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Synthesis of the State of the Art

Lacity (2016), Outsourcing Strategy discuss as excellent way to save budget to create

an effective yet affordable projects are through cost reduction. This is one of the most cited

and examined motivations for BPO by Ishizaka (2018). Cost reduction describes the client

company’s desire to reduce or control the costs of a business process. The rationale behind

cost reduction through outsourcing lies in economies of scale, where specialized market

agents can minimize production costs by developing production capacity and by aggregating

demand across several buyers by Cooper (2015). In addition, according to Hayler (2015),

ethical practices on social impact of outsourcing is impossible to overlook. It has created a

more suitable workforce to a defined project. Nguyen (2018), total quality management in

the early 1900s primarily meant inspection to ensure quality product. In the 1930s, statistical

analysis and control of quality were developed by Walter Shewhart. Also in the study of,

Anderson (2015)total management quality has often been cited as the highest competitive

priority. In addition, Bajaj (2018)quality management or total quality management (TQM)

has gained a lot of importance by businessmen, managers, practitioners, and research

scholars over the last 20 years. In addition, Schroeder (2015)total quality management has

increasingly become the focus of organizations competing in both domestic and global

economies. Sing (2016), the term "Sustainability" literally means to hold or prolong. Fleming

et al (2017)sustainable development goals has to be well printed in the minds of every

business person because it guides to a better and more productive objectives. Mensah

(2019)finds and argues that the entire issue of sustainability centers around inter- and inter-

generational equity anchored essentially on three-dimensional distinct but interconnected

pillars, namely the environment, economy, and society. The works of Okokpujie (2018),
proved result of a sustainability will most likely stay for long years until it reaches the

equilibrium of satisfaction. In relation, Yuan (2018), added that a company sustains its

presence in the business arena if it performs beyond expectation. Also, Lin (2018), added that

the changing trend of overall sustainability performance is through a steady increase from

environmental efficiency and not from economic aspect. Gayonne (2018), the sustainability

goals shall be achieved by emphasizing on their applications and linkages with sustainability

science and aspects of knowledge management. In the study of Connerton (2019), it affirms

all the aforementioned studies that in fact semiconductor manufacturing field are mostly an

advantage in outsourcing manpower to sustain high capability resources of almost every

department. In addition, Hayler (2015), strategic outlook on outsourcing have a better

success rate than those that embark on outsourcing as a short-term cost-cutting decision. The

idea of Baldry (2018), affirms the aforementioned that in fact outsourcing strategy relies on

how the management commence it to their working environment. In relation with what stated

therewith Lacity (2016), also affirm that excellent way to save budget to create an effective

yet affordable projects is through cost reduction. This is one of the most cited and examined

motivations for BPO. Penttinen (2019), raise another factor that acquiring an expert's head is

as close as achieving the key to endless flow of ideas.


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