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Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms

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C 1. Solution which has the same osmotic pressure and pH as human fluid is:
A) Saturated B) Hypertonic C) Isotonic D) Hypotonic

A 2. Acacia reproduces color with some substance due to the presence of:
A) Peroxidase B) Acid C) Impurities D) Any of the above

D 3. Spirit of peppermint is prepared by:

A) Simple solution B) Chemical reaction C) Distillation D) Solution with maceration

C 4. Brandy is made from:

A) Molasses B) Fermented malt juice C) Fermented juice of grapes D) None of the above

E 5. Preservative added to syrup:

A) Glycerin C) Sodium Benzoate E) All of the above
B) Benzoic acid D) Methyl Paraben

C 6. Levigation is often applied in:

A) Syrups B) Solutions C) Ointments D) Tinctures

D 7. General formula for infusions uses a strength of:

A) 10% B) 15% C) 20% D) 5%

B 8. One of the following is not a biological product:

A) Serum B) Antihistamine C) Toxoid D) Anti-toxin

B 9. Concentration of “Diluted Alcohol” by volume is:

A) 10% B) 50% C) 70% D) 20% E) 85%

B 10. Aromatic water may be prepared by triturating the oil with:

A) Acacia B) Talc C) Kaolin D) None of the above

C 11. Phenol produces a clear solution with:

A) Water B) Ammonia C) Glycerin D) Liquid petrolatum

C 12. One of the following is not a process of extraction:

A) Maceration B) Digestion C) Comminution D) Decoction E) Percolation

E 13. Separation of immiscible liquids may be carried out by:

A) Glass syringe B) Pipette C) Separatory funnel E) All of the above D) Florentine receiver
B 14. Liquid preparations that contain one or more chemical substances usually non-volatile dissolved in water is:
A) Emulsions B) Solutions C) Lotions D) Syrups

D 15. Triturations usually have a strength of:

A) 5% B) 1% C) 15% D) 10% E) None of the above

B 16. A small scale comminution is:

A) Maceration B) Levigation C) Digestion D) None of the above

D 17. Process of converting a liquid into vapor and condensing back to liquid is:
A) Sublimation B) Condensation C) Evaporation D) Distillation

A 18. Chemical change caused by heat:

A) Incineration B) Evaporation C) Sublimation D) All of the above

C 19. One of the following has strength of 10% opium:

A) Laudanum B) Paregoric C) Dover’s powder D) All of the above

B 20. Glycerin suppositories are solidified by the use of:

A) Stearic acid B) Sodium stearate C) Glycerol triacetate D) White wax

E 21. Tablet is the preferred form as dosage form because of:

A) Stability B) Economy C) Precision of dosage D) Convenience E) All of the above

D 22. Liquid preparations representing water-soluble principles of animal and plant drugs are:
A) Spirits B) Tincture C) Fluidextracts D) None of the above

A 23. The preservatives for juices:

A) Benzoic acid B) Sodium benzoate C) Alcohol D) Glycerin

C 24. Purity means:

A) Purified coloring substance C) U. S. P. or N. F. statement of required purity
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B) Pure food and drugs act D) Substance requires purification

D 25. The HLB system is used to classify:

A) Flavors B) Colors C) Perfumes D) Surfactants

B 26. Most drugs are:

A) Strong electrolytes B) Weak electrolytes C) Non-electrolytes D) Highly ionic

B 27. The usual purpose of chilling medication prior to administration is to increase:

A) Absorption B) Palatibility C) Stability D) Ionization

C 28. The U. S. P. Pyrogen test is performed on:

A) Dogs B) Guinea pigs C) Rabbits D) Cats

A 29. According to the U. S. P. standard, a refrigerator may be used to store pharmaceutical which specify
storage in a:
A) Cold place B) Controlled room temperature C) Dark place D) None of the above

B 30. The process of grinding substances to a very fine powder is termed:

A) Levigation B) Trituration C) Sublimation D) Percolation E) Maceration

A 31. An aqueous solution which serves as a cleansing or an antiseptic agent directed

against a part or into a cavity of the body is a/an:
A) Gouche B) Enema C) Gargle D) Spray

B 32. The official hydrogen peroxide solution U. S. P. is also known as:

A) Diluted peroxide B) 10 volume peroxide C) 15 volume peroxide D) 30 volume peroxide

A 33. A synonym for cold cream, U. S. P. is :

A) Petrolatum rose water ointment C) Wool fat ointment
B) Vanishing cream D) Rose water ointment

B 34. Container impervious to air:

A) Light-resistant Tight container C) Single dose container
B) Hermetic container D) All of the above

B 35. The term “impalpable” refers to s substance that is:

A) Colorless B) Not perceptible to touch C) Greasy D) Tasteless

C 36. Cyanocobalamin is:

A) A steroid B) Hallucinogen C) A vitamin D) An enzyme

C 37. The non-aqueous vehicle used in injection :

A) Alcohol B) Glycerol C) Vegetable oilsD) Liquid petrolatum

B 38. Which one of the following solutions should be sterile when dispensed:
A) Tinctures B) Opthalmic solutions C) Spirits D) Syrups E) None of the above

D 39. Bulk powders are:

A) Triturations B) Dentrifices C) Douche powder D) All of the above

C 40. Oleoresins are:

A) Volatile oils B) Waxes and resins C) Fixed oils and resins D) None of the above

A 41. A chromagen is :
A) A colored substance B) Certified dye C) A dye fixative D) A precursor of color

A 42. Alcohol is a specific potentiating agent when used with it:

A) Anti-histamine B) Penicillin C) Aspirin D) Sulfonamide

B 43. Rancidity of fats may be due to:

A) Impurities B) Oxidation at double bond C) Reduction to alcohol D) Hydrogenation at double bond

C 44. This is a tool for monitoring drug utilization:

A) A drug receipt B) A drug invoice C) A drug profile D) Prescription

A 45. These are roles of the pharmacists except:

A) Diagnose diseases and prescribe prescription drugs C) Recommend OTC drugs
B) Recognize self-limiting diseases D) Advise patients on expected drug side effect
C 46. These are developing trends in a pharmacist’s function except:
A) Influence the physician in choice of drugs C) Diagnosis of diseases
B) Use of generics D) Advise the physician on dosage regimens
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A 47. OTC drugs are:

A) Nonprescription drugs B) Prescription drugs C) Regulated drugs D) Potent drugs

D 48. This represents the quality of the product and the professionalism of the compounding pharmacists:
A) Price of the medicine B) Name of the drug store C) Name of the prescriber D) Label

D 49. Recovery of an ambulatory patient depends upon this factor in this medication:
A) Brand product B) Generic product C) Expenses D) Compliance

D 50. Spans and Tweens are:

A) Phospholipids C) Highly polymerized mannuronic acid anhydrides
B) Glycoside D) Polyoxyalkalene derivatives

C 51. Which of the following is not a method of splitting emulsions:

A) Centrifuging B) Adding electrolytes C) Filtering D) Heat

B 52. The term PSIG in reference to aerosols means:

A) Per square inch of glass C) Atmospheric pressure
B) Pounds per square inch gauge D) Propellant safety in glass

A 53. A disadvantage of sodium saccharin as a sweetening agent is :

A) Bitter after taste C) Poor strength compared to glucose
B) Solubility in water D) Poor strength compared to gulein

A 54. According to the USP, the instruction protect from light in a monograph indicated storage in a :
A) Dark place B) Light-resistant container C) Amber glass bottle D) Hermetic container

A 55. The pharmacist may suggest Riopan Plus in place of Riopan when the patient desires:
A) Relief from gas B) Greater antacid capacity C) A chewable tablet D) Lower sodium levels

A 56. Solubility of a substance may be expressed in several ways. When a quantitative statement of
solubility is given in the USP, it is a generality expressed as:
A) mL of solvent required to dissolve 1 gram of solute
B) G of solute soluble in 1 mL of solvent
C) G of solute soluble in 100 mL of solvent
D) mL of solvent required to dissolve 100G of solute

B 57. The expiration date on a pharmaceutical container states “Expires on July 1997”. This statement means
that by that expiration date, the product may have lost:
A) 50% of its activity
B) Sufficient activity to be outside USP monograph requirement
C) 5% of its activity
D) All of its activity

D 58. Which of the following agents is/are available in a sublingual dosage form?
A) Isorbide dinitrate (Isordil) C) Hydrogenated argot alkaloids (Hydergine
B) Glycerin D) All of the above

B 59. Upon exposure to air, Aminophylline solutions may develop:

A) A gas B) Crystals of Theophylline C) A precipitate D) A straw color

A 60. A chelate must always contain a:

A) Multivalent metal B) Triple bond C) Amine group D) Ethyllenediamine group

D 61. Official forms of water include:

A) Water for injection C) Bacteriostatic water for injection
B) Sterile water for injection D) All of the above

C 62. Insulin preparations are usually administered by:

A) Intradermal injection B) Intramuscular injection C) Subcutaneous injection D) Intravenous

B 63. “Winged” needles are most closely associated with which type of injections?
A) Intramuscular C) Subcutaneous
B) Intravenous D) Length of needle

A 64. The term piggyback is most commonly associated with:

A) Intermittent therapy C) Intravenous bolus
B) Total parenteral nutrition D) Flow intravenous infusions

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B 65. The designation “minibottles” refers to:
A) 10-30 mL glass vials
B) Partially filled parenteral bottles with 50 to 150 mL volumes
C) Any parenteral bottle with a capacity of less than 1 mL
D) Vials with a capacity of less than 10 mL

A 66. The term venoclysis is most associated with:

A) Intravenous infusions C) Intravenous injections
B) Intrathecal injections D) Peritoneal dialysis

B 67. Which of the following commonly available large-volume dextrose solutions for intravenous use is
A) 2.5% B) 5.0% C) 10% D) 50%

A 68. The busher injection is:

A) An automatic device for self-injecting C) Wyeth’s cartridge injection unit
B) A pre-filled syringe unit D) A disposable syringe and needle system

D 69. Valium (diazepam) is available in which of the following dosage forms?

A) Elixir B) Tablet C) Injection solution D) B and C only

C 70. This antacid containing mixture of aluminum and magnesium hydroxide is marketed under the name of:
A) Maalox B) Amphojel C) Mylanta D) Titralac

B 71. The shaft portion of the needle is called the :

A) Bevel B) Cannula C) Lumen D) Hub

C 72. Alcoholic and hydroalcoholic solutions prepared from vegetable materials or from chemical substances,
prepared usually by maceration and percolation.
A) Extracts B) Tinctures C) Fluidextracts D) Elixirs

B 73. Concentrated (1g/mL) alcoholic or hydroalcoholic solutions representing the therapeutically active
principles of vegetable drugs prepared by percolation process:
A) Extracts B) Fluidextracts C) Tinctures D) Elixirs

A 74. Clear, pleasantly flavored, sweetened hydroalcoholic liquids intended for oral use as flavors and
vehicles for substances:
A) Elixirs B) Tinctures C) Fluidextract D) Extracts

B 75. Aqueous solutions used for treating the pharynx and nasopharynx by forcing air from the lungs through
the solution which is held in the throat:
A) Mouthwashes B) Gargles C) All of the above D) None of the above

C 76. A homogenous mixture in which the molecules of the solute are dispersed among hose of the solvent:
A) Suspensions B) Emulsions C) Solutions D) All of the above

D 77. Purified water may be prepared by:

A) Distillation B) Ion-exchange resin C) Reverse osmosis D) All of the above

D 78. Syrups may be prepared by:

A) Solution with heat B) Agitation without heat C) Percolation D) All of the above

D 79. Spirits, popularly known as essences, are alcoholic or hydroalcoholic solutions of volatile substances
prepared by:
A) Simple solution B) Distillation C) Chemical reaction D) All of the above

C 80. A two-phase system prepared by combining 2 immiscible liquids, one of which is uniformly dispersed
throughout the other:
A) Suspension B) Solution C) Emulsion D) Magma

B 81. Preparations containing finely divided drug particles uniformly distributed throughout a vehicle in
which the drug exhibits a minimum degree of solubility:
A) Emulsion B) Suspension C) Solution D) None of the above
A 82. Lugol’s solution is:
A) Strong iodine solution C) Povidone-iodine solution
B) Potassium iodine oral solution D) None of the above

D 83. The following solvents are used in the preparation of oral solutions, syrups and elixirs except:
A) Alcohol, USP B) Purified water, USP C) Propylene glycol D) Ethylene glycol

B 84. An example of an anionic emulsifying agent is:

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A) Benzalkonium chloride C) Polyethylene glycol
B) Sodium lauryl sulfate D) Magnesium trisilicate

C 85. The following substances produce which emulsions, except:

A) Gelatin B) Egg yolk C) Cholesterol D) Casein

D 86. Suppositories are prepared by:

A) Melting from a smelt B) Compression C) Hand rolling D) All of the above

B 87. Bougies is another term for:

A) Vaginal suppositories B) Urethral suppositories C) Rectal suppositories D) None of the above

C 88. Anhydrous lanolin is a /an:

A) Hydrocarbon ointment base C) Absorption ointment base
B) Water-removable ointment base D) Water-soluble ointment base

C 89. Cold cream is a /an:

A) Water in oil (w/o emulsion) C) All of the above
B) Absorption ointment base D) None of the above

B 90. The following are hydrocarbon ointment base except:

A) Petrolatum B) Hydrophilic petrolatum C) White petrolatum D) Mineral oil

A 91. Medicated or non-medicated semisolid preparations intended for external application:

A) Ointments B) Lotions C) Liniments D) All of the above

C 92. Which of the following sterilization methods is (are) used for heat-labile pharmaceutical preparations?
1) Moist-heat sterilization 3) Sterilization by filtration
2) Dry-heat sterilization 4) Gas sterilization
A) 1, 3 and 4 B) 1 and 3 only C) 3 and 4 only D) 3 only

B 93. Castor oil is a / an:

A) Saline laxative B) Stimulant laxative C) Bulk-forming laxative D) Emollient laxative

A 94. The saline cathartics:

1) Act by increasing the osmotic load of the gastrointestinal tract
2) Act by local irritation on the intestinal tract
3) Are salts of poorly absorbable anions and cations
4) Water soluble and are taken with large amounts of water
A) 1, 3 and 4 B) 2, 3 and 4 C) 1 and 3 D) 1 and 4

B 95. Solid dosage forms in which one or more medicinal and/or inert substances are enclosed within a small
shell or container generally prepared from a suitable form of gelatin:
A) Tablets B) Capsules C) Troches D) Pastilles

C 96. Granules or powders consisting of sodium bicarbonate, a suitable organic or inorganic acid and other
ingredients are known as:
A) Dusting powder B) Dentrifices C) Effervescent salts D) Insufflations

D 97. Which of the following capsule size is the largest?

A) 1 B) 0 C) 00 D) 000

B 98. What substance is/are added to render soft gelatin capsules elastic or plastic like?
A) Mineral oil B) Sorbitol C) Carnuba wax D) All of the above

A 99. Widely used solid dosage forms of medicinal substances usually prepared with the aid of suitable
pharmaceutical adjuncts by compression or molding and contain medicinal substances with or without suitable
pharmaceutical adjuncts:
A) Tablets B) Bulk powders C) Capsules D) Divided powders

C 100. Which of following is / are true of buccal tablets?

1) Intended to be dissolved beneath the tongue
2) Provide absorption of drugs that are destroyed by the gastric juice
3) Dissolved very promptly to give rapid drug effects
A) 1 and 2 B) 2 and 3 C) 2 only D) 1, 2 and 3
B 101. The method for the preparation of compressed tablets wherein the granulation is formed by compacting
large masses of the mixture and subsequently crushing and sizing these pieces into smaller granules:
A) Wet granulation method C) Direct compression method
B) Dry granulation method D)All of the above
D 102. The ideal excipient for the preparation of chewable tablets containing moisture sensitive drugs:
A) Lactose B) Saccharin sodium C) Dextrose D) Mannitol

C 103. Which of the following is / are used in tablet formulation to reduce friction during tablet compression?

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1) Calcium stearate 2) Magnesium stearate 3) stearate acid
A) 1 and 2 B) 1 and 3 C) 1, 2 and 3 D) None of the above

D 104. Lubricants contribute to the preparation of compressed tablets by:

1) Improving the flow of the granulation
2) Prevent adhesion of the tablet formulation to the punches and dies during compression
3) Reduces friction
4) Give a sheen to the finished products
A) 1 and 2 B) 2 and 3 C) 1, 2 and 3 D) 1, 2, 3 and 4

A 105. Advantages of controlled-release drug dosage forms are:

1) Extended daytime and nighttime activity of the drug 3) Increased dosage frequency
2) Reduced incidence of side effects 4) Decreased patient compliance
A) 1 and 2 B) 1 and 3 C) 2 and 3 D) 1, 2, 3 and 4

D 106. Method(s) utilized to achieve controlled drug release from solid dosage forms:
A) Coated heads as granules B) Complex formation C) Non-exchange resin D) All of the above

B 107. Percent weight-in-volume:

A) # of grams of a constituent in 100g of preparation
B) # of grams of a constituent in 100mL of preparation
C) # of grams of a constituent in 1000g of preparation
D) # of grams of a constituent in 1000mL of preparation

D 108. Simple syrup is:

A) Supersaturated solution of sucrose in purified water C) Highly unstable
B) Prone to microbial growth D) None of the above

B 109. The following are toxicity contributors except:

A) Dextrose B) Sodium acetate C) Sodium chloride D) Boric acid

D 110. Methods of detecting the type of emulsion:

1) Drop dilution test 2) Dye or indicator test 3) Electric conductance test
A) 1 only B) 2 only C) 1and 2 D) 1, 2 and 3

A 111. Agents used in tablet and capsule formulation to improve flow properties of powder mixtures except:
A) Lactose B) Colloidal silica C) Cornstarch D) Talc

C 112. The following are used as colorants in pharmaceutical preparations except:

A) Erythrosin B) Caramel C) Yellow mercuric oxide D) Red ferric oxide

B 113. Type 1 glass is:

1) Treated soda-lime glass 2) Intended for parenteral products 3) Resistant to leaching alkali
A) 1 and 2 B) 2 and 3 C) 2 only D) 1, 2 and 3

C 114. The following are colloidal emulsions except:

A) Mild silver protein solution C) Calamine solution
B) Tragacanth solution D) Bentonite magma

D 115. Ringer’s injection, USP contains:

1) Sodium chloride 2) Sodium lactate 3) Calcium chloride 4) Potassium chloride
A) 1 and 2 only B) 3 and 4 only C) 1, 2 and 3 D) 1, 3 and 4

A 116. the process of depriving a drug of its soluble constituent by passage of a solvent through the powder
contained in a suitable vessel:
A) Percolation B) Filtration C) Decantation D) Sublimation

B 117. Wet masses of solid matter applied to the skin for the purpose of reducing inflammation:
A) Pills B) Poultice C) Ointment D) Lotion

A 118. Solution of arsenic and mercuric iodide is also known as:

A) Donovan’s solution B) Lugol’s solution C) Burow’s solution D) Dobell’s solution

A 119. They are mixtures or solutions of medicinal substances with glycerin:

A) Glycerites B) Emulsion C) Suspension D) Elixir

C 120. If a 3-year old child has fever and is vomiting, what dosage form for fever is appropriate for him?
A) Suspension B) Syrup C) Suppository D) Injection

A 121. They are solid or semisolid preparations of the soluble and active principles of drugs prepared by
percolation of the drug with appropriate menstruum and evaporation of the percolate:
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A) Extracts B) Fluidextracts C) Percolate D) Ointment

C 122. They are solutions or mixtures of various substances in external application and are applied with
rubbing and friction to the affected area:
A) Lotion B) Glycerites C) Embrocations D) Mucilage

B 123. Solvent used in extracting active constituents from plants and animals is termed as:
A) Vehicle B) Menstruum C) Base D) Water

B 124. Glass of preparations in which medicinal substance is combined with saccharine substances like jellies
or pulp of fruits are called:
A) Syrup B) Confections C) Glycerites D) Tinctures

A 125. What dosage from of Magnesium Sulfate solution is used as treatment for eclampsia?
A) Injection B) Tablet C) Capsules D) Solutions

C 126. A product designed for administration to the body in the diagnosis or treatment of disease is called:
A) Drugs B) Injection C) Dosage forms D) Resins

A 127. It is a condition of emulsion wherein the dispersed phase floats out and concentrates on top:
A) Creaming B) Oil in water emulsion C) Cracked or broken emulsion D) Water in oil emulsion

B 128. A kind of emulsifier which stabilizes the emulsion by forming a protective film around the globules of
a dispersed phase preventing their coalescence:
A) Quasi emulsifier B) True emulsifier C) Oil D) Water

A 129. Any substance combined with an active drug to make the latter agreeable to convenient dosage is
A) Excipient B) Diluent C) Lubricant D) Disintegrator

A 130. Substances added in a suspension to overcome agglomeration of the dispersed particles and to increase
the viscosity of the medium so that the particles settle down slowly is called:
A) Suspending agents B) Glycerites C) Inert substance D) Water

B 131. A method of preparing emulsion wherein the gum is mixed first with the oil, then the water is added
last is:
A) English method B) Continental method C) Percolation D) None of the above

A 132. A colloidal system consisting of very finely subdivided liquid or solid particles dispersed and
surrounded by a gas called:
A) Aerosols B) Inhalers C) Vaporizer D) All of the above

C 133. Sterile pharmaceutical preparations that are to be administered through one for more layers of the skin:
A) Enema B) Suppository C) Injections D) Troches

B 134. Which one if the following is for external use?

A) Lugol’s solution B) Boric acid C) Cod liver oil emulsion D) Milk of magnesia

A 135. Which one of the following preparations is a saturated solution?

A) Aromatic water B) Elixirs C) Emulsion D) Solutions

C 136. The following dosage forms possess shake well label except:
A) Magmas B) Lotion C) Syrups D) Suspension

D 137. Oil vehicle for injections must be from plant origin for the reason that:
A) They are liquid at room temperature C) They will not become rancid rapidly
B) They may be metabolized D) All of the above

A 138. Dosage forms which do not contain any medication is known as:
A) Placebo B) Film coated C) Sugar coated D) Powders

D 139. The following preparations are injectables except:

A) Syntocinon B) Vincristin C) Insulin D) Nitroglycerine

D 140. Which of the following statements is not true for aromatic waters?
A) It is a saturated aqueous solution C) It is often used as flavoring vehicle
B) It can be prepared by steam distillation D) It is a preparation of volatile oil in alcohol
C 141. Boric acid solution used for eye wash:
A) Boric acid solution 4% C) Boric acid solution 2%
B) Boric acid solution 5% D) Boric acid solution 10%

D 142. All of the following helps to impart satisfactory compression characteristics to the formulation of
tablet except:
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A) Diluents B) Binders C) Lubricants D) Sweetening agents

D 143. Which one is not a disintegrator?

A) Starch B) Cellulose C) Gums D) Calcium stearate

C 144. One of the following preparations is an antidiarrheal:

A) Dulcolax tablet B) Cellulose C) Diatabs D) Diamox

B 145. Used for treatment of gout:

A) Ridamol B) Purinase C) Diatabs D) Inderal

D 146. It is not a part of a primary emulsion:

A) Dispersed phase B) Dispersion medium C) Emulsifying agent D) Alcohol

C 147. An example of a true emulsifier:

A) Chondrous B) Dextrin C) Acacia D) Agar

A 148. Aqueous preparation made by extracting vegetable or animal drugs by maceration or percolation with
hot and cold water:
A) Infusions B) Decoctions C) Tinctures D) None of the above

B 149. Solutions representing the water-soluble constituents of plant drugs prepared by boiling the drugs in
A) Infusions B) Decoctions C) Tinctures D) None of the above

C 150. The method for extemporaneous preparation for emulsion from volatile oils or oleaginous substances
of low viscosities:
A) Dry gum method B) Wet gum methodC) Bottle method D) None of the above

A 151. The following are fatty or oleaginous suppository bases except:

A) Glycerinated gelatin B) Theobroma oil C) Glyceryl monostearate D) Glyceryl monopalmitate

C 151. Which of the following is (are) true on parenteral products?

1) Makes use of purified water, USP as solvent 3) For I. V. purposes only
2) Sterile, pyrogen-free preparation
A) 1 and 2 only B) 2 and 3 only C) 2 only D) 1, 2 and 3

A 152. The following are fungal preservative used in pharmaceutical preparations except:
A) Sodium bisulfate B) Sodium benzoate C) Sodium propionate D) Benzoic acid

D 153. Which statement is not true with suspending agents?

A) It keeps the insoluble ingredients in suspension long enough for a uniform dose.
B) It keeps the insoluble ingredients --- finely divided state.
C) It improves the palatability of the mixture.
D) It serves as a preservative.

B 154. Dose of Magnesia magma USP as laxative:

A) 4cc B) 15cc C) 30cc D) 5cc

A 155. Official name fro Amphojel:

A) Aluminum hydroxide gel USP C) Aluminum Phosphate gel USP
B) Magnesia Magma USP D) Bentonite Magma USP

A 156. Products considered as sterile:

A) Eye Mo C) Drixine nasal drops
B) Dequadin throat lozenges D) Aspilet chewable tablets

C 157. HCL or NaOH are added in parenteral solution as:

A) Isotonic adjustor B) Antimicrobial preservative C) pH adjunct D) Diluent

A 158. Trade name for attapulgite:

A) Polymagma B) Diatabs C) Asmasolon D) Inderal

D 159. The following criteria are required for a good suppository base except:
A) Should dissolve rapidly in the body cavity C) Inert
B) Non-irritating D) Should be white
D 160. Which of the following statements is not true with vanishing cream?
A) They are immediately absorbed and therefore will disappear on the surface.
B) It is also used as ointment.
C) Incompatible with acids and acidic substances.
D) It is a water ion oil emulsion.

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D 161. Which of the following is not true with plasters?
A) It is free from fats. C)Supper in the immobilization area
B) Chiefly used for their adhesiveness.. D) It must be white.

C 162. It is not a natural source of drug:

A) Mineral source B) Plant source C) Synthetic source D) Animal source

A 163. Drug constituents which come from animal source:

A) Insulin B) Tannins C) Alkaloids D) Volatile oils

A 164. Which is not true with volatile oils?

A) Can be saponified B) Aromatic odor C) Generally liquids D) Insoluble in water

A 165. Dosage form of insulin:

A) Injection B) Tablet C) Capsules D) Pills

D 166. An “ultra” short-acting barbiturate (Sodium Thiopenthal) is used primarily as a/an:

A) Sedative B) Hypnotic C) Anticonvulsant D) Anesthetic

D 167. The following route of administration will provide the highest bioavailability of drug:
A) Oral B) Rectal C) Intramuscular D) Intravenous

C 168. The following are diuretics except:

A) Chlorothiazide B) Aminophyllin C) Tolbutamide D) Diamox

C 169. The following are methods of splitting emulsions except:

A) Heat B) Electrolytes C) Filtering D) Centrifuging

B 170. Titanium dioxide is used as a solar ray protectant --- in the preparation of:
A) Burn lotion B) White capsules C) Topical anesthetic D) Antiseptics

B 171. Dimetidine (Tagamet) is used in the treatment of:

A) Congestive heart failure B) Ulcers C) Hypertension D) Edema

C 172. The greatest threat from morphine overdose is:

A) Spinal cord paralysis B) Renal failure C) Respiratory depression D) Cardiovascular collapse

B 173. 100% proof alcohol is:

A) Absolute alcohol B) 50% Ethyl alcohol C) 100% Ethyl alcohol D) 95% Ethyl alcohol

C 174. Vitamin B6 is:

A) Thiamine B) Riboflavin C) Pyridoxine D) Nicotinic acid

C 175. Magnesium stearate is used in tablet manufacturing as:

A) Disintegrant B) Binder C) Lubricant D) Source of Mg

C 176. Flourocarbons are preferred to other hydrocarbons as propellants because of this decided advantage:
A) They require lower pressures. C) They are not inflammable
B) They are less expensive. D) All of the above.

D 177. One of the following is an oil-soluble vitamin:

A) Ascorbic acid B) Thiamine C) Riboflavin D) Vitamin D

B 178. The most popular and acceptable commercial dosage forms are:
A) Hard gelatin capsules C) Soft elastic capsules
B) Tablet D) Divided powders

A 179. “Selsun Blue” is used mainly as a/an:

A) Anti-dandruff shampoo B) Bath additive C) Antiseptic lotion D) Topical anesthetic

B 180. The chemical substances used as radiopaque in x-ray examination of the GIT:
A) NaHCO3 B) BaSO4 C) Flourescein dye D) Radioactive iodine

B 181. Polyethylene Glycol polymers used as ointment vehicles are called:

A) Sodium alginate B) Carbowax C) Silicones D) Veegum

D 182. Vitamin K is associated with:

A) Hemoglobin concentration B) Bone formation C) Cardiac function D) Blood coagulation

C 183. A plant source of antineoplastic drug is:

A) Nux vomica B) Digitals C) Vinca rosa D) Belladonna

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D 184. Bioavailability of drugs may be adversely affected by:
A) Solubility B) Wettability C) Particle size of drug D) All of the above

B 185. The following products are intended for topical administration except:
A) Benzelkonium chloride solution C) Aluminum chloride solution
B) Lugol’s solution D) Golden gargle

B 186. Solid extractives consisting chiefly of principles of vegetable substances that are soluble in alcohol
but insoluble in water:
A) Abstracts B) Resins C) Oleoresins D) Extracts

B 187. White capsules are those treated with:

A) Silicon dioxide B) Calcium oxide C) Salad D) Titanium dioxide

D 188. Ideal containers for dispensing dusting powders:

A) Wide-mouth bottles B) Pasteboard boxes C) Amber-colored bottles D) Sifter-top container

C 189. The diluent used in triturations is:

A) Starch B) Talc C) Lactose D) Cellulose

D 190. Combinations or mixtures of drugs which liquefy due to a lowering of their melting point:
A) Diquescent B) Efflorescent C) Hygroscopic D) Eutectic mixture

B 191. “Bullet-shaped” capsules are known as:

A) Pearls B) Pulvules C) Cluteid D) Pastilles

A 192. An example of a “non-medicated, ready-to-apply” plaster:

A) Adhesive tape B) Salonpas C) Belladonna plaster D) Corn plaster

B 193. Special highly absorptive cataplasms are called:

A) Poultices B) Epispastics C) Siloxanes D) Veegums

A 194. Rectal suppositories are:

A) Cone-shaped B) Globular C) Ovoid D) Bowel-shaped

C 195. External applications resembling ointments and generally employed for protection or covering
especially for burns:
A) Plasters B) Pastes C) Dressings D) Plasters

D 196. Semi-solid, very stiff, very absorptive, non-greasy and highly concentrated applications:
A) Chrisma B) Epispastics C) Salves D) Pastes

C 197. Ointments containing wax, spermacettic or any hard fusible material are prepared by:
A) Incorporation by levigation C) Fusion
B) Compression D) Hand-rolling

B 198. Method of preparation employed for spirits when it is desired to introduce the coloring matter of the drugs
into the preparation:
A) Simple solution B) Chemical reaction C) Solution with maceration D) Distillation


C 199. Clyster A. Vaginal or urethral douches
A 200. Irrigations B. Non-prescription medication
B 201. O.T.C. medications C. Enema
D 202. “Empyrheumatic” D. “smoke-like”

C 203. Castollani’s paint A. Limonada Purgante

A 203. Magnesium citrate soln B. Cherry juice
D 204. Merbromin solution C. Carbol-Fuchsin solution
B 205. Succus carasi D. Mercurochrome

C 206. Lysol A. Povidone-iodine solution

A 207. Betadine solution B. Dimenhydrinate syrup
D 208. Corn solvent C. Saponated oresol solution
B 209. Dramamine syrup D. Salicylic acid collodion

C 210. Chor-trimeton elixir A. Irish moss mucilage

D 211. Dexedrein syrup B. Zinc oxide paste
A 212. Carageenin C. Chlorpheniramine elixir
B 213. Lassar’s zinc paste D. Dextro-amphetamine syrup

D 214. Vioform inserts A. Kaolin cataplasm

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A 215. Antiphlogistine B. Acetylsalicylic acid suppositories
B 216. Supirin C. Whitfield ointment
C 217. Benzoic-salicylic acid ointment D. Iodochlorhydroxyquin suppositories

C 218. Slugging method A. Rod-shaped or cylindrical troches

D 219. Lubricants B. Wafers
A 220. Bacillus C. Dry granulation or precompression
B 221. Cachets D “Flow-regulators”

C 222. Pastilles A. Granulators

D 223. Bolus B. Layered pills
B 224. Concentric pills C. Soft, felatin-containing lozenges
A 225. Binders D. Pills for veterinary use

D 226. P.A.S. tablets A. Antinauseant

C 227. Nitroglycerine tablets B. Anti-arrhythmic
A 228. Dramamine syrup C. Sublingual coronary vasodilator
B 229. Quinidine tablets D Anti-tubercular

C 230. Leukeran A. Thyroid inhibitor

D 231. Aralen B. Antihypertensive
A 232. Tapazole C. Antihypertensive
B 233. Serpasil D. Antimalarial

C 234. Parabens are used in syrups as:

A) Buffer B) Thickener C) Preservative D) Sweetener

A 235. Water can be purified by:

A) Distillation B) Solution C) Chemical reaction D) None of the above

B 236. A form of resin except:

A) Natural B) Distilled C) Prepared D) Synthetic

C 237. Science that affect bioavailability considerations is/are except:

A) Physical B) Chemical C) Commercial D) Biological

C 238. Non-toxic powders for local application without systemic effect:

A) Dentrifices B) Dusting C) Insufflation D) Douche powders

D 239. Type of lotion according to use is :

A) Cosmetic B) Medicinal C) Sunscreen D) All of the above

B 240. Type of coating for tablets consisting of a thin layer of a water insoluble polymeric substance is:
A) Sugar coating B) Film coating C) Chocolate coating D) Enteric coating

B 241. A type of solid preparation prepared by compression, small, cylindrical in shape, and administered
by implantation is:
A) Lozenges B) Pellets C) Chewable D) None of the above

D 242. Characteristics of pills except:

A) Adhesive B) Firm C) Plasticity property D) Chewable

A 243. A rectal injection employed to visualize the gastrointestinal tract for diagnosis purposes is:
A) Enemas B) Douche C) Washes D) Suppository

C 244. Solutions of various drugs in aqueous vehicle applied to the mucous membrane of the nose and throat
by means of a nebulizer is:
A) Emulsions B) Suspensions C) Sprays D) Insufflations

A 245. A form of extract depending upon the extent of removing the solvent except:
A) Liquid extract B) Semiliquid C) Pilular D) Powdered

C 246 Viscous preparations intended for warm, external application to a body surface is:
A) Glycerites B) Ointments C) Poultices D) Glycerogelatins

A 247. A solution containing the maximum amount of solute in a certain quantity of solvent is termed:
A) Saturated B) Supersaturated C) Pure D) Colloidal solution

C 248. Thixotropic emulsions or suspensions intended for external application to the body:
A) Ointment B) Cream C) Lotion D) Magma

C 249. Tablets that release carbon dioxide when dissolved in water:

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A) Sublingual B) Buccal C) Effercescent D) Pellet

D 250. Tablets for subcutaneous implantation into body tissues:

A) Buccal B) Enteric coated C) Sublingual D) Pellets

C 251. Hygroscopic and deliquescent substances may be incorporated into powders by:
A) Addition of diluent B) Double wrapping C) A and B D) Addition of volatile solvent

D 252. Suppositories are administered when:

A) A local effect is desired. C)A drug cannot be tolerated orally
B) A systemic effect is desired. D) All of the above.

B 253. This improves the rate of flow and prevents adhesion of tablet granulations to dies and punches of
tablet machine:
A) Starch B) Magnesium stearate C) Mannitol D) Kaolin

C 254. This is used as a binder, diluent and disintegrator in tablets:

A) Talc B) Magnesium stearate C) Starch D) Kaolin

A 255. The ideal container for ointment:

A) Collapsible tin tubes B) Glass jars C) Porcelain jars D) Plastic jars

B 256. These equipments are used in the preparation of ointment except:

A) Steam bath B) Mold C) Mortar and pestle D) Mechanical mixer`

D 257. This is classified as a topical suspension:

A) Calamine lotion B) Selenium sulfide C) Retin-A D) All of the above

A 258. The following are natural emulsifying agents except:

A) Tween 80 B) Acacia C) Agar D) Gelatin

C 259. The following statements are true for the HLB system of surfactants except:
A) Hydrophilic surfactants have high HLB (8-18). C) Hydrophilic surfactants form w/o emulsions
B) Lipophilic surfactants have low HLB (3-6). D) Lipophilic surfactants form w/o emulsions.

A 260. The following preparations are classified as antacids except:

A) Kaopectate B) Creamalin C) Magnesia magma D) Phosphagel

D 261. Instability of emulsions is caused by:

A) Flocculation B) Creaming C) Inversion D) All of the above

D 262. This is the common ingredients of antidiarrheal suspensions:

A) Kaolin B) Pectin C) Calamine D) A and B

C 263. These are methods of determining emulsion type except:

A) Drop dilution B) Dye Solubility C) Solubility test D) Conductivity test

D 264. This preparation contains magnesium hydroxide as the active ingredient:

A) Gelusil B) Kremil-S C) Milk of magnesia D) All of the above

D 265. The stability of a drug dosage form is influenced by:

A) Temperature B) Light C) Humidity D) All of the above

A 266. Clear, colorless, odorless, liquid sterilized and suitably packaged contains no bacteriostatic agent:
A) Sterile water for injection C) Water for injection
B) Bacteriostatic water for injection D) Distilled water

A 267. A 36.8% w/w solution of HCl contains:

A) 36.8 gm. HCl in 100gm solution. C) 36.8 gm. HCl in 100 ml of solution
B) 36.8 gm. HCl in 100 gm solvent

C 268. Which statement is not true about syrup USP?

A) Contains 85% w/v sucrose. C) Has a low solvent capacity for water-soluble drug
B) Has a specific gravity of 1.3. D) It is self-preserved.
A 269. The following syrups: phenergan, tacaryl, cohistan are classified as:
A) Antitussive B) Antihistamine C) Tranquilizer D) Antihelmintic

B 270. Which of the following active ingredients is not a component of cough and cold preparations?
A) Dextromethorphen HBr B) Dicyclomine HCl C) Guaifenesin D) Acetaminophen

A 271. The following syrups contain dextromethorphan HBr except:

A) Ferro-mar B) Mucotrol C) Coderex D) Cosyr
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B 272. The following preparation: privine, visine and eye are classified as:
A) Mouthwash B) Ocular decongestant C) Antibacterial D) Antitussive

A 273. The generic name of the preparations in ? is:

A) Tetrahydrozoline hydrochloride C) Dextromethorphan HBr
B) Tomolol Maleate D) Phenylephrine HCl

D 274. Complete fusion of droplets in an emulsion followed by ultimate separation of 2 immiscible phases is a
condition called:
A) Inversion B) Creaming C) Hydrolysis D) Breaking

C 275. Means of identifying a water in oil emulsion:

A) Identifying emulsifier C) Oil miscibility
B) Measurement of viscosity D) Water miscibility

A 276. These are characteristics or a water in oil emulsion except:

A) Good conductor of electricity C) Immiscible with water
B) Miscible with oil D) Poor conductor of electricity

C 277. These are equipment for homogenization except:

A) Colloid mill B) Homogenizer C) Sieve D) Mortar and pestle

A 278. Water impurities like calcium and magnesium salts can be removed by:
A) Ion-exchange B) Adsorption C) Evaporation D) Sublimation

A 279. Fusing together of droplets into larger globules:

A) Coalescence B) Aggregation C) Creaming D) Sedimentation

B 280. Ointments that demonstrate some systemic effect are:

A) Epidermic B) Diadermic C) Endodermic D) All of the above

B 281. Substance added to tablets to impart cohesiveness:

A) Diluent B) Binder C) Lubricant D) Flavoring agent

D 282. Flavoring agents are added to:

A) Compressed tablets B) Chewable tablets C) Lozenge D) B and C

B 283. Trituration in a mortar or on an ointment slab to prepare ointments:

A) Fusion B) Mechanical incorporation C) Comminution D) A and B

A 284. Ointment containing hard fusible bodies are prepared by:

A) Fusion B) Mechanical incorporation C) Levigation D) Trituration

B 285. Colligative properties are useful in determining:

A) pH B) 0.9% C) 0.8% D) 9%

C 286. The following ingredients can be used in the formulation of analgesics except:
A) Acetaminophen B) Mefenamic acid C) Theophylline D) Aspirin

A 287. These solvents are used to effect the solubility of certain drugs and to reduce hydrolysis except:
A) Water B) Prophylene glycol C) Ethyl alcohol D) Polyenthylene glycol

A 288. The following anti-infective agents are used in the formulation of mouthwashes except:
A) Sodium chloride B) Sodium borate C) Hexetidine D) Detylpyridinum chloride

D 289. This is used as a clarifying agent in liquid preparations:

A) Magnesium stearate B) Talc C) Infurorial earth D) B and C

D 290. Suspensions can be used for this type of injectable product:

A) Intravenous B) Intramuscular C) Intradermal D) B and C

D 291. The pH of an ophthalmic solution has a considerable effect on:

A) Therapeutic action of the drug C) Comfort of the patient
B) Stability D) All of the above
A 292. Isotonicity is critical for this injectable product:
A) Intravenous B) Intradermal C) Subcutaneous D) Mineral oil

A 293. The most hyroscopic of the following liquids is:

A) Glycerin B) Acetone C) Alcohol D) Mineral oil

B 294. The release of an ingredient from packaging components into the actual product is described by the term:
A) Adsorption B) Leaching C) Permeation D) Diffusion

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C 295. Add the necessary bulk to a formulation to prepare tablets of the desired size:
A) Binders B) Lubricants C) Diluents D) Disintegrator

A 296. Component in parenteral preparations present in the largest quantity:

A) Vehicle B) Solute C) Anti-oxidant D) Buffers

D 297. Properties of ideal ointment base except:

A) Washability B) Non-dehydrating C) Ease of compounding D) Greasy

C 298. Less irritating solution can be obtained by producing an:

A) Hypertonic solution B) Hypotonic solution C) Isotonic solution D) All of the above

A 299. Kills all living organism including spores and viruses:

A) Steam under pressure B) Bacterial filtration C) Chemical sterilization D) None of the above

D 300. Used to stabilize a solution against the chemical degradation that would occur if there is a marked changed
in pH:
A) Anti-oxidants B) Anti-microbials C) Preservatives D) Buffers

C 301. Physiological salt solution:

A) 9% NaCl solution B) 0.09% NaCl solution C) 0.9% NaCl solution D) 74% NaCl solution

B 302. The most frequently used base in the preparation of vaginal suppositories where the prolonged localized
action of the medicinal agent is usually desired:
A) Polyethylene glycols B) Cacao butter C) Glycerinated gelatin D) Beeswax

D 303. Any temperature not exceeding 8 C:

A) Warm B) Cool C) Room temperature D) Cold

B 304. Emulsions having an oleaginous internal phase and an aqueous external phase are referred as:
A) W/O B) O/W C) W/O/W D) O/W/O

C 305. The process of grinding a drug in a mortar to reduce its particle size is termed:
A) Levigation B) Spatulation C) Trituration D) Bumbling

A 306. Gelatin is a:
A) Protein B) Carbohydrate C) Lipid D) Fat

B 307. A semi-solid emulsions of either the o/w or w/o type:

A) Lotion B) Creams C) Paste D) None of the above

B 308. Enhance the flow of the tableting material into the tablet dies and punches:
A) Disintegrator B) Lubricant C) Adhesive D) Fillers

B 309. Characteristically, chewable tablets are, except:

A) Pleasant tasting B) Leave bitter aftertaste C) Cool taste D) None of the above

C 310. A mixture of semi-solid hydrocarbons obtained from petroleum:

A) Mineral oil B) Paraffin C) Petrolatum D) White ointment

C 311. The following are non-medicated syrups except:

A) Tolu balsam syrup B) Orange syrup C) Ipecac syrup D) Cherry syrup

B 312. Ferrous sulfate syrup, NF is a :

A) Non-medicated syrup B) Medicated syrup C) Simple syrup D) None of the above

B 313. Desirable qualities of pharmaceutical suspension except:

A) Should pour readily and evenly from its container.
B) Particles should settle rapidly.
C) Particles should be readily redispensed upon gentle shaking.
D) Should be such that the particle size of the suspension remains fairly constant throughout long periods of
undisturbed standing.
A 314. Dry gum method of preparing emulsions is also known as:
A) 4:2:1 method B) English method C) Forbes bottle method D) Wet gum method

D 315. An emulsion is considered to be physically unstable if:

A) Dispersed phase upon standing tends to form aggregates of globules.
B) “Creaming” of the emulsion.
C) “Breaking” of the emulsion.
D) All of the above.

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A 316. If the powders of vegetable and animal drugs pass through a no. 60 sieve and not more than 40% through a
no. 100 sieve, the drug is officially:
A) Fine B) Coarse C) Very coarse D) Moderately coarse

C 317. Powders commonly disdpensed in a bulk container except:

A) Dentrifices B) Douche powders C) Potent drug D) Denture powders

B 318. The following are true about granules except:

A) More stable physically and chemically than are the corresponding powders from which
they were prepared.
B) More likely to cake or harden upon standing than are powders.
C) Their surface area is less than that of powders.
D) More easily “wetted” by a solvent that a certain powder.

D 319. A process in which the properly comminuted drug is permitted to soak in the menstruum until the cellular
structure is softened and penetrated by the menstruum and the soluble constituents are dissolved:
A) Percolation B) Digestion C) Decoction D) Maceration

C 320. Used for the sterilization of heat-sensitive solutions:

A) Dry-heat sterilization C) Sterilization by filtration
B) Steam sterilization D) Autoclave

D 321. Drugs could possibly penetrate intact skin after topical application through except:
A) Walls of hair follicles B) Sweat glands C) Sebaceous glands D) Veins

A 322. Mineral oil is the synonym of :

A) Liquid petrolatum B) Paraffin C) Petrolatum jelly D) White ointment

C 323. These are necessary characteristics of ophthalmic except:

A) Clarity B) Sterility C) High viscosity D) Isotonicity

C 324. These products need to be pyrogen-free:

A) Syrup B) Tablets C) Parenterals D) Elixirs

D 325. USP specifies this volume as the upper limit for single-dose parenterals:
A) 30ml B) 20ml C) 500ml D) 1000ml

A 326. USP specifies this volume as the upper limit for multiple-dose parenterals:
A) 30ml B) 20ml C) 50ml D) 100mnl

B 327. Douches are liquid preparations intended for:

A) Topical use B) Body cavities C) Systemic use D) Compresses

B 328. Problem often encountered with suspensions:

A) Rough B) Caking C) Creaming D) Dispersability

D 329. This is an oil-in-water emulsion:

A) Cold cream B) Butter C) Dairy cream D) Vanishing cream

B 330. These are reasons for enteric coating except:

A) For rapid onset of action. C) Active constituent is unstable in acid medium.
B) Prevent gastric irritation. D) Active constituent is optimally absorbed in alkaline medium.

D 331. Tablet dosage form not requiring disintegration:

A) Film-coated B) Enteric coated C) Sustained release D) Chewable

C 332. The most common disintegration in tablet products:

A) Velgum B) Talc C) Corn starch D) Magnesium stearate

B 333. The use of too much binder in tableting can affect:

A) Bioavailability B) Moisture content C) Dissolution rate D) Disintegration

A 334. Calamine powder is a mixture of zinc oxide and :

A) Ferric oxide B) Aluminum oxide C) Caramel D) Amaranth

D 335. Which of the following is not a function of the lubricant in a tablet formulation:
A) Improving flow properties of granules
B) Reducing powder adhesion into the dies and punches
C) Reducing punch and die wear
D) Improving tablet wetting in the stomach

B 336. The capping of a tablet may be the result of any of the following except:
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A) Excessive pressure of compression C) Excessive fine powder
B) Excessive lubricant D) Insufficient binder

C 337. Recommended ratio of oil to water to acacia in the preparation of an extemporaneous emulsion:
A) 2:4:1 B) 1:2:4 C) 4:2:1 D) 2:4:1

C 338. Glycerogelatins contain:

A) Glucose B) Agar C) Glycerin D) All of the above

D 339. FD and C dyes may be used for:

A) Food B) Cosmetic C) Drugs D) Any of the above

B 340. GMP is enforced by the :

A) USAN B) BFAD C) NBI D) None of the above

A 341. Washes are used to treat the:

A) Buccal cavity B) Vagina C) Rectum D) Nasal cavity

C 342. A douche is used to remove foreign particles form the eyes is:
A) Nasal B) Pharyngeal C) Eye D) All of the above

D 343. Coloring agents added to pharmaceuticals are used for:

A) Product identification C) Sensory adjunct to palatability
B) Aesthetic value D) All of the above

D 344. To increase rate of solution of a solute is to increase:

A) Agitation B) Temperature C) Surface area of solute D) All of the above

A 345. Artificial sweeteners are added to syrup preparations to:

A) Prevent hyperglycemia C) Act as preservative
B) Aid acidic syrup D) Serve as aesthetic agent

A 346. A very soluble solute is an expression of one gram dissolved in:

A) Less than one part of solvent./ C) From 1 to 10 parts of solvent
B) From 10 to 30 parts of solvent D) 30 to 100 parts of solvent.

D 347. Sodium lauryl sulfate is:

A) Alcohol B) Ketone C) Lotion D) Wetting agent

C 348. Collodions are made flexible by the addition of:

A) Olive oil B) Gelatin C) Castor oil D) Camphor

B 349. The type of extract used for ointment or pastes is:

A) Semiliquid B) Pilular C) Powdered D Any of the above

C 350. Water used as a vehicle for pharmaceutical preparations is:

A) Sterile water for injection C) Aromatic water
B) Bacteriostatic water for injection D) Any of the above

B 351. A form of resin except:

A) Natural B) Distilled C) Prepared D) Synthetic

A 352. A type of liniment applied by massage:

A) Oily B) Alcoholic C) Dental D) A and B

B 353. Glycerites contain high percentage of glycerine which is about:

A) 60% B) 50% C) 65% D) 100%

A 354. Naming of a proprietary drug is a responsibility of :

A) Manufacturer B) USAN council C) BFAD D) All of the above

C 355. The term “drug labeling” includes the following except:

A) Labels B) Company literature C) Containers D) Inserts

C 356. An amount of drug administered to a person after contraction of an illness is:

A) Prophylactic dose B) Usual dose C) Therapeutic dose D) Dosage regimen
B 357. The official room temperature is:
A) 30 C B) 25 C C) 30 C – 40 C D) Temperature of the working area

D 358. Reaction kinetics study can predict:

A) Shelf-life of the product B) Expiry date C) Therapeutic use D) A and B

D 359. Community Considered a practice of pharmacy except:

A) pharmacy C)Hospital pharmacy
B) Pharmaceutical manufacturing D) Wholesaler of RTW clothes

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B 360. To remedy the problem of volatile liquid substance is to:
A) Coating the substance C)Make into a tablet
B) Place in a soft gelatin capsule D) Any of the above

C 361. Cation in hard water is:

A) Potassium B) Sodium C) Calcium D) Manganese

A 362. Over the counter drugs are:

A) Used for simple conditions C) Too dangerous to use in self-medication
B) Need a prescription D) With Rx symbol on the label

C 363. Container where its contents are protected from loss of the drug by effervescence, deliquescence and
evaporation is :
A) Hermetic container B) Well-closed container C) Tight container D) All of the above

B 364. To improve taste of drugs is to add:

A) Coloring matter B) Flavoring agent C) Alcohol D) Sodium chloride

D 365. Stability of drugs may be:

A) Physical B) Chemical C) Toxicological D) All of the above

C 366. Pharmacokinetics involve the following processes except:

A) Absorption B) Metabolism C) Circulation D) Elimination of drugs

C 367. Science that affect bioavailability considerations is/are except:

A) Physical B) Chemical C) Commercial D) Biological

A 368. Aqueous solutions use a major ingredient as:

A) Water B) Alcohol C) Hydroalcohol D) Benzene

B 369. Non-toxic powders for local application without systemic effect is:
A) Dentrifices B) Dusting C) Insufflations D) Douche powders

D 370. A non-medicated ointment except:

A) Hydrocarbon base B) Absorption base C) Water-soluble base D) Zinc oxide ointment

A 371. Iodine tincture differs from iodine solution in that the tincture contains:
A) Alcohol as vehicle B) Water as vehicle C) Acetone as vehicle D) Chloroform as vehicle

B 372. A powder preparation used with a toothbrush to clean the teeth is:
A) Insufflation B) Dentrifices C) Trituration D) Dusting powder

D 373. A method of preparing effervescent salt is by:

A) Fusion B) Wet method C) Molding D) A and B

D 374. A way to prepare ointment except:

A) Trituration B) Spatulation C) Fusion D) Levigation

A 375. Fluid extract is also called:

A) 100% tincture B) 10% tincture C) 36% tincture D) 50% tincture

B 376. To mask bitter tasting drugs in formulations, the flavoring vehicles used is:
A) Orange flavor B) Cocoa flavor C) Cherry flavor D) Any of the above

C 377. Excessive heat has a temperature of:

A) 30 C – 40 C B) 25 C – 35 C C) Above 40 C D) None of the above

D 378. Mucilages are used primarily to aid in suspending insoluble substances in liquids due to their:
A) Colloidal character B) Base of preparation C) Viscosity D) A and C

B 379. Liniments are applied by rubbing so they are also called:

A) Ointments B) Embrocations C) Rubefacient D) Creams

C 380. Preparation used to relieve temporarily the toothache is:

A) Liniment B) Jelly C) Toothache drops D) Chlorobutenol

D 381. Theory of emulsification is:

A) Surface Tension Theory B) Oriented-Wedge Theory C) Plastic ? Theory D) All of the above

D 382. HLB value needed for oil in water type of emulsion is:
A) 8 – 18 B) 3 – 6 C) 1 – 5 D) 5 – 6

C 383. Suspensions are prepared by, except:

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A) Dispersion B) Precipitation C) Solution D) Double decomposition

A 384. Gels belong to:

A) Suspensions B) Emulsions C) Solution D) Ointments

C 385. In colloidal dispersions, if the dispersed phase interacts appreciably with the dispersion medium, it is:
A) Lyophobic B) Amphilic C) ? D) Any of the above

A 386. Aqueous liquid preparations which contain suspended insoluble solid substances intended for internal
use is:
A) Mixtures B) Magmas C) Milks D) Lotions

D 387. Type of lotion according to use is:

A) Cosmetics B) Medicinal C) Sunscreen D) All of the above

A 388. Finely divided powders introduced into body cavities such as the ears, nose, throat and vagina are:
A) Insufflations B) Triturations C) Dusting D) Douche powders

B 389. Type of coating for tablets consisting of a thin layer of a water insoluble polymeric substance is:
A) Sugar coating B) Film coating C) Chocolate coating D) Enteric coating

A 390. Capsules prepared from shells of gelatin to which glycerin or a polyhydric alcohol has been added is:
A) Soft Gelatin Capsules B) Hard Gelatin C) Cachets D) Troches

B 391. A type of solid preparation prepared by compression that are small, sterile, cylindrical in shape
administered by implantation is:
A) Lozenges B) Pellets C) Chewable tablets D) None of the above

D 392. Characteristic of pills, except:

A) Adhesive B) Firm C) Plasticity property D) Chewable

B 393. Table triturates for use by the physicians in his extemporaneous preparation of parenteral solutions are:
A) Pastilles B) Hypodermic Tablets C) Sublingual D) Pellets

D 394. Solid dosage forms designed to release the drug slowly for more sustained action are:
A) Timed-release tablets B) Pills C) Extended-action tablets D) A and B

A 395. Capsule size for human use, except:

A) 000 B) 2 C) 3 D) 1

C 396. A method of extraction applicable to drugs whose desired constituents are both water soluble and heat
stable is:
A) Maceration B) Infusion C) Decoction D) Percolation

B 397. When tinctures are prepared from single vegetable drugs, the amount of crude drug is:
A) 20 g B) 10 g C) 50 g D) 100 g

C 398. Piperazine citrate syrup belongs to a class of:

A) Flavoring syrup B) Non-medicated syrup C) Medicated syrup D) Syrup used as vehicle

B 399. In labels of OTC drugs, one important data placed in the principal display panel is:
A) Storage condition B) Pharmacologic category C) Rx symbol D) Control number

B 400. A practice of pharmacy except:

A) Pharmaceutical research C) Community dispensing
B) Diagnosing an illness D) Engaged in teaching students in allied professions

B 401. Sterile water for irrigation requires the solvent as:

A) Purified water B) Water for injection C) Bacteriostatic water D) Water, USP

C 402. The process of obtaining aromatic water by redistillation one or more times from the fresh delicate
drugs is:
A) Practical distillation B) By solution C) Cohobation D) Exhaustive solution
A 403. A rectal injection employed to visualize the gastrointestinal tract for diagnostic purposes is:
A) Enemas B) Douches C) Washes D) Suppositories

C 404. Solutions of various drugs in aqueous vehicle applied to the mucus membrane or the nose of throat by
means of nebulizer is:
A) Emulsions B) Suspensions C) Sprays D) Insufflations

A 405. One disadvantage of sucrose as a sweetener in formulation of syrups upon storage in a bottle is:
A) Cap-locking B) Viscosity C) Molds growth D) Expensive

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B 406. In percolation, the rate of flow described as “percolate slowly” is:
A) 1-3 ml/minute B) Not exceeding 1 ml/minute C) 3-5 ml/minute D) 5-10 ml/minute

A 407. The process of preparing fluidextracts by percolation where the first 85% of the percolate is reserved
then continued until exhaustion is:
A) Process A B) Process B C) Process C D) Process D

A 408. A form of extract depending upon the extent of removing the solvent except:
A) Liquid extract B) Semiliquid C) Poultices D) Glycerogelatins

C 409. Viscous preparations intended for the warm, external application to a body surface is:
A) Glycerites B) Ointments C) Poultices D) Glycerogelatins

B 410. Dental preparations employed primarily as temporary covering for exposed pulps are:
A) Cataplasms B) Cements C) Pellets D) Creams

C 411. External applications resembling ointments in consistency but remaining semisolid at body
temperature, liquefy at 50 C and remain pliable in thin film below 28 C are called:
A) Contraceptives B) Ointments C) Dressings D) Pastes

B 412. Plastic masses composed of gelatin, glycerin, water and a medicament applied by first melting are:
A) Pastes B) Glycerogelatins C) Dressings D) Ointments

D 413. Method of mixing powders as dosage forms is by:

A) Sifting B) Tumbling C) Spatulation D) Any of the above

B 414. The “block and divide” method of packaging powders after mixing is employed for:
A) Potent drugs B) Non-potent C) Raw materials D) Extractives

B 415. Pairs of liquids when mixed results as a homogenous system such as alcohol and water are:
A) Immiscible B) Miscible C) Insolution D) Repel each other

C 416. A form of extraordinary maceration which consists of the application of gentle heat:
A) Infusion B) Percolation C) Digestion D) Decoction

D 417. Tinctures of potent drugs usually have a strength of:

A) 5% by vol. B) 5% by wt C) 10% by vol. D) 10% by wt.

A 418. One of the following is not employed as a suppository base:

A) Paraffin B) Glycerinated gelatin C) Hydrogenated vegetable oil D) Cacao butter

D 419. The process of mixing powders together by shaking or rotating them in a closed container is:
A) Spatulation B) Trituration C) Sifting D) Tumbling

B 420. Solutions representing water-soluble plant principles prepared by boiling the drug in water:
A) Infusion B) Decoction C) Extracts D) Fluidextracts

B 421. Hydroalcoholic preparations which are sweetened and flavored:

A) Spirits B) Elixirs C) Syrups D) Tinctures

D 422. Magmas are:

A) Aqueous solutionsB) Alcoholic solutions C) Emulsions D) Suspensions

A 423. A eutectic mixture in powders occurs when:

A) There is lowering in melting point. C) Hygroscopic mixture
B) Lowering in boiling point D) Efflorescence

C 424. Peppermint Spirit is prepared by:

A) Simple solution B) Chemical reaction C) Solution with maceration D) Distillation

C 425. Potassium iodine is used in Lugol’s solution as:

A) Preservative B) Reducing agent C) Aid in the solubility of iodine D) All
C 426. White lotion is prepared by:
A) Hydration B) Trituration C) Precipitation D) None

D 427. The capacity of a teaspoon is :

A) 10 ml B) 15 ml C) 1 ml D) 5 ml

B 428. Sulfurated potash is used in the preparation of:

A) Calamine lotion B) White lotion C) Yellow lotion D) Black lotion

A 429. Penicillin-calcium is the salt of choice for topical use of penicillin because:

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A) It is more irritating and less hygroscopic C) More stable
B) More soluble D) All

B 430. Sodium borate in Cold Cream acts:

A) Preservative B) Forms scar C) Vehicle D) Solubilizing agent

B 431. Liquid preparation that contains one or more chemical substances usually non-volatile, dissolved in
A) Emulsions B) Solutions C) Lotions D) Elixirs

D 432. Water is used in place of alcohol in Iodine tincture because:

A) Iodine is more soluble in water than in alcohol
B) Alcoholic solutions have been too strong for general purposes
C) Free iodine is not liberated ion aqueous solutions
D) None of the above

B 433. Glycerine suppositories are solidified by the use of:

A) Stearic acid B) Sodium stearate C) Glycerol triacetate D) White wax

D 434. Another name for polyethylene glycol polymers is:

A) Silica gel B) Sodium alginate C) Friar’s paste D) Carbowax

D 435. USP liniment containing camphor:

A) Camphor and soap liniment B) Chloroform liniment C) Camphor liniment D) All of the above

E 436. Liquid preparations representing the water-soluble principles of plant drugs are:
A) Spirits B) Fluidextracts C) Tinctures D) All E) None

A 437. The preservative for juice:

A) Benzoic acid B) Sodium benzoate C) Alcohol D) Glycerin

C 438. Purity Rubric means:

A) Purified coloring substance C) USP statement of required purity
B) Pure Food and Drug Act D) Substance requires purification

D 439. The HLB system is used to classify:

A) Flavors B) Perfumes C) Colors D) Emulsifiers E) Preservatives

B 440. Most drugs are:

A) Strong electrolytes B) Weak electrolytes C) Non-electrolytes D) Highly ionic

C 441. The usual purpose of chilling medication prior to administration is to increase:

A) Absorption B) Stability C) Palatability D) Ionization E) All

A 442. Colloidions are liquid preparations containing pyroxylin in a mixture of:

A) Ethyl ether & ethanol C) Ethanol and glycerin
B) Ethanol and propanol D) Mathanol and Propanol

C 443. Imparts pink color to calamine:

A) Silicon dioxide B) Titanium dioxide C) Ferric oxide D) Carmine

D 444. Cacao butter used as suppository base is also known as:

A) Linseed oil B) Cottonseed oil C) Lanolin D) Theobroma oil

C 445. Surfactants tends to enhance absorption due to:

A) Effects on biological membrane C) Reduction of interfacial tension
B) Effects on dissolution rate D)Increase in interfacial tension

A 446. Glycerin has a specific gravity of 1.15; one liter of it weighs:

A) 1250g B) 473g C) 550g D) 4800g

B 447. The form of water most commonly used for production of parenterals is:
A) Deionized B) Water for injection C) Sterile water for injection D) Purified water
C 448. Sodium lauryl sulfate is:
A) An alcohol B) Ketone C) A wetting agent D) A and C

A 449. Iodine tincture differs from iodine solution in that the tincture contains:
A) Alcohol as vehicle B) Water as solvent C) Acetone as vehicle D) Alcohol-acetone as solvent

D 450. Percolation may be used to classify:

A) Solutions B) Ointments C) Suspensions D) Syrups

D 451. The HLB system is used to classify:

A) Flavorants B) Perfumes C) Emulsions D) Surfactants
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B 452. Magmas are classified as:

A) Emulsions B) Suspensions C) Aqueous solutions D) Non-aqueous solutions

C 453. Parabens are used in syrups as:

A) Buffer B) Thickener C) Preservative D) Sweetener

D 454. A class of bulk powders:

A) Triturations B) Douche powders C) Divided powders D) A and B

C 455. Collodion is made flexible by the addition of:

A) Olive oil B) Camphor C) Castor oil D) Gelatin

A 456. Aromatic waters may be clarified by triturating the oil with:

A) Talc B) Acacia C) Kaolin D) Bentonite

D 457. Water can be purified by:

A) Distillation B) Solution C) Reverse osmosis D) A and C

C 458. Glycerogelatins contain:

A) Glucose B) Agar C) Glycerin D) Water

B 459. A type of suppository that relieves constipation is:

A) Vaginal B) Rectal C) Urethral D) Aural

A 460. Levigation is a process of reducing particle size in preparation of:

A) Ointments B) Emulsions C) Solutions D) A and B

B 461. Non-toxic powders for local application without systemic effect is:
A) Dentrifices B) Dusting C) Insufflations D) Douche

D 462. A method of preparing effervescent salt granules is by:

A) Dry-fusion B) Wet method C) Spray drying D) Any of A and B

B 463. A powder preparation used with a toothbrush to clean the teeth is:
A) Insufflation B) Dentrifices C) Dusting D) Douche

D 464. A way to prepare an ointment by incorporation is by:

A) Spatulation B) Fusion C) Trituration D) A and C

B 465. A preparation called 100% extraction is:

A) Extract B) Fluidextract C) Extractive D) Percolate

C 466. A two-phase system consisting of finely divided solid dispersed in a liquid vehicle is:
A) Emulsion B) Non-aqueous solution C) Suspension D) A and C

A 467. The solvent or solvent mixture used in crude drug extraction is called:
A) Menstruum B) Vehicle C) Eluant D) Hydroalcohol

C 468. A preparation used to temporarily protect and cover exposed pulp of a tooth cavity is:
A) Toothpaste B) Dentrifices C) Cement D) A and C

B 469. The classification of drugs as legally obtained are the following except:
A) Over the counter B) Cosmetics C) Legend D) Prescription

A 470. These are non-medicated ointments except:

A) Non-water removable base B) Absorption base C) Greaseless bases D) Hydrocarbon bases

B 471. External applications resembling ointments in consistency but remains semisolid at body temperature and
liquefy at 50 C are called:
A) Plasters B) Dressings C) Ointments D) A and C
A 472. The type of liniment applied by massage is:
A) Oily B) Alcoholic C) Aqueous D) A and B

B 473. Ingredients of salicylic acid collodion except:

A) Camphor B) Menthol C) Castor oil D) Ether

C 474. Mucilages are used as suspending agents due to their characteristics as:
A) Viscosity B) Colloidal property C) A and B D) Syrupy taste

B 475. An example of distilled spirit is:

A) Peppermint spirit B) Whisky C) Rum D) Camphor spirit

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D 476. The dry-gum method of preparing emulsions is also called:

A) English method B) Continental method C) 4:2:1 method D) B and C

A 477. Pleasantly flavored, sweetened, hydroalcoholic preparation is:

A) Elixir B) Spirit C) Syrup D) Glycerites

B 478. In colloidal dispersions, if the dispersed phase interacts appreciably with the dispersion medium, it is
referred to as:
A) Lyophobic B) Lyophilic C) Amphiphilic D) Hydrophobic

A 479. Spirits are similar to elixirs as to:

A) Solvent mixture B) Solute C) Sweetness D) A and B

B 480. Kaolin mixture is used as:

A) Anti-infective B) Adsorbent C) Cure for diarrhea D) Suspending agent

A 481. Oleovitamins generally consist of:

A) Vitamins A & D B) Vitamin B C) Vitamin A & B D) Vitamin A

C 482. The method of preparing emulsions containing volatile oils is by:

A) Dry gum B) Wet gum C) Bottle D) Continental

B 483. An example of an animal-source emulsifier is:

A) Acacia B) Gelatin C) Bentonite D) Agar

C 484. A method of preparing solutions, except:

A) Extraction B) Simple solution process C) Dispersion D) Chemical reaction

B 485. An aqueous solution used to evacuate the bowel is:

A) Suppository B) Enemas C) Infusion solution D) Decoction

B 486. Waters having the odor and taste similar to the drug from which they are prepared are called:
A) Purified water B) Deionized water C) Water for inhalation D) Aromatic waters

D 487. One way to improve the appearance of a dosage form is to add:

A) Colorant B) Flavorant C) Preservative D) A and C

D 488. The term “labeling” includes:

A) Labels B) Company literature C) Containers D) A and B

B 489. A container that is impervious to air and gas under the usual conditions of handling is considered to be
A) Well-closed B) Hermetically closed C) Tightly closed D) B and C

B 490. Drug interaction with water forming breakdown products is:

A) Oxidation B) Hydrolysis C) Neutralization D) A and B

C 491. The temperature of a cold place is:

A) 8 – 15 C B) 15 – 30 C C) Not exceeding 8 C D) 25 C

C 492. Certified dyes and colorants used for drugs and cosmetics but not for food are:
A) FD and C dyes B) D and C dyes C) D and C dyes external D) B and C

A 493. Reaction kinetics study can help predict the:

A) Shelf-life B) Potency C) Toxicity D) Effectivity of a formulation

C 494. Water used as a vehicle in pharmaceutical preparations is:

A) Sterile water for injection B) Water, USP C) Aromatic water D) Deionized water

A 495. Gargles are used to treat the :

A) Pharynx B) Lungs C) Oral cavity D) A and B
B 496. The term “sparingly soluble” refers to parts of solvent that can dissolve one part of solute is:
A) 10 – 100 B) 30 – 100 C) Less than 1 D) 1 – 10

D 497. Gels under suspension system consist of:

A) Small inorganic particles C) Large organic particles
B) Small organic particles D) A and C

B 498. Toothache drops are used to:

A) Cure toothache C) Cure gingivitis
B) Remedy pain due to toothache D) B and C

B 499. Type of resins that is used to deionized water is:

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A) Natural resins B) Synthetic resins C) Prepared resins D) Resins

A 500. The committee that approves naming of nonproprietary drugs is:

A) US Adopted Names Council C) USP/NF Committee
B) Manufacturer of the specific drug D) A or B

B 501. Solubility of a drug increases in:

A) Exothermal reaction B) Endothermal condition C) Cold condition D) A or B

C 502. Characteristic of water for inhalation except:

A) Sterile B) No added substance C) Purified by boiling D) Purified by distillation

D 503. The major impurity of hard waters is:

A) Calcium ion B) Sodium ion C) Magnesium ion D) A and C

B 504. Main component of all types of collodion:

A) Acetone B) Pyroxylin C) Camphor D) Castor oil

D 505. The dry method of preparing granulations for tablets is adopted for:
A) Heat sensitive drugs C) Tablets with potent drugs
B) Moisture sensitive drugs D) A and B

B 506. Characteristic of salicylic acid collodion:

A) Used as corn solvent C) Used to dissolve skin blemishes
B) Used as keratolytic D) A and B

B 507. In packaging of powders, the “block and divide” process is applied to:
A) Potent drugs B) Non-potent drugs C) Inactive components D) A and C

B 508. Mixture of two liquids forming a homogenous system is termed:

A) Insoluble B) Miscible C) Immiscible D) A and B

C 509. Method of preparing suppositories:

A) Molding from a melt C) A and B
B) Hand rolling and shaping D) Trituration

B 510. Type of tablet coating where the first coat is s? is:

A) Enteric B) Sugar coating C) Film coating D) Micro coating

D 511. Components of effervescent granules, except:

A) Sodium bicarbonate B) Tartaric acid C) Citric acid D) Sodium Carbonate

B 512. The process of redistilling one or more times from fresh delicate drugs with small quantities of volatile
A) Steam distillation B) Cohobation C) Reflux distillation D) Maceration

B 513. Benzoic acid as a preservative should be used in a concentration of:

A) 1.0% B) 0.1 – 0.2% C) 0.01 – 0.02% D) 0.5%

B 514. An official water containing one or more bacteriostatic agents is:

A) Sterile water for injection C) Purified water
B) Bacteriostatic water for injection D) Aromatic water
D 515. A viscosity builder in syrup preparations is:
A) Sorbitol B) Glycerin C) Mucilage D) A and B

A 516. The length of time that a drug substance maintains its original qualities is:
A) Shelf-life B) Expiration date C) Stability D) A and C

D 517. Alcoholic liniments are used for:

A) Penetrating effect B) Rubefacient C) Massage D) A and B
B 518. A sugar that does not contribute to dental caries is:
A) Sorbitol B) Mannitol C) Dextrose D) Sucrose
A 519. the chief constituent if honey is:
A) Invert sugar B) Sucrose C) Pentose D) Evulose

B 520. The continental method of preparing emulsions has its first step the combination of:
A) Gum and water B) Gum and oil C) Oil and water D) Gum and active ingredient

D 521. Pyroxylin is also called:

A) Nitrocellulose B) Collodion C) Gun cotton D) A and C

A 522. Glycerites are stable to microorganisms due to:

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A) High glycerin content B) Powdered ingredients C) Sugar content D) Alcohol content

B 523. HLB value suitable for W/O type of emulsion is:

A) 8 – 18 B) 3 – 6 C) 6 – 8 D) 4 – 6

C 524. An ointment base called greaseless is:

A) Hydrocarbon base B) Absorption base C) Water-soluble base D) Water removable base

D 525. A form of resin except:

A) Natural B) Distilled C) Synthetic D) Prepared

D 526. Caramelization of sucrose is due to its:

A) Fructose content B) Glucose content C) Evulose content D) A and C

D 527. A preparation made to administer medications in measured or prescribed amount is :

A) Dosage form B) Pharmaceutical C) Extract D) A and B

C 528. The type of stability where resistance to microbial growth is maintained until its expiry date is:
A) Chemical B) Toxicological C) Microbiological D) Physical

A 529. Controlled room temperature means that the temperature is maintained thermostatically between:
A) 15 – 30 C B) 25 C C) 8-15 C D) 30 C

D 530. Jellies are used by physicians as lubricants for:

A) Rectal thermometer B) Gloves for surgical use C) Stoppers D) A and B

B 531. Type of liniment according to solvent is:

A) Aqueous B) Oily C) Ethereal D) Acetone

A 532. Purpose of pharyngeal douche is:

A) Cleans throat in supportive condition C)Treatment for lung disease
B) Antiseptic for aural cavity D) A and C

C 533. An artificial sweetener used for preparing syrups is:

A) Sucrose B) Liquid glucose C) Saccharin D) Lactose

C 534. The finely divided particles of a suspension, except:

A) Suspensoids B) Dispersed particles C) Lipid D) A and B

B 535. A container which protects its contents from extraneous solids under normal conditions of handling
and shipment is:
A) Hermetic container B) Well-closed container C) Tight container D) Well-sealed container

A 536. A new drug has to be approved by the______ before distribution to the public.
A) BFAD B) BIR C) DOH D) Narcotics Division

C 537. The third component of an emulsion is:

A) Suspending agent B) Active ingredient C) Emulsifier D) B and C

B 538. Exothermic substances tend to:

A) Increase B) Decrease C) No effect D) Explosive effect on solubility

B 539. Collodions evaporates fast due to the presence of a volatile solvent as:
A) Chloroform B) Ether C) Carbon tetrachloride D) Hexane

D 540. A way to prepare gel is :

A) Hydration of chemical substances C) Chemical reaction of inorganic substances
B) Mixing organic substances D) A and C

A 541. An aqueous preparation used as suspending agent due to its colloidal property is:
A) Mucilages B) Mixtures C) Paste D) Jellies

D 542. Characteristic of oil prepared by Forbes Bottle Method for emulsions is:
A) Volatile B) Fixed oil C) Low viscosity oil D) A and C

C 543. Substances that give bulk or body to aqueous and viscoid solutions, except:
A) Sugars B) Polyols C) Lactose D) Polysaccharides

A 544. A percolation process which sets aside the first 85% of the percolate then collects the weak percolate
until exhaustion is:
A) Process A B) Process B C) Process C D) Process D

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C 545. Suppositories when inserted into body cavities change, except:
A) Melt B) Soften C) Harden D) Dissolves

A 546. A small round dosage form for oral administration is:

A) Pills B) Pellet C) Tablet D) Sachet

B 547. Water soluble base for suppository is:

A) Petrolatum B) Polyethyene glycols C) Theobroma oil D) Cocoa butter

A 548. A semisolid preparation that is stiffer and less greasy than ointments is:
A) Pastes B) Dressing C) Cerates D) Creams

C 549. A process of preparing effervescent salt is by:

A) Slugging B) Mix with kaolin C) Fusion D) Trituratrion

B 550. A method of preparing ointments except:

A) Fusion B) Infusion C) Spatulation D) Trituration

C 551. Artificial sweeteners are added to syrup preparations to:

A) Act as a preservative C) Prevent hyperglycemia
B) Be used for acidic syrups D) Prevent hypoglycemia

B 552. Juices have the advantage over artificial flavor in that it is:
A) Sweeter B) Still with its natural flavor C) More stable D) Cheaper

B 553. Tablets that are used by a few physicians in his extemporaneous preparation of parenteral solutions are:
A) Tablet triturates B) Hypodermic tablets C) Implantation tablets D) Cachets

B 554. To insure the stability of a dosage form for its intended shelf-life, what is placed or stated in the label?
A) Proper dosage B) Proper storage C) Proper net contents D) Proper name of the product

A 555. The similarity of gargles with mouthwashes is:

A) Antiseptic use B) Site of action C) Constituents D) Formula

B 556. An amount of drug administered to protect the person form contracting the disease is:
A) Therapeutic dose B) Prophylactic dose C) Pharmacologic dose D) A and C

A 557. The term “irrigations” also refer to:

A) Vaginal douche B) Rectal douche C) Eye douche D) Pessaries

A 558. Any substance of a drug product intended to furnish pharmacologic effect is:
A) Excipient B) Active ingredients C) Drug substance D) B and C

B 559. Insoluble powders for opthalamic use must be:

A) Less than 200 microns in size C) Pyrogen-free
B) Impalpable to the touch D) Gives preservative action

C 560. The most used diluent for tablets is:

A) Sucrose B) Talc C) Lactose D) Calcium stearate

B 561. The disadvantage of sucrose as a sweetener is:

A) Viscosity B) Cap-locking C) Reasonable cost D) Highly colored

C 562. Emulsifiers are added to formulations of emulsions for the following purposes except:
A) Increase viscosity C) Promotes separation of layers
B) Prevents coalescence D) Stabilize the emulsion

B 563. Aspilets for children are:

A) Sublingual B) Chewable C) Buccal D) Soluble tablets
D 564. This is a common lubricant for tablets:
A) Starch B) Acacia C) Mannitol D) Magnesium stearate

C 565. Simultaneous processes that occur when a tablet or other form is introduced into the gastrointestinal
tract except:
A) Disintegration B) Deaggregation C) Precipitation D) Dissolution

C 566. Class of colloidal system except:

A) Lyophilic B) Lyophobic C) Fine dispersions D) Amphiphilic

A 567. Pulverization accomplished with another substance is:

A) By intervention B) Chemical reaction C) By spray drying D) By trituration

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C 568. OTC labels of products or dosage forms indicate in front the:
A) Expiry date B) Storage C) Pharmacologic category D) Formula

A 569. The characteristic ingredient in poultices:

A) Kaolin B) Water C) Oil D) Calcium carbonate

B 570. A term derived from the Latin words which means “through to strain” is:
A) Maceration B) Percolation C) Infusion D) Decoction

B 571. A plant exudate containing benzoic and dinnamic acids is:

A) Resins B) Balsams C) Oleoresins D) Resins

A 572. The extract with a plastic consistency is known as:

A) Pilular B) Powdered C) Semiliquid D) A and B

C 573. A type of coating that disintegrates in the intestines and not in the stomach is:
A) Sugar B) Chocolate C) Enteri D) Film

B 574. Capsule size used for veterinary use and not for humans is:
A) Size 5 B) Size 000 C) Size 3 D) Size 1

B 575. Disk-shaped solid dosage form with hard candy base is:
A) Troches B) Lozenges C) Pellet D) Pills

B 576. A material derived from the honeycomb of the bees is:

A) Honey B) Beeswax C) Sugars D) A and C

D 577. Decoction is a method of extraction from drugs which is:

A) Water soluble B) Alcohol soluble C) Heat stable D) A and C

D 578. Component of white ointment is:

A) 95% petrolatum B) 5% wax C) 2% lanolin D) A and B

A 579. Type of oleoresin obtained by incising the trunk of a tree is:

A) Natural oleoresin B) Prepared oleoresin C) Synthetic oleoresin D) B and C

B 580. Process “P” of extraction refers to:

A) Maceration B) Percolation C) Infusion D) Decoction

A 581. An ointment base used to prepare epidermic ointment is:

A) Hydrocarbon base B) Greaseless base C) Absorption base D) Cream base

B 582. Products prepared from fresh ripe fruits used as vehicle in liquid dosage forms:
A) Exudates B) Juices C) Jellies D) Synthetic flavors

C 583. Preparation used for its deodorant and refreshing effect:

A) Buccal tablets B) Elixirs C) Mouthwash D) Lozenges

B 584. Another term for vaginal suppositories is:

A) Bougies B) Pessaries C) Enema D) Vaginitis

C 585. A product of extraction using the proportion of one gram of the crude drug to one gram of the
extractive is:
A) Tincture B) Spirit C) Fluidextract D) Extract

A 586. An agent used in the diagnosis, prevention, treatment and cure of disease in man or animal is:
A) Drug B) Excipient C) Additive D) Inactive agent

A 587. Extraction process where boiling water is added to the mixture of crude drug with water, the
proportion is about 90% and then cooled is:
A) Infusion process B) Percolation C) Decoction process D) Maceration process

A 588. Water can be purified by the following processes, except:

A) Solution B) Reverse osmosis C) Distillation D) Demineralization

B 589. Glycerites contain high percentage of glycerin which is about:

A) 60% B) 50% C) 85% D) 65%

B 590. An alcoholic or hydroalcoholic solution of a volatile substance is:

A) Elixir B) Spirits C) Fluidextract D) Collodions

B 591. A product of extraction of crude drugs which is 2 to 6 times as potent is:

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A) Fluidextract B) Extract C) Semiliquid extract D) Tincture

D 592. Mucilages may be obtained by:

A) Dispersing gum in water C) Extraction of glycosides from plants
B) Extracting the mucilaginous principles from plants D)A and B

B 593. Oleoresins consist of:

A) Resin plus fixed oil C) Balsam plus volatile oil
B) Resin plus volatile oil D) Gum resin plus olive oil

D 594. Sucrose as a sugar for syrups is subject to degradative actions:

A) Oxidation B) Hydrolysis C) Fermentation D) B and C

B 595. Broad groups of emulsifying agents, except:

A) Natural B) Organic material C) Finely divided solids D) Synthetic

D 596. A way to choose the specific emulsifiers for emulsions is:

A) Based on the hydrophilic-lipophilic balance value (HLB)
B) Based on the number of unsaturated portions of the molecule of the emulsifier
C) Based on the number of ethylene oxide units in the molecule of the emulsifier
D) A and C

A 597. A dental preparation containing phenol dissolved in paraffin then molded into sticks is:
A) Dental wax B) Dentrifice C) Cement D) A and C

D 598. Type of lotion according to use is:

A) Cosmetic B) Medicated C) Skin lotion D) A and B

D 599. A type of emulsion which can easily be removed from the skin when washed with water is:
A) O/W type B) W/O type C) O/W lotions D) A and C

B 600. Type of distilled spirit derived from cereal grains is:

A) Wine B) Whisky C) Brandy D) A and B

D 601. Non-nutritive syrups are those which contain:

A) Artificial sweetener B) Viscosity builder C) Simple syrup D) A and B

D 602. The preparation of oleovitamins may be by:

A) Combining vitamin concentrate with fish liver oil
B) Combining fish liver oil with a bland vegetable oil
C) Combining vitamin concentrate with olive oil
D) A and B

B 603. Ingredients in toothache drops except:

A) Oil of cloves B) Ether C) Benzocaine D) Alcohol

C 604. The mixing of powders may be the following except:

A) Sifting B) Tumbling C) Sieving D) Trituration

A 605. To prepare opaque capsules for distinction, the insoluble substance added to gelatin is:”
A) Titanium dioxide B) Calcium carbonate C) Aluminum hydroxide D) A and B

B 606. Characteristic of tablet triturates are, except:

A) Soluble in water C) Small usually cylindrical
B) Insoluble in water D) Prepared by molding or compression

D 607. Methods of preparing tablet granulations for heat sensitive and moisture sensitive drugs may be by:
A) Slugging B) Wet method C) Dry method D) A and C
B 608. Characteristics of chemicals suitable for direct compression process except:
A) Free-flowing C) With cohesive properties
B) Eutectic when combined with other excipients D) Easily compressible
C 609. Sterilization method for injectables that are sensitive to heat is by:
A) Moist heat B) Dry heat C) Membrane filtration D) A and C

C 610. Packaging of suspensions require:

A) Wide mouth containers C) A and B
B) Containers having adequate airspace above the liquid D) Narrow mouth bottles

D 611. Non-medicated elixirs are used:

A) As vehicle for a therapeutic agent C) As a diluent for existing medicated elixir
B) As a therapeutic agent D) A and C

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C 612. Reasons for preparing oral suspensions except:
A) Some drugs are more stable in suspension than in solution
B) Ease of swallowing liquid preparations
C) Disagreeable taste of some drugs in suspension
D) Flexibility of administration of doses

A 613. The powder paper used for packaging divided powders which are hygroscopic or deliquescent may be:
A) Waxed paper B) Clean coupon bond C) Parchment paper D) Glassine paper

C 614. When no specific storage are provided in the label, it is understood that the product should be protected
as follows except:
A) From moisture B) From freezing C) From cool place D) From excessive heat

A 615. To disguise or mask bitter taste of drugs in formulation, the flavoring used is:
A) Cocoa-flavored vehicle B) Fruit flavors C) Citrus flavors D) Strawberry flavor

B 616. The official room temperature is:

A) Temperature of the working area B) 25 C C) 15 – 30 C D) 8 – 15 C

D 617. Practice of pharmacy may be chosen from the following except:

A) Pharmaceutical research C) Pharmacist in the government service
B) Teaching in a college of pharmacy D) Manager of a pharmaceutical company

A 618. Qualities required for sterile water for injection except:

A) With added substance B) Sterile C) Pyrogen-free D) Meet standards for dissolved solids.

C 619. Use of sterile water in formulations:

A) Water for inhalation B) Water for irrigation C) A and B D) For topical solution

D 620. The therapeutic factor considered in designing a dosage form is:

A) Environment B) Age of the patient C) Nature of the illness D) B and C

C 621. The Rx symbol is required to be indicated in labels of the following except:

A) Legend drugs B) Dangerous drugs C) OTC drugs D) Prescription drugs

B 622. The study about the relationship between physical, chemical and biological sciences as they apply to
drug action is:
A) Biology B) Biopharmaceutics C) Pharmacokinetics D) A and C

B 623. A term derived from the Latin word “macerare” means:

A) Digestion B) Maceration C) Percolation D) Infusion

D 624. Plasters when applied to the body produce:

A) Occlusive action B) Macerating action C) Rubefacient D) A and B

B 625. A type of extract that can be used for semisolid preparation is:
A) Powdered B) Pilular C) Semiliquid D) A and C

A 626. Percolation process using boiling water as the menstruum is :

A) Process B B) Process A C) Process D D) Process C

C 627. A suppository base that is water-soluble is:

A) Cocoa butter B) Theobroma oil C) Polyethylene glycols D) Glycerinated gelatin

B 628. An example of plant exudates except:

A) Resins B) Tannins C) Resins D) Balsams

B 629. Percolation process using pressure and suitable for commercial purposes is:
A) Process A B) Process C C) Process D D) Process B

C 630. An ointment base used for diadermic ointment preparation is:

A) Hydrocarbon base B) Absorption base C) Greaseless ointment base D) Cream base

A 631. Powders which at one time was official as 1:1 dilution is called:
A) Triturations B) Insufflations C) Bulk powders D) Divided powders

C 632. Characteristics of poultices when applied to the skin, except:

A) Apply while warm C) Relieves gastric pain
B) Spread over muslin cloth before application D) Relieves muscle pain and inflammation

B 633. Example of hydrocarbon obtained from petroleum and used as ointment bases are:
A) Petrolatum B) Propylene glycols C) Paraffin D) Mineral oil
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C 634. Tinctures may be prepared from the following sources except:

A) Animal source B) Plant source C) Soil D) Chemical source

B 635. Refined wool fat used as base for semisolid is also called:
A) Lanolin B) Anhydrous lanolin C) Beeswax D) Petrolatum

D 636. Characteristics of topical aerosols:

A) Applied without using the fingertips C) Requires an applicator in the spread of the aerosol
B) Expensive packaging D) A and B

B 637. Film-coating consist of the following ingredients except:

A) Cellulose acetate phthalate B) Shellac C) Beeswax D) Vanillin

C 638. Colorants are added to pharmaceutical preparations for following purposes except:
A) For aesthetic value C) For higher price of the product
B) To distinguish one product from another D) For elegance

D 639. Syrups may be prepared by:

A) Solution of ingredients with heat C) By maceration
B) Percolation D) A and B

A 640. When a solvent at a given temperature has dissolved all of the solute it can, it is:
A) Saturated B) Supersaturated C) Solution D) Suspension

B 641. Magnesium citrate solution resulting from mixing citric acid with magnesium carbonate is prepared by:
A) Simple solution B) Chemical reaction C) Dispersion D) Extraction

B 642. A type of tablet for delayed release of medication is:

A) Chewable B) Sustained release C) Compressed D) Effervescent

D 643. Solid dosage forms administered other than oral route:

A) Pellets B) Vaginal tablets C) Troches D) A and B

A 644. Type of sterilization using steam under pressure is:

A) Moist heat B) Dry heat C) Microfiltration D) Inspissation

A 645. Examples of sterile products:

A) Dialysis solutions B) Pellets C) Cough syrups D) A and B

A 646. A solution containing the maximum amount of solute in a certain quantity of solvent is termed
A) Saturated B) Supersaturated C) Pure D. Colloidal Solution

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