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This chapter will present the data that has been gathered by the researchers and

the recommendations of the researchers in the study “College Preparation of Grade 12

Academic Strands”.


Readiness is a state of being fully prepared for something. Oftentimes, readiness

is confused with actually doing the thing one is preparing for. The new DepEd K-12

curriculum is supposed to prepare high school students for higher education through

one of the four strands in its academic track: Accountancy, Business and Management

(ABM), Humanities and Social Sciences Strand (HUMSS), Science, Technology,

Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), and General Academic. Looking at these

strands demonstrates that not only should students be choosing whether to prepare

oneself for work or college, but also commit to a particular area or discipline. (2014)

The researchers include the respondents profile, to be specific, the respondents

gender and his/her strand. The researchers had prepared review-related literature that

supports the information that is gathered throughout the research like the research


In this survey questionnaire, the researchers asked the respondents some

questions about their preparation for choosing courses and entering college. Based on

the results, majority of which agreed that it is crucial to be fully prepared before

entering into college, and the researchers also found that the students’ strand in their

Senior High School helped in preparing students in this kind of decision-making.

The gathered data from the survey had lead the researchers to know that the

students was considering some factors for choosing their courses and the school, it

includes something to do with their passion, finances, the facilities, location, security,

the surroundings and when they see themselves happy in it.


The result of the gathered data from the researchers survey questionnaires shows

that the students in Grade 12 under Academic Strands are preparing for their college

education through different ways which includes the factors they are considering

before entering college. Furthermore, the study had lead the researchers to understand

that the student who entered Senior High School plays a vital role in the academic

development of the students in the strands: Accountancy, Business and Management

(ABM); Humanities and Social Sciences Strand (HUMSS) and; Science, Technology,

Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), which also has the factors like the school

facilities, location and the environment were considered by them.

In addition, the said statements were supported by the 95.4% of the respondents

who agreed to the above statements. The additional two (2) years of High School was

said important for this is the time where students will learn the things they needed to

know before choosing what career or courses they want to pursue.


The researchers made a following recommendations to students:

 Students should choose their courses with better chance of hiring job after

 Students should study related topics about the course they want for them to have

prior knowledge regarding the course they are facing.

 Students should find and apply to schools that can provide them with quality


 Students should prepare the things they need when they are going to study in a

certain school like their budget and the expenses while they are studying.

The researchers made a following recommendations to teachers:

 Teachers should encourage students to pursue their dreams for them to have

confidence they need to feel that they are supported.

 Teachers should advise students to choose their college courses based on the

important factors they are considering.

The researchers made a following recommendations to parents:

 Parents should support their students in any ways they need.

 Parents should not pressure children in order for students to choose their college

courses based on what they really want.

 Parents should always encourage their children to choose their courses wisely.

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