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Period 42: A1 A student’s work

I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- Talk about Hoa’s work.
- Talk about a student’s work.
II. Language contents:
- Grammar:
+ Simple present tense – Future simple tense
+ Take time to do
+ For how many hours a day … ?
- Vocabulary: last, almost, during, school year
III. Techniques:
 Pair work, role play, ask and answer
IV. Teaching aids: pictures, a cassette, a tape, a sub-board

Teacher and sts’ activities Contents

1.Warm up:
- Ask Ss some questions about
the activities of some jobs and
their jobs.
- Introduce the dialog. A1- Listen and practice with a partner
2.Presentation: Vocabulary
- Present the situation of the - last (v)
dialogue. - almost (adv)
- Play the tape. - during
- Explain voc. - school year (n)
3.Practice: Grammar:
- Have them practice (Chorally + Take time to do
and group work) Ex: That takes about 2 hours each day
- Let them practice in pairs, + For how many hours a day … ?
alternating the roles. Ex: For how many hours a day does Hoa do
- Some pairs roleplay before the her homwork?
- Have Ss read and answer the Keys
questions in pairs. a. at 7 o’clock.
- Give the answers. b. at a quarter past eleven.
- T corrects. (teacher’s note) c. For 2 hours a day.
d. She’ll go and see Mom and Dad on the
e. I’ll visit my grandparents. My classes
4.Production: start earlier.
- T asks Ss some questions about f. It starts in September.
themselves. g. It finishes in June.
- Pairwork.
- Copy the answers.
- Learn voc.
- Read the dialog.
- Prepare A 2,3 (Explain voc,
translate the reading, answer
the questions)

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