The Impact On The Use of Technology in The Behavior of Millenial Students Stem 12 e

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Millennials are well-educated and much better connected. They feel powerful

among themselves. They are less religious and children are getting married later and

having less children when they do. They are just as optimistic as any previous

generation. They don’t look up to brands or institutions or figureheads as much. The

future, they know, they must build for themselves with their friends and peers. They

know they must take control of their own careers. That they must think independently.

Lifelong employment is a fairytale for them. It’s all about lifelong learning, being on the

move, being in control. That’s partly because they know that employees who stay with

companies longer than two years will be taken for granted and will, on average, get paid

50% less, but it also because they know that they live an impermanent, ever-changing

digital world.

Millennials are about finding rather than remembering. Their smart phone is their

second brain, and their most valuable possession and the Web is their memory. They

search quickly and ruthlessly. Millennials use four different devices daily and check their
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smart phones an average of 43 times a day, according to research from SDL. For 9 out

of 10 of them the smart phones never leaves their side. Almost 80% reach for their

phone to fill any pauses or gaps or moments of inactivity. Only 10% of those over the

age of 65 do the same.

More than anything, Millennials those born from the early 1980s to early 2000s

want control of their lives, so build the tools that give them control. Millennial is not

simply a generation. It is an attitude that is reaching across generations. It is an attitude

that is reaching across generations. Millennials are poorer than their parents generation.

in the US, Millennial wages actually fell across a range of industries between 2007 and

2013. This was particularly the case in retail and hospitality, where wages dropped by

an average of 10% and 16%, according to the US Gensus Current Population Survey.

Millennials (Millennial Generation, Generation Y) is the term used to generally

describe a person who reached in the early 21 st century and deals with those people

who are born between 1980 and 2000.

The term millennial is frequently used by researchers other authors and

publication to describe people who are born during 1970’s to early 90’s other use up to

2004 as the ending birth year. It was use to describe only those who graduated high

school in the year 2000. This term was coined by Ernest Hemingway an American
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Journalist in an editorial magazine Advertising Age in 1993 for kids aged 11 and

younger. The idea naming generations came about in the beginning of the 19 th century

when people realized that there was a possibility of social change and the idea that

young people could rebel against the establishment.

There are still different perspective regarding the start and end of birthdate of the

millennials. Conventionally, the accepted are the person that is born after the 1980’s

The U.S. Census Bureau describe the millennials as a person who is born between

1982 and 2000.

It was said that millennials grew up with the use of electronics, internet and

online social communities and most familiar with communication media and digital

technology. Millennials spend 18 hours per week using their smartphones per week

according to DMR (Digital Marketing Ramblings) 25% of the US work free and the

largest group to use coupon for online or internet shopping. Few Research believes

that most of the millennials finished college at the age of 25 and 30. There would have

been more liberal approach to economic and politics than in previous decades when

millennials were growing up.

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Generation X, Y and Z are few of the different kinds of Millennials. Millennial

Generation is the same as Generation Y which is the demographic cohort that was

followed by Generation X. Other generations include the following: Generation Z also

known as Gen Z and can also called as Post- Millennial and Centennials. It is typically

starts from the birth year ranging late-1990's to mid-2000's, while Generation Y also

known as Millennials, they are the one who born from 1980 and 2000. Generation X or

the Gen X, it is also known as MTV Generation, they are the one who born between

1960 and early 1980's. The last one was the Baby Boomers who born in the early

1940's and 1964.

Millennial Behavior is far different from past generations, millennial nowadays

are more flexible and in control of things. Millennials who born from early 1980's to

2000's are the ones who doesn't want anyone to control their lives. Millennials is not a

typical generation, it was an attitude searching and reaching across generations.

This Generation are more educated than the other generations, they are also less

religious. They are building their future not only for their selves but also for their friends

and peers. Always thinking independently, they always depend in technologies and they

are self-reliant.
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Millennials Characteristic have been characterized in different ways. There's a lot

of negative side and comments when you heard the word Millennial, they are described

as careless, lazy, reckless and wild.

Millennials are far different from previous generations, compared to other

generations they are more likely to think independently. Women from silent generation

have obtained less bachelor’s degree unlike the millennial generation who’s mostly

educated. Educational attainment have been increased for both men and women but

millennial women have a higher degree than men.

Technology in education enables children to adjust to their own pace of learning.

Students who need extra time can spend more time going over exercises until they

understand, whilst students who need less support can continue ahead. It also frees up

the teacher to help kids who need more support on an individual level.

Technology can help with these projects and skills. Students can create things

such as web sites, blogs, and multimedia presentations as part of their project. They

can use the web for research and as a resource. They can connect with students at

other schools and do collaborative work with them.

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Technology can be utilized to improve teaching and learning and help our

students be successful. Through the use of learning management systems (LMS)

students can access online resources to get assistance on demand beyond the physical

reach of their teacher. Technology can also extend education in another way.

Technology has also begun to change the roles of teachers and

learners.Technology is a powerful tthat can support and transform education in many

ways, from making it easier for teachers to create instructional materials to enabling

new ways for people to learn and work together.

Technology has always been at the forefront of human education. From the

days of carving figures on rock walls to today, when most students are equipped with

several portable technological devices at any given time, technology continues to push

educational capabilities to new levels. In looking at where educational methods and

tools have come from to where they are going in the future, technology’s importance in

the classroom is evident now more than ever.

Theoretical Framework
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Millennials interact with technology like no other generation before them and

this is affecting how they want to be taught in higher education and how they want to

lead and expect to be led in organizations, after graduating. Though stating that they

want to be enlightened in academia, some qualitative comments from millennials

indicate the opposite, namely that they want to be prepared but also to be kept naïve as

to what business really entails. This is expected to help keep motivation levels high, as

motivation is seen to be the key element to success in life. Millennials expect also to be

led authentically and to be treated as valued human beings. This is in contrast to the

current autocratic leadership profile found predominantly in Portuguese organizations,

at the time of writing. This study had a sample of one hundred and eleven millennial

students who answered a survey on attitudes towards leadership and their desired

approach to higher education. Three interviews with seasoned executives were also

performed, to establish a contrast and see other perspectives.

With this research, we conclude that we may be in the presence of a hard

working millennial generation, contrary to previous research findings which has

indicated that they are lazy. Finally, information technology (IT) is a precious partner in

class, in particular, Moodle, and online News Forums, as well as the

challenge to create original videos about course content. Future research should focus

on how technology has made society more transparent with employees wanting more
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democratic leaders in times when hierarchies are seen to hinder rather than aid

productivity levels.

Statement of the Problem

The researcher would like to determine the millennial behavior in the millennial


Specifically, this will seek to answer the following questions:

1. How do the co-researchers describe the impact of technology in the behavior of

the millennial students?

2. What are the themes emerged from the study?

3. Based from the findings what action plan can be proposed?

Significance of the Study

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The findings of the study may provide vital information regarding the Millennial

Behavior in The Millennial Classroom, in particular the study may benefit the following:

Students. The students will benefit considerably from the study because the aim of this

study is to open their minds, to give knowledge of every millennial.

Teachers. This study will contribute awareness among the other teachers and will give

them more information on how to handle the millennial behavior. They will benefit most

in this study by how the teachers will compliment with the behaviors of the millennial.

Parents. This study will give awareness to the parents regarding on how their children

act in the school.

Future Researchers. They may use findings from this study to launch additional

studies that may correlate millennial behavior in the millennial classroom. The

researcher hopes that this study will be able to stimulate further research in the area of

education involving the use instructional technologies. Further, this will help them as a


Scope and delimitation

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The study look into the millennial behavior in the millennial classroom by the

students of different school and with the age of 13 years old up to 38 years old. The

subject of the study was limited to selected three (3) students.

Definition of Terms
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Millennial. A person reaching young adulthood in the early 21st century.

Demographic. It is a subset of a population that shares a common factor such as age,

income or education level.

Biological Drive. Predispositions to behaviors in order to satisfy physical or

psychological needs or desires.

Pessimistic. Tending to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will


Chapter 2
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This chapter presents the related literature and studies pertinent to the study or

research. The knowledge secured from these studies previously conducted afforded the

researcher a wide range of information and insight which furnish the background for the

development of the study

Millennial may have difficulty earning respect and credibility from the older

generations in the workplace. As discussed above, many negative stereotypes follow

this generation and a lack in understanding of the differences can hurt this new

generation’s entry even more. Myers and Sadaghiani (2010) believe wise millennial will

realize the opinions of their co-workers and make an effort to show their true value.

One thing that truly sets this newer generation apart is their preference in

meaningful work over well paid work. While salary is still important in determining

success, work that has meaning and enjoyment in what one does rated higher in

importance than financial gains (Hauw & Vos, 2010). Millennial rank social awareness

high on organizational responsibility and prefer work that is socially responsible.

Perhaps this is also a cause of the recession, but Millennial prefer meaningful and

challenging jobs that potentially can advance their career (Hauw & Vos 2010).
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Millennials are often misunderstood but they are the next generation to take

control of both the workplace and economy. Therefore, businesses and marketers want

to know the best way to communicate with this confusing generation.

Communicating of the past, such as meeting in person and talking on the

telephone are not forms of communication that the majority of millennial engage in.

While they are social and like communicating with others, it has to be in a way that

makes them feel comfortable.

It may seem like too much of a hassle to try to cater to such strange

preferences, but it is better to engage this group of people correctly, rather than bypass

them completely. You can’t be a business owner and afford not to convert millennials

into your customers.

Today’s young adults are much better educated than their grandparents, as the

share of young adults with bachelor’s degree or higher has steadily climbed since 1968.

Among millenials, around four-in-ten (39%) of those ages 25 to 37 have a bachelor’s

degree or higher, compared with just 15% of the silent generation, roughly a quarter of

baby boomers and about three-in-ten Gen Xers (29%) when they were the same age.
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“They’ve grown up in a world of instant gratification “he says in the video.

“Everything you want you can get instantaneously”

Self-awareness allows us to recognize what things we do best so we can then

give our best in those aspects of our lives. It also helps us accept our weakness.

You’re not just always going to be able to do everything you want.

Having self-awareness allows us to identify what we can uniquely contribute to

the world and what we should say no to base on our weakness. Both are critical to our

success. Both are essential for developing into the best possible versions of ourselves.

Millennials are not aliens-they’re just a special mix of management challenges

baked into an individual. I think we can all agree that we’ve had challenging colleagues

even back when Millennials were in elementary school. (Charlton, 2015)

According to Gulamani (2011) We are all faced with challenges constantly in

every area of our lives. Most people have a hard time accepting and dealing with these
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challenges that arise. The truth is that you will have to deal with difficult problems

throughout your life, whether it is in your personal life or career.

Most people think Millennial problems are over exaggerated and a product of the

entitled “Millennial hipster” archetype we’ve created. Yet, the Millennial generation is

facing insane challenges unlike generations before that most people don’t fully

understand the implication of these real “Millennial Problems.”(Angone, 2014)

Students of the present largely differ from students in the past, from the way they

think, act and with the tools that they use. Their motivation, organization and efficiency

have also changed. Technology, culture change, crease in population and politics all

contribute making these differences. Technology provides the new tools and gadget that

students enjoy today. (Wilminton, 2016)

Millennials are an experience generation. Perhaps this is due to the fact that we

grew as technology developed. Through this developing relationship with the internet

we grew connected to the world. We want to experience it for ourselves. In fact, 6 out of

10 millennials would rather spend their money on traveling and experiences than

material goods. (Horton, 2016)

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The life of students is intriguing and full of various events. Except from an awful

lot of different assignments, students always find what to do: extreme traveling with

friends, endless parties, cinema or theater trips, etc. Nevertheless, apart from

fascinating and sometimes breathtaking events, the life of students comprises different

university problems as well. (Anonymous)

In the Colonial years, wooden paddles with printed lessons, called Horn-Books,

were used to assist students in learning verses. Over 200 years later, in 1870,

technology advanced to include the Magic Lantern, a primitive version of a slide

projector that projected images printed on glass plates. By the time World War I ended,

around 8,000 lantern slides were circulating through the Chicago public school system.

By the time the Chalkboard came around in 1890, followed by the pencil in 1900, it was

clear that students were hungry for more advanced educational tools.

Radio in the 1920s sparked an entirely new wave of learning; on-air classes

began popping up for any student within listening range. Next came the overhead

projector in 1930, followed by the ballpoint pen in 1940 and headphones in 1950.

Videotapes arrived on the scene in 1951, creating a new and exciting method of

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The Skinner Teaching Machine produced a combined system of teaching and

testing, providing reinforcement for correct answers so that the student can move on to

the next lesson.

The photocopier (1959) and handheld calculator (1972) entered the classrooms

next, allowing for mass production of material on the fly and quick mathematical

calculations. The Scantron system of testing, introduced by Michael Sokolski n 1972,

allowed educators to grade tests more quickly and efficiently.

The pre-computer years were formative in the choices made for computers in

the years following. Immediate response-type systems (video, calculator, Scantron) had

become necessary, and quick production of teaching materials, using the photocopier,

had become a standard. The U.S. Department of Education reports that high school

enrollment was only 10% in 1900, but by 1992 had expanded to 95%. The number of

students in college in 1930 was around 1 million, but by 2012 had grown to a record

21.6 million. Teachers needed new methods of instruction and testing, and students

were looking for new ways to communicate, study, and learn.

Although the first computers were developed in the ‘30s, everyday-use

computers were introduced in the ‘80s. The first portable computer, in 1981, weighed

24 pounds and cost $1,795. When IBM introduced its first personal computer in 1981,
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the educational world knew that it was on the verge of greatness. Time magazine

named The Computer its “Man of the Year” in 1982, and aptly so: the foundation of

immediate learning capabilities had been laid. Time declared, “it is the end result of a

technological revolution that has been in the making for four decades and is now, quite

literally, hitting home.”

Toshiba released its first mass-market consumer laptop in 1985 (the T1100), and

Apple’s infamous Mac (which later evolved into the Powerbook) was available starting in

1984. In 1990, The World Wide Web was given life when a British researcher developed

Hyper Text Markup Language, or HTML, and when the National Science Foundation

(NSF) removed restrictions on the commercial use of the Internet in 1993, the world

exploded into a frenzy of newfound research and communication methods.

The first Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) were released by Apple Computer

Inc. in 1993, and with that, computers were a part of every day, if not every moment. By

2009, 97% of classrooms had one or more computers, and 93% of classroom

computers had Internet access. For every 5 students, there was one computer.

Instructors stated that 40% of students used computers often in their educational

methods, in addition to interactive whiteboards and digital cameras. College students

nowadays are rarely without some form of computer technology: 83% own a laptop, and

over 50% have a Smartphone.

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The future of technology in the classroom it seems like years since MySpace,

first introduced in 2003, Facebook (2004) and Twitter (2007) have changed both the

communication and business worlds. Instant connectivity has branched out from merely

a tool of personal communication, to a platform for educational instruction and outreach.

Social media is now being recognized as an accepted form of instruction in some

instances, and groups such as Scholastic Teachers provide excellent support and tips

for instructors. Many instructors use social media to communicate directly with their

students, or to form forum-style groups for students to communicate with each other,

and the method seems to be proving valuable in providing one-on-one attention to

student’s questions and concerns.

Biometrics, a technology that recognizes people based on certain physical or

behavioral traits, is on the technological horizon. The science will be used to recognize

the physical and emotional disposition of students in the classroom, altering course

material to tailor to each individual’s needs based on biometric signals. A second up-

and-coming technology is Augmented Reality (AR) glasses, rumored to be on Google’s

release list, and this technology could be a whole new world for education. AR Glasses

(or even contact lenses) will layer data on top of what we naturally see, to allow for a

real-world learning experience. For example, a student wearing AR Glasses could

potentially sit at his desk and have a conversation with Thomas Edison about invention.
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It was Edison, after all, who said that “Books will soon be obsolete in schools. Scholars

will soon be instructed through the eye.”

Multi-touch surfaces are commonly used through equipment such as the

iPhone, but the technology could become more relevant to education through entirely

multi-touch surfaces, such as desks or workstations. This could allow students to

collaborate with other students, even those around the world, and videos and other

virtual tools could be streamed directly to the surface.

Educators and the evolution of technology in the classroom with the evolution

of technology, educational capabilities are growing and changing every day. The

Internet is a vast electronic library of information, and both research and instruction can

be achieved through a click of the mouse. With these advances come new

responsibilities to the instructor and therefore increase the value of a Master of Science

in Education in Learning Design and Technology. As technology advances, an

educator’s abilities will grow by leaps and bounds, and without the knowledge of these

changes and capabilities, an instructor has a good chance of being left behind.

A career in education requires hard work and dedication, but, for the diligent

educator, can prove very rewarding. For those who are serious about success in the

education field, staying well-informed of current and changing technologies is

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imperative. As the world of technology evolves, the learning environment, both on-

campus and online, will equally progress, and the need for teachers who are educated

in technology and design will continue to grow.

Chapter 3

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Presented in this chapter are the descriptions of research methodology including

research design, population and sampling, co-researchers of the study, research

instrument, data-gathering procedure, ethical considerations, and qualitative data


Research Design

The study utilized the qualitative research with phenomenology as approach.

This approach is used when a researcher is “interested in uncovering the meaning of a

phenomenon for those involved” (Merriam, 2012). This strand of research is discovery-

oriented and, the findings are not predetermined because variables will not be

manipulated; instead, it is emergent in design. Research questions at the onset, as well

as data collection procedures or protocols may change along the way depending on

what ongoing data collection and inductive data analysis reveal (Creswell, 2014).

Qualitative research is also characterized by collection of data through prolonged

contact with a life situation in natural settings by the researchers, who was the key

instrument in gathering multiple sources of data, conducting inductive data analysis, and

writing a holistic or rich account of the participants’ meanings of the phenomenon under

study (Merriam, 2013).

Population and Sampling

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In the conduct of this qualitative research, the researchers made use of

purposive random sampling. This was the most appropriate sampling for the study since

this looked at a random sample and adds credibility to a sample when the potential

sample is larger than one can handle). While this is a type of sampling that uses small

sample sizes, its goal is to increase credibility, not to encourage representativeness or

the ability to generalize (Clemente, Julaton, and Orleans, 2016). Considering the big

number of different generations, they opted to select three (3) students that served as

their co-researchers.

Co-researchers of the Study

Through purposive random sampling, the researchers selected three students

from different schools as their co-researchers. The table that follows provides their

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Student 1 29 female Y 1979-1995

Student 2 19 female Z 1996-2009
Student 3 10 male ALPHA after 2010

For the study’s three co-researchers, their ages range from 10, the youngest to,

29 the oldest. Majority of the co-researchers are females with only one male student.

Instrument of the Study

In gathering pertinent information, the researchers used a semi-structured

interview instrument for the co-researchers. The instrument was reviewed by their

research adviser. When approved, the researchers personally approached the three

students and explained the endeavor of their inquiry and the purpose of the interview.

They asked for their consent. When they gave their consent, they proceeded to the one-

on-one interview phase. The interview started from September 15, 2019.

Data-Gathering Procedure

Before the conduct of the study and upon proper coordination with the research

adviser, the researchers look for the students in different schools and generation. The

researchers brought with them a recording gadgets, notes and pen and the guide

questions before they facilitated the interview. They also discussed and explained

individually the instrument and personally administered the instrument. The researchers
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also considered the availability of the students and their schedules. After the interview

that they conducted, they proceeded with transcribing of the responses word per word

of the co-researchers. Tabulation of data was likewise done by the researchers for easy

qualitative data analysis.

Ethical Considerations

The ethical guidelines as specified in the Research Manual of the school was

followed by the researchers as those ethical considerations were taken into account

throughout this paper. The interview was participated in voluntarily by the students-

respondents and the lived experiences shared by them. The consent of the

respondents is to be asked by the researchers explaining to them the

importance/significance and objectives of the study. The data and information gathered

were kept in confidentiality. The works of researchers of other authors were properly


For this study, which intended to know the challenges encountered by the

respondents-students in utilizing instructional technologies, no question that can cast

insult on the capabilities of students was included in the sub-questions. In addition, the

sub-questions were constructed in such a way that there was no discrimination or any

reference to any specific religion or organization. Respondents were assured of

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Treatment of Qualitative Data

After gathering all the data coming from the interviews conducted, the

researchers transcribed the interviews verbatim with their three (3 co-researchers.

Afterwards, they extracted the similar responses of their co-researchers. After clustering

their responses, they came up with five themes that encapsulate the feelings, points of

view, and experiences of their co-researchers. Afterwards, observations and reflections

of the researchers were derived from the themes.

Chapter 4


This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation made by the researchers on the

data gathered from the co-researchers.

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SOP no 1. How do the co-researchers describe the millennial classroom?

Interview Question No. 1. How do you describe a millennial classroom?

Matrix 1

Annotated exemplar on the responses made by the co-researchers on the

question number 1.

Co-researchers Response Observation

student 1 Ahmm. Magulo, makulit, The co-researcher was

ahmm kasi diba ngayon, calm and confident

ngayon yung mga answering the question.

millennials ngayon, iba na

yung way ng pagsasalita

nila.tas marami na silang

mga kunwari, yung iba

papasok yung iba hindi

papasok ganon.
student 2 Millennial classroom kasi The co-researcher was

since sanay tayo sa social confident answering the

media, ahm makutingting question

ganon more on design

about social
student 3 Puro salitaan lang, at The co-researcher was

tawanan, naglalaro very innocent and a bit shy

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As presented in Matrix 1, co-researcher 1 stated that “Ahmm. Magulo, makulit ,

ahmm kasi diba ngayon, ngayon yung mga millennials ngayon, iba na yung way ng

pagsasalita nila.tas marami na silang mga kunwari, yung iba papasok yung iba hindi

papasok ganon.” While co-researcher 2 stated that “Millennial classroom kasi since

sanay tayo sa social media, ahm makutingting ganon more on design about social”

And co-researcher 3 stated that “Puro salitaan lang, at tawanan, naglalaro”

As the respondents says that millennials are mischievous because they showing a

playful desire to cause trouble. Millennials who likes to have fun, especially by playing

tricks on people or doing things to annoy or embarrass them.

The co-researcher 1 was calm and confident answering the question. While the co-

researcher 2 was confident answering the question. And the co-researcher 3 was very

innocent and a bit shy answering.

Millennials are often misunderstood but they are the next generation to take

control of both the workplace and economy. Therefore, businesses and marketers want

to know the best way to communicate with this confusing generation.

Communicating of the past, such as meeting in person and talking on the

telephone are not forms of communication that the majority of millennial engage in.
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While they are social and like communicating with others, it has to be in a way that

makes them feel comfortable.

It may seem like too much of a hassle to try to cater to such strange

preferences , but it is better to engage this group of people correctly, rather than bypass

them completely. You can’t be a business owner and afford not to convert millennials

into your customer. (Ceendi, 2014)

Interview Question No. 2. Have you noticed a differences on how students of

today interact in the classroom?

Matrix 2

Annotated exampler on the responses made by the co-researchers on the

question number 2.

co-researchers response observation

Student 1 Ah yun nga. Ahm. Kase It took a while before she

diba 29 na ako, Ang na answers but she was very

observe ko lang mostly sa confident answering

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mga millennials ngayon

ano, yung iba kunwari age

18 to 20 mga tamad

pumasok yung iba.

Parang ano, Parang hindi

pa sila masyadong

focused sa pag-aaral nila.

Unlike before kapag

medyo 20 medyo matured

na yung age mo. Ano,

focused lang sila sa pag-

aaral nila, wala silang

ibang iniisip kundi

makatapos sila ng pag

aaral nila.
Student 2 Opo, kapag nakikipag Still confident answering

interact sila, diba the question and it seems

nasasanay tayo sa like she knew what to say

internet nga, madali

naman sabihin, ‘di naman

makabuluhan minsan, ‘di

katulad dati na malalalim

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ang salita mapag-aaralan

pa yung mga dati.

student 3 Malaki ang differences The student was very

dahil noon nag lalaro sa innocent answering the

court pero ngayon wala question


It can be cleaned on the table in Matrix 2, co-researcher 1 stated that “ Ah yun

nga. Ahm. Kase diba 29 na ako, Ang na observe ko lang mostly sa mga millennials

ngayon ano, yung iba kunwari age 18 to 20 mga tamad pumasok yung iba. Parang ano,

Parang hindi pa sila masyadong focused sa pag-aaral nila. Unlike before kapag medyo

20 medyo matured na yung age mo. Ano, focused lang sila sa pag-aaral nila, wala

silang ibang iniisip kundi makatapos sila ng pag aaral nila.” While co-researcher 2

stated that “Opo, kapag nakikipag interact sila, diba nasasanay tayo sa internet nga,

madali naman sabihin, ‘di naman makabuluhan minsan, ‘di katulad dati na malalalim

ang salita mapag-aaralan pa yung mga dati.” And co-researcher 3 stated that “Malaki

ang differences dahil noon nag lalaro sa court pero ngayon wala na.”

The co-researcher 1 took a while before she answers but she was very confident

answering. While the co-researcher 2 Still confident answering the question and it

seems like she knew what to say. And the co-researcher 3 was very innocent answering

the question.
Saint Benilde International School (Calamba) Inc.

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Today’s young adults are much better educated than their grandparents, as the

share of young adults with bachelor’s degree or higher has steadily climbed since 1968.

Among millenials, around four-in-ten (39%) of those ages 25 to 37 have a bachelor’s

degree or higher, compared with just 15% of the silent generation, roughly a quarter of

baby boomers and about three-in-ten Gen Xers (29%) when they were the same age.

(Hameelton, 2016)

Interview Question No.3 What are the common challenges encountered by the

students now a days

Matrix 3

Annotated exampler on the responses made by the co-researchers on the

question number 3.

co-researchers response observation

Student 1 Ayon katulad nga naming, She was calm answering

HRM students kami. the question. She gave

Ahmm ang mabigat talaga relatable examples

syempre pag may mga

projects regarding sa

course namin tapos. Ahm

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pag may mga quiz diba

yung mga exam

Student 2 Ano, yung sa pag patay, She have enough

yung mga cases ng sa knowledge about what’s

rape ganon, hindi happening in her

mareresulba ng maayos. surroundings especially on

her co-students
Student 3 Ahhhh. Ang hindi pag There was a delay when

gawa ng assignment. the student answering the

question. She was very

focused in answering the


The table shows in Matrix 3, co-researcher stated that “Ayon katulad nga naming,

HRM students kami. Ahmm ang mabigat talaga syempre pag may mga projects

regarding sa course namin tapos. Ahm pag may mga quiz diba yung mga exam” While

co-researcher 2 stated that “Ano, yung sa pag patay, yung mga cases ng sa rape

ganon, hindi mareresulba ng maayos.” And co-researcher 3 stated that “Ahhhh. Ang

hindi pag gawa ng assignment.”

The co-researcher 1 was calm answering the question. She gave relatable

examples. While the co-researcher 2 have enough knowledge about what’s happening

in her surroundings especially on her co-students. And the co-researcher 3 There was a
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delay when the student answering the question. She was very focused in answering the


The life of students is intriguing and full of various events. Except from an awful

lot of different assignments, students always find what to do: extreme traveling with

friends, endless parties, cinema or theater trips, etc. Nevertheless, apart from

fascinating and sometimes breathtaking events, the life of students comprises different

university problems as well. (Anonymous)

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Interview Question No.4 How do you manage the challenges that you


Matrix 4

Annotated exampler on the responses made by the co-researchers on the

question number 4.

co-researchers response observation

Student 1 Iyon ahmm... kung gusto We observed that she was

mo talaga makakuha ng a bit shy, Because there

grade na mataas, were a little delay on her

syempre dapat mag-aaral answer. She even gave us

ka talaga ng mabuti, kasi advices.

nasayo lang nnaman yan

eh, pag ‘di ka nag-aral ng

mabuti, bababa grades

mo. Pag-aaral nang

mabuti, pataas grade mo.

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Student 2 Sakin, ano, iniwasan lang She’s not very sure about

yung mga isyu kaya kung her answer.

may isyu man, aayusin

kung ‘san man nanggaling

ayon hanggang sa

Student 3 Ginagawa ko nalang The student based her

habang naghihintay answer in question

pumasok sa room. number 3

Illustrated in Matrix 4, co-researcher stated that “ Iyon ahmm... kung gusto mo

talaga makakuha ng grade na mataas, syempre dapat mag-aaral ka talaga ng mabuti,

kasi nasayo lang nnaman yan eh, pag ‘di ka nag-aral ng mabuti, bababa grades mo.

Pag-aaral nang mabuti, pataas grade mo.” While co-researcher 2 stated that “Sakin,

ano, iniwasan lang yung mga isyu kaya kung may isyu man, aayusin kung ‘san man

nanggaling ayon hanggang sa maayos.” And co-researcher 3 stated that “Ginagawa ko

nalang habang naghihintay pumasok sa room.”

The co-researcher 1 was a bit shy, because there were a little delay on her

answer. She even gave us advices. While co-researcher 2 was not very sure about her

answer. And co-researcher 3 based her answer in question number 3.

We millennial have been called everything under the sun. Lazy, selfish, entitled;

we’ve heard it all.

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Interview Question No.5 Can you share some of your experiences in managing

the challenges that you encountered?

Matrix 5

Annotated example on the responses made by the co-researchers on the

question number 5.

co-researcher response observation

Student 1 Ahmm, ayun nga base sa She was very focused

experience ko kasi 29 na answering. She explained

ako kasi before nag-aaral her experience confidently

na rin ako, nursing ako

before so parang

pangalawang course ko

na siya yung mostly sa

mga millennials kasi

ngayon ano, parang

nahihirapan silang mag-

aral mabuti kaya

nahihirapan silang

makakuha ng magandang

grade unlike sa, unlike

sakin ako kasi ginagawa

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ko kasi dapat focus ka

lang, kung makikipag

barkada ka siguro dapat,

dapat siguro unahin mo

rin. Unahin mo rin yung

studies mo at the same

time puwede mo rin

naman siyang pag

sabayin eh. ‘Tas ayon

kailangan maniwala ka

lang na kaya mo yung

lahat ng bagay na

imposible ‘tas mag sipag

ka lang.
Student 2 Yung na-encounter ko na She ‘s a little bit shy to

lang yung pano share her experiences it’s

magnakaw yung kaklase about her classmate

ko ‘don, yung pano siya

kumilos, tumingin siya sa

paligid tapos ‘yon yung

kamay niya nilagay niya

na lang sa mismo likuran

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ng kaklase namin pag

dukot nakita pa naman

namin siya pero ‘di

naming pinansin.

Kinausap siya sa

guidance hanggang sa

nalaman, hindi naman

siya na expelled but

kinausap niya.
Student 3 Kahit na ano, The student was shy at

nakakalimutan kong first, but eventually the

gumawa ay gagawin ko student become confident

parin katulad ng answering

assignment at kahit bawal

ang ginagawa ko basta

may assignment parin.

As presented in Matrix 5 co-researcher 1 stated that “Ahmm, ayun nga base sa

experience ko kasi 29 na ako kasi before nag-aaral na rin ako, nursing ako before so

parang pangalawang course ko na siya yung mostly sa mga millennials kasi ngayon

ano, parang nahihirapan silang mag-aral mabuti kaya nahihirapan silang makakuha ng

magandang grade unlike sa, unlike sakin ako kasi ginagawa ko kasi dapat focus ka
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lang, kung makikipag barkada ka siguro dapat, dapat siguro unahin mo rin. Unahin mo

rin yung studies mo at the same time puwede mo rin naman siyang pag sabayin eh.

‘Tas ayon kailangan maniwala ka lang na kaya mo yung lahat ng bagay na imposible

‘tas mag sipag ka lang.” While co-researcher 2 stated that “Yung na-encounter ko na

lang yung pano magnakaw yung kaklase ko ‘don, yung pano siya kumilos, tumingin

siya sa paligid tapos ‘yon yung kamay niya nilagay niya na lang sa mismo likuran ng

kaklase namin pag dukot nakita pa naman namin siya pero ‘di naming pinansin.

Kinausap siya sa guidance hanggang sa nalaman, hindi naman siya na expelled but

kinausap niya.” And co-researcher 3 stated that “Kahit na ano, nakakalimutan kong

gumawa ay gagawin ko parin katulad ng assignment at kahit bawal ang ginagawa ko

basta may assignment parin.”

The co-researcher 1 was very focused answering. She explained her experience

confidently. While co-researcher 2 was a little bit shy to share her experiences it’s about

her classmate. And co-researcher 3 was shy at first, but eventually the student become

confident answering.

Self-awareness allows us to recognize what things we do best so we can then give

our best in those aspects of our lives. It also helps us accept our weakness.

Here’s a fascinating take on self-awareness from Gary Vaynerchuk in his new

book, Modern parents are telling little Steve, “You can do anything you want!’ except

Stevei sucks at basketball. They do the same for kids who want to be singers or
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engineers- or entrepreneurs. You’re not just always going to be able to do everything

you want”.

Having self-awareness allows us to identify what we can uniquely contribute to the

world and what we should say no to base on our weakness. Both are critical to our

success. Both are essential for developing into the best possible versions of ourselves.

SOP No.2 What are the themes emerged?

Description of a Millennial Classroom

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Co-researchers Response
student 1 Ahmm. Magulo, makulit, ahmm kasi diba

ngayon, ngayon yung mga millennials

ngayon, iba na yung way ng pagsasalita

nila.tas marami na silang mga kunwari,

yung iba papasok yung iba hindi

papasok ganon.
student 2 Millennial classroom kasi since sanay

tayo sa social media, ahm makutingting

ganon more on design about social

student 3 Puro salitaan lang, at tawanan, naglalaro

“Ahmm. Magulo, makulit, ahmm kasi diba ngayon, ngayon yung mga millennials

ngayon, iba na yung way ng pagsasalita nila.tas marami na silang mga kunwari, yung

iba papasok yung iba hindi papasok ganon.”

“Millennial classroom kasi since sanay tayo sa social media, ahm makutingting ganon

more on design about social”

“Puro salitaan lang, at tawanan, naglalaro”

Playful. Co-researchers 1 to Co-researchers 3 are playful with their interests. They are

very willing to explore and try new things. The way they act and communicate are very

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Millennials are an experienced generation. Perhaps this is due to the fact that we

grew as technology developed. Through this developing relationship with the internet

we grew connected to the world. We want to experience it for ourselves. In fact, 6 out of

10 millennials would rather spend their money on traveling and experiences than

material goods. (Horton, 2016)

Different Interactions of students

co-researchers response
Student 1 Ah yun nga. Ahm. Kase diba 29 na ako,

Ang na observe ko lang mostly sa mga

millennials ngayon ano, yung iba kunwari

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age 18 to 20 mga tamad pumasok yung

iba. Parang ano, Parang hindi pa sila

masyadong focused sa pag-aaral nila.

Unlike before kapag medyo 20 medyo

matured na yung age mo. Ano, focused

lang sila sa pag-aaral nila, wala silang

ibang iniisip kundi makatapos sila ng pag

aaral nila.
Student 2 Opo, kapag nakikipag interact sila, diba

nasasanay tayo sa internet nga, madali

naman sabihin, ‘di naman makabuluhan

minsan, ‘di katulad dati na malalalim ang

salita mapag-aaralan pa yung mga dati.

student 3 Malaki ang differences dahil noon nag

lalaro sa court pero ngayon wala na.

“Ah yun nga. Ahm. Kase diba 29 na ako, Ang na observe ko lang mostly sa mga

millennials ngayon ano, yung iba kunwari age 18 to 20 mga tamad pumasok yung iba.

Parang ano, Parang hindi pa sila masyadong focused sa pag-aaral nila. Unlike before

kapag medyo 20 medyo matured na yung age mo. Ano, focused lang sila sa pag-aaral

nila, wala silang ibang iniisip kundi makatapos sila ng pag aaral nila.”
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“Opo, kapag nakikipag interact sila, diba nasasanay tayo sa internet nga, madali

naman sabihin, ‘di naman makabuluhan minsan, ‘di katulad dati na malalalim ang salita

mapag-aaralan pa yung mga dati.”

“Malaki ang differences dahil noon nag lalaro sa court pero ngayon wala na.”

Comparison. co-researchers 1 to co-researchers 3 compared the interaction of

the past students to the previous students also know as millennials. They said students

of today have less interest with their studies than the students of the past generations.

Students of the present largely differ from students in the past, from the way they

think, act and with the tools that they use. Their motivation, organization and efficiency

have also changed. Technology, culture change, crease in population and politics all

contribute making these differences. Technology provides the new tools and gadget that

students enjoy today. (Wilminton, 2016)

Challenges encountered by the students

co-researchers response
Student 1 Ayon katulad nga naming, HRM students

kami. Ahmm ang mabigat talaga

syempre pag may mga projects

regarding sa course namin tapos. Ahm

pag may mga quiz diba yung mga exam

Student 2 Ano, yung sa pag patay, yung mga

cases ng sa rape ganon, hindi

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mareresulba ng maayos.
Student 3 Ahhhh. Ang hindi pag gawa ng


Problems and Issue. co-researchers 1 and 3 shared some of the problems

they’ve experienced, while co-researcher 2 based her answer on the social issues that

related with the challenges that they encountered.

Most people think Millennial problems are over exaggerated and a product of the

entitled “Millennial hipster” archetype we’ve created. Yet, the Millennial generation is

facing insane challenges unlike generations before that most people don’t fully

understand the implication of these real “Millennial Problems.” (Angone, 2014)

Managing challenges encountered.

co-researchers response

Student 1 Iyon ahmm... kung gusto mo talaga

makakuha ng grade na mataas, syempre

dapat mag-aaral ka talaga ng mabuti,

kasi nasayo lang nnaman yan eh, pag ‘di

ka nag-aral ng mabuti, bababa grades

mo. Pag-aaral nang mabuti, pataas

grade mo.
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Student 2 Sakin, ano, iniwasan lang yung mga isyu

kaya kung may isyu man, aayusin kung

‘san man nanggaling ayon hanggang sa

Student 3 Ginagawa ko nalang habang naghihintay

pumasok sa room.

Solution. co-researcher 1 to 3 shared how did they handled the challenges that

they encountered.

We are all faced with challenges constantly in every area of our lives. Most

people have a hard time accepting and dealing with these challenges that arise. The

truth Is that you will have to deal with difficult problems throughout your life, whether it is

in your personal life or career. (Gulamani, 2011)

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Experience in managing encountered challenges.

co-researcher response
Student 1 Ahmm, ayun nga base sa experience ko

kasi 29 na ako kasi before nag-aaral na

rin ako, nursing ako before so parang

pangalawang course ko na siya yung

mostly sa mga millennials kasi ngayon

ano, parang nahihirapan silang mag-aral

mabuti kaya nahihirapan silang

makakuha ng magandang grade unlike

sa, unlike sakin ako kasi ginagawa ko

kasi dapat focus ka lang, kung makikipag

barkada ka siguro dapat, dapat siguro

unahin mo rin. Unahin mo rin yung

studies mo at the same time puwede mo

rin naman siyang pag sabayin eh. ‘Tas

ayon kailangan maniwala ka lang na

kaya mo yung lahat ng bagay na

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imposible ‘tas mag sipag ka lang.

Student 2 Yung na-encounter ko na lang yung

pano magnakaw yung kaklase ko ‘don,

yung pano siya kumilos, tumingin siya sa

paligid tapos ‘yon yung kamay niya

nilagay niya na lang sa mismo likuran ng

kaklase namin pag dukot nakita pa

naman namin siya pero ‘di naming

pinansin. Kinausap siya sa guidance

hanggang sa nalaman, hindi naman siya

na expelled but kinausap niya.

Student 3 Kahit na ano, nakakalimutan kong

gumawa ay gagawin ko parin katulad ng

assignment at kahit bawal ang ginagawa

ko basta may assignment parin.

Sharing. co-researchers 1 to 3 gave their own experiences on managing the

challenges they encountered.

Millennials are not aliens-they’re just a special mix of management challenges

baked into an individual. I think we can all agree that we’ve had challenging colleagues

even back when Millennials were in elementary school. (Charlton, 2015)

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Chapter 5

This chapter presents the findings and reflections of the study in consolidated.

The recommendations are also provided in this chapter.

Consolidated Findings and Conclusion

On the phenomenological study on the lived experiences of the three students

from different generation as to showing five themes emerged millennial behavior in the

millennial classroom, five themes emerged. These are Description of Millennial

Classroom, Different Interactions of Students, Challenges Encountered by the

Students, Managing Challenges Encountered, Experience in Managing

Encountered Challenges

Under the first theme, The Description of Millennial Classroom is playful

because they are very willing to explore and try new things. The way they act and

communicate are very playful. For the second theme, the students compared the

interaction of the past students to the previous students also known as millennials. They

said students of to the day have less interest with their studies than the students of the

past generations. In the third theme, they shared some of the problems they’ve
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experienced, while co-researcher 2 based her answer on the social issues that related

with the challenges that they encountered. For the fourth theme, they shared how did

they handled the challenges that they encountered. On the last theme, they gave their

own experiences on managing the challenges they encountered.

On the contrary, based on the gathered information, the millennial generation is

different from the previous generations. Millennials prefer a variety of active learning

methods. When they are not interested in something, their attention quickly shifts

everywhere. Interestingly, many of the components of their ideal learning environment-

less lecture, use of multimedia, collaborating with peers.

Millennials have grown up being able to Google anything they want to know,

therefore they do not typically value information for information’s sake. One of the

greatest challenges for teachers is to connect course content to the current culture and

make learning outcomes and activities relevant. Unlike the past generations who were

raised in a more authoritarian manner unlike the millennials, they were raised in a non

authorarian manner. Millennials prefer a less formal learning environement in which

they can informally interact with professor and one another. Millennials are more

centerral to their parents’ lives than previous generations and are used to having the
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adults in their lives to show interest in them. They appreaciate it when their professors

shows the same interest and they seem to be more willing to pursue learning outcomes.


Based on the findings and data gathered, the study also provides these


 Millennials should be aware of what’s happening around them. Participate

and educate yourself on the current issue. Be involved in the things that really


 Millennials should use social media for good purposes. Using social media

is not just for entertainment, it can also address social issues in our generation. It

should not just be utilize urbanity and instant fame but also to help in having a

well informed society.

 Millennials should figure out what he or she stands for. They should figure

out what they stand for to certain issues socially or politically. Be involved on the

issue that matter less on ourselves and more on others. Being neutral does not

get you anywhere.

 Remember that there’s more to life than our phones. Millennials tend to

spend more time on their gadgets rather than socializing not only will it affect you

personally but also your relationship with others.

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 Teachers and Parents should understand Millennials. They should give more

attention, patience and effort on understanding Millennials since they are

unauthorized generation.

 Teachers should not allow students to use cell phones during class hours.
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September 20, 2019

Dear Respondents,

The researchers are presently conducting a research entitled “ The Impact

on the Use of Technology in the Behvior of Millennial Students”

In line with this , the research are requesting for your permission to become
part of our research w will be expecting for your pleasant cooperation in
responding the given interview question. Thank You.

The Researchers

Castillo, Rengeo Alfred, P

De Leon, Charris Anne V.

De Luna, Mariah Nicolette G.

Macasocol, Cindy M.

Salonga, Maria NelZaira F

Tirones, Loise Andrea M.

Villamiel, John Jay-Ries A.

Saint Benilde International School (Calamba) Inc.

Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics 55


Interview Questions

1) How do the co-researchers describe the millennial classroom?

2) Have you noticed a differences on how students of today interact in the


3) What are the common challenges encountered by the students now a days?

4) How do you manage the challenges that you encountered?

5) Can you share some of your experiences in managing the challenges that you

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Curriculum Vitae

Castillo, Rengeo Alfred P.

Blk 145 Lot 13, Mamatid, Cabuyao, Laguna


Personal Information

Birthday: October 19, 2001

Age: 17

Civil Status: Single

Height: 5’7

Weight: 65

Religion: Catholic

Language: Filipino

Parents: Ma. Georgette P. Tangkion

Renato A. Tangkion

Siblings: James elly C Tangkion

Saint Benilde International School (Calamba) Inc.

Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics 57

Hannah Gwyneth C Tangkion

Educational Attainment

Elementary: Mamatid Elementary School (2008-2014)

Secondary: Christ the king school of cabuyao

Saint Benilde International School (Calamba) Inc.

Saint Benilde International School (Calamba) Inc.

Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics 58

De Leon, Charris Anne V.

New Canlubang Village Paciano Rizal,

Calamba City, Laguna


Personal Information

Birthday June 8, 2001

Age: 18

Civil Status: Single

Height: 163 cm

Weight: 50 kg

Religion: Catholic

Language: Filipino

Parents: Florencia V. De Leon

Bienvinido V. De Leon
Saint Benilde International School (Calamba) Inc.

Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics 59

Siblings: Bienvinido V. De Leon III

Ceena Nicole V. De Leon

Casey Dhanniz V. De Leon

Bhenn Kenjie V. De Leon

Chelcie Arien V. De Leon

Educational Attainment

Elementary: Mayapa Elementary School (2008-2014)

Secondary: Camp Vicente Lim Integrated School

Saint Benilde International School (Calamba) Inc.

Saint Benilde International School (Calamba) Inc.

Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics 60

De Luna, Mariah Nicolette G.

Blk 34 Lot 26 Villa Palao Subdivision,

Brgy. Banlic, Calamba City, Laguna


Personal Information

Birthday December 28, 2001

Age: 18

Civil Status: Single

Height: 159cm

Weight: 48kg

Religion: Catholic

Language: Filipino

Parents: Mercedita G. de Luna

Romeo A. de Luna

Siblings: Mikkhael Paulo G. de Luna

Michelle Louise G. de Luna

Saint Benilde International School (Calamba) Inc.

Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics 61

Educational Attainment

Elementary: Mayapa Elementary School (2008-2014)

Secondary: Camp Vicente Lim Integrated School

Saint Benilde International School (Calamba) Inc.

Saint Benilde International School (Calamba) Inc.

Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics 62

Macasocol, Cindy M.

Aplaya, Calamba City, Laguna


Personal Information

Birthday April 8, 2002

Age: 18

Civil Status: Single

Height: 157cm

Weight: 60kg

Religion: Catholic

Language: Filipino

Parents: Margarita M. Macasocol

Edgar A. Macasocol

Siblings: Ethan M. Macasocol

Saint Benilde International School (Calamba) Inc.

Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics 63

Educational Attainment

Elementary: Mayapa Elementary School (2008-2014)

Secondary: Camp Vicente Lim Integrated School

Saint Benilde International School (Calamba) Inc.


Salonga, Maria NelZaira, F.

Saint Benilde International School (Calamba) Inc.

Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics 64

Terelay, Pittland City of Cabuyao, Laguna


Personal Information

Birthday December, 14 2001

Age: 18

Civil Status: Single

Height: 152cm

Weight: 49kg

Religion: Catholic

Language: Filipino

Parents: Ma. Gracia F. Salonga

Nelson B. Salonga

Siblings: Mark Joseph F. Salonga

John Lester F. Salonga

Ma. Gillian May F. Salonga

Educational Attainment
Saint Benilde International School (Calamba) Inc.

Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics 65

Elementary: Pittland Elementary School (2008-2014)

Secondary: North Marie Montessori Academy (2014-2018)

Saint Benilde International School (Calamba) Inc.


Tirones, Loise Andrea M.

Saint Benilde International School (Calamba) Inc.

Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics 66

B 13 L 5 Ramada Homes Subdivision,

Calamba City, Laguna


Personal Information

Birthday July, 14 2001

Age: 18

Civil Status: Single

Height: 176cm

Weight: 57kg

Religion: PM CC 4th Watch

Language: Filipino

Parents: Marifel M. Tirones

Earl Ivan O. Tirones

Educational Attainment
Saint Benilde International School (Calamba) Inc.

Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics 67

Elementary: Maranatha Christian Academy (2008-2014)

Secondary: Maranatha Christian Academy (2014-2018)

Saint Benilde International School (Calamba) Inc.


Villamiel, John Jay-Ries A.

Saint Benilde International School (Calamba) Inc.

Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics 68

Blk 6 Lot 21-22 Brgy Punta

Calamba City, Laguna


Personal Information

Birthday September, 9 2001

Age: 18

Civil Status: Single

Height: 179cm

Weight: 60kg

Religion: Catholic

Language: Filipino

Parents: Rechie A. Villamiel

Aries M. Villamiel

Educational Attainment
Saint Benilde International School (Calamba) Inc.

Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics 69

Elementary: La immaculada Concepcion School (2008-2014)

Secondary: Active Community Contributors Institute

Saint Benilde International School (Calamba) Inc.


Saint Benilde International School (Calamba) Inc.

Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics 70

 Kristin Horton, (2016), “Millenials Are An Experience Generation”

 Paul Angone, (2014), “5 Shocking Statistics About Real ‘Millennial Problems'

(and how we overcome)”


 Don Charlton, (2015), “5 Reasons You Struggle to Manage Millennials”


 Nabil Gulamani, (2011), “7 Ways to Deal with Challenges”

 Adelle Archer, co-founder and CEO of Eterneva, and Adam Lyons


 Nick Arnold, (2017), “Are Millennials actually the masters of Self-control?”

 Mary Fatma Berongoy, (2017), “7 Ways to be a Better Millennial – Inspiring Tips”

 Paige Grunewald, (2018), “8 Reasons Why Millennials Are Addicted to Social

Saint Benilde International School (Calamba) Inc.

Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics 71


 Amy Mcmanus, (2017), “5 Reasons Why your Millennial Children are Struggling

with Adulthood – Understanding Millennials Part 1”


 Zak Mustapha, (2018), “5 Effective Ways to Communicate with Millennials”


 Kristen Bialik, Richard Fry, (2019), “Millennial life: How young adulthood today

compares with prior generations”


 Gerry McGovern, (2017), “Millennial Attitude”

 Blog, (2016),, “Millennial Study Survey: Study Behavior”

 Elektra Christensen, (2015), “The Millennial Generation: Their Attitudes, Social

Behavior, & Religious Independence”

Saint Benilde International School (Calamba) Inc.

Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics 72


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