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tit: _ Achievers Activity Book eo a Digital Resources with your Activity Book Student's i-book Activity Book interactive practice Videos Mini-flashcards How to access: 1. Go to 2. Follow the instructions on the website to register using this access code. YOUR ACCESS CODI YAACE-A1JL-8MU42 This code is for one student and is valid for 15 months from activation. Activity Book Audio Available to listen to and download at Tracklist 1 page 11, activity 1 2 page 12, activity 1 3 page 23, activity 1 4 page 24, activity 1 5 page 35, activity 1 6 page 36, activity 1 7 page 47, activity 1 8 page 48, activity 1 9 page 59, activity 1 10 page 60, activity 1 11 page 71, activity 1 12 page 72, activity 1 13 page 83, activity 1 14 page 86, activity 1 15 page 95, activity 1 16 page 96, activity 1 Us Young 4 Achievers PD) EDITION Activity Book Contents rrreicnereeeennenenenne 2 Unit 1 - 4 Unit 2 oo sovnesne 16 UNIE3 ceccsiecnnnnninnnineens 28 Unit 4 we 40 UNIS ceecesieesnnennenrnne 52 Unit 6 eo von 64 unit 7 ocnaeiseen 76 Unit 8 ... oneness BB Grammar reference .... 100 Personally axiectives | Prepostion Me Reading descriotions r ‘Quoities {Question words Descriing people Free time cetvties | Present continous Listening for detal | Percentages Present simple and Present Reading for gist ond specie information ise Routines continuous Wiring’ © description of a person Frien Physica! appearances | Adverbs of manner Regular ond regular | Post simple ‘Developing reading comorehension verbs: ‘So for consequences, strategies - predicting | Countries Post continous Ustening for specific information - The soa Post smple ond Past continuous | Creating o tineine bers exploret | survival octvties cashews | ot se otigg oncmn ou eons seers Oe aare aouen | SUNRS 3 Es a eee te nem ne wt Se [SR ieee te eee sind one | SE a eee Sa TT nr od ie | es at 7 Deng eobe Sass dp | Bes Congoue (Sie fr Spec nomen Job responsbilties Offers ond requests Conducting an interview ? i ¥ i Usiphe tam | Peer ih Urs Pt ae cae oo eben res be he ve Soe | lets ees a ve Fat pes SST een oO |netase Ne ee a | ae Pee Se ag sosest eae Muse Present perfect with how tong for | Witing on orfcke | Donce ‘and since Bescibing a city Free ime octvties | Present possive voice Listening for gs! and specif information Adjectives Can and cout Reading for general ond speci information Free time! | Abies Used to ‘Sports and survival | Obigation wih must and mustat | Scanning ond skimming | Ponts ond anmals | Advice wih shouts ond shoulant | Summorsng Adecves Predictions with wi, won't end might | Listening for ost ! $0 ond becouse Moding predictions i | Extreme experiences ‘Suggestions ‘writing an email | Grammar reference Lrg Describing people speculating | : Crd Moke a graph == RT iro our Values Working together CCUIL Pen versus keyooard Culture Good fren Pronunciation and Spoling at, are ond eor ‘Talking about fe events Taiking about the consequences of actions ‘Asking about and describing nesses Giving advice Teling about healthy and unhecthy choices Descriping feelings ‘Asking about the frequency of events Research a fomous ‘explorer Moke 0 chart ond keep ‘rock of your diet Values Being 0 good leader ‘CUIL Christopher Columous Culture Antarctic heroes Pronunciation and Spelling ou ond ow Values Personal hygiene CCLIL Heotthy habits Culture Aie ambulance fo the rescuel Pronunciation ond Speling s/ Expressing obiigation| Defining words Offering Requesting ‘Make an animal seupture ‘rom rubbsh Values Keeping coim when things go wrong CCLIL Turing rubbish into art Culture Von Gogh ot work Pronunciation and Speling or Uf ear ond ir Taking about the theatre Deserbing ouldoor sctivtios Discussing music and dance Talking about past obiies and habitual actions Making predictions about the future Invent @ plonet Valves Folloving inlructions Ting about common consequences or results of CCLIL Stars in the sky ccerton coraitions Clue The frst mon in space Talking about ries Pronunciation and Speling oF ond ei sounds ‘Asking and answering about Me experiences: Put on a play Values Being prepored Mae an instrument CCLIL Happy birthday, Shakespeare! ‘Culture Spring has sorung! Pronunciation and Spelling 1 e0 and ee Valves Perseverance CCLIL Doncing for our ancestors Culture Toten! search Pronunciation ond Speling u and o Teenliying rules ane regutions Giving advice i Mating predictions Make o desert dorama Values Obeying sofely rules ‘CUI Desert bloom CCatture A cay on the form Pronunciation and Spelling 0a 04 Ue ‘ene aw Personality adjectives er ‘1 Order the letters and write the adjectives. \f 2 P Look at the chart and complete the sentences. toe =-QOQ dont tke - te -© tate - OO > “i e 2, 1. Joe loves __video games and 2. Mia clothes, but she video games. 3. Joe animals, but he clothes. and fee cd A re! 1 Read and match. © @ i ut Peete atte © gece, 2 2 Order the questions and answer them. 1, you / do / your best friend / How often / see / ? Q: ney o 6 2. do / Where / you / meet / ? Q AP — Sa 3. you / together / What games / play / do / ? Qo Ar 4. do / like / your / best friend / you / Why / ? Q: A eo 1 Look and complete. spaghetti 2 a shower 5 a text message 3 a picture 6 tennis 2.2 Write an affirmative and a negative sentence for each picture. Mike and Molly 3 # Write what you think these people are doing at the moment. 1. | think my teacher 2.1 think my mum and dad 3. | think my best friend 4. pansgau 1 Read the survey and complete the sentences. Favourite flavours at Lincoln School ae ein Rey eon os prea Oey ec of the students like vanilla. of the students like chocolate. of the students like strawberry. __ of the students like cookies and cream. 2 Complete and colour the pie chart 3 @ Do a survey of your class's with the information from Activity 1. _ favourite ice creams. ena feces ied Leo d 1 Read and complete. ———— 1 | arrive do finishes get up have _leove read walk | Hi Ricky, @ Profile My name's Monica and I live in Moscow in Russia. It's a great city! On a x Iveees school doy, 1) ___ __ at haf past six and | have a shower at quarter y to seven. Then | have breakfast at seven oclock | (2) — my house Po el lene P 4 ot half past seven and (3)__ to schoo! with my sister. (oyiies | lucky because school is very near our homel | (4) early and | play with my friends in the playground. School starts at eight otlock After aio morning classes, | have lunch at twelve otlock. School (5) — ot PTE '7c2: 41 five dock inthe affemoon, | (6) my homework and ar = then ploy with my friends. We (7) ___ dinner in the evening, | usually go to bed at half past eight and | (8) a comic or a book. | love reading! My mum usually turns off the lights at nine o'clock. Monica: 2 Look and write sentences about Monica's day. up 3} eee | usually wear trainers, but 1 Read and number the children. fociay [Im wearing boots. ©; Usually eat pizza, but today @; usually play basketball, but | I'm eating salad. | today I'm playing tennis. ® @ | usually eat vegetables, but | usually play tennis, but | “teday 'm eating pizza. | today 1m playing basketball 1 atu as Aakecue nt Here | am in | ==5 1.1 usually for breakfast, but this morning | ssa 2.1 usually but today | =s2 3.1 usually at the weekend, but today I 4. | offen _____ in the evening, but tonight | Behe oad 1 Find and circle 10 adverbs. spolitelys hquiettlyoa auvultlousadtid pagielquel pnervousty igroawiaog &, aA irityteduu > yilyeykedi Sere sleepitlyle =" qyheptytyt 1. Eric is waiting nervously / sadly. 2. Claire is asking politely / sleepily. 3. Alex is running quickly / slowly. 4, Pete is running loudly / slowly. 5. Emma and Lauren are playing angrily / happily 6. Brooke is walking loudly / quietly. 7. Connor is reading happily / sadly. & The teacher is speaking loudly / nervously. [eet 1 (900 Listen to the story. Then circle the correct answer. 1. Why is Jack bored? a. He hasn't got any friends. b. He wants to go outside, but it's cloudy. ¢. He doesnt have any hobbies. 2. Who is Emily? a. Jack's friend. b. Jack's sister. ¢. Jacks cousin. 3. What is Jack wearing? a. He's wearing a T-shirt b, He's wearing a jacket. c. Hes wearing a jumper. 4, What is Emily carrying? 5. How does Jack fee! about the metal detector? a. A mobile phone. a. He is surprised. b, A tablet b. He is impressed. c. A metal detector. cc. He isnt impressed. 2 2 Write the causes and effects. The weather is cloudy. | Jack feeis bored. Jack receives a message. Emily was in the garage. | Jack is not impressed. Perr of the sea. [island 1 (02 Listen fo the story. Then write Jack or Emily. turns on the metal detector. takes the shovel and starts falls off a wall. says the object is really old. is on a boat in the middle pirate sea monster sharks —treasure += waves Jack is on a ship in the middle of the sea... 2 f Write what you think happens to Jack on the boat. Use the words to help you. =. 1 Correct the eight mistakes. @ Profile Retard [2 Blogs © Sign out @ Profile [eer ey &55 Followers @ New post ers (Oy eas Hi My friend Akiak is staying with me for the summer. He's from Alaska and (1) she's ten years old. He isn't very tall and he (2) have got straight black hair. He usually (3) wear snow boots and a warm jacket, but today he's (4) wear trainers ‘and a jumper. He's talkative, and he talks very (5) loud. He's outgoing and he's good at sports. He (6) play football and hockey. He (7) loving sports. He likes to tell jokes too. | like him because he's really (8) funnily. How about you? Do you have a best friend? Write back soon. Quiz 1 Read, complete and answer the questions. $< 3°" XP TX AY Where Who When walks to school has lunch at school watches TV at night does Maya have lunch? walks to school? does Eric watch TV? 2 Circle the correct words. xe wy xe oad Lisa is playing the guitar Joe is going to the exam nervously / loudly. nervously / sadly. Jackie is watching TV sadly / angrily. Emily is reading quietly / angrily. Quiz 3 Look and write sentences about Billy. $< 517 Sr 3X iy picalksaturday4 8:00 Ube ret) 430 ey bet) wake up | play football hove lunch do homework | watch TV | go to bed 1:00 a 4:30 ed 9:00 goto the | have lunch at goto the | play video {shopping cenire| restaurant | Visit Grondma | “Gnema | | games ily vainly wakes wp at zigh! odioce, but today he's sleeniny, 1 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 4 Order the questions and answer them. J( DY XE 9X 2 1. like / you / are / What / ? Q A: 2. doing / What / you / are / now / ? @ A 3. best / like / Why / you / friend / your / do / ? Q AD 4, friends / now / doing / are / What / your / ? Gee 1 Complete with a, e, |, o and u. Then match. » Infinitive Past simple 1 gv Lb (—) drank () ate } re | o= 3. t (_) lett had a LU | 4 4.5 1 _ © 5s (—) slept walked é6w_lik Zsl___p (_) discovered (_} saw 91 vy (CO) was/were (_) sailec 10. dr__nk ‘our town in the (on our ship for 33 raw fish, We morning. doys. dirty water. : strange a new island! along the beach monsters. They scary! J Peru ok adie eee ‘1 Choose the correct word and answer the questions. 1. How long / What time did you get up on Saturday? - 2. Who / What did you have for breakfast? 3, What / Where did you go in the morning? 4, Who / Where did you see in the afternoon? _ 5. How long / What did you watch TV for ? 2 Read and complete the questions. The boy who skateboarded across Australia train or drive. He skateboarded the whole = i Dave Comthwaite recently travelled : ‘across Australia, but he didnt fly, take the : way! Read on to find out more about his {i ‘amazing (and crazy) journey. 1. when did you start your journey? 5. How for 2 | started on the 30" of August. | travelled about 5,000 kilometres in total. 2 ___________ your journey? 6 when you finished? | started in Perth, in Western Australia. | felt great! 3s Journey? 7. How many shoes _? | finished in January this year! | wore 14 pairs of shoes! “ | arrived at exactly 1230 : we Ba" rr inet arrived of exactly 1239 in Yes, | did, | had a fantastic time! afternoon. 7 ss |) / ii i a fe uuk cas 1 Write sentences with so. 1. There were lots of mice and rats on ships. The food got contaminated. 2. Sailors didn’t eat fruit They got scurvy. 3. They kept animals on board ships. The smell was terrible. | _ - — 4, Sailors often had nothing to do. Life was boring. 2 Order the sentences, Then match them with the pictures. 1. Joe / lost / had to / walk home / his bus ticket, / so / he 2. bought / a new video game, / Jonathan / play at home / he could / so 3. she could take photos / Sally / her mobile phone / to the beach, / took / so 4. found a concert ticket, / Janie / so / to the concert / she went / for free i re ) a a a at aa aaa aa ap. pansaae | Read and draw the routes on the map. Use the colours in the key. Christopher Columbus - green Erik the Red - yellow Vasco da Goma ~ red Francis Drake - orange 1. Erik the Red was a famous for his journey from Iceland fo Greenland in 932. He was the first European to visit Greenland. 2. Christopher Columbus sailed from Spain and ended up in North America in 1492. The voyage took five weeks. 3. Vasco da Gama set off from Lisbon and sailed down the west coast of Africa, He then went around the Cape of Good Hope and north to India. His journey lasted cover hwo years 4, Francis Drake's voyage took him from England around the southern tip of South America, along the west coast to North America, to the Philippines, around the Cape of Good Hope and finally back to England, It took three years. He was the second man fo sail around the world 2. Research and write about another explorer’s voyage. Then draw the route on the map. 20 Te Dave was talking on the phon Luke and Alice weren't playing chess. Past continuous (affirmative and negative) 1 Look, read and complete. Last Saturday at 11 am... 1. In Flat 1, Spike and Selena —x: | 2 In Flat 2, Lisa $e | 3. In Flat 3, Henry and Alice 4, In Flat 4, Rose 5. In Flat 5, Alan — || 6. In Flat 6, Brian and Lavra | | 2 § Write questions about Flats 7, 8 and 9. L@ (Dave) A: He was talking on the phone. 2Q@ ee (Peter and Felicity) A: They were playing chess. 3.Q:_ a —______ (Buzz) A: No, he wasn't sleeping. He was trying to eat the bird! ere What were you doing at fen oclock yesterday morning? 7 LeU hie eae 1 Look and complete the questions and answers. build collect light sleep the e ligating —__ 4 i Za fire? Yes, ~ water? No, she he was. = — the in a tent? No, they 2 Order the questions and answer them about yourself. 1. yesterday evening / doing / was / at 7 o'clock / your mum / What / ? Q A: 2. were / doing / at 10 oclock / What / yesterday morning / you / ? @ A _ 3. at 4 oclock / was / What / your best friend / yesterday afternoon / doing / ? a _ A | Past continuous and Past simple tga i 1) Look, read and circle the correct options, {Ocean when she saw ai shark. Leela the adventurer the Leela saw / was seeing a whale She slept / was sleeping in when she sailed / was sailing across Sahara Desert when she heard i/ the Pacific Ocean. was hearing her mobile phone ring. She dropped / was dropping her When Leela rowed / was rowing backpack when she climbed / was down the River Nile, she saw / climbing Mount Everest. was seeing a crocodile, 1. Leela saw some piranhas when _ 2 When Leela was exploring the Himalayas, 3. Leela burned her hand when i 4, When Leela was watching a snake, oe - | 3 Draw pictures for two of your sentences. 2 & Complete your own sentences about Leela. ftir 4 £400 Listen to the story. Then circle the correct answers. id 1. Jack stood up and.. a. the wind blew him over. b. hit his head on something. cc. sow something horrifying. 2. Jack found himself standing... . In his history class. bb. back on the brick wall. . on a Viking longship. 3. The Vikings think that Jack... 4. is from the future. b. is someone called Olat ¢. is the new captain. 4, The captain wants Jack to. a. get off his ship. b, catch some fish. . help him control the ship. 5, The captain had... a. red hair and a bad temper. b. blonde hair and a bad temper. c. red hair and a good temper. Read and order the events. (_) He realises the captain is Erik the Red v (_) He remembers the Viking longship from History class. The captain orders Jack to help him control the ship. Jack sees a huge sail hanging from a mast. |_) He falls onto one of the oarsmen. (J Jack finds it hard to balance on the ship. [ a 1 © Listen fo the story. Then circle T (frue), F (false) or DK (don't know). 1. The dark shape that Jack saw was a whale. T/F/DK 2. Erik the Red nearly fell overboard. T/F/DK 3. Jack grabbed onto Erik's beard to stop him falling off the ship. T/F/DK 4. Jack pulled Erik on board by himself. T/F/DK 5, Erik was furlous with Jack. T/F/DK 6. The crew were angry with Jack. T/F/DK 7. Erik the Red chased after the whale. T/F/DK 8. Jack changed his opinion of metal detectors. T/F/DK | 2 Write the speaker's name: Emily, Erik or Jack. 1. Watch out! fo 2. 'Come on! Let's explore! y f a 7 3.'I feel great. Honest!" f if 4, ‘Are you OK?’ _ 5. "Youre a hero!’ - 6. ‘The metal detector is silly’ 7."Im fine! 8. 'It isnt silly. It's amazing!" 3 Write a summary of the story. Use the words in the box to help you. fetector Wiking whale | [angry beard Erk the Red explore _ metal 11 Look at Mike's diary and correct the circled mistakes. , I went camping in 2016 near the That was the year | (2) learning desert: | (3) see lots of interesting to read. plants and animals. When | was (4) hiked in In 2018, when | was. Last weekend | 2017, | saw a big snake. | (6) sailed with my dad, we (8) catch a big fish with took a picture, then (7) see some dolphins. / grandad. (5) walk away quickly! (A was so happy! 2 Complete the timeline for Mike. ao Year | 015 1 f 1 [ TCL ] co 2 a siavied schoot__/ | Qui 1 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs. $< 37 XP TX LY, —_—ee i find lives Lorrive be find Wwe __sail The first European to set foot in North America (1) __ af probably the Icelandic explorer, Leif Erikson. Leif was one of Erik the Red's sons. Erik (2) now Greenland in 985. Leif (3) Z._ there with his father until 1000 when he (4) * back to Norway. When he returned to Greenland a few years later, his ship was blown off course| / the first European colony on what is and instead he (5) s_vina place he called 'Vinland.’ This was probably Newfoundland in Canada because archaeologists © 1. Viking remains there in 1960. 2 ? Order the questions. Then match them with the answers. 1. the Red / was / Erik / Who /? (J"He was from Italy. Salted pork and hard bread. 2. Where / Columbus / from / was / ? 3. sailors / eat / did / What / usually / ? (_) He was a Viking explorer: 3 Write sentences with so. 1. It was raining outside. | closed the window. ( 2, She didn't invite me to her party. | didn't go. 3. There wasn't any food. The sailors ate rats. : Quiz 4 Write sentences to find out who stole the pizza. 3 SS XP HX Ay A pizza has been stolen. Don't worry though, Derlack the Detective is on the case! © Sasha and Connor / play tennis vo The Johnson famly / seep 5 Match to make sentences. / 1. | was fishing when . it started to rain. / 2. They were having a barbecue when _b. a bee stung me. 3. She received a text message when cc. | saw a shark in psge/ 4. | was playing in the garden when d. she was sleeping. 6 # Read and answer the questions. 1. What were you doing last Saturday at 9:00 pm? 4 ay at 8:00 am? 2. What was your friend doing yeste { ey | 1 Complete the words and number the pictures. _'ve got a headache. 5.__o0_thac_e a Ls_o ah _ce 2rony ns 6&s or t_r_at PS a» 3. fovor 7 _ea_a__e = ov ao ea i | : \t x 2 ? Look and complete the speech bubbles. 3 Orne rrr She's got an insect bite. BT PRU} She should put some cream on it 1 Look, circle and complete with has got She shouldn't scratch it or have gof. a She a sore throat / a headache. ‘an insect bite / a cold. “Qh He — a runny nose / a fever. a cold / chicken pox. an insect bite / chicken pox. 2 Look at Activity 1. Order the advice, then colour the correct box. 1. rest / should / She A good advice bad advice 2. it / She / scratch / should e good advice bad advice 3. eat / They / sweets / shouldn't good advice bad advice 4. He / medicine / should / some / take = good advice bad advice 5, shouldn't / They / play / outside ~ good advice bad advice 6, He / go / school / should / to good advice bad advice 3 9 Change the bad advice to good advice. Achieve! She should have a nof He shouldn't go to bed so lat \ Bee) 4 1 Read and circle the corect owen BA AS AD AD AS BD BOA AS SE fg 4 WWW UYU ‘The heey bec) epi LYou have got something in your eye. You shouldn't. . rub it b. wash it ¢. go to the doctor. 2.You have got chicken pox. You should.. 1. go to school b. go shopping c. stay at home. 3.You have cut your knee. You should... ‘a. wash it with soap and water. b. take some vitamin C. _ c. do nothing. 4.You have got a fever. You shouldn't. a. play outside. b. take some medicine. ¢. get some rest. 5.You have got sunburn. You should. a. drink some tea with honey. b. go to the dentist. —_¢, put some cream on it. 6You have got a bad cold. You shouldn't. ! a. go to school. b. take some medicine. ¢. eat chicken soup. 7.You have got a sore throat, You should... a. drink some tea with honey. b. play outside. c. wash it with soap and water. &You have got toothache. You should... a. go to bed. b. go to the dentist ¢. eat some sweets. 9.You have got an insect bite. You shouldn't... a. go swimming. b. scratch it ¢. put cream on it 10.You have got the hiccups. You should. a. take some medicine. b. go to the doctor. c. hold your breath. DAASGROLOVHSDyOSITOL 2 Check your answers, add up your score and read. 9 -10 correct answers: Congratulations! You're an expert on health! 6 ~ 8 correct answers: You know a lot about health! 0 - 5 correct answers: You should study more about staying healthy! po0Naee f 1 Look and match. u we = eS Se @ ® . © © Ta & eet : » x ater. “ > * " ee BS 2 Complete with should or shouldn't. Oz = oO ‘a | | i 5 | You Ye You _ eat a lot of sugar. exercise every day. eat a lot of fat. How often do | Look and colour the rectangles for you. | drink mik twice a day. blue = once red = twice | | yellow = three times grey = never_| [Green = a day _ purple = a week 1 | orange = a month brown = a year | | drink milk twice a day. = Colour the square red and green. I drink mik three times a week. = Colour the square yellow and purple. | never drink milk. = Colour the square grey. | rink milk reodo 99 fo tne eat junk food | = win ing aan a drink water go hiking 99 o ae watch TV exercise eat vegetables take vitamins eat crisps eat fruit 90 fer a 2 Choose eight habits and write sentences about you. 11 Look, circle the correct options and complete the advice. eat a snack drink some water go to bed = wear a warm coat | |_We're hungry / hot. They need fo It needs to___ 2 Read the letters to Grandma and match the advice. Der Gravee, Dear Grandma, Qoee Grandma, My beat friend i very loud and am very shy. | want to {am overweight. | love talkative. Sometimes hie doesn't mate friends, but | get hamburgers, and | don't like \isten to me, What can | do? nervous. What can exercising, what can | do? Please bel! | do? Please heip! Please help! calvin Salty bady . © Your feelings are. normal ‘ i ; 00d friend should 4 Mary people are shy, and You need to eat more fruit and always listen! You rd they don't like meeting vegetables instead of burgers. to tell your friend. You ‘new people. You need to You need to do some exercise. should be honest with relax, When you meet a vlalk to school or go for walks him, Tell him how you are "ew person, be friendly with your friends or family. feeling and smile! 33 bz =: i i 1 Read and match. Then number. 1. When I'm hungry, a. | go to the doctor. 2. When I'm thirsty, b. | have a nap. 3. When I'm ill, ¢. | call my friends. 4. When I'm tired, d.| eat a banana. 5, When I'm bored, e.| have a bath. 6, When I'm dirty, f. I drink some water. 2 § Complete the sentences for you and draw pictures. @ @ When I'm il, When I'm angry, _ — © —= © When I'm bored, —____ When I'm sad, —__

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