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AFT 3093
(SESSION 2019/2020)











Social l entrepreneurship corporate can be define as an individual who willing to attempt
In the social agenda in addition be the formal as the corporation .as the social
entrepreneurship corporate it will be more different among all the other entrepreneurship
because it will have more responsible and as the social person .Social entrepreneurship can be
more related to the field of responsibility and sustainability specifically to business and
management ,human resources ,business strategy and organization behaviour .The concept
more close to the sociology ,anthropology ,and social psychology .

The term of the social corporate entrepreneurship was be presented in the Annual European
Business Ethnic Network Conference in 2004 .The connection between philosophical ideas
,and the moral character that influence the social corporate entrepreneurship in the public
relation activity ,encouragement from government or organization content .This social
corporate entrepreneurship was literature has the largest focused on the voluntary activities
that not really focused on the profit .

Corporate social entrepreneurship often becomes necessary when there is a difficult balance
between the financial objectives of a company and public well-being.These individuals are
closely related to and sometimes referred to as Social entrepreneurship .Where in some social
entrepreneurship met to discuss their common motivation and challenges in enacting social
change This has since been added to by new networks aiming to actively create new
profitably do good ideas and help the new entrepreneurs. Corporate social entrepreneurship
responsibility into their practices, due to the fact that these methods must be created within
the organization.

The main issue of the strategy management in the social entrepreneurship is improving
stakeholder engagement is a critical challenge for destination strategic planning and
globalization of economies has heightened the importance of entrepreneurial action for
creating wealth and addressing persistent social problems .Next is the current economic
crisis, the inability of some governments to meet the social needs of their constituencies.
Beside that , instrument of emancipation and how imperfect accounts can be useful for social
businesses in their pursuit of developing their activities and achieving social impact.


Improving stakeholder engagement is a critical challenge for destination strategic

planning. Using social capital as a theoretical lens, this paper explores the social dynamics
which facilitate or inhibit successful tourism destination planning. In-depth interviews with
74 stakeholders across five different destination strategic plans provide insights to the
potential value of social capital theory to destination strategic planning processes.

Specifically, the results suggest bridging and bonding social capital are crucial to the
development, implementation, and evaluation of tourism destination strategic plans.
Moreover, plans successful in building social capital enjoyed stronger stakeholder support.
Below, recommendations for the destination planning processes are provided followed by a
discussion of the study's limitations and future research opportunities. Social capital firstly,
successful plans were the ones in which tourism stakeholders were consulted and whose
inputs were considered in the creation of goals and strategies. Third, bonding social capital
was greatly improved when communication between all stakeholders was encouraged. It was
examining social capital stakeholders at one point in time. Similarly, research could assess
the success of destinations as they implement and foster public participation. Third, future
research would benefit from examining the relationship between the structure of a plan and
social capital.

Structure is also important in that social capital relies on stakeholders working together to
achieve a goal. Finally, the five destination plans selected for this study focused on
competitiveness and sustainability goals. Exploring plans which focus on different goals and
the associated implementation strategies would be valuable. Regardless of location, product,
or target market, destination planners can all recognize the value of trust, reciprocity, and
cooperation both within and across their communities as key to successful destination
planning .In particular, this paper sought to challenge the literature discussing dual objectives
and notions that an orientation toward an economic objective is somehow incompatible with
the social purpose of this type of organizing. In contrast with the literature, this indicates how
social entrepreneurs can be financially competitive through their social mission even when
profiteering is not relevant. Solution 3 paints a further complex picture where both profit and
social orientation go hand-in hand in engendering competitive advantage. In the classic

argument, one would expect the presence of profit orientation to see social orientation
disappear yet our findings show it is possible.

Indeed, it highlights that this is most pertinent when the entrepreneur has no prior experience
of the targeted social problem. This indicates that the social entrepreneur requires a viable
business idea to be able to sustain the organization financially and iteratively learn about the
targeted social problem. Thus, social missions do appear to improve competitive advantage
once the organization is financially stable. In doing so, this calls into question the binary
assumption underlying the commitment of social entrepreneurs to their social mission.
Mission drift seems not to be the only possible outcome for those social entrepreneurs
prioritizing economic goals. Social entrepreneurs can indeed remain competitive without
drifting away from their social orientation. In this study, the alternative ways in which this
happens are demonstrated. These alternative methods help to understand the second
contribution of the paper by informing theory on hybrid organizing. This study calls into
question that assumption given the evidence of complex coexistence. This paper offers a
direct response to this call by highlighting the.


The main issue in this journal is social entrepreneurship as instrument of emancipation and
how imperfect accounts can be useful for social businesses in their pursuit of developing their
activities and achieving social impact.

The objective is to study how ideologists socially and discursively construct reality and
how reformers and repented terrorists re-construct social reality and their ‘competitive
dynamics’ in the market. It also to explain a potentially valuable tool in efforts to reduce
terrorist violence and developing a grounded process model of social entrepreneurship as
emancipatory work to summarize the study and offer avenues for future research.The process
model that depicts the inter-relationships between the dimensions and processes of
emancipatory entrepreneurship and its outcomes, along with several contingencies. To shed
further light on how a social venture forms reference points for social performance and how
in the organization compromising accounts are made use of in developing metrics for its
operations. How a firm's strategic behaviour relates to the differences between its goals and

performance. Other than that, to understand how the evaluation of social performance has
developed within the organization.

Firstly, the finding from the journal says that religious terrorism, a type of terrorism
that typically legitimizes violence as a religious. Scholars of religious terrorism emphasize
how religion provides the ideology that legitimizes violence as part of an unbounded struggle
against the forces of evil and also provides strategic guidance on how and where it is
legitimate to carry the fight. Despite the burgeoning research on religious terrorism, little is
known about the mechanisms of disengagement from terrorist ideology or about the
individuals who have disengaged from religious terrorism and the processes that have
allowed them to do so. Prior research has shown how the use of the logic of confrontation
such as punishment deterrent approaches. Ideology is used in this context as “a set of more or
less systematic ideas that identify a constituency, the challenges the group confronts, the
objectives pursued on behalf of that group, and a program of action. It contains instrumental
value that motivates and coordinates group members including strategies and tactics about
how and where it is legitimate to fight as well as normative commitments to a cause. Today,
religious terrorism is a major global social problem that has generated violent attacks in both
the West and the East.

After that, how social performance reference points are formed in an organization.
The setting of the reference points takes place through a process of compromising accounts in
which organizational actors and groups go through discussion seeking ways to combine
different evaluative principles they hold. Focus on the key events and debates that best
illustrate how social performance measurement developed within the case organization and
how these were made sense of by organizational members. We acknowledge that
organizational events and institutional changes do not flow in an orderly and linear way, and
stages can seldom be identified in a definite fashion.

Social impact can give a positive or negative feedback to health and the impact of that.
Drinking water can give a positive feedback to our body and health. The low level of
consumption also implied the usability to identify any statistically significant findings on the
health impacts of the project. Hence, before any formal feedback on the health impact was

received, the health impact survey were set aside and the board started looking into new ways
to assess the organization social performance.

Furthermore, the findings highlight how negotiations can occur between employees at
different organizational levels in the process of forming a social performance reference point.
Lower levels of employee of an organization can interpret and enact the changes in the social
performance reference points decided by the organization's top management. The middle
management and other organizational actors must play significant roles to implementing and
operationalizing strategic initiatives and systematic organization .


In light of the current economic crisis, the inability of some governments to meet the
social needs of their constituencies, a widening gap between rich and poor in many developed
countries, and—for many—a less than appealing, scandal-ridden corporate world, the stories
of individuals and groups of individuals who want ‘to change the world’. Although more
research and practice are creating and measuring social impact, standards for measuring this
important construct are still underdeveloped. With such a heterogeneity in approach, the
literature still lack of insight that can help social entrepreneurship to keep in progress
effectively. There are theory about social in theory and practice entrepreneurship which this
social impact is very important piece of the phenomenon of social entrepreneurship. This is
because, social impact can considered as relevant performance-based dependent variable.
Social impact also has been in many domain such as education, poverty, environmental
sustainability, and health care. This studied give many different impact to each outcomes
issues and it was difficult to compare. Its hard to improved in social and practice
entrepreneurship as it still underdeveloped. From the journal ‘Social Impact Measurement :
Current Approaches and Future Directions for Social Entrepreneurship Research’, the
researchers admit that their focus on social impact was differ from social entrepreneurship
literature that has focus. From the theory, the social is important to theory and practice
entrepreneurship and it need to gain more development.

Based ,on this journal, the purpose of this research is to introduce a theory for social
In light of the current economic crisis, the inability of some governments to meet the social
needs of their constituencies, a widening gap between rich and poor in many developed
countries, and for many a less than appealing, scandal-ridden corporate world, the stories of
individuals and groups of individuals who want ‘to change the world’. Although more

research and practice are creating and measuring social impact, standards for measuring this
important construct are still underdeveloped. With such a heterogeneity in approach, the
literature still lacked of insight that can help social entrepreneurship to keep in progress
effectively. Is theory about social in theory and practice entrepreneurship which this social
impact is very important piece of the phenomenon of social entrepreneurship. This is because,
social impact can considered as relevant performance-based dependent variable. Social
impact also has been in many domain such as education, poverty, environmental
sustainability, and health care. This studied give many different impact to each outcomes
issues and it was difficult to compare. Its hard to improved in social and practice
entrepreneurship as it still underdeveloped. From the journal ‘Social Impact Measurement :
Current Approaches and Future Directions for Social Entrepreneurship Research’, the
researchers admit that their focus on social impact was differ from social entrepreneurship
literature that has focus. From the theory, the social is important to theory and practice
entrepreneurship and it need to gain more development. Social impact in theory and practice
can be develop in single sector and multisector entrepreneurship.

Social Entrepreneurship(SE), an unusual contact point among entrepreneurship,

innovation and social change, has been increasingly the interest of academics in recently
decade. They focused in four areas; mission,vision and organizational value ,entrepreneurial
opportunities and innovation, entrepreneurial model and social welfare impact.

entrepreneurship based on integrating the entrepreneurship literature with a global empirical

research carried out on social entrepreneurs using grounded theory. There are different
between social entrepreneurship than other entrepreneurship is that the former focuses in
achieving a social mission which is clear in the context and outcome of the social
intrapreneur. Social value is an explicit and central driving force. While for business centre
method by measuring the value based on looking at price or earnings ratios and alike.


For the strategic management journal ,strong political will was important to guide the
planning process and to assure that the plan was effectively implemented. Communication is
very important in ensuring that all information is properly communicated. Good cooperation,

trust and understanding between a leader and his or her employees are very important in an
organization to ensure that an organization can achieve its goals. A leader needs to play a role
to guide the organisation perfectly.

` A joint venture is involves two or more businesses pooling their resources and expertise to
achieve a particular goals. The risk and reward of the enterprise also will be shared. There a
reason on business venturing including business expansion, development of new product or
moving into a new market.

During business venturing, there are many factors that need to be considered. The first
point is communication. Communication is a key part of building the relationship. It will
make sure that everyone involved understand the basic of the joint venture agreement, as well
as the fine details, including goals, financial contribution, human resource and expected
length of the deals. It is a good idea to arrange regular, face-to-face meeting for all people
involved in the joint venture.

The second point is to build a trust. Sharing information openly, particularly on a

financial matters also can help to avoid partners from becoming suspicious of each others.
The more thrust there is, the better chances that he relationship will work. Others than hat, it
is essential that everyone knows about their goals, and work together to achieve the same
goals. Establishing clear performance indicators can help to measure the performance of the
partner and help to give early warning to improve the ways of they work and overcome the

From the journal, the wealth creation being state as a main point in business
venturing. But, while considering on business venturing, the entrepreneur need to think of the
benefits and risk from that joint ventures. A successful joint venture will offer an access to
new market and a distribution of network, increased in capacity, sharing the risk and cost
with partner, and to access to greater resources including specialised staff, technology and

For the analysis theory journal , There several ways of social entrepreneurship done. First
thing first, do the research design. The research attempts to provide a behavioural theory for
social entrepreneurship, which contributes to our understanding of why and how social
enterprises are formed, the typologies evolving from different organizational contexts, and
how the different typologies create and measure sustainable social impact. Second is the
sampling. The sampling is qualitative research. It gives tremendously effect in the qualitative

research. However, this sampling very suitable for grounded theory research. Accordingly,
grounded theory research always starts with purposive sampling to maximize the possibility
of obtaining data and thus leads to knowing where to go afterwards and then proceeds with
theoretical sampling.

Next, social entrepreneurship also include the research process. This research process is
referring to the questions and traducing early content. With this, it will support to create
theoretical sensitivity which is it will help on the early sampling. After that, it followed by the
coding process. As have been stated on the article Emerald Insight, this coding process
involved 4 step which is open coding, axial coding, selective coding and conditional matrix.
Once the category is identified, the researcher would want to know some of the
characteristics of the category, and thus categories are defined and given explanatory power.

A cooperative reaching the serial social entrepreneurship stage also plays an important
rule on the social entrepreneurship. This cooperative is shown about using natural local
resources with active citizen participation to meet basic human needs in small rural villages
used in Egypt by Salah Arafa who is Ashoka Fellow. Salah’s community-based model is built
on the potentials of the poor as being able to sustain their own lives, and that development
and modernization do not necessarily entail urbanization or a move to the cities. Citizens who
are free, well educated, well informed, and technically skilled, and who can actively
participate in their own development process. This move is brilliant because it will develop
on community participated. Furthermore, model is financially, socially, and environmentally

Last but not list, the social entrepreneurship also involved the conceptual framework for
social entrepreneurship. The conceptual framework is how the organization is been taking
care off. the ultimate result of the social enterprise is to create sustainable change in the lives
of people, and this change should be on a community level rather than on an individual level.
For example, Salah Arafa trained the community leaders on how to lead the cooperative, how
to use the solar unit, and how to establish other similar cooperatives, and then he withdrew to
make sure that the community is independent. With that, it will secure the organization or
company. The conclusion is, social entrepreneurship is creating systematic social change

It mentioned that can be related to Malaysia Corporate entity is corporate entity in Malaysia
need to focused on build social research to improve their entity, many entity are left behind
because they lack and underdeveloped in social in theory and practice. Its important to

construct social as it help social entrepreneurship research to progress more rapidly and more
effectively. We identify there are a lot of improvement such suitability of approach and
improved measurement. Suitability of approach is suitable for multisector approach as that
scholars tend to view social impact as a generalizable construct that can be measured. Social
impact can improved measurement in this context. Its not only can impact have positive and
negative consequences, but it also limitless ways in those consequences can be brought

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