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(A Ridiculous OGL Hack for Roleplaying Badass Mofos)

immediately obvious (challenges with obvious

Create a Badass: outcomes are not rolled for, merely narrated as
appropriate), rolls some dice. The basic roll is:
Characters have six Abilities as follow.
1d20 + Most Relevant Ability Rating + Badassittude
Strength – Physical strength.
So, for example, if a badass with a Strength
Grit – Physical health and endurance. rating of +2 and Badassitude 3 was attempting to
kick down a door, their player would roll 1d20 and
Agility – Reflexes and coordination. add five to the result. This die roll result is then
compared to an assigned difficulty.
Guile – Left-brain functions, such as reasoning and
the ability to express oneself verbally. Base Difficulty: 10
Difficult: +5
Intuition – Right-brain functions, such spatial Very Difficult: +10
awareness and general perception. Formidable: +15
Heroic: +20 (or more)
Ego – Mental toughness and willpower.
If the roll result (modified) is equal to or
All abilities begin with a rating of zero. You above the difficulty assigned to the challenge by the
have six points to distribute amongst your badass’s referee, then the badass has succeeded in
ability ratings, but you may assign no more than five overcoming the challenge.
points to any single ability rating. So, for instance, Sometimes, challenge resolution is resisted
you may assign a rating of +3 to one ability, ratings by another character or creature. For example, a
of +1 to three additional abilities, and ratings of 0 to badass may be trying to convince another character
the remaining abilities. to do a certain thing or, perhaps, two badasses are
You may gain additional points to assign to competing against each other in a race.
ability score ratings by taking negative ratings in an In such instances, the players of both
ability, on a one for one basis. For example, if you characters roll their dice as above but, rather than
take a -1 rating in a given ability score, you gain a comparing the results to a pre-assigned difficulty, the
single point that you may allocate to another ability results are compared to each other and the character
rating. An ability rating may not be reduced to less with the highest roll result prevails (ties are re-rolled
than -5 in this manner and ratings of less than -2 are until a clear winner is determined).
discouraged, as they are not badass.
Additionally, characters also have a stat
known as Badassitude, which represents their Saving Throws:
relative amount of power compared to the typical
denizen of the world (who has no Badassitude at all). A Saving Throw is a special kind of
Most player characters begin at play with a single challenge resolution roll made whenever a badass is
rank of Badassitude. actively trying to avoid or mitigate the effects of an
Finally, all characters begin play with a outside force or condition.
Damage Capacity (DC) rating equal to 8 + Grit + A saving throw is made per the rules for
Ego + Badassitude, multiplied by 2. regular challenge resolution, with a successful saving
throw indicating either no damage taken or partial
damage taken as the referee deems fit.
Challenge Resolution: Only certain forces trigger the opportunity
for a saving throw. Most attacks in combat, for
A player who wishes their badass to example, do not trigger a saving throw (however,
overcome a challenge, the outcome of which isn’t there may be exceptions as the referee sees fit).
damage that round. Success means that the fire has
Combat and Injury: gone out. Armor does not protect against fire
damage. A badass who is on fire may immediately
To resolve an attack in combat, the player extinguish the fire, if they are submerged in water.
of the attacking badass makes a challenge resolution A badass who inhales any unbreathable
roll as normal. Typically, Strength is used as the most substance (such as heavy smoke or water) must
relevant ability when resolving melee attack and make a Grit saving throw each round (DC 15) or
Agility for resolving ranged attacks, and Intuition for spend that round choking and coughing. A badass
resolving spell attacks. who chokes for 2 consecutive rounds takes 1d6
Weapons come in Light, Medium, and points of damage for every round thereafter that they
Heavy varieties. fail this saving throw. Armor does not protect against
When successfully striking with a Light such suffocation damage.
weapon (e.g., Dagger, Short Bow, .22 caliber
firearm) in combat, roll 2d6 to determine damage
and take the lowest single die result. Healing Injury:
When successfully striking with a Medium
weapon (e.g., Mace, Long Bow, Sword, 9mm semi- After resting uninterrupted for eight hours, a
automatic firearm) in combat, roll 1d6 to determine badass can reset any injury applied to their Damage
the amount of damage dealt. Capacity to zero. Badass.
Finally, when successfully striking with a
Heavy weapon (e.g., Composite Bow, Halberd,
Two-Handed Sword,.45 caliber firearm) in combat,
Becoming More Badass:
roll 2d6 to determine the amount of damage dealt
and take the highest single die result. Badasses gain Badassitude by surviving
Like weapons, armor comes in Light, game sessions as shown on the table below.
Medium, and Heavy varieties, as well.
Light armor (e.g., leather armor, stab vest) Badassitude Sessions Survived
can sustain 6 damage before it needs to be repaired
and no longer provides protection against injury. 2 3
Each piece of Medium armor (e.g., chain
mail, shield, ballistic vest) worn can sustain 8 blows 3 5
before it needs to be repaired and no longer
4 9
provides protection against injury.
Each piece of Heavy armor (e.g., full plate, 5 14
futuristic combat armor) worn can sustain 11 blows
before it needs to be repaired and no longer 6 20
provides protection against injury.
Any damage rolled in combat that is not etc etc
protected against by armor is applied to the
character’s Damage Capacity. When a badass (or As a character gains Badassitude, their
lesser character or creature) takes more damage than Damage Capacity increases by an amount equal to
they have Damage Capacity, they die. the new amount of Badassitude they have attained,
plus the combined total of their Ego and Grit.
For example, a Badassitude 1 character with
Environmental Injury: a Grit rating of -1 and an Ego rating of +3, would
start play with a Damage Capacity of 22 and, upon
If falling from a height of ten feet or more, a attaining Badassitude 2, would gain four additional
character takes 1d6 points of damage per 10 feet points of DC (raising their DC total to 26).
fallen, to a maximum of 20d6. Armor does not
protect against such falling damage.
Badasses at risk of catching fire are allowed Why Does This Exist?
a DC 15 Agility save to avoid this fate. If a badass’s
clothes or hair catch fire, he takes 1d6 points of This is pretty much Snake (yes, that Snake)
damage immediately. In each subsequent round, the the Roleplaying Game. This is heroes of mighty
burning badass must make another Agility saving thews and iron will, embodying Pure Badassitude.
throw. Failure means he takes another 1d6 points of

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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff
Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, SkipWilliams, Richard
Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins and JDWiker.

System Reference Document Copyright 2000–2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte
Cook, Skip Williams, Rich baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, based on original
material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

Advanced Player’s Manual, © 2005, Green Ronin Publishing: Author Skip Williams.

Advanced Player’s Guide, © 2004, White Wolf Publishing, Inc.

Algernon Files, © 2004, Blackwyrm Games; Authors Aaron Sullivan and Dave Mattingly.

Armies of the Abyss, © 2002, Green Ronin Publishing; Authors Erik Mona and Chris Pramas.

The Avatar’s Handbook, © 2003, Green Ronin Publishing; Authors Jesse Decker and Chris Tomasson.

Bastards & Bloodlines, © 2003, Green Ronin Publishing, Author Owen K.C. Stephens

Blue Rose, © 2005, Green Ronin Publishing; Authors Jeremy Crawford, Dawn Elliot, Steve Kenson, and John

Blue Rose Companion, © 2005, Green Ronin Publishing; Editor Jeremy Crawford.
The Book of Fiends, © 2003, Green Ronin Publishing; Authors Aaron Loeb, Erik Mona, Chris Pramas, and Robert
J. Schwalb.

Book of the Righteous, © 2002, Aaron Loeb.

Challenging Challenge Ratings: Immortal’s Handbook, © 2003, Craig Cochrane.

Conan The Roleplaying Game, © 2003 Conan Properties International LCC; Authorized Publisher Mongoose
Publishing Ltd; Author Ian Sturrock.

CORE Explanatory Notice, © 2003, Benjamin R. Durbin

Creatures of Freeport, © 2004, Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Authors Graeme Davis and Keith Baker.

Crime and Punishment, © 2003, Author Keith Baker

Crooks!, © 2003, Green Ronin Publishing; Authors Sean Glenn, Kyle Hunter, and Erik Mona.

Cry Havoc, © 2003, Skip Williams. All rights reserved.

Challenging Challenge Ratings: Immortal’s Handbook, © 2003, Craig Cochrane.

Darwin’s World 2nd Edition, © 2003, RPG Objects; Authors Dominic Covey and Chris Davis.

Design Parameters: Immortal’s Handbook, © 2003, Craig Cochrane.

Fading Suns d20 ©2001 Holistic Design, Inc.

Galactic Races, © 2001, Fantasy Flight Games.

Gimmick’s Guide to Gadgets, © 2005, Green Ronin Publishing; Author Mike Mearls.

Grim Tales, © 2004, Benjamin R. Durbin, published by Bad Axe Games, LCC.

Grim Tales, Cyberware game mechanics; © 2003, Benjamin R. Durbin, published by Bad Axe Games, LCC.

Grim Tales, Firearms game mechanics; © 2003, Benjamin R. Durbin, published by Bad Axe Games, LCC.

Grim Tales, Horror game mechanics; © 2003, Benjamin R. Durbin, published by Bad Axe Games, LCC.

Grim Tales, Spellcasting game mechanics; © 2003, Benjamin R. Durbin, published by Bad Axe Games, LCC.

Grim Tales, Vehicle game mechanics; © 2003, Benjamin R. Durbin, published by Bad Axe Games, LCC.

Hot Pursuit, © 2005, Corey Reid, published by Adamant Entertainment, Inc.

Immortals Handbook, © 2003, Craig Cochrane.

Legions of Hell, © 2001, Green Ronin Publishing; Author Chris Pramas.

A Magical Medieval Society: Western Europe, © 2003, Expeditious Retreat Press; Authors Suzi Yee and Joseph

The Mastermind’s Manual, © 2006, Green Ronin Publishing; Author Steve Kenson.
Modern Player’s Companion, © 2003, The Game Mechanics, Inc; Author: Stan!

Monster’s Handbook, © 2002, Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc.

Monte Cook Presents: Iron Heroes, © 2005, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.

Monte Cook’s: Arcana Unearthed, © 2003, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.

Mutants & Masterminds, © 2002, Green Ronin Publishing; Author Steve Kenson.

Mutants & Masterminds, Second Edition, © 2005, Green Ronin Publishing; Author Steve Kenson.

Mutants & Masterminds Annual #1, © 2004, Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Editor Erik Mona.

Mythic Heroes, © 2005, Benjamin R. Durbin, published by Bad Axe Games, LLC.

OGL Horror, © 2003, Mongoose Publishing Limited.

Possessors: Children of the Outer Gods, © 2003, Philip Reed and Christopher Shy, and

The Psychic’s Handbook, © 2004, Green Ronin Publishing; Author Steve Kenson.

The Quintessential Fighter, © 2001 Mongoose Publishing

Relics and Rituals: Excalibur,© 2004, White Wolf Publishing, Inc.

Rokugan, © 2001 AEG

Sea of Blood ©2001 Mongoose Publishing

The Seven Saxons, by Benjamin R. Durbin and Ryan Smalley, © 2005, Bad Axe Games, LLC.

Silver Age Sentinels d20, © 2002, Guardians of Order, Inc.; Authors Stephen Kenson, Mark C. Mackinnon, Jeff
Mackintosh, Jesse Scoble.

Skull & Bones ©2003, Green Ronin, Green Ronin Publishing, Authors Ian Sturrock, T.S. Luikart, and
Gareth-Michael Skarka.

Spycraft © 2002, Alderac Entertainment Group.

Spycraft Espionage Handbook, © 2002, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Patrick Kapera and Kevin

Spycraft Faceman/Snoop Class Guide, © 2003, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Alexander Flagg,
Clayton A. Oliver.

Spycraft Fixer/Pointman Class Guide, © 2003, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Scott Gearin.

Spycraft Mastermind Guide, © 2004, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.; Steve Crow, Alexander Flagg, B. D.
Flory, Clayton A. Oliver.

Spycraft Modern Arms Guide, © 2002, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Chad Brunner, Tim D’Allard,
Rob Drake, Michael Fish, Scott Gearin, Owen Hershey, Patrick Kapera, Michael Petrovich, Jim Wardrip, Stephen
Spycraft Soldier/Wheelman Class Guide, © 2003, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Chad Brunner,
Shawn Carman, B. D. Flory, Scott Gearin, Patrick Kapera.

Spycraft U.S. Militaries Guide, © 2004, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Dave McAlister, Clayton A.
Oliver, Patrick Kapera.

Spycraft, © 2005, Alderac Entertainment Group.

Swords of Our Fathers, © 2003, The Game Mechanics

Tales of the Caliphate Nights, © 2006, Paradigm Concepts, Inc., Author Aaron Infante-Levy

Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games., Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary

True20 Adventure Roleplaying, © 2005, Green Ronin Publishing; Author Steve Kenson.

True20 Bestiary, © 2006, Green Ronin Publishing; Author Matthew E. Kaiser.

The Unholy Warrior’s Handbook, © 2003, Green Ronin Publishing; Author Robert J. Schwalb.

Ultramodern Firearms, © 2002, Green Ronin Publishing; Author Charles McManus Ryan.

Unearthed Arcana, © 2004, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Andy Collins, Jesse Decker, David Noonan, Rich Redman.
Wrath & Rage, © 2002, Green Ronin Publishing, Author Jim Bishop

True20 Adventure Roleplaying: Revised Edition, © 2007, Green Ronin Publishing;, LLC Author Steve Kenson.

Swords& Wizardry Core Rules, Copyright 2008, Matthew J. Finch

Swords& Wizardry Complete Rules, Copyright 2010, Matthew J. Finch

Swords& Wizardry Light Rules, Copyright 2016 Erik Stiene

Swords & Wizardry Continual Light Rules, Copyright 2016, Erik Stiene

Sleaze: A Drop-In Hack for Use With Pre-3x Editions, Copyright © 2020 James D. Hargrove Author James D.

Bastard Sword: Down & Dirty House Rules For The Original Fantasy Roleplaying Game, Copyright © 2019,
Mystic Beard Games; Author James D. Hargrove

Badassitude: A Ridiculous OGL Hack for Roleplaying Badass Mofos, Copyright © 2020, James D. Hargrove,
Author James D. Hargrove

Additional Legal Text

The text of this document, beginning with the section entitled “Create A Badass” and ending with the
section entitled “Character Growth” is hereby declared Open Game Content per the terms of the Open Game
License Version 1.0 as outlined on the previous pages.

The title of this document “Badassitude: A Ridiculous OGL Hack for Roleplaying Badass Mofos” is
hereby designated Product Identity per the terms of the Open Game License Version 1.0a as outlined on the
previous pages.

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