BSBMGT605 - Provide Leadership Across The Organisation-Task 2 BSBMGT605 - Provide Leadership Across The Organisation-Task 2

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BSBMGT605_Provide leadership across the

organisation-Task 2
Advanced Diploma Leadership and Management (Albright College)

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TASK 2 – Coversheet
Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you have kept a
copy of your work.

Student and Submission Details

Student ID

Unit Code Date of

and Name submission

I declare that
 these tasks are my own work.
 None of this work has been completed by any other person.
 I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.
 I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these
assessment tasks.
 I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken
against me.


Assessor To Complete

Assessment Task Task Result Date Type Of Submission

□ C (Competent) ☐ First submission

□ NYC (Not Yet ☐ First re-submission
Leadership project
Competent) ☐ Second re-
□ NA (Not Assessed) submission

Assessor feedback

Assessor Name Date

ANIT Australia Pty Ltd t/a Albright Institute of Business and Language | RTO: 45041 | CRICOS: 03553J |P.1
1300 189 154 | Level 2, 341-345 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 | | v 1.0

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Assessor Signature

Performance Criteria


Not Present
The project meets the following requirements:

Clarify objectives, values and standards in accordance with

organisation's strategic direction

Establish linkages between organisational objectives, values

P2 and standards and the responsibilities of relevant groups and

Ensure media and language used is appropriate to individuals

and group circumstances

State clear expectations of internal groups and individuals and

P4 explain in a manner which builds commitment to the

P5 Address expectations of the organisation

Build trust, confidence and respect of diverse groups and
P6 individuals, through positive role modelling, and effective
communication and consultation
Embrace, resource and effectively implement improvements
to organisational and workplace culture
Demonstrate understanding of the global environment and
new technology in work activities
Ensure actions convey flexibility and adaptability to change
and accessibility

Ensure consultation and participation in decision making

occurs with relevant groups and individuals where appropriate

Ensure decision making takes into account needs and

expectations of both internal and external groups

Ensure decision making occurs in accordance with risk

P12 management plans for all options, and within appropriate

Assign accountabilities and responsibilities to teams consistent

with their competencies and operational plans

ANIT Australia Pty Ltd t/a Albright Institute of Business and Language | RTO: 45041 | CRICOS: 03553J |P.1
1300 189 154 | Level 2, 341-345 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 | | v 1.0

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Ensure teams are resourced to allow them to achieve their

Model ethical conduct in all areas of work and encourage
others to adopt business ethics
Adapt appropriate interpersonal and leadership styles to meet
particular circumstances and situations
Set and achieve personal objectives and work program
Clearly communicate the organisation’s objectives, values
E3 and standards to a range of stakeholders using appropriate
media and language
E4 Contribute to financial bids and estimates

Influence, support and provide resources for individuals and

groups to:
- participate in consultations and decision making
E5 processes

- contribute to innovation and improvements


- achieve their responsibilities and objectives


Facilitate consultative decision making processes with relevant

E8 internal and external stakeholders

Demonstrate ethical conduct and professional competence

E9 and continuing professional development

Explain the organisation’s mission, purpose and values


Describe organisation objectives, plans and strategies


ANIT Australia Pty Ltd t/a Albright Institute of Business and Language | RTO: 45041 | CRICOS: 03553J |P.1
1300 189 154 | Level 2, 341-345 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 | | v 1.0

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TASK 2 – Role-play and Leadership project

 Task summary

For this assessment you are required to be in the role of the CEO of Boutique Build Australia to
communicate the company’s mission and objectives through the presentation of the
company’s new Strategic Plan to staff, and provide the opportunity for staff to contribute to
the plan.

 Resources and equipment required to complete this task

o Computer and Microsoft Office

o Access to the internet for research and to access web sites
o Audio visual equipment
o Space to conduct a meeting
o Role-play participants (assessor and students)
o Boutique Build Australia Strategic Plan.

 When and where should the task be completed?

o This task may be done in your own time as homework or you may be given time to
do this task in class (where applicable).
o Your assessor will provide you with the due date for this assessment.

 What needs to be submitted?

o Presentation (PowerPoint slides)

o Role-play and notes
o Written communication with staff
o Written communication with assessor

 Instructions:

o Your presentation will be in PowerPoint slides (15 to 20), which is presented to the class
o You will participate in a role-play (see template at the end of this task).
o Please use the “Template for a Report” (provided by your trainer) to complete the
project assessment.
o Your assessor will advise as to whether you must email them your completed
assessment, submit the file on a USB drive or hand in a hard copy.

ANIT Australia Pty Ltd t/a Albright Institute of Business and Language | RTO: 45041 | CRICOS: 03553J |P.1
1300 189 154 | Level 2, 341-345 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 | | v 1.0

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Read the following case study / scenario and complete activities that follow.

Case study / Scenario

Boutique Build Australia was established in 2013 and is a boutique building company
based in Sydney that specialises in the design and build of high quality designer homes for
the Sydney metropolitan and surrounding areas. The company has been operational for
three years.
A Strategic Plan has been developed for the company by an external consultant with
input from the CEO and senior management. The rationale for the Strategic Plan is to set
the direction for the company over the next three years, establish strategic priorities and to
describe how these will be achieved and the measures. To achieve them
This is the first time a Strategic Plan has been developed and as the CEO you have
decided to present the Strategic Plan at a meeting with staff for information, as well as
You are required to conduct a meeting with the staff that will include a presentation of the
Strategic Plan. This will also be an opportunity to discuss the imminent expansion of the
company into Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast markets as described in the Strategic Plan
and to discuss roles and responsibilities in relation to the expansion.
The staff who will attend your meeting will include the Operations Manager, Office
Manager, Site Manager and two sales consultants.

Complete the following activities:

1. Prepare to communicate Strategic Plan
This part of the assessment requires you to prepare a presentation (15 to 20 slides) to
deliver to staff to inform them about the organisation’s mission and objectives as set out in
the new Strategic Plan. The presentation will also be used to provide an opportunity for
staff to have input into the Plan before it is finalised.
You will have 30 minutes for your presentation and you must use a presentation package
to deliver. Use features and functions to engage audience and provide a visual
representation of data.
As the staff attending come from a range of educational backgrounds and familiarity
with strategic planning processes, you will need to ensure that your presentation is free of
jargon and presented in clear and concise English.

Review the Strategic Plan and conduct any additional research to ensure your
presentation (and PowerPoint slides) addresses the following:
▪ An introduction, including the background to the development of the Strategic Plan
and the purpose of the presentation to provide an opportunity for input by the staff.
▪ An outline of the organisation’s mission, vision, values and key objectives, as well as
strategic priorities as outlined in the Strategic Plan.
▪ A discussion of market characteristics and conditions as described in the Strategic
Plan, including the global economy and technological advances, as well as
environmental trends in relation to construction.
▪ A discussion of the company’s expansion plans as per the strategic priorities and
operational objectives.
▪ At least four examples of risks identified in relation to the expansion plans and how
they will be addressed.
▪ An outline of the expectations of the company with regard to ensuring that the
objectives values and standards of the company are adopted in every day

ANIT Australia Pty Ltd t/a Albright Institute of Business and Language | RTO: 45041 | CRICOS: 03553J |P.1
1300 189 154 | Level 2, 341-345 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 | | v 1.0

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interactions with customers, suppliers and other staff (you will need to review the
Strategic Plan and provide specific examples of expected behaviour).
▪ Assigning of roles and responsibilities based on the operational plan. Ensure that you
review the operational priorities in the Strategic Plan and assign roles and
responsibilities to relevant staff attending the meeting regarding the expansion of the
company into Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast. Outline all of the resources that will
be in place for the expansion.
Submit the completed presentation to your assessor prior to your presentation.
2. Deliver presentation and consult with staff – (use the role-play template below)
The next part of the assessment requires you to deliver your presentation and seek input
from staff on the new Strategic Plan. The purpose of this presentation is for you to not only
communicate the company's mission and goals but to influence the staff and build team
support. You will need to demonstrate this through:
▪ Build rapport with the team
▪ Role modelling leadership and ethical behaviour
▪ Positively influence the direction of the discussion
▪ Using effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills, for example, speak
clearly and present information confidently, encourage questions, actively listen and
respond positively to questions and feedback
▪ Using a consultative and collaborative approach to obtain and understand
feedback and make decisions
▪ Build trust, confidence and respect through providing leadership and an inspiring but
factual presentation
▪ Make decisions that reflect the team's needs and expectations, and in line with the
risk management plans
Deliver the content of the presentation as per the above activity, including assign
accountabilities and responsibilities and record the feedback that has been provided.
You will use this feedback to update your Strategic Plan.
3. Meeting follow up
▪ Following the meeting, you will be required to communicate with all staff (either via
email or memo) advising of the ideas discussed at the meeting, if and how these will
inform the Strategic Plan. You must send your communication to your assessor (in the
role of a staff member) within two days of the meeting.
▪ Send another communication (memo or email) to your assessor showing how the
additional actions that have been included in the Strategic Plan and how they take
account of risk factors identified in the Strategic Plan.

What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?

PowerPoint presentation (15 to 20 slides) 

Role-play notes 

Written communication with staff 

Written communication with assessor 

ANIT Australia Pty Ltd t/a Albright Institute of Business and Language | RTO: 45041 | CRICOS: 03553J |P.1
1300 189 154 | Level 2, 341-345 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 | | v 1.0

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