Classification of Antibiotics: Antimicrobial Agents Antibiotics or Antimicrobials

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It should be able to remain in

ANTIBIOTICS OR specific body tissues long enough
ANTIMICROBIALS for it to be effective.
6. It should be able to kill the
Are substances produced organism or inhibit its growth
from microorganisms or before it has had a chance to mutate
synthetically that are capable of & develop resistance.
inhibiting or destroying 7. It must exhibit selective toxicity.
microorganisms even at low It must be toxic to the microbial cell
concentrations. Natural sources but not to the host’s cells.
include fungi & bacteria. Classification of Antibiotics
Ex: penicillin – derived from Based on spectrum of
the fungus Penicillium. Polymixin & activity:
bacitracin were developed from the • Broad spectrum antibiotics –
bacterium bacillus sp. While are those with a wide coverage
Actinomyces was the source for the of activity against a wide
drugs tetracycline, spectrum of microorganisms
chloramphenicol, & streptomycin. • Narrow spectrum antibiotics –
are those with a limited
ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS coverage of activity, effective
only against a limited number
~Antibiotics are mainly used in the of microorganisms.
treatment of infectious diseases. An Based on their microbial
ideal antimicrobial agent must activity:
possess the following • Bactericidal – capable of killing
characteristics: the microorganism
• Bacteriostatic – only inhibit the
1. It should be able to kill the growth of microorganism
microbial agent or inhibit its Based on their
growth. absorbability from the site
2. It must have a broad spectrum of of administration:
activity. • locally-acting antibiotic – limits
3. It should not cause any damage its action at the site where it is
or adverse effect to the patient. administered.
4. It should remain stable when Ex: topical agents such
stored in either a solid or a liquid ointments or eye drops
form. • Systemically-acting antibiotic –
affects several body systems.
Ex: antibiotics that are
administered intramuscularly  Antifungal drugs such as
or intravenously. polyenes (nystatin,
Classification of Antibiotics amphotericin B) alter the
According to Mechanism of permeability of the cell
Action  membrane.
 Azoles (clotrimazole,
ketoconazole, miconazole,
Agents that Alter the fluconazole), another group of
Function or Permeability of anti-fungal drugs, interfere with
the Cell Membrane the synthesis of ergosterol, a
 The microbial cell membrane is major component of the fungal
essential to the survival of the cell membrane.
organism because not only does
it serve as a barrier by its Agents that Inhibit Protein
selective permeability but more Synthesis
importantly it is the site of  These agents bind with the
bacterial ATP production. ribosomes (30S or 50S
 Agents that target the cell ribosomal sub-units), results in
membrane can be classified into failure to initiate the synthesis of
cationic, anionic, & neutral proteins, interference with
agents. protein elongation or misreading
 Cationic agents – most well- resulting in deformed proteins.
known are polymyxin B & Inhibitors of the 30S ribosomal
colistemethate (polymyxin E). sub-units
These agents initially act by  Interfere primarily with the
disrupting the outer membrane initiation process
structure enabling them to enter  The representative drugs are the
the cell & inhibit metabolic aminoglycosides & tetracycline
processes in the bacterial cell.  Aminoglycoside cause formation
 Damaging effects of polymyxin B of non-functional complexes &
are: misreading
a. Disturbance of the surface charge  Spectinomycin is an
& lipid composition of the cell antimicrobial agent r/t the
membrane aminoglycosides that bind with
b. Disruption of the potassium 30S of ribosomes different from
gradient on the cell membrane the target aminoglycosides.
c. Depolarization of the cell  Tetracycline also target bacterial
membrane 30S ribosomal subunit.
 Spectinomycin & tetracycline are kanamycin – binds with both
only bacteriostatic but inhibit a 30S & 50S ribosomal subunits.
wide variety of bacteria Agents that Inhibit
including Chlamydia & Microbial Metabolic
Mycoplasma Pathways
 These agents interfere with
Inhibitors of the 50S ribosomal metabolic pathways crucial for
sub-units the survival of the
 Inhibits the elongation process microorganism.
of protein synthesis  Trimethoprim & sulfonamides
 There 3 classes of drugs: are antibiotics that interfere
1. Chloramphenicol – acts by with folic acid metabolism. They
binding to a peptidyl transferase act as competitive inhibitors of
enzyme thereby inhibiting tetrahydrofolic acid which is
peptide bond formation. It is a important in the synthesis of
bacteriostatic agent that is DNA, RNA, & bacterial cell wall
effective against a number of proteins. Bacteria cannot utilize
gram-positive & gram-negative preformed folic acid from the
organisms. environment & thus synthesize
2. Macrolides – also act on their own.
peptidyl transferase enzyme by  Sulfonamides act specifically by
interfering with its reaction or inhibiting formation of
translocation. The most popular dihydrofolic acid
macrolide is erythromycin  Trimethoprim inhibits formation
which can effectively inhibit of tetrahydrofolic acid by
certain gram-positive & gram- inhibiting the enzyme
negative bacteria including dihydrofolate reductase.
Haemophilus, Mycoplasma, Mechanisms of drug
Chlamydia, & Legionella. Newer Resistance
classes are: azithromycin &  An organism is said to have
clarithromycin which have developed resistance to an
broader spectrum of activity antibiotic if it is not affected
than erythromycin. anymore by that particular
3. Lincinoids or lincosamines – antibiotic.
most important lincinoids:  Development of resistance may
clindamycin. It has a similar either be innate (intrinsic) or
target as macrolides. It is acquired
bacteriostatic. Gentamicin &  Intrinsic resistance is a stable
genetic property that is encoded
in the chromosome of the 3 ways of resistance acquired
organism & shared by all strains through genetic exchange
of the species.
 Acquired resistance is 1. Transformation – is the
resistance arising from the simplest & the earliest form of
ability of an organism to resist genetic exchange. In
an antimicrobial drug to which transformation, naked or free
the species, as a whole, is microbial DNA inserts itself into the
naturally susceptible. It is not DNA of the same species.
normally encoded in the 2. Transduction – is the transfer of
chromosome of the organism but genetic material by bacteriophage.
developed in the course of 3. Conjugation – is the transfer of
time due to constant exposure genetic material through the sex
to the antimicrobial agent pilus, what is transferred to another
involved. It can be due to bacterium is an extrachromosomal
chromosomal mutation or the DNA called plasmid. The resistance
result of genetic exchange b/w gene is carried by the plasmid.
organisms. Mechanisms of Drug Resistance
Drug Modification or
Several factors that Inactivation
contribute to the Certain resistance genes may
development of affect the activity of an antibiotic
antimicrobial resistance of in two ways. A resistance gene
microorganisms: may code for enzymes that can
• Overuse of broad-spectrum alter its chemical structure
antibiotics due to over- leading to the inactivation of
prescription – most common. the antibiotic, or the products
• Incorrect diagnosis of the resistance genes may
• Unnecessary prescription of cause hydrolysis of the
antibiotics antibiotic thereby destroying
• Indiscriminate or improper use the antibiotic.
of antibiotics by the patient Example: certain bacteria
• Use of antibiotics as additives produce beta-lactamases which
to livestock feeds to improve can hydrolyze the beta-lactam
the growth of animals bonds in the chemical structure
of the antimicrobial agent – most
common mechanism in
resistance of certain
microorganisms to penicillin & causing the alteration in the
cephalosporin structure of its penicillin-
Prevention of cellular uptake binding protein.
or efflux  Antimicrobial target sites that
 Gram-negative bacteria have have undergone
developed the ability to change modifications
the lipid composition of their
outer membrane thereby Target mimicry
preventing the antibiotic from  Is a new mechanism of
reaching its cellular target. This antimicrobial resistance
prevents their accumulation in  It involves bacteria producing
the bacterial cell. proteins that are similar in
 There are gram-negative & structure to the target sites of
gram-positive bacteria that the antibiotics.
developed an efflux pump that  Due to similarity in structure of
can prevent the antibiotic to the new proteins & the target
accumulate within the bacterial proteins, the antimicrobial binds
cell (e.g., tetracyclines & the new proteins & not the
fluoquinolones) target protein.
 Efflux pumps are effective  Mycobacterium tuberculosis
against a wide range of produces a protein that can be
antimicrobials in multiple mistaken for the structure of
classes. DNA. The protein selectively
Modification of target sites binds fluoroquinolones
 Antimicrobials have specific preventing its binding to the
targets in the bacterial cell. organism’s DNA making the
Any change in the structure of organism resistant to the drug.
these target structures will
lead to the inability of the
antibiotic to exert its action
on the target bacteria.
 Example:
 the target site of penicillin on
the bacterial cell is a
structure called penicillin-
binding protein (PBP). The
organism Streptococcus
pneumonia has developed
resistance to penicillin by

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