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The Role of Education in Peace Building

Dr. Radhika Kapur

Education plays an imperative role in peace building; if an individual is
educated he not only understands and possesses academic knowledge, but also
acquires moral values, norms, etiquettes, proper code of conduct, decency and
effective ways of communication; education will enable him to find out means to
resolve the conflicts in an effective manner without being aggressive. This research
manuscript highlights the role played by education in peace building, the effective
contribution of education toward peace building, conflict sensitive education,
education as the peace surplus, and the involvement of children in armed
conflicting situations. There have been many conflict resolution procedures and
skills and this research indicates that conflict resolution procedures and skills are
developed in an efficient manner through the means of education. When children
will go to school, they will study, get engaged in extra-curricular activities, then
they will develop means to get pleasure from their childhood and not get involved
into armed conflicting situations. Education always enables individual to acquire
understanding about what is appropriate and what is inappropriate and make wise
decisions. On the other hand, absence of educational opportunities within an area
or a region will certainly gives rise to conflicts and disputes; the essence of this
manuscript is that significance of education should be recognized in order to create
a peaceful society, region, state or a country.

Keywords: Education, Peace Building, Conflict, Transformation,


Access to a quality education is regarded as a right that should be sustained
even in the most difficult circumstances. In the middle of the conflicting situation
or any kind of disputation, it can provide information and skillfulness that provide
safeguard, while in the longer term; it can provide significances and approaches
that offer a foundation for transforming conflicts and disputes within it. Education
is intensely associated with procedures of socialization and character formation,
which are essential for economic growth and individual and national progression
and can act as a key medium for social consistency. On the other hand, education
can also destabilize all these procedures and, therefore, we need to make certain
that it is conveyed efficiently and justifiably and is a driver of peace rather than
war. Critically, education is not a subsidiary contributor in peace building, but a
central constituent of building sustainable peace. Peace building is basically about
supporting the transformative processes any post-conflict society needs to
implement, and these transformations clarify over generations. Expansions through
the education sector symbolize a very critical part of this transformative process,
with great prospective to impact in a constructive or an unconstructive manner
(The Role of Education in Peace Building, 2011).
The education sector is potentially a very significant sector for supporting
the transformative process in post-conflict communities and nations. The research
recommends that education programs should be based on high quality political
economy and analysis of the conflicting situations that is responsive to the conflict
dynamics of confined backgrounds. Consideration should be paid to supporting
transformation through restructuring of the education sector and paying thought to
the importance and substance corresponded through the education system. Such
involvements are required to be attentive of the dynamics of social transformation,
especially the need for these processes to advance over several generations, in
order for them to become component of a self-organized and sustainable prospect.
The more invasive and externally driven, the less self-organized and sustainable
the effect; and one needs to be acquainted with the potential that bring destruction
and gives rise to dilapidated conditions, despite ones efforts and recognition of
education. The sustenance offered thus has to be updated, responsive and enduring,
and must be aware of that the primary organization for the managing of the
transformative course of actions is vested within the conflict affected community
itself (The Role of Education in Peace Building, 2011).
The Contribution of the Education Sector toward Peace Building
Education is possibly the most vital instrument for human progress and the
abolition of poverty. It is the way by which succeeding generations build up the
significances, understanding and proficiency for their individual well being and
security and for future political, economic, social, administrative and cultural
improvement. This may be one reason why the millennium development goals
place so much prominence on accomplishing common, complimentary and
necessary primary education through Education for All (EFA). There are many
obstacles to the achievement of EFA; these include lack of priority to education on
the part of national governments, such as inadequate expenditure as a percentage of
Gross National Product, or unbalanced distribution of funding and sources, or lack
of effectual action by the international community in the utilization of development
support. Within countries, poverty, child labor, distance between schools and
homes, unequal access due to gender or cultural factors, and the existence of
conflicts and disputations are all impediments to the enrolment of children within
the schools (The Role of Education in Peace Building, Literature Review, 2011).
Firstly, education may be recognized politically as a powerful instrument for
ideological development. This can take many forms, ranging from the use of
education in the development of moderate viewpoints, to nation building and, in
intense cases, political indoctrination. Secondly, education may be recognized as a
tool for making provision of the information and expertise required for economic
development, participation and social mobility. However, this may or may not be
comprised of impartiality concerns, thus it further prohibits certain groups from
economic and social benefits that education can offer. Thirdly, education is a
means by which social, ethical, moral, spiritual and cultural values are transmitted
from generation to generation and depending on the values and beliefs concerned,
these may communicate negative stereotypes or promote norms and approaches
that unambiguously or absolutely disregard aggression or generation of conflicting
situations (The Role of Education in Peace Building, Literature Review, 2011).
Methodical investigation of the education systems from a conflict
perspective is an underdeveloped area; it is appropriate for a range of
professionals, comprising politicians, policymakers, education administrators,
educators, teachers, parents, community activists, social workers, youth and
development workers. There are many entrance positions to the diverse levels of an
education system and the development of conflict-sensitive education systems
involves analysis of each of these. This includes a significant exploration of the
political ideology motivating a system, as well as its legislative, structural and
administrative features; these may have important insinuations for non-
discrimination and equal access to education. The most controversial
confrontations in terms of international development is to find a way of
augmenting important subjects about the form and content of education and its
insinuations for relations between peoples, groups and nations. The problem will
be in finding ways for this to be acknowledged globally as a legal concern as part
of improving the quality of education (The Role of Education in Peace Building,
Literature Review, 2011).
Conflict Sensitive Education
The main understanding of conflict sensitive education has been understood
through the following points: (Smith, 2010).
Encouraging responsible control of the education systems – Complete
control or partial control of the education systems by the national or international
organizations or authorities in any kinds of conflict affected situations implements
genuine hazards of political indoctrination of children and constraints to elemental
independence. In these kinds of circumstances and situations, it is less likely that
normative or legislative approaches will have an impact, but there are examples of
other protective approaches. Education enables an individual to acquire relevant
understanding and knowledge to realize how vital it is to maintain peace and
eradicate all kinds of conflicting situations and disputes in order to live a healthy,
peaceful and a valuable life. To accomplish this purpose, it is essential to formulate
proper norms, rules and policies to control the operation of the education systems,
the education methods should be formulated in a proper, organized and a
controlled form.
Adopting transparent practices for funding, procurement and employment -
Even in those countries or areas where political development is not so
unambiguous, in those areas, it is likely that deprived governance of education
systems can lead to conflict through investment and by strengthening disparities.
For example, disparities in funding to various regions or ethnic groups, in some
areas funding is more, whereas in other areas, it is less; procurement performances
prejudiced towards followers of prevailing political parties; investment where
education appointments are made based on political reliability rather than merit.
There are well-known strategies and approaches that may provide some
fortification against such practices. These include collection of data about funding
that is disaggregated by districts and identity factors, be associated by a progress
towards budget allocations based on translucent funding principles. The attainment
of education is one of the ways, through which a person can maintain his privilege,
freedoms and rights within diverse societies. Those individuals who are involved
in working within the public service, the building of their capacities and training
may be regarded as an essential aspect for the success of any kind of education
sector plan that takes into consideration the occurrence of conflicts and disputes.
Central control versus decentralization – Decentralization of education
systems has generally being considered as the means of bringing about more
responsibility and possession of education. Those countries or areas that are more
prone to conflicting situations, the situation is likely to be more difficult and
complicated; one was supposed to analyze the conditions in order to see that the
significance of education is being effectively recognized or not, whether schools
and other educational institutions are effectively making education available to the
learners or not, especially during the time of antagonism to see the significance of
decentralizing functions, authority, funding, management and decision making
capacity to schools. Decentralization is not always regarded as a positive feature,
particularly during the conflicts and disputes that take place internally, where it can
be a possibility that government may lose control of education sector to
secessionist movements. The system of education should be strong enough to
resolve the conflicting situations and sustain peace.
It is vital that conflict-sensitive education needs to concentrate upon
instantaneous hazards such as any kinds of severe impacts on the system of
education, as well as ensuring education systems to include conflict resolution
perspectives as the routine part of development and preparation. In post-conflict
societies, people will view the education system to help them in understanding
what is conflict, what leads to occurrences of conflicts, the outcomes of conflicts,
the negative effects of conflicts and the ways to resolve conflicts; an individual,
country or a nation has to realize the significance of education in leading to
conflict resolution and peace building, in other words, bringing about a
transformation within the society or the entire nation (UNICEF, 2011).
Education as the Peace Surplus
Education has been viewed as the crucial component that leads to the
maintenance of peace; education has been a vital part of peace agreements and
even countries or regions that experience conflicts over some or the other issues,
aim to provide the children with education. It is through education that a person
can attain a good job, he can become a responsible citizen of the country and if he
truly realizes the significance of education, then it is likely that he will adopt
morality, integrity and honesty in his dealings and try to avoid all kinds of conflicts
and disputations, especially those that are meaningless. The ways have been listed
in which peace agreements recognize the significance of education: (Where Peace
Begins, 2008).
Security – A fundamental role of education in the reintegration of society of
ex-combatants predominantly from the non-state areas, in addition to primary and
secondary schooling, the agreements call for job training, vocational education and
literacy training in order to develop security.
Protection – Education and other extra-curricular activities that are
associated with education also leads to protection of an individual; after obtaining
education, an individual is able to distinguish between legal and illegal means and
youth are even prevented from getting recruited by the arms group, therefore, it can
be stated that education leads to protection.
Economic – In order to construct a peaceful environment, it is vital to have
economic development and investment in education is an imperative constituent
leading to progression; for instance education has been viewed as a means of
dealing with problems of poverty, illiteracy, unemployment and socio-economic
Socio-political – Education is viewed as a political issue, the reason being
that it is dominant in consolidating the society’s structure of power; in this way
education gets connected to some of the root causes of conflicts, such as
distribution of resources, access to political power or acknowledgment of
Children in Armed Conflicting Situations
Not only adults but children are also affected by the conflicting situations.
Millions of girls and boys grow up enveloped by genuine or intimidated violence
in conflict-affected fragile states (CAFS). They grow up without access to basic
services and mostly dwell in the conditions of poverty, they are deprived of
education. These countries are more often than not the furthermost away from
reaching the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). For example, over half the
world’s 72 million out-of-school children, 37 million live in CAFS, even though
these countries comprise just 13 % of the world’s population. Education is a
human right that requires accomplishment even in conditions of jeopardy and
dispossession. All children would be willing to go to school, learn, enjoy and play,
provided there is a safe environment within the schools, they are treated with
kindness and courtesy and rules and policies are implemented effectively.
However, quality education of the type that has been emphasized upon provides
children with the time, liberty and guidance they need to recognize their personal
potentials. Education is also part of the social and political landscape, and
contributes straightforwardly to development, harmony and permanence. In the
present existence in India, children are also engaged in hazardous jobs and are also
employed as domestic workers in households or restaurants and they experience
violence, harassment and conflicting situations, they are engaged in these kinds of
jobs mostly out of financial problems and destitute conditions, therefore, when a
child will go to school to acquire education, later on he will attain a good, reputed
job; it is through the means of education that children will be liberated from all
kinds of problems and difficulties and will be able to realize their complete
potential. The benefits of education are long-lasting because the children who
acquire them will transfer them to the next generation (Where Peace Begins,
Discussion and Summary
Conflicts and disputes normally take place in all kinds of circumstances,
situations, areas, regions or even countries; they can be internal or external; it is
vital to implement conflict resolution and dispute settlement procedures, the reason
being that if they are minor, they will not cause much destruction or damage, but if
they assume a major form they will prove to be detrimental and would incur dire
consequences. Education is stated and recognized as the most imperative means
that makes provision of knowledge and understanding regarding how to resolve the
conflicts and the disputes. In order to resolve the conflicts, there are some conflict
resolutions skills that an individual or a group needs to possess, these are
developing positivity, recognizing and resolving conflicting needs, being
considerate and thoughtful, being free of stress, recognizing and managing
emotions, improving ones non-verbal communication skills, and making use of
humor and play in resolving conflicts. These skills and information an individual
acquires through the means of education; educational qualifications, courses,
subjects, curriculum and instructional methods, programs are the first and the
foremost means that provides individuals information regarding how to become a
peace loving human being and be considerate towards everybody’s relevant needs
and requirements.
Conflicts and disputes can be related to any issue or concern, it can be
economic, financial, administrative, political, social, cultural, spiritual, familial and
occupational, for example, a company is owned by two brothers, it is a family
business, one of them says that prices should be increased for all the products and
the other one says that prices should not be increased at this point of time, hence
there occurs a conflict between them, then on the basis of their knowledge,
understanding and information, it is essential that they look out for means in order
to resolve this conflict, for instance, they need to take under consideration the
quality of the products, other companies prices producing the same kind of
products, what are the pros and cons of price rise, market factors and so forth; upon
analyzing all the major concerns relating to production, they can resolve the
conflicts; therefore, in this case, education has been considered to be the crucial
factor for conflict resolution.
There have been three main areas of conflict sensitive education,
encouraging responsible control of the education systems, adopting transparent
practices for funding, procurement and employment and central control versus
decentralization. Peace agreements recognize the significance of education in four
important ways which are security, protection, economic and socio-political. In
India, it mostly happens in rural areas that if a family suffers from the conditions of
poverty or backwardness, they encourage their children to find employment in
order to make extra money to sustain their living and do not believe in sending
their children to school to acquire education. Children not only in rural areas but in
urban areas also get engaged in employment and minority jobs to earn money and
give up education, these children often get exposed to conflicts and are mistreated
by their employers in most cases; the kinds of jobs that they work are as domestic
helpers, as cleaners in restaurants or garages or shops, or as vendors. If their
parents send them to schools and do not make them work at such a young age, they
will realize the significance of education and also understand the fact that
mistreating somebody or getting engaged in a heated argument, dispute or a
conflict with some one is not acceptable and should be avoided in every manner.
Finally, it can be stated that education is the most crucial means that helps every
individual to understand what harmony and peace is and contributes in every
possible way in implementation of peace building.
Smith, A. (2010). The Influence of Education on Conflict and Peace
Building. Retrieved June 14, 2015 from
The Role of Education in Peace building. (2011). Findings from Lebanon,
Nepal and Sierra Leone. UNICEF. Retrieved June 14, 2015 from
The Role of Education in Peace building A synthesis report of findings from
Lebanon, Nepal and Sierra Leone. (2011). UNICEF. Retrieved June 13,

2015 from

The Role of Education in Peace building Literature Review. (2011).

UNICEF. Retrieved June 13, 2015 from

Where Peace Begins. Education’s Role in Conflict Prevention and

Peacebuilding. (2008). Retrieved June 15, 2015 from

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