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Questions Created by Putu Adi Satrya Rimbawan

Read the following text to answer questions number 1-3!

Masjid Sultan Suriansyah
Masjid Sultan Suriansyah is a historical mosque. Built 300 years ago, this building is the
oldest mosque in South Kalimantan. The mosque is located in the North Kuin Village of
Banjarmasin. It was built in the reign of Sultan Suriansyah known as Pangeran Samudera. He
was the first Banjarnese King who converted to Islam. This mosque was found on the bank of
the Kuin River, near Kampung Kraton, which was destroyed by the Dutch colonial.
The construction of Masjid Sultan Suriansyah was unique. The roof is layered. It took
Banjar's past architecture before Islam came. Different from any other old mosques in Banjar,
the mihrab has its roof, separated from the main building.

1. Masjid Sultan Suriansyah was constructed in the era of ....

A. Banjar people
B. Dutch colonial
C. Kalimantan King
D. Sultan Suriansyah
E. Ken Arok

2. What is mainly discussed in the text?

A. A king reign
B. A palace complex
C. An Islamic location
D. A historical mosque
E. A historical temple

3. From the text, we know that...

A. Some construction of the mosque takes the local style
B. Banjar people burned down the mosque
C. There is nothing special about this mosque
D. The Dutch colonial built the mosque
E. Masjid Sultan Suriansyah is the biggest temple

Read the following text to answer questions number 4-5!

Barack Obama is the president of United States. He is an African-American. He is tall
and thin. He is bald. He has a dark complexion, pointed nose, and oval face.
He is the first black man who becomes the president of United States. He is known as a
smart and wise man. He is a loving husband for his wife and a good father for his two children.
People from all over the world adore him because of his spirit and action in creating peace in
this world. He also looks friendly because he always smiles a lot
4. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To persuade the readers to choose him in the election
B. To entertain the readers about the story of Barack Obama
C. To report the life of the president of United States of America
D. To describe Barack Obama's physical appearance and personality
E. To congratulate Barack Obama

5. "... dark complexion, pointed nose, and oval face." The antonym of the underlined
word is...
A. Flat
B. Short
C. Straight
D. Handsome
E. Stupid

Questions Created by Nyoman Satria Wandiatmika

Read the following text to answer questions number 6-8!

Candi Borobudur
Borobudur is a Buddhist temple located in Java. It was constructed in the
ninth century during the reign of the ancient Mataram kingdom's Sailendra
dynasty. Borobudur is a Buddhist temple in Magelang, Indonesia.
Borobudur is a world-famous temple complex. Borobudur temple is also
included in UNESCO list of the world heritage site. The Gupta architecture of India
has impacted its design. The temple is built on a 46-meter-high hill and features
an eight-step stone terrace. The first five terraces are square, with bas-relief
Buddhist sculptures adorning the walls. The top three are spherical. Each of them
has a bell-shaped stupa in the shape of a circular. A huge stupa in the center of the
top circle crowns the entire upper building. The 4.8-kilometer path to the summit
is made up of passages and stairways.

6. Below is the use of adjective to clarify nouns in the text above is?
A. Borobudur is a Buddhist temple
B. World-famous temple
C. Adorning the walls
D. Circle crowns the entire upper building
E. Built on a 46-meter-high hill
7. Which is the correct use of passive voice in the text above?
A. This Borobudur temple was built on a hill
B. Was built in the ninth century
C. Borobudur temple is designed by indian architecture
D. Borobudur temple is also included
E. A large stupa beside the upper circle crowns the entire superstructure
8. The synonym of the underlined word in the text above is
A. Simple
B. Difficult
C. Tricky
D. Straightforward
E. Baffle

Read the following text to answer questions number 9-10

North Sumatra's Lake Toba is a popular tourist destination. The visual

magnificence of the lake, which is surrounded by towering stone walls, is well known.
Lake Toba consists of several beautiful spots. With a surface size of 1,707 km2, Lake Toba
is 1,000 km2 larger than Singapore. It is the world's largest resurgent caldera, caused by
a massive volcanic eruption around 70,000 years ago. The island in the middle, Pulau
Samosir or Samosir Island, was connected to the caldera wall by a thin isthmus that was
cut through to allow boats to pass; a road bridge traverses the cutting. The Batak people,
who are indigenous to North Sumatra, have their cultural center on Samosir Island.
The eruption of a supervolcano (Mount Toba) is thought to have killed millions of
people and wiped out several species of living things. Mount Toba's eruption caused
changes in the earth's weather and the commencement of an ice age that has impacted
human civilization. Because of its immensity, Lake Toba is more akin to a sea than a lake.
As a result, the lake is the largest in Southeast Asia and the world's second-largest after
Lake Victoria in Africa. Lake Toba also has the world's deepest lake, which is roughly 450
meters deep.

9. Which one is the use of the simple present tense in the text above?
A. The visual magnificence of the lake, which is surrounded by towering stone walls,
is well known
B. The eruption of a super volcano (Mount Toba) is thought to have killed millions of
C. Lake Toba consists of several beautiful spots.
D. Mount Toba's eruption caused changes in the earth's weather
E. The Batak people, who are indigenous to North Sumatra, have their cultural center
on Samosir Island.
10. “was connected to the caldera wall by a thin isthmus that was cut through to allow
boats to pass” The synonym of the underlined word is…
A. Straped
B. Tie
C. Thin
D. Couple
E. Linked

Questions Created by Putu Gian Mahatma Putra (32)

The existence of this small area, is a matter of pride for the province of Bali. Store
many stories about pain, joy, sorrow, and happiness. All these expressions have been felt
by domestic and foreign tourists when visiting Kuta. The vibrations felt by Kuta will always
be felt by tourists.
Located at north of I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport, so that the access for
the tourist will be easier. Now, the local government also improve the tourism
infrastructure which will make Kuta more advance. Tourism infrastructure also has good
benefits, because tourists can travel out of Kuta without worrying about the route they want
to take.
Until the time is came, when the sun is start to set. It is the best part in Kuta. The tourists
can enjoy the sunset view. Sunset view are well known in many countries, and Kuta is also
often considered the center of sunset in Bali.
Regarding to the sunset view, Kuta is also known as a warehouse for bars, malls,
hotels in Bali. Called the warehouse because in every corner of the alley in Kuta there must
be one of the three mentioned above. So no wonder, when night falls, Kuta visitors must
feel stuck in traffic which requires them to patiently wait to be able to move. Because, in
Kuta there are so many interesting places that of course attract the attention of tourists,
even beyond the initial capacity. However, many motorists never regret waiting for traffic
jams. Because, they can see the lights that decorate Kuta at night. Believe it or not,
happiness will immediately appear when you spend the night at Kuta Rock City

11. The text above is an example of …. Text

A. Announcement Text
B. Narrative Text
C. Report Text
D. Descriptive Text
E. Recount Text
12. What does the text above tell?
A. The famous products of Kuta
B. The description of Kuta
C. The Kuta people
D. The employee income
E. The history of Bali
13. Which paragraph mention the location of Kuta?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. Not available
14. The last paragraph mostly talks about?
A. History of Kuta
B. Night activities in Kuta
C. Tourism infrastructure
D. Sunset view
E. Recreation center
15. What is the term for Kuta listed in the text?
A. A thousand temples
B. Congestion center
C. Recreation areas
D. The center of sunset in Bali
E. Entertainment area

Questions Created by Made Abeari Nikoarta (05)

Look at the following text to answer questions number 1-4!

To: all vaccination enthusiasts.

We as health workers in handling covid 19, would like to inform all people who are
vaccinating, to continue to follow health protocols in an orderly manner, so that the ……. (2)
of this virus can be overcome. For those of you who have …… (3) the latest information about
the location and date of vaccination, you can read the following criteria:
Place: Citra Jaya Hospital
Day and Date: Wednesday, September 23, 2021.
Time: 8am-10am.
And, if any of you who lack in ……. (4) of masks or other medical equipment, you can contact
this doctor before entering the location:
Dr. Eric
Phone: 081235745625
WhatsApp: 081235745625.
Thank you for your attention
16. “all vaccination enthusiasts”. ”enthusiasts” here has the same meaning as…
A. Connoisseur
B. Follower
C. Participant
D. Volunteer
E. Witness
17. …..
A. Power
B. Strength
C. Malignancy
D. Spread
E. Deployment
18. …..
A. Miss
B. Missing
C. Missed
D. Pass
E. skipped
19. …..
A. Supplies
B. Equipment
C. Completeness
D. Ownership
E. all wrong
20. Read the announcement text below!

To: Mangrove Team

We as BPKT (Plant Diversity Research Agency) congratulate you on your achievements
in researching orchids and creating an extraordinary paper. To take the prize, you can
read the following criteria:
Place: Gelora Taman Sari.
Day and Date: Friday, October 21,2021.
However, if among you there are problems in taking prizes, you can contact our

“researching” here has the opposite word with…

A. Research
B. Study
C. Repetition
D. Take
E. Instruct

Questions Created by Putu Andika Piradiasa (28)

Read the following text to answer questions number 21-22

Hi, Guys! Our neighborhood will hold a FundRaising Activity next month. It is
intended to help victims of the landslide which happened yesterday. Everyone
interested in this activity, please join us. You are also invited to donate your used
clothes. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ms. Maryam as
chief program coordinator at her house from 07.00 a.m. – 03.00 p.m. Monday to


21. What is the announcement about?

A. A neighborhood's activity
B. Ms. Maryam's program
C. Used clothes donation
D. Victims of a landslide
E. Fundraising activity
22. Where can Ms. Maryam accept her neighbors' questions?
A. At her house
B. At her office
C. At the neighborhood
D. At the landslide area
E. At the committee office
23. Announcement!
This is a new school year and there are many new students around. Please be friendly
and help them understand the rules of our school Principal.
Why does the principal make the announcement?
A. To ask the students to nice and helpful to the newcomer
B. To let the students know that they have their junior.
C. To ask the students to contact their parents.
D. To inform about the new school year.
E. To provide information only.
24. Announcement!
This is a new school year and there are many new students around. Please be friendly
and help them understand the rules of our school Principal Please be friendly.
What is the meaning of the underlined word?
A. Disturbing
B. Interesting
C. Welcoming
D. Attracting
E. Cool
25. To: All students and teachers
Come and visit our new library. Lots of new books (brand new novels and non-fiction
books) are available. You can also enjoy our new collection. Head of library Firman.
What are the things offered in the new library?
A. Books and DVDs
B. Old and new books
C. New books and novels
D. New DVDs and non-fiction books
E. Old books and novels

Questions Created by Putu Aditya Lesmana Indrawijaya (27)

26. Announcement!
To commemorate and celebrate 77th Indonesia's Independence Day, we from the
University of Xford Organization held a special Independence Day festival. The event
that we hold aims to bring out the talents of young Indonesians, by holding a series of
events and competitions. This event will be held on:
Date/Time : August 17th, 2022/10.00 am
Place : Universitas XFord
Contact : 0800-000-000-000
Why did the Xford University Organization hold a special festival for Indonesian
Independence Day?
A. To commemorate and celebrate National Teachers Day
B. To commemorate and celebrate 72th Indonesia's Independence Day, and bring out
talents of young Indonesians
C. To celebrate the 77th birthday of the president of Indonesia
D. To commemorate and celebrate 77th Indonesia's Independence Day, and doesn’t
bring out talents of young Indonesians
E. To commemorate and celebrate 77th Indonesia's Independence Day, and bring out
talents of young Indonesians

27. Announcement!
Starting from December 19, 2021, Rajawali Airlines will officially change the
aircraft type from RJD-404 to RJW-666. The replacement of this aircraft type has been
determined and based on the decision of the owner Rajawali Airline and the investors of
the Rajawali Airline. We have made every consideration in the replacement of this
aircraft type, and we have taken good care of all aspects.
Loyal users of the Rajawali Airline do not need to worry about changing this
aircraft type, because we have tested everything and we haven’t changed the standards
of our aircraft. This change in aircraft type is only done to update the type and give new
sensations to passengers. This announcement is officially given at the decision of the
owner Rajawali Airline. Thank you. Let's Fly with the Rajawali Airline!!
If you have read the announcement carefully, what is the meaning of the second
A. Rajawali Airlines changing the type of aircraft from RJD-404 to RJW-666 does not
affect on price standards, so anyone who wants to use the services of Rajawali
Airlines doesn't have to worry about changing aircraft types.
B. Rajawali Airlines changing the aircraft type from RJD-404 to RJW-666 does not
affect the flight quality standards provided, so that anyone who wants to use
Rajawali Airlines services does not have to worry about safety or other aspects
because the type of aircraft does not change.
C. The change in the type of Rajawali Airline from RJD-404 to RJW-666, does not mean
that everything has changed, passengers will still receive the standard of service
from the flight attendants as before and even continue to increase.
D. The change in the type of Rajawali Airlines aircraft from RJD-404 to RJW-666 does
not affect the flight quality standards provided, so anyone who wants to use Rajawali
Airline services doesn’t need to worry about safety or other aspects because it has
been tested before being launched.
E. Rajawali Airlines changing the type of aircraft from RJD-404 to RJW-666 does not
affect on the standard discount given each month, so anyone who wants to use the
services of Rajawali Airlines doesn't have to worry that the discount will be lost.

28. Casey & Stanley Wedding

The marriage of the best couple of all time is insight. Casey Rodrigo and William Stanley
after a long relationship will marry. Casey and Stanley are a very romantic couple. This
very happy event will be held on:
Date/Time : January 1, 2022/11.00 am
Place : Royal Hotel Bali
A big and happy moment is certainly not to be missed. Casey Rodrigo and William
Stanley's wedding ceremony will be broadcast live on all Indonesian TV channels
If viewed from the structure and content, what type of text above?
A. When viewed from the structure and content, the text above is an announcement
text, because it contains an invitation to come to Casey and Stanley's wedding.
B. In the text that contains a sentence announcing the marriage of the best couple,
Casey and Stanley, it can be concluded that the text above is an invitation when
viewed from the structure.
C. The text is an announcement text, because it contains an announcement about the
marriage of the best couple, Casey and Stanley.
D. The text is an invitation text because it contains the date and time and the place
where Casey and Stanley's wedding will be held, because if viewed from the
structure, the invitation text contains the date, time and place of an event. So
indirectly the text is inviting.
E. If viewed from the content, the text contains words that congratulate, so even
though the congratulations are not filled out clearly, the text aims to congratulate.
So the text is Congratulations

29. The correct statement regarding the characteristics of the announcement text is...
A. The announcement text usually contains statements that are congratulating.
B. Announcement texts usually use simple past tenses
C. The announcement text usually uses simple present tenses and simple future tense,
consisting of a title and explanation, in the explanation containing the date/time,
starting purpose, place, recipient, body and informing sender.
D. The announcement text usually uses simple future tense and simple present tense.
E. The announcement text consisting the receiver and body invitation.

30. Announcement
All grade 10 students are required to take additional lessons which will start on January
9 to January 24, 2022. Additional lessons are held every Monday to Thursday 2.00 – 3.30
pm. All students are required to take this additional class to support optimal results in
the national final exam. Thank you
What is the purpose of the text?
A. To announce an additional class for class 10 that will be expelled from school
B. Announce to 10th graders that there is a test activity that will be held from January
9th to January 24th
C. Announced to 12th grade will get additional class from 9th January to 24th January
D. Announced to 10th grade will get additional class from 9th January to 24th January
E. Congratulations to the 10th graders who will get an extra class

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