately 35 mL of amniotic fluid is derived primarily
from the maternal circulation. During the latter third to half of
Amniotic fluid volume is regulated by a balance between the pregnancy, the fetus secretes a volume of lung liquid necessary
production of fetal urine and lung fluid and the absorption to expand the lungs with growth. During each episode of fetal
respiratory movement, secreted lung liquid enters the amniotic
fluid, bathing the lungs and washing pulmonary and alveolar
contents such as lecithin, sphingomyelin, and phosphatidyl
Table 13–1 Tests for Fetal Well-Being and Maturity glycerol into the amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus.2 These
lung surfactants serve as an index of fetal lung maturity.1 After
the first trimester, fetal urine is the major contributor to the
Values at
amniotic fluid volume. At the time that fetal urine production
Test Term7 Significance
occurs, fetal swallowing of the amniotic fluid begins and
Bilirubin scan ⌬ A450 >.025 Hemolytic regulates the increase in fluid from the fetal urine. The fetus
disease of the swallows amniotic fluid, which is absorbed through the gas-
newborn trointestinal tract and reexcreted by the kidneys from the blood
Alpha- <2.0 MoM Neural tube into fetal urine and back into amniotic fluid.2
fetoprotein disorders Failure of the fetus to begin swallowing results in excessive
accumulation of amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios) and is an
Lecithin- ≥ 2.0 Fetal lung
indication of fetal distress, often associated with neural tube dis-
sphingomyelin maturity
orders. Polyhydramnios may be secondarily associated with fetal
structural anomalies, cardiac arrhythmias, congenital infections,
Amniostat- Positive Fetal lung or chromosomal abnormalities.1 Increased fetal swallowing, uri-
fetal lung maturity/phos- nary tract deformities, and membrane leakage are possible causes
maturity phatidyl glycerol of decreased amniotic fluid (oligohydramnios). Oligohydramnios
Foam Stability ≥ 47 Fetal lung maturity may be associated with congenital malformations, premature rup-
Index ture of amniotic membranes, and umbilical cord compression,
Optical density ≥ 0.150 Fetal lung maturity resulting in decelerated heart rate and fetal death.1
650 nm
Chemical Composition
Lamellar body ≥ 32,000/mL Fetal lung maturity
count The placenta is the ultimate source of amniotic fluid water and
solutes. Amniotic fluid has a composition similar to that of the
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Chapter 13 | Amniotic Fluid 245

maternal plasma and contains a small amount of sloughed fetal to evaluate the health of the fetus. Fetal body measurements
cells from the skin, digestive system, and urinary tract. These taken with ultrasonography accurately estimate the gestational
cells provide the basis for cytogenetic analysis. The fluid also age of the fetus and provide an assessment of the size and
contains biochemical substances that are produced by the growth of the fetus throughout pregnancy to diagnose and
fetus, such as bilirubin, lipids, enzymes, electrolytes, urea, cre- manage intrauterine growth retardation. Finding an abnormal-
atinine, uric acid, proteins, and hormones that can be tested ity on the ultrasound could indicate potential fetal develop-
to determine the health or maturity of the fetus. Neural tube ment problems and indicate the need for an amniocentesis and
defects allow fetal cerebrospinal fluid to enter the amniotic laboratory measurements of fetal lung maturity.
fluid directly. Alpha-fetoprotein and acetylcholinesterase are Fetal epithelial cells in amniotic fluid indicate the genetic
two biochemical markers tested for these defects.2 material of the fetus and the biochemical substances that the
A portion of the fluid arises from the fetal respiratory tract, fetus has produced. These cells can be separated from the fluid,
fetal urine, the amniotic membrane, and the umbilical cord. cultured, and examined for chromosome abnormalities by
As would be expected, the chemical composition of the amni- karyotyping, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), fluo-
otic fluid changes when fetal urine production begins. The con- rescent mapping spectral karyotyping (SKY), and DNA testing.
centrations of creatinine, urea, and uric acid increase, whereas Biochemical substances produced by the fetus can be analyzed
glucose and protein concentrations decrease. Concentrations by thin-layer chromatography to evaluate the health of the
of electrolytes, enzymes, hormones, and metabolic end prod- fetus. (Table 13–2)
ucts also vary but are of little clinical significance. Measurement In general, amniocentesis is a safe procedure, particularly
of amniotic fluid creatinine has been used to determine fetal when performed after the 14th week of gestation. Fluid for
age. Prior to 36 weeks’ gestation, the amniotic fluid creatinine chromosome analysis is usually collected at approximately
level ranges between 1.5 and 2.0 mg/dL. It then rises above 16 weeks’ gestation and tests for intrauterine growth retarda-
2.0 mg/dL, thereby providing a means of determining fetal age tion are performed near the end of the second trimester,
greater than 36 weeks.3 whereas tests for fetal distress and maturity are performed later
in the third trimester.2
Differentiating Maternal Urine From
Amniotic Fluid
Differentiation between amniotic fluid and maternal urine may
be necessary to determine possible premature membrane rup- Table 13–2 Indications for Performing Amniocentesis
ture or accidental puncture of the maternal bladder during
specimen collection. Chemical analysis of creatinine, urea, glu- Amniocentesis may be indicated at 15 to 18 weeks’
cose, and protein aids in the differentiation. Levels of creatinine gestation for the following conditions to determine
and urea are much lower in amniotic fluid than in urine. Cre- early treatment or intervention:
atinine does not exceed 3.5 mg/dL and urea does not exceed • Mother’s age of 35 or older at delivery
30 mg/dL in amniotic fluid, whereas values as high as • Family history of chromosome abnormalities, such as
10 mg/dL for creatinine and 300 mg/dL for urea may be found trisomy 21 (Down syndrome)
in urine.4 Measurement of glucose and protein by a reagent
• Parents carry an abnormal chromosome rearrangement
strip is a less reliable indicator, because glucose and protein
are not uncommon urine constituents during pregnancy. How- • Earlier pregnancy or child with birth defect
ever, under normal circumstances, the presence of glucose, • Parent is a carrier of a metabolic disorder
protein, or both is associated more closely with amniotic fluid. • Family history of genetic diseases such a sickle cell dis-
The fern test also can differentiate amniotic fluid from ease, Tay-Sachs disease, hemophilia, muscular dystrophy,
urine and other body fluids. It is a test used to evaluate pre- sickle cell anemia, Huntington chorea, and cystic fibrosis
mature rupture of the membranes. In the fern test, a vaginal
• Elevated maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein
fluid specimen is spread on a glass slide and allowed to com-
pletely air dry at room temperature; then it is observed micro- • Abnormal triple marker screening test
scopically. The presence of “fern-like” crystals due to the • Previous child with a neural tube disorder such as spina
protein and sodium chloride content is a positive screen for bifida, or ventral wall defects (gastroschisis)
amniotic fluid.5 • Three or more miscarriages
Amniocentesis is indicated later in the pregnancy
Specimen Collection (20 to 42 weeks) to evaluate:
• Fetal lung maturity
Indications for Amniocentesis • Fetal distress
Amniocentesis is recommended for neural tube defects • HDN caused by Rh blood type incompatibility
when screening blood tests such as the maternal serum alpha- • Infection
fetoprotein test are abnormal or to detect genetic disorders or
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246 Part Three | Other Body Fluids

Collection Meconium, which is usually defined as a newborn’s first bowel

movement, is formed in the intestine from fetal intestinal
Amniotic fluid is obtained by needle aspiration into the am- secretions and swallowed amniotic fluid. It is a dark green,
niotic sac, a procedure called amniocentesis. The procedure mucus-like material. It may be present in the amniotic fluid as
most frequently performed is a transabdominal amniocente- a result of fetal distress. Fetal aspiration of meconium during
sis. Using continuous ultrasound for guidance, the physician fetal swallowing is a concern when increased amounts are pres-
locates the fetus and placenta to safely perform the procedure. ent in the fluid. A very dark red-brown fluid is associated with
A thin, hollow needle is inserted through the mother’s ab- fetal death (Table 13–3).
domen into the mother’s uterus and into the amniotic sac to
aspirate the amniotic fluid. Vaginal amniocentesis may also
be performed; however, this method carries a greater risk of Tests for Fetal Distress
A maximum of 30 mL of amniotic fluid is collected in ster- Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn
ile syringes. The first 2 or 3 mL collected can be contaminated
The oldest routinely performed laboratory test on amniotic
by maternal blood, tissue fluid, and cells and are discarded.
fluid evaluates the severity of the fetal anemia produced by
Specimens should be transferred to sterile plastic containers
HDN. The incidence of this disease has been decreasing rapidly
and taken immediately to the laboratory. Fluid for bilirubin
since the development of methods to prevent anti-Rh antibody
analysis in cases of hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN)
production in postpartum mothers. However, antibodies
must be protected from light at all times.
against other red cell antigens are also capable of producing
HDN, and immunization of Rh-negative mothers may not be
Specimen Handling and effective or even performed in all cases. Initial exposure to for-
Processing eign red cell antigens occurs during gestation, delivery of the
placenta, or a previous pregnancy when fetal red blood cells
Handling and processing of amniotic fluid vary with the tests enter into the maternal circulation and stimulate the mother
requested and with the methodology used by the laboratory to produce antibodies to the antigen. When these antibodies
performing the test. However, in all circumstances, special han- present in the maternal circulation cross the placenta into the
dling procedures should be performed immediately and the fetal circulation and bind to the antigen on the fetal cells, the
specimen delivered promptly to the laboratory. Fluid for fetal cells are destroyed. The destruction of fetal red blood cells
lung maturity (FLM) tests should be placed in ice for delivery results in the appearance of the red blood cell degradation
to the laboratory and kept refrigerated. Specimens for bilirubin product, unconjugated bilirubin, in the amniotic fluid. By
testing must be immediately protected from light. This can be measuring the amount of bilirubin in the fluid, the extent of
accomplished by placing the specimens in amber-colored hemolysis taking place may be determined, and the danger this
tubes, wrapping the collection tube in foil, or by use of a black anemia presents to the fetus may be assessed (Fig. 13–2).
plastic cover for the specimen container. Specimens for cyto- Amniotic fluid bilirubin is measured by spectrophotometric
genetic studies or microbial studies must be processed asepti- analysis using serial dilutions. As illustrated in Figure 13–3, the
cally and maintained at room temperature or body temperature optical density (OD) of the fluid is measured in intervals be-
(37°C incubation) prior to analysis to prolong the life of the tween 365 nm and 550 nm and the readings plotted on semi-
cells needed for analysis. logarithmic graph paper. In normal fluid, the OD is highest at
All fluid for chemical testing should be separated from 365 nm and decreases linearly to 550 nm, illustrated by a
cellular elements and debris as soon as possible to prevent straight line. When bilirubin is present, a rise in OD is seen at
distortion of chemical constituents by cellular metabolism or 450 nm because this is the wavelength of maximum bilirubin
disintegration. This can be performed using centrifugation or absorption. The difference between the OD of the theoretic
filtration. The time and speed of centrifugation also depends baseline and the OD at 450 nm represents the amniotic fluid
on the test and lab protocol.
Table 13–3 Amniotic Fluid Color
Color and Appearance Color Significance
Normal amniotic fluid is colorless and may exhibit slight to Colorless Normal
moderate turbidity from cellular debris, particularly in later
Blood-streaked Traumatic tap, abdominal trauma,
stages of fetal development. Blood-streaked fluid may be pres-
intra-amniotic hemorrhage
ent as the result of a traumatic tap, abdominal trauma, or intra-
amniotic hemorrhage. The source of the blood (maternal or Yellow Hemolytic disease of the newborn
fetal) can be determined using the Kleihauer-Betke test for fetal (bilirubin)
hemoglobin and is important for further case management. Dark green Meconium
The presence of bilirubin gives the fluid a yellow color and Dark red-brown Fetal death
is indicative of red blood cell destruction resulting from HDN.
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Chapter 13 | Amniotic Fluid 247

Rh– Rh– Rh–

Baby 1 Rh Baby 2 Rh+

Rh+ antibody

1st Pregnancy 2nd Pregnancy

Rh+ fetus Rh+ fetus

Fetal blood enters IgG antibodies

maternal circulation cross placenta
via placenta to destroy
fetal Rh+ RBCs
IgG antibodies remain
Figure 13–2 Rh antibodies crossing the placenta. in mother’s circulation

As mentioned, specimens must be protected from light at

0.6 Oxyhemoglobin Bilirubin
peak at 410 peak at 450 all times. Markedly decreased values will be obtained with as
0.5 little as 30 minutes of exposure to light. Contamination of the
fluid by cells, hemoglobin, meconium, or other debris will in-

terfere with the spectrophotometric analysis. Specimens should

0.3 No be immediately centrifuged to remove particulate interference.
sca al Specimens contaminated with meconium will cause falsely low
0.2 n
⌬ A450 values and are not acceptable for spectrophotometric
0.1 analysis. Specimens that are contaminated with blood are gen-
erally unacceptable because maximum absorbance of oxyhe-
moglobin occurs at 410 nm and can interfere with the bilirubin
365 410 450 500 550 absorption peak (see Fig. 13–3). This interference can be re-
Wavelength (nm) moved by extraction with chloroform if necessary.7 A control
may be prepared by diluting commercial chemistry control sera
Figure 13–3 Spectrophotometric bilirubin scan showing bilirubin
and oxyhemoglobin peaks.
1 to 10 with normal saline and treating it in the same manner
as the patient specimen. Bilirubin and protein levels approxi-
mate those in amniotic fluid and can be varied by using low
or high control sera.8
bilirubin concentration. This difference in OD, referred to as
the absorbance difference at 450 nm (⌬ A450), is then plotted
on a Liley graph to determine the severity of the hemolytic
Neural Tube Defects
disease (Fig. 13–4).6 Neural tube defects (NTD) are one of the most common birth
Notice that the Liley graph plots the ⌬ A450 against gesta- defects in the United States. It can be detected by maternal
tional age and is divided into three zones that represent the serum alpha-fetoprotein (MSAFP) blood test, high-resolution
extent of hemolytic severity. Values falling in zone I indicate ultrasound, and amniocentesis. Increased levels of alpha-feto-
no more than a mildly affected fetus; those in zone II indicate protein (AFP) in both the maternal circulation and the amniotic
moderate hemolysis and require careful monitoring anticipat- fluid can be indicative of fetal neural tube defects, such as anen-
ing an early delivery or exchange transfusion upon delivery, cephaly and spina bifida. AFP is the major protein produced by
whereas a value in zone III indicates severe hemolysis and sug- the fetal liver during early gestation (prior to 18 weeks). It is
gests a severely affected fetus. Intervention through induction found in the maternal serum due to the combined fetal-maternal
of labor or intrauterine exchange transfusion must be consid- circulations and in the amniotic fluid from diffusion and excre-
ered when a ⌬ A450 is plotted in zone III. tion of fetal urine. Increased levels are found in the maternal
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248 Part Three | Other Body Fluids

Severely affected fetus
Zone III intervention required
∆ O.D. Change in optical density


Zone II
0.08 Moderately affected fetus
0.07 requiring close monitoring

Zone I
Nonaffected or mildly
affected fetus
20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
Gestational age in weeks Figure 13–4 Example of a Liley graph.

serum and amniotic fluid when the skin fails to close over the production and structural immaturity of the fetal lungs. Sur-
neural tissue, as occurs in anencephaly and spina bifida. factant normally appears in mature lungs and allows the alveoli
Measurement of amniotic fluid AFP levels is indicated (air sacs of the lung) to remain open throughout the normal
when maternal serum levels are elevated or a family history cycle of inhalation and exhalation. Surfactant keeps the alveoli
of previous neural tube defects exists. The possibility of a mul- from collapsing by decreasing surface tension and allows them
tiple pregnancy also must be investigated when serum levels to inflate with air more easily. If the surfactant concentrations
are elevated. Normal values are based on the week of gesta- are too low, the alveoli will collapse, causing RDS. The inci-
tional age, as the fetus produces maximal AFP between 12 and dence of RDS decreases with increasing gestational age and
15 weeks’ gestation, after which levels in amniotic fluid begin lung maturity.9 Therefore, laboratory tests must be performed
to decline. Both serum and amniotic fluid AFP levels are to determine the maturity of the fetal lungs. The amount of
reported in terms of multiples of the median (MoM). The surfactant in fetal lungs can be estimated by measuring the
median is the laboratory’s reference level for a given week of amount of surfactants in amniotic fluid.9 Several laboratory
gestation. A value two times the median value is considered tests are available to measure FLM.
abnormal (greater than 2 MoM) for both maternal serum and
amniotic fluid. Elevated amniotic fluid AFP levels are followed Lecithin-Sphingomyelin Ratio
by measurement of amniotic acetylcholinesterase (AChE).
The test is more specific for neural tube disorders than AFP, The reference method to which tests of FLM are compared is
provided it is not performed on a bloody specimen, because the lecithin-sphingomyelin (L/S) ratio. Lecithin is the pri-
blood contains AChE.4 mary component of the surfactants (phospholipids, neutral
lipids, and proteins) that make up the alveolar lining and
account for alveolar stability.
Tests for Fetal Maturity Lecithin is produced at a relatively low and constant rate
until the 35th week of gestation, at which time a noticeable
Fetal distress, whether caused by HDN or other conditions, increase in its production occurs, resulting in the stabilization
forces the obstetrician to consider a preterm delivery. At this of the fetal lung alveoli. Sphingomyelin is a lipid that is pro-
point, fetal maturity must be assessed. duced at a constant rate after about 26 weeks’ gestation; there-
fore, it can serve as a control on which to base the rise in
Fetal Lung Maturity lecithin. Both lecithin and sphingomyelin appear in the am-
Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) is the most frequent niotic fluid in amounts proportional to their concentrations
complication of early delivery and is the seventh most common in the fetus.10 Prior to 35 weeks’ gestation, the L/S ratio is usu-
cause of morbidity and mortality in the premature infant.9 ally less than 1.6 because large amounts of lecithin are not
This disease is caused by an insufficiency of lung surfactant being produced at this time. After 35 weeks’ gestation, the
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Chapter 13 | Amniotic Fluid 249

lecithin concentration increases while the sphingomyelin con- gradient of ethanol/fluid ratios ranging from 0.42 mL to 0.55 mL
centration remains constant. The L/S ratio will rise to 2.0 or in 0.01-mL increments, which can be used to provide a semi-
higher as the lecithin production increases to prevent alveolar quantitative measure of the amount of surfactant present. A value
collapse. Therefore, when the L/S ratio reaches 2.0, a preterm of 47 or higher indicates FLM. The Foam Stability Index has
delivery is usually considered to be a relatively safe procedure. shown good correlation with the L/S ratio and tests for phos-
Falsely elevated results are encountered in fluid contaminated phatidyl glycerol. The test cannot be used with contaminated am-
with blood or meconium because both these substances con- niotic fluid because blood and meconium also reduce surface
tain lecithin and sphingomyelin. tension, yielding a falsely mature index result.
Quantitative measurement of lecithin and sphingomyelin
is performed using thin-layer chromatography (TLC). Because
the procedure is labor intensive and subject to high coefficients
Lamellar Bodies
of variation, many laboratories have replaced the L/S ratio with Surfactant is composed of approximately 90% phospholipid
the quantitative phosphatidyl glycerol immunoassays and and 10% protein and is packaged into layered storage granules
lamellar body density procedures.11 called lamellar bodies.9,18 Lamellar bodies are densely packed
layers of phospholipids that represent a storage form of pul-
Phosphatidyl Glycerol monary surfactant. They are secreted by the type II pneumo-
The presence of another lung surface lipid, phosphatidyl glyc- cytes of the fetal lung at about 24 weeks of gestation and are
erol (PG), is also essential for adequate lung maturity and can absorbed into the alveolar spaces to provide surfactant. They
be detected after 35 weeks’ gestation. The production of PG enter the amniotic fluid at about 26 weeks of gestation and
normally parallels that of lecithin, but its production is delayed increase in concentration from 50,000 to 200,000 per micro-
in cases of maternal diabetes. In this circumstance, respiratory liter by the end of the third trimester. As the fetal lung ma-
distress occurs in the presence of an L/S ratio of 2.0. Therefore, tures, increased lamellar body production is reflected by an
a thin-layer chromatography lung profile must include lecithin, increase in amniotic fluid phospholipids and the L/S ratio.19
sphingomyelin, and PG to provide an accurate measurement Therefore, the number of lamellar bodies present in the am-
of FLM.12 niotic fluid correlates with the amount of phospholipid pres-
Development of an immunologic agglutination test for PG ent in the fetal lungs.
has provided a more rapid and easy to perform method for as- The presence of lamellar bodies increases the OD of
sessment of fetal maturity that does not require a laboratory to the amniotic fluid. Specimens are centrifuged at 2000 g for
be equipped to perform thin-layer chromatography. The 10 minutes and examined using a wavelength of 650 nm,
Aminostat-FLM (Irving Scientific, Santa Ana, CA) uses antisera which rules out interference from hemoglobin but not other
containing polyclonal anti-PG antibodies that are specific for
PG-containing lamellar bodies in the amniotic fluid. The size
of the agglutinates is read macroscopically and the results are
reported as either negative, indicating pulmonary immaturity,
Foam Shake Test
or low positive or high positive, indicating pulmonary maturity.
The test is not affected by specimen contamination with blood 1. Mix equal parts of amniotic fluid with 95% ethanol.
and meconium.13 Studies have shown good correlation with 2. Vigorously shake for 15 seconds.
thin-layer chromatography but with a slightly higher incidence 3. Allow to sit undisturbed for 15 minutes.
of false-negative results that may need to be followed up with
4. Observe for the presence of a continuous line of
further testing.14,15
bubbles around the outside edge.
Foam Stability Index
Until the development of biochemical techniques to measure
the individual lung-surface lipid concentrations, a mechanical PROCEDURE 13-2
screening test, called the “foam” or “shake” test, was used to
determine their presence. Because it can be performed at the Foam Stability Index
bedside or in the laboratory, the test is still in use. Amniotic 1. Add 0.5 mL of amniotic fluid to tubes containing
fluid is mixed with 95% ethanol, shaken for 15 seconds, and increasing amounts of 95% ethanol ranging from
allowed to sit undisturbed for 15 minutes. At the end of this 0.42 to 0.55 mL in 0.01-mL increments.
time, the surface of the fluid is observed for the presence of a
2. Vigorously shake for 15 seconds.
continuous line of bubbles around the outside edge. The pres-
ence of bubbles indicates that a sufficient amount of phospho- 3. Allow to sit undisturbed for 15 minutes.
lipid is available to reduce the surface tension of the fluid even 4. Observe for the presence of a continuous line of
in the presence of alcohol, an antifoaming agent. bubbles around the outside edge.
A modification of the foam test uses 0.5 mL of amniotic 5. Values ≥ 47 indicate fetal lung maturity.
fluid added to increasing amounts of 95% ethanol, providing a
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250 Part Three | Other Body Fluids

volume of amniotic fluid required, and (6) excellent clinical

Amniotic fluid specimens containing whole blood, meco-
Microviscosity: Fluorescence nium, and mucus should not be used. Blood initially raises
Polarization Assay the LBC because of the presence of platelets and then can
lower the LBC as lamellar bodies are trapped in the fibrin
The fluorescence polarization assay is no longer performed strands.18 Meconium and mucus cause a false increase in the
because the manufacturer (Abbott Laboratories, Abbott LBC and should not be used for testing. Specimens may be
Park, IL) discontinued the instrument and reagents in stored at 2°C to 8°C but never frozen. A consensus protocol
2011. It was the most widely used test in evaluating FLM for performing LBC has been published by CLSI and is de-
and was considered an excellent screening tool for FLM scribed in Procedure 13–3. Results are reported in units of
because the results correlated well with an L/S ratio of lamellar bodies per microliter and should be accompanied by
2.0.16 The fluorescence polarization assay for FLM meas- the laboratory’s established values for maturity and the instru-
ured the surfactant to albumin (S/A) ratio to measure FLM. ment that was used. A consensus protocol for noncentrifuged
The test was based on the principle that phospholipids de- samples considers LBCs greater than 50,000/␮L an indication
crease the microviscosity of the amniotic fluid. This of FLM and values below 15,000/␮L as immature. Results in
change in microviscosity was measured using the principle between these two values are considered indeterminate and
of fluorescence polarization using the TDX/TDxFLx FLM further testing using alternate methods is recommended.21
II Assay System (Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, IL).
The assay measured the polarization of a fluorescent dye
that combined with both surfactants and albumin in the
amniotic fluid. The fluorescent dye bound to surfactant
had a longer fluorescence lifetime and a low polarization,
Lamellar Body Count18
whereas dye bound to albumin had a decreased fluores-
cence lifetime and a high polarization. The recorded 1. Mix the amniotic fluid sample by inverting the
changes in polarization produced a surfactant/albumin capped sample container five times.
ratio expressed in milligrams surfactant to grams albumin 2. Transfer the fluid to a clear test tube to allow for
that was compared with a fetal lung maturity II assay visual inspection.
calibration standard curve using calibrators of known sur- 3. Visually inspect the specimen. Fluids containing
factant/albumin content. A surfactant/albumin ratio of obvious mucus, whole blood, or meconium should
55 mg/g indicated FLM, whereas values between 40 mg/g not be processed for an LBC.
and 54 mg/g were indeterminate and ratios less than or
4. Cap the tube and mix the sample by gentle inversion or
equal to 39 mg/g indicated immature lungs.17
by placing the test tube on a tube rocker for 2 minutes.
The test required 1.0 mL of amniotic fluid, and speci-
mens contaminated with blood, meconium, suspected ma- 5. Flush the platelet channel; analyze the instrument’s
ternal urine, and visibly icteric sample could not be used. diluents buffer until a background count deemed
acceptable by the laboratory is obtained in two
consecutive analyses.
6. Process the specimen through the cell counter and
contaminants, such as meconium. An OD of 0.150 has been record the platelet channel as the LBC.
shown to correlate well with an L/S ratio of greater than or
equal to 2.0 and the presence of phosphatidyl glycerol.20

Lamellar Body Count Log on to
Lamellar body diameter is similar to that of small platelets for additional content related
ranging in size from 1.7 to 7.3 fL, or 1 to 5␮m; therefore, to this chapter.
lamellar body counts (LBCs) can be obtained using the
platelet channel of automated hematology analyzers using ei-
ther optical or impedance methods for counting.18 Some au- References
tomated cell counters use both impedance and optical 1. Ross, MG, Brace, RA, and the NIH Workshop Participants,
methods for counting. Because the various hematology ana- National Institute of Child Health and Development Conference
lyzers count lamellar bodies differently and require different summary: Amniotic fluid biology—basic and clinical aspects.
specimen preparation, cutoff values for FLM vary, making it J Maternal-Fetal Med 10:2–19, 2001.
necessary to establish analyzer-specific LBC clinical decision 2. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI): Analysis of
Body Fluids in Clinical Chemistry: approved guideline, CLSI
limits.18 The advantages of lamellar body counting include: Document C49-A, Wayne, PA, 2007, CLSI.
(1) rapid turnaround time, (2) low reagent cost, (3) wide 3. Weiss, RR, et al: Amniotic fluid uric acid and creatinine as meas-
availability, (4) low degree of technical difficulty, (5) low ures of fetal maturity. Obstet Gynecol 44(2):208–214, 1974.
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4. Wenk, RE, and Rosenbaum, JM: Examination of amniotic fluid. 14. Chapman, JF: Current methods for evaluating FLM. Lab
In Henry, JB (ed): Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Med 17(10):597–602, 1986.
Laboratory Methods. WB Saunders, Philadelphia, 1996. 15. Saad, SA, et al: The reliability and clinical use of a rapid
5. Heron, HJ: The use of the Fern test to differentiate amniotic phosphatidyl glycerol assay in normal and diabetic pregnan-
fluid from urine. Triangle Jul:20:60–62, 1963. cies. Am J Obstet Gynecol 157(6):1516–1520, 1987.
6. Liley, AW: Liquor amnii analysis in the management of the 16. Winn-McMillan, T, and Karon, BS: Comparison of the
pregnancy complicated by Rhesus sensitization. Am J Obstet TDx-FLM II and lecithin to sphingomyelin ratio assays in
Gynecol 82:1359, 1961. predicting fetal lung maturity. Am J Obstet Gynecol
7. Spinnato, JA, et al: Amniotic bilirubin and fetal hemolytic 193,778–782, 2005.
disease. Am J Obstet Gynecol 165(4):1030–1035, 1991. 17. TDx/TDxFLx Fetal Lung Maturity II (FLM II) package insert.
8. McDonald, OL, and Watts, MT: Use of commercially prepared Reference 7A76. Abbott Laboratories, Diagnostics Division,
control sera as quality control materials for spectrophotometric Abbott Park, IL, April 2003.
bilirubin determinations in amniotic fluid. Am J Clin Pathol 18. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. Assessment of fetal
84(4):513–517, 1985. lung maturity by the lamellar body count; approved guideline,
9. Grenache, D: Fetal lung maturity testing: what labs need to CLSI document C58-A. Wayne, PA, CLSI, 2011.
know now. Medical Lab Observer (MLO), February 2012. 19. Khazardoost, S, et al: Amniotic fluid lamellar body count and
10. Gluck, L, et al: Diagnosis of the respiratory distress syndrome its sensitivity and specificity in evaluating of fetal lung maturity.
by amniocentesis. Am J Obstet Gynecol 109(3):440–445, 1971. J Obstet Gynaecol 25(3):257–259, 2005.
11. Dubin, SB: Assessment of FLM: Practice parameter. Am J Clin 20. Sbarra, AJ, et al: Correlation of amniotic fluid optical density at
Pathol 110:723–732, 1998. 650 nm and lecithin/sphingomyelin ratios. Obstet Gynecol
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Normal pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 135:57–60, 1979. 21. Lu Ji, Gronowski, AM, Eby, C,: Lamellar Body Counts Performed
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Comparison of an “ultrasensitive” immunologic assay with TLC rity. LabMedicine 39(7): 419–423, 2008.
and enzymatic assay. Am J Clin Pathol 91(3):293–297, 1989.

Study Questions
1. Which of the following is not a function of amniotic fluid? 5. Amniotic fluid specimens are placed in amber-colored tubes
A. Allows movement of the fetus prior to sending them to the laboratory to prevent the
destruction of:
B. Allows carbon dioxide and oxygen exchange
A. Alpha-fetoprotein
C. Protects fetus from extreme temperature changes
B. Bilirubin
D. Acts as a protective cushion for the fetus
C. Cells for cytogenetics
2. What is the primary cause of the normal increase in amni- D. Lecithin
otic fluid as a pregnancy progresses?
6. How are specimens for FLM testing delivered to and stored
A. Fetal cell metabolism in the laboratory?
B. Fetal swallowing A. Delivered on ice and refrigerated
C. Fetal urine B. Immediately centrifuged
D. Transfer of water across the placenta C. Kept at room temperature
3. Which of the following is not a reason for decreased D. Delivered in a vacuum tube
amounts of amniotic fluid? 7. Why are amniotic specimens for cytogenetic analysis incu-
A. Fetal failure to begin swallowing bated at 37°C prior to analysis?
B. Increased fetal swallowing A. To detect the presence of meconium
C. Membrane leakage B. To differentiate amniotic fluid from urine
D. Urinary tract defects C. To prevent photo-oxidation of bilirubin to biliverdin
4. Why might a creatinine level be requested on an amniotic D. To prolong fetal cell viability and integrity
fluid? 8. Match the following colors in amniotic fluid with their
A. Detect oligohydramnios significance.
B. Detect polyhydramnios ___ A. Colorless 1. Fetal death
C. Differentiate amniotic fluid from maternal urine ___ B. Dark green 2. Normal
D. Evaluate lung maturity
___ C. Red-brown 3. Presence of bilirubin
___ D. Yellow 4. Presence of meconium
3920_Ch13_243-254 23/01/14 10:37 AM Page 252

252 Part Three | Other Body Fluids

9. A significant rise in the OD of amniotic fluid at 450 nm 15. When performing an L/S ratio by thin-layer chromatography,
indicates the presence of which analyte? a mature fetal lung will show:
A. Bilirubin A. Sphingomyelin twice as concentrated as lecithin
B. Lecithin B. No sphingomyelin
C. Oxyhemoglobin C. Lecithin twice as concentrated as sphingomyelin
D. Sphingomyelin D. Equal concentrations of lecithin and sphingomyelin
10. Plotting the amniotic fluid OD on a Liley graph represents 16. True or False: Phosphatidyl glycerol is present with an L/S
the severity of hemolytic disease of the newborn. A value ratio of 1.1.
that is plotted in zone II indicates what condition of the
17. A rapid immunologic test for FLM that does not require
performance of thin-layer chromatography is:
A. No hemolysis
A. AFP levels
B. Mildly affected fetus
B. Amniotic acetylcholinesterase
C. Moderately affected fetus that requires close monitoring
C. Aminostat-FLM
D. Severely affected fetus that requires intervention
D. Bilirubin scan
11. The presence of a fetal neural tube disorder may be
18. Does the failure to produce bubbles in the Foam Stability
detected by:
Index indicate increased or decreased lecithin?
A. Increased amniotic fluid bilirubin
A. Increased
B. Increased maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein
B. Decreased
C. Decreased amniotic fluid phosphatidyl glycerol
19. The presence of phosphatidyl glycerol in amniotic fluid
D. Decreased maternal serum acetylcholinesterase
fetal lung maturity tests must be confirmed when:
12. True or False: An AFP MoM value greater than two times A. Hemolytic disease of the newborn is present
the median value is considered an indication of a neural
B. The mother has maternal diabetes
tube disorder.
C. Amniotic fluid is contaminated by hemoglobin
13. When severe HDN is present, which of the following tests
D. Neural tube disorder is suspected
on the amniotic fluid would the physician not order to
determine whether the fetal lungs are mature enough to 20. A lamellar body count of 50,000 correlates with:
withstand a premature delivery? A. Absent phosphatidyl glycerol and L/S ratio of 1.0
A. AFP levels B. L/S ratio of 1.5 and absent phosphatidyl glycerol
B. Foam stability index C. OD at 650 nm of 1.010 and an L/S ratio of 1.1
C. Lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio D. OD at 650 nm of 0.150 and an L/S ratio of 2.0
D. Phosphatidyl glycerol detection
14. True or False: Prior to 35 weeks’ gestation, the normal L/S
ratio is less than 1.6.

Case Studies and Clinical Situations

1. Amniocentesis is performed on a woman believed to be c. What information did this test provide for the physician?
in approximately the 31st week of gestation. This is the d. Why did the physician prefer an Aminostat-FLM to an
second pregnancy for this Rh-negative woman with dia- L/S ratio in this situation?
betes. Spectrophotometric analysis of the fluid shows a
2. Amniocentesis is performed following a maternal serum
∆ A450 of 0.3.
AFP level of 2.2 MoM at 15 weeks’ gestation.
a. Based on the Liley graph, should the physician
a. What fetal condition is suspected?
consider inducing labor?
b. If the amniotic fluid AFP is 2.5 MoM, what additional
b. What else must the physician consider prior to inducing test could be performed?
c. In what situation would this additional test not be
The physician decides to induce labor based on a performed?
positive Aminostat-FLM.
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Chapter 13 | Amniotic Fluid 253

3. How might a dark green amniotic fluid affect the results 5. Amniocentesis is performed on a woman whose last two
of the following tests? pregnancies resulted in stillbirths due to hemolytic disease
a. Foam Stability Index of the newborn. A screening test performed at the hospital
is positive for bilirubin, and the specimen is sent to a
b. L/S ratio
reference laboratory for a bilirubin scan. Physicians are
c. Aminostat-FLM concerned when the report comes back negative. What
d. OD650 factors would be considered in evaluating this result.
4. How might a blood-streaked amniotic fluid affect the a. Correct specimen was sent
results of the following tests? b. Specimen was refrigerated
a. L/S ratio c. Specimen was exposed to light
b. AChE d. Specimen reached the reference lab within 30 mins
c. Bilirubin analysis
d. Aminostat-FLM

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