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Rodelo D. Buscagan
Paolo Miguel Maniacup
El Dave Panela

An undergraduate thesis submitted to the Faculty of the College of Sports,

Physical Education and Recreation (CSPEAR) in Cavite State University –
Main Campus as partial as partial fulfillment of the degree Bachelor of Sports
and Recreational Management Contribution No.___ Prepared under the
supervision of Mr. Clark Costa


Being a student athlete can be fun and exciting for every child, whether

they are participating in a recreational league or playing on the college team.

Being part of a team is great way to feel accepted and make friendships that

last a lifetime. But it can also be challenging because you have to juggle

practice schedules and travelling for games with classes. Every student

athlete is like having a two daytime job, you have a invariable task to study

and compete. Balance is crucial for any student athlete because competitive

sports and academics work side by side the life of a student athlete. Balance

is a real challenge because education is crucial to a young athlete’s life.

However, one has to organize and prioritize objectives correctly. A student

social life also very important to their well-being. If a student athlete only had

sports and academics in their life, then a mental and physical burnout would

become very probably. That is why a student athlete family should give

support. Their support would be a great role to help student athlete’s along

their journey.

Undoubtedly, parents influence on a child’s environment in sports and

physical activity is significant. It is usually parents who provide the first

opportunity to their child to engage to sport. They also have significant

influence on a child’s decision on continuing or quitting a sport at some later

point in time. On one hand, family support seems to be important. There are

many ways that you can be there to support your student athlete, by not
pressuring them, by encouraging them to eat healthy foods, encouraging to

rest, showing up and supporting them at their competition, bringing them to a

training session and motivating them when discourage. But, on the other

hand, parents actions at times may hinder a young athletes development and

adaptation to sports. Such action hamper the good spirit and mutual

understanding found in sport and may result in a child’s quitting sports.

However, other subtler behaviors by parents, often read by others as parental

decision, readiness to help or their committed environment, can be perceived

by a young athlete as overwhelming and controlling. In order to support young

athlete to grow and develop as well as to effectively protect them to

undesirable events. It seems crucial to more closely analyze how the family

environment influences a child and their environment in sports.


The study aims to determine the perceived role of family support in the

level of performance of combative student athlete in Cavite State University

Main Campus Indang, Cavite.

Specially, it seek to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of respondents, in terms of;

a. Age: and

b. Gender?

2. What is the relationship between the role of family support in the level

of performance of student athletes?

3. What is the effect of the roles of family support in the level of

performance of student athletes?


1. To obtain the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age

and gender.

2. To obtain the relationship between the perceived role of family support

in the level of performance of the student athlete.

3. To obtain the effect of perceived role of family support in the level of

performance of student athlete.


Student athlete – the given data will provide the student with some

knowledge about how the family support will affect their performance. It will

give the student/athlete realization that the family support is important for their

performance and for the people around him/her. At the end the student/athlete

will finally learn that the family support is one of the major need to perform


Coach / teacher – the given data would help the coach or teacher on how to

encourage and cheer the student to perform well. The coach and teacher

would understand the struggle of the student and later on, help them.

Family – family has a big role for the research. Like the teachers, family is the

one who need to understand the student/athlete. The given data would help

the family to inspire and push the student/athlete to pursue his/her goal in

sports. The findings will help them learn how to take action or how to

approach the student/athlete.

University – University is known as a second home for student athlete. The

information from this research can help the university to meet the needs of a

student athlete. The given data will help the university to support a student

athlete to push their limits and achieved their goals. Every student athlete
carries the name of the university so that university must know on how to

support a student athlete.


The study will be conducted during the 1 st first semester of school year

2020-2021 on the month of September to march. It will be held at Cavite State

University Main Campus.


This study is for those who lack of support from their family and friend.

This is also for those families who has an athlete member. Having support

from friend, team mates, coaches, teachers and specially their family is the

secrete weapon of student athletes to perform better during their competition.

Some of our student athlete can’t receive support from their family, sometimes

because they have different problems like being a broken family.

Giving support to our student athlete would help achieve their best

performance in every single matches during competition, this is the most

important factor influencing sports performance. We believe that an

encouragement and support from an student athletes family is the key factor

of building self-confidence.

Athlete – a person who is proficient in sports and other forms of physical


Crucial – decisive or critical, especially in the success or failure of something.

Demographic – relating to the structure of populations.

Enhance – intensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or extent


Factor – a circumstance, fact, or influence that contributes to a result or


Family Support – is defined as an integrated network of community-based

resources and services that strengthens parenting practices and the healthy

development of children.

Juggle – continuously toss into the air and catch so as to keep at least one in

the air while handling the others.

Hinder – create difficulties for (someone or something), resulting in delay or


Invariable – never changing.

Motivate – provide (someone) with a motive for doing something

Student Athlete – is a participant in an organized competitive sport

sponsored by the educational institution in which he or she is enrolled.

Student athletes are full-time students and athletes at the same time.

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