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Cities of Mandaluyong and Pasig



Section CBET 19 501E

Schedule MWF ( 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM)


College College of Business and Entrepreneurial Technology

Professor Prof. Shiela Marie L. Altez

Assessment 3 PAGE \
MM-ELEC101 Brand Management MERGE
Cities of Mandaluyong and Pasig


Instruction: Write your answer below each question. Explain your answer clearly and
concisely. Ensure to answer and explain all questions in each number.

1. Which retailers have the strongest image and equity in your mind? Give
examples of the brands or products they sell. Do these brands or products
contribute to the equity of the retailer? How does that retailer’s image help the
image of the brands it sells? Explain your answer. (10 points)

* In my perspective, the retailers that have the strongest image and equity especially
here in the Philippines are SM Retail Inc., Lazada and Shopee. For SM Retail Inc.,
aside from being the one who operates the Philippines’ largest chain of retail stores,
they were able to offer a one-stop shop which made the customers shopping life
better and all of the products and services are assured that it was always in a good
shape, secured and undamaged. For Lazada and Shopee, both are in the line of e-
commerce and just like the SM Retail Inc., these two offers a wide range of products
to choose to. The two online retail shops have become popular nowadays because
of the comfort and satisfaction they give to their customers.

*Examples of brands and products being sold in the SM Retail Inc., Lazada and
Shopee are shoes and sports wear from Nike and Adidas, clothes for men and
women from Penshopppe, ladies’ footwear from Parisian, home appliances from
Samsung and LG, make up products from Maybelline and etc. On the other hand,
Lazada and Shopee still offers variety of products from the local small businesses
just like from the products mentioned above.

MM-ELEC101 Brand Management MERGE
Cities of Mandaluyong and Pasig

* Yes, these brands and products are hundred percent presenting equity to the
retailers since they already have their own name in the industry. Most of these
brands and products are giving the exact same value that the customers should
have. And by that, people will continue to patronize these brands which makes the
retailers a successful one since they are the channel that the customers will use to
apply their purchase decision.

* The retailers’ image are useful and helpful in the brands’ and products’ image in a
sense of customer’s loyalty and convenience. If the retailers were able to give the
comfort and satisfaction, they will gain trusts and builds a better relationship from
their customers so that people would tend to find the products or brands in the same
retailers they trusts.

2. What is your reaction to Shopee's advertisement using Jackie Chan as celebrity

endorser? Do you think getting a foreigner endorser like Jackie Chan is an
effective strategy? Do you think he contributed to the brand equity of Shopee?
Why? Explain your answer. (10 points)

*At first I was shocked and told myself that it was not him but later on, as the ad
keeps on popping in the midst of watching videos online, I feel amused and proud
because we all know that Jackie Chan was not just any person. He is one of the
most well known person in the field of action movies and as a person who watched
some of it, I could tell that he’s a one great actor. Getting him as an endorser is I
think an effective way since Jacke Chan had already have a huge number of people
loving and believing in him. And yes, I think that he surely contributed to the brand
equity of shopee since from what I have said, he is a well-known person and just by
that, he could surely influence and persuade the customers from purchasing the
products they need in the retailer he endorsed which is the shopee.

MM-ELEC101 Brand Management MERGE
Cities of Mandaluyong and Pasig

The following rubric will be used to grade your output:

Features Expert Accomplished Capable Beginner

10 Points 8 Points 5 Points 3 Points

Content / Quality of Answer was Answer was Answer had little Answer had no
Writing written in an written in an style or voice style or voice
extraordinary interesting style
style and voice and voice

Very well Somewhat

Have a little Unable to express
explained and explained and
knowledge but thoughts and very
well organized organized
poorly organized poorly organized

Grammar Usage & No spelling, Few spellings and A number of So many spelling
Mechanics punctuation or punctuations spelling, punctuation and
grammatical errors, minor punctuation or grammatical errors
error grammatical errors grammatical that it interferes
errors with the meaning

NOTE: Late submission will be deducted 2 points from the total score.

MM-ELEC101 Brand Management MERGE

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