Pharmaceutical Incompatibilites A Review

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Begum et al Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development.

2018; 6(6): 56-61

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S.Gousia Begum*, Y.Dastagiri Reddy, B.Sri Divya, S.Jyothi Kiranmai, P.Komali, K.
Sushmitha and S.Ruksar
Santhiram College of Pharmacy, Affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantapur-, Nandyal, Kurnool
Dist. A.P.-518501


Incompatibility is defined as a change resulting and an undesirable product is formed, which may affect the safety,
efficacy, appearance and stability of the pharmaceutical product. It is of three types. It includes physical, chemical and
therapeutic incompatibilities. The below described article gives the detailed information about the types, causes and
how to overcome these types of incompatibilities. The occurrence of chemical incompatibilities can be overcome by
two methods which include method A&B.
Key words: Incompatibility,pharmaceutical product,chemical incompatibilities

Article Info: Received: 23 Oct 2018; Review Completed: 12 Dec 2018; Accepted: 20 Dec 2018; Available online: 30 Dec 2018
Cite this article as:
S. Gousia Begum*, Y.Dastagiri Reddy, B.SriDivya,S.JyothiKiranmai,P.Komali,K.Sushmitha and S.Ruksar, Pharmaceutical
Incompatibilites: A Review, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical research and Development.2018;6 (6): 56-61

*Address for Correspondence
S. Gousia Begum, Santhiram College of Pharmacy, Affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantapur-,
Nandyal, Kurnool Dist. A.P

INDRODUCTION 1. Physical incompatibilities

I ncompatibility is definedas a change resulting and an

undesirable product is formed, which may affect the
safety, efficacy appearance and stability of the
pharmaceutical product1.
2. Chemical incompatibilities
3. Therapeutic incompatibilities
Incompatibilities occur during When two or more than two substances are combined
together, a physical change takes place and an
 Compounding
unacceptable product is formed.
 Formulation
 Manufacturing Interaction between two or more substances which may
 Packaging lead to change in color, odor, taste, viscosity and
 Dispensing morphology. It is also called as pharmaceutical
 Storage incompatibility5.
 Administration of drugs Manifestations of physical incompatibility:-
The incompatibilities may be detected by changes in the The following list outlines the various ways
physical, chemical, and therapeutic qualities of the incompatibility between or among drug agents may be
medicine. manifested.
TYPES OF INCOMPATIBILITIES:- A. Insolubility:-insolubility of prescribed agents in
The incompatibilities occur when the components of a vehicle
medicine interact in such a way that properties of that B. Immiscibility:-Immiscibility of two or more liquids
medicine are adversely affected3, 4. C. Precipitation:-It occurs due to solvent is insoluble
when it is added to solution

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Begum et al Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development. 2018; 6(6): 56-61

D. Liquefaction:-Liquefaction of solids mixed in a dry  False time of addition

state (called eutexia)  Unsuitable for the type of emulsion
 Presence of micro – organisms
 Some bacteria grow on constituents of mixture.
It means the inability of material to dissolve in a
E.g.:- Gelatin Arabic gum
particular solvent system. The majority of
incompatibilities is due to insolubility of the inorganic as  Others produce enzymes which oxidize the
well as organic compounds in particular solvents6. surfactant.
 Temperature
The following factors affect the solubility of prescribed
 Oils and water are immiscible with each other which
agent in vehicle and may render it less soluble.
shows physical incompatibility
 Change in PH
E.g.:- Castor oil emulsion
 Milling
 Surfactant Rx
 Chemical reaction Castor oil – 15ml
 Complex formation Water – 60ml
 Co-solvent Causes: -In this prescription castor oil is immiscible with
 Any change in previous factors may lead to water due to high interfacial tensions, which is a sign of
precipitation of drugs and change in their properties. incompatibility.
 Substances like chalk, acetyl salicylic acid,
Remedy:-To overcome this type of incompatibility
succinylsulphothiazzole, zinc oxide, and calamine are
emulsification is necessary with the help of an
the commonexamples of in diffusible solids.
emulsifying agent. The corrected prescription is
 Some tinctures containing resins or chlorophyll may
provide precipitation when added to the aqueous system7. Castor oil emulsion
E.g.:-Mixture of prepared chalk Rx
Castor oil – 15ml
Acacia – 2% W/V
Chalk powder –2g Water– upto 60ml
Tincture catechu – 2ml
Cinnamon water – 2ml
When certain low melting point solids are mixed
Causes: - Chalk powder is not soluble in water.It gets
together, a liquid or soft mass know as eutectic mixture is
precipitated when added to aqueous medium.These
produced.This occurs due to the lowering of the melting
precipitates are found in diffusible in nature which results
point of the mixture to below room temperature and
in physical incompatibility.
liberation of hydrates12.
Remedy: - Use of suspending agents is necessary to
If such conditions take place, compounding such powders
suspend the precipitated chalk particles.
becomes difficult since the ultimate mixture turns to
Generally 2% W/V of compound tragacanth powder is liquid. The medicaments showing this type of behavior
recommended as suspending agent. are camphor, menthol, phenol, thymol, chloral hydrate,
aspirin, sodium salicylates, etc……
The corrected prescription is
Mixture of prepared chalk
Menthol – 5g
Chalk powder –2g Camphor – 5g
Tragacanth – 0.4g Water – 60ml
Tincture catechu – 2ml
Cinnamon water up to 30ml
Causes: - This mixture is a physical incompatibility
because both the ingredients in the prescription are
IMMISCIBILITY liquefiable of mixed together.
When two suchingredients are combined resulting in a Remedy:-These substances can be dispensed by any one
non- homogenous product, such ingredients are called of the following method.Triturate together to form liquid
immiscible to each other and the phenomenon is called and mixed with an absorbent (light kaolin, magnesium
immiscibility.This manifestation appears clearly in carbonate) to produce the following powder.The
emulsions, creams, lotions, some types of ointments. individual medicaments is powdered separately and
Separation in two phases is noticed in this pharmaceutical mixed with an adsorbent and then combined together
dosage form.Storage must be in room temperature to tightly and filled in a suitable container12.
prevent separation9, 10.
Hence the corrected prescription is
The following factors lead to immiscibility11
 Incomplete mixing Menthol – 5g
 Addition of surfactant with Camphor – 5g
Unsuitable concentration Light kaolin– 0.2g

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Begum et al Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development. 2018; 6(6): 56-61

PRECIPITATION E.g.: substitution of caffeine citrate with caffeine in

sodium salicylate and caffeine citrate mixture.
Solubilized substances may precipitate from it solution if
a non-solvent for the substances is added to the solution. Based on natureof chemical reaction
E.g.:- Resins are insoluble in water
Immediate incompatibilities: - If the chemical reaction
Alcoholic solution of resins + water =precipitated resins.
takes place, immediately after combining the prescription
Aqueous dispersions of hydrophilic colloids
ingredients, they are called immediate incompatibilities.
(polysaccharide mucilage + high concentration of alcohol
Hence, they should be dispensed only after correction.
or salts) =precipitated colloids.
a) High concentration of electrolytes causes cracking of Delayed incompatibility: - When the chemical reaction
soap emulsion by salting out the emulsifying agents. proceeds at a very slow rate and no appreciable visible
Vehicles (one or more organic liquids) use to dissolve change occurs which may develop on keeping the product
medicaments of low solubility; water soluble adjuvant for along time are called delayed incompatibility18.
practically inorganic salts may be precipitated in such
vehicles. Whentinctures containing resinous matter are Based on the prescriber
added in water, resin agglomerates forms in diffusible Intentional:- When the prescriber knowingly prescribes
precipitates. This can be prevented by slowly adding the the incompatible drugs.
undiluted tincture with vigorous shake.Suspension or by
adding some suitable thickening agent13,14. Unidirectional:- When the prescriber prescribes the drugs
without knowing that there is incompatibility between the
E.g.:- Lotion of compound tincture of benzoin prescribed drugs19.
Rx Generally reaction between strong solution proceed at a
faster rate and the precipitates are formed are thick and
Tincture benzoin compound – 5g
Glycerin – 10ml do not diffuse readily.Reaction between the dilute
Rose water upto 100ml solutions proceeds at a slow rate and the precipitates
formed are light and diffuse readily in the solution.Hence
Causes: - Tincture benzoin compound contain the reacting substances should be diluted as much as
resins.This change in solvent system results in an possible before mixing20.
unavoidable precipitate.
Precipitate yielding interactions
Remedy: - Addition of tincture with rapid stirring yields
a fine colloidal dispersion. So there is no need of any The precipitates so formed may be diffusible or
indiffusible. The method A or B is followed in dispensing
suspending agents.
the prescription yielding diffusible and indiffusible
CHEMICAL INCOMPATIBILITIES precipitates respectively.The preparation should contain a
thickening agent if the precipitate is non-diffusible21.
Reaction between two or more substances which lead to
change in chemical properties of pharmaceutical dosage Method A:
form. As aresult of this a toxic or inactive or product may
be formed15. This method is suitable for diffusible precipitates
following steps are carried out22.
Divide the vehicle into two portions.
Chemical incompatibilities occur, due to the chemical
Dissolve the reactants in separate portions and mix the
properties of drugs and additive like16,
two portions by slowly by adding one into other with
 PH change constant stirring.
 Oxidation-reduction reactions
Method B:
 Acid-base hydrolysis
 Double decomposition This method is suitable for in diffusible precipitates
 Complex formation following steps are carried out23.

These reactions may be noticed by Divide the vehicle into two portions.

 Precipitation Dissolve the one of the reacting substance in one portion.

 Effervescence Place second portion of vehicle in mortar and incorporate
 Decomposition suitable amount of compound.Tragacanth powder
 Color change (2g/100ml of preparation) with constant trituration until a
 Explosion smooth mucilage is produced.
TYPES OF CHEMICAL INCOMPATIBILITIES Add and dissolve the other reacting substance to the
Based on chemical interactions
Add the solution of first reactant to the mucilage slowly
Tolerated incompatibility: - In this type incompatibility,
with constant stirring.
the chemical interactions can be changing the order of
mixing the solutions indilute forms, without or by A secondary label ―SHAKE THE BOTTLE BEFORE
changing the order of mixing. USE‖ should be fixed on the container whenever method
A or method B is followed in dispensing the prescription.
Adjusted incompatibilities: - In adjusted incompatibility
change in the formulation is needed with a compound Examples of chemical incompatibilities and their
having equal therapeutic value17. correction24

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Begum et al Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development. 2018; 6(6): 56-61

 Alkaloid incompatibility:- the action produced is different room that intended by the
1. Alkaloidal salts with alkaloid substances
2. Alkaloidal salts with soluble iodides MECHANISM:
3. Alkaloidal salts with tannins
It is divided into two groups. They are
4. Alkaloid salts with salicylates
5. Alkaloid with soluble iodides and bromides. Pharmacokinetic: It involves the effect of a drug on
another from the point of view that includes absorption,
 Soluble salicylates incompatibility:- distribution, metabolism and excretion.
1.Soluble salicylates with ferric salts Pharmacodynamics: These are related to the
2.Soluble salicylates with alkali bicarbonates pharmacological activity of the inter-acing drugs.
3.Soluble salicylates and benzoates with acids. E.g., Synergism, antagonism, altered cellular transport,
effect on the receptor site.
 Soluble iodides incompatibility:-
Therapeutic incompatibilities occurs due to following
1.Oxidation of iodides with potassium chlorate
2.Oxidation of iodides with quinine sulphate.
a. Error in dosage
 Chemical incompatibility causing evolution of b. Wrong dose or dosage form
carbon dioxide gas:- c. Contra-indicated drugs
1.Sodium bicarbonate with soluble calcium or d. Synergistic and antagonistic drugs
magnesium salts e. Drug interactions
2.Bismuthsubnitrate and sodium bicarbonate
3.Borax with sodium bicarbonate and glycerin. ERROR IN DOSAGE
Many therapeutic incompatibilities result from errors in
 Miscellaneous incompatibilities:- writing or interpreting the prescription order. The most
1.Soluble barbiturates with ammonium bromide serious type of the dosage error in the dispensing is
2.Potassium chlorate with oxdisible substances overdose of a medication26.
3. Incompatibility of emulsifying agent
4. Color stability of dyes E.g., Atropine sulphate capsules
5. Incompatibilities of liquorices liquid extract Rx
Eg-1: strychnine hydrochloride mixture Atropine sulphate - 0.005g
Phenobarbitone - 0.015g
Rx Aspirin - 0.300g
Strychnine hydrochloride solution -6ml
Aromatic spirit of ammonia -4ml Causes:- In this prescription, the quantity of the atropine
Water up to - 120ml sulphate in each capsule is more than its recommended

Causes:- Remedy:- The prescription is referred back to the

prescriber to correct the overdose of the atropine
 The quantity of strychnine hydrochloride is more sulphate. The recommended dose of atropine for a single
than its solubility in water (1:30). capsule is 0.25 to 2mg.
 The aromatic spirit of ammonia contains negligible
There are certain drugs which have quite similar names
Remedy: - Strychnine hydrochloride gets precipitated and there is always a danger of dispensing the wrong
yielding diffusible precipitate, hence follow method A. drug27.
E.g-2.:Quinine hydrochloride mixture E.g., Prednisone and Prednisolone
Rx Digoxin and Dig toxin
Quinine hydrochloride -0.12ml
Sodium salicylate -4g Some times many drugs are available in the different
Water -100ml dosage forms and hence, if the dosage form is not clearly
mentioned on the prescription, it becomes necessary to
seek clarification from the prescriber.
Causes: - When quinine hydrochloride combined with
the sodium salicylates it forms quinine salicylates which The responsibility of the pharmacist becomes to check
is an in diffusible precipitate. the prescription intensively and if he finds these types of
errors he should immediately consult the prescriber for
Remedy: - Hence follow method B for precipitate the clarification.
yielding interactions.
There are certain drugs which may be contra-indicated in
It is the modification of the therapeutic effect of one drug
by the prior concomitant administration of another. It a particular disease or a particular patient who is allergic
may be as a result of prescribing certain drugs to a patient to it28.
with the intention to produce a specific degree of  Corticosteroids are contra-indicated in the patients
pharmacological action, but have restore or intensity of having peptic ulcers.

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Begum et al Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development. 2018; 6(6): 56-61

 The penicillin and sulphur drugs are contra-indicated Causes:-In this prescription, there is a combination of
in the patients who are allergic. two sympathomimetic drugs
 Vasoconstrictors are contra-indicated in hypertensive There by causing additive effect.
 Barbiturates and morphine should not be given to the Remedy:- The prescription is referred back to the
asthmatic patients. prescriber for necessary corrections.
E.g., Sulphadiazine capsules DRUG INTERACTIONS
The effect of one drug is altered by the prior or
Causes:-Ammonium chloride is a urinary acidifier. It simultaneous administration of another drug. The drug
causes the deposition of the interaction can usually be corrected by the proper
Sulphonamide crystals in the kidney. adjustment of dosage if the suspected interaction is
Remedy: - Before prescribing such substances a doctor detected30.
must be careful. If he does not, a
Pharmacist shows his caliber to point out such type of the E.g., Tetracycline capsule - 250mg capsules
doctor’s error. Such must Direction: Take one capsule every 6 hours with milk.
Immediately be referred back to the concerned doctor and
get corrected. Causes:-Tetracycline is inactivated by calcium present in
milk. So, it should not be taken with milk.
PRESCRIBING SYNERGISTIC OR Remedy: In this prescription, the therapeutic
ANTAGONISTIC DRUGS incompatibility is unintentional. So, the prescription is
When two drugs are prescribed together, they tend to referred back to the prescriber to change the direction.
increase the activity of each other which is known as
SYNERGISM. When two drugs are prescribed together, CONCLUSION:
they tend to decrease the activity of each other which is
Incompatibility is defined as a change resulting and an
known as ANTAGONISM29.
undesirable product is formed, which may affect the
E.g., safety, efficacy, appearance and stability of the
pharmaceutical product. It is of three types. It includes
 A combination of aspirin and paracetamol increases physical, chemical and therapeutic incompatibilities. The
the analgesic activity. below described article gives the detailed information
 A combination of penicillin and streptomycin about the types, causes and how to overcome these types
increases the antibacterial activity. of incompatibilities. The occurrence of chemical
 Amphetamines show its antagonists effect with the incompatibilities can be overcome by two methods which
barbiturates. include method A&B.
E.g., Amphetamine sulphate syrup
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