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1) To solve a system of nonlinear equations:

2cosQ-6+7cosf1 -9cosf2 =0

2sinQ+7sinf1 -9sinf2 =0

In this system the input is Q and the output is f1 and f2

Create the following m file in the editor window and write your equations
in the following form:

function w=position(output, input)




Note that your m file name must be the same as the function name “position”

To solve this system for any value of Q we can create another m file with the following:

clc %this line just clears your command window

options = optimset('display', 'off');

for theta=0:1:360 % make a for loop and start with our

%input (theta = 0) and continue till (theta =

the(i)=theta; % saves each value of the input theta in an array

theta34(:,i)=fsolve(@position,[1 1],options,theta)*180/pi;

%call the position function with input “theta” and

%save the output” phi 1 and phi 2” in array “theta34”

%the output of the function is multiplied by 180/pi

%because the sin and cos functions in MATLAB is by
%default in radians so we just convert the output or use
%cosd and sind which is in degrees.




Note that variable “theta34” in the workspace will have the size of 2 x 361. The first row
contains the first output “phi 1” and the column contains the value of the output as the value
of theta changes from 0 to 360 hence the 361.

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