Sheet #1: (1) List The Three Categories of Social Business Opportunities and Give An Example of Each

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Name: Mudathir Ebrahim Mahmoud Mostafa

Registration Number: 18200560

Name: Nagwa Adel Abdullatif Mohamed

Registration Number: 20200042

Sheet #1

(1) List the three categories of social business opportunities and give an example
of each.

● Collaboration
**Social networks enable individuals to find and connect with each other to share ideas,
information, and expertise.
**Using social IT to extend the reach of stakeholders, both employees and those outside the
enterprise walls.

● Engagement
**Communities and blogs provide a platform for individuals to join in conversations, create new
conversations, offer support to each other, and other activities that create a deeper feeling of
connection to the company, brand, or enterprise.

**Using social IT to involve stakeholders in the traditional business of the enterprise.

● Innovation
**Social IT offers the community members a “super idea box” where individuals suggest new
ideas, comment on other ideas, and vote for their favorite idea, giving managers a new way to
generate and decide on products and services.

**Using social IT to identify, describe, prioritize, and create new ideas for the enterprise.
(2) Dell's original business strategy was to only sell custom-built computer
systems directly to customers. Dell now sells to major retail outlets such as
Walmart and Best Buy. Which one of Porter’s generic strategies was Dell
exhibiting when only selling directly to the customer? And which one of Porter’s
generic strategies is Dell demonstrating today? Explain your answers.

Dell’s Generic Strategy

Overall, Dell employs a ‘cold-blooded broad focus' approach, which can be determined using
Porter's General Strategy Model.
Dell looks to follow a Mongrel strategy, similar to the car production assiduity, that embraces
both Porter's cost leadership and isolation rudiments. Overall, a mongrel approach "seeks to
achieve isolation and a lower pricing than challengers at the same time.

So, Dell uses both of these aspects, but with a broader focus, because they offer their products
on a large scale, as previously explained, as they provide both commercial and marketable
results to small, medium, and large-sized enterprises, as well as satisfy the needs of druggies in
various diapasons, from the public sector to the home stoner, their broad direct focus helps
contemporaneously produce both cost leadership and isolation strategies.

After all we can conclude that dell is following “Cost Leadership Strategy”

(3) Is a company more likely to adjust its mission statement or its business
strategy? Explain your answer.

A corporation is more likely to change its business plan in order to achieve its objectives and
fulfil its mission.

The company's mission is permanent, meaning it does not alter every month or every couple of
years. It can be changed after a long period of time. The Mission, on the other hand, has been
formed as the company's purpose. As a result, the organization's business plan must be
adjusted on a regular basis in order to meet its mission and objectives.

So, I believe that business strategy and mission statement are significant since they are the
foundation of business and it is tough to change a business plan.
(4) What is alignment in the context of the Information Systems Strategy Triangle
and why is it important for a business to be in alignment?

a basic framework for explaining the alignment required with business systems and for
comprehending the influence of information systems on organizations, links business strategy to
information system strategy and organizational strategy.

(5) Today’s market place is considered to be a very competitive and dynamic

environment. Explain what this means and give examples of this competitive

Market dynamics, defined as the forces that influence product supply and demand in a market,
are as significant in economics as they are in practical business applications. Market dynamics
were established by many economists. In Porter's five forces of competition, they are arguably
the most developed.

There are a variety of competitive business environments to choose from. Smart phones are the
first thing that springs to mind. When it comes to purchasing a smartphone, how many options
do you have? They appeared to have multiplied in the blink of an eye! It's a very competitive
corporate world out there.

Companies are continuously attempting to outperform the most recent best-selling model,
indicating a competitive climate. Furthermore, the pricing of similar smart phone models are
pretty close.

The automobile sector is another highly competitive business environment. Almost every
business, once again, makes a car in every category. As a result, when looking to purchase a
new hybrid sedan or full-size truck, there are numerous options to consider. Obviously, the
vehicle market may be divided into budget and premium companies, but there is substantial
competition within each group.

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