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Stability Calculation - Breasting Pontoon

Stability, build: 0

Loadcase - Loadcase 1
Damage Case - Intact
Free to Trim
Specific gravity = 1.025; (Density = 1.025 tonne/m^3)
Fluid analysis method: Use corrected VCG
Item Name Quantity Unit Mass tonne Total Mass tonne Unit Volume m^3 Total Volume m^3 Long.
Arm m Trans. Arm m Vert. Arm m Total FSM tonne.m FSM Type
Lightship 1 11.500 11.500 4.000 0.000 0.750 0.000 User
Total Loadcase 11.500 0.000 0.000 4.000 0.000 0.750 0.000
FS correction 0.000
VCG fluid 0.750

Heel to Starboard deg -30.0 -20.0 -10.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0
60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 110.0 120.0 130.0 140.0
150.0 160.0 170.0 180.0
GZ m -0.933 -0.869 -0.571 0.000 0.571 0.869 0.933 0.911 0.811
0.649 0.451 0.231 0.000 -0.231 -0.451 -0.649 -0.811 -0.911 -
0.933 -0.869 -0.571 0.000
Area under GZ curve from zero heel m.deg 19.5601 10.4441 2.9963 0.0000 2.9968 10.4408 19.5696 28.8460 37.5193
44.8587 50.3835 53.8056 54.9637 53.8056 50.3835 44.8587 37.5193 28.8460
19.5695 10.4405 2.9962 -0.0011
Displacement t 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50
11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50
11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50
Draft at FP m 0.118 0.282 0.351 0.351 0.351 0.282 0.118 -0.144 -0.519 -
1.095 -2.176 -5.290 n/a -6.790 -3.676 -2.595 -2.019 -1.644 -1.382 -
1.218 -1.149 -1.149
Draft at AP m 0.118 0.282 0.351 0.351 0.351 0.282 0.118 -0.144 -0.519 -
1.095 -2.176 -5.290 n/a -6.790 -3.676 -2.595 -2.019 -1.644 -1.382 -
1.218 -1.149 -1.149
WL Length m 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000
8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000
8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000
Beam max extents on WL m 2.545 2.954 4.050 4.000 4.050 2.954 2.545 2.334 1.958
1.732 1.596 1.523 1.500 1.523 1.596 1.732 1.958 2.334
2.545 2.954 4.050 4.000
Wetted Area m^2 30.620 33.096 40.338 40.415 40.340 33.097 30.620 29.764 29.764
29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764
30.618 33.096 40.338 40.415
Waterpl. Area m^2 20.362 23.634 32.399 32.000 32.401 23.634 20.362 18.669 15.665
13.856 12.770 12.185 12.000 12.185 12.770 13.856 15.665 18.669
20.361 23.634 32.399 32.000
Prismatic coeff. (Cp) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Block coeff. (Cb) 0.500 0.500 0.500 1.000 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.511 0.598
0.683 0.774 0.876 1.000 0.876 0.774 0.683 0.598 0.511
0.500 0.500 0.500 1.000
LCB from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
LCF from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
Max deck inclination deg 30.0000 20.0000 10.0000 0.0000 10.0000 20.0000 30.0000 40.0000 50.0000
60.0000 70.0000 80.0000 90.0000 100.0000 110.0000 120.0000 130.0000 140.0000
150.0000 160.0000 170.0000 180.0000
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -1.#IND 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

Key point Type Immersion angle deg Emergence angle deg

Margin Line (immersion pos = 0 m) 36.1 n/a
Deck Edge (immersion pos = 0 m) 38.8 n/a

Code Criteria Value Units Actual Status

Margin %
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(a). Ratio of GZ(intersection) / GZ (Max) 60.00 % 0.00 Pass
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(b). Angle of Heel at Equilibrium 15.0 deg 0.0 Pass
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(c). Ratio of Area A1:Area A2 >1.4 140.00 % 1.22 Fail
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(d). Range of GZ curve. 70.0 deg 90.0 Pass
Intact Stability C304/404. Intact stability criteria for vessels equipped with cranes. Pass

Angle of steady heel shall not be greater than (<=) 15.0 deg 0.0 Pass
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max) shall not be greater than (<=) 60.00 % 0.00 Pass

Intact Stability C305/404: Intact stability criteria for turning. Fail

Angle of steady heel shall be less than (<) 15.0 deg 12.7 Pass
Area1 / Area2 shall be greater than (>) 40.00 % 34.71 Fail
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max) shall be less than (<) 60.00 % 72.93 Fail
Intact Stability C306/404: Intact stability criteria with Passengers. Fail

Angle of steady heel shall be less than (<) 15.0 deg 12.6 Pass
Area1 / Area2 shall be greater than (>) 40.00 % 34.89 Fail
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max) shall be less than (<) 60.00 % 72.71 Fail

C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(a). Ratio of GZ(intersection) / GZ (Max) 60.00 % 0.00 Pass
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(b). Angle of Heel at Equilibrium 15.0 deg 0.0 Pass
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(c). Ratio of Area A1:Area A2 >1.4 140.00 % 1.22 Fail
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(d). Range of GZ curve. 70.0 deg 90.0 Pass
Intact Stability C304/404. Intact stability criteria for vessels equipped with cranes. Pass

Angle of steady heel shall not be greater than (<=) 15.0 deg 0.0 Pass
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max) shall not be greater than (<=) 60.00 % 0.00 Pass

Intact Stability C305/404: Intact stability criteria for turning. Fail

Angle of steady heel shall be less than (<) 15.0 deg 12.7 Pass
Area1 / Area2 shall be greater than (>) 40.00 % 34.71 Fail
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max) shall be less than (<) 60.00 % 72.93 Fail

Intact Stability C306/404: Intact stability criteria with Passengers. Fail

Angle of steady heel shall be less than (<) 15.0 deg 12.6 Pass
Area1 / Area2 shall be greater than (>) 40.00 % 34.89 Fail
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max) shall be less than (<) 60.00 % 72.71 Fail

Stability Calculation - Breasting Pontoon

Stability, build: 0

Loadcase - Loadcase 1
Damage Case - Intact
Free to Trim
Specific gravity = 1.025; (Density = 1.025 tonne/m^3)
Fluid analysis method: Use corrected VCG
Item Name Quantity Unit Mass tonne Total Mass tonne Unit Volume m^3 Total Volume m^3 Long.
Arm m Trans. Arm m Vert. Arm m Total FSM tonne.m FSM Type
Lightship 1 11.500 11.500 4.000 0.000 0.750 0.000 User
Total Loadcase 11.500 0.000 0.000 4.000 0.000 0.750 0.000
FS correction 0.000
VCG fluid 0.750
Heel to Starboard deg -30.0 -20.0 -10.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0
60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 110.0 120.0 130.0 140.0
150.0 160.0 170.0 180.0
GZ m -0.933 -0.869 -0.571 0.000 0.571 0.869 0.933 0.911 0.811
0.649 0.451 0.231 0.000 -0.231 -0.451 -0.649 -0.811 -0.911 -
0.933 -0.869 -0.571 0.000
Area under GZ curve from zero heel m.deg 19.5601 10.4441 2.9963 0.0000 2.9968 10.4408 19.5696 28.8460 37.5193
44.8587 50.3835 53.8056 54.9637 53.8056 50.3835 44.8587 37.5193 28.8460
19.5695 10.4405 2.9962 -0.0011
Displacement t 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50
11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50
11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50
Draft at FP m 0.118 0.282 0.351 0.351 0.351 0.282 0.118 -0.144 -0.519 -
1.095 -2.176 -5.290 n/a -6.790 -3.676 -2.595 -2.019 -1.644 -1.382 -
1.218 -1.149 -1.149
Draft at AP m 0.118 0.282 0.351 0.351 0.351 0.282 0.118 -0.144 -0.519 -
1.095 -2.176 -5.290 n/a -6.790 -3.676 -2.595 -2.019 -1.644 -1.382 -
1.218 -1.149 -1.149
WL Length m 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000
8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000
8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000
Beam max extents on WL m 2.545 2.954 4.050 4.000 4.050 2.954 2.545 2.334 1.958
1.732 1.596 1.523 1.500 1.523 1.596 1.732 1.958 2.334
2.545 2.954 4.050 4.000
Wetted Area m^2 30.620 33.096 40.338 40.415 40.340 33.097 30.620 29.764 29.764
29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764
30.618 33.096 40.338 40.415
Waterpl. Area m^2 20.362 23.634 32.399 32.000 32.401 23.634 20.362 18.669 15.665
13.856 12.770 12.185 12.000 12.185 12.770 13.856 15.665 18.669
20.361 23.634 32.399 32.000
Prismatic coeff. (Cp) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Block coeff. (Cb) 0.500 0.500 0.500 1.000 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.511 0.598
0.683 0.774 0.876 1.000 0.876 0.774 0.683 0.598 0.511
0.500 0.500 0.500 1.000
LCB from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
LCF from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
Max deck inclination deg 30.0000 20.0000 10.0000 0.0000 10.0000 20.0000 30.0000 40.0000 50.0000
60.0000 70.0000 80.0000 90.0000 100.0000 110.0000 120.0000 130.0000 140.0000
150.0000 160.0000 170.0000 180.0000
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -1.#IND 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

Key point Type Immersion angle deg Emergence angle deg

Margin Line (immersion pos = 0 m) 36.1 n/a
Deck Edge (immersion pos = 0 m) 38.8 n/a

Code Criteria Value Units Actual Status

Margin %
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(a). Ratio of GZ(intersection) / GZ (Max) 60.00 % 0.00 Pass
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(b). Angle of Heel at Equilibrium 15.0 deg 0.0 Pass
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(c). Ratio of Area A1:Area A2 >1.4 140.00 % 1.22 Fail
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(d). Range of GZ curve. 70.0 deg 90.0 Pass
Intact Stability C304/404. Intact stability criteria for vessels equipped with cranes. Pass

Angle of steady heel shall not be greater than (<=) 15.0 deg 0.0 Pass
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max) shall not be greater than (<=) 60.00 % 0.00 Pass

Intact Stability C305/404: Intact stability criteria for turning. Fail

Angle of steady heel shall be less than (<) 15.0 deg 12.7 Pass
Area1 / Area2 shall be greater than (>) 40.00 % 34.71 Fail
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max) shall be less than (<) 60.00 % 72.93 Fail

Intact Stability C306/404: Intact stability criteria with Passengers. Fail

Angle of steady heel shall be less than (<) 15.0 deg 12.6 Pass
Area1 / Area2 shall be greater than (>) 40.00 % 34.89 Fail
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max) shall be less than (<) 60.00 % 72.71 Fail

C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(a). Ratio of GZ(intersection) / GZ (Max) 60.00 % 0.00 Pass
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(b). Angle of Heel at Equilibrium 15.0 deg 0.0 Pass
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(c). Ratio of Area A1:Area A2 >1.4 140.00 % 1.22 Fail
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(d). Range of GZ curve. 70.0 deg 90.0 Pass
Intact Stability C304/404. Intact stability criteria for vessels equipped with cranes. Pass

Angle of steady heel shall not be greater than (<=) 15.0 deg 0.0 Pass
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max) shall not be greater than (<=) 60.00 % 0.00 Pass

Intact Stability C305/404: Intact stability criteria for turning. Fail

Angle of steady heel shall be less than (<) 15.0 deg 12.7 Pass
Area1 / Area2 shall be greater than (>) 40.00 % 34.71 Fail
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max) shall be less than (<) 60.00 % 72.93 Fail

Intact Stability C306/404: Intact stability criteria with Passengers. Fail

Angle of steady heel shall be less than (<) 15.0 deg 12.6 Pass
Area1 / Area2 shall be greater than (>) 40.00 % 34.89 Fail
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max) shall be less than (<) 60.00 % 72.71 Fail

Hydrostatics - Breasting Pontoon

Stability, build: 0
Damage Case - Intact

Fixed Trim = 0 m (+ve by stern)

Specific gravity = 1.025; (Density = 1.025 tonne/m^3)
Draft Amidships m 0.351
Displacement t 11.50
Heel deg 0.0
Draft at FP m 0.351
Draft at AP m 0.351
Draft at LCF m 0.351
Trim (+ve by stern) m 0.000
WL Length m 8.000
Beam max extents on WL m 4.000
Wetted Area m^2 40.414
Waterpl. Area m^2 32.000
Prismatic coeff. (Cp) 1.000
Block coeff. (Cb) 1.000
Max Sect. area coeff. (Cm) 1.000
Waterpl. area coeff. (Cwp) 1.000
LCB from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 4.000
LCF from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 4.000
KB m 0.175
KG m 0.750
BMt m 3.803
BML m 15.212
GMt m 3.228
GML m 14.637
KMt m 3.978
KML m 15.387
Immersion (TPc) tonne/cm 0.328
MTc tonne.m 0.421
RM at 1deg = GMt.Disp.sin(1) tonne.m 0.648
Max deck inclination deg 0.0000
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg 0.0000

Hydrostatics - Breasting Pontoon

Stability, build: 0
Damage Case - Intact

Fixed Trim = 0 m (+ve by stern)

Specific gravity = 1.025; (Density = 1.025 tonne/m^3)
Draft Amidships m 0.351
Displacement t 11.50
Heel deg 0.0
Draft at FP m 0.351
Draft at AP m 0.351
Draft at LCF m 0.351
Trim (+ve by stern) m 0.000
WL Length m 8.000
Beam max extents on WL m 4.000
Wetted Area m^2 40.414
Waterpl. Area m^2 32.000
Prismatic coeff. (Cp) 1.000
Block coeff. (Cb) 1.000
Max Sect. area coeff. (Cm) 1.000
Waterpl. area coeff. (Cwp) 1.000
LCB from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 4.000
LCF from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 4.000
KB m 0.175
KG m 0.750
BMt m 3.803
BML m 15.212
GMt m 3.228
GML m 14.637
KMt m 3.978
KML m 15.387
Immersion (TPc) tonne/cm 0.328
MTc tonne.m 0.421
RM at 1deg = GMt.Disp.sin(1) tonne.m 0.648
Max deck inclination deg 0.0000
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg 0.0000

Stability Calculation - Breasting Pontoon

Stability, build: 0

Loadcase - Loadcase 1
Damage Case - Intact
Free to Trim
Specific gravity = 1.025; (Density = 1.025 tonne/m^3)
Fluid analysis method: Use corrected VCG
Item Name Quantity Unit Mass tonne Total Mass tonne Unit Volume m^3 Total Volume m^3 Long.
Arm m Trans. Arm m Vert. Arm m Total FSM tonne.m FSM Type
Lightship 1 11.500 11.500 4.000 0.000 0.750 0.000 User
Total Loadcase 11.500 0.000 0.000 4.000 0.000 0.750 0.000
FS correction 0.000
VCG fluid 0.750
Heel to Starboard deg -30.0 -20.0 -10.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0
60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 110.0 120.0 130.0 140.0
150.0 160.0 170.0 180.0
GZ m -0.933 -0.869 -0.571 0.000 0.571 0.869 0.933 0.911 0.811
0.649 0.451 0.231 0.000 -0.231 -0.451 -0.649 -0.811 -0.911 -
0.933 -0.869 -0.571 0.000
Area under GZ curve from zero heel m.deg 19.5601 10.4441 2.9963 0.0000 2.9968 10.4408 19.5696 28.8460 37.5193
44.8587 50.3835 53.8056 54.9637 53.8056 50.3835 44.8587 37.5193 28.8460
19.5695 10.4405 2.9962 -0.0011
Displacement t 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50
11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50
11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50
Draft at FP m 0.118 0.282 0.351 0.351 0.351 0.282 0.118 -0.144 -0.519 -
1.095 -2.176 -5.290 n/a -6.790 -3.676 -2.595 -2.019 -1.644 -1.382 -
1.218 -1.149 -1.149
Draft at AP m 0.118 0.282 0.351 0.351 0.351 0.282 0.118 -0.144 -0.519 -
1.095 -2.176 -5.290 n/a -6.790 -3.676 -2.595 -2.019 -1.644 -1.382 -
1.218 -1.149 -1.149
WL Length m 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000
8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000
8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000
Beam max extents on WL m 2.545 2.954 4.050 4.000 4.050 2.954 2.545 2.334 1.958
1.732 1.596 1.523 1.500 1.523 1.596 1.732 1.958 2.334
2.545 2.954 4.050 4.000
Wetted Area m^2 30.620 33.096 40.338 40.415 40.340 33.097 30.620 29.764 29.764
29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764
30.618 33.096 40.338 40.415
Waterpl. Area m^2 20.362 23.634 32.399 32.000 32.401 23.634 20.362 18.669 15.665
13.856 12.770 12.185 12.000 12.185 12.770 13.856 15.665 18.669
20.361 23.634 32.399 32.000
Prismatic coeff. (Cp) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Block coeff. (Cb) 0.500 0.500 0.500 1.000 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.511 0.598
0.683 0.774 0.876 1.000 0.876 0.774 0.683 0.598 0.511
0.500 0.500 0.500 1.000
LCB from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
LCF from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
Max deck inclination deg 30.0000 20.0000 10.0000 0.0000 10.0000 20.0000 30.0000 40.0000 50.0000
60.0000 70.0000 80.0000 90.0000 100.0000 110.0000 120.0000 130.0000 140.0000
150.0000 160.0000 170.0000 180.0000
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -1.#IND 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

Key point Type Immersion angle deg Emergence angle deg

Margin Line (immersion pos = 0 m) 36.1 n/a
Deck Edge (immersion pos = 0 m) 38.8 n/a

Code Criteria Value Units Actual

Status Margin %
BS 6349-6:1989 Angle of equilibrium 90.0 deg 24.1 Pass
BS 6349-6:1989 Ratio of GZ to HA areas 140.000 % 95.930 Fail
BS 6349-6:1989 GMt at zero heel 0.000 m 3.228 Pass
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(a). Ratio of GZ(intersection) / GZ (Max) 60.00 % 0.00 Pass
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(b). Angle of Heel at Equilibrium 15.0 deg 0.0 Pass
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(c). Ratio of Area A1:Area A2 >1.4 140.00 % 1.22 Fail
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(d). Range of GZ curve. 70.0 deg 90.0 Pass
Intact Stability C305/404: Intact stability criteria for turning. Fail

Angle of steady heel shall be less than (<) 15.0 deg 12.7 Pass
Area1 / Area2 shall be greater than (>) 40.00 % 34.71 Fail
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max) shall be less than (<) 60.00 % 72.93 Fail

C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(a). Ratio of GZ(intersection) / GZ (Max) 60.00 % 0.00 Pass
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(b). Angle of Heel at Equilibrium 15.0 deg 0.0 Pass
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(c). Ratio of Area A1:Area A2 >1.4 140.00 % 1.22 Fail
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(d). Range of GZ curve. 70.0 deg 90.0 Pass
Intact Stability C304/404. Intact stability criteria for vessels equipped with cranes. Pass

Angle of steady heel shall not be greater than (<=) 15.0 deg 0.0 Pass
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max) shall not be greater than (<=) 60.00 % 0.00 Pass

Intact Stability C305/404: Intact stability criteria for turning. Fail

Angle of steady heel shall be less than (<) 15.0 deg 12.7 Pass
Area1 / Area2 shall be greater than (>) 40.00 % 34.71 Fail
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max) shall be less than (<) 60.00 % 72.93 Fail

Intact Stability C306/404: Intact stability criteria with Passengers. Fail

Angle of steady heel shall be less than (<) 15.0 deg 12.6 Pass
Area1 / Area2 shall be greater than (>) 40.00 % 34.89 Fail
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max) shall be less than (<) 60.00 % 72.71 Fail

Code Criteria Value Units

Actual Status Margin %
Ch 9. Optional Stability Requirements for Ships without Documents of Authorisation Carrying Partial Cargos of Grain 9.1.5 IMO required GM for
ships carrying grain MSC.23(59) 1.360 m

BS 6349-6:1989 Angle of equilibrium

90.0 deg 24.1
Pass +73.26
BS 6349-6:1989 Ratio of GZ to HA areas
140.000 % 95.930
Fail -31.48
BS 6349-6:1989 GMt at zero heel 0.000
m 3.228 Pass
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(a). Ratio of GZ
(intersection) / GZ (Max) 60.00 % 0.00
Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(b). Angle of Heel at
Equilibrium 15.0 deg 0.0
Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(c). Ratio of Area
A1:Area A2 >1.4 140.00 % 1.22
Fail -99.13
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(d). Range of GZ curve.
70.0 deg 90.0
Pass +28.57
Intact Stability C305/404: Intact stability
criteria for turning.
Angle of steady heel shall be
less than (<) 15.0 deg 12.7
Pass +15.42
Area1 / Area2 shall be
greater than (>) 40.00 % 34.71
Fail -13.23
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max)
shall be less than (<) 60.00 % 72.93
Fail -21.55

SOLAS, II-1/8 Maximum residual

GZ (method 1)
Pass Passenger crowding
heeling arm 0.040 m 0.934
Pass +2235.00 Launching heeling
moment 0.040 m 0.934
Pass +2235.00 Wind heeling arm
0.040 m 0.925
Pass +2212.50

SOLAS, II-1/8 8.2.4.a Maximum GZ

(intermediate stages) 0.050 m 0.934
Pass +1768.00
SOLAS, II-1/8 8.2.4.b Range of positive
stability (intermediate stages) 7.0 deg 90.0
Pass +1185.71
SOLAS, II-1/8 8.6.3: Margin line immersion -
GZ based (EquilAngle ratio) 100.00 % 0.00
Pass +100.00
HSC mono. Intact Weather criterion

Angle of steady heel shall not

be greater than (<=) 16.0 deg 0.4
Pass +97.65
Angle of steady heel / Deck
edge immersion angle shall not be greater than (<=) 80.00 % 0.97
Pass +98.79
Area1 / Area2 shall not be
less than (>=) 100.00 % 231.21
Pass +131.21

HSC mono. Intact Area 0 to 30 or

GZmax 3.1513 m.deg 19.5696
Pass +521.00
HSC mono. Intact Area 30 to 40
1.7189 m.deg 9.2764
Pass +439.67
HSC mono. Intact Max GZ at 30 or
greater 0.200 m 0.934
Pass +367.00
HSC mono. Intact Angle of maximum
GZ 15.0 deg 31.8
Pass +112.12
HSC mono. Intact Initial GMt 0.150
m 3.228 Pass
HSC mono. Intact 2.12.1&.2: Combined heeling:
Angle of equilibrium
High-speed turning (Ht)
8.0 deg 0.1
Pass +98.46
Hpc + Hw 10.0
deg 12.0 Fail
Ht + Hw 12.0 deg
0.2 Pass +98.62

HSC multi. Intact 1.1: Area from 0 to 30

3.1513 m.deg 19.5696
Pass +521.00
HSC multi. Intact 1.2: Angle of maximum GZ
10.0 deg 31.8
Pass +218.18
HSC multi. Intact 1.5: HTL: Area between GZ
and HA
Hpc + Hw 1.6043
m.deg 0.5672 Fail
Ht + Hw 1.6043 m.deg
4.7762 Pass +197.71

HSC multi. Intact 3.2.1: HL1: Angle of

Wind heeling (Hw) 16.0
deg 2.5 Pass

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria applicable to all ships Area 0 to 30

3.1513 m.deg 19.5696
Pass +521.00
A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria applicable to all ships Area 0 to 40
5.1566 m.deg 28.8460
Pass +459.40
A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria applicable to all ships Area 30 to 40
1.7189 m.deg 9.2764
Pass +439.67
A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria applicable to all ships Max GZ at 30 or
greater 0.200 m 0.934
Pass +367.00
A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria applicable to all ships Angle of maximum
GZ 25.0 deg 31.8
Pass +27.27
A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria applicable to all ships Initial GMt 0.150
m 3.228 Pass
A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria applicable to all ships Passenger crowding:
angle of equilibrium 10.0 deg 0.0
Pass +100.00
A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria applicable to all ships Turn: angle of
equilibrium 10.0 deg 0.0
Pass +100.00
A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria applicable to all ships 3.2.2: Severe wind and rolling

Equilibrium angle not valid.

Angle of steady heel shall not

be greater than (<=) 16.0 deg
Equilibrium angle not valid.

Angle of steady heel / Deck

edge immersion angle shall not be greater than (<=) 80.00 %
Equilibrium angle not valid.

Area1 / Area2 shall not be

less than (>=) 100.00 %
Not Analysed

4.1 Cargo ships carying timber deck cargoes Area 0 to 40

4.5837 m.deg 28.8460
Pass +529.32
4.1 Cargo ships carying timber deck cargoes Maximum GZ
0.250 m 0.934
Pass +273.60
4.1 Cargo ships carying timber deck cargoes Initial GM,
navigation 0.000 m 3.228
Pass infinite
4.1 Cargo ships carying timber deck cargoes Initial GM, departure
0.100 m 3.228
Pass +3128.00
4.2 Fishing vessel Initial GMt for vessels
>= 24m in length 0.350 m 3.228
Pass +822.29
4.2 Fishing vessel Initial GMt for vessels
>= 70m in length 0.150 m 3.228
Pass +2052.00
4.5 Offshore supply vessel GZ area between 0
and angle of maximum GZ 3.1513 m.deg 21.2665
Pass +574.85
4.5 Offshore supply vessel Area 30 to 40
1.7189 m.deg 9.2764
Pass +439.67
4.5 Offshore supply vessel Maximum GZ at 30
or greater 0.200 m 0.934
Pass +367.00
4.5 Offshore supply vessel Angle of maximum
GZ 15.0 deg 31.8
Pass +112.12
4.5 Offshore supply vessel Initial GMt
0.150 m 3.228
Pass +2052.00
4.9 Container ships >100m. IMPORTANT - requires C as defined in Area to 30 57.2958
m.deg 19.5696 Fail
4.9 Container ships >100m. IMPORTANT - requires C as defined in Area 0 to 40
57.2958 m.deg 28.8460
Fail -49.65
4.9 Container ships >100m. IMPORTANT - requires C as defined in Area 30 to 40
57.2958 m.deg 9.2764
Fail -83.81
4.9 Container ships >100m. IMPORTANT - requires C as defined in Maximum GZ at 30
or greater 1.000 m 0.934
Fail -6.60
4.9 Container ships >100m. IMPORTANT - requires C as defined in Value of maximum
GZ 1.000 m 0.934
Fail -6.60
4.9 Container ships >100m. IMPORTANT - requires C as defined in Area under GZ curve
to downflooding 57.2958 m.deg 54.9637
Fail -4.07
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 30 3.1513
m.deg 19.5696 Pass
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 40 5.1566
m.deg 28.8460 Pass
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 30 to 40
1.7189 m.deg 9.2764
Pass +439.67
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.2: Max GZ at 30 or
greater 0.200 m 0.934
Pass +367.00
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.3: Angle of maximum GZ
25.0 deg 31.8
Pass +27.27
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.4: Initial GMt 0.150
m 3.228 Pass
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.3: Severe wind and rolling

Equilibrium angle not valid.

Angle of steady heel shall not

be greater than (<=) 16.0 deg
Equilibrium angle not valid.

Angle of steady heel / Deck

edge immersion angle shall not be greater than (<=) 80.00 %
Equilibrium angle not valid.

Area1 / Area2 shall not be

less than (>=) 100.00 %
Not Analysed

3.1 Passenger Ships 3.1.1: Passenger crowding:

angle of equilibrium 10.0 deg 0.0
Pass +100.00
3.1 Passenger Ships 3.1.2: Turn: angle of
equilibrium 10.0 deg 0.0
Pass +100.00
3.3 Cargo ships carrying timber deck cargoes Area 0 to 40
4.5837 m.deg 28.8460
Pass +529.32
3.3 Cargo ships carrying timber deck cargoes Maximum GZ
0.250 m 0.934
Pass +273.60
3.3 Cargo ships carrying timber deck cargoes Initial GM 0.100
m 3.228 Pass
3.3 Cargo ships carrying timber deck cargoes Severe wind and
Equilibrium angle not valid.

Angle of steady heel shall not

be greater than (<=) 16.0 deg
Equilibrium angle not valid.

Area1 / Area2 shall not be

less than (>=) 100.00 %
Not Analysed

2.1 Fishing vessels Initial GMt for vessels

>= 24m in length 0.350 m 3.228
Pass +822.29
2.1 Fishing vessels Initial GMt for vessels
>= 70m in length 0.150 m 3.228
Pass +2052.00
2.2 Pontoons GZ area: to Max GZ
4.5837 m.deg 21.2665
Pass +363.96
2.2 Pontoons Angle of equilibrium
ratio 50.00 % 0.00
Pass +100.00
2.2 Pontoons Angle of vanishing
stability <=100m in length 20.0 deg 90.0
Pass +350.00
2.2 Pontoons Angle of vanishing
stability >=150m in length 15.0 deg 90.0
Pass +500.00
2.3 Container ships >100m. IMPORTANT - requires C as defined in Area to 30 57.2958
m.deg 19.5696 Fail
2.3 Container ships >100m. IMPORTANT - requires C as defined in Area 0 to 40
57.2958 m.deg 28.8460
Fail -49.65
2.3 Container ships >100m. IMPORTANT - requires C as defined in Area 30 to 40
57.2958 m.deg 9.2764
Fail -83.81
2.3 Container ships >100m. IMPORTANT - requires C as defined in Maximum GZ at 30
or greater 1.000 m 0.934
Fail -6.60
2.3 Container ships >100m. IMPORTANT - requires C as defined in Value of maximum
GZ 1.000 m 0.934
Fail -6.60
2.3 Container ships >100m. IMPORTANT - requires C as defined in Area under GZ curve
to downflooding 57.2958 m.deg 54.9637
Fail -4.07
2.4 Offshore supply vessels GZ area between 0
and angle of maximum GZ 3.1513 m.deg 21.2665
Pass +574.85
2.4 Offshore supply vessels Area 30 to 40
1.7189 m.deg 9.2764
Pass +439.67
2.4 Offshore supply vessels Maximum GZ at 30
or greater 0.200 m 0.934
Pass +367.00
2.4 Offshore supply vessels Angle of maximum
GZ 15.0 deg 31.8
Pass +112.12
2.4 Offshore supply vessels Initial GMt
0.150 m 3.228
Pass +2052.00
2.6 MODUs Ratio of areas type
3 140.000 %
Error with upper heel angle
bound. Probably the upper bound cannot be found, try specifying a fixed upper bound that is within the range of heel angles tested.
2.6 MODUs Ratio of areas type
3 130.000 %
Error with upper heel angle
bound. Probably the upper bound cannot be found, try specifying a fixed upper bound that is within the range of heel angles tested.
2.6 MODUs Range of positive
stability 0.0 deg
Error with upper heel angle
bound. Probably the upper bound cannot be found, try specifying a fixed upper bound that is within the range of heel angles tested.
Ch 7. Stability Requirments 7.1.1.a Angle of equilibrium
12.0 deg 22.7
Fail -89.14
Ch 7. Stability Requirments 7.1.1.b Angle of equilibrium
ratio 100.00 % 58.48
Pass +41.52
Ch 7. Stability Requirments 7.1.2 GZ area between limits
type 1 4.2972 m.deg 1.0806
Fail -74.85
Ch 7. Stability Requirments 7.1.3.a Value of GMt at
0.300 m 3.228
Pass +976.00
Ch 9. Optional Stability Requirements for Ships without Documents of Authorisation Carrying Partial Cargos of Grain 9.1.5 Value of GMt at
1.360 m 3.228
Pass +137.38
MSC.216(82) Probabilistic Damage
Subdivision Index s-factor MSC.216(82) 0.0000 1.0000
Pass infinite
MSC.19(58) Probabilistic Damage
Subdivision Index s-factor MSC.19(58) 0.0000 1.0000
Pass infinite
angle of equilibrium must be
less than immersion angle of PotentialDfloodingPoints n/a deg n/a

angle of equilibrium must be

less than immersion angle of DeckEdge 38.8 deg Pass

Actual value of max. GZ

m 0.934

Actual value of range of

positive stability deg 90.0

C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(a). Ratio of GZ

(intersection) / GZ (Max) 60.00 % 0.00
Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(b). Angle of Heel at
Equilibrium 15.0 deg 0.0
Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(c). Ratio of Area
A1:Area A2 >1.4 140.00 % 1.22
Fail -99.13
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(d). Range of GZ curve.
70.0 deg 90.0
Pass +28.57
Intact Stability C304/404. Intact stability
criteria for vessels equipped with cranes.
Angle of steady heel shall not
be greater than (<=) 15.0 deg 0.0
Pass +100.00
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max)
shall not be greater than (<=) 60.00 % 0.00
Pass +100.00

Intact Stability C305/404: Intact stability

criteria for turning.
Angle of steady heel shall be
less than (<) 15.0 deg 12.7
Pass +15.42
Area1 / Area2 shall be
greater than (>) 40.00 % 34.71
Fail -13.23
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max)
shall be less than (<) 60.00 % 72.93
Fail -21.55

Intact Stability C306/404: Intact stability

criteria with Passengers.
Angle of steady heel shall be
less than (<) 15.0 deg 12.6
Pass +15.79
Area1 / Area2 shall be
greater than (>) 40.00 % 34.89
Fail -12.78
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max)
shall be less than (<) 60.00 % 72.71
Fail -21.18
Code Criteria Value Units
Actual Status Margin %
Ch 9. Optional Stability Requirements for Ships without Documents of Authorisation Carrying Partial Cargos of Grain 9.1.5 IMO required GM for
ships carrying grain MSC.23(59) 1.360 m

BS 6349-6:1989 Angle of equilibrium

90.0 deg 24.1
Pass +73.26
BS 6349-6:1989 Ratio of GZ to HA areas
140.000 % 95.930
Fail -31.48
BS 6349-6:1989 GMt at zero heel 0.000
m 3.228 Pass
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(a). Ratio of GZ
(intersection) / GZ (Max) 60.00 % 0.00
Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(b). Angle of Heel at
Equilibrium 15.0 deg 0.0
Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(c). Ratio of Area
A1:Area A2 >1.4 140.00 % 1.22
Fail -99.13
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(d). Range of GZ curve.
70.0 deg 90.0
Pass +28.57
Intact Stability C305/404: Intact stability
criteria for turning.
Angle of steady heel shall be
less than (<) 15.0 deg 12.7
Pass +15.42
Area1 / Area2 shall be
greater than (>) 40.00 % 34.71
Fail -13.23
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max)
shall be less than (<) 60.00 % 72.93
Fail -21.55

HSC mono. Intact Weather criterion


Angle of steady heel shall not

be greater than (<=) 16.0 deg 0.4
Pass +97.65
Angle of steady heel / Deck
edge immersion angle shall not be greater than (<=) 80.00 % 0.97
Pass +98.79
Area1 / Area2 shall not be
less than (>=) 100.00 % 231.21
Pass +131.21

HSC mono. Intact Area 0 to 30 or

GZmax 3.1513 m.deg 19.5696
Pass +521.00
HSC mono. Intact Area 30 to 40
1.7189 m.deg 9.2764
Pass +439.67
HSC mono. Intact Max GZ at 30 or
greater 0.200 m 0.934
Pass +367.00
HSC mono. Intact Angle of maximum
GZ 15.0 deg 31.8
Pass +112.12
HSC mono. Intact Initial GMt 0.150
m 3.228 Pass
HSC mono. Intact 2.12.1&.2: Combined heeling:
Angle of equilibrium
High-speed turning (Ht)
8.0 deg 0.1
Pass +98.46
Hpc + Hw 10.0
deg 12.0 Fail
Ht + Hw 12.0 deg
0.2 Pass +98.62

HSC multi. Intact 1.1: Area from 0 to 30

3.1513 m.deg 19.5696
Pass +521.00
HSC multi. Intact 1.2: Angle of maximum GZ
10.0 deg 31.8
Pass +218.18
HSC multi. Intact 1.5: HTL: Area between GZ
and HA
Hpc + Hw 1.6043
m.deg 0.5672 Fail
Ht + Hw 1.6043 m.deg
4.7762 Pass +197.71

HSC multi. Intact 3.2.1: HL1: Angle of

Wind heeling (Hw) 16.0
deg 2.5 Pass

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria applicable to all ships Area 0 to 30

3.1513 m.deg 19.5696
Pass +521.00
A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria applicable to all ships Area 0 to 40
5.1566 m.deg 28.8460
Pass +459.40
A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria applicable to all ships Area 30 to 40
1.7189 m.deg 9.2764
Pass +439.67
A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria applicable to all ships Max GZ at 30 or
greater 0.200 m 0.934
Pass +367.00
A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria applicable to all ships Angle of maximum
GZ 25.0 deg 31.8
Pass +27.27
A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria applicable to all ships Initial GMt 0.150
m 3.228 Pass
A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria applicable to all ships Passenger crowding:
angle of equilibrium 10.0 deg 0.0
Pass +100.00
A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria applicable to all ships Turn: angle of
equilibrium 10.0 deg 0.0
Pass +100.00
A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria applicable to all ships 3.2.2: Severe wind and rolling

Equilibrium angle not valid.

Angle of steady heel shall not

be greater than (<=) 16.0 deg
Equilibrium angle not valid.

Angle of steady heel / Deck

edge immersion angle shall not be greater than (<=) 80.00 %
Equilibrium angle not valid.

Area1 / Area2 shall not be

less than (>=) 100.00 %
Not Analysed

267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 30 3.1513

m.deg 19.5696 Pass
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 40 5.1566
m.deg 28.8460 Pass
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 30 to 40
1.7189 m.deg 9.2764
Pass +439.67
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.2: Max GZ at 30 or
greater 0.200 m 0.934
Pass +367.00
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.3: Angle of maximum GZ
25.0 deg 31.8
Pass +27.27
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.4: Initial GMt 0.150
m 3.228 Pass
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.3: Severe wind and rolling

Equilibrium angle not valid.

Angle of steady heel shall not

be greater than (<=) 16.0 deg
Equilibrium angle not valid.

Angle of steady heel / Deck

edge immersion angle shall not be greater than (<=) 80.00 %
Equilibrium angle not valid.

Area1 / Area2 shall not be

less than (>=) 100.00 %
Not Analysed
3.1 Passenger Ships 3.1.1: Passenger crowding:
angle of equilibrium 10.0 deg 0.0
Pass +100.00
3.1 Passenger Ships 3.1.2: Turn: angle of
equilibrium 10.0 deg 0.0
Pass +100.00
3.3 Cargo ships carrying timber deck cargoes Area 0 to 40
4.5837 m.deg 28.8460
Pass +529.32
3.3 Cargo ships carrying timber deck cargoes Maximum GZ
0.250 m 0.934
Pass +273.60
3.3 Cargo ships carrying timber deck cargoes Initial GM 0.100
m 3.228 Pass
3.3 Cargo ships carrying timber deck cargoes Severe wind and
Equilibrium angle not valid.

Angle of steady heel shall not

be greater than (<=) 16.0 deg
Equilibrium angle not valid.

Area1 / Area2 shall not be

less than (>=) 100.00 %
Not Analysed

2.2 Pontoons GZ area: to Max GZ

4.5837 m.deg 21.2665
Pass +363.96
2.2 Pontoons Angle of equilibrium
ratio 50.00 % 0.00
Pass +100.00
2.2 Pontoons Angle of vanishing
stability <=100m in length 20.0 deg 90.0
Pass +350.00
2.2 Pontoons Angle of vanishing
stability >=150m in length 15.0 deg 90.0
Pass +500.00
Ch 7. Stability Requirments 7.1.1.a Angle of equilibrium
12.0 deg 22.7
Fail -89.14
Ch 7. Stability Requirments 7.1.1.b Angle of equilibrium
ratio 100.00 % 58.48
Pass +41.52
Ch 7. Stability Requirments 7.1.2 GZ area between limits
type 1 4.2972 m.deg 1.0806
Fail -74.85
Ch 7. Stability Requirments 7.1.3.a Value of GMt at
0.300 m 3.228
Pass +976.00
Ch 9. Optional Stability Requirements for Ships without Documents of Authorisation Carrying Partial Cargos of Grain 9.1.5 Value of GMt at
1.360 m 3.228
Pass +137.38
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(a). Ratio of GZ
(intersection) / GZ (Max) 60.00 % 0.00
Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(b). Angle of Heel at
Equilibrium 15.0 deg 0.0
Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(c). Ratio of Area
A1:Area A2 >1.4 140.00 % 1.22
Fail -99.13
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(d). Range of GZ curve.
70.0 deg 90.0
Pass +28.57
Intact Stability C304/404. Intact stability
criteria for vessels equipped with cranes.
Angle of steady heel shall not
be greater than (<=) 15.0 deg 0.0
Pass +100.00
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max)
shall not be greater than (<=) 60.00 % 0.00
Pass +100.00

Intact Stability C305/404: Intact stability

criteria for turning.
Angle of steady heel shall be
less than (<) 15.0 deg 12.7
Pass +15.42
Area1 / Area2 shall be
greater than (>) 40.00 % 34.71
Fail -13.23
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max)
shall be less than (<) 60.00 % 72.93
Fail -21.55

Intact Stability C306/404: Intact stability

criteria with Passengers.
Angle of steady heel shall be
less than (<) 15.0 deg 12.6
Pass +15.79
Area1 / Area2 shall be
greater than (>) 40.00 % 34.89
Fail -12.78
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max)
shall be less than (<) 60.00 % 72.71
Fail -21.18
Code Criteria Value Units
Actual Status Margin %
Ch 9. Optional Stability Requirements for Ships without Documents of Authorisation Carrying Partial Cargos of Grain 9.1.5 IMO required GM for
ships carrying grain MSC.23(59) 1.360 m

BS 6349-6:1989 Angle of equilibrium

90.0 deg 24.1
Pass +73.26
BS 6349-6:1989 Ratio of GZ to HA areas
140.000 % 95.930
Fail -31.48
BS 6349-6:1989 GMt at zero heel 0.000
m 3.228 Pass
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(a). Ratio of GZ
(intersection) / GZ (Max) 60.00 % 0.00
Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(b). Angle of Heel at
Equilibrium 15.0 deg 0.0
Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(c). Ratio of Area
A1:Area A2 >1.4 140.00 % 1.22
Fail -99.13
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(d). Range of GZ curve.
70.0 deg 90.0
Pass +28.57
Intact Stability C305/404: Intact stability
criteria for turning.
Angle of steady heel shall be
less than (<) 15.0 deg 12.7
Pass +15.42
Area1 / Area2 shall be
greater than (>) 40.00 % 34.71
Fail -13.23
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max)
shall be less than (<) 60.00 % 72.93
Fail -21.55

HSC mono. Intact Weather criterion


Angle of steady heel shall not

be greater than (<=) 16.0 deg 0.4
Pass +97.65
Angle of steady heel / Deck
edge immersion angle shall not be greater than (<=) 80.00 % 0.97
Pass +98.79
Area1 / Area2 shall not be
less than (>=) 100.00 % 231.21
Pass +131.21

HSC mono. Intact Area 0 to 30 or

GZmax 3.1513 m.deg 19.5696
Pass +521.00
HSC mono. Intact Area 30 to 40
1.7189 m.deg 9.2764
Pass +439.67
HSC mono. Intact Max GZ at 30 or
greater 0.200 m 0.934
Pass +367.00
HSC mono. Intact Angle of maximum
GZ 15.0 deg 31.8
Pass +112.12
HSC mono. Intact Initial GMt 0.150
m 3.228 Pass
HSC mono. Intact 2.12.1&.2: Combined heeling:
Angle of equilibrium
High-speed turning (Ht)
8.0 deg 0.1
Pass +98.46
Hpc + Hw 10.0
deg 12.0 Fail
Ht + Hw 12.0 deg
0.2 Pass +98.62

HSC multi. Intact 1.1: Area from 0 to 30

3.1513 m.deg 19.5696
Pass +521.00
HSC multi. Intact 1.2: Angle of maximum GZ
10.0 deg 31.8
Pass +218.18
HSC multi. Intact 1.5: HTL: Area between GZ
and HA
Hpc + Hw 1.6043
m.deg 0.5672 Fail
Ht + Hw 1.6043 m.deg
4.7762 Pass +197.71

HSC multi. Intact 3.2.1: HL1: Angle of

Wind heeling (Hw) 16.0
deg 2.5 Pass

267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 30 3.1513

m.deg 19.5696 Pass
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 0 to 40 5.1566
m.deg 28.8460 Pass
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.1: Area 30 to 40
1.7189 m.deg 9.2764
Pass +439.67
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.2: Max GZ at 30 or
greater 0.200 m 0.934
Pass +367.00
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.3: Angle of maximum GZ
25.0 deg 31.8
Pass +27.27
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.2.4: Initial GMt 0.150
m 3.228 Pass
267(85) Ch2 - General Criteria 2.3: Severe wind and rolling

Equilibrium angle not valid.

Angle of steady heel shall not

be greater than (<=) 16.0 deg
Equilibrium angle not valid.

Angle of steady heel / Deck

edge immersion angle shall not be greater than (<=) 80.00 %
Equilibrium angle not valid.

Area1 / Area2 shall not be

less than (>=) 100.00 %
Not Analysed

3.1 Passenger Ships 3.1.1: Passenger crowding:

angle of equilibrium 10.0 deg 0.0
Pass +100.00
3.1 Passenger Ships 3.1.2: Turn: angle of
equilibrium 10.0 deg 0.0
Pass +100.00
3.3 Cargo ships carrying timber deck cargoes Area 0 to 40
4.5837 m.deg 28.8460
Pass +529.32
3.3 Cargo ships carrying timber deck cargoes Maximum GZ
0.250 m 0.934
Pass +273.60
3.3 Cargo ships carrying timber deck cargoes Initial GM 0.100
m 3.228 Pass
3.3 Cargo ships carrying timber deck cargoes Severe wind and
Equilibrium angle not valid.

Angle of steady heel shall not

be greater than (<=) 16.0 deg
Equilibrium angle not valid.

Area1 / Area2 shall not be

less than (>=) 100.00 %
Not Analysed

2.2 Pontoons GZ area: to Max GZ

4.5837 m.deg 21.2665
Pass +363.96
2.2 Pontoons Angle of equilibrium
ratio 50.00 % 0.00
Pass +100.00
2.2 Pontoons Angle of vanishing
stability <=100m in length 20.0 deg 90.0
Pass +350.00
2.2 Pontoons Angle of vanishing
stability >=150m in length 15.0 deg 90.0
Pass +500.00
Ch 7. Stability Requirments 7.1.1.a Angle of equilibrium
12.0 deg 22.7
Fail -89.14
Ch 7. Stability Requirments 7.1.1.b Angle of equilibrium
ratio 100.00 % 58.48
Pass +41.52
Ch 7. Stability Requirments 7.1.2 GZ area between limits
type 1 4.2972 m.deg 1.0806
Fail -74.85
Ch 7. Stability Requirments 7.1.3.a Value of GMt at
0.300 m 3.228
Pass +976.00
Ch 9. Optional Stability Requirements for Ships without Documents of Authorisation Carrying Partial Cargos of Grain 9.1.5 Value of GMt at
1.360 m 3.228
Pass +137.38
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(a). Ratio of GZ
(intersection) / GZ (Max) 60.00 % 0.00
Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(b). Angle of Heel at
Equilibrium 15.0 deg 0.0
Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(c). Ratio of Area
A1:Area A2 >1.4 140.00 % 1.22
Fail -99.13
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(d). Range of GZ curve.
70.0 deg 90.0
Pass +28.57
Intact Stability C304/404. Intact stability
criteria for vessels equipped with cranes.
Angle of steady heel shall not
be greater than (<=) 15.0 deg 0.0
Pass +100.00
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max)
shall not be greater than (<=) 60.00 % 0.00
Pass +100.00

Intact Stability C305/404: Intact stability

criteria for turning.
Angle of steady heel shall be
less than (<) 15.0 deg 12.7
Pass +15.42
Area1 / Area2 shall be
greater than (>) 40.00 % 34.71
Fail -13.23
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max)
shall be less than (<) 60.00 % 72.93
Fail -21.55

Intact Stability C306/404: Intact stability

criteria with Passengers.
Angle of steady heel shall be
less than (<) 15.0 deg 12.6
Pass +15.79
Area1 / Area2 shall be
greater than (>) 40.00 % 34.89
Fail -12.78
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max)
shall be less than (<) 60.00 % 72.71
Fail -21.18
Code Criteria Value Units
Actual Status Margin %
Ch 9. Optional Stability Requirements for Ships without Documents of Authorisation Carrying Partial Cargos of Grain 9.1.5 IMO required GM for
ships carrying grain MSC.23(59) 1.360 m

BS 6349-6:1989 Angle of equilibrium

90.0 deg 24.1
Pass +73.26
BS 6349-6:1989 Ratio of GZ to HA areas
140.000 % 95.930
Fail -31.48
BS 6349-6:1989 GMt at zero heel 0.000
m 3.228 Pass
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(a). Ratio of GZ
(intersection) / GZ (Max) 60.00 % 0.00
Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(b). Angle of Heel at
Equilibrium 15.0 deg 0.0
Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(c). Ratio of Area
A1:Area A2 >1.4 140.00 % 1.22
Fail -99.13
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(d). Range of GZ curve.
70.0 deg 90.0
Pass +28.57
Intact Stability C305/404: Intact stability
criteria for turning.
Angle of steady heel shall be
less than (<) 15.0 deg 12.7
Pass +15.42
Area1 / Area2 shall be
greater than (>) 40.00 % 34.71
Fail -13.23
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max)
shall be less than (<) 60.00 % 72.93
Fail -21.55

HSC mono. Intact Weather criterion


Angle of steady heel shall not

be greater than (<=) 16.0 deg 0.4
Pass +97.65
Angle of steady heel / Deck
edge immersion angle shall not be greater than (<=) 80.00 % 0.97
Pass +98.79
Area1 / Area2 shall not be
less than (>=) 100.00 % 231.21
Pass +131.21

HSC mono. Intact Area 0 to 30 or

GZmax 3.1513 m.deg 19.5696
Pass +521.00
HSC mono. Intact Area 30 to 40
1.7189 m.deg 9.2764
Pass +439.67
HSC mono. Intact Max GZ at 30 or
greater 0.200 m 0.934
Pass +367.00
HSC mono. Intact Angle of maximum
GZ 15.0 deg 31.8
Pass +112.12
HSC mono. Intact Initial GMt 0.150
m 3.228 Pass
HSC mono. Intact 2.12.1&.2: Combined heeling:
Angle of equilibrium
High-speed turning (Ht)
8.0 deg 0.1
Pass +98.46
Hpc + Hw 10.0
deg 12.0 Fail
Ht + Hw 12.0 deg
0.2 Pass +98.62

HSC multi. Intact 1.1: Area from 0 to 30

3.1513 m.deg 19.5696
Pass +521.00
HSC multi. Intact 1.2: Angle of maximum GZ
10.0 deg 31.8
Pass +218.18
HSC multi. Intact 1.5: HTL: Area between GZ
and HA
Hpc + Hw 1.6043
m.deg 0.5672 Fail
Ht + Hw 1.6043 m.deg
4.7762 Pass +197.71

HSC multi. Intact 3.2.1: HL1: Angle of

Wind heeling (Hw) 16.0
deg 2.5 Pass

2.2 Pontoons GZ area: to Max GZ

4.5837 m.deg 21.2665
Pass +363.96
2.2 Pontoons Angle of equilibrium
ratio 50.00 % 0.00
Pass +100.00
2.2 Pontoons Angle of vanishing
stability <=100m in length 20.0 deg 90.0
Pass +350.00
2.2 Pontoons Angle of vanishing
stability >=150m in length 15.0 deg 90.0
Pass +500.00
Ch 7. Stability Requirments 7.1.1.a Angle of equilibrium
12.0 deg 22.7
Fail -89.14
Ch 7. Stability Requirments 7.1.1.b Angle of equilibrium
ratio 100.00 % 58.48
Pass +41.52
Ch 7. Stability Requirments 7.1.2 GZ area between limits
type 1 4.2972 m.deg 1.0806
Fail -74.85
Ch 7. Stability Requirments 7.1.3.a Value of GMt at
0.300 m 3.228
Pass +976.00
Ch 9. Optional Stability Requirements for Ships without Documents of Authorisation Carrying Partial Cargos of Grain 9.1.5 Value of GMt at
1.360 m 3.228
Pass +137.38
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(a). Ratio of GZ
(intersection) / GZ (Max) 60.00 % 0.00
Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(b). Angle of Heel at
Equilibrium 15.0 deg 0.0
Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(c). Ratio of Area
A1:Area A2 >1.4 140.00 % 1.22
Fail -99.13
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(d). Range of GZ curve.
70.0 deg 90.0
Pass +28.57
Intact Stability C304/404. Intact stability
criteria for vessels equipped with cranes.
Angle of steady heel shall not
be greater than (<=) 15.0 deg 0.0
Pass +100.00
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max)
shall not be greater than (<=) 60.00 % 0.00
Pass +100.00

Intact Stability C305/404: Intact stability

criteria for turning.
Angle of steady heel shall be
less than (<) 15.0 deg 12.7
Pass +15.42
Area1 / Area2 shall be
greater than (>) 40.00 % 34.71
Fail -13.23
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max)
shall be less than (<) 60.00 % 72.93
Fail -21.55

Intact Stability C306/404: Intact stability

criteria with Passengers.
Angle of steady heel shall be
less than (<) 15.0 deg 12.6
Pass +15.79
Area1 / Area2 shall be
greater than (>) 40.00 % 34.89
Fail -12.78
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max)
shall be less than (<) 60.00 % 72.71
Fail -21.18

Stability Calculation - Breasting Pontoon

Stability, build: 0

Loadcase - Loadcase 1
Damage Case - Intact
Free to Trim
Specific gravity = 1.025; (Density = 1.025 tonne/m^3)
Fluid analysis method: Use corrected VCG
Item Name Quantity Unit Mass tonne Total Mass tonne Unit Volume m^3 Total Volume m^3 Long.
Arm m Trans. Arm m Vert. Arm m Total FSM tonne.m FSM Type
Lightship 1 11.500 11.500 4.000 0.000 0.750 0.000 User
Total Loadcase 11.500 0.000 0.000 4.000 0.000 0.750 0.000
FS correction 0.000
VCG fluid 0.750
Heel to Starboard deg -30.0 -20.0 -10.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0
60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 110.0 120.0 130.0 140.0
150.0 160.0 170.0 180.0
GZ m -0.933 -0.869 -0.571 0.000 0.571 0.869 0.933 0.911 0.811
0.649 0.451 0.231 0.000 -0.231 -0.451 -0.649 -0.811 -0.911 -
0.933 -0.869 -0.571 0.000
Area under GZ curve from zero heel m.deg 19.5601 10.4441 2.9963 0.0000 2.9968 10.4408 19.5696 28.8460 37.5193
44.8587 50.3835 53.8056 54.9637 53.8056 50.3835 44.8587 37.5193 28.8460
19.5695 10.4405 2.9962 -0.0011
Displacement t 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50
11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50
11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50
Draft at FP m 0.118 0.282 0.351 0.351 0.351 0.282 0.118 -0.144 -0.519 -
1.095 -2.176 -5.290 n/a -6.790 -3.676 -2.595 -2.019 -1.644 -1.382 -
1.218 -1.149 -1.149
Draft at AP m 0.118 0.282 0.351 0.351 0.351 0.282 0.118 -0.144 -0.519 -
1.095 -2.176 -5.290 n/a -6.790 -3.676 -2.595 -2.019 -1.644 -1.382 -
1.218 -1.149 -1.149
WL Length m 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000
8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000
8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000
Beam max extents on WL m 2.545 2.954 4.050 4.000 4.050 2.954 2.545 2.334 1.958
1.732 1.596 1.523 1.500 1.523 1.596 1.732 1.958 2.334
2.545 2.954 4.050 4.000
Wetted Area m^2 30.620 33.096 40.338 40.415 40.340 33.097 30.620 29.764 29.764
29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764
30.618 33.096 40.338 40.415
Waterpl. Area m^2 20.362 23.634 32.399 32.000 32.401 23.634 20.362 18.669 15.665
13.856 12.770 12.185 12.000 12.185 12.770 13.856 15.665 18.669
20.361 23.634 32.399 32.000
Prismatic coeff. (Cp) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Block coeff. (Cb) 0.500 0.500 0.500 1.000 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.511 0.598
0.683 0.774 0.876 1.000 0.876 0.774 0.683 0.598 0.511
0.500 0.500 0.500 1.000
LCB from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
LCF from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
Max deck inclination deg 30.0000 20.0000 10.0000 0.0000 10.0000 20.0000 30.0000 40.0000 50.0000
60.0000 70.0000 80.0000 90.0000 100.0000 110.0000 120.0000 130.0000 140.0000
150.0000 160.0000 170.0000 180.0000
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -1.#IND 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

Key point Type Immersion angle deg Emergence angle deg

Margin Line (immersion pos = 0 m) 36.1 n/a
Deck Edge (immersion pos = 0 m) 38.8 n/a

Code Criteria Value Units

Actual Status Margin %
Ch 9. Optional Stability Requirements for Ships without Documents of Authorisation Carrying Partial Cargos of Grain 9.1.5 IMO required GM for
ships carrying grain MSC.23(59) 1.360 m

BS 6349-6:1989 Angle of equilibrium

90.0 deg 24.1
Pass +73.26
BS 6349-6:1989 Ratio of GZ to HA areas
140.000 % 95.930
Fail -31.48
BS 6349-6:1989 GMt at zero heel 0.000
m 3.228 Pass
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(a). Ratio of GZ
(intersection) / GZ (Max) 60.00 % 0.00
Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(b). Angle of Heel at
Equilibrium 15.0 deg 0.0
Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(c). Ratio of Area
A1:Area A2 >1.4 140.00 % 1.22
Fail -99.13
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(d). Range of GZ curve.
70.0 deg 90.0
Pass +28.57
Intact Stability C305/404: Intact stability
criteria for turning.
Angle of steady heel shall be
less than (<) 15.0 deg 12.7
Pass +15.42
Area1 / Area2 shall be
greater than (>) 40.00 % 34.71
Fail -13.23
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max)
shall be less than (<) 60.00 % 72.93
Fail -21.55

HSC mono. Intact Weather criterion


Angle of steady heel shall not

be greater than (<=) 16.0 deg 0.4
Pass +97.65
Angle of steady heel / Deck
edge immersion angle shall not be greater than (<=) 80.00 % 0.97
Pass +98.79
Area1 / Area2 shall not be
less than (>=) 100.00 % 231.21
Pass +131.21

HSC mono. Intact Area 0 to 30 or

GZmax 3.1513 m.deg 19.5696
Pass +521.00
HSC mono. Intact Area 30 to 40
1.7189 m.deg 9.2764
Pass +439.67
HSC mono. Intact Max GZ at 30 or
greater 0.200 m 0.934
Pass +367.00
HSC mono. Intact Angle of maximum
GZ 15.0 deg 31.8
Pass +112.12
HSC mono. Intact Initial GMt 0.150
m 3.228 Pass
HSC mono. Intact 2.12.1&.2: Combined heeling:
Angle of equilibrium
High-speed turning (Ht)
8.0 deg 0.1
Pass +98.46
Hpc + Hw 10.0
deg 12.0 Fail
Ht + Hw 12.0 deg
0.2 Pass +98.62

HSC multi. Intact 1.1: Area from 0 to 30

3.1513 m.deg 19.5696
Pass +521.00
HSC multi. Intact 1.2: Angle of maximum GZ
10.0 deg 31.8
Pass +218.18
HSC multi. Intact 1.5: HTL: Area between GZ
and HA
Hpc + Hw 1.6043
m.deg 0.5672 Fail
Ht + Hw 1.6043 m.deg
4.7762 Pass +197.71

HSC multi. Intact 3.2.1: HL1: Angle of

Wind heeling (Hw) 16.0
deg 2.5 Pass

2.2 Pontoons GZ area: to Max GZ

4.5837 m.deg 21.2665
Pass +363.96
2.2 Pontoons Angle of equilibrium
ratio 50.00 % 0.00
Pass +100.00
2.2 Pontoons Angle of vanishing
stability <=100m in length 20.0 deg 90.0
Pass +350.00
2.2 Pontoons Angle of vanishing
stability >=150m in length 15.0 deg 90.0
Pass +500.00
Ch 7. Stability Requirments 7.1.1.a Angle of equilibrium
12.0 deg 22.7
Fail -89.14
Ch 7. Stability Requirments 7.1.1.b Angle of equilibrium
ratio 100.00 % 58.48
Pass +41.52
Ch 7. Stability Requirments 7.1.2 GZ area between limits
type 1 4.2972 m.deg 1.0806
Fail -74.85
Ch 7. Stability Requirments 7.1.3.a Value of GMt at
0.300 m 3.228
Pass +976.00
Ch 9. Optional Stability Requirements for Ships without Documents of Authorisation Carrying Partial Cargos of Grain 9.1.5 Value of GMt at
1.360 m 3.228
Pass +137.38
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(a). Ratio of GZ
(intersection) / GZ (Max) 60.00 % 0.00
Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(b). Angle of Heel at
Equilibrium 15.0 deg 0.0
Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(c). Ratio of Area
A1:Area A2 >1.4 140.00 % 1.22
Fail -99.13
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(d). Range of GZ curve.
70.0 deg 90.0
Pass +28.57
Intact Stability C304/404. Intact stability
criteria for vessels equipped with cranes.
Angle of steady heel shall not
be greater than (<=) 15.0 deg 0.0
Pass +100.00
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max)
shall not be greater than (<=) 60.00 % 0.00
Pass +100.00

Intact Stability C305/404: Intact stability

criteria for turning.
Angle of steady heel shall be
less than (<) 15.0 deg 12.7
Pass +15.42
Area1 / Area2 shall be
greater than (>) 40.00 % 34.71
Fail -13.23
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max)
shall be less than (<) 60.00 % 72.93
Fail -21.55

Intact Stability C306/404: Intact stability

criteria with Passengers.
Angle of steady heel shall be
less than (<) 15.0 deg 12.6
Pass +15.79
Area1 / Area2 shall be
greater than (>) 40.00 % 34.89
Fail -12.78
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max)
shall be less than (<) 60.00 % 72.71
Fail -21.18

Code Criteria Value Units Actual

Status Margin %
BS 6349-6:1989 Angle of equilibrium 90.0 deg 24.1
Pass +73.26
BS 6349-6:1989 Ratio of GZ to HA areas 140.000 % 95.930 Fail
BS 6349-6:1989 GMt at zero heel 0.000 m 3.228
Pass infinite
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(a). Ratio of GZ(intersection) / GZ (Max) 60.00 % 0.00
Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(b). Angle of Heel at Equilibrium 15.0 deg 0.0
Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(c). Ratio of Area A1:Area A2 >1.4 140.00 % 1.22 Fail
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(d). Range of GZ curve. 70.0 deg 90.0
Pass +28.57
Intact Stability C305/404: Intact stability criteria for turning. Fail

Angle of steady heel shall be less than (<) 15.0 deg 12.7
Pass +15.42
Area1 / Area2 shall be greater than (>) 40.00 % 34.71 Fail
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max) shall be less than (<) 60.00 % 72.93 Fail

2.2 Pontoons GZ area: to Max GZ 4.5837 m.deg 21.2665

Pass +363.96
2.2 Pontoons Angle of equilibrium ratio 50.00 % 0.00
Pass +100.00
2.2 Pontoons Angle of vanishing stability <=100m in length 20.0 deg 90.0
Pass +350.00
2.2 Pontoons Angle of vanishing stability >=150m in length 15.0 deg 90.0
Pass +500.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(a). Ratio of GZ(intersection) / GZ (Max) 60.00 % 0.00
Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(b). Angle of Heel at Equilibrium 15.0 deg 0.0
Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(c). Ratio of Area A1:Area A2 >1.4 140.00 % 1.22 Fail
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(d). Range of GZ curve. 70.0 deg 90.0
Pass +28.57
Intact Stability C304/404. Intact stability criteria for vessels equipped with cranes.
Angle of steady heel shall not be greater than (<=) 15.0 deg 0.0
Pass +100.00
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max) shall not be greater than (<=) 60.00 % 0.00
Pass +100.00

Intact Stability C305/404: Intact stability criteria for turning. Fail

Angle of steady heel shall be less than (<) 15.0 deg 12.7
Pass +15.42
Area1 / Area2 shall be greater than (>) 40.00 % 34.71 Fail
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max) shall be less than (<) 60.00 % 72.93 Fail

Intact Stability C306/404: Intact stability criteria with Passengers. Fail

Angle of steady heel shall be less than (<) 15.0 deg 12.6
Pass +15.79
Area1 / Area2 shall be greater than (>) 40.00 % 34.89 Fail
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max) shall be less than (<) 60.00 % 72.71 Fail
Code Criteria Value Units Actual
Status Margin %
BS 6349-6:1989 Angle of equilibrium 90.0 deg 24.1
Pass +73.26
BS 6349-6:1989 Ratio of GZ to HA areas 140.000 % 95.930 Fail
BS 6349-6:1989 GMt at zero heel 0.000 m 3.228
Pass infinite
2.2 Pontoons GZ area: to Max GZ 4.5837 m.deg 21.2665
Pass +363.96
2.2 Pontoons Angle of equilibrium ratio 50.00 % 0.00
Pass +100.00
2.2 Pontoons Angle of vanishing stability <=100m in length 20.0 deg 90.0
Pass +350.00
2.2 Pontoons Angle of vanishing stability >=150m in length 15.0 deg 90.0
Pass +500.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(a). Ratio of GZ(intersection) / GZ (Max) 60.00 % 0.00
Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(b). Angle of Heel at Equilibrium 15.0 deg 0.0
Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(c). Ratio of Area A1:Area A2 >1.4 140.00 % 1.22 Fail
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(d). Range of GZ curve. 70.0 deg 90.0
Pass +28.57
Intact Stability C304/404. Intact stability criteria for vessels equipped with cranes.
Angle of steady heel shall not be greater than (<=) 15.0 deg 0.0
Pass +100.00
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max) shall not be greater than (<=) 60.00 % 0.00
Pass +100.00

Intact Stability C305/404: Intact stability criteria for turning. Fail

Angle of steady heel shall be less than (<) 15.0 deg 12.7
Pass +15.42
Area1 / Area2 shall be greater than (>) 40.00 % 34.71 Fail
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max) shall be less than (<) 60.00 % 72.93 Fail

Intact Stability C306/404: Intact stability criteria with Passengers. Fail

Angle of steady heel shall be less than (<) 15.0 deg 12.6
Pass +15.79
Area1 / Area2 shall be greater than (>) 40.00 % 34.89 Fail
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max) shall be less than (<) 60.00 % 72.71 Fail
Stability Calculation - Breasting Pontoon
Stability, build: 0

Loadcase - Loadcase 1
Damage Case - Intact
Free to Trim
Specific gravity = 1.025; (Density = 1.025 tonne/m^3)
Fluid analysis method: Use corrected VCG
Item Name Quantity Unit Mass tonne Total Mass tonne Unit Volume m^3 Total Volume m^3 Long.
Arm m Trans. Arm m Vert. Arm m Total FSM tonne.m FSM Type
Lightship 1 11.500 11.500 4.000 0.000 0.750 0.000 User
Total Loadcase 11.500 0.000 0.000 4.000 0.000 0.750 0.000
FS correction 0.000
VCG fluid 0.750

Heel to Starboard deg -30.0 -20.0 -10.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0
60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 110.0 120.0 130.0 140.0
150.0 160.0 170.0 180.0
GZ m -0.933 -0.869 -0.571 0.000 0.571 0.869 0.933 0.911 0.811
0.649 0.451 0.231 0.000 -0.231 -0.451 -0.649 -0.811 -0.911 -
0.933 -0.869 -0.571 0.000
Area under GZ curve from zero heel m.deg 19.5601 10.4441 2.9963 0.0000 2.9968 10.4408 19.5696 28.8460 37.5193
44.8587 50.3835 53.8056 54.9637 53.8056 50.3835 44.8587 37.5193 28.8460
19.5695 10.4405 2.9962 -0.0011
Displacement t 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50
11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50
11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50
Draft at FP m 0.118 0.282 0.351 0.351 0.351 0.282 0.118 -0.144 -0.519 -
1.095 -2.176 -5.290 n/a -6.790 -3.676 -2.595 -2.019 -1.644 -1.382 -
1.218 -1.149 -1.149
Draft at AP m 0.118 0.282 0.351 0.351 0.351 0.282 0.118 -0.144 -0.519 -
1.095 -2.176 -5.290 n/a -6.790 -3.676 -2.595 -2.019 -1.644 -1.382 -
1.218 -1.149 -1.149
WL Length m 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000
8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000
8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000
Beam max extents on WL m 2.545 2.954 4.050 4.000 4.050 2.954 2.545 2.334 1.958
1.732 1.596 1.523 1.500 1.523 1.596 1.732 1.958 2.334
2.545 2.954 4.050 4.000
Wetted Area m^2 30.620 33.096 40.338 40.415 40.340 33.097 30.620 29.764 29.764
29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764
30.618 33.096 40.338 40.415
Waterpl. Area m^2 20.362 23.634 32.399 32.000 32.401 23.634 20.362 18.669 15.665
13.856 12.770 12.185 12.000 12.185 12.770 13.856 15.665 18.669
20.361 23.634 32.399 32.000
Prismatic coeff. (Cp) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Block coeff. (Cb) 0.500 0.500 0.500 1.000 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.511 0.598
0.683 0.774 0.876 1.000 0.876 0.774 0.683 0.598 0.511
0.500 0.500 0.500 1.000
LCB from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
LCF from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
Max deck inclination deg 30.0000 20.0000 10.0000 0.0000 10.0000 20.0000 30.0000 40.0000 50.0000
60.0000 70.0000 80.0000 90.0000 100.0000 110.0000 120.0000 130.0000 140.0000
150.0000 160.0000 170.0000 180.0000
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -1.#IND 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

Key point Type Immersion angle deg Emergence angle deg

Margin Line (immersion pos = 0 m) 36.1 n/a
Deck Edge (immersion pos = 0 m) 38.8 n/a

Code Criteria Value Units Actual

Status Margin %
BS 6349-6:1989 Angle of equilibrium 90.0 deg 24.1
Pass +73.26
BS 6349-6:1989 Ratio of GZ to HA areas 140.000 % 95.930 Fail
BS 6349-6:1989 GMt at zero heel 0.000 m 3.228
Pass infinite
2.2 Pontoons GZ area: to Max GZ 4.5837 m.deg 21.2665
Pass +363.96
2.2 Pontoons Angle of equilibrium ratio 50.00 % 0.00
Pass +100.00
2.2 Pontoons Angle of vanishing stability <=100m in length 20.0 deg 90.0
Pass +350.00
2.2 Pontoons Angle of vanishing stability >=150m in length 15.0 deg 90.0
Pass +500.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(a). Ratio of GZ(intersection) / GZ (Max) 60.00 % 0.00
Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(b). Angle of Heel at Equilibrium 15.0 deg 0.0
Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(c). Ratio of Area A1:Area A2 >1.4 140.00 % 1.22 Fail
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(d). Range of GZ curve. 70.0 deg 90.0
Pass +28.57
Intact Stability C304/404. Intact stability criteria for vessels equipped with cranes.
Angle of steady heel shall not be greater than (<=) 15.0 deg 0.0
Pass +100.00
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max) shall not be greater than (<=) 60.00 % 0.00
Pass +100.00

Intact Stability C305/404: Intact stability criteria for turning. Fail

Angle of steady heel shall be less than (<) 15.0 deg 12.7
Pass +15.42
Area1 / Area2 shall be greater than (>) 40.00 % 34.71 Fail
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max) shall be less than (<) 60.00 % 72.93 Fail

Intact Stability C306/404: Intact stability criteria with Passengers. Fail

Angle of steady heel shall be less than (<) 15.0 deg 12.6
Pass +15.79
Area1 / Area2 shall be greater than (>) 40.00 % 34.89 Fail
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max) shall be less than (<) 60.00 % 72.71 Fail

Code Criteria Value Units Actual Status Margin %

BS 6349-6:1989 Angle of equilibrium 90.0 deg 24.1 Pass +73.26
BS 6349-6:1989 Ratio of GZ to HA areas 140.000 % 95.930 Fail -31.48
BS 6349-6:1989 GMt at zero heel 0.000 m 3.228 Pass infinite
2.2 Pontoons GZ area: to Max GZ 4.5837 m.deg 21.2665 Pass +363.96
2.2 Pontoons Angle of equilibrium ratio 50.00 % 0.00 Pass +100.00
2.2 Pontoons Angle of vanishing stability <=100m in length 20.0 deg 90.0 Pass +350.00
2.2 Pontoons Angle of vanishing stability >=150m in length 15.0 deg 90.0 Pass +500.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(a). Ratio of GZ(intersection) / GZ (Max) 60.00 % 0.00 Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(b). Angle of Heel at Equilibrium 15.0 deg 0.0 Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(d). Range of GZ curve. 70.0 deg 90.0 Pass +28.57
Intact Stability C305/404: Intact stability criteria for turning. Fail
Angle of steady heel shall be less than (<) 15.0 deg 12.7 Pass +15.42
Area1 / Area2 shall be greater than (>) 40.00 % 34.71 Fail -13.23
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max) shall be less than (<) 60.00 % 72.93 Fail -21.55
Stability Calculation - Breasting Pontoon
Stability, build: 0

Loadcase - Loadcase 1
Damage Case - Intact
Free to Trim
Specific gravity = 1.025; (Density = 1.025 tonne/m^3)
Fluid analysis method: Use corrected VCG
Item Name Quantity Unit Mass tonne Total Mass tonne Unit Volume m^3 Total Volume m^3 Long.
Arm m Trans. Arm m Vert. Arm m Total FSM tonne.m FSM Type
Lightship 1 11.500 11.500 4.000 0.000 0.750 0.000 User
Total Loadcase 11.500 0.000 0.000 4.000 0.000 0.750 0.000
FS correction 0.000
VCG fluid 0.750
Heel to Starboard deg -30.0 -20.0 -10.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0
60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 110.0 120.0 130.0 140.0
150.0 160.0 170.0 180.0
GZ m -0.933 -0.869 -0.571 0.000 0.571 0.869 0.933 0.911 0.811
0.649 0.451 0.231 0.000 -0.231 -0.451 -0.649 -0.811 -0.911 -
0.933 -0.869 -0.571 0.000
Area under GZ curve from zero heel m.deg 19.5601 10.4441 2.9963 0.0000 2.9968 10.4408 19.5696 28.8460 37.5193
44.8587 50.3835 53.8056 54.9637 53.8056 50.3835 44.8587 37.5193 28.8460
19.5695 10.4405 2.9962 -0.0011
Displacement t 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50
11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50
11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50
Draft at FP m 0.118 0.282 0.351 0.351 0.351 0.282 0.118 -0.144 -0.519 -
1.095 -2.176 -5.290 n/a -6.790 -3.676 -2.595 -2.019 -1.644 -1.382 -
1.218 -1.149 -1.149
Draft at AP m 0.118 0.282 0.351 0.351 0.351 0.282 0.118 -0.144 -0.519 -
1.095 -2.176 -5.290 n/a -6.790 -3.676 -2.595 -2.019 -1.644 -1.382 -
1.218 -1.149 -1.149
WL Length m 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000
8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000
8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000
Beam max extents on WL m 2.545 2.954 4.050 4.000 4.050 2.954 2.545 2.334 1.958
1.732 1.596 1.523 1.500 1.523 1.596 1.732 1.958 2.334
2.545 2.954 4.050 4.000
Wetted Area m^2 30.620 33.096 40.338 40.415 40.340 33.097 30.620 29.764 29.764
29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764
30.618 33.096 40.338 40.415
Waterpl. Area m^2 20.362 23.634 32.399 32.000 32.401 23.634 20.362 18.669 15.665
13.856 12.770 12.185 12.000 12.185 12.770 13.856 15.665 18.669
20.361 23.634 32.399 32.000
Prismatic coeff. (Cp) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Block coeff. (Cb) 0.500 0.500 0.500 1.000 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.511 0.598
0.683 0.774 0.876 1.000 0.876 0.774 0.683 0.598 0.511
0.500 0.500 0.500 1.000
LCB from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
LCF from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
Max deck inclination deg 30.0000 20.0000 10.0000 0.0000 10.0000 20.0000 30.0000 40.0000 50.0000
60.0000 70.0000 80.0000 90.0000 100.0000 110.0000 120.0000 130.0000 140.0000
150.0000 160.0000 170.0000 180.0000
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -1.#IND 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

Key point Type Immersion angle deg Emergence angle deg

Margin Line (immersion pos = 0 m) 36.1 n/a
Deck Edge (immersion pos = 0 m) 38.8 n/a

Code Criteria Value Units Actual Status Margin %

BS 6349-6:1989 Angle of equilibrium 90.0 deg 24.1 Pass +73.26
BS 6349-6:1989 Ratio of GZ to HA areas 140.000 % 95.930 Fail -31.48
BS 6349-6:1989 GMt at zero heel 0.000 m 3.228 Pass infinite
2.2 Pontoons GZ area: to Max GZ 4.5837 m.deg 21.2665 Pass +363.96
2.2 Pontoons Angle of equilibrium ratio 50.00 % 0.00 Pass +100.00
2.2 Pontoons Angle of vanishing stability <=100m in length 20.0 deg 90.0 Pass +350.00
2.2 Pontoons Angle of vanishing stability >=150m in length 15.0 deg 90.0 Pass +500.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(a). Ratio of GZ(intersection) / GZ (Max) 60.00 % 0.00 Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(b). Angle of Heel at Equilibrium 15.0 deg 0.0 Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(d). Range of GZ curve. 70.0 deg 90.0 Pass +28.57
Intact Stability C305/404: Intact stability criteria for turning. Fail
Angle of steady heel shall be less than (<) 15.0 deg 12.7 Pass +15.42
Area1 / Area2 shall be greater than (>) 40.00 % 34.71 Fail -13.23
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max) shall be less than (<) 60.00 % 72.93 Fail -21.55

Longitudinal Strength Calculation - Breasting Pontoon

Stability, build: 0

Loadcase - Loadcase 1
Damage Case - Intact
Free to Trim
Specific gravity = 1.025; (Density = 1.025 tonne/m^3)
Fluid analysis method: Simulate fluid movement
Item Name Quantity Unit Mass tonne Total Mass tonne Unit Volume m^3 Total Volume m^3 Long.
Arm m Aft. Limit m Fwd. Limit m Trans. Arm m Vert. Arm m
Lightship 1 11.500 11.500 4.000 4.000 4.000 0.000 0.750
Total Loadcase 11.500 0.000 0.000 4.000 0.000 0.750
Name Long. Pos. m Mass t/m Buoyancy t/m Grounding t/m Damage/NBV t/m Net Load t/m
Shear tonne Moment tonne.m
HMSt1 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000
HMSt2 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000
HMSt3 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000
HMSt4 0.008 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -0.012 0.000
HMSt5 0.008 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -0.012 0.000
HMSt6 0.033 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -0.047 -0.001
HMSt7 0.074 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -0.106 -0.004
HMSt8 0.131 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -0.188 -0.012
HMSt9 0.204 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -0.293 -0.030
HMSt10 0.292 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -0.420 -0.061
HMSt11 0.396 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -0.569 -0.113
HMSt12 0.515 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -0.740 -0.190
HMSt13 0.648 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -0.931 -0.301
HMSt14 0.794 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -1.142 -0.454
HMSt15 0.954 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -1.372 -0.654
HMSt16 1.127 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -1.619 -0.912
HMSt17 1.311 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -1.884 -1.235
HMSt18 1.506 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -2.165 -1.630
HMSt19 1.712 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -2.460 -2.105
HMSt20 1.926 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -2.769 -2.667
HMSt21 1.992 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -2.864 -2.852
HMSt22 2.000 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -2.875 -2.875
HMSt23 2.008 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -2.887 -2.898
HMSt24 2.150 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -3.090 -3.322
HMSt25 2.381 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -3.422 -4.074
HMSt26 2.619 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -3.764 -4.928
HMSt27 2.862 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -4.114 -5.887
HMSt28 3.110 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -4.471 -6.951
HMSt29 3.362 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -4.832 -8.122
HMSt30 3.616 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -5.198 -9.398
HMSt31 3.872 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -5.566 -10.775
HMSt32 3.992 115.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 113.563 -0.908 -11.353
HMSt33 4.000 115.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 113.563 0.000 -11.356
HMSt34 4.000 115.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 113.563 0.000 -11.356
HMSt35 4.008 115.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 113.563 0.908 -11.353
HMSt36 4.128 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 5.566 -10.775
HMSt37 4.384 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 5.198 -9.398
HMSt38 4.638 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 4.832 -8.122
HMSt39 4.890 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 4.471 -6.951
HMSt40 5.138 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 4.114 -5.887
HMSt41 5.381 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 3.764 -4.928
HMSt42 5.619 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 3.422 -4.074
HMSt43 5.850 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 3.090 -3.322
HMSt44 6.074 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 2.769 -2.667
HMSt45 6.288 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 2.460 -2.105
HMSt46 6.494 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 2.165 -1.630
HMSt47 6.689 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 1.884 -1.235
HMSt48 6.873 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 1.619 -0.912
HMSt49 7.046 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 1.372 -0.654
HMSt50 7.206 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 1.142 -0.454
HMSt51 7.352 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.931 -0.301
HMSt52 7.485 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.740 -0.190
HMSt53 7.604 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.569 -0.113
HMSt54 7.708 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.420 -0.061
HMSt55 7.796 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.293 -0.030
HMSt56 7.869 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.188 -0.012
HMSt57 7.926 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.106 -0.004
HMSt58 7.967 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.047 -0.001
HMSt59 7.992 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.012 0.000
HMSt60 7.992 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.012 0.000
HMSt61 8.000 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000
HMSt62 8.000 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000
HMSt63 8.000 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000

Key point Type Freeboard m

Margin Line (freeboard pos = 0 m) 1.073
Deck Edge (freeboard pos = 0 m) 1.149

Longitudinal Strength Calculation - Breasting Pontoon

Stability, build: 0

Loadcase - Loadcase 1
Damage Case - Intact
Free to Trim
Specific gravity = 1.025; (Density = 1.025 tonne/m^3)
Fluid analysis method: Simulate fluid movement
Item Name Quantity Unit Mass tonne Total Mass tonne Unit Volume m^3 Total Volume m^3 Long.
Arm m Aft. Limit m Fwd. Limit m Trans. Arm m Vert. Arm m
Lightship 1 11.500 11.500 4.000 4.000 4.000 0.000 0.750
Total Loadcase 11.500 0.000 0.000 4.000 0.000 0.750
Name Long. Pos. m Mass t/m Buoyancy t/m Grounding t/m Damage/NBV t/m Net Load t/m
Shear tonne Moment tonne.m
HMSt1 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000
HMSt2 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000
HMSt3 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000
HMSt4 0.008 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -0.012 0.000
HMSt5 0.008 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -0.012 0.000
HMSt6 0.033 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -0.047 -0.001
HMSt7 0.074 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -0.106 -0.004
HMSt8 0.131 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -0.188 -0.012
HMSt9 0.204 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -0.293 -0.030
HMSt10 0.292 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -0.420 -0.061
HMSt11 0.396 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -0.569 -0.113
HMSt12 0.515 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -0.740 -0.190
HMSt13 0.648 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -0.931 -0.301
HMSt14 0.794 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -1.142 -0.454
HMSt15 0.954 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -1.372 -0.654
HMSt16 1.127 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -1.619 -0.912
HMSt17 1.311 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -1.884 -1.235
HMSt18 1.506 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -2.165 -1.630
HMSt19 1.712 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -2.460 -2.105
HMSt20 1.926 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -2.769 -2.667
HMSt21 1.992 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -2.864 -2.852
HMSt22 2.000 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -2.875 -2.875
HMSt23 2.008 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -2.887 -2.898
HMSt24 2.150 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -3.090 -3.322
HMSt25 2.381 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -3.422 -4.074
HMSt26 2.619 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -3.764 -4.928
HMSt27 2.862 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -4.114 -5.887
HMSt28 3.110 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -4.471 -6.951
HMSt29 3.362 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -4.832 -8.122
HMSt30 3.616 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -5.198 -9.398
HMSt31 3.872 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -5.566 -10.775
HMSt32 3.992 115.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 113.563 -0.908 -11.353
HMSt33 4.000 115.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 113.563 0.000 -11.356
HMSt34 4.000 115.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 113.563 0.000 -11.356
HMSt35 4.008 115.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 113.563 0.908 -11.353
HMSt36 4.128 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 5.566 -10.775
HMSt37 4.384 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 5.198 -9.398
HMSt38 4.638 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 4.832 -8.122
HMSt39 4.890 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 4.471 -6.951
HMSt40 5.138 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 4.114 -5.887
HMSt41 5.381 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 3.764 -4.928
HMSt42 5.619 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 3.422 -4.074
HMSt43 5.850 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 3.090 -3.322
HMSt44 6.074 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 2.769 -2.667
HMSt45 6.288 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 2.460 -2.105
HMSt46 6.494 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 2.165 -1.630
HMSt47 6.689 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 1.884 -1.235
HMSt48 6.873 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 1.619 -0.912
HMSt49 7.046 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 1.372 -0.654
HMSt50 7.206 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 1.142 -0.454
HMSt51 7.352 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.931 -0.301
HMSt52 7.485 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.740 -0.190
HMSt53 7.604 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.569 -0.113
HMSt54 7.708 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.420 -0.061
HMSt55 7.796 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.293 -0.030
HMSt56 7.869 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.188 -0.012
HMSt57 7.926 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.106 -0.004
HMSt58 7.967 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.047 -0.001
HMSt59 7.992 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.012 0.000
HMSt60 7.992 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.012 0.000
HMSt61 8.000 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000
HMSt62 8.000 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000
HMSt63 8.000 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000

Key point Type Freeboard m

Margin Line (freeboard pos = 0 m) 1.073
Deck Edge (freeboard pos = 0 m) 1.149

Longitudinal Strength Calculation - Breasting Pontoon

Stability, build: 0

Loadcase - Loadcase 1
Damage Case - Intact
Free to Trim
Specific gravity = 1.025; (Density = 1.025 tonne/m^3)
Fluid analysis method: Simulate fluid movement
Item Name Quantity Unit Mass tonne Total Mass tonne Unit Volume m^3 Total Volume m^3 Long.
Arm m Aft. Limit m Fwd. Limit m Trans. Arm m Vert. Arm m
Lightship 1 11.500 11.500 4.000 4.000 4.000 0.000 0.750
Total Loadcase 11.500 0.000 0.000 4.000 0.000 0.750
Name Long. Pos. m Mass t/m Buoyancy t/m Grounding t/m Damage/NBV t/m Net Load t/m
Shear tonne Moment tonne.m
HMSt1 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000
HMSt2 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000
HMSt3 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000
HMSt4 0.008 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -0.012 0.000
HMSt5 0.008 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -0.012 0.000
HMSt6 0.033 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -0.047 -0.001
HMSt7 0.074 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -0.106 -0.004
HMSt8 0.131 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -0.188 -0.012
HMSt9 0.204 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -0.293 -0.030
HMSt10 0.292 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -0.420 -0.061
HMSt11 0.396 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -0.569 -0.113
HMSt12 0.515 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -0.740 -0.190
HMSt13 0.648 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -0.931 -0.301
HMSt14 0.794 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -1.142 -0.454
HMSt15 0.954 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -1.372 -0.654
HMSt16 1.127 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -1.619 -0.912
HMSt17 1.311 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -1.884 -1.235
HMSt18 1.506 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -2.165 -1.630
HMSt19 1.712 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -2.460 -2.105
HMSt20 1.926 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -2.769 -2.667
HMSt21 1.992 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -2.864 -2.852
HMSt22 2.000 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -2.875 -2.875
HMSt23 2.008 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -2.887 -2.898
HMSt24 2.150 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -3.090 -3.322
HMSt25 2.381 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -3.422 -4.074
HMSt26 2.619 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -3.764 -4.928
HMSt27 2.862 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -4.114 -5.887
HMSt28 3.110 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -4.471 -6.951
HMSt29 3.362 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -4.832 -8.122
HMSt30 3.616 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -5.198 -9.398
HMSt31 3.872 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 -5.566 -10.775
HMSt32 3.992 115.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 113.563 -0.908 -11.353
HMSt33 4.000 115.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 113.563 0.000 -11.356
HMSt34 4.000 115.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 113.563 0.000 -11.356
HMSt35 4.008 115.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 113.563 0.908 -11.353
HMSt36 4.128 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 5.566 -10.775
HMSt37 4.384 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 5.198 -9.398
HMSt38 4.638 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 4.832 -8.122
HMSt39 4.890 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 4.471 -6.951
HMSt40 5.138 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 4.114 -5.887
HMSt41 5.381 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 3.764 -4.928
HMSt42 5.619 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 3.422 -4.074
HMSt43 5.850 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 3.090 -3.322
HMSt44 6.074 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 2.769 -2.667
HMSt45 6.288 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 2.460 -2.105
HMSt46 6.494 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 2.165 -1.630
HMSt47 6.689 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 1.884 -1.235
HMSt48 6.873 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 1.619 -0.912
HMSt49 7.046 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 1.372 -0.654
HMSt50 7.206 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 1.142 -0.454
HMSt51 7.352 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.931 -0.301
HMSt52 7.485 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.740 -0.190
HMSt53 7.604 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.569 -0.113
HMSt54 7.708 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.420 -0.061
HMSt55 7.796 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.293 -0.030
HMSt56 7.869 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.188 -0.012
HMSt57 7.926 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.106 -0.004
HMSt58 7.967 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.047 -0.001
HMSt59 7.992 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.012 0.000
HMSt60 7.992 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.012 0.000
HMSt61 8.000 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000
HMSt62 8.000 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000
HMSt63 8.000 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000 -1.437 0.000 0.000

Key point Type Freeboard m

Margin Line (freeboard pos = 0 m) 1.073
Deck Edge (freeboard pos = 0 m) 1.149

Stability Calculation - Breasting Pontoon_Full Draft

Stability, build: 0

Loadcase - Loadcase 1
Damage Case - Intact
Free to Trim
Specific gravity = 1.025; (Density = 1.025 tonne/m^3)
Fluid analysis method: Use corrected VCG
Item Name Quantity Unit Mass tonne Total Mass tonne Unit Volume m^3 Total Volume m^3 Long.
Arm m Trans. Arm m Vert. Arm m Total FSM tonne.m FSM Type
Lightship 1 11.500 11.500 4.000 0.000 0.750 0.000 User
Total Loadcase 11.500 0.000 0.000 4.000 0.000 0.750 0.000
FS correction 0.000
VCG fluid 0.750
Heel to Starboard deg -30.0 -20.0 -10.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0
60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 110.0 120.0 130.0 140.0
150.0 160.0 170.0 180.0
GZ m -0.933 -0.869 -0.571 0.000 0.571 0.869 0.933 0.911 0.811
0.649 0.451 0.231 0.000 -0.231 -0.451 -0.649 -0.811 -0.911 -
0.933 -0.869 -0.571 0.000
Area under GZ curve from zero heel m.deg 19.5601 10.4441 2.9963 0.0000 2.9968 10.4408 19.5696 28.8460 37.5193
44.8587 50.3835 53.8056 54.9637 53.8056 50.3835 44.8587 37.5193 28.8460
19.5695 10.4405 2.9962 -0.0011
Displacement t 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50
11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50
11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50
Draft at FP m 0.118 0.282 0.351 0.351 0.351 0.282 0.118 -0.144 -0.519 -
1.095 -2.176 -5.290 n/a -6.790 -3.676 -2.595 -2.019 -1.644 -1.382 -
1.218 -1.149 -1.149
Draft at AP m 0.118 0.282 0.351 0.351 0.351 0.282 0.118 -0.144 -0.519 -
1.095 -2.176 -5.290 n/a -6.790 -3.676 -2.595 -2.019 -1.644 -1.382 -
1.218 -1.149 -1.149
WL Length m 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000
8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000
8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000
Beam max extents on WL m 2.545 2.954 4.050 4.000 4.050 2.954 2.545 2.334 1.958
1.732 1.596 1.523 1.500 1.523 1.596 1.732 1.958 2.334
2.545 2.954 4.050 4.000
Wetted Area m^2 30.620 33.096 40.338 40.415 40.340 33.097 30.620 29.764 29.764
29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764 29.764
30.618 33.096 40.338 40.415
Waterpl. Area m^2 20.362 23.634 32.399 32.000 32.401 23.634 20.362 18.669 15.665
13.856 12.770 12.185 12.000 12.185 12.770 13.856 15.665 18.669
20.361 23.634 32.399 32.000
Prismatic coeff. (Cp) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Block coeff. (Cb) 0.500 0.500 0.500 1.000 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.511 0.598
0.683 0.774 0.876 1.000 0.876 0.774 0.683 0.598 0.511
0.500 0.500 0.500 1.000
LCB from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
LCF from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
Max deck inclination deg 30.0000 20.0000 10.0000 0.0000 10.0000 20.0000 30.0000 40.0000 50.0000
60.0000 70.0000 80.0000 90.0000 100.0000 110.0000 120.0000 130.0000 140.0000
150.0000 160.0000 170.0000 180.0000
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -1.#IND 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

Key point Type Immersion angle deg Emergence angle deg

Margin Line (immersion pos = 0 m) 36.1 n/a
Deck Edge (immersion pos = 0 m) 38.8 n/a

Code Criteria Value Units Actual Status Margin %

BS 6349-6:1989 Angle of equilibrium 90.0 deg 24.1 Pass +73.26
BS 6349-6:1989 Ratio of GZ to HA areas 140.000 % 95.930 Fail -31.48
BS 6349-6:1989 GMt at zero heel 0.000 m 3.228 Pass infinite
2.2 Pontoons GZ area: to Max GZ 4.5837 m.deg 21.2665 Pass +363.96
2.2 Pontoons Angle of equilibrium ratio 50.00 % 0.00 Pass +100.00
2.2 Pontoons Angle of vanishing stability <=100m in length 20.0 deg 90.0 Pass +350.00
2.2 Pontoons Angle of vanishing stability >=150m in length 15.0 deg 90.0 Pass +500.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(a). Ratio of GZ(intersection) / GZ (Max) 60.00 % 0.00 Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(b). Angle of Heel at Equilibrium 15.0 deg 0.0 Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(d). Range of GZ curve. 70.0 deg 90.0 Pass +28.57
Intact Stability C305/404: Intact stability criteria for turning. Fail
Angle of steady heel shall be less than (<) 15.0 deg 12.7 Pass +15.42
Area1 / Area2 shall be greater than (>) 40.00 % 34.71 Fail -13.23
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max) shall be less than (<) 60.00 % 72.93 Fail -21.55

Hydrostatics - Breasting Pontoon_Full Draft

Stability, build: 0

Damage Case - Intact

Fixed Trim = 0 m (+ve by stern)

Specific gravity = 1.025; (Density = 1.025 tonne/m^3)
Draft Amidships m 0.599
Displacement t 19.65
Heel deg 0.0
Draft at FP m 0.599
Draft at AP m 0.599
Draft at LCF m 0.599
Trim (+ve by stern) m 0.000
WL Length m 8.000
Beam max extents on WL m 4.000
Wetted Area m^2 46.381
Waterpl. Area m^2 32.000
Prismatic coeff. (Cp) 1.000
Block coeff. (Cb) 1.000
Max Sect. area coeff. (Cm) 1.000
Waterpl. area coeff. (Cwp) 1.000
LCB from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 4.000
LCF from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 4.000
KB m 0.300
KG m 0.750
BMt m 2.225
BML m 8.900
GMt m 1.775
GML m 8.450
KMt m 2.525
KML m 9.200
Immersion (TPc) tonne/cm 0.328
MTc tonne.m 0.415
RM at 1deg = GMt.Disp.sin(1) tonne.m 0.609
Max deck inclination deg 0.0000
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg 0.0000

Stability Calculation - Breasting Pontoon_Full Draft

Stability, build: 0

Loadcase - Loadcase 1
Damage Case - Intact
Free to Trim
Specific gravity = 1.025; (Density = 1.025 tonne/m^3)
Fluid analysis method: Use corrected VCG
Item Name Quantity Unit Mass tonne Total Mass tonne Unit Volume m^3 Total Volume m^3 Long.
Arm m Trans. Arm m Vert. Arm m Total FSM tonne.m FSM Type
Lightship 1 11.500 11.500 4.000 0.000 0.750 0.000 User
Live Load 1 8.155 8.155 4.000 0.000 0.750 0.000 User
Total Loadcase 19.655 0.000 0.000 4.000 0.000 0.750 0.000
FS correction 0.000
VCG fluid 0.750
Heel to Starboard deg -30.0 -20.0 -10.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0
60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 110.0 120.0 130.0 140.0
150.0 160.0 170.0 180.0
GZ m -0.786 -0.637 -0.314 0.000 0.314 0.637 0.786 0.766 0.670
0.532 0.368 0.188 0.000 -0.188 -0.368 -0.532 -0.670 -0.766 -
0.786 -0.637 -0.314 0.000
Area under GZ curve from zero heel m.deg 13.6034 6.3736 1.5378 0.0000 1.5407 6.3620 13.6464 21.5075 28.7308
34.7687 39.2857 42.0747 43.0172 42.0747 39.2857 34.7687 28.7308 21.5075
13.6464 6.3618 1.5407 -0.0010
Displacement t 19.66 19.65 19.66 19.66 19.66 19.66 19.66 19.65 19.65
19.65 19.65 19.65 19.65 19.65 19.66 19.66 19.65 19.66
19.65 19.65 19.65 19.66
Draft at FP m 0.518 0.593 0.599 0.599 0.599 0.593 0.518 0.413 0.271
0.054 -0.355 -1.530 n/a -3.030 -1.855 -1.446 -1.229 -1.087 -
0.982 -0.907 -0.901 -0.901
Draft at AP m 0.518 0.593 0.599 0.599 0.599 0.593 0.518 0.413 0.271
0.054 -0.355 -1.530 n/a -3.030 -1.855 -1.446 -1.229 -1.087 -
0.982 -0.907 -0.901 -0.901
WL Length m 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000
8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000
8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000
Beam max extents on WL m 3.000 3.862 4.062 4.000 4.062 3.862 3.000 2.334 1.958
1.732 1.596 1.523 1.500 1.523 1.596 1.732 1.958 2.334
3.000 3.862 4.062 4.000
Wetted Area m^2 42.363 44.394 46.382 46.382 46.382 44.395 42.361 42.361 42.361
42.361 42.361 42.361 42.361 42.361 42.361 42.361 42.361 42.361
42.361 44.394 46.382 46.382
Waterpl. Area m^2 24.000 30.896 32.494 32.000 32.494 30.897 24.000 18.669 15.665
13.856 12.770 12.185 12.000 12.185 12.770 13.856 15.665 18.669
24.000 30.896 32.494 32.000
Prismatic coeff. (Cp) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Block coeff. (Cb) 0.552 0.500 0.630 1.000 0.630 0.500 0.552 0.641 0.717
0.787 0.854 0.924 1.000 0.924 0.854 0.787 0.717 0.641
0.552 0.500 0.630 1.000
LCB from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
LCF from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
Max deck inclination deg 30.0000 20.0000 10.0000 0.0000 10.0000 20.0000 30.0000 40.0000 50.0000
60.0000 70.0000 80.0000 90.0000 100.0000 110.0000 120.0000 130.0000 140.0000
150.0000 160.0000 170.0000 180.0000
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

Key point Type Immersion angle deg Emergence angle deg

Margin Line (immersion pos = 0 m) 23.1 n/a
Deck Edge (immersion pos = 0 m) 25.3 n/a

Code Criteria Value Units Actual Status Margin %

BS 6349-6:1989 Angle of equilibrium 90.0 deg 39.9 Pass +55.62
BS 6349-6:1989 Ratio of GZ to HA areas 140.000 % 75.080 Fail -46.37
BS 6349-6:1989 GMt at zero heel 0.000 m 1.775 Pass infinite
2.2 Pontoons GZ area: to Max GZ 4.5837 m.deg 15.8028 Pass +244.76
2.2 Pontoons Angle of equilibrium ratio 50.00 % 0.00 Pass +100.00
2.2 Pontoons Angle of vanishing stability <=100m in length 20.0 deg 90.0 Pass +350.00
2.2 Pontoons Angle of vanishing stability >=150m in length 15.0 deg 90.0 Pass +500.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(a). Ratio of GZ(intersection) / GZ (Max) 60.00 % 0.00 Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(b). Angle of Heel at Equilibrium 15.0 deg 0.0 Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(d). Range of GZ curve. 70.0 deg 90.0 Pass +28.57
Intact Stability C305/404: Intact stability criteria for turning. Fail
Angle of steady heel shall be less than (<) 15.0 deg 16.2 Fail -8.03
Area1 / Area2 shall be greater than (>) 40.00 % 37.84 Fail -5.40
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max) shall be less than (<) 60.00 % 66.19 Fail -10.32

Stability Calculation - Breasting Pontoon_Full Draft

Stability, build: 0
Model file: C:\Users\HALDEN PC\Documents\2. PERSONAL FILES\BERTHING PONTOON\Breasting Pontoon_Full Draft (Medium
precision, 63 sections, T %: 0.01000(0.100); Trim%(LCG-TCG): 0.01000(0.100); Heel%(LCG-TCG): 0.01000(0.100)

Loadcase - Loadcase 1
Damage Case - Intact
Free to Trim
Specific gravity = 1.025; (Density = 1.025 tonne/m^3)
Fluid analysis method: Use corrected VCG
Item Name Quantity Unit Mass tonne Total Mass tonne Unit Volume m^3 Total Volume m^3 Long.
Arm m Trans. Arm m Vert. Arm m Total FSM tonne.m FSM Type
Lightship 1 11.500 11.500 4.000 0.000 0.750 0.000 User
Live Load 1 8.155 8.155 4.000 0.000 0.750 0.000 User
Total Loadcase 19.655 0.000 0.000 4.000 0.000 0.750 0.000
FS correction 0.000
VCG fluid 0.750
Heel to Starboard deg -30.0 -20.0 -10.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0
60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 110.0 120.0 130.0 140.0
150.0 160.0 170.0 180.0
GZ m -0.786 -0.637 -0.314 0.000 0.314 0.637 0.786 0.766 0.670
0.532 0.368 0.188 0.000 -0.188 -0.368 -0.532 -0.670 -0.766 -
0.786 -0.637 -0.314 0.000
Area under GZ curve from zero heel m.deg 13.6034 6.3736 1.5378 0.0000 1.5407 6.3620 13.6464 21.5075 28.7308
34.7687 39.2857 42.0747 43.0172 42.0747 39.2857 34.7687 28.7308 21.5075
13.6464 6.3618 1.5407 -0.0010
Displacement t 19.66 19.65 19.66 19.66 19.66 19.66 19.66 19.65 19.65
19.65 19.65 19.65 19.65 19.65 19.66 19.66 19.65 19.66
19.65 19.65 19.65 19.66
Draft at FP m 0.518 0.593 0.599 0.599 0.599 0.593 0.518 0.413 0.271
0.054 -0.355 -1.530 n/a -3.030 -1.855 -1.446 -1.229 -1.087 -
0.982 -0.907 -0.901 -0.901
Draft at AP m 0.518 0.593 0.599 0.599 0.599 0.593 0.518 0.413 0.271
0.054 -0.355 -1.530 n/a -3.030 -1.855 -1.446 -1.229 -1.087 -
0.982 -0.907 -0.901 -0.901
WL Length m 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000
8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000
8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000
Beam max extents on WL m 3.000 3.862 4.062 4.000 4.062 3.862 3.000 2.334 1.958
1.732 1.596 1.523 1.500 1.523 1.596 1.732 1.958 2.334
3.000 3.862 4.062 4.000
Wetted Area m^2 42.363 44.394 46.382 46.382 46.382 44.395 42.361 42.361 42.361
42.361 42.361 42.361 42.361 42.361 42.361 42.361 42.361 42.361
42.361 44.394 46.382 46.382
Waterpl. Area m^2 24.000 30.896 32.494 32.000 32.494 30.897 24.000 18.669 15.665
13.856 12.770 12.185 12.000 12.185 12.770 13.856 15.665 18.669
24.000 30.896 32.494 32.000
Prismatic coeff. (Cp) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Block coeff. (Cb) 0.552 0.500 0.630 1.000 0.630 0.500 0.552 0.641 0.717
0.787 0.854 0.924 1.000 0.924 0.854 0.787 0.717 0.641
0.552 0.500 0.630 1.000
LCB from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
LCF from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
Max deck inclination deg 30.0000 20.0000 10.0000 0.0000 10.0000 20.0000 30.0000 40.0000 50.0000
60.0000 70.0000 80.0000 90.0000 100.0000 110.0000 120.0000 130.0000 140.0000
150.0000 160.0000 170.0000 180.0000
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

Key point Type Immersion angle deg Emergence angle deg

Margin Line (immersion pos = 0 m) 23.1 n/a
Deck Edge (immersion pos = 0 m) 25.3 n/a

Code Criteria Value Units Actual Status Margin %

BS 6349-6:1989 Angle of equilibrium 90.0 deg 39.9 Pass +55.62
BS 6349-6:1989 Ratio of GZ to HA areas 140.000 % 75.080 Fail -46.37
BS 6349-6:1989 GMt at zero heel 0.000 m 1.775 Pass infinite
2.2 Pontoons GZ area: to Max GZ 4.5837 m.deg 15.8028 Pass +244.76
2.2 Pontoons Angle of equilibrium ratio 50.00 % 0.00 Pass +100.00
2.2 Pontoons Angle of vanishing stability <=100m in length 20.0 deg 90.0 Pass +350.00
2.2 Pontoons Angle of vanishing stability >=150m in length 15.0 deg 90.0 Pass +500.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(a). Ratio of GZ(intersection) / GZ (Max) 60.00 % 0.00 Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(b). Angle of Heel at Equilibrium 15.0 deg 0.0 Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(d). Range of GZ curve. 70.0 deg 90.0 Pass +28.57
Intact Stability C305/404: Intact stability criteria for turning. Fail
Angle of steady heel shall be less than (<) 15.0 deg 16.2 Fail -8.03
Area1 / Area2 shall be greater than (>) 40.00 % 37.84 Fail -5.40
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max) shall be less than (<) 60.00 % 66.19 Fail -10.32

Hydrostatics - Breasting Pontoon_Full Draft

Stability, build: 0
Damage Case - Intact

Fixed Trim = 0 m (+ve by stern)

Specific gravity = 1.025; (Density = 1.025 tonne/m^3)
Draft Amidships m 0.599
Displacement t 19.65
Heel deg 0.0
Draft at FP m 0.599
Draft at AP m 0.599
Draft at LCF m 0.599
Trim (+ve by stern) m 0.000
WL Length m 8.000
Beam max extents on WL m 4.000
Wetted Area m^2 46.381
Waterpl. Area m^2 32.000
Prismatic coeff. (Cp) 1.000
Block coeff. (Cb) 1.000
Max Sect. area coeff. (Cm) 1.000
Waterpl. area coeff. (Cwp) 1.000
LCB from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 4.000
LCF from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 4.000
KB m 0.300
KG m 0.750
BMt m 2.225
BML m 8.900
GMt m 1.775
GML m 8.450
KMt m 2.525
KML m 9.200
Immersion (TPc) tonne/cm 0.328
MTc tonne.m 0.415
RM at 1deg = GMt.Disp.sin(1) tonne.m 0.609
Max deck inclination deg 0.0000
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg 0.0000

Stability Calculation - Breasting Pontoon_Full Draft

Stability, build: 0

Loadcase - Loadcase 1
Damage Case - Intact
Free to Trim
Specific gravity = 1.025; (Density = 1.025 tonne/m^3)
Fluid analysis method: Use corrected VCG
Item Name Quantity Unit Mass tonne Total Mass tonne Unit Volume m^3 Total Volume m^3 Long.
Arm m Trans. Arm m Vert. Arm m Total FSM tonne.m FSM Type
Lightship 1 11.500 11.500 4.000 0.000 0.750 0.000 User
Live Load 1 8.155 8.155 4.000 0.000 0.750 0.000 User
Total Loadcase 19.655 0.000 0.000 4.000 0.000 0.750 0.000
FS correction 0.000
VCG fluid 0.750
Heel to Starboard deg -30.0 -20.0 -10.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0
60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 110.0 120.0 130.0 140.0
150.0 160.0 170.0 180.0
GZ m -0.786 -0.637 -0.314 0.000 0.314 0.637 0.786 0.766 0.670
0.532 0.368 0.188 0.000 -0.188 -0.368 -0.532 -0.670 -0.766 -
0.786 -0.637 -0.314 0.000
Area under GZ curve from zero heel m.deg 13.6034 6.3736 1.5378 0.0000 1.5407 6.3620 13.6464 21.5075 28.7308
34.7687 39.2857 42.0747 43.0172 42.0747 39.2857 34.7687 28.7308 21.5075
13.6464 6.3618 1.5407 -0.0010
Displacement t 19.66 19.65 19.66 19.66 19.66 19.66 19.66 19.65 19.65
19.65 19.65 19.65 19.65 19.65 19.66 19.66 19.65 19.66
19.65 19.65 19.65 19.66
Draft at FP m 0.518 0.593 0.599 0.599 0.599 0.593 0.518 0.413 0.271
0.054 -0.355 -1.530 n/a -3.030 -1.855 -1.446 -1.229 -1.087 -
0.982 -0.907 -0.901 -0.901
Draft at AP m 0.518 0.593 0.599 0.599 0.599 0.593 0.518 0.413 0.271
0.054 -0.355 -1.530 n/a -3.030 -1.855 -1.446 -1.229 -1.087 -
0.982 -0.907 -0.901 -0.901
WL Length m 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000
8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000
8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000
Beam max extents on WL m 3.000 3.862 4.062 4.000 4.062 3.862 3.000 2.334 1.958
1.732 1.596 1.523 1.500 1.523 1.596 1.732 1.958 2.334
3.000 3.862 4.062 4.000
Wetted Area m^2 42.363 44.394 46.382 46.382 46.382 44.395 42.361 42.361 42.361
42.361 42.361 42.361 42.361 42.361 42.361 42.361 42.361 42.361
42.361 44.394 46.382 46.382
Waterpl. Area m^2 24.000 30.896 32.494 32.000 32.494 30.897 24.000 18.669 15.665
13.856 12.770 12.185 12.000 12.185 12.770 13.856 15.665 18.669
24.000 30.896 32.494 32.000
Prismatic coeff. (Cp) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Block coeff. (Cb) 0.552 0.500 0.630 1.000 0.630 0.500 0.552 0.641 0.717
0.787 0.854 0.924 1.000 0.924 0.854 0.787 0.717 0.641
0.552 0.500 0.630 1.000
LCB from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
LCF from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
Max deck inclination deg 30.0000 20.0000 10.0000 0.0000 10.0000 20.0000 30.0000 40.0000 50.0000
60.0000 70.0000 80.0000 90.0000 100.0000 110.0000 120.0000 130.0000 140.0000
150.0000 160.0000 170.0000 180.0000
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

Key point Type Immersion angle deg Emergence angle deg

Margin Line (immersion pos = 0 m) 23.1 n/a
Deck Edge (immersion pos = 0 m) 25.3 n/a

Code Criteria Value Units Actual Status Margin %

BS 6349-6:1989 Angle of equilibrium 90.0 deg 39.9 Pass +55.62
BS 6349-6:1989 Ratio of GZ to HA areas 140.000 % 75.080 Fail -46.37
BS 6349-6:1989 GMt at zero heel 0.000 m 1.775 Pass infinite
2.2 Pontoons GZ area: to Max GZ 4.5837 m.deg 15.8028 Pass +244.76
2.2 Pontoons Angle of equilibrium ratio 50.00 % 0.00 Pass +100.00
2.2 Pontoons Angle of vanishing stability <=100m in length 20.0 deg 90.0 Pass +350.00
2.2 Pontoons Angle of vanishing stability >=150m in length 15.0 deg 90.0 Pass +500.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(a). Ratio of GZ(intersection) / GZ (Max) 60.00 % 0.00 Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(b). Angle of Heel at Equilibrium 15.0 deg 0.0 Pass +100.00
C400. Intact stability with wind heeling. C402.(d). Range of GZ curve. 70.0 deg 90.0 Pass +28.57
Intact Stability C305/404: Intact stability criteria for turning. Fail
Angle of steady heel shall be less than (<) 15.0 deg 16.2 Fail -8.03
Area1 / Area2 shall be greater than (>) 40.00 % 37.84 Fail -5.40
GZ(intersection) / GZ(max) shall be less than (<) 60.00 % 66.19 Fail -10.32

Equilibrium Calculation - Breasting Pontoon_Full Draft

Stability, build: 0

Loadcase - Loadcase 1
Damage Case - Intact
Free to Trim
Specific gravity = 1.025; (Density = 1.025 tonne/m^3)
Fluid analysis method: Use corrected VCG
Item Name Quantity Unit Mass tonne Total Mass tonne Unit Volume m^3 Total Volume m^3 Long.
Arm m Trans. Arm m Vert. Arm m Total FSM tonne.m FSM Type
Lightship 1 11.500 11.500 4.000 0.000 0.750 0.000 User
Live Load 1 8.155 8.155 4.000 0.000 0.750 0.000 User
Total Loadcase 19.655 0.000 0.000 4.000 0.000 0.750 0.000
FS correction 0.000
VCG fluid 0.750

Draft Amidships m 0.599

Displacement t 19.65
Heel deg 0.0
Draft at FP m 0.599
Draft at AP m 0.599
Draft at LCF m 0.599
Trim (+ve by stern) m 0.000
WL Length m 8.000
Beam max extents on WL m 4.000
Wetted Area m^2 46.382
Waterpl. Area m^2 32.000
Prismatic coeff. (Cp) 1.000
Block coeff. (Cb) 1.000
Max Sect. area coeff. (Cm) 1.000
Waterpl. area coeff. (Cwp) 1.000
LCB from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 4.000
LCF from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 4.000
KB m 0.300
KG fluid m 0.750
BMt m 2.225
BML m 8.900
GMt corrected m 1.775
GML m 8.450
KMt m 2.525
KML m 9.200
Immersion (TPc) tonne/cm 0.328
MTc tonne.m 0.415
RM at 1deg = GMt.Disp.sin(1) tonne.m 0.609
Max deck inclination deg 0.0000
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg 0.0000

Key point Type Freeboard m

Margin Line (freeboard pos = 0 m) 0.825
Deck Edge (freeboard pos = 0 m) 0.901

Longitudinal Strength Calculation - Breasting Pontoon_Full Draft

Stability, build: 0

Loadcase - Loadcase 1
Damage Case - Intact
Free to Trim
Specific gravity = 1.025; (Density = 1.025 tonne/m^3)
Fluid analysis method: Simulate fluid movement
Item Name Quantity Unit Mass tonne Total Mass tonne Unit Volume m^3 Total Volume m^3 Long.
Arm m Aft. Limit m Fwd. Limit m Trans. Arm m Vert. Arm m
Lightship 1 11.500 11.500 4.000 4.000 4.000 0.000 0.750
Live Load 1 8.155 8.155 4.000 4.000 4.000 0.000 0.750
Total Loadcase 19.655 0.000 0.000 4.000 0.000 0.750
Name Long. Pos. m Mass t/m Buoyancy t/m Grounding t/m Damage/NBV t/m Net Load t/m
Shear tonne Moment tonne.m
HMSt1 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000
HMSt2 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000
HMSt3 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000
HMSt4 0.008 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -0.020 0.000
HMSt5 0.008 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -0.020 0.000
HMSt6 0.033 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -0.081 -0.001
HMSt7 0.074 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -0.181 -0.007
HMSt8 0.131 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -0.321 -0.021
HMSt9 0.204 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -0.501 -0.051
HMSt10 0.292 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -0.718 -0.105
HMSt11 0.396 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -0.973 -0.193
HMSt12 0.515 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -1.265 -0.325
HMSt13 0.648 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -1.591 -0.515
HMSt14 0.794 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -1.952 -0.775
HMSt15 0.954 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -2.344 -1.119
HMSt16 1.127 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -2.768 -1.559
HMSt17 1.311 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -3.220 -2.111
HMSt18 1.506 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -3.700 -2.786
HMSt19 1.712 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -4.205 -3.599
HMSt20 1.926 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -4.733 -4.559
HMSt21 1.992 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -4.894 -4.875
HMSt22 2.000 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -4.914 -4.914
HMSt23 2.008 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -4.933 -4.953
HMSt24 2.150 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -5.282 -5.678
HMSt25 2.381 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -5.849 -6.963
HMSt26 2.619 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -6.433 -8.423
HMSt27 2.862 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -7.031 -10.061
HMSt28 3.110 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -7.641 -11.881
HMSt29 3.362 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -8.259 -13.882
HMSt30 3.616 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -8.884 -16.062
HMSt31 3.872 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -9.513 -18.415
HMSt32 3.992 196.550 -2.457 0.000 0.000 194.093 -1.553 -19.403
HMSt33 4.000 196.550 -2.457 0.000 0.000 194.093 0.000 -19.409
HMSt34 4.000 196.550 -2.457 0.000 0.000 194.093 0.000 -19.409
HMSt35 4.008 196.550 -2.457 0.000 0.000 194.093 1.553 -19.403
HMSt36 4.128 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 9.513 -18.415
HMSt37 4.384 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 8.884 -16.062
HMSt38 4.638 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 8.259 -13.882
HMSt39 4.890 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 7.641 -11.881
HMSt40 5.138 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 7.031 -10.061
HMSt41 5.381 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 6.433 -8.423
HMSt42 5.619 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 5.849 -6.963
HMSt43 5.850 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 5.282 -5.678
HMSt44 6.074 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 4.733 -4.559
HMSt45 6.288 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 4.205 -3.599
HMSt46 6.494 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 3.700 -2.786
HMSt47 6.689 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 3.220 -2.111
HMSt48 6.873 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 2.768 -1.559
HMSt49 7.046 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 2.344 -1.119
HMSt50 7.206 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 1.952 -0.775
HMSt51 7.352 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 1.591 -0.515
HMSt52 7.485 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 1.265 -0.325
HMSt53 7.604 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.973 -0.193
HMSt54 7.708 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.718 -0.105
HMSt55 7.796 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.501 -0.051
HMSt56 7.869 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.321 -0.021
HMSt57 7.926 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.181 -0.007
HMSt58 7.967 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.081 -0.001
HMSt59 7.992 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.020 0.000
HMSt60 7.992 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.020 0.000
HMSt61 8.000 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000
HMSt62 8.000 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000
HMSt63 8.000 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000

Key point Type Freeboard m

Margin Line (freeboard pos = 0 m) 0.825
Deck Edge (freeboard pos = 0 m) 0.901

Longitudinal Strength Calculation - Breasting Pontoon_Full Draft

Stability, build: 0
Model file: C:\Users\HALDEN PC\Documents\2. PERSONAL FILES\BERTHING PONTOON\Breasting Pontoon_Full Draft (Medium
precision, 63 sections, Trimming off, Skin thickness not applied). Long. datum: AP; Vert. datum: Baseline. Analysis tolerance - ideal
(worst case): Disp.%: 0.01000(0.100); Trim%(LCG-TCG): 0.01000(0.100); Heel%(LCG-TCG): 0.01000(0.100)

Loadcase - Loadcase 1
Damage Case - Intact
Free to Trim
Specific gravity = 1.025; (Density = 1.025 tonne/m^3)
Fluid analysis method: Simulate fluid movement
Item Name Quantity Unit Mass tonne Total Mass tonne Unit Volume m^3 Total Volume m^3 Long.
Arm m Aft. Limit m Fwd. Limit m Trans. Arm m Vert. Arm m
Lightship 1 11.500 11.500 4.000 4.000 4.000 0.000 0.750
Live Load 1 8.155 8.155 4.000 4.000 4.000 0.000 0.750
Total Loadcase 19.655 0.000 0.000 4.000 0.000 0.750
Name Long. Pos. m Mass t/m Buoyancy t/m Grounding t/m Damage/NBV t/m Net Load t/m
Shear tonne Moment tonne.m
HMSt1 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000
HMSt2 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000
HMSt3 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000
HMSt4 0.008 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -0.020 0.000
HMSt5 0.008 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -0.020 0.000
HMSt6 0.033 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -0.081 -0.001
HMSt7 0.074 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -0.181 -0.007
HMSt8 0.131 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -0.321 -0.021
HMSt9 0.204 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -0.501 -0.051
HMSt10 0.292 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -0.718 -0.105
HMSt11 0.396 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -0.973 -0.193
HMSt12 0.515 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -1.265 -0.325
HMSt13 0.648 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -1.591 -0.515
HMSt14 0.794 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -1.952 -0.775
HMSt15 0.954 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -2.344 -1.119
HMSt16 1.127 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -2.768 -1.559
HMSt17 1.311 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -3.220 -2.111
HMSt18 1.506 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -3.700 -2.786
HMSt19 1.712 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -4.205 -3.599
HMSt20 1.926 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -4.733 -4.559
HMSt21 1.992 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -4.894 -4.875
HMSt22 2.000 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -4.914 -4.914
HMSt23 2.008 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -4.933 -4.953
HMSt24 2.150 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -5.282 -5.678
HMSt25 2.381 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -5.849 -6.963
HMSt26 2.619 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -6.433 -8.423
HMSt27 2.862 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -7.031 -10.061
HMSt28 3.110 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -7.641 -11.881
HMSt29 3.362 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -8.259 -13.882
HMSt30 3.616 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -8.884 -16.062
HMSt31 3.872 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -9.513 -18.415
HMSt32 3.992 196.550 -2.457 0.000 0.000 194.093 -1.553 -19.403
HMSt33 4.000 196.550 -2.457 0.000 0.000 194.093 0.000 -19.409
HMSt34 4.000 196.550 -2.457 0.000 0.000 194.093 0.000 -19.409
HMSt35 4.008 196.550 -2.457 0.000 0.000 194.093 1.553 -19.403
HMSt36 4.128 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 9.513 -18.415
HMSt37 4.384 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 8.884 -16.062
HMSt38 4.638 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 8.259 -13.882
HMSt39 4.890 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 7.641 -11.881
HMSt40 5.138 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 7.031 -10.061
HMSt41 5.381 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 6.433 -8.423
HMSt42 5.619 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 5.849 -6.963
HMSt43 5.850 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 5.282 -5.678
HMSt44 6.074 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 4.733 -4.559
HMSt45 6.288 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 4.205 -3.599
HMSt46 6.494 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 3.700 -2.786
HMSt47 6.689 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 3.220 -2.111
HMSt48 6.873 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 2.768 -1.559
HMSt49 7.046 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 2.344 -1.119
HMSt50 7.206 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 1.952 -0.775
HMSt51 7.352 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 1.591 -0.515
HMSt52 7.485 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 1.265 -0.325
HMSt53 7.604 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.973 -0.193
HMSt54 7.708 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.718 -0.105
HMSt55 7.796 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.501 -0.051
HMSt56 7.869 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.321 -0.021
HMSt57 7.926 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.181 -0.007
HMSt58 7.967 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.081 -0.001
HMSt59 7.992 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.020 0.000
HMSt60 7.992 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.020 0.000
HMSt61 8.000 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000
HMSt62 8.000 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000
HMSt63 8.000 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000

Key point Type Freeboard m

Margin Line (freeboard pos = 0 m) 0.825
Deck Edge (freeboard pos = 0 m) 0.901

Longitudinal Strength Calculation - Breasting Pontoon_Full Draft

Stability, build: 0
Model file: C:\Users\HALDEN PC\Documents\2. PERSONAL FILES\BERTHING PONTOON\Breasting Pontoon_Full Draft (Medium
precision, 63 sections, Trimming off, Skin thickness not applied). Long. datum: AP; Vert. datum: Baseline. Analysis tolerance - ideal
(worst case): Disp.%: 0.01000(0.100); Trim%(LCG-TCG): 0.01000(0.100); Heel%(LCG-TCG): 0.01000(0.100)

Loadcase - Loadcase 1
Damage Case - Intact
Free to Trim
Specific gravity = 1.025; (Density = 1.025 tonne/m^3)
Fluid analysis method: Simulate fluid movement
Item Name Quantity Unit Mass tonne Total Mass tonne Unit Volume m^3 Total Volume m^3 Long.
Arm m Aft. Limit m Fwd. Limit m Trans. Arm m Vert. Arm m
Lightship 1 11.500 11.500 4.000 4.000 4.000 0.000 0.750
Live Load 1 8.155 8.155 4.000 4.000 4.000 0.000 0.750
Total Loadcase 19.655 0.000 0.000 4.000 0.000 0.750
Name Long. Pos. m Mass t/m Buoyancy t/m Grounding t/m Damage/NBV t/m Net Load t/m
Shear tonne Moment tonne.m
HMSt1 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000
HMSt2 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000
HMSt3 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000
HMSt4 0.008 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -0.020 0.000
HMSt5 0.008 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -0.020 0.000
HMSt6 0.033 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -0.081 -0.001
HMSt7 0.074 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -0.181 -0.007
HMSt8 0.131 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -0.321 -0.021
HMSt9 0.204 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -0.501 -0.051
HMSt10 0.292 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -0.718 -0.105
HMSt11 0.396 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -0.973 -0.193
HMSt12 0.515 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -1.265 -0.325
HMSt13 0.648 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -1.591 -0.515
HMSt14 0.794 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -1.952 -0.775
HMSt15 0.954 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -2.344 -1.119
HMSt16 1.127 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -2.768 -1.559
HMSt17 1.311 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -3.220 -2.111
HMSt18 1.506 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -3.700 -2.786
HMSt19 1.712 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -4.205 -3.599
HMSt20 1.926 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -4.733 -4.559
HMSt21 1.992 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -4.894 -4.875
HMSt22 2.000 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -4.914 -4.914
HMSt23 2.008 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -4.933 -4.953
HMSt24 2.150 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -5.282 -5.678
HMSt25 2.381 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -5.849 -6.963
HMSt26 2.619 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -6.433 -8.423
HMSt27 2.862 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -7.031 -10.061
HMSt28 3.110 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -7.641 -11.881
HMSt29 3.362 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -8.259 -13.882
HMSt30 3.616 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -8.884 -16.062
HMSt31 3.872 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 -9.513 -18.415
HMSt32 3.992 196.550 -2.457 0.000 0.000 194.093 -1.553 -19.403
HMSt33 4.000 196.550 -2.457 0.000 0.000 194.093 0.000 -19.409
HMSt34 4.000 196.550 -2.457 0.000 0.000 194.093 0.000 -19.409
HMSt35 4.008 196.550 -2.457 0.000 0.000 194.093 1.553 -19.403
HMSt36 4.128 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 9.513 -18.415
HMSt37 4.384 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 8.884 -16.062
HMSt38 4.638 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 8.259 -13.882
HMSt39 4.890 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 7.641 -11.881
HMSt40 5.138 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 7.031 -10.061
HMSt41 5.381 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 6.433 -8.423
HMSt42 5.619 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 5.849 -6.963
HMSt43 5.850 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 5.282 -5.678
HMSt44 6.074 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 4.733 -4.559
HMSt45 6.288 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 4.205 -3.599
HMSt46 6.494 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 3.700 -2.786
HMSt47 6.689 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 3.220 -2.111
HMSt48 6.873 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 2.768 -1.559
HMSt49 7.046 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 2.344 -1.119
HMSt50 7.206 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 1.952 -0.775
HMSt51 7.352 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 1.591 -0.515
HMSt52 7.485 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 1.265 -0.325
HMSt53 7.604 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.973 -0.193
HMSt54 7.708 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.718 -0.105
HMSt55 7.796 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.501 -0.051
HMSt56 7.869 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.321 -0.021
HMSt57 7.926 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.181 -0.007
HMSt58 7.967 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.081 -0.001
HMSt59 7.992 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.020 0.000
HMSt60 7.992 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.020 0.000
HMSt61 8.000 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000
HMSt62 8.000 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000
HMSt63 8.000 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000 -2.457 0.000 0.000

Key point Type Freeboard m

Margin Line (freeboard pos = 0 m) 0.825
Deck Edge (freeboard pos = 0 m) 0.901

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