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King Edward VII College

Research report

Give an overview of your research findings, highlighting any surprising, important, or outlying results
This study was conducted to examine the viability of expanding the Australian School of Commerce to
Sydney and Tasmania.The organisation will receive a detailed and oblique report as a result of this
investigation.thought of expanding its operations to other states This research will aid in determine
whether there are any substantial dangers and, if so, how to mitigate them and generate revenue for
the organisation We clarify research in this study. methodologies, plan, data collection instruments
and procedures, as well as its dependability authenticity, and integrity. We attempted to keep
questions as simple as possible so that our study would be transparent and easy to define the
prospective of expanding the firm. Although there are obvious limits to our study, we are confident that
it will help the organisation take the next steps.
Describe how you carried out the research, including the methods and the tools that you used.
To obtain reliable results, we employed a variety of methodologies and strategies in this study. We
started with a hypothesis and then explained it using research strategy and methodology. We used
case studies, qualitative interviews, a quantitative survey, and action-oriented research as part of our
research strategy. We then used experimental research techniques, opinion-based research methods,
and observational research methods in our research approaches. Then, we proceed to use research
theories and data gathering procedures, as well as what technology and technological services we
employed to acquire data. Finally, we defined data validity, dependability, and integrity.
Record the results as set out in your research proposal.
This research is primarily concerned with expanding its company in other areas and determining the
dangers and potentialities of carrying out this plan. This study will make it easier for management to
decide whether or not to open new branches in other locations. This study, I feel, will assist them in
making a better informed selection. Furthermore, we outline our study approach, research
methodology, data collecting instruments, and research limits, as well as propose additional research
if necessary.
Describe the tools (including technology and technology services) that were used to analyse the data
once it had been collected.
Perform, and describe, statistical analysis of the data to identify possible trends and, where possible,
to confirm the data’s reliability
We can utilise the following technologies and technology services to help with data collecting and
Data Matrix: In order to analyse quantitative information, we must first identify the kind of variables we
are gathering. We may next arrange the information in a network. This can be finished by

To begin, use Excel or another spreadsheet, or enter data directly into a database.

SPSS for Windows, for example, is a quantifiable package. To accomplish the changeover

Answers will need to be coded when they go from, example, a survey to an information framework.

BSBRES801 Initiate and Lead Applied Research

Version 2: September 2021
Australian College of Applied Business
RTO Code:3910 | CRICOS:03722G Page 1 of
Nominal factors, for example, will have content names and must be

provided a unique number in order to have access to a factual bundle. Nonresponses will also
necessitate a distinct number (which is not disclosed elsewhere in the data). Men/Women
dichotomous replies will also require a number, such as Men 1 Women 2.
Coding: We will preserve a "code book" or a record of how the codes for information connect to the
survey or other research component.
We will do this for two reasons. The first is that codes are frequently worked out on scraps of paper
very quickly; if the paper is missing and there is a gap between inputting data and coming to make
sense of it, it is possible that we will have difficulty remembering precisely what the findings indicate.
The second point to make is that it is vital not to lose track of the address while analysing the results
of quantitative data. Unusual patterns in the data must be investigated, and a return to accurate
coding and maybe other translations of the address phrasing, which may have triggered the reaction,
will be required. As a result, as the link between responder and information, we will preserve a
retrievable, unambiguous, and accurate record of coding.
Using SPSS for Windows: Coding could be a way of enrolling the assistance of
computer investigation strategies –Whether it's a spreadsheet like Microsoft Excel or a
programme like the widely used SPSS for Windows application, which was created expressly to
analyse quantitative data from social scientific research. SPSS for Windows is the most widely used
application. to carry out all required factual tests and examinations Start the programme, and the
analyst should be sent to the SPSS Information Editor. Information View and Variable View are the
two components of this programme. Tabs that are visible on the screen Allow us to go back and forth
between these two viewpoints. The Information Perspective is the screen on which we can input our
Evaluate how your research findings could impact on the organisation’s learning strategy. If this
includes changes to the organisation’s policies and procedures, suggest what these could be.
The research findings have the potential to significantly alter an organization's code of conduct and
code of ethics. Whether or whether a code of conduct is legally needed, every business should have
one. ought to have one A code acts as both an internal guideline and an external proclamation of the
the company's beliefs and responsibilities
A well-written code of conduct relates the mission, values, and goals of a corporation to professional
behaviour norms. The code outlines the ideas that the corporation wishes to instil in its leaders and
employees, as well as the anticipated behaviour. As a result, written codes of ethics or behaviour
should serve as benchmarks against which individual and organisational performance may be judged.

Review your data and research findings for accuracy of details and adherence to the company’s
relevant policies and procedures.
The goal of ethical surveys is investigation, which involves the treatment of people or living creature
things. Analysts are expected to deal with ethical issues throughout ethics training. Researchers
should disclose the procedures utilised to protect investigation members, as well as the steps used to
ensure information confidentiality. This might also include a statement of data sharing constraints.
Depending on the level of consent acquired from respondents, it may not be appropriate to disclose
sensitive material with other analysts. During my data collecting and study analysis, I made certain to
follow the following guidelines:
i.Human ethics: In research involving or influencing people, the highest  principles committed me that
a  system of rules and Do's & Don'ts control the morality of an investigation, such as the behaviour of
individuals. The Government Policy on Professional Ethics in Data For finding, in example,
enumerates the most important principles, standards, and guidelines for the planning and delivery of
BSBRES801 Initiate and Lead Applied Research
Version 2: September 2021
Australian College of Applied Business
RTO Code:3910 | CRICOS:03722G Page 2 of
medical experimentation. I implemented the Official Comment's guidelines and rules for designing and
conducting experimental research.
ii. Privacy: Chapter 18 of the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research Outlines the
reasonable and equitable duties of analysts to research respondents. The Privacy Act of 1988
requires Commonwealth entities to follow the Data Privacy Principles when it comes to person data.
Analyse your data and results against your original applied research strategy to establish its
These are the approaches I used to ensure the correctness and conformity of my data and findings
with the legal standards indicated below:
Much of the accessible resources in this study for Ethical conflicts: Avoiding religious, political, and
cultural disagreements at work originate from case reports, articles, observations, narratives,
interviews, and observations. This influenced the selection and design of my testing tools. Many of
these may be utilised successfully for qualitative analysis. These techniques aided in taking into
account a certain social or organisational role of the business, communities, and individuals. The
following actions are maintained to support the techniques and tactics chosen: availability of particular
sources, explicit analytical policy references, and descriptive discussion of the context to which we are

Further research
Identify further research that could be carried out on the topic that you have chosen.

This study was carried out in order to expand the company's current activities in Australia. Further
research might be conducted it efforts to grow its operations into other regions that have the
potential  growing, creating extra revenue. moreover, the  research have had remained problems,
including a limited selection of topics, the reliability of individuals' replies, a financial constraints and
personnel, a lack of precise information, and a limited time period. As a conclusion, further research is
needed to acquire a more precise outcome.

BSBRES801 Initiate and Lead Applied Research

Version 2: September 2021
Australian College of Applied Business
RTO Code:3910 | CRICOS:03722G Page 3 of

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