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1. Consider the hospitality industry in the Philippines. Discuss the different

sectors in the hospitality industry. You may also give the names of some
companies in the hospitality industry. One example has been given in the table
below. Work on the table and come up with the most appropriate examples.


Accommodation Food and Drinks Hotels Spring Hotel
Food and Beverage Food and Drinks Fast Food Jollibee
Food and Beverage Food and Drinks Restaurant Kua J Restaurant
Transportation Transport Airlines Cebu Pacific

Activity 2. CASTILLO, DAVE

Look at the table that your group has just completed.
1. Have you been to any of the above companies or organizations?
2. What services did you receive from them?
3. Were you satisfied with the way you were treated by the company or its staff?
4. Did they understand what services you wanted?
5. Did they provide what you wanted quickly and accurately?
6. Was the staff member friendly or rude?
7. Based on the discussion above, suggest five qualities or traits that a successful
staff member in the hospitality industry should possess.
1. You Must Have Commitment
To be successful in the hospitality industry, your whole mindset should be to
ensure the satisfaction of the guest. You must do whatever it takes to make, and
keep, guests happy and returning to your place of business.

2. You Must Have Great People Skills

If there is one thing that is important in the hospitality industry, it is that
employees must have the ability to effectively communicate with guest, patrons,
vendors and other staff. Communicating with everyone in a polite, conversational
manner, is imperative.
2. Paying Attention to Detail, Is A Must
In the hospitality industry, it is all about the comfort, approval, and satisfaction of
the guest. The smallest details must be adhered to. From the way a table in the
dining area is set, to the presentation of the food, to the serving of the
food/wine/beverage, to the room preparedness, bed turn down, to the wake-up
call, all aspects are important to your guests.

4. Leadership and Teamwork Are Imperative

Successful members of the hospitality industry work well with others and can be
a productive member of a team. They value the contributions of everyone. Great
hospitality employees have strong leadership skills and are able to command
projects are make significant contributions to the client’s overall success.

5. Enthusiasm and A Great Attitude Are a Plus

Great employees of the hospitality industry are enthusiastic about their jobs and
strive to do the best work possible. They want to give their guests the best
experience available. So, if you have commitment, great people skills,
exceptional attention to detail, leadership and teamwork skills and a contagious
enthusiasm and attitude, you could be considered a highly valued candidate for
employment in the hospitality industry. For more information about finding
careers in hospitality, visit Hospitality Jobs.

8. Do you or your group members possess any of these qualities or traits?

 Yes, because being honest and taking responsibility for your actions are
admirable qualities. Adaptability and affability are great traits that can help
a person get along well with others. Drive, determination, and persistence
can help keep a person going no matter what.
Activity 2. ESCOTO, MARK
Look at the table that your group has just completed.
1. Have you been to any of the above companies or organizations?
 Yes!
2. What services did you receive from them?
 Food and transport services.
3. Were you satisfied with the way you were treated by the company or its staff?
 Yes, I’m very satisfied.
4. Did they understand what services you wanted?
 Certainly yes!
5. Did they provide what you wanted quickly and accurately?
 Totally yes!
6. Was the staff member friendly or rude?
 They’re absolutely friendly.
7. Based on the discussion above, suggest five qualities or traits that a successful
staff member in the hospitality industry should possess.
a) Dedication- One of the most important qualities of a good hotel manager or
hotelier is a commitment to customer satisfaction. Without this commitment, one
cannot find success in the sector.
b) Great Communications and Language Skills- The most successful
individuals in the hospitality sector are great communicators both orally and in
writing. With the advantage of great communication skills, your personality oozes
out confidence. You can connect with sheer ease with your customers, clients,
and team members.
c) Cultural Awareness- All Hotels and hospitality organizations expect and
welcome guests from all parts of the world. A high level of cultural awareness is
probably the topmost hospitality skill. To succeed as a hotelier, you must have
high acceptance from the team and understanding culture helps you get along
well with everyone.
d) Flexibility- As an employee in the field of hospitality, you should be prepared to
be always flexible. You can be called on at any time and you should always be
prepared to answer the call. 
e) And lastly is having a Positive Attitude- To make your guests feel at ease
and comfortable in your establishment, you must always maintain a positive
attitude. Not only will this make it easier to do your job, but it will also help you
deal with the stresses that come with the job. A positive attitude is one of the top
qualities of a great hospitality employee because it helps you inculcate various
other top traits for succeeding in this industry.
8. Do or your group members possess any of these qualities or traits?
 Definitely yes, we have that kind of qualities. Being a college student is
difficult however it has a little similarity with those staff had. If they have
skills, abilities or any kind of qualities and traits of course we had that too.

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