F 2. T 3. F 4. NG 5. T: Mock Test 6 I. LISTENING (5,5 Points) : 0,22 X 25 5,5 Pts

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I. LISTENING (5,5 points): 0,22 x 25 = 5,5 pts

Part 1.
1. F 2. T 3. F 4. NG 5. T

Part 2.
6. churches, businesses
7. frescoes
8. paper towels
9. moveable floodgates
10. foul play/ criminal activity
Part 3.
11. C 12. C 13. B 14. B 15. D
Part 4.
16. combating global hunger
17. executive director
18. climate extremes
19. man(-)made-driven
20. humanitarian crises
21. spiking
22. biblical proportions
23. destabilization
24. mass migration
25. 1,000-fold/ a thousand(-)fold
II. LEXICO-GRAMMAR (2.5 points) : 0,125 x 20 = 2.5 pts
Part 1.
1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.A 8.D
9.B 10.A 11.C 12.A 13.A 14.B 15.A
Part 2.
16. undercurrent
17. unrequited
18. indecomposable
19. magisterial
20. grassroots/ grass(-)roots
III. READING (60 points): 0,12 x 50 = 6,0 pts
Part 1.
1. on 2. broadcasts 3. gender 4. up 5. become

6. day 7. average 8. scratch 9. devoted 10. free

(not dedicated)
Part 2.
11.T 12.F 13.NG 14.T 15.T 16.NG 17.F
18. industry 19. workforce 20. service
21. decentralization 22. recreational facilities 23. beautification
Part 3.
24.G 25.D 26.F 27.A 28.C 29.E 30.H
Part 4.
31. C 32. A 33. D 34. C 35. A
36. D 37. B 38. B 39. A 40. C
Part 5.
41. D 42. A 43. E 44. C 45. E
46. D 47. B 48. A 49. B 50. C

IV. WRITING (6.0 points)

Part 1 (1,5 points): Có thể tham khảo bài sau để định hướng chấm:

A sample

The extract discusses how recent economic changes may affect students' choices of higher institutions.
Due to the recession, the five-year progression of the graduate job market has been curbed, with only one-
fifth of students in their senior years anticipating a career within their qualification’s realm.
Nevertheless, financial reasons lend weight to tertiary education as graduates enjoy a superior level of
salary compared to those who refuse further schooling. A degree may prove more valuable after economy
crises, yet it also means that marketable skills are placed in greater priority, rendering the choices of
courses and institutions of unprecedented importance. In such context, The Times Good University Guide
2010 provides undergraduates with advice for their university choices. Additionally, the guide’s online
version creates criteria for universities, which facilitates the process of making comparisons and

Part 2 (1,5 points): có thể tham khảo bài sau để định hướng chấm:

A sample

Given are two graphs, while the pie chart shows data about the annual training hours of 4 different
courses in a big company, the bar chart illustrates managers and secretaries' attitude toward training.
It is clear from the pie chart that half of the training hours per year are for technical purpose.
Additionally, the majority of office workers feel that the training courses are valuable for their jobs.
As regards to pie graph, the hours for technical training programs are highest, at 30 hours annually,
compared to a significantly lower amount of time spend for health and safety courses, at only 5 hours. At
the same time, while 15 hours per year are for career development classes, the figure for interpersonal
skills is slightly lower, at roughly 10 hours.
85% of secretaries surveyed said that the training programs are important for their careers, while
this rate for managers is around 75%. Meanwhile, the proportions of workers chose training as a good
excuse for change are relatively lower, with 63% of secretaries and 65% of managers. In addition, only
around 40 to 50 percent of office workers said training is good for networking. By contrast, the minority
of employees think courses are waste of their valuable time, with around 10% of managers and
secretaries in the company.

Part 3 (3.0 points): tham khảo hướng dẫn sau để định hướng chấm:

- Task Response (25%): fully addresses all parts of the task, presents a fully developed position in answer
to the question with relevant, fully extended and well supported ideas
- Coherence and Cohesion (25%): links information and ideas logically, uses a range of cohesive devices
appropriately, presents a clear central topic within each paragraph
- Lexical resources (25%): uses a wide range of vocabulary fluently and flexibly, uses some uncommon
lexical items, produces rare errors in spelling and/or word formation
- Grammar/Structures (25%): Uses a wide range of structures accurately and flexibly with few errors
or inappropriateness.

The end

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