AP Biology Video Topics 5.1-5.2 Meiosis and Genetic Diversity

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AP Biology Video Topics 5.1-5.

Meiosis and Genetic Diversity
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5.1: Meiosis

What did you learn? Write it below

1. Diploid cells have pairs of chromosomes (a full set), one from each parent, and are represented

by 2n. Haploids have a single det of chromosomes. Represented by n.

2. The purpose of meiosis is to produce haploid gametes.

3. Meiosis involves two rounds of cell division. In meiosis 1, pairs of chromosomes separate,

resulting in two haploid cells having only one of the double chromosomes from each pair. In

meiosis 2, double chromosomes separate, resulting in four haploid cells, each with single


4. Mitosis and meiosis are similar in the overall process (PMAT) of how genetic information is

passed to daughter cells. However, Mitosis produces two genetically identical cells and meiosis

produced four haploid genetically different cells.

Answer the following multiple choice question by highlighting on the correct answer
Meiosis begins with one diploid parent cell. Which of the following best explains how meiosis results in
hour haploid daughter cells?

a. Meiosis involves one round of division and double chromosomes coil into single chromosomes
during prophase I
b. Meiosis involves two rounds of division and double chromosomes remain in pairs during
metaphase I
c. Meiosis involves four rounds of division and double chromosomes separate into signal
chromosomes during anaphase II
d. Meiosis involves two rounds of division and two nuclei develop during telophase II
54.2: Meiosis and Genetic Diversity

What did you learn? Write it below

1. Crossing over in prophase occurs when non-sister chromatids exchange segments. This results in
recombinant chromosomes.
2. Random assortment of chromosomes in metaphase 1 can result in different combinations of
chromosomes in gametes.
3. During sexual reproduction, any gamete from one parent can combine with any gamete from
another parent, resulting in genetically different offspring. This increases the genetic diversity
withing a population of organisms.

Answer the following multiple choice question by highlighting on the correct answer

A model showing two possible arrangements of chromosomes during meiosis is shown in Figure 1.

Which of the following questions about genetic diversity could most appropriately be answered by
analysis of the model in Figure 1?

a. Does crossing-over generate more genetic diversity than the fusion of gametes does?
b. Does DNA methylation prevent independent assortment during metaphase II?
c. How does the independent assortment of the two sets of homologous chromosomes increase
genetic diversity?
d. Do daughter cells that are not genetically identical to parent cells produce viable zygotes?

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