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Module 8


by: John Benedict Bien Romano 11-STEM

e Earth Science Earth Science

e Earth Science Earth Science
e Earth Science Earth Science
e Earth Science Earth Science
e Earth Science Earth Science
What's New

1. Decompression
2. Partial Melting
3. Extrusion
4. Plutonites
5. Plutonism
6. Volcanism
7. Intrusion
8. Volcanites
9. Flux
10. Magma

1. Magma forms from partially due to the melting of

mantle rocks
2. Flux Melting
3 Decompression melting occurs. When a given body of
rock is kept at roughly the same temperature but the
pressure is lowered.
4. Extrusion
5. Intrusion happens when magma getting to the surface
of a volcano,Without it erupting
6. Volcanism
7. Plutonism refers all sorts of igneous geological
activities that take place below the Earth's surface.
8. Plutonites
9. Volcanites
10. Volcanites occurs when the process of crystallization
takes place and happens inside the crust.


If you are a resident of the island, will you go back in your houses?
Why or why not?
Using the concepts that you have learned in this module, what can
you infer on the cause of sudden volcanic eruption of Taal? Why do
you think it stopped? (10 points)

-Before, I answer this question. I would like to share a story by our

sister in my former school, who is from Batangas. During that time,
our sister was worried and relentless because her family was still in
Batangas when the eruption happened. My former school and its
students donated clothes, money, and food for the people in
Batangas, who were affected by the instantaneous eruption. We
prayed for the people in batangas. Our sister shared the stories
about how people left their homes, how the eruption made the
ground violent, and how the people, including her family, left all of
their possessions because it was unsafe due to the lahar that
buried people’s homes. In addition, leftover lahar was used as
bricks and roofing because it is a dense material. Hence, if I was a
resident of the island. I would go back to my house, if the area is
already safe because "Safety and wellness comes first.”


-I did a little research about details about the volcanic eruption of the
Taal volcano. This volcano is the one of the most active volcanoes in the
Philippines. And it has a large hydrothermal reservoir revealed by a
“magneto telluric 3D.” According to my research, this high resistivity
anomaly is hypothesized to be a large hydrothermal reservoir,
consisting of the aggregate of interconnected cracks in rigid and dense
host rocks, which are filled with hydrothermal fluids coming from a
magma batch below the reservoir. The hydrothermal fluids are
considered partly in gas phase and liquid phase. The presence of such a
large hydrothermal reservoir and the stagnant magma below may have
influences on the volcano's activity. Two possibilities are presented.
First, the 30 January 1911 explosion event was a magmatic
hydrothermal eruption rather than a base-surge associated with a
phreato-magmatic eruption. Second, the earlier proposed four eruption
series may be better interpreted by two cycles, each consisting of a
series of summit and flank eruptions ( I also
remember a photo that emerged online. It was a photo of the Taal
volcano with lightning. Some described it as terrifying, as if the volcano
will release the “underworld”, per say, it was like a scene from an
Olympian based movie.


The Taal Volcano started to erupt on January 12, 2020, The Philippine
Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) issued an alert
level 4, the ashes from the volcano was so unpleasant that it affected
some parts of Cavite and Laguna. According to the data that I
gathered, the type of eruption was a Phreatomagmatic eruption. This
was a result of the interaction of magma and water. Another reason
was the Taal volcano had too many depositions in the magma
chamber. Hence, resulting in the eruption. The volcanic eruption
stopped when the volcano already released the heat from the magma
that was stored in the chamber. On the bright side, the PHIVOLCS
stated that it would take a quite long period of time for the volcano to
erupt again because it will again store energy in the chamber.
1. B
2. D
3. B
4. D
5. B
6. C
7. B
8. B
9. B
10. D

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