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Hello, My name is .....

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to go to the ....
Can I ask you some questions?
Hello, is this the ...?
Yes, It is, How can I help you?
Yes, certainly. What do you want to know?
what can i see in the Museum?
How much is an adult ticket?
Is the museum open on Wednesdays?
Can I buy food in the museum?

you can buy food at the cafe

The museum at 26 Station Road where you can see a lot of cars
from famous films
Adults ticket is 700
Tu de hoi + Dong tu dc biet + Chu ngu + Dong tu thuong?

What is the name of the cafe?

Where is it?
What does the cafe sell?
is it open on saturday?
Can I sit outside the Cafe?
The Cafe is called River Island, you can see it opposite the cinema
The Cafe has excellent coffee and cakes
yes it's open monday to saturday, 9am to 11pm
you can sit inside or out in the garden, it's a great place to meet friends

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