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Heuristic Evaluation:

I strongly believe that conducting a usability analysis of a website based on Heuristic of usability
interface design is not possible for an individual to conduct. I can say this, because one person cannot
identify the problems faced while using the interface. It can be well defined by many users if their
experience is combined altogether, we can find the summary of problems. One person will not face all
the problems because every person will face different kinds of problems. In order to improve the
website or a user interface it is suggested that the research should be done by involving many users and
drawing conclusion on the basis of their feedback. There will be problems which would be recurring and
same problem will be identified by multiple users which will help designers improve the design.
However, many users will find unique problems which may either get outlined due to the user’s critical
analysis which and it could have occurred with others but it was ignored because users did not possess a
critical sense of evaluation. Ready to Wear | Women's Stitched | Pretwear | J. Junaid Jamshed

I have chosen a Pakistani website – since I have stepped into USA I have been so used to of using
websites like GAP and BR and Aeropostale and other websites that I being a user could feel difference
when I started using the local website of Pakistan. I am saying this because I believe American websites
like these have had their research on usability interface in depth.
1. Visibility of system status: While I used the website of clothing – mostly I have shopped clothes
here in USA and I have analyzed that with every order that I place, I am informed about what is
going on when I perform a certain action; i.e. If I place an order –I get feedback where my order
has reached. Or if I track my order it will give me the status. But in Junaid Jamshed’s website I
did not receive any order status in visual representation.
2. When you load the website it gets halt for a minute, there should be a loading sign make one
realize that it is loading.

Something like this should be there

02. Match between system and the real world:

What it shows should match with interface. Every website we use our mind knows that when we can’t
find an exit or we want to go to the home page we click on the logo of the brand. Imagine using –
Facebook – GAP website – Amazon – FedEx. The logo will always take you to the home page. But here
look at “Welcome J.” If you take the cursor there you will find it un-highlighted and it performs no action
at all. (J dot is what we call this brand in Pakistan)
03. User control and freedom: The screen shot is not the home page. If you will look at the screenshot
there is no back button on the complete website. There is no control and freedom. Every time I want to
go back I have to press the back button. Rather than going one step back.

04. Consistency and standards:

Users should not have to wonder whether different words, situations, or actions mean the same thing.
Follow platform conventions.

Do you see “need help” and “customer service”? Now I am not sure what these two different tabs are
for. Does it mean in emergency? Whenever I feel the need to speak with a representative I would feel
emergency. Why would I call a representative without needing a help? Thinking with the perspective of
a user.

05 Error Messages:

I tried a search on this site and it did not have what I was looking for but it gave me other suggestion
after giving me the error messages. I really liked the idea of suggestions otherwise mostly websites give
error messages and says” we did not find xyz.”

06. Recognition rather than recall:

Whenever I visit Gap or other related shopping sites, it always tells me the item I visited last or related
items or if the item I searched went on sale. There is no appearance or feature like that although it will
boost their sale.

07. Flexibility and efficiency of use:

It may be too categorically described and eased for other others. To my opinion its cluttered. Price
structure from L-H and H-L, best setting, makes sense. Top rated/bestselling/most reviewed only are
confusing. When new arrival and discount% has a tab on the left side why does it need to be there

08. Aesthetic and minimalist design:

Aesthetically it feels to be a clean and minimal in design but just one thing I was about to find.

When you post the new price and after sale price why do you need to post the style number here. In
what situations would I need a style number? Either when I will read the style number for a customer
care representative on a call or at store or if I need to copy and send it to someone. In that case I can
click on the picture and copy the style. Style doesn’t need to be here. Mostly people are interested in
size and price.

09. Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors

In the first attempt it gave me one error message. In the next attempt it gave me another message. I
guess its little clear and helpful.

10. Help and documentation:

I did not see any feedback in terms of documentation and help.

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