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Sensors ‘We reserve the right to make technical changes. Boe Techniques and applications This catalog features the most important technical data re- quired for selecting a given sensor. To date, the sensors listed have all been used in automotive applications, but their universal and highly ver- satile characteristics also make them ideally suitable for indus- trial applications. For instance in: @ Manufacturing engineering @ Mechanical engineering @ Automation @ Materials handling and conveying @ Heating and air-conditioning @ Chemical and process engineering © Environmental and conser- vation technology @ Installation and plant engineering Ee Brief descriptions and examples of application are to be found in the Table below. For the applications listed below, prior clarification of the technical suitability is imperative. This Catalog only lists those products which are available from series manufacture. If your problem cannot be solved with this range of products, please inform of us of your requirements using the Enquiry Data Sheet. ‘Sensors ‘Automotive application Examples of non-automotive applications Angular position sensors measure simple angular sotings and changos in angle. Throtte-valve-angle messurement for engine ‘management on gasoline (S) engines. DDoot/window opening angi, seting lever angles in montoong and contro instalation Rotational-speed sensors messure rotational speeds, postions and angles in ‘xc08e of 380) Wheel speed messurement for ABSITOS engine speeds, postionng angle for engine management, measurement of soering \whool angle, dstanco covered, and ‘cuvesibends for vehicle navigation systems. Proximity or non-contact measurement of rotational speed, displacement and angular ‘measurement dftion of end and mk ‘sotbags for industal machines, bors, and instaltions ofl ypes, Spring-mass acceleration sensors moasure ‘changes in speed, sich as are common in road trac Rogistiation of vohievar acceleration and deceleration, Used forthe Antlock Braking System {ABS) and the Teaction Control System (TCS). ‘Azoolcaion and deosloraton mensiromont for safety, control, protective systems in Is, cable ralaye, fork racks, conveyer bali, machines, win power stations Bending-beam acceleration sensors register shocks and vibration which aro ‘caused by mpacts on -oughunpaved road Surfaces or contact wih kerbstones, Fr engine managerner, datecion of vibration on roughvunpaved road surfaces, Forced svitch-ff for machines, nduatral robois, manufacturing plat, and gaming ma nes in case of sudden acoelration of dost tration caused by shock or impact Piezoelectric acceleration sensors measure shocks and vibration which o ‘when vehicles and bodies impact againe obstacle Tinpaot detection used for Wiggering avbage ang bo tighteners Detection of mpact in monitorng/sarvellance instaltions, detocion of foreign bodies n com bine harvester, fing machines, and soring plants. Rogisation of score during rileman ompotions Yaw sensors measure ekdding movenents ‘such as occur in vohic¥s under road trafic ‘conditions, Usod on the vehicle dynamics contol (Cloctronie Stability Program, ESP) for measuring yaw rata and iatral acesleration, land for vehicle navigation sensors. ‘Slabilation of model vohicos and aslanos, ‘silly crouts in carousls and othr enon ment devices on fairgrounds eto, Piezoelectric vibration sensors measure structure-norne vibrations which occur a fengines, machines, and pivot bearings Engine-knock detection for ant-knock control in engne-management systems. ‘Machine-ool satety, cavafon detecon, pak bearng monitoring, sructure-bome-nose etecton in measurement systems, ‘Absolute-pressure sensors measure tha pressure ranges from about 60% to 600% ‘ofthe earth's atmosphoric pressure, ‘Manifold vacuum measurement for engine management. Chargo-airpressure measure ‘mont for charge-ar prossuro contr, alttude preseure-dependent fel injection for diesel engines. Pressure contra n elecroni vacuum clearars, ‘monitoring of pneumatic production ine, meters for arprossie, attude, bod pros: Sure, nanometers, sorm-waring devices ‘compensation purposes. Pressure measurement in the fuel tank, ‘evaporative-emissions contol system ‘nitorng of over and underpresaur, Pressure itera, lad2vel measurement ‘Temperature sensors measure the tempers ture of gasoous matorals and, inside a su Able housing, the temporaturee of lauds in the temparature range ofthe earth's atmo sphere and of water. Display of eureide and inside temperature, contol of air conditioners and inside temper: ature, contol of radiators and thermostats, measurement of lube, coolant, and engine temperatures. Thamometars, hermostate, thermal protection, frost detectors ar condttoner contro, empera ture and conta! heating, religorant tompora ture monitoring, reguaton of hot-water and heat pumps. Lambda onygen sensors determine tho residual oxygen content inthe exhaust gas. ‘Control of AIF mire for ninmiation of pollutant emiasions on gasoline and gas engines. PPolutantsreducton daring combueton, sok measurement. gas analyst. ‘inmass meters measure the fow rate of ga ‘Measurement ofthe mase of fhe ar drawn in by the engine low-rate measurement for gases on fast benches and in comouation plat. CUE IP degrees of protection Structure of the IP code Valid for the electrical equip- IP 2 "3 cM ment of road vehicles as per Code letters T T DIN 40050 (Part 9). | | @ Protection of the electrical —_First characteristic numeral | i equipment inside the enclosure _0...6 or letter X against the effects of solid foreign objects including dust. Second characteristic numeral © Protection of the electrical _0...9 or letter X equipment inside the enclosure against the ingress of water. Additional letter (optional) @ Protection of persons A,B,C, D against contact with dangerous parts, and rotating parts, inside Supplementary letter (optional) the enclosure. MS Ifa characteristic numeral is not given it must be superseded by the lator *X° (ie. "XX" f both characteristic numerals are not giver). ‘The supplementary andor adcitional letters can be omitted at wil, and need not be superseded by other letters, » The supplementary letter "K" is located either directly ater the first characteristic numerals 5 and 6, of dec after the second characteristic numerals 4,6 and 9, 2 During the water test. Example: IP16KB protection against the ingress of solid foreign bodies with diameter > 50 mm, protection against high-pressure hose water, protection against access with a finger. Comments on IP code atcharac. _Proleeton of Parsons | 2nd charac Protoclon of _] Adifonal Protecion of | Addforl lersie numeral slocncal ale numeral oloctreal ecup- |/ntor porsons against | fatr Sand supe. mort aga andsuppe ment against |optiona) Contact wi | (optona) imontary later Ingrosso! sold imonlwy later ho ngtoss fezardos parts K foregn objects i water ° Non protected Nnproteted [0 Non protected [A Praiacion |W Worl pas gamnat contact ofthe wth bac of hard rant arin 7 Frotcion agent Protectan] 7 Protest 5 Prsjacion | 5 Movabo parts foregn bodes aginst contact aganstvorica inst contact oF tho et B2B0mm —athback Hopi water wn oger mmantara sthand Staton z Proeclon agent Protecton | Proaaion c Prajacion | K Far te soc foregn bodes against contact gaat rippin inst contact cal equipment Bei2Smm — ath ingor wate at ar ‘tok oiroad Sng ot 15") vobilos z Protectan agent Prowecton | 3 Protection o Prsacton foregn bodes against contact aganat inst contact Gsvomm. _thtoo Splash wator wth wie z roiecton agantProtecton | 4 Protection foregn bo agama contact sganst Bs Tomm. _wthwre ray water ® Dustprotectad Protectan | aK Praoaion agama conact gant hgh wth wre prosure Spray water ® Dastroo! Prowion |S Prosi against contact aganatots wth wre oF war @ Protection aganst power ia ote ot war * Proacton agen High-pressure jp f water 7 rtestion agent temporary z Frtacion gant con {tous frmerson « Fraoaion sganat hgh vossureltean peceaners ae EE CAN-Bus Controller Area Network Present-day motor vehicles are equipped with a large number of electronic control units (ECUs) which have to ex- change large volumes of data with one another in order to perform their various functions. The conventional method of doing so by using dedicated data lines for each link is now reaching the limits of its capa- bilities. On the one hand, it makes the wiring harnesses so complex that they become unmanageable, and on the other the finite number of pins ‘on the connectors becomes the limiting factor for ECU develop- ment. The solution is to be found in the use of specialized, vehicle-compatible serial bus systems among which the CAN has established itself as the standard, Applications Thore aro four areas of application for CAN in the motor vehicle, each with te ‘own individual requirements: Real ime applications Realtime applications, in which electrical systems such as Motronic, transmission shit contol, electronic stabiliy-control sy stoms are networked with one another, aro Used to control vehicle dynamics. Typical data transmission rates range from 125 kb/s to 1 Mbit (high-speed CAN) in order to be able to guarantee the real-time charactaristics demanded. Muitiplex applications Multiplex applications are suitable for situa- tions requiring control and regulation of bbady-component and luxury/convenience systome such as air conditioning, contal locking and seat adjustment Typical data transmission rates are be tween 10 kbits and 125 kbit/s (low-speed CAN) Mobile-commurications applications ‘Mobile-commurications applications Connect components such as the naviga, tion system, ealuar phone or audio system wth central displays and controls. The basic aim is to standardize control opera tione and to condense statue information 0 a8 to minimize driver distraction Data transmission rates are generally be- low 125 kbit/s; whereby direct transmis sion of audio or video data isnot possible. Diagnost applications Diagnostic applications for CAN al to ‘make use of exsting networking for the agnosis of the ECUs incorporated in the network. The use of the "K" line (ISO 9141), which is current the normal prac tice, is then no longer necessary. The data rate envisaged is 500 kbitls Bus configuration CAN operates according to the mult ‘aster principo, in which a near bus structure connects several ECUs of equal prionty rating (Fig. ©). The advantage of this type of structure lie inthe fact that a ‘mafunction at one node daes not impair bus-aystem access for the remaining de- vices, Thus the probability of a total systom failure is substantialy lower than with other logical architectures (such as ring or active star structures). When a ing or active star structure is employed, failure ata single ‘node or at the CPU is sufficient to cause a total failure. Content-based addressing ‘Addressing is message-based when using CAN. This nvowvas assigning a fied ident fr to each message. The identi class fies the contont of tho moseage (0.9, 0n- gine speed). Each station processes only those messages whose identiers are stored ints acceptance lst (message fter ing, Fig. @}. Thus CAN requis no station addresses for data transmission, and the ‘nodes are not involved in administering system configuration. This facilitates adap: tation to variations in equipment vel. Logical bus states The CAN protocol is based on two logical states: Tho bts are either “recessive” (logical 1) or "dominant" (logical 0). When at least one station transmits a dominant bit, then the recessive bits simultaneously ‘sent from other stations are overwriton, Priority assignments The identifier labe's both the data content and the priory of the message being sent. Identifers corresponding to low binary numbers enjoy a high prorty and vice Bus access: Each station can begin transmiting its ‘most important data as soon as tho bus is Unoceupied. When several stations stat to transmit simultaneously, the system re- sponds by employing "Wited-AND” arbitra: tion to sort out the resulting contontione ‘over bus access. The message wih the highest priory is assigned frst access, without any b loss or delay. Transmiters respond to fallure to gain bus access by ‘automatically switching to receive mode: ‘ney then repeat the transmission attempt ‘a8 Soon as the busis free again Message format CAN supports two different datarame fr ‘mats, with the sole distinction being in the length of the identifier (1D). The standard format ID is 11 bits, while the extended version consists of 28 bts. Thus the trans mission data frame contain a maximum of 420 bts in standard format, or 160 bits in the extended format. This ensures miminal waiting time until the subsequent transmis sion which could be urgent). The data frame consists of seven consecutive bit felds Fig. @) ‘Start of fram ink Daginning of a massage and synchronizes all stations. “Arbitration fold” Zonsiais of the message's identifier and an ‘addtional contol bit, While this fed is being transmitted, the transmitter accom: panies the transmission of each bit with a check to ensure that no higher priority ‘message is being transmitted (which would cancel the access authorization) The control bit determines whther tho mestage is classified under "data frame" remote frame". ‘Control eid" Zontains the code indicating the number of data bytes in the data fil "Data fel! information content comprises between Cand & bytes. A message of data length 0 ‘can be used to synchronze distributed ‘CRC field” (yele Redundancy Check) contains the cheok word for detecting possible trans- mmission interference. ‘Ack fais” Zontais the acknowledgement signale with which al receivers inicata receipt of ‘on-corrupted messages. End of frame" ‘marks the end of the message. CCE Sued (O Unear bus structure Terese Engine Staton Savon’? ‘Message ritring © message format. ss om oN ft eane eikehs silts oo olla to et amr = enc ra oat ready feet JACK Field re i Faas f ff ||, ee = cn] [renin] | | “cel fieofocen we Proce f f |= pst Fara [5 — itessage Frame ——»| Transmitter initiative ‘Tho transmitter will usualy inate a data transfer by sending a data frame, However, the receiver can algo request data from the transmitter, Ths involves the receiver send: ing out a *remote frame". The “data frame" and the corresponding "remote frame" have the same identifier, They are distin {uished from one anther by means of the Bit that follows the identifi. Error detection CAN incorporates a number of monitoring features for detecting errors. Those include: = 15 Bit ORG (Cyclic Redundancy Chock): Each receiver compares the GRC sequence which it receives with the caloulated sequence, ~ Monitoring: Each transmitter compares twansmitted and scanned bt = Bit etuffing: Betwoen “start of frame" and the end of the "CRC fis”, each “data frame" or “remote frame” may con- tain a maximum of 5 consecutive bts of the same polarity, The transmitter follows Up a sequence of 5 bits ofthe same poarty by inserting abit ofthe opposite poarty in the bit steam; the recevers bliminate these bits as the massages ~ Frame check: The CAN protocol con: tains soveral bit filde with a fixed format for verification by all staion. Error handling When a CAN contrallr detects an ero, it aborts the curent transmission by sending fan "error flag”. An error fag consists of 6 dominant bits it functions by dalboratoly Violating the conventions governing stuffing andlor formats, Fault confinement with local failure Defective stations can sovoraly impair the billy to process bus traffic. Therefore, the CAN controllers incorporate mechanisms which can distinguish between intermittent and permanent errors and local station failures. This process is based on statist ‘cal evaluation of error conditions, Implementations Inorder to provide the proper CPU sup- port for a wide range of diferent require ments, the semiconductor manufacturers have introduced implementations repre: ‘senting a broad range of performance levels. The varous implementations dior nether in the message they produce, nor in ther arrangements for responding to terrors. The difference lies solely inthe type ‘of CPU support required for message ‘administration ‘As the demands placed on the ECU's processing capacity are extensive, the interface controller should be able to ad minister a large number of messages and ‘expedite data communications with, as far fa possible, no demands on the CPU's ‘computational resources. Powerful CAN ccontrolers are generaly used in this ype of application ‘The demands placed on the controllers by multiplex eystems and present-day mobile ‘communications are more modest. For that reason, more basic and loss expensive chips are preferred for such uses, Standardization CCANs for data exchange in automotive applications have been standardized both by the ISO and the SAE ~ in ISO 1518-2 for low-speed applications < 125 kbiv’s and in ISO 11808 and SAE J 22584 (cars) land SAE J 1939 (trucks and busses) for high-speed applications >125 kbit/s. There ig alge an ISO standard for diagnosis via CAN (ISO 15765 ~ Draft) in the course of preparation = Source: Texts and ilustra: tions on the subject of CCAN-Bus are taken from the Bosch Automotive Handbook, 5% Edition, 2000, The Automotive Handbook contains a very wide varety of information covering the whole range of modern-day automotive engineering Further information on sensors in the vehicle can be taken from the Bosch Yellow Jacket publication “Automotive Sensors" which is scheduled to appear inthe Autuma, GaSe mee ieee Steering-wheel-angle sensor Measurement of angles from -780° to +780° © “True-Power-On" function. @ Multiple-rotation function. @ CAN interface. Application Tho storing wheel angle sensor was do veloped for uso with vehicle dynamics Systems (ESP. Do to integra! plausbili tests, and spe Gia sltdaagnoss functions this stowring- wwheel-angle sensor's highly suitable for application in safety systems Design and function When the steering wheel is turned it rote tes a goarwheol which in turn drives two ther special measuring gears which in ‘corporate magnets, AMR elements which change their resistance as a function of the direction of magnotc field register the an- {ular postion of the magnets. These ana log measured values are then inputted to the microprocessor via an A/D converter The number of testh an one measuring gear differs to that on the other, which ‘means that they therefore change their rotational postion at diferent speeds, By combining both the actual angles of rotation, its possible to calculate the total angle of rotation. After a number of rota- tions ofthe steering wheel, each of the measuring gears has returned to its iil position. Using this principle, it becomes possible to cover a measurement range of ‘several steering-wheel rotations without the need to use a revolution counter. The steering-wheel angle is outputted in the form of an absolute angle across the total stooring-column rotation range. One ofthis sensor's special features isthe fact that the (correct) ang)e-of-otation is avai- able immeciately the igniton is switched (on, without the steering whee! having been ‘moved ("True-Power On") The steering wheel angle and the steering-wheel speed are outputted via CAN. “ESP = Electronie Stabiity Program ele ieia) ® CAN) ein Panatinei : : ; ; Technical data / Range ear. O35 005A ‘Steering wheekangle sensor/Ty Lws 3 Meaeurng range, angie =780° TEE Measuring range, accelaraion 1016/6 ‘Sensitivity and resouton throughout he measurng Tango, angle ot ‘Sensiviy and resovlon throughout the measuring range. accalration Nomineariy throughout measuring range 25 Hysteresis roughout messurng range 5 Rate of storing whoo! angle ehango, max 20007 520007 Rat ofstsorng wheel angle change_csplayed O11 Gs ‘Operating tomporaivre AO 65C ‘Storage femperalue =A, 150°C Suppiyvotage 72-V nominal Suppivvotage rang Up B.16V. Current consumpton at 12 1500, 1) Detas of further designs upon request Semi mecneu eeeie ead Dimension drawings la Distance hu to mount Distance LWS (stoeringwheel-angle sensor to eesring column mounting flange M1 Mounting direction P_ Space for mating connector and wing harness x Connectorgn assignment gues 3E Ie le f 2 8 234 Characteriatie cue: ‘onnectorpin assignment Further application possiblities Pint Ground Using the standardzed CAN-Bus, tho coun clocenise Pina 12V steering wheel angle information ean be Coumerdosiwise _ Cletus Pin CAN high used for such systems as electronic stabi Pind CAN iow ity program (ESP), navigation and electric Pins - power stooring Png Details of mechanical connection variants, Pin? = ‘88 well as of the electrical interface are avaliable on request. Block diagram. f= _ x0 Meo ow Lo camverer f>=Y] prosesior Se, (canta CM tine seu Ee Throttle-valve angular-position sensor Measurement of angles up to 88° © Potentiometic angular- position sensor with linear characteristic curve. @ Sturdy construction for extreme loading @ Very compact. Application These sensors are used in automotive Charotoaie cure 1 Characters canes and’ applications for measuring the angle of | pita sop, Postion erence Aare op. Fotation ofthe thot valve, Since the Cer whan ted, NNominl cacti | gw Bact usb angular ane. Sensors are drectly stached tothe trotte-| lv Tasancs in valve housing at the eng ofthe tral: pe Bocca ntl angler range shaft extension, they are subject to ex- * " * " ely hose underhoed operating con- ool? Fa ditions. To remain fully operational, they = af must be reistant 0 fos, ol, sane fog, . A and india clmate. 8 oon J Design and function £ ov é The tvotlevale angularposion sensor i ist potentiometic sensor witha linear om characteristic cuve,Inelctronic fel injec ’ Son (EFI) engines generates a voltage " Tato which f proportional tothe thotfe is 4 valvo's angle of rotation, The sensor's rotor ‘eal roaeone IS afached fo the throtle-vahe haf, and wien the throttle valve moves, the sensors special wigors nave ovr thei resistance Technical data / Range ifacks £0 thal the totte's angular postion is transformed into a voltage ratio, The Tumba 0780 123 001 0980 192 904 throttle-valve angular-position sensor's are Diagram 12 2 ‘not provided with turn springs Useful electrical anguiar range Dogroe = 86) 95 The postion seneor 0 260 122201 has Dizacton af rotation ‘Optional Countercocinra wa linear characteristic curves. Tota resistance (Terma 1-2 390% = ‘This permits particularly good resoluton in Wiper protective resistor wn" the angular range 0°..23°, in 2070 soting, Terms. 2-3) 2 710..1380 Tperaing wotege Us vs, 5 Explanation of symbols, Eioctcal loading ‘Ohmic esitanca_ Ohne ressanca Us Output voltage ormiasble wiper caront A s16 520 Uy Supply voltage Vakage rato trom stop to stop Angle of rotation ara, curve 1 Use Ouiput voltage, characteristic curve 2 Vakage ato nares 0..68°C Usa Output voltage, characteristic curve 3 (Chara, cure 2 Accessories for 0 280 122 001 ee Accessories for 0 280122001 ___ Sore of hw nominal cnaracteitic Gane dag = Connector ___1 287 000038 Gp srating temperature °C A GOA Accessories for 0 280 122 201 Guide value for pormissibe woraton Prug housing T2B4AS TIE __accslraton mst _<700 300 Receptacles, 5 par pack, ‘Save ie (operating cea) Mig 2 12 iy. required: 4 1.284.477 121 Protective cap, 5 por pack, Qty. required! 1 ‘1 280 703 023 ECE Dimension rowing Ja Pugin connection, F Osing 16.525 mm, G2 ribs, 28 mm thick, B Oving 14852 mm, H Plugin connection, | Stade terminal, IC Fang dimensions for totlewahe housing, D Clockwise rotation), __K Thi mounting positions only parmiaible whan the thrtlewave shalt ie IE Countrceckwise rotation '), © Direction of throta-ae opening ‘sealed against ol, gasoine et, © Dreton of hott wah epening, }) Three vave in ile song. LFieng dimensions fr trtte-avepotentoms os z = A ms ns | 488 a Disgram Diagram 2 Diagram 3 hrotte van in ite seting Pate EE Yaw sensor (gyrometer) with micromechanical acceleration sensor @ Compact system design with highly integrated electronics. @ Insensitive to mechanical or electrical interference, @ Simultaneous measurement of yaw rate and acceleration vertical to the rotary axis. @ Extensive yaw-rate measur- ing range from 0.2...100 de- grees per second (corresponds to 2...1,000 rotations per hour). © Capacitive measuring concept. Design The complete unit is comprised of a yaw sensor and an acceleration sensor, together with evaluation electronics. These ‘components are all mounted on a hybrid and hermetically sealed in a metal housing Application ‘This sensor is used in automotive engineer ing for the vehicle dynamics control (Electronic Stabiliy Program, ESP) and measures the vehicle's rotation around its Vortcal axis, while atthe eame time ‘measuring the acceleration at right angles to the driving direction. By electronically tervaluating the measured values, the sen 80F s able to difforontiato betwaon normal cornering and vehicle skidding movements, Operating principle Two oscillatory masses each have a con: ductor attached through which alternating Current (AG) fows. Since both of the mas- 908 are located in a constant magnetic field, they are each subjected to an electro dynamic force which causes them fo oscillate. if the masses are aleo subjected ta rational movement, Coriolis forces are also generated. The resulting Coriolis lcceleration is a measure for the yaw rate.The linear acceleration values are registered by a separate sensor element, Installation information = Instalation near to the vehicle's center of gravity “Max. reference:asis deviation transverse to the direction of movement 23° =Reter to sketch on Page 9 Tightening torque for fastening screws: 642/-1 Nm. Explanation of symbols, Q Yaw rate Acceleration due to gravity 9.8085 m- 5 a, Linear transverse) acceleration Technical data / Range a Partum 005 358 Yaw sensor DRS-MM1.OR Maximum yaw rato Qj, SbOut The tary ans [Zaes) (00"Fs Minimum resolufon AQ z ‘Sensitivity 18 mViTE ‘Change of sonstiviy 5%, ‘Offset yaw rate Ps Change of offset 47s Nominearity, max Gevation from best inear approximation 1% FSO Roady imo ts Dynamic response 220 ‘Dynamig response se Electrica’ noise (measured wih 100 Hz bandwidih 25 mV Linear acceleration sensor Maximum acceleration don ae Senstivty 7000 Vig ‘Change of senstivy 5% Offeot Oe) Change of offset S008. Non-ineariy, max, Gevation from bast insar approximation 53% FSO Ready ime S108 Dynamic response 290 He ‘Dynamic response 0H Electrica’ noise (measured wih 100 Hz bandwidlh <5 Vn ‘Operating temperature range 30,85" ‘Storage-lemperaiure range =20.. 150°C. ‘Supply votage. 72 V nominal Supplyvotage range 33.216 V Curront consumption al TV <70 mA Reference voltage 25V2500V) ) Zero point is 2.5 V (Terence). Accessories ”) Pughowng —— ‘iy required: 1 AMP-Nor_1-967 616 Contact pins for O75 mm ‘Oly. required! 6 AMP'No- 965 907-1 Gaskets for 1.4.,1,0mm? Oly. required: 6 AMP-No:__ 967 067-1 3) To be obtained from AMP Deutschland GmbH, 0-63725 Langen, Tol, 061 03/7009-0, Fax 061 03/7 09-1223, E-Mail: SAE Operating principe Connectorpin assignment Block diagram. Tarot pre [Sens ore] is. ae = Hil ons-our aerout Fe OS He un-our tier! eee EE Inductive rotational-speed sensors Incremental* measurement of angles and rotational speeds @ Non-contacting (proximity) and thus wear free, rotational- speed measurement. @ Sturdy design for exacting demands. @ Powerful output signal. © Measurement dependent on direction of rotation. Application Inductive rotational-speed sensors of this ‘ype are suitable for numerous applications involving the registration of rotational speeds. Depending on design, they measure engine speeds and wheel speeds for ABS systems, and convert these speeds into elactie signals. Design and function The sottiron core af the sensor is sur ‘rounded by a winding, and located directly ‘opposite a rotating toothed pul ring with only @ narrow air gap separating the two. ‘The sottiron core is connected to a parma rent magnet, the magnetic field of which textonds into the ferromagnetic pulse ring and is influenced by it. A tooth located directly opposite the sensor concentrates the magnetic feld and ampifies the ‘magnet fuxin the col, whereas the magnets fux's attenuated by tooth space. These two conditions constantly fallow on from one another due to the pulse ring rotating with the wheel. Changes In magnetic flux are generated atthe tran- sitions between the tooth epace and tooth (leading tooth edge) and at the transitions between tooth and tooth space (traiing tooth edge). Inline with Faraday’s Law, these changes in magnetic fux induce an AC voltage in the col, the frequency ‘of which 's suitable for determining the fotational speed. 5 Sotiron coro, 6 Co, 7 A ge, {8 Tooth pus ving with erence mark Range Technical Data Tae eng Fel ——OrderNo,Rolatonabapeod angen an 20-700 wih plag” Dimension Permanent ambien iempetalura athe cable area crawing For 0 261 210 104,0 981002 914 “ 40.4190 wore 1 Dw TA Ford 261 210147 °C =a 130 S532 102 0261 210147 Parmanont ambien! iomporatare nthe colarea °C. 0150 02183 O9B1007 214 Viration sess maz met 1900 Number of tum 490010 Winding esistanco af 30°C) a 980 210% Inductanes at kHz mf 370 218% Degree of protection Per Gutputvotage Ua v 0200 * Acontinuously changing variable is ro: placed by a frequency proportional oi ) Referred to the associatad pulse fing 2} Change factor 40.004 {@y -20 °C); ty winding temperature ECE feieteiee eee! Dimension drawings The sensor generates one output pulse per tooth, The pulse amplitude isa function of tho ai gap, together with the toothed ring’ I 0261210104 , 5 reational Spee the shape of ts tot, ane $ 3 the materials used in ts manufacture. Not / 2 nly the ouutignal ampttuce increases / Ele wtih epeed, but ao ie woquanay. Ths means that a minimum rotational speed is required for reliable evaluation of even the ‘smalest voltages. ‘A reference mark on the pulse ring in tho form ofa large “tooth space” makes t pos- sibie not ony to perform rotationa-speed x measurement, but also to detormine tho pulse ring’s postion. Since the toothed bulge ring isan important component ofthe Totationalspeed measuring system, exact ing technical demands are made upon ito ‘ensure that relable, precise information ' obtained. Pulse-ring specications are sor ons fvalable on request 1, {Pee Explanation of symbols Uy Output vokage 1” Rotational speed 5 Riegap ontaen Accessories Forratapood From offer Prag part sensor drawing umber 0.261 770 104 ‘A998 000 018 1928 407 412 ‘4.96 000 012, 1/928 402 579. Doers10TaT Enguiro at AMP. 7261002914 AGE 000 455 "1928 402 966 Reese cue Ee Hall-effect rotational-speed sensors Digital measurement of rotational speeds © Precise and reliable digital measurement of rotational speed, angle, and distance travelled @ Non-contacting (proximity) measurement. @ Hall-IC in sensor with open- collector output. @ Insensitive to dirt and contamination. @ Resistant to mineral-oil pro- ducts (fuel, engine lubricant). Design Hall sensors comprise a semiconductor Ke & Technical Data") / Range wafer with integrated driver circuits (e.g. Parinum O77 10a aT 0757 10 OT ‘Sohmit-Trigger for signal concitioning, a ‘Minimum rotational speed of Wigger wheal hy mint mn: transistor functioning asthe output diver, Maximum rotations-speed of tigger whee! 4000 mie 4500 rin anda permanent magnet. These areall | Minmmum workng at gap 0.1 mm Ot mm hermetically sealedinside a plastic plug- Maximum working ar gap 1am smn ‘ype housing Suppirvotage Us BV 12V Suppirvotage range Uy 475.6050) 46. 980 Application Suppiy curont Te Teel 65 mA Toma. Hal-offectrotationa-speed sonsors are Output curent 0.20 ma 0.20 8A, used forthe non-contacting (proximity), and Output votage U, 00 0. Uy therefore weartree, measurement of rotaio- Output saturation vollago Us <05V S05V nal speeds, angles, and ravoled distances. Swichng time iat Us = Uy T= 0A TohmG ad)_—< 1 ys Sys. Compared toinductive-ype sensors, they Switching ime, ®) at Ua = Us, [,= 20 mA (ofc load) = 15 5 ELIT have an advantage inthe output signal Sustained temperature nthe sensor and vans region ~a0..+160°O 90. + 15070 being independent ofthe rotational speed or Sustained temperature in tho plug aroa 40,.4190"C 90. 812076) felative speed ofthe rotating rigger-whee! vane, The postion ofthe tooth s the deci ‘ive factor forthe output signal ‘Adaptation to almost ovary conceivable ‘appleation requirement is possible by appropriate tooth design. In automotive engineering, Hal-etfect sensors are used "] Atanbiont tomporature 235 °C. 7) Maxsnam supply volge for 1 hour 76.5 V 2) Tima rom HIGH to LOW, maasurec between tha connections (0) and) from 90% to 10% «Time from LOW to HIGH, measured between the connections (0) and (-) frm 10% t0 90% 5) Shorttime ~40...1180 °C permissible.) Shortie 40.1130 °C permissible ‘Accessories for connector Plug hovsing ‘Conact pn Tnaividval qaakela For cable cross section for information on the momentary wheel 1828403 110 1-987 260 1051 967 280 106 0.5.1 mm speed and wheel positon as needed for ‘(987 260 108 1987 280.107 ma braking and drive systems (ABS/TCS), for NeterFora Spin plug, plug rousing, 3 cova ps, and 3 navi ‘measuring the steering-wheel angle as equited forthe vehicle dynamics control system (Electronic Stabilty Program, ESP), and for cylinder identfeation. Operating principle Measurement is based upon the Hall effect Which states that when a current is passed through a semiconductor wafer the so: called Hall voltage is generated at right angles to the direction of current, The ‘magnitude of tis voltage is proportional to tho magnotc fold through the somiconduc tor, Protective crcuts, signal conditioning Circuits, and output drivers are assembled directly on this semiconductor. If a magneticaly conductive tooth (e.g. of soft ron) is moved in front of the sonsor, the magnetic Feld is influenced arbitrary as a function ofthe trigger wheel vane shape. In other words, the output signals are practically freely selectable For automotive appeatons, orginal AMP erimping tools must be use. Installation information ~ Standard installation conditions {guarantee ful sensor functioning Route the connecting cables in parallel in ‘order to prevent incoming interference, = Protect the sensor against destruction by static discharge (CMOS components) = The information on the right of ths page ‘must be observed in the design of the ‘rigger wheel ‘Symbol explanation Ian =: Static operation possible ‘tga > 0: Oniy dynamic operation possible. Us: Max. output votage at LOW with 4: Output currant = 20 mA. Te Supply current for the Hall sensor. 1 Falltime (traiing signal edge). 1: Rise time (leading signal edge). Trigger wheal design 0 292 103.021 The tigger wheel must be designed as a 2itrack wheel. The phase sensor must be intalled dead center. Permissible center offset: #0.5 mm. ‘Segment shape: Mean diameter 245 mm ‘Segment width > 5mm ‘Segment length 210mm ‘Sogmont height 235mm © 2a2 103 022 The trigger wheel is scanned radially. ‘Segment shape, Diameter 220mm Tooth depth 245mm Tooth width 210mm Material thicknoss 235mm ECE eee) Installation stipulation 0252 703 022, Dimension drawings Dr” Drecton of cation SS Spnpugin conection Ta Temperature won Sez Sans ving St Pug (0232 103 021 (0292 109 022 Ouipusinal shops Insaaon spain 0 23210807. Cee Output votage Dr Drecton eaten Tee Output sation wotage (i Signal with 0.232 103 021 o — 0.232 103 022 v Hic EE eee Acceleration sensor Measurement of acceleration up to +5 g a vu © Ratiometric output signal. @ Temperature-compensated. @ Low pyroelectric sensitivity @ Hermetically sealed housing. @ High-level EMC. @ Overvoltage protection © Short-circuit proof. © Protected against reverse polarity. Applications Character Une Opercreut opt okage in automotive engineering, his eonsor Une tes Us seer otto the chance of fence Cleputectageexcrian or aang range agnosis inthe engine electronics. aa, || vent itregstere the vehicle accelerations which 1 | | ompasotage v2 are the direct result of fluctuations in. 1 For acceleration > +5 g 45v ‘crankshaft speed. in order to ascertain ss i For accaeraion<-5g 0.5V wwhather these eankchatopeed fatwa: | \ one reeult trom gniton mistie ora poor | apy} tm \ road surface, the latest er ia 1 trent eystems alo reg ' isos ofthe incisal eyinders. ' Design and function ' ‘The soncor element comprises a *bending osv i element consisting of two ant: paral G 3 4 polarized pazosletric layer, accolra ecbrton a fon forces are applied to this bending tloment, mechanical tencion i caused ‘which in tun results in a charge of electic- iyat te bending-clement suraces Tis Technical Data / Range charge s evalited by a hybrid cult ‘The sensor can measure inthe horizontal Par nuns TATTOO andin the verteal measurement drections Messuing ange ae wen mounted appropriately, whereby the Lit of operating aad Imeseurement direction i usualy vertical fo Sustaned operation inthe sensor's dyramic the clamping surface. covestequenoy range without Garage s10 ‘An output signal Ux > Uois generated for Ovooad protection vertical upwards acceleration ofthe clamp- Peak amliude20 times without damage 100 ing surface, whereas the coresponding rl sens 10% downward acceleration generates a signal Nomina senstwiyat7= 1687 2Vise Une Ue The output volage Ushas a Operaing tonporaite range 40,105 cosine relationship tothe angle between Storage fomperaure range S035 C. the sensor measurement drecton andthe Sarvoe We agen] ‘rection of acceleration, Taking an angle In operaing temperature rango of 15%, ths produces a(caeuated) signal _-.108°C 4000 reduction of 24% Wager 73a Electrical specifications for U,= 528 % input corer oan Gupalvotage rao pant U, U,/3= TEV aOR Sensiy aBOnV Ig s19 % Dynan oop ota Raa the ange 0100 He 300 oad resistance Re (pull above 18). S750 i bad eapacty C, St5ch Accessories Lower critical frequency f, (3 48) OHz “ Unt. u 7 L J \ J eee Surface-type micromechanical acceleration sensors Measurement of accelerations of #35 gor #50 g © Complete measuring range of #85 g or 250. @ Low number of external components required. @ Integrated self-diagnosis. @ Integrated offset calibration. @ Integrated 2%-order Bessel filter. @ Ratiometric output signal. @ Standard SMD PLCC28 housing. @ Temperature range suitable for commercial-vehicle appli- cations. Applications This acceleration soneor is used in vohiclos ‘as one of the components forthe front air bag. Depending upon installaton position in the passenger compartment, itcan be used to measure longitudinal or transverse acce- location (referred tothe vehicle's direction of ravel Design and function These acceleration sensors rely on a cape citwe measuring principle. LLatorl sensing direction (in the component level. ‘Acceleration causes the seismic mass to detiact in the xdirection. This seismic mass is suspended on wave-shapad bonding springs (One electrode set is connected to the ses mic mass (comb-lke structure) and moves along withthe particular acceleration. These movable electrodes are designed as capacitor plates and are also provided with immovable counterlectrodes which are ‘separated from each other by a narrow air ‘gap. The application of a capacitive differ. ential ciccult with two capacitors results in ‘a reduction ofthe nor-ineatiy ofthe signal evaluation. Overload stops are provided as ‘protection against overacceleration These prevent direct contact batwaen the clectrodes (combs). Mechanical sensitivity is defined by the geometrical shape of the springs, ‘Changes in C1 and ©2 are registered and changed to a corresponding voltage by a ccapacityvollage converter. Ea a vu ‘Razaloraion | Sang aris Sensor ype Orda No or oor XX sw8 0800278 101 143 HEX (0-773 101 144 TF x (0273 101 155 XY, (0273 101 156 HEX (0773 101 157 17 Measuring range Tor faFioad “Sensing direction, ueou) voo Design and function, ¥ Xan vp >| cwveanmnw [| sc mor > oax oI ome Se on Sen eth ow an IS wv eonrte: Le] sc ter >| ony Evaluation ASIC Test oxo CCE Technical Data eee ee a ‘Connectorpin assignment Maing Baar tz in rT Sioohyotage — é. tad | ae ‘Storage temperature =c =55 +105, a nea ee Mocrarical pact 7 iz iat —foma Not energized a 2000 g Stes |e Energized Hl 71000 ia es Test ESD teach pi) 75 i exo —enb Tomporaure raion ca ro i soo —{voo i rea Y— orate Operating conditions ra Sav —foae Pararotor ain ‘arma ma 75 ING “Inc Ine. ‘Supply voltage Uy Vv 475 S 5.25 in hes no Bond connection Supp curert i ‘Blechannel unt mA s 2 ‘wo-chanol unit mk ro i earings Operating temperate a5 385 Measuring and function characteristics Paramator iin mala me Sonsiivi a 55. 28 % 385) svecnsvar: ‘Senstiviy tolerance 5 z pieces) me NonJinearity of the sensitfy ——% 08 2 ‘Transverse-anis sonsitly 2) ——% 3 Zero-acceleraton output Voor. fist at zero acceleration ‘Aer offset adustment_ mv 2180 Without offaet adjustment —V Vara Gfsetagustment ime = 7.65 GffsetTest voltage input OY) Low v 0.25 xvoD High v ‘O75 xVOD ‘Operating prince Sattost 1 Hriortal prong seienic mas wt springs 235g 9 type at SV mv___ 250 985 866 2 Spring. 3 fod obcrodos wih capactance 350; q ype at 5V mV——200. 336 610 G,, 4A conductor 8 Bond pa, Dasasohee ange Te 6 Fed electrodes with copecly Cr, 7 Silcon nee v ozs v0 -0.25 __| sxe, ®Tesion sping, 9 Vorica sprung Sa 2 Sram ma thetrces. A Asoation Quiputcurrontf, 880 | in aonsing eteoton, Cu messing capacty ‘Capactive output Toad F Too 8 a8 comer equency Cn 2nd order Bessa iter Hz 20 400 480 ‘Output noise 4 40 to 1000 Ke gh He 25 45 1) The effects of excessive shock can permanently damage the uni Maloperation ofthe sensor due to mechanical impact, and excessive g figures, are dotected by on-chip sel-tost 2) In percentage of nominal sensitivity, as a function of service life and temperature range. 8) Output signal resuiting from acceleration in any axs vertical to the sensing axis. +} Ourput noise with the offset adjustment out of operation. With offset adjustment in operation, the output noise is approx. double the figure, Explanation of symbols Installation information a Acceleration (@ ‘A doviaton in the installation by =1° from Vax Output votage ‘the horizontal resuts in a measurng error Voo Supply votage of 0.02 g. The sonsar is protected against Vor Offset voltage polarty reversal 8” Sensitivity EO Vy + Sa) SO BV Von Petrino ra Measurement of structure-borne noise/acceleration a vu © Reliable detection of structure-borne noise for protecting machines and engines. @ Piezo-ceramic with high degree of measurement sensitivity @ Sturdy compact design Apalications Technical data baton sorsors ofthis typo are suitable for thedetecionofetuctureborne accuse FraGuanay range 20 WE ncilatone as canoccurforexampleincase | Measuring range = 61,4007 afireguar combuston'n engines andon Sensivy at 8H 36 38 nVie machines, Thank to hor ruggedness, _Linoariy botwoon 8..TSWHE those bration seneorscanbeusedeven at resonances 201-10 % of 5 kMevale (15.41 mV tncerthe most severe operatng condone, Dorinan resonant TaGuaney 3 75a Sofimpedance Stn Areas of application Gapactance range 300.1600 GF Knock conta forinterna-combuston Temperature dependaice engines of th sonst £0.08 mile °C = Protuton of machin tool Sperang omporatir ranger ~Dotaction of cation "ype 0261°231 118 40.1160 °C. = Montorng of beerings “pe 0961 251-148 =o. 160°C. —hettdetorron eyetoms Tipe 0261-231 133 40.1307. Pormisbl oselions —Sustanod 2 e0.¢ Design and function Shortiom £4002 Gn account oft nea, amas exerts compressive orees on a ingshaped” Installation azo coramic olomont inne wih tho Faslning scrow Groycaat ion Wx 75, quay OB Grcilaion which gonrats the oxctaton ‘lun W830; quay 88 Wilinthe cerame element these forces Tarng Torus oled permite 2015 Nth rosutin charge tansor wihn the coramie Mung poston ‘ttraty anda volage s goneratadbetwoon the”) Accowraton duo to Gavly g= BTM o {ep andbotiom atthe cerame element, Rosstant o sain fog and usta climate ‘This wage i picked-of using contact sca in many caso titer ana inte grated - and made available as ameasur. © Range {nq signal. In order to route the wbvaton Grectyntothe sensor woraton 8°°80°9 Vibration sensor are sezurly bot ste object on whch of without gable rr 2 pol, wih cable, aig TOO mm, up STITT 0261231 153 Measurement sensitivity Zpole, with cable, length 410 mm, upto+150°C 0261231 118 vor wlratonconer haste own individual response charactorste whichis closely . Inedtots messurementsensiviy Tre Accessories measurement sensttys defined asthe Citputvotage par unt ofaccaloraton due Sonor Pig Roig | Cone ns Ea gk | For cla togaviy (sn charactors curv). The erose action productonrelatod sonetityscaterie —- OUSTIRT VE TOI8A0U a7 — T9A7 200 TOU T9B7FEDTOE 0.1 Ome Sczeptbi for applications whore the or {987 280 105 —1 967 260-107 15-25 nm maytaskiotorecordthatvoraion's—-O5TI5T 191998 405 8761926 498 0601928 300.580 —0.5..LOmn= cecling, and nt wo mucho measireits {928 408 061 —1 928 300 6001525 m7 sever. SRST DT TIE TBE AOE HO 1 987 260 1031997 280 108 08.1 0mm! Tho low votages generated by the sensor {967 260 1081 967 260-107 nm ccan be evaluated using a highimpedance Note: AS-poe plug requires 1 plug housing, 3 contact pins, and 3 individual gaskets. AC amplifier. In automotive applications, original AMP erimping tools must be used Pee) Vibration sensor Gesign, Response characters ‘unction Mounting ole "Sneno mass ihncrnresve roo f, | [of equney 2 Howang 3 Pesooreme 4 Stomd Conass 8 Eotic comosion, | | gg ‘ila sock V breton ot fe I 3 cf ° Vt iF ° oS ; ~ oer Dimension drawings. Evaluation Sone nn. ‘Tho sensor's signals canbe evaluated Using an elacrore more 0261231 48 ‘hinvs described on Pages 26/27 Installation instructions The eareors rail sntnoes ret rake 2 2 z a : — Prossur p 7 Pa ‘Acoluo rossuop “Seaton drawing (over Sensor cal, 2 Maca ster. Preseure, 2 Reference pressure Dimension drawings Pint 80 Pin 2 Ground Pin 8 Output signal re ct “Signal evaluation: Recommendation ‘Signal evaluation: Recommendation The pressure sensor's electrical output is 40 designed that malfunctions caused by cable open-circuits or short circuits can be detected by a sutable circutin the folowing electronic circuitry. The diagnosis areas situated outsde the characteristic {curs limits are provided for fault diagnosis. ‘The circuit diagram shows an example for election of all malfunctions via signal out side the characteristic-curve limitation. eee Differential-pressure sensors Measurement of pressures in gases and liquid mediums from -2.5 kPa to +3.75 kPa EE @ Resistant to the monitored medium. @ Piezoresistive sensor element. @ Integrated protection against humidity. Application In automotive applications, this type of pressure sensor is used for measuring fuel Dimension Part No, fank pressure. In the process, a differential drawn pressure is established referred tothe =3.50...50) = O 0261 230015, ambient pressure. £250,250 wih protective cover © 0261 230-026 Ses 2 28 Design and function ‘A mioromechanical pressure element with diaphragm and connector fiting isthe most. Technical data important component inthis diferential- Characteriste pressure sensor mapa ‘The diaphragm is resistant tothe effects of | Prossuremoasurng ange Be KPa 2.5 = the monitored medium. The measurement Operating tomporature ts °C =40 = +80 is carried out by routing the monitored Supply votage Uy Dy Vv a75 805.25, ‘medium through the pressure connector input curent at Uy =5W he mA 801255 and applying the prevaling pressure to the Load curont at output h mA -Of = 40.1 piezoresistive sensor element. This sensor Load resistance to ground or Uy K a lament is integrated on a sicon chip Response tine fgg me = 0 together with electronic circuty for signal Votage imitation at Uy amplification and temperature compen Lower lit v0.25 03 035 sation. The silicon chip is surrounded by a Upper imit Uaeg V4.5 4A TO-type housing which forms the inner sensor cell. The surrounding pressure is Recommendationforsignal evaluation applied to the active surface through an Load resistance to Uy = 8.8..16V Rin 380, ‘opening in the cap and a reference fiting The actwe surface is protected against Limit data moisture by Siicagel. The pressure sensor Supply olage (nin) V. 6 {generates an analog signal which is rato: Pressure measurement KPa 30 = 30 ‘metric referred to the supply voltage. ‘Sorage temparaivre a SC <4 = +80 Installation instructions. js The sensor is designed for horizontal Accessories ‘mounting on a horizontal surface, Incase of non-horizontal mounting, each Plug housing required 936 405-110 caso must be considered individually Contact pins roquired 3] ‘AMP Nummer 929 939-37) Generally speaking, instalation is tobe Contact pins iy. required: 3). ‘AMP Nummer 2-929 939-1 7 such that iquids cannot accumulate in the Individual gaskets required: 2 ‘AMP-Nummer 828 904 ‘sensor or inthe pressure hose. Water in) Provisional craft number, Order No. available upon request. Availabe as from the end the sensor leads to malfunctions when it of 2001 freezes, 2) To be obtained from AMP Doutschiand GmbH, Amporastr. 7-11, D-63226 Langen, Tel, 061 03/7 09-0, Fax 061 03/709 1223, E-Mait: AMP 8) Contacts for 0261 290 026 4} Contacts for 0 281 280 016, B 261 260 317, ECE eee ee) Charatan Characters carve leranee N Insenow ste 2s i | 1s Dimension drawings © Soyo nog 0261290026 ® Es 0261230015 3 261260017 5 os ovat a Ce 8 pd ‘Sectional raving of pressure sensor ‘Sectional raving of sensor Explanation of symbols (Grrl stor) *Sieagel app premure BRetrence | pe Diflorentialprossure 1 Senor cl? Apple posure, pressure 4 Sensor hp 8 Gas boo Ux Output votage (signal votage) 3 Reorancepresure. wh Supply volage k' Tolerance mulipier D Flowing endurance test N Asnew sate Connector pin assignment Pin! sSV (Uy) Pin? Ground Pin 8 Output signal tees Absolute-pressure sensor for measuring atmospheric pressure Measurement of temperatures from 60 kPa to 115 kPa A @ SMD assembly. @ Low-profile micromechanics. @ Temperature-compensation. Integral signal amplification a Design and function ‘Characeratic curves Block disgram. This sensor comprises a tomporature: E sent, O Offset, K Conpanaston cru, compensated measuring element for deter- | p07 Uy § Sensor Bige, V Api rmining the barometric absolute pressure, ee In this monolithic integrated silicon pres- ‘sure sonsor, the sensor element, andthe | #44 4 respective evaluation ciculry with cal tion elements are al united on a single silcon chip. The silicon chip is glued onto. | 34 93 a hybrid substrate to faciltate automatic, ‘SMD assembl 5 " ale rot l> Explanation of symbols Uy Supply voltage Ug Output voltage (signal voltage) adios ie k” Tomperature-orror multpor 8 Temperature ta Absolute pressure ° 1B” Following endurance test ow tO TiSkPa N- Nominal satus Asoks0 POSE Pe ____ E,K,0 te we eS Terporatro

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